JANUARY through MARCH WINTER 2016 CREATIVE WRITING CLASS CATALOG Winter Quarter Cover Contest The details:From Keats’s urn to Kundera’s kitsch, writers have long been spurred forward by visual stimuli. Now it’s your turn: write a six-line poem or 100-word story based on the catalog cover image. The winning piece will be published in the next catalog, and the winner will receive fifty percent off their next Hugo class. Submit your piece to
[email protected]. The winner will be announced upon publication of the next catalog. FALL QUARTER CONTEST WINNER GETTING UP We are ants looking at the universe through a straw. Just now, I thought I heard the doorbell—it’s I am home on disability—we’re hoping short- early; too soon for milk—so I haul myself up to check. term; too soon to tell—and when the milkman comes I catch the end of the sunrise; beams like striated 2x4s to the door, I never remember it’s him. On crutches, I bursting from a peephole-distorted core white as age. wobble to our oval (vintage) peephole where I usually see a face so sweaty it looks laminated before I open Megan Wildhood the door. How to Register hugohouse.org CREDIT AND TRANSFERS SATELLITE LOCATIONS If you need to cancel your regis- • University Heights Center tration for a class, the following 5031 University Way NE Seattle, WA 981 5 , Room #1 8 206-322-7030 refund schedule applies: 0 0 • El Centro de la Raza • 3 days or more before a class, 2524 16th Ave S DATES OF REGISTRATION a class credit or transfer will be Seattle, WA 98144, Room #105 issued less a $15 fee.