Cloister Chronicle 163
liOISTER+ CnROIDCiill ST. JOSEPH'S PROVINCE The Fathers and Novices offer their heartfelt sympathy to Rev. Q. F . Beckley, 0. P ., on the death of his mother, to Bros. Raphael Kelliher, 0. P., and Arthur Kelly, 0. P., on the death of their sisters, to Very Rev. R. V. Walker, 0. P., S. T. Lr., on the death of his mother, to Revs. L. P. and R. B. Johannsen, 0 . P., on the death of their mother. May they rest in peace. Rev. P. R. Carroll, 0. P ., has been appointed pastor of St. Dominic's Church, Denver, Colorado. On March 7, Rev. B. C. Werner, 0 . P ., and on March 14, Rev. A. P. Curran, 0. P., spoke over the Paulist Radio, New York City, on "Condi tions in China." The Southern Mission Band has been assisted in its labors by Revs. W. R. Mahoney, 0. P., and W. P. Mcintyre, 0. P ., of the Western Mission Band. Rev. V. R. Dolan, 0. P., S. T. Lr., of the National Holy Name Head quarters, gave Lenten courses in Paterson, New Jersey, and in the Bronx, New York City. During this month three retreats will be given for the priests of the Alb any Diocese by Very Rev. M. J. Ripple, 0. P ., P. G. On May 6, the students of Aquinas College, Columbus, Ohio, staged their Annual Minstrel before a capacity house of 3800 people. Rev. C. L. Davis, 0. P., former professor at Aquinas College, has been transferred to the Eastern Mission Band. The Lenten course in St.
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