Standing Committee on Public Utilities and Natural Resources
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Sixth Session - Thirty-Fifth Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba Standing Committee on Public Utilities and Natural Resources Chairperson Mr. MarcellAurendeau Constituency of St. Norbert Vol. XLIV No.3 -10 a.m., Tuesday, January 24, 1995 ISSN 0713-945' MANITOBA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-Fifth Legislature Members, Constituencies and Political Affiliation &m CoostltuenCJ l!!r!! ASIITON, Steve Thompson NDP BARRE'IT, Becky Wellington NDP CERn..LI, Marianne Radisson NDP CHOMIAK, Dave Kildonan NDP CUMMINGS, Glen, Hon. Ste.Rose du Lac P.C. DACQUAY, Louise Seine River P.C. DERKACH, Leonard, Hon. Roblin-Russell P.C. DEWAR, Gregory Selkirk NDP DOER, Gary Concordia NDP DOWNEY, James, Hon. Arthur-Virden P.C. DRIEDGER, Albert, Hon. Steinbach (Minister) P.C. DUCHARME, Gerald, Hon. Riel (Minister) P.C. IIDW ARDS, Paul St. James Lib. ENNS, Harry, Hon. Lakeside P.C. ERNST, Jim, Hon. Charleswood P.C. EVANS, Oif Interlake NDP EVANS, Leonard Brandon East NDP Fll..MON, Gary, Hon. Tuxedo P.C. FINDLAY, Glen, Hon. Springfield P.C. FRIESEN, Jean Wolseley NDP GAUDRY, Neil St. Boniface Lib. Gll..LESHAMMER, Harold, Hon. Minnedosa P.C. GRAY, Avis Crescentwood Lib. HELWER, Edward Girnli P.C. lllCKES, George Point Douglas NDP KOWALSKI, Gary The Maples Lib. LAMOUREUX, Kevin Inkster Lib. LATHLIN, Oscar The Pas NDP LAURENDEAU, Marcel St. Norbert P.C. MACKINTOSH, Gord St. Johns NDP MALOWAY,Jim Elmwood NDP MANNESS, Clayton, Hon. Morris (Minister) P.C. MARTINDALE, Doug Burrows NDP MCALPINE, Gerry Sturgeon Creek P.C. MCCORMICK, Norma Osborne Lib. MCCRAE, James, Hon. Brandon West P.C. MCINTOSH, Linda, Hon. Mrs. Assiniboia P.C. MITCHELSON, Bonnie, Hon. Mrs. River East P.C. ORCHARD, Donald, Hon. Pembina P.C. PALLISTER, Brian Portage Ia Prairie P.C. PENNER, Jack Emerson P.C. PLOHMAN, Jolm Dauphin NDP PRAZNIK, Darren, Hon. Lac du Bonnet P.C. REID, Daryl Transcona NDP REIMER, Jack Niakwa P.C. RENDER, Shirley St. Vital P.C. ROBINSON, Eric Rupertsland NDP ROCAN, Denis, Hon. Gladstone P.C. ROSE. Bob Turtle Mountain P.C. SANTOS, Conrad Broadway NDP SCHELLENBERG, Harry Rossrnere NDP ·STEPANSON, Eric, Hon. Kirkfield Park P.C. SVEINSON, Ben La Verendrye P.C. VODREY,Rosemary, Hon. Mrs. Fort Garry P.C. WOWCHUK, Rosann Swan River NDP River Heights Venn Flin Flon Venn 129 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UTILITIES AND NATURAL RESOURCES Tuesday, January 24, 1995 TIME --10 a.m. Committee Substitutions LOCATION ··Winnipeg, Manitoba Mr. Chairperson: Just prior to connnencing CHAIRPERSON -- Mr. Marcel Laurendeau consideration of this report, I have a number of (St. Norbert) committee substitutions to deal with. I have before me the resignation of Mr. Gaudry as a ATTENDANCE -11·· QUORUM· 6 member of the committee, effective immediately. Members of the Committee present: Are there any nominations to replace Mr. Gaudry? Hon. Mr. Praznik Mr. Daryl Reid (Transcona): Yes, I would like Mr. Ashton, Mrs. Dacquay, Messrs. Gaudry, to nominate Mr. Lamoureux from Inkster, please. Laurendeau, Ms. McCormick, Messrs. Penner, Reid, Reimer, Mrs. Render, Mr. Rose Mr. Chairperson: Mr. Lamoureux has been Substitutions: nominated to replace Mr. Gaudry as a member of the committee. Is it agreed? [agreed] Mr. Lamoureux for Mr. Gaudry Hon. Mr. Cummings for Hon. Mr. Pramik I have before me the resignation of the Mr. McAlpine for Mr. Reimer Honourable Mr. Prazoik as a member of the Hon. Mr. Ernst for Mr. Rose committee, effective immediately. Are there any Mr. Sveinson for Mr. Penner nominations to replace Mr. Pramik.? Mr. Leonard Evans for Mr. Ashton Mrs. Louise Dacquay (Seine River): Yes, I will APPEARING: nominate the Honourable Glen Cummings. Jack Zacharias, President and General Mr. Chairperson: Mr. Cummings has been Manager, Manitoba Public Insurance nominated to replace the honourable Mr. Pramik Corporation as a member of the committee. Is it agreed? [agreed] MATIERS UNDER DISCUSSION: Annual Report of the Manitoba Public I have before me the resignation of Mr. Reimer as Insurance Crnporation for the fiscal year ended a member of the committee, effective immediately. October 31, 1993. Are there any nominations to replace Mr. Reimer? *** Mrs. Dacquay: Yes, I nominate Gerry McAlpine Mr. Chairperson: Good morning. Will the to replace Jack Reimer. Standing Committee on Public Utilities and Natural Resources please come to order. Mr. Chairperson: Mr. McAlpine has been nominated to replace Mr. Reimer as a member of This rooming, the committee will be considering the committee. Is it agreed? [agreed] the October 31, 1993, Annual Report of the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation. I have before me the resignation of Mr. Rose as 130 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA January 24, 1995 a member of the committee, effective illl1l'll"iliately. printed copy of my statement for my critics, but it Are there any nominations to replace Mr. Rose? is extremely brief. So you are not missing much. Mrs. Dacquay: Yes, I move that the Honourable I am accompanied by several corporate officials Jim Ernst, the member for Charleswood, replace who will assist in answering questions this Bob Rose, the member for Turtle Mountain. tmming. ITillll!XIiately beside me is Mr. Zacharias, Presidc:nt and General Manager. We have a group Mr. Chairperson: Mr. Fmst has been nominated ofthe corporate officials with us; I would just ask to replace Mr. Rose as a member for the if they would indicate-raise their hands or committee. Is it agreed? [agreed] whatever so that the members of the committee will know whom we are referring to: Mr. John I have before me the resignation of Mr. Penner as Broere, Assistant General Manager and Vice a member of the committee, effective immediately. President of Claims; Mr. Barry Galenzoski, Vice Are there any nominations to replace Mr. Penner? President of Financial and Corporate Information Systetm; Mr. Peter Dyck, Corporate Comptroller; Mrs. Dacquay: Yes, I move that Ben Sveinson, Mr. Dave Kidd, Corporation Vice-President of the member for La V~ replace Jack Penner, Insurance Operations; Mr. Kevin McCullogh, the member for Emerson. General Counsel and Corporate Secretary; and Mr. Grahame Newton, Corporation Vice-President of Mr. Chairperson: Mr. Sveinson has been Comnnmity and Customer Relations. We may nominated to replace Mr. Penner as a member of from time to time ask them to assist with questions the committee. Is it agreed? [agreed] depending on the depth of information that we are being asked to supply. Are there any resignations to be dealt-hold on. I have before me the resignation of Mr. Ashton as Mr. Chairperson, the annual report is here to a member of the committee, effective immediately. provide details on significant financial and Are there any nominations to replace Mr. Ashton? operational highlights for the fiscal year running from November 1 to October 31. With your Mr. Reid: I would like to nominate Mr. Evans, permission, I would like to invite committee the member for Brandon East, to replace Mr. members to direct any questions on that report to Ashton from Thompson. myself I will also be calling on Mr. Zacharias or possibly other representatives to assist in Mr. Chairperson: Mr. Evans has been answering the questions. I would be proposing nominated to replace Mr. Ashton as a member of that at the end of this morning that if the the committee. Is it agreed? [agreed] committee agrees we would pass the '93 report. ......... Mr. Chairperson: We thank the minister. Did Mr. Chairperson: Did the minister responsible the critic from the official opposition party have an have an opening statement? And would he opening statement? introduce the officials in attendance for the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation? ... (1010) Hon. Glen Cummings (Minister charged with Mr. Leonard Evans (Brandon East): Yes. the administration of The Manitoba Public Very briefly, I want to say that there are a number Insurance Corporation Act): Mr. Chairperson, of issues that we would like to raise, and I just as the minister responsible for the Manitoba might briefly touch upon them now, as more or Public Insurance Corporation, I am pleased to be less giving notice to people. We would like to here to review the '93 report. I do not have a have some discussion on the workings of the no- January 24, 1995 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA 131 fault system. including the appeal process. We Mr. Chairperson: Thank you, Mr. Lamoureux. have had a fuw COIDtirnts and calls about this from How did the committee wish to proceed this Manitobans. We would like to talk about the morning? Shall the report be considered in its developments in your safety program. Another entirety or page by page? area of some interest is car thefts and the implications of that. Another topic, the one we Mr. Leonard Evans: In its entirety. ended off with actually last time, is driver education and where that is heading. Mr. Chairperson: In its entirety, okay. Did the connnittee wish to indicate what hours it might Another area of great interest, of course, is rate consider sitting today? increases or rate changes. I notice that you have a new rating system based on actual claims through Mr. Leonard Evans: When we are finished It a VICC basis, and so makes that things a little will take, I think, a good part of the morning, but more complicated in a way to understand, I I would think that would be about it. suppose. Mr. Chairperson: So we will not tie it to any 1ben there is the new system of renewals that you specific time. We will leave it open. are attempting to bring in, plus some other general item; on adjustm:nt processes and so on. So those Let us go ahead with the questioning. are some of the topics that we are interested in. Mr.