Web Applications – Spaghetti Code for the 21st Century

Tommi Mikkonen and Antero Taivalsaari Sun Microsystems Laboratories P.O. Box 553 (TUT), FI-33101 Tampere Finland

{tommi.mikkonen, antero.taivalsaari}@sun.com

Abstract have reintroduced problems that had already been eliminated years ago in the aftermath of the “spaghetti The software industry is currently in the middle of a code wars” of the 1970s. 1 paradigm shift. Applications are increasingly written In this paper , we investigate web application for the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, the development from the viewpoint of software technologies used for web application development engineering principles such as modularity, consistency, today violate well-known software engineering and portability. We argue that current web principles, and they have reintroduced problems that technologies are inadequate in supporting many of had already been eliminated years ago in the aftermath these principles, but that there is no fundamental of the “spaghetti code wars” of the 1970s. In this reason for web applications to be any worse than paper, we investigate web application development conventional applications in any of these areas. Rather, from the viewpoint of software engineering principles. the current inadequacies are just an accidental We argue that current web technologies are consequence of the poor conceptual and technological inadequate in supporting many of these principles, but foundation of the web development technologies today. also that there is no fundamental reason for web The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 applications to be any worse than conventional provides an overview of web development, followed applications in any of these areas. Rather, the current by an introduction to software engineering principles in inadequacies are an accidental consequence of the Section 3. Sections 4 and 5 analyze web development poor conceptual and technological foundation of the technologies in view of the software engineering web development technologies today. principles and some additional topics, and Section 6 offers possible solutions to emerging problems. Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper. 1. Introduction 2. Web development – A view from the The software industry is in the middle of a trenches paradigm shift towards web-based software. Consequently, applications are increasingly written for The World Wide Web has undergone a number of the web rather than for any specific type of operating evolutionary phases. Initially, web pages were little system, CPU architecture or device. We believe that more than simple textual documents with limited user the trend towards web-based applications will continue interaction capabilities. Soon, graphics support and and even strengthen in the future, causing a form-based data entry were added. Gradually, with the fundamental change in the way people develop, deploy introduction of DHTML [12], it became possible to and use software. create increasingly interactive web pages with built-in Unfortunately, programming languages and support for advanced graphics and animation. software development environments and tools have not Today, we are in the middle of another major yet adapted to this ongoing shift. Today, software evolutionary step towards “Web 2.0” technologies, development for the web is based on a myriad of commonly associated with systems such as Ajax [5], technologies and tools with little consistency or elegance. Even worse, many of the technologies violate 1 An earlier version of this paper has been published as Sun Labs established software engineering principles, and they Technical Report TR-2007-166, June 2007. Ruby on Rails [35], and Google Web Toolkit (GWT) ebay.com, or cnn.com contain large chunks of HTML, [34]. However, these technologies are still hybrid CSS and JavaScript code, in which HTML definitions, solutions and only partial steps in the evolution style sheets and JavaScript functions are interspersed in towards using the web as a true application platform. no specific order, other than the order established by In general, they enable building web sites that behave the tools used to generate the web page. Consequently, much like desktop applications, for example, by the source document of such web sites is often nearly allowing web pages to be updated one user interface unreadable to humans. Furthermore, the document element at a time, rather than requiring the entire page usually contains generous hard-coded references to to be updated each time something changes. In this other similar documents and resources such as images paper, we refer to such applications as web or animations. These resources may be located applications. anywhere in the world, and they are usually included in The fundamental components of the web browser the document in the form of long Uniform Resource include the Hypertext markup language (HTML), Locators (URLs). Some of these entities do not even Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the JavaScript scripting need to be available, in which case the browser ignores language, and the Document Object Model (DOM). In the references and uses a placeholder instead or the following, we provide a summary of these overlooks the entire item. This is enabled by the technologies: general principle to ignore erroneous or incomplete 1. HTML is the predominant markup language for the parts of the web documents. creation of web pages. It provides a means to If the document that represents the web site is describe the structure of text-based information in commonly difficult to read, the actual behavior of the a document – by denoting certain text as headings, document is even harder to understand. This is because paragraphs, lists, and so on – and to supplement the typical user interaction model of the web is such that text with interactive forms, embedded images, that a new web page is generated and sent to the and other objects. browser each time the user clicks on a link or a button 2. CSS is a stylesheet language that is used to on a page. While adequate for displaying documents, describe the presentational aspects of a document the approach is not ideal for Web 2.0 development, in written in a markup language. A stylesheet allows which the web browser runs applications that behave the stylistic rules of a web page (e.g. colors and like conventional desktop applications, with rich fonts) to be defined independently of the content desktop-style user interface and direct manipulation of the web page. capabilities beyond navigation of pages. The above technologies do not introduce a coherent 3. JavaScript. In addition to declarative HTML and foundation for real applications on the web. Rather, CSS definitions, a web document can also contain they reflect the evolution of the World Wide Web, in executable code. The most commonly used which new features have been added on top of existing scripting language on the web today is JavaScript features. For instance, the I/O model to generate new [10]. Syntactically JavaScript resembles the C and web pages on the fly when anything changes seems Java programming languages. However, in outright arcane compared to the direct manipulation practice JavaScript is a much more dynamic, capabilities provided by most desktop applications in interpreted language that borrows features from the 1980s and 1990s. other highly dynamic languages such as Smalltalk In order to compensate for the inadequacies of the [11], Lisp [20] and Self [36]. underlying technology, today's web development 4. DOM is a platform-independent way of environments rely extensively on tool support. Tools representing a collection of objects that constitute such as Adobe Dreamweaver and Microsoft a page in a web browser. The DOM allows a Expression Web are utilized for enhancing the end-user scripting language such as JavaScript to experience and for providing a more reasonable programmatically examine and change the web development experience. This has made web page. Effectively, the DOM serves as an interface development a lot less arduous. However, it has also – essentially a large shared data structure – exacerbated problems: If programmers had been fully between the browser and the scripting language, exposed to the gruesome details of web development, allowing the two to communicate with each other. they would have undoubtedly questioned some of the In practice, web pages that utilize the above four technological foundations and put more pressure on technologies – serving as the logical equivalent of improving the underlying technology. “binary code” of traditional applications – are often messy. Even major web sites like amazon.com, 3. Software engineering principles these technologies bring the need to apply software engineering principles to web development. In 1968, Edsger Dijkstra started his crusade against In general, web development in its current form “spaghetti code” [7]. Spaghetti code is a pejorative resembles software development in the 1970s before term for source code that has a complex and tangled real engineering principles were applied. We argue that control structure, especially one using many , there is a need to introduce engineering principles to threads, global variables, or other "unstructured" web development. constructs. Next, we investigate web development in view of As highlighted by the spaghetti code discussions, software engineering principles. Our analysis is software engineering remained an undeveloped, independent of any particular web development unestablished practice until the late 1970s [9, 14]. technology, but reflects the technological foundations Many important principles, such as modularity, of the web discussed earlier. We do not claim that our information hiding, and portability did not exist or analysis would cover all the possible areas, or would were not adopted widely until they were introduced cover any single topic exhaustively. Rather, our point and instituted by Parnas, Clements, Corbató, Hoare, is to highlight the fact that web technologies have Liskov and many others in the seminal articles in the deficiencies even in some of the areas that were 1970s and 1980s [3, 26, 6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 23, reasonably well understood before the advent of web 24, 18, 19, 13, 39, 4]. MacLennan has summarized technologies in the 1990s. many of these principles in his book that focuses on the principles of programming languages [22]. 4.1. Modularity and related principles An important milestone in the codification of software engineering is the 1968 NATO Software Modularity is the property of computer programs Engineering Conference [25]. Besides introducing the that measures the extent to which programs are idea of reusable software and software components composed out of separate parts called modules. Module [21], the conference was remarkable in other respects. is generally defined as a self-contained component of a The attendees of the conference agreed that design system. It has a well-defined interface to other concepts essential to maintainable systems are components. Something is modular if it includes or modularity, specification, and generality. In the uses modules which can be interchanged as units conference, the first formal definition of software without disassembly of the module. The internal design engineering was also provided. As summarized in [25], of a module may be complex, but this is not relevant; software engineering was defined as the “establishment once the module exists, it can easily be connected to or and use of sound engineering principles in order to disconnected from the system. Modularity principles obtain economically software that is reliable and works were introduced in the 1970s and 1980s by Parnas, efficiently on real machines.” Later, IEEE has provided Clements, Dahl, Guttag, Hoare, Liskov, Zilles and the following, shorter definition: “Software many others [26, 6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 18, 19, 13, engineering is the application of a systematic, 39]. disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, Separation of Concerns. Separation of concerns is operation, and maintenance of software” [15]. a software development principle that implies that different facets of software development should be 4. Web application development and kept separate. For instance, separation of concerns software engineering principles implies that one should decompose a system into distinct subsystems that overlap in functionality as

little as possible; developing individual subsystems, as As long as the primary purpose of web development well as solving subproblems included in them will then was the creation of web sites consisting of documents, be easier [8]. The use of this construct was originally pages and forms, there was little reason to apply demonstrated in [6, 28]. established software engineering principles to web Current web development systems do not support development. However, the transition towards Web 2.0 separation of concerns well for a number of reasons. technologies will increase the need to treat web

development in the same fashion as software 1) Declarative and procedural development style development in general. The current ad hoc, document- are mixed up oriented and tool-driven approach seems insufficient for this. Perhaps the most important observation about Web development technologies mix up different Web 2.0 technologies – excluding all the hype – is that development styles. For instance, web sites combine declarative (CSS and HTML) and procedural (JavaScript) definitions in no particular order. Among browser. Effectively, the DOM serves as a large shared other things, this makes it difficult to follow the flow data structure – essentially a global variable, which of program control. have been generally considered harmful since the early 1970s [38] – between the browser and external 2) User interface component placement, user components, allowing scripting languages (such as interface style elements, event declarations JavaScript) or external plug-ins to communicate with and application logic are mixed up the browser. Unfortunately, the DOM has evolved in a rather ad hoc fashion, and there were significant In addition to mixing different development styles, implementation differences between different browsers current web development technologies also mix up especially in the early days of the web. Furthermore, application logic with user interface (UI) details such the definition of the DOM itself is not very modular, as widget placement, event handler definitions and with no clear distinction between specification-level style declarations. For instance, event handler attributes and more implementation-oriented details. definitions, that is, how a web page responds to input from the user, are commonly sprinkled in static HTML 2) Hard-coded references and other implementation definitions as well as in JavaScript code fragments. details used openly This violates the well-known MVC (Model-View- Controller) design paradigm [17], which promotes a A fundamental role of interfaces is to separate clean separation between the different facets of a interfaces from implementation details. In web pages program. The lack of such structure in software is today, there are numerous examples to the contrary. known to be detrimental for the long-term For instance, hard-coded references to servers and maintainability. Fortunately, many web development directory locations are often exposed although they systems add support for the MVC via tools and should not be visible outside public interfaces. libraries. Unfortunately, on the web today there are no widely available mechanisms for defining client-side 3) Dependence on tool support interfaces separately from implementation details. Information hiding. Information hiding is a Many web development systems are dependent on principle that goes hand in hand with well-defined tools that introduce conventions and practices to interfaces. In order to isolate design decisions and facilitate the development of applications. For instance, implementation-level issues from the external use of a Ruby on Rails introduces a set of naming conventions component, the internals of the component must be that it automatically applies to programs. For example, hidden and represented separately from the interface. if there is a class Person in the model, the This is not the case with the web. corresponding table in the database is called people by default. Because of such conventions, Ruby on Rails is 1) Source code of applications exposed sometimes referred to as "opinionated software." The use of conventions like this makes the semantics of the A unique characteristic of web applications is that system inseparable from the tools. the entire source code of the web pages is usually Well-defined (manifest) interfaces. A central available to everybody via the browser's 'View Source' aspect of a modular system is the presence of well- function. The availability of source code facilitates the defined interfaces that separate the specification of a reuse of web content in other contexts, for instance, in component from its implementation details. The the form of mashups that combine content from more interfaces protect the rest of the program from a change than one source into an integrated experience. On the when the implementation is revisited [28]. Ideally, all other hand, in the absence of proper information hiding the interfaces should be apparent (manifest) in their mechanisms the internal implementation details of the syntax [22]. web site are openly exposed to the world. This makes Today's web technologies do not provide good mashups and other “leveraged” web sites extremely support for well-defined interfaces, as summarized brittle: Even a slight change to the implementation below. details of a web site can break all the other web sites that depend on its content. 1) No well-defined interfaces between the browser and other components, apart from the DOM 2) No privacy mechanisms in JavaScript The DOM acts as the primary interface between the The JavaScript language – the most prevalent browser and other components that need access to the scripting language supported by web browsers – has data and user interface elements displayed in the limited means for controlling information hiding. For instance, the currently widely used versions of the behavior is defined as a combination of declarative JavaScript language do not have support for declaring HTML and CSS definitions and small procedural variables or functions protected or private. The future scripts sprinkled here and there. Consequently, the versions of JavaScript have been proposed to include of the applications is usually difficult to such features, but the standardization work has follow. Thus, web applications are primarily machine- proceeded slowly in recent years. readable rather than human-readable.

4.2. Consistency, simplicity, and elegance 2) Different types of technologies (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML) mixed up Consistency. According to [22], one of the Current web technologies utilize a host of fundamental principles in software development is technologies that have been combined together. For consistency: There should be a minimum number of instance, Ajax is based on Dynamic HTML (DHTML), concepts with simple rules for their combination; augmented with asynchronous networking support and things that are similar should also look similar, and XML protocols. DHTML itself is a collection of different things should look different. Unfortunately, technologies – HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM – to web development systems today are not particularly facilitate the development of interactive and animated consistent, as summarized below. web sites. All these technologies are different, and they were not designed to form an elegant, solid foundation 1) Several ways to perform the same function for applications. In some ways, it would be appropriate Syntactic consistency of web applications is to refer to web technologies as “mashups” also at the generally poor. Similar things need not look similar, implementation level. and different things can be accomplished with nearly identical syntax. For instance, event declarations can 4.3. Reusability and portability be defined either using HTML or JavaScript, and user interface item placement can be performed using Reusability. Reusability refers to the ability to use declarative or procedural style. already existing pieces of software in other contexts. In comparison to traditional software, web applications 2) Extensive reliance on side effects are quite reusable. Given that web sites are usually represented in textual form without any advance Current web technologies rely extensively on side compilation, static binding or linking, it is quite easy to effects. For instance, graphics changes are generally combine content from multiple web sites. However, performed by tweaking various attributes in the DOM some problems in this area remain. tree. Instead of such an approach, it would be far more

consistent to use explicit function calls to communicate 1) Elements of reuse are scattered and mixed with between the different components, for instance, when the rest of the application updating the display from JavaScript.

Simplicity and Elegance. One of the desirable The lack of well-defined interfaces and the mix-up qualities in software development is simplicity. of technologies and notations are impediments for Corbató concluded in his Turing Award lecture in the reuse. Since the different facets of an application are 1990s that all complex systems will ultimately fail, and commonly mixed with the application logic, it is often that to have any chance for success at all, it is difficult to reuse them in other contexts. However, this absolutely necessary to avoid complexity and strive for is not really a fundamental problem with web simplicity and elegance in design [4]. technologies. With some careful planning and design A closely related principle is elegance. As Knuth, by the software developer, it is reasonably easy to keep Dijkstra and Bach have summarized [16, 9, 2], one the different facets separate. In other words, as with view of quality in software is aesthetic view, where software development more broadly, the construction quality is elegance, an ineffable experience of of reusable web software requires careful advance goodness. Current web systems are hardly simple or planning and separation of concerns. elegant, for the following reasons.

2) Hard-coded references and other 1) Current web applications are unstructured and implementation details exposed difficult to read Hard-coded references to specific servers, file Without appropriate tool support current web structures or other implementation or environment applications are unstructured and hard to read. The specific details harden the reuse web page elements in have intentionally left out such topics, as that would different contexts. By avoiding excessive exposure of have extended the scope of our analysis significantly implementation details, the reusability of web software and made this paper considerably longer. could be enhanced. Portability. Portability refers to the ease of 5.1. Usability adapting a program so that it can be run in a host environment that is different from the one for which The term usability refers to the elegance with which the program was originally designed. Web applications the interaction between a human and a computing are generally quite portable compared to traditional system is designed. Usability is a complex topic that software, e.g., because there is much less dependence cannot be measured entirely objectively. Rather, the on specific binary formats or CPU architectures. Still, measure of goodness depends on the context or the some problems in this area remain. intended goal in using a system. Below we list only usability issues that are related to the use of the web 1) There are still significant differences between browser as a host for “real” applications, as opposed to browsers and browser versions the conventional use of the web browser to view pages, forms or other “non-applications”. While simple web pages usually render themselves in the expected fashion in most browsers, significant 1) The browser I/O model is poorly suited to differences exist between browsers and their different desktop-style applications versions when running more complex content. Many of these problems can be traced back to the In current systems a scripting engine communicates incompatibilities of the DOM implementations. With with the browser primarily by modifying DOM more advanced Web 2.0 content, the problems tend to attributes that represent the graphics objects on the get worse. For instance, advanced graphics or screen. Alternatively, the scripting engine can networking capabilities are not available in all the construct HTML pages as strings on the fly and then browsers, and web page update algorithms may behave send those strings to the browser with the expectation differently with asynchronous network updates. that the browser will update its screen accordingly. This is clumsy compared to desktop systems in which 2) Portability of experience is poor programs can manipulate the screen directly. The page-based display update model of the Few people write raw HTML, CSS or other low- browser is also an impediment to application usability. level web content as such. Instead, web development is This model, in which the entire display is updated in usually based on toolsets. Experience in creating web response to a successful user-initiated network request, applications using one technology does not easily is antiquated. The model is dramatically less transfer to others. While there are common elements in interactive than the direct manipulation user interfaces all the web technologies, the lowest common that were in widespread use in desktop computers denominator is still formed by low-level technologies already in the 1980s. With asynchronous that are seldom written directly. Thus, web communication, the page-based update model is development is still an immature area with no gradually being replaced with a finer-grained established principles to be taught independently of the interaction model. actual technology. The establishment of such principles would be a prerequisite for a true “web engineering” 2) The semantics of many browser features are discipline. unsuitable for applications

The web browser has a number of historical features 5. Additional challenges that have poorly defined semantics for applications running in the browser. Consider the 'reload', 'stop', In addition to the issues related to engineering 'back' and 'forward' buttons. While such navigational principles, web technologies have further limitations features make sense for viewing documents and forms, that hinder the creation of real, desktop-style these features have unclear semantics for applications applications. In this section we take a look at some that have a complex internal state and highly dynamic additional topics based on our personal experience in interaction with a web server. In addition to predefined building web applications. We focus especially on two browser buttons, many of the predefined browser menu areas: usability and development style. In addition to items – especially those that are displayed when right- these areas, web technologies have known challenges clicking objects on the screen – are meaningless for also in other areas such as security and scalability. We real applications. Therefore, web applications should 6. Possible solutions be able to override such features with application- specific behavior. Given the impressive capabilities of World Wide Web and its increasingly ubiquitous presence, it is not 5.2. Development style surprising that the use of the web has spread to many new areas outside its original intended use. Because of The power of the World Wide Web stems largely its impressive power, it is easy to overlook the from the absence of static bindings. For instance, when deficiencies of the web in areas that are beyond its a web site refers to another site or a resource, or when intended usage. In some ways, the use of the web as a a JavaScript program accesses a function or DOM software application platform resembles the fairy tale attribute, references are resolved at runtime without about emperor's new clothes [1]: the deficiencies are so static checking. This dynamic nature enables flexible blatantly visible that they should be obvious to combination of content from multiple sites and, more everybody. Yet the web is so powerful that people are generally, for the web to be “alive” and evolve willing to look the other way. We share Les Hatton's constantly with no central control. concern – although taken slightly out of context [33] – For an application developer, the dynamic nature of that “computing has proven to be a fashion industry the web poses new challenges, causing some with little or no relationship with engineering.” The use fundamental changes in the development style. The of the web as an application platform undermines the style must be based on stepwise refinement [37]; such work that has been done in the software engineering a style is closer to the “exploratory” programming style area in the past thirty years or so. used in the context of dynamic programming languages However, we believe that the problems of the web rather than the style of more static, widely used are not fundamental or irreversible. Even though the languages like C, C++ or Java. conceptual and technological foundations of the web are somewhat shaky – especially with respect to using 1) No transitive closure of program structures the web as an application platform – with some is available statically concentrated effort many of the problems could be Web applications are so dynamic that it is fixed. At Sun Labs, we have designed a new web impossible to know statically if all the necessary programming system called the Sun Labs Lively Kernel structures will be available at runtime. While web (http://research.sun.com/projects/lively) that provides browsers are designed to be error-tolerant, the absence our proposed solutions to the problems. of the necessary elements can lead to fatal problems Usability issues. The usability issues of the web that are impossible to detect before execution. seem reasonably easy to fix. Basically, in order to Furthermore, with scripting languages such as support applications with direct manipulation and JavaScript, the application can modify itself on the fly; desktop-style user interaction, the I/O model of the there is no way to detect all possible errors ahead of web needs to be enhanced and complemented with execution. Consequently, web applications require capabilities familiar from the world of desktop more testing to make sure that all the possible applications. The problems in this area boil down to behaviors and paths of execution are tested two issues: the troublesome browser I/O model and the comprehensively. presence of browser features that are semantically problematic in the context of real applications. These 2) No support for static verification or type problems could be fixed by adding support for a direct checking 2D/3D graphics interface that can be used programmatically from JavaScript or other dynamic In the absence of well-defined interfaces and static programming languages. Such a graphics model would type checking, the development style used for web allow the developer to bypass declarative user interface application development is rather different from definitions in situations in which direct manipulation conventional software development. Since there is no would be preferred. In fact, many web browsers way to detect during the development time whether all provide an experimental Canvas graphics model the necessary components are present or have the supporting such functionality. The Canvas model, expected functionality, applications have to be written when associated with an event model that allows an and tested piece by piece, rather than by writing tens of application to handle its input directly, provides a thousands of lines of code before execution. reasonable framework to reintroduce the best characteristics of desktop applications to the web browser. The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) standard supported by many browsers is also a good intended usage, including the development and starting point for a decent programmatic graphics deployment of desktop-style applications. model. The consistency problems related to web In addition to enhancements in the graphics application development are already partially being capabilities of the browser, some other changes should solved with tools, higher-level languages and be made. For instance, in order to support desktop- frameworks. Systems such as GWT introduce a higher style applications better, it should be possible to level of abstraction on top of the base web disable browser features that make little sense for technologies. The main problems in this area are applications. Furthermore, it should be possible to related to standardization, as it may still be premature override the menus of the browser in order to to try to get the industry to agree on a common higher- customize the user experience to the needs of the level solution. Until then, web application development applications. As a possible further enhancement, it will remain “consistently inconsistent.” should be feasible to run applications in “standalone” In terms of programming language choices for web model, outside the conventional web browser applications, there are a number of candidates altogether. available. However, currently there seems to be a lot of Modularity issues. The modularity problems of convergence towards JavaScript (or more generally, web applications are more difficult to solve. After all, the ECMAScript family of languages). Given its the power of the web stems from its openness and the ubiquitous presence in web browsers today, JavaScript lack of static bindings. Today's web sites are like is an obvious choice, in spite of its deficiencies in areas “glass boxes”, with implementation details openly such as modularity and information hiding. Even exposed to the world. The glass box approach is though JavaScript standardization has proceeded beneficial in the sense that it allows the creation of slowly in recent years, the language has a lot of mashups. However, current mashups are often brittle, potential to evolve in a direction where it would have as there is no standardized way for a web site to all the necessary capabilities for real application publish a summary of its intended external interface, development. Syntactically, the resemblance of i.e., to provide a description of those features that are JavaScript to highly popular programming languages intended to be used publicly and possibly reused in such as C, C++ and Java gives it an edge against many other sites. other scripting languages. In principle, there is no reason for such interface Reusability and portability issues. Web description mechanisms not to be available. Ideally, applications are already quite reusable and portable there should be a standard interface description compared to traditional applications that are delivered mechanism that would allow each web site to expose in binary form. Still, there is room for improvement. only its interface, and provide a summary of features The presence of a proper interface definition that are intended to be publicly accessible and reusable. mechanism and information hiding capabilities would The implementation details of the sites should not be improve the reusability and portability of web visible. At least it should be possible to represent them applications. In the absence of such mechanisms, the separately or hide them without resorting to solutions details of web documents are widely exposed. such as obfuscation. Furthermore, the creation of reusable, truly portable In addition to the solutions proposed above, the software requires careful planning and design from the programming languages used on the web need to programmer's side. evolve as well. Given that scripting languages such as Development style issues. The development style JavaScript are increasingly used for real programming used for creating web applications is far more dynamic rather than just scripting, these languages must evolve than the style used for developing conventional in a direction in which they provide proper modularity desktop software. The absence of static, strong type and information hiding mechanisms. Such mechanisms system means that there is less need for time- are well understood and have been widely available in consuming “edit-compile-link-run-crash-debug” cycles other programming languages, and they could be added when doing web development. In contrast, the to JavaScript as well. possibility of errors is manyfold, since there is no way Consistency issues. The web has evolved in a to know statically if all the necessary pieces of the web rather accidental fashion, without any careful master application will be present at runtime, or if the planning. This has resulted in a set of technologies that components really have the expected behavior. Even have been combined together in a seemingly random though exploratory programming techniques have been fashion. At the same time, the use of the web has used for years, mainstream software developers are not rapidly spread into areas that are beyond its original generally familiar with them. This issue can be solved primarily through education. Static verification tools (such as 'jslint' for JavaScript) can play an important [11] Goldberg, A., Robson, D., Smalltalk-80: the language role in helping analyze the integrity of the application and its implementation. 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