CITT Decision Sep 2005
GLOBAL SAFEGUARD INQUIRY INTO THE IMPORTATION OF BICYCLES AND FINISHED PAINTED BICYCLE FRAMES GS-2004-001 AND GS-2004-002 SEPTEMBER 2005 © Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2005 Catalogue No. F42-15/2005E-PDF ISBN 0-662-41179-x Available on the Tribunal’s Web site at Exemplaires en français aussi disponibles Canadian International Trade Tribunal Global Safeguard Inquiry FOREWORD On February 10, 2005, following a complaint filed by the Canadian Bicycle Manufacturers Association, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal commenced a global safeguard inquiry into the importation of certain bicycles and certain bicycle frames. On March 24, 2005, following a second complaint filed by the Canadian Bicycle Manufacturers Association regarding certain bicycle frames, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal issued its notice of decision to commence a global safeguard inquiry into the importation of certain finished painted bicycle frames. Also on March 24, 2005, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal decided, pursuant to rule 6.1 of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Rules, to combine the proceedings with respect to the two complaints. On May 10, 2005, the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance and the Minister for International Trade, pursuant to subsection 27(3) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act, referred to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal two matters concerning certain bicycles and certain finished painted bicycle frames. The first matter was that of determining whether, in the event of an affirmative injury determination, the determination would remain the same if goods imported from a country subject to the North American Free Trade Agreement, Israel or another beneficiary of the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, or Chile were excluded.
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