Apollo 14 Mission Report May 1971

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Apollo 14 Mission Report May 1971 :i:i:i:i:!:!:!:i:i:!:!"""'''""-'-'.'.'-':'.'.'.'.'.: ¢_ : i_ ' "J •" MSC-04112 OOIO%%,%%Q°%,*QQ 1 j ::::::::::::::::::::::... ....'. f'A_.Y -.=.,,%%%1.%*o%1tm NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION :::;.,..........,...... • so :-:-:':':':-:':'1-:'1"1.====°°oJ°° =°=°°==°°,o°%%1°°°°°o i< =='='*=°°=°-*=',===-°-° °=%%1o-i°°,°=°,=°°o o, .%J==,==°=o===o=o°===O°..%=,°°Ool .:°:.:,i-;°:,:°:°:°;°i,' ? .°%%,°.°°.t°o_o°oO°l °°°°°%oo°,°°°%o°°°o °°°°°°°°°°o= J-,%%:',:°o':'.-.,,.,°:'°:*.':':':',°g :':':" APOLLO 14 MISSION REPORT ,,°.,o..,o%%-o%Ool ,.,°,.,o°.,o%%%o1%1 ,.,°-o,°-,°°=.%Oo-°,,g e,,,.°.-.,,,,,.°.oo%,o .o=.=*.°oo. .°o°°°.oooo ==°.Oo%-.%°.Oo%.i., ° .=,.°o...==,.=,*=%ol- o ,-o.°%,.,,*...°.%oo.o =-o,°°,,.%*°-.%%%Jo *...=.°.t°o .°°,==%%%°.°=%1°%o .°-,..,.==.o°.O°%%%o j :.',:*.'e=:':';':';';':':'1":.e.°* °o°o%%°,%°,°°°°°°°°°°°°°°.°..'°%%°o°°°o ° °°°°°°°°°°,°°.°°%°°%° °oO°O.Oo.°.,°.O°.oO°%O °°°°o°%%%o.o°..%°,o _o%°.%°°J,%'o"=°=%o .,,°==,°,,==°°.°%COO ,,°.°=°oo°o°,°.ooo=.o== =l°°o_o.,°=o %%°,%-o%%%o°-°=°* o=°.,,°.°=.°,..,=.o,=== %,°o,%-,Oo%%,oO_%_ %%%,°°,%,.%,oo°%* %=°%%-°-o%,,_OoOo_ ===e°=%-,Oo%°=%o=%° o,*.°o,._.o, .°.o,=.°,°.-=%%-=,.°, °°=,°°%o_%°=.°=o=_,J.,Oo%%%-, =°=,°=°°°=°=,o=%==°°==O_°o===** °,=..==°=.==-°°,*=,o°= = °=,.===°°=°.,°%=°o= "'7i1777iiliii7i o.°O.°°°.°o..°°°°°° !'!'ii!iiiiiiiii!iii!ii °°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°'. =.o.-=,.o,%°,,°o,%%° -_ _. ::::::::::::::::::::::: DISTRIBUTION AND REFERENCING °°°°....°°,.%%.°-°°o° °°°°°°°°-°,°°°..°°°.°°. ::::::_:_:_::_:_::: This paper i$ not suitable for general distribution or referencing. It may be referenced _::_:_:_:_:::_: only in other working correspondence and documents by participating organizations. ......-o%......-.,.,.. o,o......o.. • • • • • ° • • ...,. _:._.,,_._ MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER i,, _,_y HOUSTON,TEXAS " _-=Y MAY 1971 !i!i!iii:i:iiiiiiii!ii! ,=,°°,.,o=° i:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:ioo°.o°o°°°° ,oo°°°,°°o°,.o°°° .... °° ,.°.°.%°.°.°.-.°.%%° APOLLO SPACECRA_ FLIGHT HISTORY -- Mission report Mission n_ber _ _ Launch date Launch site PA-1 Postlaumch BP-6 First pad abort Nov. 7, 1963 White Sands memora_ d_ Missile Range, N. Mex. A-0OI MSC-A-R-64-1 BP-12 Transcmle abort May 13, 1964 White Sands Missile Range, N. Mex. AS-IOI MSC-A-R-6_-2 BP-13 Nominal launch and May 28, 1964 Cape Kennedy, exit environment Fla. AS-I02 MSC-A-R-6_-3 BP-15 Nominal launch and Sept. 18, 196_ Cape Kennedy, exit environment Fla. A-002 MSC-A-R-65-1 BP-23 Maximum dynamic Dec. 8, 1964 White Sands pressure abort Missile Range, N. Mex. AS-103 _R-SAT-FE-66-h BP-16 Mierometeoroid Feb. 16, 1965 Cape Kennedy, (M_FC) experiment Fla. A-003 MSC-A-R-65-2 BP-22 Low-altitude abort May 19, 1965 White Sands (planned high- Missile Range, altitude abort) N. Mex. A8-I04 Not published BP-26 Micrometeoroid M_v 25, 1965 Cape Kennedy, experiment and Fla. service module reaction control system launch environment PA-2 MSC-A-R-65-3 BP-23A Second pad abort June 29, 1965 White Sands Missile Range, N. Max. AS-IS5 Not published BP-gA Micro_teoroid July 30, 1965 C_pe Kennedy, experiment and Fla. service module reaction control system launch environment A-004 MSC-A-R-66-3 SC-002 Power-on tumbling Jan. 20, 1966 White Sands boundary abort Missile Range, N. Mex. AS-201 MSC-A-B-66-_ SC-009 Supereireular Feb. 26, 1966 Cape Kennedy, entry with high Fla. heat rate __ AS-202 MSC-A-R-66- 5 SC-011 8upercircular Aug. 25, 1966 Cape Kennedy, entry with high Fla. heat load Continued inside back cover) MSC-04112 APOLLO 14 MISSION REPORT PREPARED BY Mission Evaluation Team APPROVED BY ./ JamesColonel,A. McDivittUSAF Mana r, Apollo Spacecraft Program NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER HOUSTON, TEXAS April 1971 Apollo 14 lift-off. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 MISSION SUMMARY ..................... i-i 2.0 INTRODUCTION ...................... 2-1 3.0 LUNAR SURFACE EXPERIMENTS ................ 3-1 3.1 APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE EXPERIMENTS PACKAGE ..... 3-5 3.2 LASER R_NGING RETRO-REFLECTOR .......... 3-12 \ 3.3 LUNAR PORTABLE MAGNETOMETER EXPERIMENT ...... 3-12 3.4 SOLAR WIND COMPOSITION EXPERIMENT ........ 3-14 3.5 LUNAR GEOLOGY .................. 3-14 3.6 LUNAR SOIL _CHANICS ............... 3-15 3.7 MODULAR EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTER .......... 3-16 3.8 APOLLO L_DING SITES ............... 3-18 \ 4.0 LUNAR ORBITAL EXPERIMENTS ................ L-I _ 4. i S-BAND TRANSPONDER ................ 4-1 _,_ _ 4.2 BISTATI C RADAR .................. 4-1 4.3 GEGENSCHEIN/MOULTON POINT PHOTOGRAPHY FROM LUNAR ORBIT ................ 4-2 4.4 APOLLO WINDOW METEOROID EXPERIMENT ........ 4-3 4.5 DIM-LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY .............. 4-4 4.6 COMMAND AND SERVICE MODULE ORBITAL SCIENCE PHOTOGRAPHY ................... 4-4 4.7 PHOTOGRAPHS OF A CANDIDATE EXPLORATION SITE 4-5 4.8 VISIBILITY AT HIGH SUN ANGLES .......... 4-5 4.9 TRANSEARTH LUNAR PHOTOGRAPHY ........... 4-6 5.0 INFLIGHT DEMONSTRATIONS ................. 5-1 5.1 ELECTROPHORETIC SEPARATION ............ 5-1 5.2 LIQUID TRANSFER ................. 5-1 5.3 HEAT FLOW AND CON_CTION ............. 5-4 5.4 COMPOSITE CASTING ................ 5-4 iv Section Page 6.0 TRAJECTORY ...................... 6-1 6.1 LAUNCH AND TRANSLUNAR TRAJECTORIES ....... 6-1 6.2 LUNAR ORBIT ................ 6-1 6.3 TRANSEARTH AND ENTRY TRAJECTORIES ....... 6-12 6.4 SERVICE MODULE ENTRY .............. 6-12 7.0 COMMAND AND SERVICE MODULE PERFORMANCE ........ 7-1 7.1 STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ....... 7-1 7.2 ELECTRICAL POWER ................ 7-1 7.3 CRYOGENIC STORAGE ............... 7-2 7.4 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ............ 7-3 7.5 INSTRUMENTATION ................ 7-4 7.6 GUIDANCE, NAVIGATION AND CONTROL ........ 7-5 7.7 REACTION CONTROL SYSTEMS ............ 7-11 7.8 SERVICE PROPULSION SYSTEM .......... 7-12 7.9 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND CREW STATION ..... 7-12 7.10 CONSUMABLES .................. 7-15 8.0 LUNAR MODULE PERFORMANCE ............... 8-1 8.1 STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ....... 8-1 8.2 ELECTRICAL POWER ............... 8-4 8.3 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ............ 8-4 8.4 RADAR ..................... 8-5 8.5 INSTRUMENTATION ................ 8-5 8.6 GUIDANCE, NAVIGATION AND CONTROL ...... 8-6 8.7 DESCENT PROPULSION ............... 8-13 8.8 ASCENT PROPULSION ............... 8-14 8.9 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND CREW STATION ..... 8-15 8.10 EXTRAVEHICULAR MOBILITY UNIT .......... 8-16 8.11 CONSUMABLES .................. 8-17 9.0 PILOT'S REPORT .................... 9-i 9.1 TRAINING .................... 9-1 9.2 LAUNCH ..................... 9-1 Section Page 9.3 EARTH ORBIT .................. 9-2 9.4 TRANSLUNAR INJECTION .............. 9-2 9.5 TRANSLUNAR FLIGHT ............... 9-2 9.6 LUNAR ORBIT INSERTION ............. 9-4 9.7 DESCENT ORBIT INSERTION ........... 9-4 9.8 LUNAR MODULE CHECKOUT ............. 9-5 9.9 POWERED DESCENT ................ 9-6 9.10 LUNAR SURFACE ACTIVITY ............. 9-8 9.11 ASCENT, RENDEZVOUS, AND DOCKING ........ 9-17 9.12 COMMAND AND SERVICE MODULE LUNAR ORBIT ACTIVITIES .................. 9-19 9.13 TRANSEARTH INJECTION .............. 9-27 9.14 TRANSEARTH COAST ................ 9-27 9.15 ENTRY AND LANDING ............... 9-28 i0.0 BIOMEDICAL EVALUATION ................. i0-i i0.i BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND PHYSIOLOGICAL DATA ..................... i0-i i0.2 MEDICAL OBSERVATIONS .............. i0-ii i0.3 PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS ............. 10-14 i0.4 FLIGHT CREW HEALTH STABILIZATION ........ 10-14 i0.5 QUARANTINE ................... 10-15 ii.0 MISSION SUPPORT PERFORMANCE .............. ii-i ii. i FLIGHT CONTROL ................ ii-i ii. 2 NETWORK .................... 11-2 ii. 3 RECOVERY OPERATIONS .............. 11-3 12.0 ASSESSMENT OF MISSION OBJECTIVES ........... 12-1 12.1 PARTIALLY COMPLETED OBJECTIVES ......... 12-3 12.2 INFLIGHT DEMONSTRATIONS ............ 12-4 12.3 APPROVED OPERATIONAL TESTS ........... 12-4 13.0 LAUNCH PHASE SUMMARY ................. 13-1 13. i WEATHER CONDITIONS ............... 13-1 vi Section Page 13.2 ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY EXPERIMENTS ...... 13-1 13.3 LAUNCH VEHICLE SUMMARY ............. 13-6 14.0 ANOMALY SUMMARY .................... 14-1 14.i COMMAND AND SERVICE MODULE ........... 14-i 14.2 LUNAR MODULE ................. 14-24 14.3 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT ......... 14-42 14.4 APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE EXPERIMENTS .... 14-47 15 •0 CONCLUSIONS ...................... 15-1 APPENDIX A - VEHICLE DESCRIPTION ............... A-I A.I COMMAND AND SERVICE MODULE ........... A-I A. 2 LUNAR MODULE .................. A-6 A.3 EXTRAVEHICULAR MOBILITY UNIT .......... A-IO A. 4 EXPERIMENT EQUIPMENT .............. A-IO A. 5 MASS PROPERTIES ................ A-13 APPENDIX B - SPACECRAFT HISTORIES ............... B-I APPENDIX C - POSTFLIGHT TESTING ................ C-I APPENDIX D - DATA AVAILABILITY ................ D-I APPENDIX E - MISSION REPORT SUPPLEMENTS ............ E-I APPENDIX F - GLOSSARY ..................... F-I REFERENCES .......................... R-I 1-1 1.0 MISSION SUMMARY The Apollo 14 mission, manned by Alan Shepard, Jr., Commander; Stuart A. Roosa, Command Module Pilot; and Edgar D. Mitchell, Lunar Module Pilot; was launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, at 4:03:02 p.m.e.s.t. (21:03:02 G.m.t.) on January 31, 1971. Because of unsatisfactory weather conditions at the planned time of launch, a launch delay (about 40 minutes) was experienced for the first time in the Apollo program. The activities during earth orbit and translunar injection were similar to those of previous lunar landing missions ; how- ever, during transposition and docking following translunar injection, six attempts were required to achieve docking because
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