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A be wildering array of activities that makes us wonder how we could ever pass the exams. Within the pages of the 1955 Brown and Gold. we have tried to re captur� some of the already fading moments of the past year. Carousel. the winning Bisons, another McGoun Cup victory, a new university president. Many memorable events we could not cover, but who can forget the anxiety of the Formosa crisis; Marilyn Bell's crossing of Lake Ontario; Mendes-France's reforms as France's premier; the shooting of Beria and the fall of Malenkov, and the British Empire Games in Van- couver. As you turn the pages, you'll ndtice several photos of events from earlier years. For the safekeeping of all these memories, we present the 1955 Brown and Gold. C. I. L. 0. 8 • • THE UNION BUI LDI NG 1951-52 BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION GOVERNORS President and Vice Chancellor,HUGH H. SAUNDERSON, B.A.,B.Sc., M.Sc. (Man.), Ph.D. (McGill), F.C.I.C. Registrar,DOUGLAS CHEVRIER, B.A. Librarian,ELIZABETH DAFOE, B.A. Dean of Women, MARJORIE E. MACKAY, B.A. Director of University Extension and Adult Education, A. S. R. TWEEDIE, M.A. Comptroller and Secretary to the Board of Governors, W. J. CONDO, B.A. Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, J. ILLINGWORTH. Director of University Health Service, LYLE T. McDONALD, M.D. Director of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, W. F. R. KENNEDY, B.P.H.E., M.A. Dietitian, University Residence, BEATRICE BROWNLEE, B.Sc. (H.Ec.), M.Sc. University Book Store Manager, J. A. M. EDWARDS, M.A. Assistant Registrar,R. C. ARMITAGE, B.A. Recorder, MARGERIE WHITE. Director of Men's Residence, MRs. CLARA UNWIN. Director of Women's Residence, MRs. ALMA DICKSON. Secretary to the President, MRS. DOROTHY LITTLE. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science,W. J. WAINES, M.A. Dean of the Faculty of Law,G. P. R. TALLIN, Q.C., B.A., LL.B. Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,LENNOX G. BELL, M.D.,M.R.C.P. (Lond.), F.R.C.P. (C). Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, A. E. MACDONALD, M.Sc. (C.E.) D.Sc. Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Home Economics, J. R. WEIR, B.S.A.,M.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty of Education,N. V. ScARFE, M.A. Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, w,. H. McEWEN, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D. Director of the School of Architecture, JOHN A. RussELL, B.Sc., M.Arch. Director of the School of Home Economics,A. IsABEL MAcARTHUR, B.Sc. (H.Ec.), M.A., D.Ed. Acting Director of the School of Social Work,HELEN MANN, B.A., M.A.,A.M. ·· Director of the School of Music, RONALD GIBSON, Mus.B., Dip!. A.R.M.C.M., Dip!. A.C.C.O. Director of the School of Commerce,J. B. ROLLIT, M.A., Ph.D. Director of the School of Pharmacy, DOUGALD McDOUGALL, B.Sc. (Pharm.), M.Sc., F.C.I.C. Director of Nursing Education,MARGARET HART, M.A. Director of the Summer School,W. M. HUGILL, B.A.,Ph.D. Union Director,R. WRAY YOUMANS. Alumni Secretary,W. N. MuLOCK, B.Sc. Director of the School of Art, RICHARD E. WILLIAMS, B.A., M.F.A. • Caught in a slack moment at a tie and tails social were many of the members of the Board of Governors of the University of Manitoba. Standing are university comptroller and board secretary W. J. Condo, A. H. Parker, D. C. Foster, Mark Smerchanski, Andrew Murphy and board chairman P. G. Duval. Front row Cecil Lamont, Mrs. E. S. Russenholt, university president and vice chancellor H. H. Saunderson, Mrs. Carman Whiteford, Perry S. Bower, board vice-chairman, and chancellor Victor Sifton. UNIVERSITY OFFICERS ,, THE TWELVE MEMBER Board of Governors of the all university finances, and the Staff Committee University of Manitoba was established in 1917 which advises the board on staff appointments to control the business affairs of the university. and retirements. Temporary committees are esta Nine members are appointed by the Lieutenant blished to report to the Board concerning less Governor-in-Council and three are representa permanent problems. tives of University of Manitoba graduates. The Board establishes all faculties, depart The university President and Chancellor serve ments, chairs, lectureships, scholarships and as ex-officio members on the Board and the prizes. It derives its powers from the University Comptroller acts as secretary. The. Chairman Act which states that "the Board shall have full and Vice-Chairman are elected annually from power and authority to exercise in the name of, the Board members. and on behalf of, the university any or all powers, There are two permanent committe�s of the authorities and privileges by that act or by any Board; the Finance Committee which deals with other act conferred on the University." • 13 H. H. SAUNDERSON. B.A.. B.Sc .. M.Sc. (Man.). Ph.D. (McGill) F. C. I. C. .. President FIRST HOME-GROWN PRESIDENT of the University of Manitoba was sworn to office in September, 1954. Doctor Hugh H. Saunderson came to the presidency with a firmly established Manitoba background. Both his mother and his father were grads of the U. of M.; he too is an alumnus of Manitoba, and few years have passed since he vacated the post of Dean of Arts and Science at this university. As an Arts grad, Dr. Saunderson went into rural Manitoba as a school teacher. Then he returned to complete a B.Sc. degree and his M.Sc. at Manitoba before travelling east for a Doctorate at McGill. Back to U. of M. in the Chemistry field where he rose to the position of Dean, the job he left to become a member of the department of Defence Production. He left the department to accept the presidency. Dr. and Mrs. Saunderson now live in the president's residence at Fort Garry with daughter Carol, a U. of M. student and their son. 14 • JOHN B. ROLLITT, B.A., M.A., DOUGLAS CHEVRIER, B.A. ELIZABETH DAFOE, B.A. (Man.) Ph.D. (McGill). (Man.) University Librarian. Director of the School of Registrar Commerce W. J. CONDO, B.A. MARJORIE E. MacKAY, B.A. BEATRICE K. BROWNLEE, B.Sc. Comptroller (Man.) (H.Ec.) (Man.), M.Sc. (Columbia) Dean of Women University DietitiatJ MARGERIE WHITE JOHN ROBERT WEIR, B.S.A. JOHN W. WAINES, B.A., M.A. Recorder (O.A.C.), M.Sc. (Alberta), Ph.D. (Man.) (Minnesota) Dea11 of Arts aml Scieuce Dean of Agriculture and Hrnne Eco11omics • 15 ANDREW S. R. TWEEDIE, M.A. RICHARD E. WILLIAMS, B:A., RONALD W. GIBSON, Mus.B., (Edinburgh) M.F.A. Dip!. A.R.M.C.M.,. Dip!. A.C.C.O. Director of Department of Ex Director of the School of Art Director of the School of Music tension and Adult Educatio11 A. ISOBEL MacARTHUR, B.Sc. G. P. R. TALLIN, Q.C., B.A. (H.Ec.) (Man.), M.A. D.Ed. (Col (Ox on), LL.B. (Man.) umbia) Dean of the Manitoba Law School Director of School of Home Economics LENNOX G. BELL, M.D. (Man.), ALBERT E. MacDONALD, B.Sc. JOHN A. RUSSELL, B.Sc. (Arch.) M.R.C.P. (London), F.R.C.P. (C.E.) (Nova Scotia Technical M. Arch. (M.I.T.), M.A.I.A., (Canada), F.P.A.C., M. B.E. College), M.Sc. (McGill), M.E.I.C. F.R.A.I.C., Diploma d'Architecte Dean of Medicine Dean of Engineerhtg and Archi (Ecole des Beaux Arts de Fontaine tecture bleau) Director of the School of Archi tecture 16 • MARGARET E. HART, B.Sc., DOUGALD McDOUGALL, B.Sc. NEVILLE V. SCARFE, B.A., M.A. M.A. (Columbia), R.N., Diploma (Pharmacy), M.Sc. (Man.) F.C.I.C. (London), Teacher's Diploma in Nursing, (W.G.H.) Director of the School of Phar Dean of Education DirecJor of the School of Nursing macy HELEN MANN, B.A., M.A., A.M. L. F. WILMOT, B.A., B.D. Director of the School of Social Warden of St. John's College Work W. C.· GRAHAM, B.A., M.A. C. C. RYAN, S.J., B.A. (Montreal) R. WRAY YOUMANS (Toronto), S.T.M. (Harvard), Rector of St. Paul's College Union Director Ph.D. (Chicago), B.D. (Victoria), F.R.S.C., D.D. (hon. causa) (Wes leyan Theological College and Em manuel College) Principal of United College ·, • 17 LIBRARY SINCE ITS OPENING last year, the Library on the Fort Garry Campus has quickly become an im portant centre for University of Manitoba activity. The ultra modern structure now houses prac tically every book of the university including a growing collection of rare books.