Barabás Specimina 10
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SPECIMINA NOVA PARS PRIMA SECTIO MEDIAEVALIS X. Dissertationes historicae collectae per Cathedram Historiae Medii Aevi Modernorumque Temporum Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Középkori és Koraújkori Történeti Tanszékének Történeti közleményei Pécs, 2019 Redactio: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Történetudományi Intézet Középkori és Koraújkori Történeti Tanszék H–7624 Pécs, Rókus u. 2. Tel./Fax: (+36 72) 501 –572 Specimina Nova Pars Prima Sectio Pécsi Tudományegyetem Mediaevalis in commerciali usu inveniri Bölcsészettudományi Kar non possunt sed per commutationem: Történettudományi Intézet Középkori és Koraújkori Történeti Tanszék H–7624 Pécs, Rókus u. 2. Tel./Fax: (+36 72) 501 –572 SPECIMINA NOVA PARS PRIMA SECTIO MEDIAEVALIS X. Dissertationes historicae collectae per Cathedram Historiae Medii Aevi Modernorumque Temporum Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Középkori és Koraújkori Történeti Tanszékének Történeti közleményei Pécs, 2019 Editorial board Márta Font – Gergely Kiss – Endre Sashalmi (University of Pécs, Pécs) Norbert Kersken (Herder Institut, Marburg) Katalin Szende (Central European University, Budapest) Przemysław Nowak (Wissenschaftliches Zentrum der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien) Redigunt: Gergely KISS – Gábor BARABAA1 H9 I112 1008$8002 C Baling, Peter C Barabas, 7abor C Fedeles, Tamas C Font, 4arta C Hor3ath, Terezia C Kanasz, Diktor C Kiss, 7ergely C 4adarasz, Fanni C 4aleth, AAgnes C Reich, 1zabina C 1ashalmi, Endre C 1ch3ed, Brigitta, Kinga C Degh, Ferenc Eayout: 7ergely Kiss TABLE OF CONTENTS JUBILEE PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 STUDIES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Péter BÁLING : The Orseolos. A 7enealogical 1tudy ....................................................................... 1. Gergely KISS : 7regorius de 1ancto A ostolo. The Career of a Pa al Eegate At the End of the Twelfth Century ......................................................................................................................... .7 Gábor BARABÁS : The Eife and Hungarian Eegations of Cardinal 7regorius de Crescentio ................................................................................................................................................................ 0. Márta FONT : Coloman, the King of 7alicia: The Problems of Coronation .................... 81 Ágnes MALÉTH : The Eegation of 7ui de Boulogne in the Hungarian Kingdom ......... 90 Tamás FEDELES : 9ngarische Weihekandidaten in Curia Romana im s Gten 4ittelalter .................................................................................................................................................. 121 Ferenc VÉGH : A Hungarian-Croatian Aristocrat from a new Pers ecti3e. 4ilitary Career of PIter ZrJnyi/Petar Zrinski ,1620$1671/ ................................................................ 1.7 Endre SASHALMI : The Idea of the 1tate and the Problem of Continuity: The 4edie3al and Early 4odern Di3ide ,A 1hort Contribution to an Ongoing Debate/ .......................... 109 CONTRIBUTIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 169 Szabina REICH : Die archGologischen Ausgrabungen der Bischofskathedrale Hl. KLnig 1te han in 1zIkesfehIr3Mr ........................................................................................................ 171 Terézia HORVÁTH : The Pro3osts of the Cha ter of Das3Mr During the Reign of King 4atthias Cor3inus .......................................................................................................................................... 199 Viktor KANÁSZ : The Eife and Work of the Abbot and 2uncio, 7irolamo 4artinengo in Hungary ........................................................................................................................................................... 211 Fanni MADARÁSZ : The Historiogra hical Ty ology of the English Royalism in the First Half of the 1e3enteenth Century .............................................................................................. 2.1 Brigitta Kinga SCHVÉD : The Conce ts of 9ni3ersal 4onarchy and Balance of Power in Charles Da3enantNs An Essay Upon The Ballance of Power ,1701/ ......................... 201 RELATED PUBLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 260 CONTENTS OF PREVIOUS ISSUES ......................................................................................................................... 281 0 JUBILEE PREFACE If a ublication series comes to its 10 th 3olume, it ro3ides an occasion to summarize and to reflect. It is es ecially true if we consider that this is an academic edition issued e3ery two years, which means that it is not just an o ortunity to look back and reflect on the 20 years of work behind the 3olumes, but rather an obligation. If it is done by someone, who was among the scholars who brought this roject to life and still is a 3ital art of the roduction, the reflection will most robably be subjecti3e, howe3er, I do think this is acce table. The external assessment will be done by those, who took and will take the 3olumes into their hands and find the jubilee edition noteworthy. We consider reflection necessary because it is a crucial element of academic networking. The lengthy title of our re3iew originates from the winding history of the 9ni3ersity of PIcs. We inherited the name, Specimina dissertationum ex Instituto Historico Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis from the Elizabeth 9ni3ersity ,192.$ 1900/. This was altered to Specimina Nova and launched to its new journey in 1980. The uni3ersity le3el history education was reorganized in 198.. Together with the structural im lementation of the rogram $ namely the e3ol3ement of the Oeducator and researcherP background $ only one 3olume seemed to be insufficient. The series, therefore, was first di3ided into two arts. The Pars Prima was designed to co3er to ics from ancient, medie3al and early modern history, while the Pars Secunda concentrated on matters from the 18-20 th -century history. From the 3ery beginnings, the 3olumes aimed to ublish studies exclusi3ely in foreign languages in order to facilitate international re resentation. This a roach led to the decision to further narrow and s ecify the thematic frames of the Pars Prima . In this s irit, the Sectio Mediaevalis was created, the ublication of the 9ni3ersity of PIcs, De artment of 4edie3al and Early 4odern History. The year of the ublication of the first 3olume ,2001/ was a turning oint in the de artmentPs life from many as ects. This was the time when the doctoral rogram of the de artment , The he Carpathian Basin and the neighbouring empires 1000–1800 / was started within the frames of the Interdisci linary Doctoral 1chool, encom assing our research to ics as well. The international academic relations which were culti3ated by the de artment since the beginning of the 1990s contributed greatly to the launching of the rogram. By that time, Prof. Dr Harald Zimmermann ,TQbingen/ and Prof. Dr Rerzy Wyrozumski ,KrakSw/ were honorary doctors of the 9ni3ersity of PIcs, while Prof. Dr ZoltMn Kosztolnyik ,Texas/ and Prof. Dr 4arie-4adeleine de Ce3ins ,Angers/ 3isited PIcs on many occasions. We also had a 3ery good relationshi with the medie3alist research grou of the 9ni3ersity of 1zeged, es ecially with its leader, Prof. Dr 7yula KristS. The abo3e-mentioned rofessors and most esteemed researchers honoured the starting series with their studies. The Sectio Mediaevalis and the de artment behind it whished to establish themsel3es as 3ital arts of the national medie3alist researches, and from the beginning, we were o ened to coo erate with researches coming from other uni3ersities as well. The artici ation and the ublication of the 7 writing of EMszlS Koszta from 1zeged and 7Mbor Thoroczkay from Buda est was an exam le of this attitude. We are relying on the traditions of the 1 ecimina, which was re-launched in the 1980s when we follow the ractice of ublishing matters exclusi3ely in foreign languages, without making any difference between them language- wise. In ractice, the majority of the studies are written in English or 7erman, but in a smaller number, French and Russian language works are also re resented. The situation is slightly different in the case of re3iews since there are only English and 7erman syno ses. It is a 20 years old ractice of the Sectio Mediaevalis $ which can also be considered a tradition now $ that from time to time, we ublish the articles of our foreign colleagues as well, namely the writings of abo3e-mentioned contributors and othersP, such as Antony Eentin ,Cambridge/, Paul 1rodecki ,Kiel/, 4yrosla3 Doloshchuk ,I3ano-Franki3szk/, 4arko Rerko3iT ,Zagreb/, Elisabeth Kleker ,Wien/, 2ikolaus Thurn ,Berlin/, Ueljko TomiViT ,Zagreb/, Claudia Alraum and Andreas HolndonnerPs ,Erlangen/ works. Regarding the Hungarian eers $ besides those, who were already mentioned $ ErzsIbet 7alMntai, Zsolt Hunyadi ,both from 1zeged/, Ilona KristSf ,Eger/ and ZoltMn DMrady ,1zekszMrd/ were also among our contributors. Our most accom