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a^--/,/ ,/ - ',8 <JftO|.at&n d^) Co. CERTIFIEDGENERAL ACCOUAJTANTS 'ili\ PROFESSIONALCORPORATTON i'lAii2 :"' r--ii-i :; Itu i';iAi*lT*;JA AUDITORS'REPORT We have auditedthe Form 920 Annual FinancialStatement of a RegisteredPolitical Party of The ManitobaLiberal Partyfor the yearended December 31, 2007. Thisstatement is the responsibilityof the Party'sexecutive. Our responsibilityis to expressan opinionon these statementsbased on our audit. Exceptas explainedin the followingparagraphs, we conductedour auditin accordancewith Canadian generallyaccepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we planand performan auditto obtainreasonable assurance whether the financialstatements are free of materialmisstatement. An auditinclLrdes examining, on a test basis,evidence supporting the amountsand disclosuresin the financialstatements. An auditalso includesassessing the accountingprinciples used and significant estimatesrnade by management,as wellas evaluatingthe overall financial statement presentation In commonwith many politicalparties, the Partyderives revenues from donations,fundraising and membershipfees, the completenessof which is not susceptibleof satisfactoryaudit verification. Accordingly,our verificationof theserevenues were limrted to the amountsrecorded in the recordsof the Partyand we werenot ableto determinewhether any adjustmentsmight be necessaryto revenues, andexcess of revenuesover expenses. In our opinion,except for the effectof adjustments,if any, which we might have determinedto be necessaryhad we been able to satisfyourselves concerning the completenessof the contributions referredto in the proceedingparagraph, this statementpresents fairly, in all materialrespects, the resultsof the Party'soperations for the year ended December31, 2007 in accordancewith The Electionsfinances Act. #Jd'/ CERTIFIEDGENERAL ACCOUNTANTS Winnipeg.Manitoba March19, 2008 THE MANITOBA LIBERAL PARTY NOTE TO FORM 920 ANNUAL FINANCIALSTATEMENTS As of December 31,2007 1. OWNERSHIP The ManitobaLiberal Party holds 50% ownershipin the Liberal HeadquaftersInc. This ownershipis not reflectedin the Form920 'for2006. The purposeof the LiberalHeadquarters Inc.is to gatherrents from the Federaland ProvincialParties Headquarters and to maintainthe building,which houses both parties. 6;7 JtncL/on q V". O?n AnnualFinancial Statement of a \'r-u' RegisteredPolitical Party Elections Manitoba MAR2 B zCCS For the yearending December 31, 2007 ELECTIOIt $ ifiAf{iTOtiA Note:ln any year wherean electionoccurs do notinclude on this statementthe income,ut""ti*rpenses and transfersof the political parly during the campaign period in any electoral division in which the election is being contested by the pafty. A separatestatement with thosedetails, Form 921 Statementof lncome Transfersand ElectionExpenses, must be filed with the Chief ElectoralOfficer within 3A days after the expiryof the campaignpeiod for the election. Registered Name Political Party MANITOBALIBERAL PARTY Nameof Auditor THORNTON& CO Nameof PublicAccountant to WhomInquiry May be Directed(if differentthan above) GARYTHORNTON F.C.G.A. Declaration l, the undersignedChief Financial Officer, hereby file the Annual Financial Statement of a RegisteredPolitical party and supportingschedules for lhe yearindicated along with an Auditor's Report from a qualifiedauditor I declarethat to the besl of my knowledgeand belief the informatroncontained herein is complete,irue and correctand in compliancewith the requirementsof TheElections Finances Act. ',' ' -./1. &14 i l'.L( / i (1. Y )-ctsY _----SignatureofChief Financial Date \'/ Statementof Assets, Liabilitiesand Surplus/ (Deficit)as at December31, 2007 /- F- ^A 100Cash t/ hh/ hv 110Accountsreceivable 15,002.32 120 Bonds,stocks and otherinvestments Othercurrent assets (provrde details) 130 Prepaidexpenses 1,00000 131 132 133 134 lJo 137 138 tJv 140 Land buildtngs,furnishings 1,727.93 Otherassets (provide details) 150 151 t3z tcJ 4tr,4 155 156 tc/ 158 159 190 TotalAssets (totalof line100 to 159) Irne190 35,397.94 Statementof Assets, Liabilitiesand Surplus/ (Deficit)as at December31,2007 (continue..) Liabilities 200 Accountspayable $ 3.7'12.59 Othershort term liabilities (provide details) 210 Dueto ProvincialConstituencres 7 noo an 211 Dueto electioncampaigns 727.37 212 213 214 ztJ zto 217 218 ztJ 220Loans(attach agreements Otherlong term liabilities (provide details) 230 z5 l zJz Lines190 and 290 233 must be the same 234 235 236 237 238 239 Priorperiod adiustments 3,97237 250 TotalLiabilities (totalof line200 to 239) line250 $ 15,512.13 Surplus/(Deficit) I 260 Surplus/(Deficit), beginning of year 47,121.00 265 ElectionSurplus/ (Deficit) (139145 00) <- @l 270 Non-ElectionSurplus/ (Deficit) 111,909.8'r <- |=;.rid44ol 275 Surplus/(Deficit), end of year 19,985.91 I (totalofline 260 to 270) v 290 TotalLiabilities and Surplus/(Deficit) (ltne250 plus Iine 275) line290 $ 35,397.94 Statement of Income, Expenses and Transfers (EXcLUDtNGTHE cAMpArcN PERToD) (lncome,Expenses and Transfers during the CampaignPeriod are reportedon Form921) lncome 300 Contribuiions $ 113,390.66 <- From line 660 310 Transfersfrom constituency associations From line 700 320 Transfersfrom nominatedcandidates 142.50<- Fromline 710 330 Fundraising 9,174.95 350 lnterestand lnvestment income OtherIncome (provide details) 360 Expenserecovery 680.61 361 Electionrebates 144,63045 362 363 364 365 366 368 390 TotalIncome (totalof line300 to 369) line390 $ 268.019.17 Expensesand Transfers 400 Electionexpenses $ 110,611.77 <- From line 595 4'10 Transfersto ccnstituencyassociations 26.979.18<- From line 720 420 Transfersto nominatedcandidates 18,51841 <- From line 730 430 Total Expensesand Transfers (totalof line400 to 420) line430 $ 156.109.36 440 Surplus/(Deficit) (line390 minus line 430) Irne440 $ 111,909.81 Schedule 1 - Expenses (INCLUDINGDoNATIoNS lN KIND) 500 Advertising- Media <_ Forwardto line 740 505 Posterspamphlets, promotional 510 Depreciation 193.21 515 Fundraising 17,99019 520 Furnitureand equipment rental 4,97614 525 Honarariaand Salaries 42,38504 530 Interestand bank charges 7,123.83 535 Legaland Audit fees 540 Meetingspace 545 Officeoccupancy (rent, utilities) '18600.00 550 Officesupplies and postage 5,499.92 Otherprofessional services (provide details) 555 Administration 350.00 556 \q7 558 560 Polling 565 Signsand structural support 570 Transportation,accommodation and food 2,677.73 575 Telephone 4,45409 Other(provide details) 580 Leaderstour expense 581 Annualgeneral meeting 5,84868 582 Meetings 512.94 583 584 585 l6i'1e 4oE I ..tt 595 TotalExpenses (totalof line500 to 585) line595 __:10f:IlJ_ Schedule2 - Contributionsto a RegisteredPolitical Party (lncluding Donations in Kind) A. ContributionSummary A B C(AplusB) AggregateContribution of: Cash Donations Totalof all in kind Contributions 600 $250or more 146364.28 0 146364.28 610 $25or more but less than $250 72327.45 0 72327.45 620 Less than $25 2816.25 0 2816.25 630Total 221507.98 0 221507.98To line632 B. ContributionReconciliation 632 Totalcontributions received during the year 221507.98 635Cash contributions(from Form 921,line 300 108117.32 640 Donationsin Kindcontributions (fromForm 921, line i 305) 0 650Total Form 921 contributions(line 635 plusline 640) 108117.32 660 Contributionsto be reportedon line300 (line 632 minuskine 650) 11339066 To line300 C. Contributionsof $250or more (Completepart C onlyif the aggregatevalue of thecontributions (cash and donationsin kin, fromany individual normally resident in Manrtobawas $250or more.) Nameof contributor Contributor'sManitobaAggregateValue (alphabeticalorder) ResidentialAddress of Contributron per list 146364.28 AdditionalDaoes attached Yes x No Receipt ritte First ,,. Last Donation 2007-006Mr. George Adam $500.00 2007-015Ms. Vivian Albo $340.00 2007-014Ms. lda Albo $1,000.00 2007-027Ms. Rose-MarieAnderson $400.00 2007-029 Ms. Gayle Andrews $1,450.00 2007-030Dr. Lou Antonissen$420.00 2007-031 Dr. lgnatius Anyadike $310.00 2007-032 Mme. lda Appelmans$300.00 2007-o37 Mrs. Babs(Ruth) Asper $750.00 2007-052 Mr. lan Band $1,043.75 2007-054 Mr. Neil Bardal $500.00 2007-058Ms. Marileen Bartlett $400.00 2007-064 Mr. Jim Beaulieu $400.00 2007-066 Ms. Monica Bell $300.00 2007-o71 Ms. Margaret Bergen $400.00 2007-072Mr. Doug Bergman $567.50 2007-076 Mr. Pardeep Bhullar $700.00 2007-080Ms. Marion Blagden $285.00 2007-081 Dr. Brian Blakley $825.00 2007-083Mr. Morley Blankstein $300.00 2007-082 Mrs. Marjorie Blankstein $400.00 2007-087 Mr. Sidney Bloomfield $300.00 2007-095Mr. David Boning $250.00 2007-097 Mr. Allan Borger $250.00 2007-098Ms. Helen Borger $250.00 2007-099Mr. HenryJr. Borger $250.00 2007-102Mr. Hubert Bouchard $250.00 2007-105Ms. MaryLou Bourgeois $2,075.00 2007-106Ms. Corrinne Bourgeois-T$2,000.00 2007-107Mr. Louis Bouvier $400.00 2007-108tvtrs. Yvette Bouvier $400.00 2007-109Mrs. Penny Bowles $250.00 2007-116Mr. PritamSing Brar $345.00 2007-1 14 Mr. KamaljitSin Brar $400.00 2007-1 15 Mrs. PritamKaur Brar $750.00 20Q7-113Mr. Harpreet Brar $1,000.00 2007-118Ms. Louise Braun $640.00 2007-120Mr. lan Breslaw $770.00 2007-121Mr. Paul Brett $587.50 2007-122Mr. Bob Brigden $360.00 2007-128Mr. J. CameronBrown $320.00 2007-129Ms. Mona Brown $390.00 2007-137Mr. Skeifa Burke $300.00 2007-138Mr. William Burns $735.00 2007-140Mr. Murray Burt $255.00 2007-1 45 Mr. J, R. Cameron $1,000.00 2007-1 48 Mr. Tom Carlyle $255.00 2007-152Senator Sharon Carstairs $800.00 2007-159Mr. Alan Champagne$340.00 2007-160Mr. Jules Champagne$410.00 2007-164Senator Maria Chaput $260.00 2007-170Dr. Alice Cheatley