Communism Unmasked

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Communism Unmasked COMMUNISM UNMASKED By JEAN PATRICE, S.T.M. B.A. PUBLISHED BY NEW TIMES LTD. DEDICATED TO A FAMILY TO WHOM I AM PERSONALLY GREATLY INDEBTED, J. AND M. AND J., AN IDEAL FAMILY, AND TRULY SYMPATHETIC WITH THE MASSES, REGARDLESS OF CREED OR LAND OF BIRTH. PUBLISHED BY NEW TIMES LTD. 273 LITTLE COLLINS STREET, MELBOURNE, 3000 VICTORIA AUSTRALIA. FIFTH EDITION, 1970 PRINTED BY KENKYUSHA PRINTING CO., LTD. TOKYO JAPAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface to Fifth Edition 1 Preface to Fourth Edition 18 Preface to Second Edition 21 Preface to First Edition 22 What's Wrong Today? 41 Communism a High Finance Anti-British Plot . 49 Hypocrisy of Communism 52 Lest we Are Misunderstood 55 World Full of Wealth 59 Money Is an Order on Goods 60 Banks Manufacture Money 61 Fearful Power of the Bankers 65 Depression Caused by Bankers 71 Russia Smashed Up By International Finance . 85 Revolution in Russia 92 Jews in Other Revolutions 99 Communistic Officials in Russia 104 Jews Still Dominate Russia . 111 Communism in Russia a Huge Failure 114 Communism Outside of Russia 124 U.N.O. Is a Communistic Organization .... 126 Political and Economic Planning (P.E.P.) is Communistic 134 Federal Union is Communistic 142 International Currency Plan is Communistic . 147 Communistic Professors of Economics 152 Hitler and the Jews 160 Six Million Jews Gassed.—What a Joke!. ... 174 Fascism is to be Condemned 181 Persecution of Religion in Russia 187 These Schools for Communism 195 Page The So-Called New Morality 211 This Idea of Work at Any Cost 219 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion . 226 The Folly of Dialogue with Communists .... 236 Appendix I Stalin the Terrible 239 Appendix II Jews and Vatican II 257 Appendix III Communism and Strikes .... 269 Preface to the Fifth Edition With the exception of some chapters, viz., the Jewishness of U.N.O., the alleged slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews, the trial of Cardinal Mindszenty, the betrayal at Pearl Harbour, lists of other Jewish- inspired Revolutions, and lists of unsuspected but still Communistic movements in our midst, and a few events of obviously quite recent happening—with these exceptions, this book first appeared in 1943 under a different title and different anonymous authorship. The work went into many editions, each of thou­ sands of copies, an incontestable proof of its intrinsic worth. It is now being republished after a lapse of some years. We have been strongly advised to keep the different original Prefaces. Some parts of the book could be out of date, but they could serve to show trends. Hence they are not omitted. If, for a mo­ ment, the grandiose Red plan is scoffed at as being fantastic, consider that one-fourth of the land surface of the world and one-third of the peoples of the earth are now controlled by the world-wide Communistic bloc. The book is now being brought out again with the firm conviction of its paramount necessity. In his delightful little book—"Know Your Enemy"—Robert H. Williams goes behind the scenes and exposes some of the Jewish mischiefmakers of the present era. In our book we are endeavouring to unmask Com­ munism and point out who are the sinister forces working in the dark and leading the unsuspecting masses up the garden path. For the same diabolical forces are at work today as at the time of the original writing of this book. 2 Lord Acton, speaking of the French Revolution, said: "The appalling thing in it is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke, we perceive evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed, but there is no doubt about their presence from the first." So then, no one can justly say that this edition of our book is out of date. The book contains lists of names. These lists prove beyond doubt that Communism is a Jewish movement. The lists should further help readers to see the falsity of Jewish assertions that the Jews are an innocent but much persecuted race and that it is high time that Christians stopped maligning them. It would be much nearer the mark of sincerity if Jewish leaders stopped persecuting the Christians. Though Communism is controlled by Jews, it must not be thought that every Jew is a Communist. It is quite possible that many Jews do not really know who are running the movement and what are its ultimate aims. What is more remarkable still, high up Com­ munistic Jewry would not hesitate to get slaughtered in pogroms or in wars their lesser Jewish brethren if they considered it a help to the gaining of Jewish world control after these latter have done their dirty work. How many people realize that when Hitler turned on the Jews and scattered them, he was only walking into a Jewish trap by which he helped the Jews to gain positions left vacant by our own soldiers who went to the front? Enthusiastic anti-communists must not fall into the fatal blunder of physically persecuting the Jews. The Communistic Jews would make capital out of it. What is more, it is an old dodge for the Jews to paint swastikas overnight around the suburbs and then, next day, to call the attention of all and sundry to 3 "Nazi Persecution". And what is almost unbelievable, Jews have been known to let in pigs by night into their synagogues with the sole purpose of creating sympathy, and then the propaganda machine tells the whole world of the happening. Some readers may greet this book with cries of "Anti-Semitism". Now, the word "Semite" is too wide and too loose. The Arabs are Semites, and the Jews are persecuting them. So then, these persecuting Jews are Anti-Semitic. In his wonderful book—"Freemasonry and the Anti- Christian Movement"—Father E. Cahill, S.J., re­ ferring to the Catholic Church's condemnation of "The Friends of Israel" says (page 76): "The Church desires sincerely the conversion of the Jews to the true faith. But she cannot compromise with them any more than she can with the Modernist or even with the so- called "Anglo-Catholics". Hence, in the present decree, the Holy See takes prudent measures against the Jewish infiltrations into the Church which were being attempted through the medium of the con­ demned association and pamphlet. On the other hand, she also reprobates anti-Germanism or any other similar anti-ism that would imply 'racial or national hatred'. But to follow the direction of Leo XIII and 'tear away the mask from Freemasonry and let it be seen as it really is', is not anti-Semitism even where the Freemasons in question are Jews." Here is something further: If a German or a Japa­ nese or a Frenchman or an Italian or Englishman or Irishman—if anyone of these does anything evil, the masses do not hesitate to condemn them, and no fair- minded person will find fault with such condem­ nation. But when Jewish criminals are shown up in their true colour, at once the Jewish hands are held up in horror with accusations of " anti-Semitism"! 4 Of course, it is all Jewish bluff, and the Jewish malefactors secretly laugh at the gullibility or, better still, the cowardice of the Christians who take any notice of them. Are we Christians expected to remain silent and allow the Jews to ride rough-shod over us in our legitimate rights and to continue triumphantly on their road to ultimate world-control? And here is something worthy of further conside­ ration. Israel is the national home of Jews. Jews living away from Israel claim their local domicile as their national home. So it would seem that a Jew is attached to more than one national home. That should not surprise us because Jews will readily sing— "Britannia Rules the Waves" . "The Star-Spangled Banner" . "The Marseillaise" . just as it suits them. They back every horse in the race. Seeing that the world's press is controlled by Jews, what hope has the average citizen of getting any idea of what is going on behind the Communistic scenes? Some years ago I read an eight page brochure entitled —"Jewish Press Control". It dealt exclusively with the London papers. It gave you publication after publi­ cation which were all controlled by Jews. Most world news filters through the two great European news agencies—the French Agence Havas and Reuter's Agency in Britain. The Havas Agency was started by Charles Havas, a Portuguese Jew. Beer, another Jew, changed his name to Reuter and built up the vast British Empire Service. Hence, newspaper read­ ers look at the world very largely through Jewish spectacles. People in general do not realise that the efforts of American soldiers in Vietnam are being curtailed by orders of the Communistic enemy in the high places of the U.S.A. government. 5 In his recent book—"The Death of a Nation" the renowned writer, John Stormer, asks (on page 56) the pertinent question: "Why do American leaders fight Communism with one hand while aiding it with the other?" And on page 4 of the cover, Stormer asks some more questions which are food for thought. He asks: "Why are tax dollars used to pay the agitators and extremists who start city riots?" "Why does the White House increase American trade with the Soviet Union while Soviet MIG's and missiles kill American boys in Vietnam?" "Why were communist pirates allowed to seize an American ship and crew with no retaliation?" "Why did the Supreme Court open America's pub­ lic schools to Communist teachers while banning prayer and Bible reading?" I stoutly maintain that the average man calling himself a Communist is no more a Communist than I am.
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