Present: Councillor Fender (Chair).

Councillors: Aldred, Audin, Bayley, Bellis, Biant, Bradbury, Chadwick, Clayton, Corris, Dean, Dickinson, Dillon, Fitzpatrick, Garrido, Godson, Holland, Jones, Mistry, Moores, Paul, Rawlins, Reilly, Rigby, Robinson, Smethurst, Walters, Whitehead, Wild and Wright.

Apologies: Councillors Cordingley, Duckworth and Warner.


The Chair informed Members of the death of Chris Mulligan, the former Director General of GMPTE. A summary of Chris Mulligan’s career was provided and his achievements were highlighted. As a mark of respect, the Committee stood for a moment of silent reflection. b.) David Leather

The Chair announced that this was to be David Leather’s last meeting as the Chief Executive of TfGM. Members noted that under his tenure, David had been instrumental in helping to secure significant improvements in public transport in which were already bringing considerable benefits to Greater Manchester’s residents, businesses and the economy generally. Thanks were offered to David for his tremendous efforts and hard work. Members also thanked him for the support he had offered to them. In response, David thanked Members for their kind words and explained that he was sad to be leaving TfGM and thanked Members for their support and their challenge. c.) Penny Boothman

Members noted that this was also the last TfGMC meeting that Penny Boothman, Deputy Clerk of TfGMC and Head of the Greater Manchester Integrated Support Team, would be attending as she would be leaving her post at the end of December. The Chair paid tribute to Penny’s career, which had spanned thirty five years and highlighted her considerable achievements. In response, Penny thanked Members for their kind sentiments and added that it had been an honour and a privilege to work with them. d.) Director of Metrolink

Members were informed that, subject to ratification by GMCA, Peter Cushing had

1 been appointed as the TfGM Metrolink Director and would take up this post when Philip Purdy, the current incumbent, leaves in 2013. e.) Metrolink to Droylsden

Members noted that the new Metrolink line to Droylsden will open to passengers on 11 February 2013. f.) Greater Manchester Museum of Transport Advisory Panel

Members were reminded that a meeting of the Greater Manchester Museum of Transport Advisory Panel would take place at the rise of the TfGMC meeting.


There were no declarations of interest made by any Member regarding any item on the agenda.


The Minutes of the proceedings of the TfGMC meeting, held on 16 November 2012, were submitted.


That the Minutes of the proceedings of the TfGMC meeting, held on 16 November 2012, be approved as a correct record.

TfGMC12/66 MINUTES FROM SUB COMMITTEES a.) Bus Network and TfGM Services Sub Committee

The Minutes of the proceedings of the Bus Network and TfGM Servicers Sub committee meeting, held on 23 November 2012, were submitted.

Following an enquiry by a Member regarding bus service 581, officers undertook to speak with the Member concerned outside the meeting.


That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Bus Network and TfGM Services Sub Committee meeting, held on 23 November 2012, be received.


Members received a report that presented them with a Forward Look of key work streams requiring decisions from the Joint Committee over the next four months.

It was noted that following recent comments by the Chancellor in his Autumn Budget Statement, the anticipated announcement on the proposed route of High

2 Speed Rail from Birmingham to Manchester and Leeds, would now take place in early 2013.


That the Forward Look be noted.

Section 2 – TfGMC Recommendations for Further Approval by GMCA

There were no items for further consideration be GMCA reported.

Section 3 – Items For Resolution by TfGMC

There were no items requiring approval by TfGMC reported.

Section 4 – Items for Information


Members received a report that provided them with an update on the progress to date of the Metrolink Capital Programme, including the work on the extensions and enhancements to the existing Metrolink network.

With regard to the forthcoming opening of the Metrolink extension to Droylsden on 11 February 2013, a Member enquired if a phased opening could take place earlier, with services operating to Clayton Hall. In response, officers explained that a key issue on the critical path on the East Manchester Line was work at Piccadilly Undercroft and for this reason, a phased opening to Clayton Hall would not be possible.

A Member thanked local businesses and residents along the East Manchester line for their patience during the construction process and welcomed the announcement on the opening of the line in February 2013.

A Member enquired if an interim signalling system could be introduced on the South Manchester line to allow trams to start to operate to Parrs Wood earlier than envisaged. In response, it was explained that the Tram Management System (TMS) would need to be in place for the remainder of the line in order for the safe and efficient operation of services to take place. Members noted that this is currently projected to be by the summer of 2013.

With regard to car parking at Mumps, a Member informed Members of vacant land that could potentially be utilised as a park and ride facility. In response, officers explained that this land had been surveyed, but had been discounted because potential passengers at Oldham Mumps were travelling from the north of Oldham and would ordinarily use the new park and ride facilities at Derker when this line was operational. For this reason, it was found that any development at this location would not provide a best value solution.



That the progress made in regard to the delivery of the new Metrolink lines, together with other associated works associated with the network expansion and improvements, be noted.


A report was presented that updated Members on the work that was now underway to progress the Committee’s policy priority to develop a Greater Manchester Freight Strategy.

It was noted that TfGM was progressing three priority workstreams of strategic review with regard to the Freight Strategy, namely:-

(i) Workstream A: a detailed analysis of freight issues within Trafford Park, and Enterprise Zone and the Regional Centre; (ii) Workstream B: formulating a long term understanding of proposed greater Manchester freight generating sites and the impact on the future transport network (taking into account Northern Hub); (iii) Workstream C: research into European best practise of urban freight initiatives, including quiet deliveries and consolidation centres and assessing the benefits of Greater Manchester implementing these benefits.

With regard to Workstream B, a Member enquired if there was a potential freight site close to the Calder Valley rail line that could be considered.

In relation to Port Salford, a Member commented that work was now taking place on this initiative and that officers should be mindful of scheme delivery timescales. In addition, an analysis was needed of the appropriate types of delivery vehicles. In response, officers explained the process for larger vehicles to deliver to consolidation centres and for smaller vehicles to undertake the final deliveries to destinations.

A Member enquired if access to the Trafford Park via the West Coast Mainline could be included in these considerations, as doing so would improve rail capacity to Stockport and on to Manchester. In response, officers undertook to include this suggestion as part of the consultation process.


1.) That the contents of the report, including the context for the work and the three priority workstreams now underway, be noted 2.) That a further report be brought to a future meeting of TfGMC following the completion of the work as set out in the report, in order to inform Members of the initial findings, be noted.


Members considered a report that provided an update in respect of the recently

4 announced acquisitions by of First Manchester’s Wigan bus business and assets and Bluebird Bus and Coaches’ bus business and assets. The report also gave an update on the action taken by First to reduce fares across parts of the bus service network.

A Member enquired if the 540 service had ceased to operate from First Manchester’s Bolton Depot, as only Stagecoach vehicles had been operating this service recently.

With regard to fares, a Member welcomed the initiative by First to reduce the weekly ticket to £13 on services within the M60 boundary but highlighted that this product was still more expensive than similar products available from other Greater Manchester operators and more expensive than those available on services operated by First in Sheffield, and sought confirmation as why First Manchester still could not offer fares consistent with other operators. In addition, a Member commented that TfGMC would continue to strongly encourage First Manchester to extend this fares reduction initiative to all areas of Greater Manchester.


1.) That the position in regard to the acquisition of First’s Wigan operations by Stagecoach and in particular the plans which were being developed by the latter to update the fleet and revise fares and tickets, be noted; 2.) That the position in regard to the purchase of by Stagecoach, be noted; 3.) That the position in regard to First Manchester’s fares initiative, be noted 4.) That a further report on these issues be brought to the next meeting of this Committee, be noted.



That under section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that this involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as set out in paragraph 3, Part 1, Schedule 12A, Local Government Act 1972 and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Section 5 – Items for Information


Members considered a report that informed them of a Greener Journeys led initiative that offer free travel to unemployed people for a period of a month on some bus services during early 2013 and presented proposals for this offer to be extended across the Metrolink network for this period.

5 Members welcomed any attempt to assist unemployed people to find employment and enquired as to how the initiative could be extended for longer. Details on how people qualified for the scheme and how passes were to be distributed were sought. In response, officers explained that those people who qualified for the scheme would be provided with a Job Centre Plus Travel Discount Card by their local Job Centre. The challenge of making people aware of the scheme was highlighted.

Members also drew attention to the short term nature of this initiative.

A Member commented that fares were prohibitively expensive for young people, particularly those on low incomes or undertaking training and highlighted that a national scheme of discounted fares for those on apprenticeships and low paid young should be provided.


1.) That the initiative by Greener Journeys to offer free travel to unemployed people for a period of one month on some bus services during early 2013, be noted; 2.) That approval be granted for TfGM to offer similar arrangements during the same period on the Metrolink network to complement this initiative, be noted; 3.) That officers be requested to explore with bus operators how, building upon this initiative, a more enduring arrangement could be put in place to further assist people in Greater Manchester, particularly young people who were seeking or entering training.


The Chair wished Members and officers a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Those sentiments were reciprocated.