Rams Finish Runner-Up at Tourney

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Rams Finish Runner-Up at Tourney Robinson forward Keegan Ruddy scored 14 points against Mountain View Burke in the Pohanka Chantilly Basketball Classic championship game on Dec. 29. Page 8 RamsRams FinishFinish ComingComing inin FromFrom thethe ColdCold CountyCounty Line,Line, PagePage 44 Runner-UpRunner-Up atat Follow on Twitter: @BurkeConnection on Twitter: Follow Local TourneyTourney Leaders Sports,Sports, PagePage 1313 Predict Classified, Page 14 Classified, ❖ Hot Topics In 2013 News, Page 3 Sports, Page 13 ❖ Entertainment, Page 11 Photo by Craig Sterbutzel/The Connection January 3—9, 2013 online at www.connectionnewspapers.comBurke Connection ❖ January 3-9, 2013 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Burke Connection ❖ January 3-9, 2013 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Local Leaders Predict Hot Topics in 2013 e asked local movers and shakers to tell us what headlines they’d like to tunities facing Northern Virginia in the formation: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/con- coming year? nector/routes/expresslanes/. see in the New Year, what issues will dominate the political agenda, what A: “Top on my list for next year is the success- Throughout the next year my colleagues and Wtheir New Year’s resolutions are, and their Express Lane experiences. If ful opening of four new Silver Line Metro Sta- I will continue our focus on the former Lorton our prognosticators are correct, the top three issues that dominated the tions in Tysons Corner. I am working with stake- prison site. This South County area is transform- headlines last year will again dominate this year. In order of priority: transportation, holders in the Tysons area to make sure employ- ing into an exciting mixed-use town center, in- transportation and transportation. ees and neighbors will be able to use the new cluding the wonderful Arts Workhouse. Since —Victoria Ross stations through shared parking arrangements 2002, when the U.S. Congress transferred the in commercial buildings near stations, as well 2,300 acres of property at Laurel Hill to Fairfax as new bus service/routes and pedestrian ac- County, the county has worked with residents Del. Dave Albo (R-42), with wife cess. and task forces to develop plans for future uses Rita and 7-year-old son, was first I’m also excited about new Express Connec- of the area. The approved Master Plan for the elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1994. He is the most tor Bus Service that will whisk travelers from Adaptive Reuse Site at Laurel Hill (east of Route senior Northern Virginia majority VRE stations in Lorton, Burke and Springfield 123 and south of Silverbrook Road) creates a party delegate in the state legisla- via the new Beltway Express (HOT) lanes into hub of community residences, workplaces, shop- ture. He grew up in West Tysons. The new service will be rolled out in ping, and green space.” Springfield and attended Fairfax January. Go to the following link for more in- County Public Schools (Rolling Val- ley Elementary and West Cook: Transportation Funding Tops Wish List Springfield High School). Prior to Q: Headline for 2013? being elected to the House of Del- A: "We would love to hear (not that we think egates in 1993, he served as we are going to hear): State passes major trans- president of the West Springfield portation funding plan.” Civic Association, prosecutor for the City of Fairfax and a guardian for Abused and Neglected Children. Q: Top priorities for state? Albo is presently chairman of the A: “A new transportation funding plan, eco- House Courts of Justice Committee. nomic development in the face of federal government’s cutbacks, funding group homes for by Photo people with disabilities including those leaving Albo: Roads to Happiness the Northern Virginia Training Center, educa- Q: What headline would you love to nesses and visitors at the same rates they charge tion funding and Medicaid reform.” see for Northern Virginia in the coming Virginians. For example, presently out-of-state cor- Ross Victoria year? porations pay no corporate income tax on the Q: Challenges & opportunities? A: "Washington Bypass Route Set by the Com- money they earn for performing services in Vir- A: “Transportation funding, county budget monwealth Transportation Board. East Coast ginia. Yet, if a Virginia company goes to Maryland gap, federal ‘cliff’ fallout, school funding, Com- traffic to bypass Fairfax!” to perform a service, it has to pay Maryland. Not munity Services Board reform and funding.” only is it ludicrous to treat out-of-state corpora- Q: What are top legislative priorities tions better than Virginia corporations, but it is a Q: Top issue facing the community? /The Connection this session? disincentive to locating a business here. Chang- A: “Transportation. I will continue to push for A: “Build roads, pave residential roads, get ing out corporate income tax system to the same Fairfax County to play a larger role in transpor- more in-state students into Virginia colleges, get system used by Georgia, Maryland, California and tation.” through yet another dismal economic year with- others would bring the state $370,000,000 in new out raising taxes.” revenue, which we can use for roads and rail!” Q: Express lanes? A: “Fantastic experience. These are a gem. Try Q: What do you consider to be the Q: Express Lanes? them!” number one issue affecting our commu- A: “Wonderful. Got to Tysons from Lorton in Supervisor John Cook with Burke United nity? How will you address it? 35 minutes!” Q: New Year’s resolution? Methodist Church volunteer Barbara A: “In order to keep Virginia at the top of the A: “Attend more Nationals games. There’s Nowak during the church’s Hypothermia Best Places for Business, and therefore having lots Q: Any personal or professional New nothing like a winner!” Prevention week on Dec. 21. of jobs in NOVA, we need roads and rail. Virginia Year’s resolutions? slipped from number one to number three almost A: “I am on a Led Zep kick these days. So I entirely on the issue of lack of transportation im- have vowed to learn “Moby Dick” and “Black Corcoran: FBI on ‘Most Wanted List’ provements. This will cost a lot of money. I pro- Dog” on my Gibson Les Paul guitar. (“Heart- Jim Corcoran is president and CEO of pose that we set our taxes on out-of-state busi- breaker” solo is too hard.) the Fairfax County Chamber of Com- merce. On Dec. 14, Corcoran (center) Fairfax County Board of Supervisors put on a pair of jeans to support Jeans Chairman Sharon Bulova—aka “The Day 2012, an initiative to support the — effort to prevent and end homelessness Turkey Master” pictured with her in Fairfax County. He is standing with sous chefs: nephew Jesse Horneber Jeans Day supporters Michael O’Reilly, (right) and brother-in-law Dave (left) chairman of Governing Board of Koss (left). Bulova spent the holi- Fairfax-Falls Church Community Part- days in Ocean City with 13 relatives. nership to Prevent and End “I am the family Turkey Master. I Homelessness and Dean Klein, Direc- love to cook but don’t get enough tor, Office to Prevent and End chance to ‘nurture’ a big meal. Homelessness (OPEH). For more infor- Cooking turkey with my sausage & mation on the Fairfax Chamber, go to veggie dressing with gravy is hugely www.fairfaxchamber.org. satisfying to me!” Q: What headline, or headlines, would tunities facing Northern Virginia in the you love to see for Northern Virginia in coming year? the coming year? A: “Federal uncertainty, the ‘fiscal cliff’ and A: ❖“FBI Picks Fairfax” sequestration are posing critical challenges for ❖“Fiscal Cliff Averted” Northern Virginia in the coming year. The ❖“<Insert company name> Selects Fairfax Fairfax Chamber has been and will continue to Bulova: Silver Line Stations Top Priority List County for New Headquarters” advocate for elected leaders on both sides of the Q: What headline would you love to Q: What are—or should be—top pri- aisle to come together and compromise on sound see for Northern Virginia in the coming orities for our state legislators this ses- Q: What are—or should be—top pri- policy for businesses and our nation. Inciden- year? sion? orities for our state legislators this ses- tally, compromise is the same thing our elected A: “Fairfax Board Adopts FY 2014 Budget; A: “To adopt new, sustainable funding for sion? leaders in Richmond need to do to fix the sec- Amazing Balance is Achieved—Tax Bills Remain Virginia’s current and long term transportation A: ❖Sustainable transportation funding ond biggest issue affecting Northern Virginia: Affordable, Quality of Life Maintained Despite needs.” ❖Education policies that support workforce transportation. Difficult Economic Climate” development, particularly in the STEM fields. The biggest opportunity for Northern Virginia Q: What are some challenges/oppor- lies in our creative economy. Northern Virginia Q: What are some challenges/oppor- See Hot Topics, Page 10 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Burke Connection ❖ January 3-9, 2013 ❖ 3 The County Line Coming in From The Cold How You Can Help ❖During the 2010-2011 winter season, approximately 1,025 residents sought shelter through Fairfax County’s Hypothermia Prevention Program, in partnership with other agencies. ❖FACETS’ Hypothermia Prevention Season is Nov. 21 through March 17. FACETS served more than 219 clients last season. ❖Volunteers of America Chesapeake (VOA) Baileys Crossroad’s Hypoth- ermia Program served more than 442 clients last season and an additional 84 clients in their other winter seasonal programs for a total of 526 clients. ❖Reston Interfaith’s Embry Rucker Community Shelter (ERCS) operates three separate winter programs. The ERCS Winter North County Program and winter seasonal programs served over 298 clients last season.
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