Local Residents submissions to the North Council electoral review

This PDF document contains 25 submissions from Local Residents.

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Cooper, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 03 April 2014 16:19 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Ward boundary changes

From: Cedric Nash Sent: 03 April 2014 09:55 To: Reviews@ Subject: Ward boundary changes

We support the revised proposals for the Leigh Woods triangle to be included in the Pill ward. Our area has the A369 Portishead road running through it and we have a more direct affinity to the villages situated along that route. We adjoin the parish of Abbots Leigh. To summarise we prefer that the existing arrangements for our staying in our present ward continues. We realise that the number of councillors representing the ward may change but despite this we are happy to endorse the proposals. In our view, over the last few years we have been served very well by our present councillor.

Cedric & Lesley Nash


Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 07 April 2014 09:50 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Attachments: Objections C Neil.doc

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.


‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Sent: 05 April 2014 08:29 To: Reviews@ Subject: North Somerset

Dear Sirs Please see attached letter with my objections to the latest proposals to change boundaries.

Yours faithfully, Christine Neil


The Review Officer (North Somerset) Local Government Boundary Commission for Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London. EC1M 5LG. Email: [email protected]

Dear Sir/ Madam

Re: North Somerset

I am very unhappy with the proposal to split the Parish of . I can see no merit in linking Failand w ith Pill and Easton in Gordano. Fail and is quite different fro m th ese areas a nd o ur i nterests will not be bes t ser ved by bei ng incorporated with them. Map B which sets out th e new boundary proposals addresses the needs of numbers, but at the expense of local democracy. I felt the proposals set out in Map A were much better.

We have a strong sense of community within Wraxall and Failand that has gone back many years a nd hav e act ed together to a ddress a number of i ssues threatening o ur local community in recent years, including attempts to build on the surrounding green belt. Unfortunately due to uncontrolled population growth in the UK further attempts to build on the green belt will be made by developers and the community will have to act with one voice, rath er than having our issues being addressed by many different councillors. Four elected representatives, unfamiliar with our parish, would not serve our interests. Furt her, in order to protec t the green belt a round Failand’s t riangle we would be dealing with 3 wards and six councillors under the new proposals.

Our Parish is w ell served curren tly b y our P arish Council and our two District Councillors and I w ould strongly urge the Bou ndary Co mmission to accept th e proposals in Map A, and reject Map B.

Yours faithfully

Dr Christine Neil

Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 07 April 2014 09:51 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: North Somerset Boundary Changes - Objection Attachments: Objections D Neil.doc

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.


‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Don Neil Sent: 05 April 2014 10:29 To: Reviews@ Subject: North Somerset Boundary Changes ‐ Objection

Please see attached letter.

Mr Donald Neil


The Review Officer (North Somerset) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London. EC1M 5LG

5th April 2014

Dear Sir/ Madam

Objection to North Somerset Boundary Changes set out in Map B

I am un happy with the proposal set out in Boundary Map B to split the Parish of Wraxall and Failand. Failand has little in common with Pill and Easton in Gordano but has strong links to Wraxall. I believe local democracy will best be served by the proposals set out in Map A.

In recent y ears w e have h ad to fight off d evelopers attempting to build on th e surrounding green belt. We will certainly have to do so again in t he future. Protecting the green belt will best be done by working with a few key people who understand our local Parish Plan (Wraxall and Failand 2009-19) than by trying to work with up to six councillors who may b e more in terested in d ealing wi th the issues of P ill th an the issues of Failand.

I am lodging a formal objection to the Ma p B proposals and would strongly urge the Boundary Commission to accept the Map A proposals.

Yours faithfully

Mr Donald Neil

Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 07 April 2014 09:50 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: North Somerset Boundary Changes - objection Attachments: N Somerset objection Philip Neil.doc

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.


From: Philip Neil Sent: 05 April 2014 09:07 To: Reviews@ Subject: North Somerset Boundary Changes - objection


The Review Officer (North Somerset) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London. EC1M 5LG

3rd April 2014

Dear Sirs

North Somerset Proposed Boundary Changes

The new proposal to split the Parish of Wraxall and Failand lacks merit and I wish to lodge a strong objection.

Failand has little in common with Pill and Easton in Gordano. It does however have strong links with Wraxall going back many years. Failand’s interests will best be served by the proposals set out in Map A.

I would ask the Boundary Commission to accept the proposals in Map A, and reject Map B.

Yours faithfully

Mr Philip Neil

Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 07 April 2014 09:49 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Electoral Review of North Somerset Attachments: Letterhead Review Officer.doc; Review Officer page 2.doc

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.


From: Julia Norton Sent: 04 April 2014 23:45 To: Reviews@ Subject: Electoral Review of North Somerset

Dear Sirs,

I attach a copy of the letter which I have posted to you today objecting to the revised proposal Map B.

Yours faithfully,

Julia Norton


The Review Officer (North Somerset) Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

4 April 2014

Dear Sirs,

Electoral Review of North Somerset Objection to Revised Proposal (Map B)

Having attended the public meeting held in Wraxall on 19 March 2014 which explained the current proposals for boundary changes, I write to say how horrified I am that you have on the table a revised proposal known as Map B. This proposal is to my mind wholly unacceptable and I am unable to really comprehend why you changed from the initial recommendations which were shown in Map A. I would be happy to accept Map A in respect of Wraxall and Failand.

My reasons for objecting to Map B and urging you to revert back to Map A are that:

1. There is a strong sense of community between Wraxall and Failand. We are part of the same ecclesiastical parish and work hard at making ourselves one parish. 2. The two Churches, All Saints', Wraxall and St. Bartholomew's, Failand, combine for worship on numerous occasions. Examples might be our Patronal Festivals, Carol Services, this coming Sunday before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and others. 3. A monthly parish lunch, organised by members of both Churches, is held in Failand Village Hall. This brings together members of our whole community, both Wraxall and Failand, for a delicious meal at a very reasonable cost and allows them the opportunity to chat and exchange news. Drivers from both ends of the parish collect those unable to reach the lunch under their own steam. Before the lunch there is a short Communion Service which is much appreciated by those unable to access Church normally. 4. Once a month, at the Cross Tree Centre, in Wraxall, there is afternoon tea known as "Time for Tea". Again this is open to members of the whole parish and gives a second occasion for conversation and socialising. 5. A Harvest Barn Dance is now a feature of the parish calendar. This is held in Failand Village Hall and members of both Churches organise and attend this function. Likewise the Harvest Tea in the Cross Tree Centre is a second opportunity, at that time of year, for Parish members to meet and enjoy time together. 6. Other events, such as picnics, walks, pantomimes, concerts, carol singing etc are supported by the parish as a whole. 7. Bible study, Home Communions and children's work involves Christians from across the parish. 8. In the wider Christian setting, Christians Together in Nailsea & District includes our parish of 'Wraxall with Failand'. And we chose representatives, as a parish, for the Deanery. 9. I believe that this sense of community is strengthened because our ecclesiastical boundary has for many years been the same as the civil boundary. If these two are no longer the same then I believe that it will ultimately lead to division in the community. It is difficult to see how the ecclesiastical parish will operate with two communities looking, secularly, in different directions.

1 Orchard House

10. Wraxall CEVA Primary School has a catchment of the whole Parish. This may become problematic if Map B is adopted. 11. Our main roads run east-west and both the B3128 known as the 'Top Road' through Failand and the B3130, the 'Lower Road' through Wraxall are main commuter routes into . Both more importantly link Wraxall and Failand to Long Ashton. Bus services run along these roads. 12. These main roads follow natural features and boundaries. The B3128 follows the Failand Ridge and the B3130 borders the Land Yeo river valley. 13. Only narrow lanes run north-south with weight restrictions on them and no bus services. 14. Wraxall & Failand are predominantly rural in character something shared with Long Ashton. 15. Within the parish we have Tyntesfield, a Property, which attracts may visitors to our beautiful area. Volunteers are drawn from the parish and beyond. The events organised there are supported by many from our community. 16. There are three pubs in the parish which are well used by the local community. The Failand Inn, The Battleaxes and The Old Barn in Wraxall. The Old Barn hosts the annual Church Fete in its walled garden and is a venue for carol singing at Christmas. 17. Failand Village Hall and the Cross Tree Centre are widely used by the whole parish for different events. Failand boasts an active Failand Society, Drama Circle, Failanders' Club and Women's Institute. Wraxall has a Women's Institute, Mothers' Union and Toddlers Group. 18. The North Somerset Show Ground lies to the south of the B3130 on the way from Wraxall to Long Ashton. The main event is the annual North Somerset Show held in May which draws thousands to the area. Many from the parish attend and are involved in various ways. 19. Wraxall Parochial Charities operates to assist the underprivileged in the parish of Wraxall & Failand. Its trustees are drawn from the whole parish and meet regularly to discuss the needs within the parish. Trustees are selected for their local knowledge and understanding of this community. I am not clear how this will continue, into the future, if the secular parish is divided. 20. An annual parish outing for older members of our parish takes place each year. Those eligible are encouraged to participate in this free outing. Costs are covered by fund raising and donations from within the parish.

I would urge you to re-consider the revised proposal known as Map B and revert back to the initial recommendations as shown on Map A. Wraxall and Failand have been a community historically for many years and the links, which continue to be fostered, have been well and truly cemented in time. Please do not destroy my community by splitting it apart.

Yours faithfully,

Julia Norton

2 Cooper, Mark

From: Bowden, Tim Sent: 12 March 2014 14:22 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Ward Boundary Changes

Tim Bowden Review Manager Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

Tel: 020 7664 8514 www.lgbce.org.uk

It would help us if you would take a few minutes to answer a few questions about your experience of how we dealt with you.

How are we doing? - Click on this link to give us your views

From: James Nye Sent: 12 March 2014 12:36 To: Reviews@ Subject: Ward Boundary Changes

I wish to support the revised proposals for our area of North Somerset. I wish to be part of the 2 member Pill and Easton in Gordano ward as I believe that this would best serve our local connections which lie along the A369, as the previous representations have stated. Leigh Woods, about 270 households, would like to stay part of the Easton in Gordano ward as Leigh Woods is primarily affected by the A369 and the Clifton Suspension Bridge, concerns more closely allied with Abbots Leigh, and Easton in Gordano than Long Ashton.

The revised proposals ensure That we stay as nearly as possible the same as present, even with the reduced number of Councillors, i.e. part of the Easton in Gordano ward.

Long Ashton, unlike our community, is not affected by the suspension bridge and the A369 and indeed we are separated from Long Ashton by the Aston Court Estate.


James Nye,


Sent from my iPad

2 Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 14 March 2014 10:08 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: N. Somerset Proposed Boundary Changes

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.

Regards, Helen

From: Jim O'Farrell [ Sent: 13 March 2014 19:54 To: Reviews@ Subject: N. Somerset Proposed Boundary Changes

Dear Sirs, I have been aware that boundary changes were being proposed to alter my local district council, which is Winford Ward, in order to make ward sizes similar, and to reduce the number of councillors. Your first proposal, which I could understand, was to add to Winford Ward, the further parishes of Barrow Gurney, Flax Bourton and Dundry. As these parishes are close to us, and have similar rural makeup, and similar concerns, this seemed an acceptable compromise. It has now been brought to my attention, that because of problems in the Gordano/Pill area, which, having been resolved, have a knock on affect elsewhere i.e to Winford. The proposal is that the original wards, minus Flax Bourton, link up with Long Ashton. This would push the number of voters up dramatically and hence become a two member ward. This proposal concerns me a great deal as Long Ashton is a totally different demographic. It is a small town whereas all other areas are villages. The concerns of Long Ashton, are very different to the concerns of us and our adjacent villages, particularly in relation to Bristol Airport for example. I would ask the Commissioners to abandon the revised proposal, and adopt the original proposal as being right for the local villages. I have nothing against the people in Long Ashton, but do not consider that they would worry too much about what is going on in villages “close” (questionable) to them. In Winford Ward we have a Councillor who is independent, who lives in the main village, and cares passionately about local needs. I would not be confident that a Councillor from Long Ashton would have the same concerns. Yours faithfully,

James O’Farrell Resident of Felton


Cooper, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 20 March 2014 13:54 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: proposed ward boundary changes in North Somerset

From: James Parkhouse Sent: 20 March 2014 12:02 To: Reviews@ Cc: Subject: proposed ward boundary changes in North Somerset

The Review Officer

Dear Sir, I wish to register my objection to split the Parish of Wraxall and Failand from the Long Ashton ward as suggested in Map B.

The original proposal, Map A is in my view a better solution as it maintains the social and cultural ties with Long Ashton. Many people in this area use the two roads, B3128 and B3130 our links to Bristol, and Nailsea, on a regular basis for shopping and medical services etc. G.E.Oil and Gas, a major employer in on the B3130 adjoining Nailsea and the main entrance to National Trust House Tyntesfield in Wraxall is on the B3128. Tyntesfield is so large it’s boundaries touch Failand and nearly reach Long Ashton, so in many respects the arguments put forward by others regarding the social/cultural links along the A369 are equally valid in the existing ward.

Wraxall and Failand Parish Council serves this area well and the two (Long Ashton) District Councillors are well acquainted with the needs and have fought Nailsea’s attempts at absorbing part of Wraxall into the Town, mainly for financial (council tax) reasons.

Further large scale development in Wraxall is very unlikely due to the National Trust’s ownership so numerically Wraxall and Failand PC area should not wreck your plans for even ward numbers. Please implement Map A.

Yours faithfully, James J. Parkhouse


Cooper, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 03 April 2014 16:18 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Proposed New Electoral Ward Boundaries

From: Cynthia Peak Sent: 03 April 2014 14:36 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposed New Electoral Ward Boundaries

Dear Sirs, As a Wraxall resident I am against the proposal to split Wraxall from Failand/Long Ashton. As Wraxall and Failand historically and geographically belong together, to remove Wraxall from its present grouping and tag it on to Gordano as an ill-fitting 'spare' would seem totally inappropriate and unworkable. Yours faithfully Cynthia Peak

88 Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 28 March 2014 16:50 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: boundary changes

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.

Regards, Helen

From: Robin Pellowe Sent: 28 March 2014 15:17 To: Reviews@ Subject: boundary changes

I am writing to disagree with the proposed boundary changes involving the parish of Dundry.

Dundry has no links with Long Ashton and we are quite different in character being very much a rural community. Bristol airport is an important issue in the Dundry parish and Long Ashton would certainly not share the concerns that we have. We have strong links with BANES (schooling and medical services).Long Ashton does not. Also as a small parish we would be be overwhelmed by being linked to Long Ashton.

As you can see it would not be in our best interests to be thus linked.

Yours faithfully, Jane Pellowe


Cooper, Mark

From: Bowden, Tim Sent: 12 March 2014 14:20 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: North Somerset

Tim Bowden Review Manager Local Government Boundary Commission for England Layden House 76-86 Turnmill Street London EC1M 5LG

Tel: 020 7664 8514 www.lgbce.org.uk

It would help us if you would take a few minutes to answer a few questions about your experience of how we dealt with you.

How are we doing? - Click on this link to give us your views

From: yandjperry Sent: 12 March 2014 12:24 To: Reviews@ Subject: North Somerset

Please note my support for map B . (Proposed boundary changes). As a resident of Leigh Woods, I feel this would best serve local connections. Thank you. John Perry,

Sent from Samsung Mobile

1 Cooper, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 18 March 2014 09:58 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Proposed changes to Winford ward N Somerset

From: Sarah Perry Sent: 18 March 2014 09:41 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposed changes to Winford ward N Somerset

I wish to comment on the amalgamation of the Winford ward with that of Long Ashton Bristol which I understand is being proposed under the government boundary changes.

Whilst I understand the reasoning behind trying to make the number of voters in each area more balanced, it is not viable to treat rural areas with village communities in the same way as urbanised areas that are part of a large city. It is not fair to either community as both have spcific issues that should not be respresented from a distance. Rural areas by their very nature have fewer voters but that should not mean we are combined with a city ward that has different priorities. Having moved out of the city of Bristol to rural Winford I can appreciate the difference between the needs of the city to that of a small community of villages.

We need to be represented by people who understand issues such as our rural roads and traffic issues, the good and the bad of being close to Bristol airport, and can generally work to maintain village life.

I hope this review will take the uniqueness of all villages into consideration when looking at the boundary changes.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Perry

196 Cooper, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 02 April 2014 09:13 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Proposed boundary changes

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: David Pettican Sent: 01 April 2014 23:10 To: Reviews@ Subject: Proposed boundary changes


We live at

We are concerned at the probable detrimental effect the proposed wards shown on Map B would have on the village and residents of Failand.

Change can be good. In business I often promoted it. But only when it led to improvement in some way.

The map provided on the website is far from clear, but it appears that Failand is split in two!

As stated above, we live on The other side is a field which is in Long Ashton.

Failand and Long Ashton are joined together. Failand is not joined with Abbots Leigh.

Some years ago we fought off a proposed development in the fields opposite. A development not in the best interests of Failand residents.

If we are in a different ward from Long Ashton in future, would we be as successful?

Possibly not.

I understand there is considerable concern amongst residents about the proposals contained in Map B.

One must hope that airing those concerns will encourage you to adopt the draft recommendations in Map A.

David and Ann Pettican ‐

122 Cooper, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 24 March 2014 11:40 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: North Somerset Proposed Ward Boundary Changes

Importance: High

From: louise piercy Sent: 21 March 2014 14:14 To: Reviews@ Subject: North Somerset Proposed Ward Boundary Changes Importance: High

21 March 2014

Dear Sirs,

Boundary Changes in North Somerset – Wraxall and Failand

I wish to complain about the proposed changes to the boundaries and in particular to MY VILLAGE.

I live in the postal address of Failand which is where my community and religious activities take place. I do however live in the parish of Long Ashton.

Under the boundary changes shown in Map B my property will be a part of Long Ashton, as before, however my neighbours and friends of the community would be in the Ward of Pill and Easton in Gordano. I therefore believe this would split our community.

I was born in the village of Failand and we have historically always been associated with Wraxall as the church is in the ecclesiastical parish of Wraxall with Failand. Historically we have always been a part of Long Ashton as part of the RDC in previous years and latterly as part of the ward, our parish and district councils have always served us well. I strongly believe that Failand would be a poor relation in the Pill/Easton in Gordano relationship if these changes were to happen.

There is a natural link from Long Ashton along the B3128, Failand and the B3130, through Wraxall. I feel there is no natural road affinity with Pill and in effect the village would become isolated from both Long Ashton and our natural partner of Wraxall.

In the original plan submitted as Map A our parish and ward remained intact which would retain our community and I must say I am in favour of this plan as opposed to latter one (Map B) and is more logical in use of the arterial routes from Bristol.

Please do not split our community into 2 different wards and lose the local expertise of our District Councillors, we wish to remain as Wraxall and Failand in the Ward of Long Ashton and I ask you to use Map A as the plan for the future.

169 Many thanks Louise Piercy


Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 14 March 2014 10:05 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: ward changes in North Somerset

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.

Regards, Helen

From: Denise Poole Sent: 13 March 2014 18:45 To: Reviews@ Subject: ward changes in North Somerset

To the Local Government Boundary Commission. - An objection to the recent 2014 Boundary Proposals

Dear Sir / Madam,

As a resident of Winford I am very concerned at the new proposals of which we have just been notified. The proposal to add Winford into a two councillor ward under Long Ashton would be extremely detrimental to our district council representation for the following reasons.

Long Ashton itself has I understand an electorate of something like 4250 out of a proposed 6900, so it would be extremely unlikely that anybody other than a Long Ashton based councillor could get elected to either of the two seats available. Consequently I am very concerned about how much interest they would show in our Parish

Winford, Dundry and Barrow Gurney are rural parishes, and Winford consists of three small villages with few amenities as there is only one shop, one primary school, a pub in each village and almost no bus service. It has little similarity to the life and community structure of the growing urban community of Long Ashton.

Winford secondary school aged children mainly go to Chew Valley school which is over the border in BANES, as is our local surgery and our most available shopping. What understanding will Long Ashton based councillors have of this situation, or indeed for the impact on Winford parish residents of our immediate neighbour Bristol Airport on our Western boundary.

Winford is separated from Long Ashton by two main roads the A38 and the A370 and the geographical layout of the area makes it unlikely that Winford residents will normally visit Long Ashton for shopping or recreation.

As proposed the 2013 boundary alignment of one councillor for the four rural parishes of Winford, Dundry, Barrow Gurney and Flax Bourton was a much better fit to our village communities. The recent 2014 proposal may be a numerical fit but what use is that to the proper representation of the residents, and I therefore request that the 2013 proposals be reinstated for our future representation by a village based representative.

Yours faithfully,


Denise Poole

213 Cooper, Mark

From: Egan, Helen Sent: 17 March 2014 10:13 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Failand Parish Boundary

Hi Mark,

Please see below a submission for North Somerset.

Regards, Helen

From: Michael Poole Sent: 17 March 2014 10:09 To: Reviews@ Subject: Failand Parish Boundary

Dear Sir,

This is to confirm my opposition to the changes proposed to the Parish boundaries and allocation of Councillors. Failand Parish needs to be represented by local people with local knowledge and local interests and both Bob Cook and Charles Cave fit these criteria and do an excellent job. No changes please!

Yours faithfully,

Michael Poole

198 Cooper, Mark

From: Fuller, Heather Sent: 02 April 2014 14:24 To: Cooper, Mark Subject: FW: Wraxall and Failand Parish Council

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: katie [mailto: Sent: 02 April 2014 14:22 To: Reviews@ Subject: Wraxall and Failand Parish Council

Dear Sirs

Subject : New Electoral Ward Boundaries

I am writing to make my feelings known regarding the suggested change where Failand will no longer be in the Ward of Wraxall and Long Ashton but will change to Pill and Easton in Gordano Ward.

Wraxall and Failand Parish Council has worked extremely well together for over a century and the link with Long Ashton makes sense as we are so close together and share boundaries.

Wraxall and Failand have a good community spirit and share a lot of activities and the Vicar covers the two village churches and the two communities.

I would, therefore, ask you to re‐consider your recommendation and choose Plan A.

Yours faithfully

Kate Pool

Sent from my iPad