הפקולטה למשפטים ע" ש בוכמן THE BUCHMANN FACULTY OF LAW המרכז ללימודי משפט מתקדמים THE CENTER FOR ADVANCED LEGAL STUDIES משפט והיסטוריה – סדנת יגאל ארנון ושות' The Yigal Arnon & Co. Legal History Workshop משפט ו היסטוריה – מאמרים בדרך Legal History Working Papers 5/07-08 Wandering Jews in a Jewish Homeland: Israel and the Right to Travel Abroad 1948 – 1961 Orit Rozin, Tel-Aviv University 16.6.08 מנחי הסדנה: :Workshop Coordinators "ד ר דוד שור Dr. David Schorr
[email protected] [email protected] "ד ר רועי קרייטנר Dr. Roy Kreitner
[email protected] [email protected] טיוטה כל הזכויות שמורות למחברת - נא לא להפיץ Wandering Jews in a Jewish Homeland: Israel and the Right to Travel Abroad 1948 – 1961 ∗∗∗ Orit Rozin Abstract The rise of nation-states during the 19 th and 20 th centuries and the resulting definition of a national identity for a state’s citizens entailed the institutionalization of such identity, based, in part, on the determination and control of a state’s borders – physically, geographically, and particularly in terms of citizenship. During the First World War, the passport came into use as a key method of controlling the movement of populations and restricting freedom of movement. Nowadays, through the use of passports, states exercise almost absolute control over their citizens’ ability to travel internationally. Currently, no one even questions that criminals, minors or those seeking to shirk their civic duties may be restricted or even barred from leaving their respective countries. However, during the 1950s, several democratic countries, including Israel, restricted foreign travel by their citizens even on other grounds.