Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 14, No. 4, 394-412, 2020 Open Access Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 394-412, December 2020 doi: ISSN (Online) 2287-1160, ISSN (Print) 1976-6912 Technical Information Subcategories Multiple Uses of Land Recognized by Land Use and Land Cover Classification System Using LISS-III and NRSC Enumerate Data: Case Study at Medchal Mandal, Hyderabad, India D. Naresh Kumar*, T. Madhu1) ABSTRACT Recognition of compound land possessions in Mandal level often produc- Department of Civil Engineering, St. es complex in precisely classifying land use and land cover (LULC) characteristics. A reno- Martin’s Engineering College, vated village, as an Infrastructure development ought to adequate information on sever- Secunderabad-500 100, Telangana, India al aspects of its performance in direct to compose verdict. LULC is merely a solitary such 1)Department of Geology, Sri aspect, to increase significance to conquer problems of declining environmental quality, Venkateswara University, farmlands, degradation of wetlands, the slaughter of wildlife territory, and water bodies. Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh, India LISS-III (Linear Integrated self-scanning) images and NRSC (National Remote Sensing *Corresponding author. Centre) catalog improve LULC classification accuracy at the Mandal level. The results of Tel: +91-9133366279 this investigation reveal that five categories are occupied a large area, followed by build- E-mail:
[email protected] up land, cropland, forest, industries, and water bodies, (13%, 26%, 9%, 10%, and 13%). Received: 6 June 2020 The highest contribution is cropland and the lowest contribution is forest land. The Revised: 15 June 2020 unobstructedly available a large amount of satellite data conceding for monitoring of Accepted: 20 August 2020 existing land features on a large scale.