The Kendrick Gazette
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/ THE KENDRICK GAZETTE THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1962 recuperation from injuries mer,and daughters of Kendrick, and'ERSONAL MENTION ing her 'lEWS FROIN Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brammer and mEFS Jolene of SouthWick. and daughter-in-law, Mr Lstt "Knew Voua Faculty'" I their son Picavet of d'fam. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mr, and Mrs. Basil an d Mrs, Roy Ramey, Jr., an week. MEET THE TEACHERS OF JOINT DISTRICT 283 Clarkston were Sunday guests of Mr. Rowden,den foror anoanother ~,MERKAN ily at Rosalis Saturday Clemenhagen and family RIDQ; and Mrs. Harry Benscoter. Duane ™and Mrsrs. Max g Y sixbeenth in series which Mr. and Mrs, Eggers EDITORS NOTE: The following article is }the a Sunday in'ere the home of BY MRSI QEORGE HAVENS Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Hewett of Har- Missoula, Mont., were visvisitors y with three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Arm- is designed to acquaint the people of Joint School District No, 283 Phone 4189 rison, Idaho, were Wednesday night visited from Friday through Sunday her parents, Mrs. Ernest An- itage the teachers of the district, in a brief resume of their work And their guests of Mr. and in the home of his parents, Mr. and Suffers Heart Attack drews. Mrs George Eggers. On Sunday the Ben Westendahl took their grand- slated to cover all of the teachers Potlatch Wednes- educational qualifications. The series is Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kent left early Gary Eggers family of Juliaetta and son, Terry, back to the Loren Eggers family of Lewiston day following the finish of the six now employed by the district. Saturday morning for Boise to spend While in Pot- in the their OFFICERS IHSTALI.ED joined the group fordinner. weeks Kindergarten. a week homes of sons, the Gerald Gustin George and Roy, and families, Very Mr. and Mrs. George Brocke, Jr., latch he will help Doris Merriek was born in suf- and son Dean were visitors Sunday family make preparations toward shortly after arriving there Edd BY Y. F. W. AUX. to Headquar- fered a heart attack and was rushed afternoon in the home of Mr. and their move next week Bellevue, Idaho, to the proud I has been transferred as to s, hospital and put in an oxygen Mrs. Earl Harris at pullman. ters. Gerald Mrs. John Hall returned to her a check sealer from Potlatch to parents of Mr. and Mrs. John tent. At latest report he was hold- officers for the Auxiliary of I. ing his own. ing home'in L'ewiston on Su„day, follow- Headquarters by p. F. She attended grade im@ Baker-Lind Post No. 3913, V. F4 W, Wright. was held Thursday evening, Apnl 12. school and graduated from Mrs. L. Fockler Dies Mrs. L. Fockler of Pullman, mother school at Bellevue. After grad- of Mrs. Wayne Davis, who has been uation Doris attended the Coll- gravely ill with cancer, passed away BROWER-WANN MEMORIAL of Idaho at Caldwell and Saturday. The funeral was held on Nellie Millard, Sr. vice president. ege Wednesday of this week in Colfax. Bette Arnett, Jr. vice president. received her Bachelors of Arts The sympathy of the entire ridge Bertha Mccall. Chaplain } Kermit Malcom, Manager goes out to the family. secretary-treasurer. Degree in Education. Bette Deobald, I} Marlene Millard, Conductress. After graduation, in one of Other News gjmple djggjgjed gugergl seryjees her first teaching positions, she :'m Mrs. Walter~May was a Saturday afternoon visitor of Mrs. Harry Bens- met another teacher, George coter. New building, pleasant surroundings. I(derrick and they were later Mrs. Bob Nelson attended a Dis- Hazel Candler, Roseann Holt, Color "'~~' trict meeting. of the W.. S. C..S. in nlarried. now have three . .Trull~tie!I. 3-4578 LEWISTON. IDAHO They Colfax on Thurs'day.',:. Hjq y!ster', Mrs. Rolleglll Htl\ffyg,gl", I PHoNE 88 "" 'rown children; Harry, Mar- ' Ethel DeHaven"'of -Moscow retyped Frances Fry, 2-year; Anna Long, 3- year. and John. Mr. Merrick is home, with her to spend the weelr end, iann Sunday Mrs. DeHaven an/.Todd.'Nel- also on the faculty of school son were taken.'back,,t'o, Moscow by MRS GEOROE MERRIOK Mr. and Mrs. Nelson.. -'.',.". GUESTS AT AHHUAI. district 283. TheMerrickshave . er- KHSK.H.S. LibrarianL.b -andd T~T . Mr. and Mrs. Larry-.,'7IIompson of " been in Kendrick for eight L'ewiston came Op Frigay eyeing to FISH FEED !franc! children are all teachers.- The b'oys are now follow- visit.:"her parents.." NI's. Bob years. Their aiid mother cele- Nelson, help QjZ Approximately fifty Masons and E.H& ing the vocation of their parents. brate'lier birthday adversary. They: Eastern Star members from the Ken- RTI I.IR Mrs. Merrick has taught school:for twenty-four years in were also over-night guests. drick lodges attended the smoked Mrs. Harry Benscoter was a visitor various throughout Idaho and Washington. She has Eich- blueback fish feed, as guests of the places in the Bob Nelson and.Harley Bovill Masons and Easter Star organ- attended Washington State University, Pullman, Wash., Utah ner homes on Mon,day. izations, on Saturday evening. Mrs. Ernest A'ndrews'et Mrs. the Logan Utah, and the University of Idaho., Moscow, Spald- The dinner was given at State, Dave Crocker and chiMren at Deary Grange Hall, and fraternal se the Best Fertiliser- I'daho, as a graduate student. ing on Friday, all.then driving on to members were in attendance from all Lewiston. the surrouunding area. Mrs. MerHek is the high school librarian. Besides her libr ary Farmers are delighted with the fine ELEPHAHT BRAND A wonderful time was reported by work she teaches Senior English, French and II. She also spring weather and only hope that it all attending. I, continues —for the opportunity to directs the Senior Class play. This past year she directed work in. the fields will be most wel- the "Lovelv Duckling". Mrs. Merrick is also one of the senior come. Mrs. Harry Benscoter spent Wed- FRIDAY UNLUCKY Class Advisors. nesday and Thursday in Peck with Kendrick Rochdale Company her mother, Mrs. Dan and with . Friday the 13th,. proved unlucky Mrs. MerHck states she does not have a hobby, but thinks Lyle, KENDMOK. IDAHO her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and for Mrs. Harlan Fey, as she drove I that evelgrone should have. some leisure activity. In the summer Mrs. N. Dryden. into town to her work at Wally's time Mr. and Mrs. Merriek do quite a bit of traveling, visiting Mr. and Mrs; Ernest Andrews; Mr. Korner that morning. and Mrs. Sheldon Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Fey got a bit too far out on their children and it is not a bit uncommon to see them on yy +++++++H ++4++++++4'++4++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mrs. Oliver Fatten, all of Lewiston; her own side of the road, the soft + various streams throughout north Idaho. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cox of Spo- shoulder caught the car and drew it + kane drove to Cdeur d'Alene on Sat- into the ditch. Before she could @ Mrs. Merrick is a member of the National Education Assoc- urday to attend s, House Warming stop she hit the abutment on the + honoring Mr. and Mrs. Walter Big- approach to the Wm. Holt farm W iation, Idaho Education Association, The Local IEA, and ' V4 home .i.. ham all returning home Sunday east of town, doing considerable Belta Kappa Gamina. I j evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crocker damage to the car. MOBILOIL MOBILG AS This week we salute Mrs. George Merrick for her exception- and family of Gifford stayed on the Luckily, she came out of it with @ Andrews farm while lrer parents were just a wrenched and sore shoulder. MOBIL HEAT 100 al work and devotion to the field of Education and the un- in Coeur d'Alene. MOBIL FUEL DIESEL selfish time she devotes to her work. We are truly fortunate Mr. and Mrs. George Havens; Mr; NEW FACE FOR MOBIL LUBRIC ANTS to have Mrs, Merrick as one of our teachers. and Mrs. Henry Brammer and'r. and Mrs. Ira Havens,:-the -latter all BUILDIHG (Of All Kinds) of Juliaetta, were Sunday dinner %e %VIII Order Any Special items Desired guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L Weg- + E< +g Hoffman and Mrs. Ben Hoffman; ner at Pullman. The dinner celebrat- A crew led by Joe Forest is corn-,i+ MOBIL TIRE Jk 8ATTF R I AREA ~g Secretary of Christian Social Rela- ed the birthday anniversary of Mrs. pleting the installation of a new ~" Wegner and the wedding anniversary pumice blogk front in the Antelope},'~ %e Give S Jh H Green Stamps on All Burning Oil—;:;, Walter Crawford; Members Chm., of Mr. and Mrs. George Have Inn. The work also includes some ~"~ if paid by 15th month following, Other guests'were the Wegner's t 'interior remodeling at the front of},':>~ BY MRS. LLOYD CRAIG sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. an the building. I I I 1 I II I Q Ql Q' $ QI Ilfg PHONE 588'7 0the r News Mrs. Delbert Hoffman.,and family. of New windows were also put in, as, <'; Mr'; snd Mrs. Lloyd Craig were Spangle, and Mr., and Mrs. Leonard was a new front door. The gray',:, Church Services Sunday afternoon visitors their Hansen of Pullman. Afternoon call- 'blocks. go above the roof-line, and i~ of ers were Mr. and Mrs. Warner Bram- 'Friday evening at.8:00 o'lock in daughter, Miss Jeanne Craig, Lewis- the finished result is quite attractive. '~,'P tlirt Leland Church will be.ene of the ton.