December of J, Ici4g
TU� Oie^cetvt Arizona State College Tempe, Arizona Gflmmfl PHI BETfl K^med of Ljamma J^kl (ISeta Gamma Phi Beta from the past has given A heritage that makes a fuller life. Gamma Phi Beta in the present bids Us strive for lasting values and ideals. Gamma Phi Beta in the days to come Will prove that fundamentals can endure. Therefore we shall embody in our lives The truths that make for finer womanhood. Once more we pledged a loyahy that means Adherence to all true and noble things; A learning that enriches all our days With magic gold that is forever ours ; A labor that each hour will glorify The simple, common task, the common cause; A love that will be strong and great enough To compass and to pity all the world. tJLove, c=Labor, <JLearnlna, cLouatlij� KJnr L^reed I ivill try this day tO' live a simple, sincere and serene life, re pelling promptly every thought of discontent, anxiety, dis couragement, impurity, self-seeking; cultivating cheerfulness, magnanimity, charity and the habit of holy silence; exercising economy in expenditure, generosity in giving, carefulness in conversation, diligence in appointed service, fidelity to every trust and a childlike faith in God. The Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta Voliune LII^ Numbear 4 The Cover West Hall, women's dormitory at Arizona State College, Tempe, Arizona where Beta Kappa chapter Gamma Phi Beta was chartered December of j, ici4g. Another Link Is Added, Frontispiece 2 The Crescent is published September 15, Decem ber I, March 15, and May 1, by the George Banta Let's Visit Arizona State College 3 Publishing Company, official printers of the fraternity, at 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wiscon Harriet Shannon Lee Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel ..
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