May 31, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE

-~- --~---~-~-b-D_U_U_a_u_._....,__,.,_ ___ D_D_U_D_IIOtM•a-a_a __ r_D_D_D_D_BBI. ·· shore . Theate_.-s I News .I -----·--.-.-c------~---~-o-a••O•-a---o---a,.ua-a-•••0 ''The Ghost Talks" pared for the screen by Jeanie Mac- Comes to pherson, DeMille sent young' men into "True Heaven" Is T eatro del Lago several reformatories as inmates. Lina Community House Tuesday F ·1 Th S d Basquette has the title role of "The "True Heaven," with Lois Moran and I m is atur ay Godless Girl," while Marie Prevost, George O'Brien, will be presented at SATURDAY ONLY When audiences here view the Fox George Duryea, and the Community House in Winnetka JUNE I Movietone, "The Ghost Talks," which Noah Beery are seen in prominent Tuesday, June 4. Once again the W odd comes to the Teatro del Lago this Sat- parts. war furnishes the background for a urday, June 1, they will see a hero of Claudette Colbert, one oi the most motion picture. This · one, which is Ramon Novarro an all-dialogue picture who is an in- popular young leading women on the presented in sound, tells the story of teresting paradox. He is Charles Eaton, Broadway stage, has been cast for the the love of a feminine German syp and in a youthful Broadway star and brother principal woman's role in the Para­ an American soldier who is sent be­ of the widely known Mary and Doris mount all-talking mystery film, "The hind the German lines to get impor­ Eaton who, for all his thin conventional · Hole in the Wall," which comes to the ta·nt information. The girl, placing ''THE PAGAN'' veneer of New- York City life, is a plain Teatro Thursday, June 6, for two days. country above love, betrays him. He Huckleberry Finn, 1929 model. And it The cast of this play of super-crooks is about to be shot when news comes is his boyishness which accounts for and their methods of fake spiritualism of the Armistice. The lovers are re­ Mon., Tues. and Wed. what is said to be an outstanding sue- includes the names of · many others united. June 3-4-5 cess in portraying the role of a cor- notable on Broadway. Among them "A real mystery story made into a respondence school detective in "The are Edward G. Robinson as the prin­ real mystery movie" was the comment Ghost Talks." Others in the picture cipal heavy, David Newell as leading of a leading critic on "The .Canary inc1ude Earle Fox, Carmel Meyers and man, Louise Closser Hale, Barry Ma­ Murder Case," to be shown at the RICHARD DIX Helen Twelvetrees. collum, Donald Meek, Alan Brooks, Community House Friday, June 7. It m In his newest U nited Artists picture, George McQuarrie, KHollywood to act, as well as sing, in the movies. He was a star son of a prominent citizen. who has an France, a s he was six years ago in his important part in the plot. first picturization of the adventures of with UFA in Berlin for ten years. Thurs., Fri. the four faithful friends, "The Three "SIS BOOM BARBARA" June 6-7 Musketeers." Again he rides with McLAGLEN PICTURE "Sis Boom Barbara" is the snappy Athos, Porthos. and Aramis through "The Black Watch," Victor McLag­ title of Nancy Carroll's next picture. vears of intrigue. war, and love. Mar­ len's new talking film, was one of the And a snappy actress to play the lead, "D.ANGEROUS guerite de Ia Motte is once more Con., recent openings in Hotlywood. Myrna what! stanc.~ to whom D'Atragnan gives the Loy plays the feminine lead in the WOMAN'' only Io,·e of his life. story. Lon Chaney's newest picture is Late.;t De Mille Film called "Thunder," a railroad story. Clive Brook-· Baclanova With the apprO\·al of governors of WHAT A GIRL! will play opposite him. most of the forty-eight United States, , the red-headed star. witl Cecil B. De~~ ille makes startling dis­ appeat: next in a picture catled "Pink closures of co nditions in state reform Tights." \·Vhat a girl and what a schools in hi s latest production for title! The film is said to ha,·e a. cir:: us' Pathe, ''," which will background. C.OMMUNITY be on view at the Teatro del Lago T.uesday and \Vednesday, June 4 and Vilma Hanky, the beautiful blonde HOUS.E 5. In gathering information on the Hung-arian, will he seen next in ''This Tuts. June f Fri. June 1 subject for the story, which " ·as pre- I_ s_· _H_e_a_,_'e_n_.'_' ------Louise Brooks G f'O. O'Brien William Powell Junior Hikers Enjoy .James Hall MOVING PACKING Lois l\loran NOW PLAYING in In Season's Biggest Trek STORAGE "The Canary "The biggest hike ever taken in "True Murder Case" WILLIAM HAINES Kenilworth," was the way Robert W. RENSCH Heaven" by Townley, athletic director at the Joseph S. S. Van Dine Sears school, described the hike en­ Phones: Wil. 32 Univ. 7317 in the college romance joyed last Saturday by eighty-five Junior Hikers, boys under Scout age. · Chipilly ridge in the Forest Preserve ''THE DUKE west of Glencoe was the objective of the hike. Mr. Townley \vas assisted in the handling of the boys by a few STEPS OUT'' Scouts. Leaders of the Junior Hikers Alex went to the forest preserve with Mr. Townlev Fridav night and the rest of formerly of the Samovar, LOU KOSLOFF the hikers followed on Saturday. Invites you to the and Band in ''CHINATOWN'' New Books Bridge with Norman Freacott

The following new rental books have ' DEMPSTER RoAD - MoRTON GROVE been received at the Wilmette Public SATURDAY library, according to an imer-Swords and Roses. S. W. KLEIN Refined surroundings James-Sand. Kerr-M aref'a-1\f aria. DANIEL ALEXANDER Courteous attention LETTER'' Lewis-Dodsworth. Nevill-Rtrange Companions. For reservation - Morton Grove 1 8 6 with JEANNE EAGELS Oliver-Victim and Victor. Olivier-As Far as Jane's Grandmother's. Drama of mighty emotiona. RE­ Peckham-Murder· in Strange Houses. STRICTED TOADULTSONLY Rea-Six Mrs. Greenes. Accommodations for private parties Roberts-Goose Fair. No Children Will Be Admitted. Wlddemer-Rhi nestones. Young-My Brother Jonathan.