Moderate Islam in Southeast Asia
“Southeast Asian Islam: A Moderate Alternative” By Leonard Y. Andaya Department of History University of Hawai’i at Manoa Introduction • To understand Southeast Asian Islam, one must distinguish between situation in majority and minority Muslim countries • Principal factors contributing to moderate forms of Islam in Southeast Asia: (1) Nature of Islamization in Southeast Asia, particularly on Java and in the Malay world; and (2) Indonesian and Malaysian government initiatives in education Islam Today • 1.2 billion Muslims, with ISLAMIC LANDS TODAY total of Arabic-speaking Muslims in Middle East less than 20% of the global Muslim population • Muslims are divided into two principal denominations: Sunni (87- 90%) and Shia (10-13%) Total Muslims in Southeast Asia: c. 235 Million • Myanmar/Burma 48,137,741 (4% Muslim) • Thailand 65,998,436 (7.3%) • Laos 6,834,345 (.01%) • Cambodia/Kampuchea 14,494,293 (1.6%) • Vietnam 88,576,758 (65,000 Muslims) • Malaysia 25,715,819 (58%) • Singapore 4,657,542 (15%) • Brunei 388,190 (67%) • Indonesia 240,271,522 (90%) • Timor-Leste (East Timor) 1,131,612 (less than 1%) • Philippines 97,976,603 (5%) Nature of Islamic Expansion • After the founding of Islam by the Prophet Muhammad c. 622, Islam was spread mainly through trade but also by force • While the tenets of Islam adopted, each place made its own mark on the religion and thus the religion developed somewhat differently in each place Nature of the Islamization Process in Southeast Asia “Localization” of Islam in Southeast Asia • ‘Localization: Adapting
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