w w w fi parasite may causebigproblemsfor kosher ofahuman hair, width and aboutthe butthe not grow two to morethan centimeters long By MichaelOrbach on salmon for ban Rabbi fi Bagel, nolox? to meeting. rabbiswhoattended the fi other abanonsalmonandthe believes that Karp roundworm, in Yiddish:onaccountofthe lit inIsraelforcefully expressedhisposition (nokidding)ofModi’inIl- MosheKarp Rabbi sary. aban isrequiredbelieve oreven such neces- world, organizationinthe doesnotcertifying Union, largest Orthodox kashrut the But the halibut, cannolonger beconsidered kosher. habit, includingwildsalmon,fl fi the have that ruled counterparts American as anumberoftheir body of the fi body ofthe havior andnow maturesbefore itenters the anisakishaschanged itsinstinctual be- the gavli,” literally which meansgenerated inthe (bug) aregenerated fi insidethe response. appropriate fi experts kashrut manypublic viateleconferencing, hasleft ; round- pollutionhascausedthe that onementionedinthe the ent parasite than roundworm isadiffer-said hebelieves the even allows worms to such beeaten. Karp fi sh lovers. sh donot make afi orm to mutateorm andgrow larger; andthat Gemorah, ould seemto contradictthe hich explicitly worms found stateshich in that T Anisakis, aroundworm, typically does He is raising a variety of objections that ofobjectionsthat He israisingavariety At ameeting inaBrooklyn shulonFeb. 18, rabboniminIsraelaswellSome charedi The Gemorah states that the “tolayim” the The Gemorahstates that wasThe meeting, accessibleto which the Shabbat VOL 9, NO8 sh isanabsolute necessity, according Candlelighting: 5:24 p.m. sh. Will you marryme? (at ayeshiva dinner) ■ HE Beis dindecisionupheldonappeal shing, soto for an speak, sh treif(non-kosher) and FEBRUARY 26, 2010 /12ADAR 5770 sh that the parasites in- the shthat shes shes Continued onpage 3 Shabbat ends one and ounder s “minei sh 6:25 p.m.

72 minute zman J son, Levi a”h,whodiedsuddenlyoneyear ago. Rabbi Zalman Wolowik after thecompletion of aTorah inmemoryof his EWISH 6:56 p.m. Reading A son remembered Parshat Tetzaveh Page 5 Page Page 12

Zman KriatShma The life andpoetryof Yehuda Halevi

8:40 (MagenAvrohom) and9:20 (GRA andBa’al Tanya) | Jamie Geller, -challenged Photo by Penny Frondelli

342395 brow, didhissmilefl memory, andpausedto wipehisown sweaty who helpedcomplete Torah the inhisson’s Fiveof the Towns men hugged andkissedthe Zalman Wolowik’s facedidnot fade. Sefer Torah lastSunday, smileonRabbi the By MichaelOrbach one yearlater Levi Wolowik, two Levi’sfi days after Wolowik pastSunday atthe mere this home, Torah’s completion was celebrated inWood- ship money inorder to dedicate aTorah. The memory, studyingTanya andraisingsponsor- world inhis around the heldalearn-a-thon suddenly. tragedy, the After Chabadchildren lar studentatYeshiva Torah, Darchei died betzin Wolowik’s popu- son,Levi,9,abright, celebration. Moments before the unfi celebration. Momentsbefore the tragedy into unthinkable acommunal their Wolowikthe family, whomanaged to turn a testament work to the anddedicationof eventto was the $65,000.Moreimportant, fromUtah to China,tocountries, raiseclose allowedthat from25states and13 children worldwideChabad itself,andthe network rooms, couldbeconsideredatestament to Wolowik’sand outofthe diningandliving severalwhich hundredpeoplewandered in letter. completedfrom anearby they tableafter a fi MosheKotlarsky,Rabbi aseniorChabad of- onSunday,cred parchment inlaw, his father fellow sa- rabbonimto inkingthe take aturn communityand ofthe members neighbors, a singleletter. Wolowik AsRabbi pushed can beaccomplished by helpingto complete mitzvot; mitzvah the somesages holdthat S to signers cial, urged take allthe al’chaim Only occasionally, Chabad rav ofthe asthe completion endofthe ofthe Until very the A year ago,lastFeb. andReb- 28,Rabbi The event inLevi’smemory, during Writing aTorah 613 scrollisoneofthe 11530 Purim isMotza’ei Shabbat PRST STD PRST PERMIT NO 301 GARDEN CITY, NY CITY, GARDEN US POSTAGE PAID US POSTAGE TAR WWW.THEJEWISHSTAR.COM ag ever soslightly. Page 22 rst yahrtzeit. rst yahrtzeit. Page 17 Continued onpage 3 nished 2 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR year. Pleaseallow four weeks to begindelivery. States, they are $15perquarter on your credit card or$72 per check. Elsewhere inNew York, New Jersey oraround theUnited quarter, charged to your credit card, or$48peryear by cashor Subscriptions inNassauCounty orFar Rockaway are $9 per your subscriptionto VISA, Mastercard orAmerican Express. department at516-569-4000, extension 7. You may charge mailed to your homeoroffice eachweek callourcirculation thejewishstar.com. information call516-569-4000 ext. 291 ore-mailnewsroom@ following week. To report abreaking news story orfor further by Wednesday at5p.m. to beconsidered for publicationthe appointment. appointment. assist you inpre paring your mess for publication thatweek. An advertising representative willgladly week. They are subjectto editingfor lengthandclarity. office by noonFriday to beconsidered for publicationthefollowing in advance. We accept allmajorcredit cards. boxes inNassauCounty andNew York City. To have establishments, otherstores, synagogues andstreet-side news on ourOpinion for verification. You may offer longersubmissions for inclusion should beaccompanied by anaddress anddaytime phonenumber to theeditor. Letters shouldbee-mailed,must besigned,and 516-569-4000 extension 289 [email protected] Senior Editor 516-632-5205 extension 4 [email protected] Publisher andEditor inChief [email protected] Press Releases [email protected] News andSportsitems [email protected] Letters to theEditor Community Calendar items [email protected] Classified 516-569-4000 extension 319 The Star The Letters to theeditor: Releases for ourOntheCalendar at noonto beconsidered for publicationthefollowing week. News releases of general interest mustbeinouroffice by Friday News andCalendar Items: for Please call516-569-4000 duringregular businesshours andask To place aclassified ad: news sectionsof Reservations, artandcopy for display advertising inthegeneral To place adisplay ad: Star The To subscribe: letters, releases, etc. by FAX. Pleasedial516-569-4942. The Star prefers e-mail,butwe are equippedto accept your Facsimile: j 26 j & 516-569-4000 extension 290 [email protected] Nassau County [email protected] Advertising 13 Erev Shabbat.Contact usviae-mailor telephone aslisted below. a.m. to 5p.m. every weekday, withearlyclosingasnecessary on Our offices at2EndoBlvd., Garden City, NY11530 are openfrom 9 21 How to reach us: 23 8-10 That’s Life 24 20 Sports 16 Parsha 10 Opinion 19-21 Only Simchas On the Calendar Letters to theEditor Kosher Bookworm I’m Thinking Editorial 21 Classified Ads [email protected] [email protected] The JewishStar The Star The provides anopenforum for opinionsandwelcomes letters isavailable free of charge inmany kosher food classifieddepartment.Alladsare payable

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It’s awholemegillah to theMigdalOhrInstitutions inIsrael. Yitzchak Megillah presented to The young menare pictured displaying a adequate review timewith students’ hecticschedules to enable Middle School principal, facilitates the Jeffrey Kobrin, (back row, left), NSH their services are required. Rabbi homes andprivate homes where Megillah atshuls, hospitals, nursing he dispatches hisstudent to read the how to lainMegillatEsther. Each year Shoreat theNorth Hebrew has taught more than a Great Neckphysician (back row, right) Over thelast ten years, D ovid Grossman for hisservice 1 D 3 r. Brody by Rabbi D 0 r. Paul Brody, young men D A r. Brody. cademy A

352568 3 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770

f f f f y nal cers, ed it for us and us and ed it for c light. light. c cers wearing kippot nished the last letter and and nished the last letter [email protected] E-mail questions and comments to to and comments E-mail questions laskan salmon could be banned be banned could salmon laskan A shes. “If you say something is based on say “If you shes. “I asked him to please tell me the please tell name o him to “I asked Only once did Rabbi Wolowik’s smile once did RabbiOnly Wolowik’s The letter kuf was written by Rabbi kuf written by was The letter “It’s ... how do you say ‘kavod’?” asked asked ‘kavod’?” say do you “It’s ... how in the were and his family Rabbi Wolowik “Lamed is for Levi,” his son explained sim- Levi,” “Lamed is for afterOnly he fi As soon as the Torah was completed a pa- completed was theAs soon as Torah Auxiliary police offi shy c to side streets. At Bagel Delight, a store Delight, a store At Bagel side streets. c to fade: at 1:30 p.m. as the last two words o words fade: at 1:30 p.m. as the last two Wild Wild communities. Jewish in certain members of his family. members of his family. eldest son, Moshe Mendel; the Wolowik’s yud and the shin in honor of the Rebbe late another let- wrote a daughter and his wife; in honor of all the theter , children o the Jew or gentile thatthe or gentile clarifi Jew where is this research, it put was and when recalled Rabbi Goldberg. He believes out,” the a ban will soon be sleeping with idea of the fi the provide science. to science then have you schol- might be the of Torah greatest You research me your or thears; show research just opinion on. Don’t say basing your you’re take I should greatbecause you’re in Torah it.” for word your the procession to their Hispanic co-workers. the their procession to Hispanic co-workers. replied the other. one. “Honor,” midst of the and dancing procession, singing as a truck a giant wearing with the Torah ducked under a traffi crown the Torah, “kol Yisroel,” were completed b completed were Yisroel,” “kol the Torah, the fi wrote Hashem; and Rabbi Wolowik son on his with himself, his youngest letter lap. ply. a blessing to Shehekhianu¸ began saying thank bringing this Hashem for him to day, cry. did Rabbi Wolowik make sense, turning tragedy into growth and sense, turning into make tragedy bringing the beauty into world.” from their began making rade of people way the to home of the Chabad the Wolowik’s on Maple Avenue. Towns Five worked alongside regular police offi alongside regular police worked and guiding traf- blockingAvenue Central fi Israeli two on the corner of Central Avenue, struggled describe to theworkers purpose o sh,” sh,” he nitive host, a host, nitive Photo by Penny Frondelli Penny by Photo are more in- sh. People reach- only sh. The worm rms the Talmud’s take. take. rms the Talmud’s sh; or because of an increase in the seal know because we sh is assur (forbidden) The worm matures from larvaeThe worm the into in changes large-scale also said any Myers something in the far as pointing to liter- “As professor an associate Isaac Wirgin, Dr. eat strawberries to me not tells “My wife The parasites may be more common now common now be more may The parasites the to OU’s Rabbi Goldberg, at According Chani Marcus, a Lubavitch teacher from Chani Marcus, a Lubavitch “It’s a great simcha but such a tragedy,” ments as a parasite. It’s pretty effective,” he It’s effective,” ments as a parasite. pretty said. in the of its development stage third juvenile of a fi visceral cavity in its defi es its full development warm blooded marine mammal, a narrative confi that largely the are unlikely. animal it’sature and saying increased the prevalence, are not The anisakis worms no one can say. that there’s important; of research a lot not and fi worms regarding things viruses.” like in more exotic terested medicine at NYU School of at environmental Israel Medicine and a member of the Young Rochelle, said thatof New the are just worms a part of life. concerned I’m not about thein . of things I eat a lot that lettuce. in my worms with things.are infected fi Especially said. suggested, because of pollution, Wirgin the of immune system weaken which would the fi thepopulation, which is a host to worm. the a chas-the end of in Brooklyn, meeting Karp asked sidishe rebbe in attendance if he treif. ate that of yore gedolim implying was Rabbi Goldberg said that Karp explained, and that know what we “they know did not the fi the bug works.” how his two daughters. daughters. his two on house theCalifornia, came to Wolowik’s the though family know Sunday she does not about the She had heard dedica- personally. participated who in thetion from relatives tell be able to to fundraising and wanted them about the event. to have see the struggle.she said. “You We sh. ounder, sol, halibut, sea ounder, nishing a letter with the sofer on Sunday. on Sunday. with the sofer a letter nishing shy. shy. sh are no longer considered kosher. So considered kosher. sh are no longer There is no new parasite, he explained. parasite, There is no new has been around since before “Anisakis “I don’t believe the“I don’t believe ban will become wide- is following Towns of the Five The Vaad Alaska’s Myers, chief Ted Dr. to According “It’s Rab- carp nothing quipped to about,” a ban is not believe Belsky is said to Rav HaR- Schonfeld of the Vaad Rabbi Yoel On one wall was an embossed frame with was On one wall hand out used to “The Rebbe Lubavitch sh pathologist, the science behind the pro- posed ban is fi man. It’s one of nature’s achieve- greatest spread,” he said, warning thatspread,” “it if it does, and restaurateurs could be catastrophic” to non-meat eaters. the as well. OU’s lead, fi ports, kashrut a ban is being considered by Chevra authorities and Lakewood. in Monsey Mehadrun, the Kashrus of Rock- Advocacy announcing thatland, has released a bulletin fl wild salmon, hake, bass, red perch, scrod, pollock, cod and but- ter fi mainstream Orthodoxy has not however, far, thetaken bait. bi Chaim Goldberg, rabbinical coordinator of the He said that Orthodox the Union. OU the p’sak halachafollows (ruling) of Rabbi of the Yeshiva Rosh Yisroel Belsky, who holds that, based on the Voda’as, Torah Gemorah, “the arose approximately question at that answered ago and was 2,000 years time.” reach phone him by to warranted — attempts visit successful. He is scheduled not to were discuss Israel within to weeks the next two the issue with leading rabbonim. abonim of Queens said that the organization had guidelines and follows ban wild fi no plans to Rabbi Wolowik fi Wolowik Rabbi down so he too could partake in the so he too mitzvah down the Torah. into new and write a letter and Levi; under- pictures of the Rebbe late neath the a wrinkled pictures was dollar bill. by the to Wolowiks presented The frame was Organization at a dinner the Youth Lubavitch this past year. a father explained to everybody,” dollars to rst rst sh, and rmed in cations to llin. ce their personal nd justifi gures behind a ban on Israeli sh. sh. This opinion is confi ve years they discover this prob- they years discover ve oundering. According to anecdotal re- anecdotal oundering. to According

This time around, supporters of a ban are Concerns about anisakis are recurring. “Every fi “One of the main reasons is because Generally, there be a differ- seems to Generally, Moments later, Maidenbaum made his Maidenbaum Moments later, Karp claims that with he has spoken Is- “It’s opportunity a wonderful but it’s bit- “We’re all one big family and we all want- and we all one big family “We’re The idea to dedicate a Sefer Torah and a Torah a Sefer dedicate The idea to A video monitor showed pictures of Levi pictures showed A video monitor “They turn tragedy into light, that’s“They turn into tragedy how ‘Bittersweet’ was the word on everyone’s the was word ‘Bittersweet’ but it came out “It’s joyous tremendously

as one of the fi ay to Rabbi Wolowik to shake his hand but shake to Rabbi Wolowik to ay ebsites that catered to the that to Chareidi public. ebsites catered esh. Rashi and later commentators explain commentators esh. Rashi and later not fl not used after death his fi to kosher but did not, out of concern but did not, thatkosher it be a teshuva (answer) explaining why salmon is explaining why (answer) a teshuva prohibit the fi Moshe Feinstein zt”l once considered writing zt”l once considered Moshe Feinstein binical Council. Rabbi Cohen said that Rav rabbinic coordinator for the for Chicago Rab- rabbinic coordinator lem,” said Rabbi Dovid Cohen, administrative administrative Cohen, said Rabbi Dovid lem,” Fishbane. “It’s a factual problem.” Fishbane. saying something asserted different,” Rabbisaying scientists in the other part are of the world scientists in this part and the of the world the teleconference. of Kashruth Organizations, which organized Council. He is the of the director Association Sholom Fishbane of theSholom Fishbane Chicago Rabbinical in Israel and America, according to Rabbiin Israel and America, to according Several of them have shut down. shut down. of themSeveral have kashrut authoritiesence of opinion between w w has experience in such matters: recently, he has experience in such recently, matters: the parasite’s growth is within the fi that agreed support they to a ban. Karp have comes from the bitter.” 1 page Continued from fl mean that of term to a stage the Talmudic Chaim Kanievsky and HaRav Elyashiv and Wolowiks. “Jews always think always that “Jews the sweet Wolowiks. Sholom Yosef including HaRav raeli gedolim said Sholom Maidenbaum, a friend of the fi something big problem: Small worm, part of the fi ter too, because we remember the son,” we because too, ter therefore considered an insect but a it not De’ahthe 84:16). Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh message of Chabad.” message stronger. You must bring light. That’s the You stronger. w is the only way; otherwiseis the way; only the gets darkness ed to do something for Levi,” he said. “This Levi,” do something for ed to ing shiva, said Peretz Wolowik, his uncle. his Wolowik, ing shiva, said Peretz later. later. library in Levi’s memory dur- formulated was tion was held a week before Purim, before one year held a week tion was ten days before last Purim; the Torah celebra- Purim; last before days theten Torah men to celebrate Purim. celebrate His deathmen to occurred newborn to thenewborn dressed as cave- to entire family through short the from a swaddled boy’s life: and the Wolowik family, a wordless journey a wordless family, and the Wolowik Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l. Rebbe, Lubavitcher they sacrifi do it. They emissaries of thehe said of the Wolowiks, ery. ery. everyone,” to bring to the light of Torah nity, class of the Chabad of the Five Towns nurs- class of the Towns Chabad of the Five suffering thethe of selves, for sake commu- daughter, now 14, was a student in the a was fi 14, now daughter, lips. whose said Keith Moskowitz, of a tragedy,” himself helping a boy put on tefi a boy himself helping Torah scroll arrived, Rabbi Wolowik busied busied arrived, scroll RabbiWolowik Torah Continued from page 1 page from Continued Torah completed in memory of Levi Wolowik Wolowik Levi of in memory completed Torah bracing Maidenbaum instead, and sitting him bracing Maidenbaum instead, Rabbi Wolowik would have none of it, em- have would Rabbi Wolowik 4 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR Talkine’s programs radio & contact: TV For onallof more information Listen Talklinecommunications.com OnlineAnytime: AMERICA’S LEADINGJEWISHRADIO& PROGRAMTV NOW BROADCASTING INOUR 28 U IHS 12MID-1 AM 10PM-3AM SUN NIGHTS SAT NIGHTS MON-THU 7PM - 1AM 212-7691925 •1-866-JEWISHRADIO TALKLINE WITHZEVBRENNER SUNDAYS 2PM-5PM•FRIDAYS 8am-NOON [email protected] “THE JEWISHBROADCAST CONNECTION” Other TALKLINE COMMUNICATIONS SHOWS: TIME WARNER’SCA TIME WARNER MANHATTAN CH.35 TIME WARNER MANHATTAN CH.35 FRIDAYS SUNDAYS DIRECT TV Channel366 MON- THURS TIME WARNER NYCHANNEL120 JLTV NATIONWIDE (Including) THURSDAYS 8PM SUNDAYS 8AM,12NOON&6PM WSNR 620 AM 9 PM–10 WMCA 570 AM AM 2 – MIDNIGHT 12 SATURDAYNIGHTS RADIO:

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352478 348261 5 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770

f 345949 nding. [email protected] Email questions or comments to or comments to Email questions SIM rmed New York State’s commitment to commitment to State’s York rmed New Rabbi Basil Herring, vice presi- executive “This is an important principle that Jews of the director Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann, no decision the best of our knowledge “To o Rabbi is a professor Michael Broyde “He [Balter] disagreed“He [Balter] with it and he con- he explained. “[The Appellate Court’s “[The Appellate he explained. deci- an important decision in thatsion] was it confi without pryingrespect a beis din award into meritsand re-litigating the of the underlying dispute.” dent of the Rabbinical Council of America on thesaid he couldn’t comment case, but said the pleased with was RCA the verdict. Beis Din should certainly respect in going to the recourse to before secular courts,” he said. Beth Din of America also said he could not comment on the particulars of the case. of the Beth Din of America has been vacated a secular court,” he explained. “Litigants by that the come to beis din can be assured that their will adjudicate claims in a manner we that in secular court.” is enforcable fused his disagreement with whether it was rationale and the Division] point- [Appellate ed out that that’s the not right standard,” said Broyde. law at Emory University, a dayan on the a dayan Beth at Emorylaw University, Din of America who served as the appellate said he wasn’t on thedayan Brisman matter, surprised the by appeals court’s fi Modem World Car KitCar Virtual # Call Today! Talk’n’Save GPS 1-866-825-5672 USA UK Israel China EU Students Talk'n'Save phone rentals for Israel & the whole world phone rentals for Israel Talk'n'Save rm of Bingham rm of Davis, Polk rm Polk of Davis, HAFTR’s attorney, Da- HAFTR’s attorney, be talking with“We’ll court Had the lower with HAFTR or with the of theprovisions award the to petition- referable er’s and salary.” pension a partner vid J. Butler, in the fi McCutchen, said he was the by deci- “disappointed sion” and the may yeshiva appeal. client and determin- my will ing what our steps Butler said. be,” ruling been over- not turned, it could have thebeen devastating to accord- beis din system, “The panel’s retention of jurisdiction“The is not retention panel’s that“I believe if this reversed case wasn’t

titioner’s future annual salary at $100,000,” titioner’s future annual salary $100,000,” at also found the The judges decision stated. fu- that any theforce decision to beis din’s ture termination of Brisman’s go contract to through the given the “valid,” beis din was nature of Brisman’s tenure. ‘inextricably intertwined’ with its reinstate- position a tenured ment of the to petitioner Benjamin S. Kami- Brisman’s ing to attorney, partner a in the fi netzky, the who took case pro bono, and Wardwell support to themainly beis din. undermineit could be used to the continued York,” viability of the in New din system beis 352501 ‘Had the lower ‘Had the lower ruling not court been overturned, been have it could the to devastating beis din system.’ Present DPQJOHTUSBUFHJFTXIFO GBDFEXJUITUSFTTJOPVS PXOMJWFT t)PXUPNPEFMBQQSPQSJBUF HAFTR FEFSBUJPO$BSJOH$PNNJTTJPO -$48 #$% ‘irrational’ not decision nds

and , Principal of HAFTR Lower School of HAFTR Lower , Principal Balter’s ruling raised concerns about lim- a four Last week, HAFTR concedes in its brief, the pe- “As led amicus (friend of the court) briefs in nite jurisdiction, Also, according nite he found. public violated the verdict Balter, Judge to on the impacting of private ability policy by decisions. make schoolsto beis din. Lawyers by its on future arbitration Agudathfor Israel of America, the Orthodox and the AmericanUnion, Congress Jewish fi supportthe of din beis decision. Nathan Dia- di- ment, public policy thefor Orthodoxrector “The lower wrote: Union, court’s ruling in this case undermines the long-es- tablished and appropri- relationship between ate secular and ecclesiastical courts.” York panel of New judge Divi- Appellate State’s sion upheld the Beth Din of America’s verdict its variousand restored The original provisions. “ir- not judgment was therational,” appeals thatcourt given the found, salary in the was of what Brisman earlier. range received dur- annual compensation titioner’s average greater at HAFTR was years ing his last seven irratio- therefore, It was, not than $100,000.” the set the pe- nal for to panel of arbitrators - BUIFMQJOHPVSDIJMESFO QSPCMFNTPMWFFòFDUJWFMZ JOUSZJOHTJUVBUJPOT PRESENTED BY: PRESENTED t1SBDUJDBMUPPMTBJNFE MS. JOY HAMMER JOY MS. Presentation will include: will Presentation Merrill Weiner, rmed, Judge Balter threwrmed, Balter it Judge JCC of Greater Five Towns Five of Greater JCC ,

University Hospital’s Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Adolescent Division of Child and University Hospital’s Monday March 8th at 7:30pm 8th at March Monday HAFTR Middle School, 44 Frost Lane, Lawrence, NY Lawrence, Lane, HAFTR Middle 44 Frost School,


Noted psychotherapist and lecturer, specializing in the treatment of children, and lecturer, Noted psychotherapist OHEL

Children in Our Our in

Introductory from remarks

adolescents and families & founder of the ADHD Treatment Program at North Program Shore & founder of the ADHD Treatment and families adolescents Resiliency Resiliency

FEVDBUJPOBMTUSFTTPST GBDJOHPVSDIJMESFOUPEBZ Building Building The three dayanim (judges) on theThe three (judges) beis dayanim In December 2008, Brooklyn Supreme Supreme Brooklyn In December 2008, A judge’s rulingA judge’s that would feared it was Arbitration verdicts are routinely submit- are routinely Arbitration verdicts The dayanim also reinstated Brisman’s also reinstated The dayanim c outlook (religious philosophy). Bris- c outlook (religious philosophy). t$VSSFOUTPDJBMBOE

ersity, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky of Congre- Rabbi Steven ersity, din, Rabbi Mordechai Willig of Yeshiva Uni- din, Rabbi of Yeshiva Mordechai Willig of public policy.” found to be “grossly irrational” to found and “violative decision of the Beth Din of America that he v Court Bruce overturned a Judge M. Balter New York has been tossed out on appeal. has been tossed York New court) to arbitrate matters of Jewish law in law of Jewish matters court) arbitrate to undermine thedin (halachic ability of a beis By Michael Orbach Michael By Appeals court fi court Appeals Beis din upheld din Beis exceeded its authorityexceeded ordering indefi by tic, and wholly irrational”tic, and wholly and the beis din din verdict confi din verdict out. The salary unrealis- “burdensome, was lawyer, Martin Neiman, went to get the beis get to Martin went Neiman, lawyer, ted for court but when Brisman’s for approval ted by theby beis din. to terminate his position must be approved his position must be approved terminate to teaching, including overtime. teaching, including overtime. that future attempts and ordered any tenure than his total compensation in his last year of in his last year compensation than his total higher than his previous base pay, but less higher than his previous base pay, his future annual salary was set at $100,000, his future annual salary at $100,000, set was man was awarded $50,000 in back pay and $50,000 in back pay awarded man was kafi (HAFTR) in 2005 over differences in hash- (HAFTR) in 2005 over brew Academy of Five Towns and Rockaway and Rockaway Towns of Five Academy brew chum Brisman, He- by a rebbe dismissed Ronald Warburg, had found in favor of No- in favor had found Warburg, Ronald gation Bnai Yeshurun of Teaneck, and Rabbi of Teaneck, gation Bnai Yeshurun 6 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR day-to-day type at the inhibitionsandarrive allows toing which aperson breakfreeofhis l’baruch Mordechai.” Whenonesingsasong l’baruch the verse of Arur Haman in the place of the placeofthe Hamaninthe verse ofArur the rect order, hewillsing hesaid,meaningthat verses inincor-he occasionally willsingthe emailing arequest to [email protected].) kolhard copy korei ofthe canbeobtainedby posed to (A amoderate amountofdrinking. ky” was usedto denote as op- hard drinking Obviously,Chachamim. “freewhis- term the to Da’as entirely andcontrary inappropriate not whiskey. “chayav ainish...”that only refers to wineand states inunequivocal that terms mechanchim rabbonimand 26 leadinggedolim, admorim, nated by my chaver Elly Kleinman, signedby korei issuedby AgudasYisroelanddissemi- matter.(a lonevoice) inthis There isakol Torah. mitzvos ofour the incapable ofperforming aperson renders that type ofdrunkenness words the ofourChazalcondonethe ed, that T Responsible vs. irresponsible drinking v w w “I By Rabbi Yakov Horowitz Opinion have ofdrinking. only “awhiff” oneshould meansthat this — andsaidthat root word something the meansto sniff that word the from “l’besumei”isderived that a mitzvah,” saidReb Shmuel.Heexplained Torah would considergetting to be drunk Torah ourlisteners. with its inception 13 years ago,to sharehisDa’as asourposekinProject Y.E.S.has served since Roshmind, Iasked Yeshiva the who shlit’a, in tween that With HamanandMordechai. be- untilhecannot discern [onPurim] drink activities,andto teachtheir limits onPurim I would parentsonsetting offer appropriate chaver (colleague)Dr. BenzionTwerski and conference my callto practicaladvicethat in aProjectY.E.S. conference call. his Da’asTorah hundredsofparticipants with andshared precious timefromhisschedule inTheJewish Starported lastweek. Hetook erse of Baruch Mordechai. Mordechai. ofBaruch erse ords “ad deloi yoda bein arur Haman ords “addeloiyoda beinarur hile inaheightened (joy), state ofsimcha And it states that “freeuseofwhiskey” Anditstates is that ishardly Reb aDa’asyachid Shmuelshlit’a Rosh YeshivaIt isinconceivable,the stat- The Rosh Yeshiva alsoshedlightonthe “Chas v’shalom(Heaven our forbid) that I hadintended scopeofthe to limitthe Rabbi Yakov Horowitz drinking, and not the moderate and not drink- the drinking, was discussingirresponsible shlit’a o beperfectly clear, Rosh Yeshiva the bi Shmuel Kamenetzky shlit’a, re- shlit’a, bi ShmuelKamenetzky Thisisadirectquoterim.” fromRab- t isanAveirah to get onPu- drunk one isobligated to translated, says that loosely which, dechai” Mor-Haman l’baruch deloi yoda beinarur ad l’besumei be’puria (sages) “Chayav einish wordsthe ofourChazal who asked meto clarify questions frompeople were inundated with conference call,wethe soon aswe announced However,drinking. as sure to engage inhard negative peerpres- howchildren to resist Drinking responsibly; keeping children safe and sober sober and safe children keeping responsibly; Drinking drinking] isamitzvah.” drinking] fi was discussing.And Rebuel s’hlita Shmuel aveirah Reb Shm- isthe that andthat rim, Pu- Simchas true with one whoisdrinking doesnot leadtothat of attributes any ofthe egory. (frivolity) typeofhefkeirus Thisisthe cat- different isinavery guiseofPurim the areengaginginunder adults andbachurim Rosh Yeshiva the tion that to. was referring ofintoxica- “whiff” hehasthe being “drunk,” high.Far spiritual whenheisinthis from cha gotonow himfor abra- ourgrandchildren sure my and wife andI,allourchildren he needsto doteshuvah. Honestly, Imake andhow aboutMoshiach are,talks ful they to,to how tells allhespeaks them wonder- funny.” shelmitzvah,...perhaps even simcha sorirus, state wouldthat be,“Kedusha, elevated, hi- would himin cometo mindwhenobserving words time.Butthe that that during “drunk” couldbeclassifi hecertainly purposes, orlegally, terms So intechnical for driving his life aswell indanger. lives ofothers asthe it would beillegal,andhewould be putting norshouldhe,for seudahonPurim, from the Seudah. Purim the latter of hours the limit during gal drinking himasbeing abovebe fairto le- describe the Itwould linesonPurim. alongthose drinks inYeshiva Mashgiach the Shore, ofSouth intended). (pun spirits” “soaring ful inYiddishkeit with to isbeauti- connectto Hashemandallthat of exalted allows “neshamayeseira” that him rmly added,“Itisanaveirah rmly to say it[hard However, fl the gives sings“gramen,” My brother brachos home He would ofdriving never think My brother, Reb Yehudah whois shlit’a, didn’t wear one. the 1950’s someone in because belt today wear aseat one neednot saying that That would belike climate. it intoday’s to allow no reason in thepast, that’s was condoned If Purimdrinking some state that at-drunk ed as ed S Times have changed home listen conference to callto this hearthe pre-teen andteenageents with at children existence inourcommunity. sents, nowadays we mustcompletely endits repre- hard (danger) drinking sakana that have changed dramatically andinlightofthe dynamics the that inmind,Imaintain that Torah) (andSimchas rim all With drinking. personally witnessedasadirectresultofPu- he toxic that comasandeven deaths shock, full-blown carnage, Hashem,injuries, chilul Hespoke about the out-of-control drinking. hear fi to joinourconference callsolisteners could seniorcoordinatorthe ofBoroPark , volunteer past40years andcurrently for the ofHatzalah, anactive members original of the case. isstillthe that orVortShalom Zachor nowadays andseeif ata self. None Pullupachair ofus.Period. it- — andmany onPurim didn’teven drink whowere modelstudents those lessthan drankexcept —including friends onPurim 35 years sinceIwas ateenager. None ofmy law) didn’twear andthe one. norm 1950’ssomeone inthe (before itbecamethe one neednot wear aseatbelttoday because day’s climate. Thatwould belike saying that andapply itto then to- back drinking Purim proof fromanyone whoallowed orcondoned However, itisillogicalto bring Iproposethat is“amitzvah.” getting onPurim that drunk I very strongly recommend that allpar- strongly recommend that I very I alsoinvited Professor LazerRosman, one Times changed inthe have much very rim, and use that to support their claim their to support andusethat rim, onPu- drinking who engaged inserious ome pointto peopleofgenerations past devastationcausedby ofthe rsthand main drug free all their lives. freealltheir main drug to re- arealmostcertain andthey drinking smokingand with kids fromexperimenting 19than timeslikelier to usecocaine.” times likelier to usemarijuana andmore alcohol is virtually certain never to certain doso.”alcohol isvirtually orabusing out smoking,usingillegaldrugs those private things.” things.” private those if hewould,telling peopleall hemightstart himself. Hewould never get because drunk healwaysand shalombayis] keeps that to asked our eldest son, then 8 or9years old,i asked our eldestson,then ofminecasuall dropped whenafriend any topic. other Some20years agomy jaw —oralmost anddrunkenness ing drinking do “get young age, it”fromavery regard- past 12 years: andsmokingover ondrinking written the been quoting dozensofcolumnsI’ve inthe ter I’ve for AlcoholandSubstanceAbusethat Cen- stunning statisticsfromthe read these from becomingaddicted later oninlife. Just bestwaybacco isby farthe to keep them alcoholandto-early with experimentation substances. these with nearly singlehard-core addictstarted every tobacco are“gateway meaningthat drugs,” Alcoholand andsmokingonPurim. drinking in ourcommunityhave fi their vastmajority ofpeople the factisthat brutal you ifpossible. along with youI suggest have that listen your children tainly ofany for appropriate children age and conferencecontent callismostcer- ofthe accesscode:455963558#.The and entering bihorowitz.com, orby calling(712) 432-1011 and Professor Rosman. wisdomandlife lessonsofDr.the Twerski Da’as Torah Rosh Yeshiva ofthe and shlit’a I Adult responsibility once you decideithasgonetoo far. And, sadly, bell,’ you that cannot ‘unring notand certainly whatyou hadintended. isfar,manner that farremoved fromyours, to getgrandchildren “toasted” ina onPurim be givingfreelicenseto and your children is) your “under-control” might hard drinking families [dueto my work teens-at-ris with knows somany secrets people’s aboutother matter byup aboutthis osmosis. his responsewas purely whathehadpicked himpreviously and with really discussedthis Ihadnever gets onPurim. his father drunk beyond recognition a generation ortwo later. becomedistorted mendable actionsandthen outasneutralorcom- start dren. Many things by hard adultsgives drinking tothat ourchil- stance abusers. later becomealcoholics andsub- care that in his andlives ofthose marriages ruined somemoralresponsibilityfor bears the rim ages oreven onPu- condoneshard drinking I honestly any feel adultwhoencour- that subsequent consequences,tions andtheir danger addic- oflong-term n lightofthe The message is crystal clear: stopThe message your iscrystal ■ ■ Put differently, keeping your kidsfrom danger, short-term Aside fromthe the You candosoeasily by visitingwww.rab- Finally, kidsreall that pleaseunderstand My sonresponded,“No way. Myfather Bear in mind that (whatyou mayBear inmindthat thin messageOne alsomustkeep inmindthe “Teens whosmoke cigarettes are12 “A whogets age child 21 through with- (c) 2010, RabbiYakov Horowitz, all rights reserved allrights rst exposuretorst k k y y f

7 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770

t 352502 ts; somehow eld. eld. nd yourself locked ts everyone.” Though the ts everyone.” at tire, need a boost, or run out le article coincide. to Volunteers don’t need to be “super-han- don’t need to Volunteers di- job is executive Lipsky’s day Binyamin “At 2 in the morning, in the“At rain, in the More information is on- about Chaverim we’ve intend- years several Editor’s For note: inserting in the newspa- donation envelopes take decided to per (a paid advertisement) we this wonderfulthe opportunity group give to and timed (pun intended) an additional boost this profi teer,” Kramer explained. “Equipment, on the explained. “Equipment, Kramer teer,” other volunteer.” hand, doesn’t are all ages; Kramer said, and volunteers dy,” help. just so long as they’re willing to Rockaway, in Far Bais Yaakov of Bnos rector activi- the day-to-day but he also coordinates the manages He volunteers ties of Chaverim. the calls on and forwardwho take hotline in thethose fi volunteers calls to In an open letter to local shuls, Chaverim shuls, Chaverim local to In an open letter servicecalled itself a “community-wide orga- nization that benefi the communi- to Jewish organization caters out that a Kiddush Kramer pointed many ty, Hashem has been made when volunteers on the help out non-Jews. stop road to Kramer. said matter,” — it doesn’t snow help people.” just here to “We’re number line at chaverim5t.org. The hotline fi If you is 718-337-1800. a fl out, have themof gas, give a call. A friend will be right over. writeed to about Chaverim as part our on- of not-for-profi going look at worthy When Chaverimasked abou never have. we Photo by Susan Grieco Susan by Photo Donations also fund the telecommunica- of people help a lot to manages Chaverim volun- to members are eager “Chaverim

tions equipment, including the ho- tions equipment, telephone tline, which volunteers. is also manned by but with number of volunteers, a small only the are needed. donations for equipment 351992 $78,900 els. DMV Fac #7082126. els. DMV lex Malakov with equipment they use to jump a dead battery. a dead jump to use with equipment they Malakov lex A

’99 Boxster Black/Black. 6 Speed. 99k mi. Freeport, NY Freeport, 9995 southshoreporsche.com at tires, locked-out kits for homes and tires, locked-outat kits for approval on select mod approval

Tax & MV fees add’l. †For qualified buyers with lender Tax 877-443-3829 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera 2dr Cabriolet S 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera 6 speed, 4 miles. $81,900 Yellow/Black, 4 Wide Body 2dr Cpe 4 S 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera Macadamia, 6 speed, 100 miles. $84,900 2008 Porsche Boxster 2dr Roadster Black/Black, 6 speed, 100 miles. $44,900 2008 Porsche Boxster 2dr Roadster Blue/Beige, Auto, 5k miles. $39,900 2008 Porsche Cayenne AWD 4dr Tiptronic Auto, 36k miles. $43,900 Grey/Black, 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera 2dr Cpe S 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera 6 speed, 2 Miles. Yellow/Black, 2dr Cabriolet 2008 Porsche 911 Carrera White/Beige, Auto, 2900 miles. $79,900 $ 185 W. Sunrise Hwy W. 185 Ehud Kadry and Ehud Kadry cars, booster packs,cars, booster spare gasoline and other of are trained on all Volunteers equipment. dona- by which solely is paid for their gear, carrytions. They the in their equipment cars they respond from wherever are: be able to to out doing errands. or even home, work, for fl for † t or- at, or ned as some- APR % dler A nd yourself stuck on 878 with stuck a nd yourself on 878 Financing as low as


D The organization was started seven years years startedThe organization was seven “We have equipment that covers any any that equipment covers have “We is supplied withEach a jack volunteer “Anyone who needs a boost, has a fl “Anyone is composed Hatzalah, like Chaverim, “We’re a AAA for chesed,” explained May- explained chesed,” a AAA for “We’re If you fi If you A true friendbeen defi has 2006 Porsche Cayenne AWD 4dr Tiptronic Auto, 41k miles. $36,900 Black/Tan, Black/Black, Auto, 37k miles. $39,900 Cabriolet 2003 Porsche 911 Carrera Auto, 28k miles. $38,900 Grey/Grey, Cabriolet 2002 Porsche 911 Carrera Auto, 51k miles. $32,900 Grey/Black, 2009 Porsche Cayman 2dr Cpe S White/Black, Auto, 100 miles. $69,900 2005 Porsche 911 Carrera 2dr Cabriolet 997 2005 Porsche 911 Carrera Carrara White, 6 speed, 8k miles. $54,900 2005 Porsche Boxster 2dr Roadster S 2007 Porsche Boxster 2dr Roadster S miles. $47,900 6 speed, 7k Sea Blue Leather,

2.9 Powerful Pre-Owned Porsche Pricing orks drops what he’s full-time but doing to AA. our friends, known by their by name: our friends, Hebrew known ou’re stuck on the side of the every- road; at or stalled on the Van Wyck, you can call Wyck, you at or stalled on the Van making Chaverim a strong alternative to the to a strong alternative making Chaverim age to respond to calls in 10 or 15 minutes, minutes, or 15 calls in 10 respond to to age in Long Island if the arises. need who man- volunteers ago. It boasts 20 active and Belle Harbor, as well as locations deeper as locations as well and Belle Harbor, the Five Towns, Bayswater, Far Rockaway Rockaway Far Bayswater, Towns, the Five go help people in need. The group services [eventuality],” explained Kramer. [eventuality],” licated in various communities. licated Jewish Each of volunteers. of an informal network that rep- and has been originated in Brooklyn free of charge. It’sfree of charge. based on an organization Kramer said. line,” ganization that roadside assistance provides can call the hot- locked their in the keys car, Five Towns and Rockaways, a non-profi Rockaways, and Towns Five er Kramer, who founded Chaverim of the Chaverim who founded er Kramer, Chaverim. Chaverim. more friends than think. you one else is an acquaintance. You may have have may You one else is an acquaintance. fl one you can call at 2:00 in the can one you morning when A w y y By A friend for you and your automobile your and you for A friend Stalling car trouble car Stalling 8 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR hineni.org. more information call212-496-1660 orgoto the door. RSVP by Feb. 26. For reservations and at 8:00p.m. Cost is$30 inadvance and$40at guaranteed goodtime. Megillahreading begins in New York. There willbeabuffet, musicanda Prince George Ballroom, at15East 27th Street HINENI invites allto aPurimcelebration atthe Gala Purimparty details at516-767-8672. $36 pernon-member. Contact Chabadfor more see anywhere else. Cost is$25 permemberand you have anightof entertainment you won’t from theheyday of theCatskill hotel circuit and “shtikl” of some of thegreatest comedy routines traordinaire, AlJolson.The show also includesa favorites, andafitting tribute to entertainer ex- along withfavorite standards, Broadway musical of songs from theGreat AmericanSongbook, combines anupbeatandfantastic selection at 8:00p.m. after Megillahreading at7. The show “From Broadway to theBorscht Belt,” beginning Shore Road inPort Washington, proudly presents CHABAD OFPORT WASHINGTON, located at80 Purim onBroadway Adults getinfree. under theageof 16,anda$70 family maximum. carnival boothsandprizes. Cost is$18perchild Carnival goers canexpect aplethora of rides, ately Megillahreading, after lastinguntil11p.m. hosts their10thannualPurimcarnival immedi- BETH SHOLOM, at390 Broadway inLawrence, Beth Sholomcarnival Feb. 27 online atjhbinternational.org. Request afree copy by calling718-338-2000 or a new, large printMegillatEstheratnocharge. THE JEWISHHERITAGE FOR THEBLINDisoffering Large PrintMegillah or call516-284-2942 e-mail Esthy Hersch [email protected] ful Purimcards -10for $18and30 for $50. Please through difficult fi nancial times, issellingbeauti- zation thathelpsfamilies inthecommunity THE ELIEZERPROJECT, anot-for-profit organi- Purim Cards Purim Just for Serving theFiveTownsServing &Surrounding AreasSince1988•We dorepairs Lenny Koegel•516-594-6010 ries. MichelleGreenberg-Kobrin, Esq. willdiscuss in theirannualContinuing Legal Education Se- Cardozo Schoolof Law willhost thefirst lecture tion withYeshiva University andtheBenjaminN. Peninsula Boulevard inWoodmere, inconjunc- THE YOUNG ISRAEL OFWOODMERE, located at859 Law lecture 6279 ore-mailemersonr@.org. the event, contact theNCSY office at516-569- at thedoorfor everyone. To advertise orsponsor $15 for students, $18 for adults, inadvance; $21 Broadway inLawrence, at7:30 p.m. Tickets are place atCongregation Beth Sholom,at390 clothing from BePrecious. The event willtake way, afrumfashion show for women featuring NY NCSY willholdthe3rd annualProject Frum- Project Frumway March 2 cased until escaped Paris hours before theNazismarched into thecity. Their willbeshow- art at theJewish Museum beginningonMarch Images from “Curious George Saves the www.distinctivewindowfashions.com Curious George ,andrelated characters created by Margaret andH.A.Rey are copyrighted andtrademarked by Houghton Miffl Sumbit your shulororganization’s events orshiurimto [email protected]. A ugust Calendar Deadline isWednesday of theweek priorto publication. 1 .


350939 D Bradman, SheilaFeirstein, Wendy Kaplan Friend, cased works willbeby Hadassahmembers Pola evening of fine artbeginningat7:30 p.m. Show- THE DEVORAH GROUP OFHADASSAH willhost an showArt March 3 yahoo.com. not required. To register, pleasee-mailyiwcle@ Registration for this event isrecommended, but newly admitted andexperienced attorneys). and Non-Traditional credits (appropriate for both tendance. This course is suitable for Traditional Practice credit isavailable for attorneys inat- of Woodmere at8:00PM.1CLEProfessional Context.” ing SecularandReligious Law intheDivorce “Between aRock andaHard Place: Negotiat- ay: The GGEFILTE ROLL FFLOUNDER 1 The lecture willtake place attheYoung Israel 4. George’s creators, GermanJews, 137 Spruce St.,Cedarhurst L E ROLLED WITH O $ F FFROZEN OOSSIE’S SALMON $ I R U 9 A L S FREE GRILLING 5 rt ofrt Margaret andH. O T N S 9 E D Z I 4 E

9 E E 9 R ’ N R S O LB. EA. L L Ask forMarioorJudyattheFishAs Counter Sale Dates: Feb.25-Mar. 5 516-569-2662 A . Rey,” Sunday &Friday in.

796-8833 or516-520-5733 for more information. denominations to celebrate Shabbos. Call 516- ed program to appealto members of allJewish Across Americaisthefirst nationallyorchestrat- Across America;beginningat6:00p.m. Shabbat and atraditional Shabbatdinnerfor Shabbat an Interactive Friday NightExplanatory Service 400 OldWestbury Road inEast Meadow, willhost THE SUBURBAN PARK JEWISHCENTER, located at Shabbat across America March 5 kulanukids.org Mark Hoffacker at(516)569-3083 x136 ormark@ Pre-registration isrequested by contacting family membership and$10for non-members. your life. The event isfree of charge withKulanu on achievable techniques to restore balance into Bernstein willbe leadingtheworkshop focusing Out of Balance Life” at7:30 p.m. Life coach Heidi workshop onthetopic of “Life Balance for the Central Avenue willbeholdingtheirWednesday RESOURCE CENTEROFKULANU, located at620 THE KERENELIANAPARENT ADVOCACY & Life coach atKulanu online atfriedbergjcc.org. For more info contact theJCC at516-766-4341 or Life, andiscurrently thecheffor Wildby Nature. tive Cheffor ChaseManhattan Banks andfor Met Hotel, theHilton Hotel, hasserved astheExecu- New York City’s Sardi’s Restaurant, The Park Lane and authorof Kitchen University, hasworked in graduate of The CulinaryInstitute of America that usematzo asamainingredient. Zeller, a his favorite appetizers, maindishes, anddesserts recipes anddemonstrate how to create someof same oldboringMatzo dishes. ChefZeller share Make thisPesach your redemption from the world-renowned chefandauthor, DanZeller. will host,“Makingthemost outof Matzo” with THE FRIEDBERG JCC, at15NellCourt inOceanside, matzo Making themost of or [email protected]. and reservations contact Miriamat516-569-9343 welcome atnoadditionalcharge. For location raffle ticket andwinecheese. Husbandsare going to Hadassah. Cost is$36 andincludesone for purchase withaportionof theproceeds Ramek andFelice Soifer. Artwork willbeavailable Linda Goodman,Paula GachMoskowitz, Nava Located inGourmet GlattEmporium n ter









E Continued onpage 9 A

A Y A E 8 U $

T A F L N 5 O D A 9 LB. D E O 9 D 9 E D R D 9 LB. 352068

9 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 352561 Expires 3/26/10 e s a s h Continued on page 10 Continued on page c g r i u p

y (9447) r (off Cedarhurst Ave.) Cedarhurst (off e v W eevery purchase

March 13 March event Singles Woodmere, in North OHR TORAH CONGREGATION Stream, in Valley Harbor Road Hungry at 410 the ages between singles will hold a night for the of cost The beginning at 8:30 p.m. 22-32 of the basic expenses which will cover is $25, event are and reservations Prepayment the evening. of men number of a balanced ensure to required your reserve To is limited. Space and women. Pay- email [email protected]. space, via e-mail. will be sent ment information tasting cheese and Wine Long 120 BEACH, OF LONG ISRAEL THE YOUNG will be holding their Beach, Long in Beach Blvd. at Tasting Wine & Cheese annual Pre-Passover kosher the newest of sample some Come 8 p.m. and pair them with the old favorites) wines (and to opportunity is a great This cheeses. great fruits and wines and dried Passover your order pricing while supporting the nuts at competitive email civppl@ information, more For synagogue. aol.com. Reunion Morasha Camp an alumni night will be hosting MORASHA CAMP All alumni and spouses, at Citi Field at 8:30 p.m. Camp and friends of parents senior staff, and spend a fun, exciting to invited are Morasha know just never You together. evening nostalgic at www.camp- today RSVP who might be there. calling 718.252.9696. or by morasha.com 14 March behind story The George Curious at 1109 5th Avenue THE JEWISH MUSEUM, located will be holding “Curi- City, York in New St. at 92nd Margret Art of The the Day: Saves ous George the impish Curious George, and H. A. Rey.” might adventures, many of protagonist monkey it not for were day seen the light of have never his creators: of and courage the determination and his wife, - 1977) (1898 H. A. Rey illustrator They (1906 - 1996). Rey author and artist Margret Jewish to Germany both born in Hamburg, were 1936 from in Paris together and lived families into the Nazis marched before Hours 1940. to s f ’ f a o Located in Aza’s Salon Aza’s in Located

v i Photos by Howard Gorchov Howard by Photos % v 516.256.WIGS 5 Aviva’s Wigs AAviva’s grand opening sale 15% off 115% off 525 Chestnut Street Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10am-3pm • Sunday 11am-3pm or by appointment 10am-3pm • Sunday Tuesday-Friday Hours: the 59th Annual National Jewish Book Awards Book Awards Annual National Jewish the 59th will be held at the Center event The ceremony. Manhat- in 16th Street 15 West History, Jewish for and Alana Newhouse p.m. and begins at 7:30 tan the ceremony. Ari L. Goldman will host speak to winning author is called upon Each writing the for y about the background briefl infor- more For charge. of is free event book. The or visit Jewishbook- 212-201-2921 mation contact council.org. avis Renov Stahler Yeshiva High School Yeshiva Stahler Renov avis D

ON THE 8. 1 eb. eb. F 375 $ 10,000 Deadline is Wednesday of the week prior to publication. prior to the week of Deadline is Wednesday Calendar ONLY COLOR FLYERS just $15 per M. No setup charges if fi les are prepared No setup charges if fi in PDF format Bleeds add just $6 per M. • 60# coated 2 side stock, add • • 81/2 X 11 FLYERS • • 50# Offset • 4 Color Process • 2 Sided Printing QUALITY a div. of Richner Communications, Inc PRINTING Sumbit your shul or organization’s events or shiurim to [email protected]. [email protected]. shiurim to or events shul or organization’s your Sumbit

students and seniors, $5 for members, and are and are members, $5 for students and seniors, calling or by online at www.mjhnyc.org available at 646-437-4202. ce offi the museum box 9 March awards Book presents JEWISH BOOK COUNCIL THE NATIONAL Shlomo Katz and band peformed at the peformed and band Shlomo Katz for Boys on Thursday night, night, on Thursday Boys for ale

Send us your printing specs for prompt estimate.

e-mail Jackie at [email protected]

questions call 516-569-4000 ext 262 S

Continued from page 8 page from Continued moderate the discussion. Tickets are $10, $7 for $7 for $10, are the discussion. Tickets moderate Zweig. Museum Director Dr. David G. Marwell will Marwell G. David Dr. Museum Director Zweig. Professor Dina Porat and NYU Professor Ronald Ronald and NYU Professor Dina Porat Professor Joining the fi lmmaker will be Tel Aviv University University Aviv will be Tel lmmaker Joining the fi 1957 by Jewish extremists. extremists. Jewish by 1957 dict that divided a nation. He was assassinated in assassinated dict that divided a nation. He was cused of being a collaborator, in a trial and ver- being a collaborator, cused of later condemned as a traitor in Israel and ac- in Israel as a traitor condemned later Known as the “Jewish Schindler,” Kasztner was was Kasztner Schindler,” as the “Jewish Known on a Swiss-bound train. train. on a Swiss-bound ated with Adolf Eichmann to rescue 1,700 Jews Jews 1,700 rescue to Eichmann with Adolf ated tells the story of Rudolph Kasztner who negoti- Kasztner Rudolph of the story tells the fi lm’s director Gaylen Ross. “Killing Kasztner” “Killing Kasztner” Ross. Gaylen director lm’s the fi Jew Who Dealt with Nazis,” with a discussion with Who Dealt with Nazis,” Jew cbsyouth.com The lm “Killing Kasztner: the fi will present York, Schechter at 516-647-2958 or via email at josh@ at 516-647-2958 Schechter in New Place Battery 36 Plaza, Safra J. Edmund tion contact Beth Sholom Youth Director Joshua Joshua Director Beth Sholom Youth tion contact Killing Kasztner at the THE MUSEUM OF JEWISH HERITAGE, question and answer session. For more informa- more session. For question and answer Yuri will be giving a presentation followed by a by followed will be giving a presentation Yuri following the 8:30 . Admission is free and is free Admission the 8:30 minyan. following breakfast will begin at 9:00 a.m. immediately will begin at 9:00 a.m. immediately breakfast super welterweight champion Yuri Forman. The The Forman. champion Yuri super welterweight breakfast with current World Boxing Association Boxing World with current breakfast or call us at (516) 610-0818. or call us at (516) a will be hosting Lawrence, in Broadway 390 visit our secure website at www.hancauction.org at www.hancauction.org website visit our secure with the champ at located SHOLOM, BETH CONGREGATION ent. To order or for more information, please please information, more or for order ent. To Breakfast Woodbury, but winners do not need to be pres- do not need to but winners Woodbury, Crest Hollow, located at 825 Jericho Turnpike in Turnpike Jericho at 825 located Hollow, Crest drawing will be held at HANC’s gala dinner at will be held at HANC’s drawing off including a $10,000 cash grand prize. The The prize. cash grand including a $10,000 off on March 7th 2010. Great prizes will be raffl ed will be raffl prizes Great 7th 2010. on March will be hosting its 4th annual Chinese Auction Auction its 4th annual Chinese will be hosting HEBREW ACADEMY OF NASSAU COUNTY (HANC) COUNTY OF NASSAU HEBREW ACADEMY from the local community. the local community. from auction Chinese nity.” The talk will feature a panel of speakers speakers a panel of will feature talk The nity.” 7 March Challenged Child, a Challenge for the Commu- for Challenged Child, a Challenge in Woodmere. The topic of the talk will be “The will be “The the talk of topic The in Woodmere. at the Thalheim residence at 354 Island Avenue Avenue Island at 354 residence at the Thalheim to a Shabbat Tea and Talk beginning at 8 p.m. beginning at 8 p.m. and Talk Shabbat Tea a to RESOURCE CENTER invites the entire community community the entire invites CENTER RESOURCE Friday night tea and talk and tea night Friday AND ADVOCACY ELIANA PARENT KEREN KULANU’S 10 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR third largest Jewish community intheworld. Gur- home to more than175,000 Jews, makingitthe lem was Jewish: 1870-1930.” In1917, Harlemwas professor Jeffrey S. Gurock, authorof “WhenHar- on Harlem’s Jewish past withYeshiva University Streets inManhattan, willpresent aslidelecture at 15-17 WilletSt., between Grand andDelancey THE LOWER EAST SIDEJEWISHCONSERVANCY, Jewish Harlem March 21 or [email protected]. more information contact Sarah at516-569-6717 is March 17. Prizes willbeawarded onApril11.For the agesof 10-18. The deadlinefor applications The competition isopento studentsbetween Hashoah event taking place onSun, Apr11,2010. themes willtake place atacommunity-wide Yom TION for originalartwork depictingHolocaust THE FIRST ANNUAL HOLOCAUST ART COMPETI- Contest Yom HashoahArt March 17 tion contact OneIsrael Fund at516.239.9202 x12. for couples under35 is$300. For more informa- p.m. andthere isa$500 charge percouple. Cost Meadow Park inCorona. The dinnerbeginsat6 the Park, located at52-11 111thStreet Flushing annual galaanniversary dinneratTerrace on THE ONEISRAEL FUNDwillbeholdingtheir16th One Israel Dinner March 16 thejewishmuseum.org orcall212.423.3200. may visittheMuseum’s website athttp://www. information onThe Jewish Museum, the public Admission isfree onSaturdays. For general children under12andJewish Museum members. for seniorcitizens, $7.50 for students, free for Museum admissionis$12.00 for adults, $10.00 day, 11a.m.to 8p.m.; andFriday, 11a.m.to 4p.m. Monday andTuesday, 11a.m.to 5:45 p.m.; Thurs- until August 1,2010. them intheirbelongings. The exhibit willrun by theirillustrations whenauthorities found characters, buttheReys themselves were saved named Fifi. Notonlydidthey save theiranimal including oneaboutamischievous monkey, then carrying drawings for theirchildren’s stories the city inJune1940, theReys fled onbicycles Continued from page 9

The museumisopenonSaturday, Sunday, ishstar.com. Add usto your shul’s emaillist. special events inyour shulto jscalendar@thejew- Send information aboutupcoming shiurimand Broadway, corner Bayview Ave inCedarhurst. gation BaisMedrash of Cedarhurst, 504West Don Well, from 10-12 every morningatCongre- MEN’S TORAH STUDY KOLLEL PROGRAM withRabbi Daily Rockaway. gregation Kneseth Israel, 728 Empire Ave., Far Eytan Feiner from 8:15p.m. to 9:15p.m. atCon- SHIUR INMAHARAL ontheChumashby Rabbi Tuesday Cedarhurst. at Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzvi, 395 OaklandAve., Rabbi Yaakov Feitman beginningat9:00PM HALACHA SHIURfollowed by aParsha shiurby Monday Shiurim Ruthe at(516)221-8570 orBillat(516)221-2056. now: $18adults, $12children 10-16 years old.Call number of seats are available. Tickets are onsale lish supertitles. The play beginsat3PM.Alimited Loshn Kugel,” aYiddish musicalrevue with Eng- Traveling Troupe for aperformance of “Mama’s Bellmore, isbringingThe Folksbiene Theatre’s ISH CENTER, at2550 SouthCentral Avenue in THE HAZAKCHAPTER OFTHEBELLMOREJEW- Yiddish theater April 18 and $10for regular seating. are available for $25 for premium floor seating in person atthebox office, by phoneoronline, office at516-877-4000. Tickets canbepurchased tickets, visitaupac.adelphi.edu orcallthebox event. For more information andto purchase Civilization andValues Endowment sponsors the City. The WilliamE.SimonLecture inAmerican Recreation andSports, 1SouthAvenue inGarden begin at7:00 p.m. intheUniversity’s Center for Holocaust survivor, authorandactivist. Itwill Elie Wiesel,” theNobelPeace Prize-winning ADELPHI UNIVERSITYwillhost“An Evening with Elie Wiesel April 14 call (212)374-4100 ext. 1. Jewish Harlem.Cost is$18.For more information ock willdiscussthehistorical forces thatshaped B’einav” which weB’einav” which have defi picture. from the andHamanisquickly removed turns story fateful pointthe chapterin the 6,atwhich away!care ofitright king Sohegoesto the 13th ofAdarto Take dispose ofMordechai. heshouldnotchapter wait untilthe 5,that wife suggests endofEsther, to himatthe equation, andmoveJew fromthe life? onwith ego, would itnot beenoughto remove one the only oneJew was presentingachallenge to his sion of the maneuvers and the “job,” maneuvers aswell andthe sion ofthe preci- killings,the moralityofsuch about the conversation directions cangoindifferent Mordechai’s people.”Mordechai’s Achashveirosh’s entirekingdom, throughout man soughtto Jews destroy whowere allthe told nationality, himMordechai’s andHa- lay had alone,for handsonMordechai they Butitseemedcontemptiblewrath. to himto himself before him,Hamanbecamefullof Mordecai would kneelnorprostrate neither ofJews inonefellwhole batch swoop? one Jew you want to get whenyou canget a outthe valueoftaking the viewpoint. What’s generallyposite ofthe accepted Anti-Semitic dealer,not anarms not agirlfriend. al-Mabhouhindanger:than not abodyguard, A Purim Haman to herhusband. A W Rabbi Avi Billet turn of the The Vilna Gaon says the term “Vayivez term The VilnaGaon says the HamansetsAfter hisplaninmotion, his Esther 3:5-6:“AndEsther whenHamansaw that exact op- isthe ofcourse, This approach, Dubai was a project of the Mossad, the Mossad,the Dubai was aprojectofthe assassination of aHamasleaderin the s moreevidencecontinuesto indicate everyone elsewas bowingeveryone to him,and If to soreinhis pride? get ofthe rid hy would itbecontemptible for Haman 1 9th Century printby J.S. Crompton depicts Esther denouncing Why onlyone? time was anyone other target,ing ontheir atno houh’s death. Infocus- houh’s death. to Mahmoudal-Mab- leadingup hours the ing-inspired telling of reading oneIanFlem- apparent to meafter became particularly has received. episode particular this tional presscoverage get interna- they the events, andhow often frequency ofsuch the as speculationabout One perspective ned to mean“it inclined to follow king’sdecree. the perhaps would Mordechai his neck, bemore werethat heto remove idolfromaround the He couldtell Haman (following onemidrash) to king’schamber into explainhimself. the man to get over it.Hecouldorder Mordechai man inanumberofways. Hecouldtell Ha- TheJew.”Mordechai. for world how the to rid ofevil individuals. way,pen this caseshouldbeamodel butthis donot alwaystims. Irecognizethings hap- get man,anddo not create their innocentvic- focus ononeman, they asthis in casessuch Dubai areonourside,I,for one,amgladthat order. who cannot seemto get own their lives in hands of those areatthe nocents whoperish sinsarenot in- evencases, the sins,andthe few. sinsofthe punished for the Insome murder ofanentirepeople. self the oneJew,beef with Hamanjustifi need not beembarrassed. decree.Problemsolved.in the AndHaman ten, would Mordechai inevitably beincluded sentence iswrit- death Jews’ Once allthe Achashveirosh’s empire.people, throughout would never begranted. it transgression, alone forMordechai this were to kingfor heto kill permission askthe tially. Hewas Heknew too that embarrassed. N beian oraroyal offi oneperson...” this except... there’s king asks. “Achashveirosh! Achashveirosh!” king’s court. happens to alsobeasignifi bows toeryone him, except who oneperson moted to capitalcity. atop positioninthe Ev- “It was embarrassing for him.”“It was embarrassing seemed contemptible to him”canalsomean Achashveirosh couldnow respondto Ha- If, indeed, the responsible parties from responsibleparties If, indeed,the astrange worldIt’s many are where the words,In other onaccount ofonesmall Jewish onusonallthe Instead, heputthe “Well... it’s aroyal“Well... it’s offi except“Everyone, Isitaple- oneperson? arewell.“They isbowing Everyone to me, “Yes, Haman.How going?”the arethings king: to the Imagine Hamanrunning Picture aroyal offi proach the king about Mordechai ini- kingaboutMordechai the proach iswhyHaman, which hedidnot ap- solutionswouldone ofthese work for cer?” cer whohasbeenpro- cant fi cant cr I’ actuall It’s cer. thebiblerevival.com ed for him- gure inthe y

11 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 351995

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C Game Night in the 5 Town in the 5 Night Game 12 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR said, butwe know shesaidyes. Itwas pretty one knee.Icouldn’ttell you exactly whathe like apressconference, ashegot down on ping andsmiling,crowding aroundthem andclap- was busycheering cause everyone knee andawaited heranswer. HAFTR dinnerever. me?” Will you marry mostmemorable the help memake this Rosenberg, videoFarber please said,“Rachel, ter ofguestshonorCarolyn andMoishe week the before Purim?” dinner lunatic actually proposedataschool so outlandish,preposterous; whatifsome 22, went onto explainhisintention: “An idea of you willever forget me.” timeI’mdonehere tonight Ibelievethe few evening, mostofyou don’tknow me,butby screens. Itwas ayoung manwhosaid,“Good English for many years, before goingto work Rockaway (HAFTR)in1981 teaching after Hebrew Academy Fivethe ofthe Towns and past70?” both w w w togetherthem we’re 167,” shesaid,adding punctuatedtelephone by interview laughter. abrief during nextmorning the Schreiber er. was sobeautiful,” Thewholething said Towns ceremony. the performed ZalmanWolowikRabbi Five ofChabadthe at ChoSenIslandrestaurantinLawrence. Tuesday residents,werehurst married night andSchreiber,might be,Katz Cedar- both daughter?” enoughtoof you. my afford Areyou rich my saidto mother courtship, him,‘Iapprove Schreiber.him,” saidGloria our “During andhemet me,andmythere liked mother away onDecember19 at105. w w By Mayer happily ever after Never too late to live w w A Hebrew annualdinnerofthe Shabbat atthe awards were pastMotza’ei presented this By Mayer at yeshiva dinner Marriage proposal Unforgettable Center, visitingaresidentwhowasn’t feeling Woodmere Care Rehabilitation andHealth cademy Five ofthe Towns Rocka- andthe ell that day,ell that KittyWeinberg, who passed as actually visitinghermother. video imageays, another appearedonthe idowed four years ago —shethinks. fabric. herlate husbandselling surplus ith alaugh,“Howith aboutputtingin,we’re ild,” saidRosenberg’s ecstaticaunt,Miriam “You videobe- couldn’treally hearthe realFarberThen the got down onbended Rosenberg, to 19,Referring Rachel daugh- hedid. And then introducinghimself,YonatanAfter Farber, probably right. He’s Katz is an attorney; Schreiber retired from isanattorney; Schreiber Katz “I’m not telling you ourage, butifyou add “He was sofunny. Hementionedmy moth- Whatever answer question the to that “He cameto visitmy andIwas mother two met Gloria years agohe When Harry dinnervideorolledandthe the After Harry Katz was the ombudsman at the ombudsmanatthe was the Katz Harry She was widowed 13 was years ago;Katz F F ertig ertig Katz withRabbi Zalman Wolowik. Newlyweds GloriaSchreiber andHarry proposal by Yonatan Rachel cruise to marriage. celebratecruise their “No,granddaughter?” me!” a wedding,” your “Oh,who’sgetting married, riage. beengettingshe’s over herpendingmar- enjoyed reactions shocked she’s the ting that board. Israel andamemberofthe great-grandchild. herfi hasalsobeenblessedwith Schreiber confusing enough,” shelaughed. is future.Which presentandthe about the wedding. blind date. planaJune B’ezratHashem,they at GoldmanSachs. Queens College. Heisahedge fundanalyst fromYeshivagraduated Torah Darchei and at QueensCollege. Farber, fromLawrence, whoismajoringHAFTR graduate indietetics L. Wallach. Thecoupleplans to take ahoneymoon “I went into get for shoes—“Ineedthem likeBoth to said,admit- laugh,Schreiber isapastpresidentofTempleKatz Sonsof haveBoth andgrandchildren; children We “We don’ttalkaboutthat. mostly talk The couplemet agoona four months Rosenberg isaWoodmere residentand F arber, Photos by Jason Meyer /JerryMeyer Studio 1 9, reacts to marriage F arber, Photo by Susan Grieco 22 . rst ONU O OUR FOR US JOIN ANNIVERSARY www.oneisraelfund.org S W 1175 H [email protected] l hn Weisfeld Chani & Eli Weinblatt Marcia & Lee Sherman Sharon & Jonathan Sherman Judy & Roth Isaac Betty & Samuel Dr. Rosenberg Judith & Stanley Robinson Ronnie & Platt Elliott Rickie & Morris Orlow Dr. Susan & S. Steven Kra Madeline & Ethan Kestenbaum Chani & Herman Jay Jacqui & Steven Dr. Golombeck Aviva Geller & Zev Linda & Leifer Mitch Fogel Pamela & Nussin Dubin Mel Cohnen Tzippy & Brecher Avromie Mandy & Rubin Dr. Brafman Lynda & Abelow Ben Rebecca & Arthur Dr. COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE NIE O TO YOU INVITES UITE rt lc ora ad, journal a place to or o oeinformation, more For EWLETT www.oneisraelfund.org Y N H EBR FGR CU RO 0 FTEYUGIRE FHEWLETT: OF ISRAEL YOUNG THE OF 703 TROOP SCOUT GIRL OF MEMBERS THE AND omk reservations, make to EDIDEI 10 ai Gross Talia Gershbaum Juliana Friedman Yoni Cohen Samuel Adler Jessica DINNER 516-239-9203 516-239-9202 vgi Feinberg Avigail Evans Sara Evans Kayla Borah Avigail Borah Ariella Beer Michal EST LAECALL PLEASE GALA K S B ,N EMAIL HOMER ONEI ETER B FAX EW ROADWAY : : Y ANHACADEMY YAVNEH , NTSHULAMITH BNOT , ORK laa Dolev Ulpanat OF BEHALF ON WORK THEIR FOR APPRECIATION DEEP Oshinsky IN Carole & Sy York New of Federation Jewish American Iranian THE OF BEHALF ON Khadavi Steven Hirshaut Perie & Yashar Dr. : EH A YESHA ,BNOTSHULAMITH NTSHULAMITH BNOT , Y ,YAVNEHACADEMY S NTSHULAMITH BNOT , ,BNOTSHULAMITH ,HAFTR ,HARTORAH ISRAEL HEM Y 11557 NTSHULAMITH BNOT , ISRAEL ,BNOTSHULAMITH ab r.HsyBlumstein Heshy Mrs. & Rabbi Blinder Farrah & Billet Moshe Hershel Mrs. & Rabbi Beer Shira & Jeff r ai ihleGershbaum Michelle & David Dr. RabbiDovid&AnitaFuld Freedman Marilyn & Jeffrey Feiner Dr. Eytan Mrs. & Rabbi Feinberg Sara & Daniel Feder Fay & Howie Evans Rina & Doron Cohen Sharron & Adam Borah Andrea & Richard Auman Kenneth Mrs. & Rabbi RabbiHyman&AnnArbesfeld Adler Allison & Elliott COMMITTEE DINNER ihe oaFruchter Tova & Michael Friedman Barbara & Michael Friedman Rachel & Allen T OV ak&LvaRottenberg Livia & Mark Kohn Howard D Richard R. Jerome Col. Mermelstein Joseph H A h agado salsscrt n oeegt saJws State. Jewish a as sovereignty are and people security 300,000 Israel’s those These of as vanguard evacuation. well the Gaza as the the Samaria of by and safety impacted Judea and communities of welfare children the and supporting women to men, dedicated is Fund Israel One n salFn ok ofl h asi seta euiy medical, security, essential in gaps the fill to works Fund Israel One n aai.Orga st netk non udasn apin to campaigns fundraising ongoing undertake to Judea is in goal lacking Our conspicuously Samaria. are and that services social and educational epesr h hscl mtoa n oa elbigo h Jewish the of well-being moral and emotional physical, the ensure help epn omk vial ra pcrmo omnlnes One needs, communal of spectrum broad a available YESHA. make in to community Helping every and each in living families hs fot r eiae oaltectzn n omnte fYESHA. of communities and citizens the all charity to American dedicated North are largest efforts the charitable whose profit is for and 11-3195338 not ID# 501(c)(3) organization, recognized a is Fund Israel INNER ONORARY AIHBFE DINNER BUFFET LAVISH WARD A A WARD WARDS WARD AO FEFRAT OF MAYOR Revivi Oded Hon. G C e rc ntePark the on Terrace T   O UEST -C C UESDAY O HAIRS M -C LSIGMAO PARK MEADOW FLUSHING HAIRS ahlMarkowitz Rachel Liberman Tamar Levie Shira Kestenbaum Joseph hsaaWeinstein Shoshana Szpilzinger Dalia Schwartz Yonina Lifshutz Talia Lieberman Samantha Fruchter Esther S ARCH PEAKER OOA E YORK NEW CORONA, tne ndHyman Enid & Hochberg Stanley Shlomo Mrs. & Rabbi Hercman Cynthia & Abe Gross Naomi & Hain Jonathan Kenneth Mrs. & Rabbi Ginsburg Bruce Mrs. & Rabbi Ghermezian Michal & Mark are oneKaszovitz Bonnie & Kaplan Gabriel Harriet & Joel Dr. Goldberger Reva ai uiKufeld Suri & David Sy&RochelleKraut Kaufman Miriam & Jeffrey r ai am Lifshutz Tammy & David Dr. Lerner Yaakov Dr.Mark&DenaLevie Mrs. & Lieberman Rabbi Alyse & Jeffrey Dr. Liberman Sheryl & Aaron Lauer Marilyn & Eliot Last Sheila & Meyer 21 111TH STREET 52-11 oh ay Kohn Talya & Moshe J Wunsch Eddie Rothman Marty Bokhour Elyas D OURNAL ,YAVNEHACADEMY INNER E ,HALB 6 2010 16, NTSHULAMITH BNOT , VENING ANHACADEMY YAVNEH , ,BNOTSHULAMITH NTSHULAMITH BNOT , V ANHACADEMY YAVNEH , C ICE ,HAFTR ,TAG HAIRS ,HAFTR C O -C HAIRS ,

enr aheWeiss Bashie & Bernard Weinstein Mindy & TugetmanBarry Leslie & Michael Dr. Thall Sharona & Teitelbaum Simeon Moshe Mrs. & Snow Rabbi Moshe Mrs. & Schwartzstein Rabbi Suzie & Schwartz Shlomo Dr. Miriam & David Rabbi Schulman Sharon & Alan Schmidt Doris & Jack Schimel Harriet & David Rice Rona Radovsky Yocheved & Chaim Rabbi&Mrs.StevenPruzansky Page J. Michael Mittelman Sheba & Markowitz Stanley Cheryl & Mendy Dr. Mandel Yael & Gary 352560

13 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 352569 J. Morton Morton J. r. Moshe Sokol, Moshe r. 2010 Photo by James Musumeci James by Photo D 9- 200 r. Ira Teich, assistant professor of of professor assistant Teich, Ira r. D avis/Lander College for Men (LCM) Student Entrepreneur of the Year Compe- the Year of Entrepreneur Student Men (LCM) for College avis/Lander ean of LCM; Professor Larry Bellman, formerly of Touro College and the de- and College Touro of formerly Bellman, Larry Professor LCM; of ean D are left, them, from With “Winergy.” their invention, tition for D and the contest; for inspiration and veloper Isaac Lati, front left, and Morris Jaradeh, have won the won have and Morris Jaradeh, left, Isaac Lati, front marketing and management at LCM and director of this year’s competition. this year’s of and director at LCM and management marketing t snugly inside snugly t This is the second year of the competition This is the of the second year competition Eric to Forkush, Second prize awarded was Bus Alert! the competition won Forkush’s and also of North Woodmere Gilad Katz, 17, which drew 31 entries thisaround. time which 31 drew of 17, Bangiyev, and George Woodmere, of 17, headphones that Long Beach. invented They sports; fall out while playing small, a won’t helps themmanual air pump fi the ears. or over pending on the patent He has a last year. handheld unit that alerts children and par- ents when a school bus is arriving. He said he begin production shortly. hopes to thirda Rambam place with took student, an It’s full of cats a lounge idea he calls “Cat Café.” one at keep cats but can’t people who love for reason. Gezuntheit. whatever home for year. nisher last Mati Buchsbaum Mati Buchsbaum & Matis Swerdloff rst place fi rst prizein this year’s J. Mor- Celebrating Jewish Life Jewish Celebrating

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He and Jaradeh will split a $1500 prize. split a $1500 He and Jaradeh will “I looked around my home and I realized home and I realized around my “I looked Isaac Lati, 16, and Morris Jaradeh, 17, and Morris Jaradeh, 17, Isaac Lati, 16, Two students at Magen David Yeshiva High Yeshiva David students at Magen Two Engagement of Duvie Reiss (Brooklyn/ of Duvie Reiss Engagement Birth of a grandson Bruce to & Joan Engagement of Chumie Koppel (Brooklyn, (Brooklyn, of Chumie Koppel Engagement Engagement of Mier Engagement (Brooklyn, Engagement of Mati Buchsbaum (Eliza- Engagement Engagement of Nicole Nathan (Wood- Engagement Engagement of Chavie Lieber (Monsey, Lieber (Monsey, of Chavie Engagement Engagement of Hershey Leonorovitz of Hershey Leonorovitz Engagement Wedding of Donna Spector & Matsi Chin- of Donna Spector Wedding Wedding of Esti Streicher (, UK) of Esti Streicher Wedding To view entire galleries, please galleries, entire view To

onna Spector & Matsi Chinskey & Matsi onna Spector only simchas!

Nicole Nathan & Nicole Chaim Grossman practical,” Lati said. Lati practical,” unit could be used in a way that might prove that might prove a way unit could be used in thatfrom the air the air conditioning wasted central air conditioner condenser units. central air conditioner bine that captures and recycles hot air from hot bine that and recycles captures both of Flatbush, developed “Winergy,” a tur- “Winergy,” both of Flatbush, developed

Birth Engagements

Marriages D one who was theone who was fi students took second place, including Mesivta students took of hot air to win fi to air of hot Rambam Two Competition. neur of the Year Schoolwith came up in Brooklyn full an idea Men Entrepre- for College Davis/Lander ton

By The Jewish Star Staff Star Jewish The By Teen entrepreneurs win contest win entrepreneurs Teen — Feb. 10, 2010 10, — Feb. Monsey, NY) & Adina Ribiat (, NY) Monsey, 22, 2010 NY — Feb. (Yonkers, Neufeld 15, 2010 15, NY) & Eli Kalatsky (Lawrence, NY) — Feb. NY) & Eli Kalatsky NY) — Feb. (Lawrence, 17, 2010 17, NY) & Toby Meiselik (Monsey, NY) — Feb. NY) — Feb. Meiselik (Monsey, NY) & Toby — Feb. 17, 2010 17, — Feb. beth, NJ) & Matis Swerdloff (Riverdale, NY) (Riverdale, beth, NJ) & Matis Swerdloff tates, NY) — Feb. 18, 2010 18, NY) — Feb. tates, mere, NY) & Chaim Grossman (Jamaica Es- 2010 NY) & Yoni Stokar (Teaneck, NJ) — Feb. 21, 21, NJ) — Feb. (Teaneck, Stokar NY) & Yoni lyn, NY) — Feb. 22, 2010 NY) — Feb. lyn, (Monroe, NY) & Ruchie Rosenberg (Brook- (Monroe, NY) & Ruchie Rosenberg skey — Feb. 15, 2010 15, — Feb. skey 2010 & Moishy Schwartz (Belgium) — Feb. 22, Schwartz& Moishy (Belgium) — Feb. 14 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR loween.” dy bars scary —andyou have scary oneBTwho dy bars mean scary, asinfear ofrazorbladesincan- spooky, aspectofHalloween scary —andI ing costumeoryou the aren’t!Addto that creativity. think- you Listen, areborn either of gan to alack Ihadinherited believe that last.Ibe- my the costumewas lamerthan didn’tgivethey adarn... Frankly, ideato them. explaining the my dear, costumes half-heartedly puttogether by my whenIhadto asachild, wear this homemade People. Butto meacostumeiscostume. Jewish holinessandunityofthe -the achdus totally;different, allaboutkedushah and it’s w I Okay, I’m Purim-challenged,but... Is there abetter way to celebrate theholiday than as quite “Jewish willingto Hal- sitoutthe Jamie Geller ship to Purim. Oh,Iknow,ship to Purim. Iknow, is Purim Halloweenciations with taint my relation- ’ll admitit.Asabaalasteshuvah, early asso- It was all downhill from there. Each year,It was all downhill Each fromthere. And nocostumeisgoodenough.Ilearned spend allday furtively belle”andIhad to ern ever heard ofa“south- none ofmy had friends times by age nine,but fl vorite (one ofMommy’s fa- Wind the Gone With had probably watched Belle.” I a “Southern me andtold meIwas huge, fl andputa ciest clothes dressed meinmy fan- mother. Oneyear, she oppy sunhaton about50 icks) who aresimply acquaintances, too. For one cookies...)Wethe always give to somepeople with niceladydown block rabbis,the the ers, whohavethose animpact onourlives (teach- nos to give family, outto ourfriends, andall them! timewith this Ilove to neareuphoria. them tobrings share excitement manos mishloach anddelivering manosfi mishloach Preparing ing upiscontagious. Their sheerjoy indress- idly sinceIhadchildren. viv- Purim member every a BTareblur, butIre- tempts as to “do”Purim ings asyou depart? ofbless- no, thousands wishing you hundreds, twinkle inhiseye, and amerry tle ofwinewith fi respected rabbi—and you visityour esteemed, dayon whatother can — how And coolisthat? candy ourselves with gitimate mesorahto stuff to party. We have ale- not anempty It’s ally excuse hasapurpose. actu- of “masked” miracles.Andallofthis issupposedto evokeup onPurim idea the dressing andthat calories) forof course, the receiving dangerous (except, hamentaschen nd himcoddlingabot- Together, we ma- planandmake mishloach my earlyIn truth, at- nobodyisafraidof that Then Ilearned other communities. people wholive in good ideasfrom done: steal afew manos. DowhatI’ve with themishloach to beso original Don’t thinkyou have with lls them I didn’tdaretell anyone idea Igot the that rolls —allhomemadeto acclaim. great bos, Igave outindividualsoupsandchallah not inmy butit’s genes.of that, would have given to anything have thought pieces.I her entirefamily paradedaschess holiday) apoemtyingitto while the es (with livered piec- andwhite chess chocolate black was aneighborwhode- Divine! Thenthere who least expect a gift fromyou! who leastexpectagift Give everybody,friends? I say, especially those goodiesonly to out the ourpredictable,best isitifwe Whatkindofachdus give achdus? holiday allabout and for —isn’tthis another it facesisworth expressionontheir the thing, One year, fell onerevShab- whenPurim Treats Roll andFruit Ups. made fromRiceKrispie and“sushi” chopsticks chocolateplate and with candy sushikit,complete of minecreated anedible friend Another Purim!” “Awished everyone Grape and grape-fl purple sisted ofallthings manoscon- Our mishloach a concept fromafriend: ties. who live communi- inother few goodideasfrompeople Do whatI’vedone:steal a manos,either.mishloach the with to besooriginal One year, Iborrowed you haveAnd don’tthink avored andwe

Ingredients: Chocolate ChipCookies Half Whole Wheat blond sheitel. Is that wildandcrazy,blond sheitel. Isthat orwhat? year to by proditalongthis to puttingona try bestof‘em.I’mgoing the a fabcostumewith soIcanconcoct hidden DNAtransformation, someday I’llhave my own miracle:a Purim have nobling.ButInever losehope.Maybe Mycostumeideasstill feel Purim-challenged. costumes. I’ll have to fret more energyleft over my kids’ manostreats, time. IfImake easymishloach isnotter supposedto all,Purim beastressful cookieboxes. Stewarttha craft Socute! Af- inMar- cookies packed chip nature chocolate myfavorite: ofmilkwith sig- littlecontainers a few years before. samething whodidthe friend from another ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Because even after all these years, I still years, Istill Because even allthese after This year, &true atried with I’msticking 1 (10-ounce) chips bagchocolate 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon bakingsoda fl 1/2 cupwhole-wheatpastry 1 cupfl 1 teaspoon purevanillaextract 1 egg 1/2 cuplightbrown sugar, packed sugar 1/2 cupgranulated softened 2/3 cupmargarine, our Continued onpage 15 our


15 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 345937 our ours, our can go rancid very rm in the center. rm in the center. nger. It should not taste sour. taste It should not nger. Jamie Geller is the spokesperson for a little on the has spoiled, sample our rently working on her second cookbook. working rently

Recipes from the BrideRecipes from Who Knew Nothing Kosher.com and author of Quick & Kosher: and author of Quick & Kosher: Kosher.com (Feldheim). Residing in Monsey, NY, Jamie NY, Residing in Monsey, (Feldheim). Allow to cool on the cookie sheets before cool on the before to cookie sheets Allow Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes or un- minutes at 350 degrees 12 Bake for Drop 10 heaping tablespoons of cookie Drop 10 Whole-wheat fl Combine margarine with mixture fl In a large bowl, whisk together fl whisk together bowl, In a large In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat to- of an electricIn the mixer, bowl Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Liberally 350 degrees to F. Preheat oven

heat fl ell blended. also blogs daily at blog.kosher.com and is cur- also blogs daily at blog.kosher.com

w Tips:


Continued from page 14 page from Continued Preparation: making mishloach manos with your kids? your with manos mishloach making removing withremoving a spatula and serving. til cookies are fi about 1-inch apart. batter onto each prepared cookie sheet, onto batter month after opening. To test whether whole- test month after opening. To bag in the freezer and only keep for about a for bag in the keep freezer and only quickly. If possible, store in a sealable plastic If possible, store quickly. baking soda and salt. baking soda and salt. til smooth and creamy. Set aside. Set til smooth and creamy. gether margarine,gether sugars, and vanilla un- egg spray. grease with 2 cookie sheets non-stick baking tip of your fi tip of your mixture and add chocolate chips; stir until 16 Sports THE JEWISH STAR THE JEWISH 5770 5770 R 26, 2010 12 ADA 2010 26, ebruary F

Photo by Nat Solomon

Rambam JV playoff run ends in loss to TABC

Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC) shut out Rambam’s JV hockey team, 3-0, ending Rambam’s playoff hopes for this year. TABC scored in the fi rst period and twice more in the second. Rambam goalee

Josh Friedman worked hard to keep the game close but, in the end, TABC goalee 350938 ET Lustiger prevented Rambam from scoring at all, ending their season. 350940 352175

17 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 352570 Photo by Penny Frondelli Penny by Photo viva Rizel in her shaital store. store. in her shaital Rizel viva A cation as as cation “When I do things, I like to do them 100 “When do them I do things, to 100 I like her husband will be the featured speakers, will be theher husband speakers, featured series lecture in Great as a potential as well towards she is working Neck. Additionally, hours of supervised 1,500 coun- completing seling so she can obtain her certifi a licensed marital therapist, which means the she can open a private down practice line. I’m put- Rizel said. “Right now, percent,” ting the privatetherapy practice on the backburner there because many are too but other thingsattention, demanding my that’s the plan.” ultimate nd nd Rizel is also the mother of threeyoung in Cedar- a store “I’m thrilled have to Next on the agenda for Rizel is an up- on the for Next agenda being a sheitel macher.” being a sheitel 9 months old, children — Shmuel Yehuda, Srulie, 3, and Laya, who is currently 5, in kindergartenDarchei at Torah. because I think only hurst, it will be a not but also wig business, my for good move right was kids’ next playroom because my often fi of wigs, and I would stock my to Sruli friends and his running around in the laughed Rizel. sheitels,” at which she and at a hotel coming weekend nd nd oor!” gure in my own backyard.” De- backyard.” own gure in my

Meet Aviva Rizel, 28, of Bayswater, a a Rizel, 28, of Bayswater, Aviva Meet Lecturing is not always a solo endeavor a solo endeavor Lecturing always is not Plenty of sheitel machers (wig makers) machersPlenty of sheitel (wig makers) Rather than be embarrassed about it the But for those who remain unaware of of thoseBut for who remain unaware “I’m not going to hide my degree or degree or my hide going to “I’m not Rizel prefers speaking in neighboring speaking in neighboring Rizel prefers “One time, my husband was acting out acting out husband was “One time, my For instance, it seems her husband may instance, it seems her husband may For “My husband and I really found an in- found “My husband and I really “Though I like to throw myself into each each into myself throw “Though to I like

oman continued to be Rizel’s customer. oman continued to oman who wears many hats — or wigs hats — or wigs many oman who wears arious scenarios real-life that are familiar eld: maritaltherapy. ob at different times, rather than be shei- Task Force, often speak together and act out and act out often speak together Force, Task director of men’s programming for Shalom of men’s programming Shalom director for for Rizel. She and her husband, Meir, the the Rizel. She and her husband, Meir, for v w j fi can boast a degree in a somewhat related can boast a degree related in a somewhat w geoning Orthodox communities, but few Orthodox communities, but few geoning set up shop in neighborhoods with up shop in neighborhoods bur- set By Tova Ross Tova By Wigging out? This ‘sheitel macher’ help can ‘sheitel This out? Wigging Cut both ways both Cut her jaw hit theher jaw fl front of the room and began lecturing, and me to sit next to her. Instead, I went to the the to I went Instead, her. to sit next me to chatted for a bit, and she made room for a bit, and she made room for chatted for and I met one my sheitel customers. We We customers. sheitel one my and I met into a lecture I was speaking at in Queens, speaking at in Queens, a lecture I was into raised in Lawrence. “At one time, I walked time, I walked one “At raised in Lawrence. times,” admitted Rizel, who was born and born Rizel, who was and admitted times,” neously, my two world do collide at certain world two my neously, tel macher and marriagetel therapist simulta- himself. It’s a totally different persona than himself. It’s a totally the person realize an essential truth about a therapist, you have to be mean to make make be mean to to a therapist, have you people and do therapy. And sometimes, as as And sometimes, people and do therapy. said Rizel. “I don’t like to sneak up on sneak up on to said Rizel. “I don’t like as a sheitel macher, I just listen to people,” people,” to I just listen macher, as a sheitel time to speak freely. “When I’m in my role “When role I’m in my speak freely. time to ists as therapists. fi But when the women her background, appointments are sheitel ting their hair done often their use hairstyl- up,” said Rizel. “The is thatup,” joke people get- out I’m an actual therapist, they close up!” comes up in casual conversation, it comes it comes comes up in casual conversation, experience with marital therapy, but if it but if it experience with marital therapy, likes it. likes usually two separate universes, the way she she the universes, way separate two usually a public fi roles, Rizel said that her twin careers are communities since she doesn’t, “want to be be to communities since she doesn’t, “want the of her two spite occasional intersection performance yet.” gized and I told him that thegized and I told it was best ally hurt my feelings. Afterward, hurt feelings. ally my he apolo- tears himself because he thoughttears he had re- real tears, which left my husband close to whichreal tears, left husband close to my neled the insults being hurled at me into neled the at me into insults being hurled a soft-spoken guy,” recalled Rizel. “I chan- recalled a soft-spoken guy,” ting really into it, and he’s normally into such ting really the role of a blamer in the marriage, get- acting ability. acting ability. interesting results.” interesting superior be comfortablenot with Aviva’s ingly call date night, and it has often had night, and it has often had call date ingly act on the road, or what we sometimes jok- sometimes act on the road, or what we new marriages,” said Rizel. “We take our our take marriages,” said Rizel. “We new management and issues facing couples in and issues facing couples in management are experienced with lecturingabout anger teresting niche, as we both love to act and act and to both niche, love teresting as we chops earned at HAFTR High School. degree from Hofstra University and acting and acting degree from Hofstra University larly well-suited for, with her advanced with advanced her for, well-suited larly to many couples. It’s couples. many a job Rizel is particu-to Health and Beauty Bar. Wigs, in the Cedarhurst hair salon of Aza’s in theWigs, of Aza’s hair salon Cedarhurst showcasing her own line of sheitels, Aviva’s Aviva’s of sheitels, line her own showcasing riage and family issues, and she just started issues, and she just started riage and family therapy, Rizel is a public lecturer on mar- therapy, a master’s degree in marriage and family — over the course of her day. Armed with the course of her day. — over 18 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR Evans. Seated, D Evans, Evans, from left:Esther Members of GirlScout Troop alia Szpilzinger, ¦ ¦ ¦

A Part ofa hearthealthy diet High inCalcium and Protein High inOmega3’s ndrea Borah, RinaEvans, IItt SS ’’s A riella Borah

s e F e A ruchter, Sara GG aa vigail Borah, Kayla

oo ss Photo by Penny Frondelli ii oo nn nn 70 gg 3, II s TT s of them haveof them yet to complete fi 24 honoreesaren’tabletoof the and12 drive year arealittleyoung;dinner this infact,21 By MichaelOrbach One Israel Fund celebrates thekids Young honorees bar mitzvahboys, onebatmitzvahgirl, and Youngtroop fromthe IsraelofHewlett, three order,particular atwelve-member Girl Scout Israel Defense Forces. inno Itishonoring, inthe to serving soldiers vides moralsupport zens livinginYehuda andShomronpro- helpsIsraeliciti- that group humanitarian o The honorees for the OneIsraelFund’sThe honoreesfor the o TT The OneIsraelFund isaHewlett-based hh TT e aa e

s s RR tt

ee e e

grade. fth a a

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G G by OneIsraelFund have steadily increased beinghonored ofchildren numbers and the sameonbehalfofIsrael,’” Feltmanthe said. roomto say,the ‘Ihave whocando achild kidsinspirepeoplein ofthese stories the that andwe fi efforts, an appreciationfor their Feltman. One IsraelFund’s executive director, Scott $2,000. Academy inBergen County, NJ,whoraised girls grade fromYavneh ofseventh a group

The grassroots effort has paid off sofar, haspaidoff effort The grassroots we kidsistwo-fold:“Why honorthe It’s plan,according to ofthe allpart And it’s





d d Season Sardineproduct

Save off 2packagesofany

! ! $ 1 00 l nd 352559 grader at Bnot Shulamith, sold75boxes atBnot Shulamith, grader o Fruchter, Esther Israeli soldiers. to a5th the greetings torael Hebrew Purim School write SonsofIs- Congregation andatthe ulamith atBnot Sh- andmiddleschool elementary py,” Sarasaid. couldget soldiers so the cookiesandbehap- soldiers. cookiesto shipto Israeli dairy bought the Cholov whoonly drink Yisroel ulamith even atBnot someofherteachers Sh- that hard to make acookiesale.SaraEvans said daughter. saidAvigailthing,” Borah,Andrea’sother sowehelp them, felt we shoulddosome- in herskirt. herhead she ranto andburied hermother youngest troop;mid-fi memberofthe co-leader. Herdaughter, 6,isthe Ariella, troop’s Israeli soldiers,” explainedBorah,the be shippedto OneIsraelFund. Israelby the sell 250boxes will ofGirl Scoutcookies that Hebrew Academy managed ofLongBeach, to Academy ofFive Towns andRockaway, and TorahShulamith, Academy for Girls, Hebrew including Bnot who comefromlocalschools girls, of AndreaBorahandRinaEvans,the Young IsraelofHewlett. Under leadership the ofGirl ScoutTroop graders 5th 703fromthe canteens andgowithout. in their silently would beforced water to spilloutthe whoneedto soldiers move around otherwise They heexplained,because areimportant, OneIsraelFund. the about shlukers through Yonican wear backpacks. in their found out light weight water soldiers canteens that —specialized, munity to ‘shlukers’ purchase West Hempstead com- raised$4,000fromthe lives.”rest oftheir have they anobligationfor them “teaches the adding that teaching children to children teaching give charit adding that lives,” restoftheir ber for heexplained, the kidswillremem- the that charitable thing have noreallastingvalue;instead dosome- but we areso important that think things celebrationsinIsrael. children’s toFund. have Hesaidhehastried allofhis OneIsrael a longtimeboard memberofthe company producesrefrigerator gases,is that doingandwethey’re appreciate it.” way andwethe inAmerica careaboutwhat fromall “we them that support soldiers the mitzvah, hesaid;itwas to important show was fenced which inby barbedwire. court, basketball base’s onthe soldiers BBQ for the weight amassive roomfor andthrew soldiers Kestenbaumoccasion, the family dedicated a on anIDFbaseinBeitEl.Inhonorofthe ofhisbarmitzvahinIsrael celebrated part honoree,JosephKestenbaum,another who explained. too concerned. ies onfi ofdelicious,fattening effects cook-about the Asked sheworried cookies herself. whether ner. willbeshown din- presentation that atthe to befi honorees gathered now 21. young allthe OnSunday afternoon, fi from 8the The girls also organized classes in the The girls alsoorganizedclassesinthe “We wanted to year do amitzvahfor this girl scoutssaiditwasn’tMost ofthe too doalot,“Soldiers butwe doso little to loves“Everyone girl scoutcookies,even and The mostnovel 4th honoreesarethe “It really saves lives,” their hesaid. For hisbarmitzvah,Yoni Friedmano “By abar-mitzvah we on spendsomuch Joseph’s father, Jay, avicepresidentat Joseph loved beinginIsraelfor hisbar “Not she arehighcaloried,” allof them The fi shesaid shewasn’t t Israeli soldiers, houseo lming took placeatthe year,rst to 14 second,and the lmed for avideo lming y f f f

19 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770

f y / y ce ce. lm- judahsharris.com/visit. com/ch/purimlearning To learn jewishboxoffi go to more To He hopes to get more in- more yeshivas get He hopes to for healthy way “It’s a revolutionary, Judah S. Harris is a photographer, fi Judah S. Harrisa photographer, is (merit) is sponsoring of whoever and get They a charity. paid for they’ll get a double z’chus, and the goes money learn,” to tzedaka, gets and theto boy Eckstein explained. and increase the next year pro- volved gram’s size. Eckstein said. be happy,” everyone to in the up “The will wake morn- [boys] ing without a headache.” abbi Soloveitchik shared his philosoph abbi Soloveitchik that “any book of the Torah must be a that book of the “any Torah a source o knowledge, source of Torah ce his life, if the and the ce his life, destiny future at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh in Israel. Sign in Israel. B’Yavneh Kerem at Yeshivat As Rabbi Soloveitchik approachedAs Rabbi the Soloveitchik spell it out, but didn’t Rabbi Soloveitchik (good audio quality, Hear the actual lecture 613.org/rav/rav-purim69.ram maker, speaker and writer. He is a graduate He is a graduate writer. speaker and maker, up for his popular email newsletter at: www. up for his popular email newsletter halachos, of rules a source of mo- of conduct, from draw a source on which one may rality, time, when he’s in doubt, in confu- time to is an historical document, sion... An igeres Biblical And a source of knowledge.” not stories, stressed Rabbinot are Soloveitchik, and directions stories. There are laws merely be learned to from thesein life narrative mo- at and Rebecca Eliezer ments in the Torah. said Rabbithe singling Soloveitchik, well, “is assigned more space” out one example, than the of the Laws Sabbath. lecture, he asked conclusion of his 90-minute learn can we law what Jewish his listeners from the Purim story in the told Es- Book of ther? that There are multiple laws can be de- searching was rived, but Rabbi Soloveitchik thefor one that apart stood from the others. he The “central halacha in Megillas Esther,” “is the duty of theanswered, individual to sacrifi (And someone of the community is at stake.” — in this also advise case Mordechai — may if it will his life give or coerce him or her to the people.) save “her” Esther’sperhaps have to determination book included in the Biblical canon, went a formal recognition of thebeyond salvation intent afforded Her major the People. Jewish been that her personal sacrifi have may have and could of her life, — where she gave to be conveyed — would in fact lost her life the as a proper approach for generations the when they unique have take each to Jew opportunity act on behalf of their to People. After all, the other halachos observed during Purim celebration be a to show the holiday, and shared connection, shared fate of Jewish fortune. 90 minutes): of stud and spent a year University of Yeshiva R Eckstein’s son, Shaya Dov, who who Eckstein’s Dov, son, Shaya when he came so happy “He was In his son’s memory Eckstein ex- be sittng “These are going to boys collecting from people who can’t give, collecting from people who can’t give, want what you you they pay said, ‘we’ll sit and learn,’” Ecksteinto explained. in a car accident in July, passed away partwas of the program. Eckstein so meaningful,” home, it was when I exaggerating recalled. “I’m not shining.” his face was say panded the program from sponsoring add hopes to 80 and he still to 25 boys more sponsors. in the the meidrash for beis z’chus Book of the Bible, he continued, “there’s a the dimension to megillah, thenew megillah Certain halachos must is part of the Torah. its relevancy to be derived from the Torah... always.” today, A couple who lost their son last year “Purim very is not structured a for or- Chanie, have He and his wife, and a very was “The weak economy A different Purim Torah A different By Jewish Star Staff Star Jewish By spin on theis putting a new of concept Purim learning. Itzy Eckstein. related teenager,” yeshiva $250 to pay ganized donors to learn to who are willing on Pu- boys rim the night; will be donated money theto charity choice. of the The boy’s program started was last year. spon- to together nice people got few of going around So instead sor boys. “An igeres is a story — a true story,” said is a story igeres — a true story,” “An more powerful and eternal. more powerful mitigate to Rabbi “I don’t want Soloveitchik. But once thethe importance of an igeres.” Purimrecounted story became an actual cant Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik’s Purim Question Purim Soloveitchik’s Joseph Rabbi c mitzvos,” c mitzvos,” “The document is that both Chanukah and Purim are Rabbini- binding holidays, cally but the commandment read theto megillah on Purim derived is from a Biblical source, and that The Book of Es- ther is included as one of the seforim of 24 (Books of the Tanach Bible). Doraisa (Biblical), but the obligatory char- binding force acter, of the mitzvah is only rst not intended as part intended rst of the not ov Eckstein, a”h Eckstein, ov D

lled, her request (for establishment of (for lled, her request What Rabbi Soloveitchik was concerned was What Rabbi Soloveitchik a signifi was he felt, This asymmetry, “I’m not speaking about specifi “I’m not As he continued his lecture, Rabbi So- “What said Rabbi did she ask for?” So- n 1969, Rabbi the Soloveitchik, Joseph n 1969, began a lecture on Purim. He asked Rav, the ponder the audience to “basic discrep-

rote another letter, basically a repetition of a repetition basically another letter, rote ith, and what he termed a “paradox,” was was ith, and what he termed a “paradox,” as transcribed Mordechai, and shared by Judah S. Harris Judah S. ances unique to each. to ances unique acter, halachic background...” acter, he continued. “I’m speaking about thehe continued. “I’m speaking char- D’Rabanan he explained. (Rabbinical),” Biblical canon. Initially, the story of Purim Biblical canon. Initially, rim at fi was loveitchik outlined how the megillah of Pu- outlined how loveitchik curred. and he wanted to understand how it had oc- understand how to and he wanted dained holidays of Purimdained holidays and Chanukah, difference between the two Rabbinically the or- two difference between the Jewish calendar, with individual obser- the calendar, Jewish nition, even if spaced a few months if spaced a few apartnition, even on holidays thatholidays similar status or recog- share a ancy between Purim and Chanukah,” two Purim two and Chanukah,” ancy between Shaya Shaya w w w


I Opinion — is much all the more different, its message Esther — now one of the books of the Torah one of theEsther books— now of the Torah that happened, what we take from Megillas take that what we happened, ed to the of the Books,ed to level Holy and once he explained, was thathe explained, was be elevat- this “letter” the holiday) was granted.” Esther’s granted.” the was holiday) request, fulfi loveitchik. “Whatever she wanted had been she wanted “Whatever loveitchik. as Purim all times. for lish these days of the 14th and 15th of Adar and 15th lish these of the days 14th Mordechai’s initial request, seeking to estab- seeking to Mordechai’s initial request, it was only an igeres (a letter). Then Esther (a letter). an igeres only it was far and wide with the Jewish community, but far and wide with the community, Jewish 20 Opinion

THE JEWISH STAR THE JEWISH Assassination in Dubai 5770 5770

R srael has no interest in claiming respon- eled with a circle of high profi le guards - and sibility, in defl ecting responsibility or in yet, he went to Dubai unescorted. The Dubai I blaming anyone else for the assassination chief of police has clearly said that someone of Hamas terrorist leader Mahmoud Mab- in Mabhouh’s inner circle broke security pro- houh. It really doesn’t matter to Israel and tocol and snitched that Mabhouh was going in really should not matter to us. In the end, to be in Dubai, alone, meeting with the Ira- the truth will never be made public. And if nians. 26, 2010 12 ADA 2010 26, years from now, in a memoir or dramatic Hamas leadership was not pleased that death bed confession someone should tell us Mabhouh was importing weapons into Gaza “the truth,” we won’t on his own. They knew that he was a rogue ebruary

F believe it anyway. weapons trader, buying and selling from I’M THINKING Diplomatic up- Iran. Mahmoud Mabhouh had expanded well roar and international beyond Hamas’ original mandate. He was be- heat aside, Israel gains coming too big and too strong to control. As from Mabhouh’s death. far as the heads of Hamas were concerned, A senior Hamas terror- Mabhouh had turned into a liability. ist has been taken out Dubai is trying to turn this assassination of operation and Isra- into an international crisis. In reality, it is el’s clandestine service, normal and everyday in the world of cloaks the Mossad, which has and daggers. Every country and every inter- been suffering from a national agency is familiar with passports tarnished reputation used by agents to gain access and assume after several botched identities; they even have a name, they are and bungled missions, called “cloned passports.” So procuring the is now being spoken of names of Israelis and their foreign passport Micah D. Halpern in hushed and rever- numbers was as easy as hiring a private team ential tones. The long of assassins/operatives like the team whose arm of Israel is once video image has made its way from the secu- again able to reach out and rity cameras of the Dubai air- destroy its enemies no mat- port and hotel to You Tube. ter where they may hide. For Of course, it still is possible Israel, it works. As far as the that Israelis did carry out this To think that only Israel operation. If so, the question wanted and benefi ts from heads of Hamas that needs to be asked is: how Mabhouh’s death is not to could Israel be so clumsy and understand the Arab world. were concerned, carry out an operation know- Mahmoud Mabhouh was on ing that their faces would be the top of the Most Wanted Mabhouh turned caught on video surveillance List not only of the Palestin- cameras. Well, maybe Israel ian Authority, but also, be- into a liability. did that intentionally. Maybe lieve it or not, of Hamas. Israel deliberately hired an The Palestinian Authority was ousted outside team to do their deed and in the from Gaza by Mabhouh and his Hamas cro- process, defl ect attention from real Mossad nies. The two Palestinians arrested in Jordan operatives. In the world inhabited by interna- for participating in the attack were former tional agencies like the Mossad, none of this Mahmoud Mabhouh, left, PA security offi cers stationed in Gaza, now is beyond the realm of possible. a Hamas weapons dealer, employed by Fatah strongman Mohammed Whoever did it wanted it to look as if Isra- was assassinated. So far, Dahlan. As the Palestinian Authority leader el had done it. And that’s okay. The world is a Mossad has not claimed responsible for Gaza during the overthrow, far better place because Mahmoud Mabhouh, Dahlan, who was absent from Gaza during a major player in Hamas, a major terrorist, a responsibility. But it seems the revolt, and who had not laid the ground- bad guy of the highest order, is dead. that everyone, including work necessary to properly control and pro- Hamas, had a reason tect the area, was destroyed politically by Micah D. Halpern is a columnist and a so- to want him out of the Hamas. cial and political commentator. Read his latest picture. In the eyes of Hamas, Mabhouh was not a book THUGS. He maintains The Micah Report team player. He was a man who always trav- at www.micahhalpern.com.

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fi rst come, fi rst served 630 348630 21 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770

f f f f t y y y ces the Cedarhurs Westmount. Simcha Gross and con- ces for Westmount, Quebec Westmount, Rabbi Yonah Berman Rabbi Yonah

The writer is the assistant rabbi o The writer rabbi is the assistant In his opinion piece in last week’s In his opinion piece in last week’s Rabbi asserts Billet that, “What The true of being “mod- challenge While Rabbi Billet’s assertions Rabbi is correct: A battle Billet Congregation Shaar Hashomayim in Congregation Women deserve same deserve Women as men respect the Editor: To forward b (Moving Star Jewish say, Williamsburg and Woodmere? To To and Woodmere? Williamsburg say, con- should Woodmere preserve unity, or should Williamsburg, form itself to it be the around? Doesn’t other way alsothe us to search unity compel for consider the of our women, feelings learnedsome of whom are highly and resentful o increasingly are growing make on behalf of Klal Yisrael.make should be of primary importance and our women educate we is how them, provide what opportunities we them.” This give what titles we not a special oppor- moment provides Rabbi and other tunity for Billet Centrist/Modern Orthodox rabbinic discuss what op- openly leaders to portunities should be they believe and how women, to made available capable females the scholarly, many in our communities should be recog- theirnized for sacrifi tributions the People. to Jewish theirun- “traditional” but halakhically supportable second-class status within ? Torah ern” Orthodox in the lies precarious necessarybut ultimately process o balancing our timeless values with society. the evolving mores of an-ever their and the positions sacrifi going into reverse; Feb. 19, 2010), 2010), 19, Feb. reverse; going into thatRabbi Herschel suggested Billet conferring the title “Rabba” on an an unneces- was Orthodox woman the take sary that focus would move off the real issues as he sees them: for establishing meaningful ways participate com- in Jewish to women (in thosemunal life communities that see this as a value) and maintaining (Orthodox)communal unity. he needs to are admirable, I believe he sees theseclarify ideals being how forward as a united upheld, moving Orthodox community where man in the continuing believe need for and furthering in the roles of women public life. use of our an effective titles is not over is haTorah Kavod shared energies. Yet value a principle We of communal life. wis- our leaders — their knowledge, dom and contribution — and acknowl- that partially throughedge esteem the in Rabbi anyone use of titles. Would Billet’s community dream of calling other rabbi, anything buthim, or any scholars,“Rabbi So-and-so?” Female teachers and leaders deserve the same o and acknowledgement deference cant.” cant.” He Michael Brenner Woodmere/Brooklyn rst-class educations nd themselves compelled to compelled nd themselves rst-class accomplishments thatrst-class accomplishments cant” issues, appearing dismiss to In his article, forward by ‘Moving thisRabbi accomplishes with Billet Rabbi Billet’s article on the ordi- whether we is not The question Let Williamsburg Williamsburg Let Woodmere follow the Editor: To 2010), 19, reverse’ (Feb. going into Rabbi Herschel criticizes Billet one who begins with a desired halakhic conclu- sion and then accom- to sources tweaks thatmodate conclusion, suggesting mistake Weiss’ that this Rabbi was Avi a to rabbinic ordination in according Rabbi appears Billet Actually, woman. this very type of rea- employed have to soning when criticizing Rabbi Weiss. and Rabbi be- Billet Both Rabbi Weiss gin from the same halakhic point of departure: ordination that a woman’s a position shared by prohibited, is not Rabbi Weiss YU roshei yeshiva. many then the to proceeds logical conclu- it is permitted. prohibited, sion: if not ofIn contrast, Rabbi and many Billet his modern Orthodox colleagues ap- fi pear to arrive at the albeit counter- opposite, prohibited, conclusion: if not intuitive, it is nevertheless permitted. not un- policy arguments that are simply supportable. He argues that the Jewish upon “morecommunity should focus signifi issues as “insignifi woman’s expresses concern the for “fragile uni- “Unity” ty” of the community. Jewish is, of course, and apple “motherhood but is therepie,” truly unity between, Letters to the editor the to Letters not Rabbi ‘Schism’ doing Weiss’ the Editor: To nation of Rabbah Sara Hurwitz was frustrating; it offered no meaningful is “in her ordination why reason for error” forward going into by (Moving I Moreover, 2010). 19, Feb. reverse; it self-servingfound that Rabbis Bil- and Shmuel Hain warnlet of a schism this issue. The schismsover in the Or- of the community are not thodox work areThey Weiss. Rabbi Avi people like the repeat- doing of those who have pulled Modern edly the Orthodoxy to respond done little to right have and theto insular philosophies of rabbinic of theleaders in Israel and of many teach in our Modern hire to rabbis we Orthodox educational institutions. or whether well our women educate servewomen us in a halachic capac- Rabbah like women I suspect ity. Hurwitz patroniz- by fooled are not about theing compliments advance- communal in Jewish ment of women explain we is how The question life. with fi women to and fi the parity they experience in the sec- them to in a is unavailable ular world its histori- for religion as remarkable as it is and adaptation cal evolution tradition. its adherence to for $9 per quarter on a credit on a credit per quarter $9 $1. is published weekly by The The by is published weekly fter speaking to bothfter speaking to the bride and groom, seem it doesn’t actually It indicates not only an only not It indicates A inclination but also an abil- embrace, ratherity to than The from, the new. away shy bride from teaching retired Computers English in 1981. easy to been too have would in The groom is active avoid. the community and a prac- most people ticing attorney; in his position, of his age, use com- other people to pay them. for puters like such a mystery. Among suchlike a mystery. the picked up in short details learned, we conversations among other things, that each has an e-mail address. A meaningless point? We think not. 2 Endo Boulevard, Garden City, NY 11530 City, Garden 2 Endo Boulevard, 516-569-4942 Fax: Phone: 516-569-4000, [email protected] E-mail: Star Jewish The City, Garden 2 Endo Boulevard, LLC, Star Jewish NY 11530. rates: Subscription or $48 a Rockaway, in Nassau and Far card or $15 per quarter in the US, Elsewhere year. a year. $72 Price: Newsstand LLC. Star Jewish The © 2010 Copyright All rights reserved. TAR S

If you do theIf you math that puts them at an It makes one shake his head to compare compare his head to one shake It makes this keep light. promised to — we Wait Purim all. Happy to age when many, if not most, people are glad most, people are glad if not when many, age in the up morning; wake to slowing simply and then this some. Instead, down charm- theying couple — and are both charming and adventure on a new — are embarking many in their give thatchapter lives would people great pause. younger demurely puts their combined age at 167. puts their at 167. demurely combined age them to the Israeli rosh yeshiva we watched them the we to Israeli rosh yeshiva smashing a this proudly week, on YouTube — a more than symbolic, and breath-laptop wrongheaded, repudiation of mo- takingly aside the Purim-Torah leave (We’ll dernity. aspect that the saw destruction on captured online). video and posted and the engaged newly- theBack to newly embrace bravely each continue to May wed. the risky and the challenging, to living life the fullest in good health, until 120. EWISH J HE What can we learn can we What who a suitor from at a proposes or dinner Yeshiva plunging a couple with marriage into age of a combined 167? too never You’re to young old or too the risky embrace and challenging. T Fertig Mayer Michael Orbach Eisenberg Malka Morrow Jay Friedman, Avromy Billet Avi Rabbi Daly Goodman Alyson Christina air rst couple; the bride Reporters Photo Editor Photo Contributors Senior Editor Senior It’s Purim, take the plunge take Purim, It’s All opinions expressed are solely those of The Jewish Star’s editorial staff or contributing writers or contributing staff editorial Star’s Jewish The solely those of are All opinions expressed Editorial Designer Editorial Independent and original reporting from the Orthodox communities of Long Island and New York City York Island and New Long of communities the Orthodox from Independent and original reporting Account Executives Account Publisher, Editor-in-Chief Publisher,

here’s no shortage of weighty topics to to topics here’s no shortage of weighty ponder and editorialize but, in about honor of Purim, let’s discuss something

On the other hand we have a new bride a new On the have other hand we But it turned out well. That Adar luckBut it turned out well. Her parents were right Her parents were It’s hard to say which event which event say It’s to hard Humor columnist Dave Barry Dave Humor columnist to refers

as very brave?) to arrange to as very brave?) as more enchanting (yeah, ere the guests of honor at e mention we thought he e mention we e said it). On the one hand lot more, thanlot the fi quite a bit more of the world, and lived a and lived a bit more of the world, quite and groom who, shall we say, have seen have say, and groom who, shall we life has to offer. offer. has to life ple every happiness, and every success that tell - and we wish that cou- beautiful young - and we tell Now, there’s an even better family story family there’s to better an even Now, held. The gamble paid off and she said yes. en generations, no doubt. en generations, been; the a doz- stuff for and legend of lore no? What a family story that would have storyno? What a family have that would there, as well. Can you imagine if she’d said Can you there, as well. nearest and dearest were nearest and dearest were also meant that most of their the dinner, after all, which the dinner,

has more than a little fl (did a great of courage deal is a young man who clearly man who clearly is a young as the as well for creative,

Rabbi Yakov Horowitz Ross Yakov Neustadter Seidemann Weissman Tova Rabbi Adam David Chananyah Osher Jesse Helene Parsons, Gerber Alan Jay Halpern D. Micah Miriam L. Wallach there, of course — they w riage quite so publicly. so publicly. riage quite to make his proposal of mar- his proposal of make to w w

w w

T Editorial

Opinion Towns. Towns. at a restaurant in the Five at a restaurant in the Five riage of a much older couple of all places; and the mar- couple at a yeshiva dinner, dinner, couple at a yeshiva the engagement of a young the of a young engagement two days apart days — thistwo week a pair of wonderful events that place events took a pair of wonderful concerned citizens drew our attention to to concerned our attention drew citizens his readers as “concerned citizens.” Well, his readers as “concerned Well, citizens.”

really. really. carefree and lighthearted. Marriage. No, 22 February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR said ‘pick your Jew.’said ‘pick Ithought Rosen, Jonathan books, the Theeditor of ofaseries. part as tion. Thebookiswritten acombina- Hillel Halkin:It’s they mighthavethey beeneliminated, was Rabbi people Imighthave about,though written framework some the series, HH: Within ofthe MO: Whowere Jews? favorite your other favorite Jews. andliterature,Jewish andoneofmy history Yehudaand Ipicked Halevi, came down to two orthree, fi Whatdrew Orbach: Michael Kuzari. ofthe author as apoet andthe legacy ofYehuda Halevi,both ferent vein, Francis Kafka. A w w Y y w Q &AwithHillelHalkin A poet’s proto-Zionism Israel in Zichron Yaakov,Israel inZichron spoke Nextbook. Halkin,wholives in Yehudaography ofRabi Halevipublishedby Zionist Polemic. Hismostrecentwork isabi- ing Letters to Friend:A anAmerican-Jewish New includingthe Yorkbooks Times bestsell- gures were endit andinthe ou to writing abookabout ou to writing ehuda Halevi. kiva. Another possibility,kiva. Another dif- andinavery ho were my favorite Jewish Jewish Star the aboutthe ith ho hasalways beenmy favorite fi Hillel Halkin is the author ofseveral author Hillel Halkinisthe Seeking highly motivated self-starters for outside advertising sales in Brooklyn. SSeeking highlymotivatedself-startersforoutsideadvertising salesinBrooklyn. e Personal experience as part of the Orthodox community strongly preferred. preferred. PPersonal experienceaspartoftheOrthodoxcommunity strongly e e k requirements and resume to [email protected]. and resume rrequirements r e i s n q o g u Full-Time positions including salary, commission, gas allowance, positionsincludingsalary, commission,gasallowance, FFull-Time n

u i h a r l e i l Comprehensive and competitive compensation package for andcompetitivecompensation packagefor CComprehensive QQualifi excellent health plan, 401K, life insurance and bonus plan. eexcellent healthplan,401K, lifeinsuranceandbonusplan. l g

Part-Time positions available paid on a commission basis. positionsavailablepaid onacommissionbasis. PPart-Time - m e x o u h T a x c m i e a l r gure from m p y e t l n - p

i l e fi m e t l T Hillel Halkin r

ed candidates should email a cover letter with salary edcandidates shouldemailacoverletter withsalary e r s

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e wish you didn’tknow aboutthem. lessyou aspeople,andyou like the them moreyou know the aboutthem one group, whomoneadmiresfallintoers two groups; Jewish initiative andnot aDivineone.Writ- messiah to to return [Israel]. Jews need not andshouldnot wait for the fi tion andwas the posi- position inHalevi’stime.Hetook the translated well. Itwas atranslationalchal- all-time Hebrew poets andhehasnever been ing atranslator, great Haleviwas oneofthe ofmyme becauseI’ve spentsomuch life be- v c s h c d

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l o t o i i a F a m f v h p Westernized moreliberalintheir andmuch interest initwere Maskilim.Maskilimwere was discovered, only peoplewho took the an upatabook dealerinTunis.turned 19thered inthe century, whenamanuscript actually lostandquite miraculously rediscov- was forgottennon-liturgical poetry andwas hispoetry, Kuzari; ofthe his author evi asthe Jews have ofHal- alwaysobservant thought itdepends whatpublic.Orthodox HH: Ithink most well known for? YehudaMO: Whatdoyou think Haleviis 1141, fi the Mayexact day 14, hesailedfromAlexandria: way. Egypt onthe pass through We know the life, andset outfor Eretz Yisroelbuthadto Spain,wherehelived allhis Geniza. Heleft Cairo al discovered 50’sand60’sinthe inthe HH: Hedid.We know materi- becauseofthe end? MO: Didhemake itto Israelinthe andmademewant tostory abouthim. write ahaunting It’s hegotand whether there. togrimage Palestine andhisdisappearance, ofhispil- romanticstory very There isthe an11th mentsch. mentsch, and12th century son. moreyou love the as aperson himasaper- moreyou know who,the writers abouthim perhaps fewhuda Haleviisoneofthe great outto beanawfulturned humanbeing.Ye- r e n l e r e l o a y Until the 19th century when his lost poetry Until 19th whenhislostpoetry the century Anachronistically, hewas really agreat r a o s e

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t n k u a o s fying. grati- very whenIbegan.It’s Ithought than even moreheroicandaneven fi greater didnot happen. become;that they lessheroic heroicstature,the losetheir they ofheroes is biographies inwriting risk the HH: AsIwas saying to you often before, very biography? the ofwriting course the specifi anything MO: Didyou learn inourownchai days. fi best. To move you onto have modern, great Personally, Ilike Haleviand Hanagidthe alsoShlomoIbnGabirol. Hanagid, there’s MiddleAges itwasthe HaleviandShmuel tefi arein the piyutim that ofpiyutim,Yossiperiod BenYossi; hewrote HH: After the Bible, I think from the earl fromthe Bible,Ithink the HH: After Hebrewpoets? great MO: Whoarethe poet. great andthe Kuzari ofthe author the have arealsenseofYehuda both Halevi,he’s known poet.he’s asagreat Ifyou want to among secularIsrael Kuzari, ofthe author known] among religiousJews [he’s asthe heroso,whereas ism andhebecameagreat ship travel. passedonto secularZion- Hisart and wrote love, aboutmany themes: friend- ish cultureandsociety. terested between increatingasynthesis Jew- attitude towards morein- traditionandmuch h gures, like [Chaim]BialikandYehuda Ami- w

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23 THE JEWISH STAR February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 f 349584 es that all pedagogic method for Truth can be taught with Truth a smile, and meaningful Purim. and a safe Have Rabbi Yonaton Grossman Yonaton Rabbi the story expression prominent Esther, gives in exile, and his people. Even for G-d’s love to the under even hand of Haman and Achash- the descen- and protects He guards verosh, one. It is for dants of Abraham, His beloved this that reason, too, the story of Esther is so they wherever are.” Jews precious to Purim to lessons can be learned in laughter. me personifi time. itual observation Rabbi by who Grossman to like I would “On a personal note states: add that, some or other o analysis beyond . Exp. Date Code Card

s ? r r u a o t h By choosing an EZ-Pay option here you authorize The Jewish Star to charge you authorize The Jewish Star to charge By choosing an EZ-Pay option here months. every three card your credit One factor that One factor Rabbi Grossman gives of Purim edge The holiday has a bawdy inherent in thisThe sober message com- can smile at thein the humor inherent We I conclude this with essay the closing spir-


s the contemporaneous nature of the as the text, contemporaneous as the literarywell and the style of sequence thatevents serve that as theological markers thismake a serious religious work. is theprominence to deep concern that lies hidden within the the concern text: the for Jerusalem back of thisJews to era who went under the most dire rebuild theto Temple This hidden factor conditions. of physical the of theis in contrast to behavior of Jews tables and, at the royal Shushan who feasted the of the this, good life by enjoyed as implied me, this contrast in the demeanor To “golus.” Jewriesof these has a contemporary ring two there be gleaned from it; are lessons to to learn. all of us to these for events in its observance, but through the of reading fail but to one cannot Rabbi Grossman’s work pause and consider the of both motivations Queen Esther and the of that Sages era to thepromulgate observance of this feast. mentary heart. to should be taken se- human. But, please narrative. is only That riously consider the conditions under which observedprevious generations this holiday. re-evaluate to have As a result, one would practices thatsome of the we more excessive granted, and seriously for ponder take now the of the near tragedy Purim story of so long the labor ago, in contrast to actual terror we today. under, ? h s e s e i m n i o w Address: Apt #: Zip: Apt Name: Address: City: State: Phone: Email: s h ! e

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❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ dealt with man- in an honest and detailed the is made of Analysis personalities, the ner. thepolitical credibility of events, linguistic nuances that to serve indicators as tell-tale structure con- the of megillah that involves and hidden writings.cealed messages Rabbi sources scholarly numerous Grossman cites that refl this aspect of the megillah’s narrative. What this is how makes method most interesting he balances these modern observa- scholarly learntions with in Mesechet Megil- what we concerninglah, especially the fi that,Rabbi Grossman states “Using their the often noted language, Sages exegetical hidden in themessages story that are also its literary to structure.related Since their exegesis, teachings are written as homiletic of theignored in analysis they are generally shall see, their as we However, plain text. interpretations should often as be regarded in thewell-grounded and its themes.” text ment of the work, a few salient examples will examples salient a few ment of the work, the demonstrate worthhopefully of this valu- able text. validity of thevalidity of is further megillah enhanced through this method and the doubts and thatquestioning the sub- megillah has been with the is met an open ages down to jected conclusion is thatevaluation. The resulting the and theological events experi- outcomes enced in the the of up to megillah stand test time. w d r 0

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serious and dangerous ham Grossman. megillah authored by Rabbi Grossman and published online by Har Etzion’s Yeshivat famed Virtual Beit Mi- [www. site drash web vbm-torah.org/ester. html], is a twenty-eight part series that treats as the only megillah not a religious document, but as a historical and refl literary work

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Megillat Esther: an online commentary by Rabbi Yonatan Grossman Yonatan Rabbi by commentary an online Esther: Megillat Dial 516-569-4000 ext. 7 during business hours. DDial 516-569-4000 ext. 7 during business

Rabbi Grossman is a graduate of Yeshivat Rabbi is a graduate Grossman of Yeshivat The signature ritualThe signature of Purimis the read-

ithin its pages are to be found the be found results ithin are to its pages Alan Jay Gerber Alan Jay our ordinary Tanach commentary. Rather, Rather, commentary. our ordinary Tanach Jewish people. Accordingly, this is not to be this to is not people. Accordingly, Jewish events thatevents seared the memory bank of the the son of famed Israeli historian, Dr. Avra- the son of famed Israeli historian, Dr. teaches at Har Etzion and Migdal Oz. He is teaches at Har Etzion zog College and Bar Ilan University and also and Bar Ilan University zog College Ilan University. He is an instructor at Her- Ilan University. natan Grossman. earnedHar Etzion and has a PhD from Bar commentary that to observance Rabbi by Yo- day. This week’s essay concerns essay a very This week’s special day. events that theevents led to of this commemoration ing of the Book of Esther that the details w y The Kosher Bookworm Kosher The due in terms of modern-day scholarship. The evaluated by Rabbi Grossman and given their Rabbi by given Grossman and evaluated ous prominent Bible scholars is whose take and evaluations of research from numer- 24

February 26, 2010 12 ADAR 5770 THE JEWISH STAR Jodi Reznik, a Offi painting isthefi favorite activities. The oiloncanvas wife selected of himsailing,oneof his Glen Ciano’s portrait from aphoto his drunk driver last year. Reznik painted folk County police offi to to thewife andchildren of aSuf- has presented aoneof akindmemen- 2nd 1st Floor Floor 79.00 85.00 118.00 125.00 165.00 173.00 189.00 — 198.00 344.00 2nd 1st Floor Floor 39.50 42.50 59.00 82.50 62.50 94.50 86.50 — 99.00 172.00 Ui ie lo 55 x0 x0 01 10x20 10x10 8x10 5x10 5x5 Floor Unit Size 1 blocksouthofStewart Avenue, Parkway justwestoftheMeadowbrook (Exit3M) Adjacent tonorthcampusofNassauCommunity Co REGULAR Not tobecombinedwithanyotheroffer. Rateappliesto 1/2 OFF RATE Sale! cer down, on canvas SSTORAGE UNITS 2 EndoBlvd., GardenCity•516-227-0200 1 F T fth of afallen police latbush-based artist, / O cer killedby a BIG BOB'SSELFSTORAGE FIRST 3MONTHS 2 R BIG BOB'S OUR PRICES A ofleasewithminimum6monthcommitment.Regularratesapply startingwith4thmonth.Exp.2/28/10. OFF COMPARE COMPARE G O SHOP & SHOP & nevolent of theSuffolk County Patrolmen’s Be- Jodi Reznik, andJeff Ciano’s son, chesed project. Left to right:Offi of herPortraits of the offi cer thatReznik hascreated aspart E

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ght your way aroundabandonedcarts to shoppingstress? rst preparefor the subject lineto newsroom@ newsletter. Send ane-mail with “sign meup” inthe become pregnant,”rst hesaidand Sign upfor ourweekly thejewishstar.com Miriam Bradman Abrahams Miriam ve or six children then, ve then, orsixchildren — class oat outofthe Alfred Lord Tennyson oor. “We lost gotrst mar- nd aspot Woodmere rehouse rt and rst nally able to fi blessed,” hesaid,“becauseIwas not only you areblessed.”lucky; ended there. hadnot story the relieved that smiled, very — fi more composed, “andwe hadeightchildren off. somehow right hadripped coveredhealed. Thebandage cut that the woundit was clearthe hadnot completely manyspoken years hadoccurred before, events hejust ofwhich older manandthe hewas an Although ing down hischeeks. not know. ofhissadness—amanIdid depth and the hadtaken story the turn by both the aback stunned. andIwas completely began to cry He then years later.” baby andshediedthree the shanah. moment. Infact,itwas perfect. alot aboutlife,learned love andlivinginthe 12). Itbroughtto acloseweek I inwhich ‘shecompletedMaguire, that him’(seepage too, andwhoknew, words inthe ofJerry was proposedto boy by the whoadoresher, my adoredniece momentthat ple) for the peo- hundredsofother present (alongwith And we were enoughto lucky have been (blessing) Ihave never taken for granted. love ofherlife atayoung age, it isabracha could never readaword. she listening lain,though to my grandfather davening Shabbos,takinginthe and each a rebbetzin for over 25years, sittinginshul shebecame that, no to arabbi?”and,with proposed, sheresponded,“How couldIsay whomshefell inlove. manwith the Whenhe age of50-plusshechangedthe herlife for she met himandbarely kept Shabbos,butat before hadnever beenmarried grandmother was broken, asweheart her. buried Mystep- faceofamanwhose the only once,with cry life. love Isaw him the ofmy grandfather’s step-grandmother, whowould outto be turn wife, andmy daughter was namedfor my named for my grandmother, paternal hisfi side.Iwas Iknew onthat grandmother onlytwice; my was the step-grandmother just abit. Somehow, world itrevived inthis my faith can stillbesoopenandemotional.” fi andtoldpatted himto hisarm stop. gized againfor becomingemotional andI Heapolo- and knows nothing. heislacking Yet, hecontinued,was incredibly happy enjoyedsomeone whorather beinghome. businesswoman, other the ent, oneasharp someone anger anddestruction, lled with He nodded in agreement. “ButIam He noddedinagreement. wonderful,” Isaid.“You“That’s arevery hecontinued,now alittle “I remarried,” tearsHe beganto stream- apologize,with “I amsosorry,” Isaidto him.Iwas taken With love,With To andYonatan: Rachel admeahv’esrim whoisblessedandmetAs aperson the was married grandfather My paternal “I fi He told mehow hiswives were sodiffer- ve were were andthree ours.” hers I nd it refreshing,” I said, “that inaworldnd itrefreshing,” Isaid,“that nd love onceinmy life, buttwice.” Edited by MiriamL.Wallach MLW rst

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