SHOOT Digital PDF Version, January 12, 2007, Vol. 48 No. 1

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SHOOT Digital PDF Version, January 12, 2007, Vol. 48 No. 1 Aleysa Young MARC USA Grins Takes A Nice ‘n and Bears It For E-Z Approach To The Pittsburgh Theology Zoo page 12 page 13 THE LEADING PUBLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL, INTERACTIVE, & BRANDED CONTENT PRODUCTION January 12, 2007 $5.00 Three Commercials In Spotmakers Running For VES Award Nominations for visual effects excel- TThehe NextNext MMoveove Poised For lence go to Framestore for Rexona/ Sure Deodorant’s “Go Wild” from Sundance Lowe London, WETA Digital for AICP Looks To The Future As Content Biz Evolves; By Nicole Rivard Travelers’ “Snowball” via Fallon Min- PARK CITY, Utah—The Sundance neapolis and Method Studio for Sears’ Committee Presentation To Board Sheds Light Film Festival has always been good to “Arboretum” out of Y&R, London. By Robert Goldrich Brett Morgen. His film The Kids Stay Framestore has won the honor three In the Picture that premiered at the of the previous four years. LOS ANGELES—During its semiannual meeting last 2002 festival received critical acclaim. See page 4 month in Los Angeles, the board of directors of the And On the Ropes, which he debuted Association of Independent Commercial Producers there in ‘99, went on to be nominated Crossroads’ Bruce Hurwit (AICP) got a look-see at what’s in store from AICP. for an Academy Award. But this year Assumes The Pilot’s Helm next, a committee formed last year to provide the support is unprecedented—his NBC buys the rights to develop Split insight, context and hopefully some answers documentary Chicago 10 has been The Difference, a prospective prime- as to how the production company commu- chosen as the opening night film for time comedy series centered on the nity can capitalize on emerging content the event, which runs Jan. 18-28. He is goings on at a fictional ad agency. The opportunities and develop new busi- one of several artisans involved in the network pursued the property upon ness models while dealing with ad biz whose work will be showcased seeing a screening at the second an- new sets of related risks and throughout the festival. nual New York Television Festival potential liabilities. “Being selected to open the Sun- held in September where it won a jury Continued on page 8 dance Film Festival is probably the award and a popular vote tally. greatest honor any American inde- See page 4 pendent filmmaker can achieve. Af- Ron Lawner Enters ter I received the invitation I couldn’t sleep for days. The first few nights I SHOOT’s Chat Room was filled with excitement. By the Ending a legendary 25-year career at third night, I was terrified,” said Mor- Arnold Worldwide, Ron Lawner has gen, who helms spots via bicoastal stepped down from his position as Anonymous Content. vice chairman, global chief creative Not only is pretty much every officer. He reflects on the state of the filmmaker at the festival on hand for advertising business, his long creative opening night—as well as most every tenure, his future plans and a chang- major film critic—but Morgen is also ing media landscape which translates expecting acquisitions executives into new, varied creative opportuni- from just about every company to be ties for agency artisans. in attendance, which is fortuitous in See page 10 that he is seeking distribution for his film. “I’m expecting the atmosphere to be electric.” Edit Houses Assess The Getty Images/IM07028 Continued on page 11 AAAA’s Annual Analysis Post executives offer feedback on 2007: A Year For Model-making And Breaking the study. A SHOOT Staff Report equity in intellectual property and/or year extension of the commercials for performers spanning traditional See page 19 LOS ANGELES—As reflected in this garnering compensation via creative, contract covering actors, which was spots as well as nontraditional ad fare week’s lead story about the AICP. licensing or other fees, so too will dif- formally approved in October. A key spanning a growing array of new me- next committee’s efforts in the de- ferent industry sectors grapple with provision of that agreement was that dia. The results of the pending study, velopment of new business models formulating new creative and busi- the two sides—the advertising indus- to be conducted over the next nearly to address an ever changing media ness models. try and the actors unions, the Screen two years, will form the basis for rene- landscape, 2007 will likely be a year These endeavors will be under- Actors Guild (SAG) and the American gotiating the next commercials con- marked by much more such model- taken on an individual company ba- Federation of Television and Radio tract in 2008. making. As production companies sis as well as collectively and for that Artists (AFTRA)—hire a consultant Meanwhile, consensus has proven look to diversify beyond their tradi- matter through collective bargaining. to helm a pivotal joint study explor- to be elusive on another manage- tional work-for-hire model to holding On the latter score, consider the two- ing alternative compensation models Continued on page 18 Perspectives By Robert Goldrich THE LEADING PUBLICATION FOR COMMERCIAL, INTERACTIVE, & BRANDED CONTENT PRODUCTION Heartstrings January 12, 2007 Volume 48 • Number 1 While the means Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation. He tar was auctioned. The first time was picture Mr. Holland’s Opus, the story took a different applied to the foundation in ‘98 for a at AMP’d UP!, the opening night mu- about the profound effect a dedicated EDITORIAL Publisher & Editorial Director form this time—an cello. He was at a place in his studies sic bash of Advertising Week 2006 in music teacher had on generations of Roberta Griefer 203.227.1699 ext 13 eBay auction—the end happily re- where he needed a better instrument Manhattan last fall. students. The film’s composer, Mi- mained the same as the Association of to progress in his pursuit of music, but “We auctioned off the guitar at the chael Kamen, founded Mr. Holland’s Editor Robert Goldrich Music Producers (AMP) raised money his family could not afford a cello for concert, and the highest bidder never Opus Foundation in ‘96 as part of his 323.960.8035 for Mr. Holland’s Opus, a foundation him. Price received a cello from the showed up to claim it,” said AMP commitment to the future of music Sr. Editor/Technology & Postproduction Carolyn Giardina that supports music education and Opus Foundation and went on to win president Tiffany Senft, president/ education. Kamen passed away in ‘03, 323.960.8035 its many benefits through the dona- assorted scholarships and awards. executive producer at tonefarmer, a but the legacy he left behind includes Associate Editor tion and repair of musical Nicole Rivard 203.227.1699 ext. 16 instruments, which go to The positive effects of music education on children’s emotional and under-served schools, com- Associate Editor intellectual growth have been proven in numerous case studies. Ken Liebeskind munity music programs 203.227.1699 ext. 17 and individual students nationwide. Again in ‘05, a portion of the pro- New York-based music/sound design not only his amazing body of work, Contributor I first ran across AMP’s efforts to ceeds generated by the AMP Awards shop. “We didn’t want to disappoint but also the foundation. Christine Champagne help Mr. Holland’s Opus in April 2004 was donated to Mr. Holland’s Opus. Mr. Holland’s Opus, so eBay was the The organization was started to ADVERTISING when I attended the then AMP Mixer And this year, sans the AMP compe- answer.” address the fact that across the na- 21 Charles Street #203 Westport, CT 06880 USA Awards. That evening there were a tition, the tradition still continued, The guitar was provided by the tion, school and community music East/Midwest/Canada couple of prime highlights besides albeit online as AMP auctioned off an manufacturer Gibson Guitars, which programs have been discontinued or Robert Alvarado 203.227.1699 ext. 15 the awards themselves: a silent char- ebony Les Paul guitar bearing the sig- also donated a case for it. severely diminished due to budget International ity auction which generated money natures of superstar band Gnarls Bar- The Gnarls Barkley bandmates, cuts. The positive effects of music ed- Roberta Griefer 203.227.1699 ext. 13 for Mr. Holland’s Opus; and a live per- kley and television and radio person- Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse, signed ucation on children’s emotional and formance by Drake Price, a talented ality Adam Carolla. The instrument the front panel, as did concert emcee intellectual growth have been proven West Coast Carl Gilliard jazz cellist who at the time was 18 sold for $1,310 on eBay, with the mon- Carolla. in numerous case studies. 818.763.2678 years old. ey going to the Opus Foundation. The Opus Foundation was inspired For further info, log onto www. Classified & Advertising Production Manager Price represented the good work of This was the second time the gui- by the critically acclaimed motion Kelly Boyle 203.227.1699 ext.14 OFFICES Main Offi ce 21 Charles Street #203 POV Westport, CT 06880 USA 203.227.1699 Fax: 203.227.2787 By Suzy Kellett West 650 N. Bronson Avenue, Suite B253 Los Angeles, CA 90004 USA Show Me The Money 323.960.8035 Fax: 323.960.8036 Circulation Editor’s Note: Suzy commercials as they are very good today’s conflicting priorities such as ing, the LOCAL support services that Gerald Giannone 203.227.1699 ext 12 Kellett is manag- business.
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