Volume 23, Number 11 November 2020

Kakabeka Legion is returning to some activities! We are following the recommendations set by the District Health Unit. In that regard we are limited to 50 people indoors. by Chris Bowles, Attendance is by Reservation only. Please call Gary @ 708-0411 Director of Operations to reserve a seat for any function.

The change in season creates a maintenance. Prior to the beginning November 11 - Remembrance Day Service in the hall. change in focus this month. Public of this month, we had a little taste of November 13 & 14 - Dance with Quest from 7-10 pm. works crews are tidying up a few what winter driving conditions November 27 & 28 - Dance with Quest from 7-10 pm. loose ends, when it’s not raining, could be like. Near the middle of December 4 & 5 - Dance with Quest from 7-10 pm. prior to our winter operations. All October, the overnight temperature December 18 & 19 - Dance with Quest from 7-10 pm. of our construction activities will be dipped to minus four or so and with completed by November 6th and the little precipitation we had from ice. Public Works responded to tion of salt to alleviate the situation. our focus will then shift to winter the previous day, combined with a mainline and applied a thin applica- That was soon followed by a heavy little bit of wind, created some black snowfall the following week that had accumulations of 110 mm on the north end of the Municipality with rain and slush in the central and south.

Public Works is implementing the same Routes and Equipment for the upcoming season and as always, our vehicles have GPS tracking to ensure constant feedback from the field to administration. This process ensures our adherence to Minimum Maintenance Standards are met in regards to timing and application of abrasive products.

In preparation for winter operations, please ensure that your Mailboxes are properly secured prior to that first snowfall. A quick guideline is that if you can wiggle the mailbox, it more than likely will not stand up to a full wing of snow hitting it. If you encounter Public Works vehicles in your day to day travels, please ensure that you can provide as much of the roadway as possible. We as staff tend to slow down and move to the right as much as possible while meeting traffic during our opera- tions. Further to this, if you find yourself following one of our vehi- cles, please ensure a safe distance is maintained. If blowing snow is pre- sent, you may find it is nearly impossible to see within 100m of our taillights.

With the change in season, and the days getting shorter, please be aware on the roads for various hazards. Not only is the sunrise or sunset variable, wildlife are also moving about this time of year. As the tem- perature drops, what may appear dry and clear could be some black ice forming on the roadway. Please slow down and give yourself that lit- tle bit of extra time to make it to your destination. A pre-winter vehi- cle inspection and installation of some snow tires is never a bad idea.

CANADA POST AGREEMENT #40037986 Senior Christmas Tea Cancelled by Helmi Collins Chix in the Stix I would like to start by wishing cancel our event for this year. by New Season everyone a joyous holiday season. We I realize that for some the tea wa a Cindy Harasen were putting off cancelling the Senior once a year meeting of friends that will Christmas Tea as long as possible. be missed by all. We will just have to -New Habits However, due to unforeseen circum- keep us all in our prayers and hope to stances - being the Covid 19 situation - see each other all next year. I am colouring inside the lines late- morning driving down from the we are all dealing with this year. ly. Which doesn’t really sound like mountain a momma and poppa and I realize for the safety of all and to Love and Season’s Greetings! me (note the shaved head, pierced 2 baby deer met me on the drive- comply with the rules and regulations From Helmi Collins and all the volun- nose, tattoo, army boots). And I’m way. The little ones were so curious set out by the government, we have to teers that make this event happen not even talking about a metaphor and stood and stared and even took this time. I am literally colouring. steps towards my vehicle. And I Because it’s therapeutic. I’m taking mean I have totally seen deer care of ME. And as we stare down before, even closer than this. But the barrel of our first pandemic win- seeing this ‘family’ was for some ter, I hope you are taking care of reason very moving. Another time I YOU. Personally, I’m kind of torn might have been inclined to honk this year about winter. Usually I’m my horn so I could get on with my one of the first to grumble when the day. But not this time. Last week I COUNCIL MEETINGS weather drops to single digits and saw my first flock of Blue Jays leav- the white stuff starts to fall. But ing a farmer’s field. That too made November 10, 2020 – 5:00 p.m. strangely, this year I’m kind of okay me catch my breath and my heart November 25, 2020 – 9:00 a.m. with it. Covid aside, summer was went pitter patter. And the activity in great, and fall has been absolutely my yard – between the Partridge, glorious. But I’m ready for another Canada Jays, chipmunks and bunny COUNCIL MEETING LOCATION change. It means another clean slate rabbits – it’s the highlight of my and a chance to try and get it right. mornings. I am just noticing things, Murillo Community Hall And it means time is passing and we embracing them and feeling grateful 4569 Oliver Rd are moving forward which I appre- for them more than ever before. ciate because through some of this Covid has softened me rather than For in-person Council meetings physical distancing measures will ‘new normal’ (ugg) I feel like I have hardened me. And I like it. But be employed as per provincial requirements. Members of the just been spinning my wheels. here’s the kicker - it has been by public wishing to attend in-person Council meetings will need to choice. I have been trying to BE wear a mask unless they are exempted in accordance with the Like most of you I am still acutely positive, and also trying to make health unit’s mandatory mask directive. The Municipality does not aware that these are strange times. positive changes and find new ways supply masks to members of the public. But there is LIGHT! I enjoyed to cope. Which is where the colour- some walks and hikes around the ing comes in. It’s something differ- city recently and I don’t ever recall ent. Something to pull my brain and people being so quick to say hello as heart off in new directions – away 807.707.2757 they passed by. I think it’s because from the news, the politics, the 146 Nicholetts Rd we are recognizing our vulnerability debates about masks and vaccines, and our humanity in all of this. I and all the heaviness. NEW things. have also had a few days when I NEW habits. I started listening to You don’t have to drive to the city for luxury services! have been driving to town or back, funky ocean sounds and white noise or had a day at home and I have to help me relax and fall asleep at Contact Us to Learn About Our: completely forgotten about Covid. night. I even started an on-line Pricing is Competitive Hair Removal Treatments And that has been nice too. So it’s Beginners French class with my Skin Rejuvenation Treatments still a bit of ride. But hope is in the daughter. And I started colouring. Top Layer Treatments air! And I know I am way behind with this whole adult colouring craze. Truth be told, I am a die-hard opti- That’s partly because I’m not that mist – to the point that it can be a tad good at sitting still for very long. So annoying to some. And somehow I colouring forces me to at least try, have become MORE optimistic and to decompress and breathe and since Covid, instead of less. In stop thinking about the BIG things stead of grumbling, it has forced me for even short periods of time. I to look even harder to see the full highly recommend it. Because what glass instead of the empty glass. I’m learning is that some things may Never before have I relished so be BIG but that doesn’t mean they many individual moments and expe- are important. Colouring for me has riences on a daily basis. Just this just the right amount of freedom. It affords me the chance to add a per- sonal touch while still offering some Premium Wood Pellets For Sale structure and order. There aren’t a

$ lot of surprises. It’s predictable. It’s Lac Wood softwood@ 5.95* per bag almost boring. The only big deci- Proudly selling locally produced sions I have to make are what premium hard and colours to use. The rest is all there softwood pellets laid out before me, already figured *While quantities last Call for more details out. And some days that is exactly 939-1152 what I want and need. And I’m sure 3879 Hwy 11/17 it is all connected because with the remaining uncertainty in our lives right now it is just nice sometimes to sit and drink tea and know that burnt sienna, violet red and olive green have never changed and that the lines are still there to guide me. And if I do mess up and colour out- side the lines, well, I have discov- ered that swearing in French sounds almost classy! You should try it sometime. The colouring that is!

page 2, The News, November 2020 District Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs UPCOMING EVENTS

OMAFRA Dateline OMAFRA Dateline is an online resource for use by interested individuals and organizations across . Events may be hosted by OMAFRA or other groups. The events posted on this site are aimed at sharing information of interest to agriculture and regional economic development clients. Check the calendar regularly for upcoming events, workshops, conferences and meetings. http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/rural/edr/events-training.htm

October 29, 2020 - 9:30 a.m to 3:45 p.m. EXPORT Development Day If you are looking to accelerate your business growth, strengthen sustainability and expand your business reach into new markets, this workshop is for you! Learn when and how to take advantage of new and exciting opportunities to positively impact your growth. For more information and to register, visit the Export Development Day event page.

October 28 & 29 Ruminant Feed Industry Day Ruminant Feed Industry Day is going virtual for 2020. This year's complimentary online event will take place over the mornings of October 28 and 29. In keeping with traditional RFID format, the program includes technical presentations and practice modules. For the full conference agenda and to register, visit the event registration page.

November 5, 2020 - 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Selling Food to Ontario Training Workshop This webinar will help you create new opportunities for your farm or food business by learning how to expand into new markets such as restaurants, food service, food retailers, institutions and other wholesale buyers. Topics include: Market channel opportunities (who buyers are, how they purchase food and what they expect) Basics of food regulations Getting your product listed in a retail store and keeping it there Food packaging and labelling (different packing design types and materials and labelling requirements) Mega trends in the food industry – risks and opportunities For more information and to register, visit the event registration page.

November 10, 17, 24 Cover Crop Grazing 2020 Webinar Series Grazing Cover Crops 2020 is going online this year. Join us and hear from sheep and beef producers across Ontario discuss the benefits of grazing cover crops. Each webinar will also feature a presentation from an OMAFRA specialist. This event is free.

November 18, 2020 - 8:00 p.m. Thunder Bay Community Pasture Annual General Meeting The Thunder Bay Community Pasture invites anyone to attend their virtual Annual General Meeting on Monday, November 18, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. All questions about the meeting, the Community Pasture, or vacant positions can be directed to Diana Bockus, Secretary/Treasurer at dlbockus@tbay- tel.net. If you would like to attend the meeting, please register by Thursday, November 12. Email Kendal Donahue at [email protected] to register.We hope to "virtually" see you there!

Ecological Farms of Ontario - Upcoming Events EFAO has a packed calendar of farmer events in November. Workshop top- ics include: Holistic farm design Planning for production Pastured pigs in a multi-species rotational grazing system Marketing and distribution Tools for successful record keeping And more! Check out the full calendar of events at efao.ca/events/

Webinar Series: Exploring the Impact of Ontario Research Explore research at Ontario’s Agricultural Research Stations in this webinar series hosted by the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance. These webinars will demonstrate how Ontario’s agricultural research stations provide a plat- form for innovative research and collaboration that benefits Ontario’s agri- food sector.

Webinar 1: The Ontario Field Crops Research Centre - Elora December 1, 2020 - 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Webinar 2: The Ontario Beef Research Centre - Elora February 2, 2021 - 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Webinar 3: Ontario Aquaculture Research Centre - Alma March 30, 2021 - 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Funding Programs: Recovery Program The Northern Ontario Recovery Program is designed to help businesses adapt operations according to local public health guidelines (due to COVID- 19), while protecting employees and customers. Examples of projects include installing plexiglass to separate workers or hand sanitizing stations, purchasing staff PPE or new point of sale technolo- gy, or redesigning work or retail space to increase social distancing. Eligible costs will be those incurred and paid after March 17, 2020. NOHFC will cover 100% of eligible project costs up to $25,000. Funding is limited and will be on a first-come basis. The application window closes December 31, 2020. Full program details are available on the Northern Ontario Recovery Program website.

The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 page 3

Time on My Hands CHIEF’S

CORNER Don’t Touch That Dial

by Karen Craib by Sean Horan, Fire Chief Hard to believe that November is are, I recommend you change the unit. here! Seems like this year has been a When you install a new alarm, mark the Remember when you had to get off the couch would start meowing for his breakfast at 2 blur so far. Couple items I would like installation date on the alarm. Smoke and walk all the way across the room and turn a.m. (yes 2 a.m.) I'd often say "What is it? Is to highlight this month. or CO alarms should never go past 10 a dial to change the t.v. channel? Well, back someone in the forest with a broken ankle"? The first item is our volunteer fire years in service. when we only had channel 2 you didn't have to. And then....I found out a had a friend in the fighters and medical first responders. It is also a good practice to test you But then we got channel 4 and channel 9 and a hospital with a broken ankle. Spooky. I These people are truly amazing people! whole new world opened up. stopped saying it to the cat, it felt like it was alarms at least once a month, and if you And that's where my world stayed until my fault. The number of training hours, equip- have been away from home for any December 2018. After 38 years of pressure I When I was 10 I got a collie and names her ment maintenance hours and emer- length of time, test them as soon as you gave in to cable t.v. Why? We started having Spot. No silly, of course I called her Lassie. gency response hours these people ded- get home. There are documented cases problems with 1 of the channels. Something We spent 14 years together, she was the best icate to the community is simply out- of smoke alarms failing while the fami- was interfering with it, we guessed there could friend I could have had growing up. She was standing. As Fire Chief, I am extremely ly is away on vacation, with the family be a ham radio in the area. I never wanted born in a small barn on Oliver Road. I still proud of each and every one of you coming home and assuming their cable, I felt we'd watch too much t.v. and I'm look at the place where we got her. She could- guys and I would like to say THANK alarms are working. If your alarm has a sure we do. B.C. (before cable) if there was n't walk on tile floors and she was scared of YOU for what you guys do every day! “ten year” battery, it is absolutely criti- nothing that interested me, I'd read. Plus Jim's brooms. She was a gentle dog and a good I would also like to extend that thank cal that you test the alarm every month Mom would tape shows for us to watch. And "mommy dog" to more than 1 kitten. To this you to your family members! Without to ensure it will operate when it counts. then the VCR no longer worked with the new day I think that a collie is the most beautiful their support you would not be able to With our busy lives and hectic t.v. Our world was getting smaller. dog out there. do what you do! schedules, it is easy to let the monthly Now, if we have the Food Channel on preview If you are interested in becoming a test slip by. Why not use that device and it's November I have my nose buried in "Come listen to a story about a man named member of the Oliver Paipoonge Fire that is attached to many of our hips to every cake decorating competition. It was to Jed". I loved "The Beverly Hillbillies" and and Emergency Services, you can find remind us of our fire safety responsibil- the point that I actually got sick of watching still enjoy singing the theme song. Jethro was the fire department application on the ities at home. Add a half hour appoint- them. Some people believe it made me go out handsome, but not too bright and he could Municipal Website. If you live around ment with your family to test your and buy cupcakes. really eat, hmm...reminds me of someone I the Intola, Kakabeka, Murillo, Stanley, alarms, practice your escape plan and know. I loved all the animals that Ellie Mae Rosslyn, or Slate fire station, consider review fire safety concerns. I grew up watching t.v., mostly with my Dad. I had. And I can still hear Uncle Jed say "Well becoming part our team. We are always Finally, November also means win- guess with my Mom out at meetings so much doggies". looking for volunteer fire fighters and it was an easy way to "babysit" me. We contin- Years ago there was a Beverly Hillbillies slot ter driving is on our doorstep. Our Fire ued this on Sunday nights until he passed away. machine at the Barbary Coast Casino in medical first responders. and Emergency Services volunteers Jim was subjected to "Road To Avonlea" and Vegas. The machine was located close by the Secondly, November means day- respond to all motor vehicle collisions one he *really* liked..."Fraggle Rock". Seattles Best Coffee, it doesn't get much bet- light savings and moving our clocks on the roads and highways in our The early shows are burned in my mind, if I ter than enjoying a Raspberry Kiss Mocha back an hour. When you change your municipality. Each year we see a dra- have trouble getting to sleep I'll sing theme and playing a Beverley Hillbillies slot clock back, please remember to change matic increase in driving related inci- songs. machine. And then...they were both gone and the battery in all your smoke alarms and dents as the roads first become snow now the casino is The Cromwell. When we CO alarms in your home. Remember, covered and icy. This dramatic increase The pandemic has messed with my sleep, I can stayed there on our honeymoon there were even hard-wired smoke and CO alarms is directly related to drivers failing to go to bed at 11 and still be wide awake at 4 a.m. plans to build a pool. And 40 years later they have battery backup. Those batteries adjust their driving habits as the condi- This article was inspired one August morning finally have. I've seen it in the ads for "Love must be changed as well. It is also tions become slippery and more danger- at 3:30 a.m. I was thinking about Sam Drucker. Island". important to remember that smoke and ous. We need to be more cautious and If you're old enough you know who I'm talking CO alarms have a service life. Refer to alert to slippery conditions before an about. He ran the general store on "Green Well it's 2:30 a.m. and I should try again to go the owner’s manual to see when the incident occurs, not after. Acres" and "Petticoat Junction". to sleep. And besides Jim and the critters are manufacture recommends you replace here so it's time to turn out the lights. the alarm. If you can’t find a replace- Be safe and remember- Prevention is "Come ride a little train that is going down the I hope you have a nice November and that ment date or don’t know how old they the best way to fight fire! tracks to the junction". I liked that show, I maybe I brought up some happy memories. wanted to grow up and be like Betty Jo, Bobbie And I wish a happy Remembrance Day to all Jo and Billie Jo. And I loved their dog. Did you the veterans. know he went on to star as Benji? When I think Thunder Bay Community Pasture about it you can see sex sells, even then, all the P.s. a big thank you to the person who had women were very "perky" with tiny waists. fireworks at the Duke Hunt Museum on September 17. My Dad would have been 107 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL "Green Acres is the place to be". I *loved* this that day and I was feeling down. Your beauti- show and I bet you can guess my favourite ful display made me feel better. character. Yep - it's Arnold the pig. He was so MEETING smart. I wanted a pig. I always have. I will Monday, November 16th, 2020 never forget the thrill of going to an exotic pet 8:00 p.m. store in Phoenix in the 90s. I got to hold a baby By Zoom To register pot bellied pig. It was very hot, or it was me, I was pretty excited. Contact Kendal Donahue at And now my days are spent enjoying Esther the Wonder Pig on Facebook. I wish I could [email protected] meet her. We are both breast cancer survivors. I absolutely dread the day when she may no 627-1566 longer be around. She brings me so much joy Everyone is welcome to attend and her family teaches us a lot about love. Who knew a pig, a dog and a very jealous turkey could be such great friends. The world could learn a lot from them. "Green Acres" was such a fun show to watch, I enjoyed all the characters...Hank Kimball, Ralph and Alf, Eb, Doris and Fred (Arnold's parents) and so on. I think I'd enjoy it just as much today.

One Halloween I dressed as the genie from "I Dream Of Jeannie". My sister made my cos- tume. Would you believe that last year I played an old "I Dream Of Jeannie" slot machine in Las Vegas? It was really old, but I had fun.I think it only had 9 lines. Years ago my mother in law took photos of Barbara Eden in Santa Barbara. She was still a beautiful woman. And of course Larry Hagman went on to gain fame as J.R. Ewing.

Sunday nights were for "Lassie". When she'd lift her paw and whine at the end of the show I'd sometimes cry. I admit I do make fun of the show sometimes. Last winter when Nacho page 4, The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 Rosslyn Exercise Club by Maureen Sabourin

Lakehead Region remember you will feel better knowing Although we have not been able to you did something good for yourself. meet since April I hope that all of you Conservation Authority had a happy and busy summer. We got submitted by LRCA Staff I urge you to give it a try, and let me healthy lifestyle and reap the benefits of to work and play outside and enjoy the The 2021 Explore Card Parking know how it is going. recreating in nature for positive affects warm summer sun. Pass will be available for sale this It is hard working out alone but if we on your mental and physical health. It is Now the winter is close at hand and we month! Proceeds from the sale of keep each other motivated I know we important to ensure your personal safety find ourselves staying in more, we must Explore Cards contributes directly to will all feel better. is top-of-mind when visiting a keep fit, in mind, body and spirit. the upkeep of our Conservation Areas; Conservation Area, as trails can become we rely on these funds now more than There is no charge for this program. slippery when wet with rain, snow and I am currently using HASFit, which can ever, and appreciate the support. An frost. We also require all visitors to keep be found in their app or on U Tube and Explore Card Parking Pass will provide Send me an email at pms2009@tbay- their dogs on-leash at all times; bicycles am inviting you to join me. There are parking for one year at all of our sea- tel.net and let’s do this together. are also not permitted on any exercises for beginners to pros, young sonal and year-round Conservation Conservation Area trails. Thank you for and old, either standing or sitting, using Areas. Cards can be purchased on our Maureen Sabourin your cooperation in helping us keep our weights , water bottles or just yourself. website or in person at our Chair Exercise Club Areas safe, clean, and fun for all visi- Exercises last from 15 to 45 min. Administrative Office. They also make Rosslyn Community Center tors. All local and Provincial COVID- depending on what you choose. Just great stocking stuffers! 19 restrictions surrounding physical The LRCA 2021 Calendar will be distancing and outdoor group sizes must available during the month of be followed when visiting a November. Be sure to look for it at Conservation Area. The select businesses such as Safeway, For your information, Lake Superior Wilderness Supply, Waverly Public water levels remain near all-time highs. Refill Library, LU Bookstore and more. The As such, the LRCA is continuing the LRCA will also have copies available at Shoreline Condition Statement for the our Administrative Office at 130 Co. Lake Superior shoreline within our Area Conservation Road. Thank you to all of of Jurisdiction. Lake Superior will like- the sponsors for making this calendar ly see a prolonged period of high lake possible for another year. levels. All of the Great Lakes continue Even though the weather is getting to be above average. cooler, exploring a Conservation Area Get out and Explore! is still an excellent way to maintain a

? Computer Repairs ? Computer/Laptop Sales ? Software/Hardware Installations ? Wireless/Network Router Install ? Hardware/Memory Upgrades ? Virus/Windows Reload ? We are an eco-friendly refillery and we stock home and personal Data Transfer

Thunder Bay ? Ph. 344-0200 995 Golf Links Rd.? hygiene products in bulk format. Customers can refill their own www.dunrite.com containers or purchase one of ours to fill with products such as dish soap, cleaners, laundry detergent and shampoo. The Centre is closed until We have an ever-expanding list of bulk products, as well as a further notice. selection of eco-friendly products such as unpaper towels, Rural We hope everyone is doing well bamboo toothbrushes and beeswax wraps and staying healthy. Family We look forward to seeing you e [email protected] Centre when our EarlyON programs w www.therefillco.net begin again ! Instagram(@therefillco) and Facebook (The Refill Co.)

Keep updated and connected to 4277 Oliver Road Murillo us on Facebook or call 935-3009 Visits by appointment only or Email [email protected]

Use physical distancing and hand washing to stay safe.

Play, sing, laugh and we will see you soon!

3879 Hwy 11/17 hhimporters.ca 939-1152 Phone: 767‐3643

The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 page 5 Beyond Books: Grab ‘N Go Service Coming Soon to Rosslyn Library submitted by Beverly Ball on behalf of the Oliver Paipoonge Library Board

Rosslyn Library will be opening soon. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Start date to be The hours, times, and number of people announced). Curbside pick up will continue at The reopening of Murillo Library will that can be in the Library at any one There will be a limit of 3 patrons in the Rosslyn, however, once the grab’n go occur at a future date yet to be deter- time will be limited. Under the limited Library at any one time or if a house- service opens at Rosslyn, the date for mined. Murillo Library curbside pick reopening plan that was approved by hold has more than 3 people, then a sin- curbside pick up will change to up is available to patrons on Council, Rosslyn will begin to reopen gle household unit will be permitted Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Here, Wednesdays, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. At this one day per week. The exact date that into the Library. Oliver Paipoonge residents Kelsea time, we are moving cautiously and at a the Rosslyn Library will be open for “in Children ages 9 and under must stay Chony and sons, Liam and Ehron pace that we feel is in the best interests facility” grab’n go loans will be within arm’s length of parents/ enjoy a quick stop at the Rosslyn of everyone to continue maintaining a announced. Watch for information on guardians. Library curbside pick up. safe and healthy environment. If you the Library’s facebook page or the web- There will be a limit to the amount of have any questions you can site. time that each person/ household can be email [email protected] in the Library. The limit is 15 minutes or phone either Library Special thanks to Chris Bowles – per person/ household. (Murillo Library 935-2729 or Director of Operations and Fire Chief Before entering the Library, a hand san- Rosslyn Library 939-2312). – Sean Horan for reviewing the plan itizing station will be set up and you and inspecting the facility to make sure must use it before coming into the New for 2020 that we have everything in place to library. – BOTH MURILLO AND maintain a safe facility for patrons. Masks or face coverings must be worn ROSSYLN LIBRARIES Once again, Oliver Paipoonge’s when entering the Library (Oliver WILL BE CLOSED ON CAO/City Clerk – Wayne Hanchard Paipoonge Mandatory Mask Policy By- REMEMBERANCE DAY – provided invaluable guidance and Law No. 65 2020) and must cover the WEDNESDAY, NOVEM- review of the plan to make sure it pro- mouth, nose, and chin as outlined in the BER 11TH. vides for the health and safety of our Policy and recommended by health residents and staff. authorities. Toys and equipment including comput- Like most services that you may have ers will not be available at this time. used over the last several months, we The used book area with book sales by want to continue to keep people safe in donation will be open under the same our community and therefore, we are limitations as the main library area. limiting how patrons can use the Donation envelopes will be available. library. Key things you need to know There will be limited patron access to when coming into Rosslyn Library: the public washrooms. Patrons’ movement in the library will The grab’n go service will be available be guided by tables/ shelves. Please at Rosslyn Library on Tuesdays from respect physical distancing amongst patrons and staff.


Neighbours Helping Neighbours

Conmee Municipal Complex 19 Holland Rd, P0T1W0 807-285-0836

We sincerely thank all those that continue to support us during COVID-19. Your donations enable the food bank to remain open

Next Food Bank Wednesday, November 18th Registration 9 am to 11 am

page 6, The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 The Rural Pharmacist: Flu Shots Are Back in Stock! by Henry Tempelman, Pharmacist/Owner of Kakabeka & Rosslyn IDA Pharmacies Is it just me, or did October disappear parents who are in regular contact with faster than our flu vaccine supply?! young children. Note that the HDTIV The Ministry of Health’s initial allotment and QIV vaccines have not been directly of flu vaccine for each pharmacy in compared in a study and there is no evi- Ontario was equal to 50% of their total dence to support one to be superior or doses administered last flu season. We got inferior to the other. our supply Tuesday, October 6th and we The Ministry is only providing pharma- were out of stock at both our Rosslyn & cies with a limited supply of the HDTIV Kakabeka locations by Saturday, October vaccine, and they will not provide us 10th! We did half the amount of last with the quantity that will be made avail- year’s total flu shots in less than a week! able to each pharmacy. Ask our pharma- We wish we could reorder vaccines right cists which vaccine they recommend for away, but the Ministry of Health was very you. Patients with COPD, cancer, strict and would not allow reorders to immunocompromised, heart failure or occur until October 26th. Patient uptake is over 80 years old may benefit from the way up thus far, with recommendations HDTIV, but rest assured the regular QIV from health experts that this year it is very offers good influenza protection. You important to be up to date on your vac- should not skip the QIV in hopes of find- cines. ing an HDTIV at another pharmacy, as Like Rick Mercer said, on CBC’s This they also have limited quantities and may Hour Has 22 Minutes “You’ve never been also be out of stock. The sooner you get hit by a car before, but you still look both your shot, the sooner you are protected (it ways when you cross the street, right?” can take two weeks for your body to Just because you haven’t had the flu in the build immunity after receiving the flu last few years doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vaccine). The best flu shot you get is the get the flu shot to protect you and your one you get today. loved ones. It’s the best thing you can do At the time of writing, we are expecting to protect against the flu, especially in a to resume flu shots in our pharmacies year when you want to avoid being any Monday, October 26th. We have been type of sick. doing our best to book and maintain As Devon wrote last month, this is the appointments for flu shots, in an effort to first year that pharmacies are able to control patient traffic and prevent administer both the High Dose (HD) crowds. Walk-Ins may be accepted Senior flu vaccine and regular flu vac- depending on appointment availability. cine. We’ve had many requests for the Please call the pharmacy and speak with high dose flu vaccine, and also many our friendly staff to book an appointment questions asking what really is the differ- for you and your family. Please remem- ence between the high dose flu vaccine ber that flu shots are subject to availabil- and the regular vaccine? ity and unfortunately it can be out of our The senior vaccine is a “High Dose control, due to Ministry allocation. Trivalent Influenza Vaccine” (HDTIV). It We will also be holding a Flu Clinic at covers 2 influenza A strains and 1 influen- the Kakabeka Legion (and possibly za B strain. In a study where it was com- Oliver Paipoonge Community Centre) in pared to its regular strength trivalent flu early November. We are unable to vaccine counterpart (which is no longer announce a date in this article because we used), it resulted in less hospitalizations want to make sure we will have appropri- for seniors. The HDTIV vaccine is only ate stock on hand to properly serve a clin- available to people ages 65+. ic. We should know more the week of The regular vaccine offered at pharmacies October 26th. Stay tuned for signage in this year is a “Quadrivalent Influenza the pharmacy and around the village Vaccine” (QIV). It covers 2 influenza A along with highway sign in front of the strains and 2 influenza B strains and is Legion for clinic dates! indicated in ages 6 months+. The extra B Thanks for your patience through the first strain that the QIV covers is a strain that wave of flu shots. If we were unable to is prevalent in young children, which one serve you because of supply issues then could argue might be beneficial for grand- we look forward to seeing you again in November to ensure you’re protected!


ROSSLYN PHARMACY 939-2007 202 Hwy 130

KAKABEKA FALLS PHARMACY 577-2435 4781 Hwy 11/17 Flu Shots Appointment Walk-In Clinic Available Monday Thru Friday

or Walk-Ins MUST BOOK APPT - (Subject to Availability) - Call 888-930-6571 Thanks for Supporting Local!

640 Beverly Street TOP TEN (807) 344-3232 Office MLS AWARD (807) 344-5400 Fax WINNER Barb McEwen 1-888-837-6926 Toll Free OVER Salesperson [email protected] 27 years! (807) 626-3860 CELL www.avistarealty.ca The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020, page 7 REMINDER: Burning permits are required all Happy 60th Anniversary year. Charges will be laid if you burn without a permit. Daytime burning is allowed from Nov 1 Marvin and Clarice Wideman to March 31. Burning Permits available at: both libraries, LULUS, Rosslyn Service, November 5th, 1960-2020 Wildwoode Variety, Valley Store in Murillo and also online at www.oliverpaipoonge.ca. Mom and Dad, You are not allowed to dispose of used oil, paint at For all that you’ve been to us, our landfill site. The Municipality is no longer For all that you’ve done for us, accepting appliances that contain Freon. In order for For all that you are....we love you! these appliances to be accepted at the Landfill Sites, Love your they must have the Freon removed by a Certified 4 children and spouses, 10 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren (soon to be 9) Refrigeration Specialist and tagged to indicate that they are Freon-free. Once the Freon is removed and the appliance is tagged, it can then be disposed of in the designated area at either Landfill Site without charge. You must present both your Landfill Access Card and Photo ID (driver’s license) to the Landfill Site Attendant upon arrival effective July 11, 2015… .landfill sites are for residents only. Non profit event planners can submit an online request to have their event placed on our municipal calendar located on the website. Go to our website www.oliverpaipoonge.ca and click on the events calendar icon on the home page and from there click on the link “submit an event” for free advertising. Remember to RECYCLE – our sites are filling up with recyclable items. The Municipality is legislat- ed to recycle, so please do your part!! We remind residents that charges can be laid in regards to insecure loads and garbage flying onto the roads. Please ensure your garbage is secured in your vehicle or trailer! Remember: You must have your pet under your control at all times. DOG TAGS are av available at Municipal Office, Wildwoode Variety on Hwy 102

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Visit our website at www.caringsolesfootcareservices.com Call 807‐628‐9436 Email: [email protected]

page 8, The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 RURAL BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY

ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES United Reformed Church of Thunder Bay HARDWARE TIRE SHOP WATER FILTRATION #23 Hwy 130, Thunder Bay 939-1916 Rosslyn Service Home Hardware Rosslyn Service Home Hardware Pro-Tec Tire Centre Axel’s Water & Plumbing Pastor: Rev. Ancel Merwin 623-4241 Repairs to all makes: ATV, Snowmobiles, Tractors 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 3129 West Arthur Street R.R.#1 Murillo 623-4488 Clerk: Ralph Bakker, 475-9586 & equipment KITCHEN CABINETS Husky Truck Stop Tire Shop: 939-2581 2 • our Emergency Service. Available for all your Sun. Worship Times: 10:00 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. Office: 939-2572 Fax 939-1171 water and plumbing needs. 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 www.thunderbayurc.com Kam Ridge Manufacturing TRACTORS WATER HAULING APARTMENTS - SENIORS COMPUTER REPAIRS Now selling kitchen and vanity cabinets from Urban Effects and Cabinetsmith Afortek Inc. Tempelman Water Haulage Kay Bee Seniors Non Profit Housing SALES & SERVICE New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 Tractors and Renewable Energy Bulk water in stainless steel tanks for wells, 108 Hill St., Kakabeka Falls Bagdonas Consulting Service (807) 939-2524 [email protected] 100 McCluskey Dr.;Tel: 807-475-5171 Fax: holding tanks, swimming pools, skating rinks, Contact: Mary Sabo-Bandiera, 475-0313 Computer service, setup, backup, restore 807-475-5608 residential & commercial. A subsidy may be available to assist with LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP. [email protected] 935-3021 www.afortek.com www.afortektractors.com 767-9173, Mon.-Sat. your rent. SALES & SERVICE Dunrite! Services Rosslyn Service Home Hardware WATER TREATMENT Rosslyn Service Home Hardware AUTO REPAIR Leo Blekkenhorst 995 Golf Links Rd.Ph. 344-0200 Yanmar tractors, loaders, backhoes & implements Brad’s Water Treatment Cub Cadet, TroyBilt, Mantis tillers, Echo Authorized Purifiner dealer for N.W.O., Art's Auto Fax 344-1156 www.dunrite.com [email protected] 21 to 45 HP, 807-939-2521 [email protected] http://fb.me/DunriteServicesThunderBay 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 Water treatment specialists 577-0462 Automotive repair and diagnostics TRAVEL All makes and models; Art Blekkenhorst See us for your all your computer needs MASSAGE THERAPY Travel Professionals International WELL SERVICES/PUMPS 935-2835; 4582 Oliver Road, Murillo CONCRETE PRODUCTS Karen Marsh Registered Massage Therapist Amanda Gordon - Travel Consultant Allens Enterprises Services Inc.- Essential Charlie’s Auto Miller Precast Limited Located in Eclips Hair Design on Tues.&Thurs. Direct line 807-708-5342, Dug Well Tech / Installation All Pumps 4778 Hwy. 11/17 Kakabeka Falls ON [email protected] / www.dig1.ca Automotive Service Technician, Charles Clair 58 Cooper Rd., Rosslyn [email protected] 953 Candy Mountain Dr., 473-5456 708-5536 Ph. 939-2655 Fax 939-1788 Tel. (807)627-4147 Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Ph 905-896-6948 TICO# 1576226 Kershaw Well Services Fast Forward Auto Kam Ridge Manufacturing CREDIT UNION 1131 Nottinghill Gate,Suite 203, Oakville, www.kershawwellservices.ca Full Service Domestic & Import Repairs: Selling Ideal Roofing's full line of sheet Brakes, Driveline, Drivability Rapport Credit Union ON L6M1K5 Phone 939-2166 Fax 939-2167 Full Financial Services – 3 local branches metal, steel shingles, and accessories Quality Four Wheel Alignments 1024 Boundary Dr. W. Neebing 807-628-8551 Kakabeka Falls, 43 Clergue St Ph 475 4276 New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 WINDOWS/DOORS TRUCK.CAR STOP & RESTAURANT Kam Ridge Manufacturing Rick’s Auto Repair Campus Hill , 1072 Oliver Rd Ph. 346 2810 (807) 939-2524 [email protected] Santorelli’s 24 Hr. Husky Truck Stop James St, 405 James St S. Ph, 626 5666 Now selling North Star Wi ndows and Doors Up-to-date fuel injection diagnostic & repairs Thunder Bay Co-op Farm Supplies 3131 West Arthur Street & repairs to all makes & models www.rapportcu.ca toll free: 1 888 516 6664 New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 Highway 61 & Boundary Dr. Phone 475-5190 Fax (near Twin City Crossroads) (807) 939-2524 [email protected] 20 Berini Drive, 473-4501 ELECTRICAL 475-7420 www.tbcoop.com Gas Bar:939-2619/Fax:939-2060/Office:939-2572 BIRTHDAY PARTIES 5 Star Electric (Thunder Bay) Inc. Largest stock of Ideal metal roofing & TRUSSES Laugh Out Loud with BoBo Residential, Commercial, Industrial; New Builds, siding in Northern Ontario Kam Ridge Manufacturing BoBo the Clown! Fabulous entertainment for Upgrades. Lighting Retrofits (grants possible), Solar MUSIC Commercial & Residential trusses, floor birthday parties! system repairs, Generator backup systems. 807- joists & LVL beams, prefab walls 475-7827, email:[email protected], Musical Discovery with Suzanne Gilmore 628 7271 3933 Hwy. 11/17 W 939-2524 fax 939-2546 message us at Facebook Piano, Voice, Theory, Intro Guitar BOOKKEEPING / TAXES ELECTRONIC SERVICES Exam Prep for Royal Conservatory LAK Business Services Lessons held in Rural Schools and online Lucy Kloosterhuis-Bookkeeping, Payroll, Lakehead Communications 964-2223 [email protected] 420 Balmoral Street Thunder Bay P7B 6G3 THE CORPORATION OF THE Income Taxes, Gov’t Returns & Secretarial PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Services Fred Erickson, Ph. 628-0198,Fax 626-8248 A-1 Sewage Services (1989) Ltd. MUNICIPALITY OF OLIVER PAIPOONGE Ph. 473-5658 Fax 577-7829 [email protected] EXCAVATING & 519 Pole Line Rd. Rosslyn P7K 0S6 CATERING, HALL RENTALS & EQUIPMENT RENTALS Ph. 473-9480 Fax 473-9099 LANDFILL SITES-WINTER HOURS Allens Enterprises Services Inc. ALS Sewage Services MEETINGS Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Bus.: 939-1692 Septic/holding tank cleaning Founder's Museum & Pioneer Village October 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021 [email protected] / www.dig1.ca REAL ESTATE SALES 3190 HWY 61, Thunder Bay ON P7C 4V2 Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Landfill Sites are CLOSED on all Statutory Holidays Avista Realty Group Ltd. Royal Canadian Legion Hall 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn 640 Beverly St. Thunder Bay Kakabeka, 473-9122 Ph 939-1014, Email [email protected] NORTH LANDFILL SITE (1 Spence Road) Barb McEwen, Sales Rep. [email protected] Dump Trucks, Excavation, Lot Deve1 Cell 807-626-3860 Ph. 344-3232 Tuesday: 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. CHEESE FARM FARMS Fax 344-5400 Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thunder Oak Cheese Farm Belluz Farms Re/Max First Choice Realty 755 Boundary Dr. R.R. #3, 628-0175 R.R.#6, Thunder Bay P7C 5N5 George Hanna, Broker SOUTH LANDFILL SITE (154 Barrie Drive) CHOCOLATE 475-5181 Farm fresh fruits & vegetables 846 McDonnell St., 344-5700 Wednesday 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Chocolate Cow website: www.belluzfarms.on.ca Cell 473-7350, Home 475-5122 Locally-made chocolates available year-round at FARMS & HAY/SLEIGH RIDES Jim Boeckner Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thunder Oak Cheese Farm, Kakabeka Depot, & PARTIES Streetcity Realty Inc., Brokerage Thunder Bay Feeds, South Neebing Variety, Santorelli Cell 628-7577 Truck Stop and other area stores. See our website Gammondale Farm Email: [email protected] www.chocolatecow.net or call 807-623-2628. Gerry and Sue Gammond 981 Balmoral St., Unit #1 Office: 623-4663 R.R.#3, McCluskey Dr., Thunder Bay CHRISTMAS TREES 475-5615 Farm 475-9609 Home ROOFING & RENOVATIONS Slate Valley Christmas Trees [email protected] www.gammondalefarm.com Dykstra Knight Roofing & Renovations Box 86, Kakabeka Falls Ph. 577-3597 "Cut your own" white spruce - open Saturday and FEED & FERTILIZER Sundays in December. 464 Candy Mountain Dr, Asphalt & wood shingles, cedar shakes, metal roofs, Slate River. John Hanna 476-0901 Thunder Bay Co-op Farm Supplies flat roofs, siding, soffit, facia & eavestrough COUNCIL & STAFF Highway 61 & Boundary Dr. Phone 475-5190 CHURCHES/ Fax 475-7420 ww.tbcoop.com SALES/DIRECT Contact Information RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS Fertilizers, chemicals, building supplies, hardware, feed, Mom’s Pantry Products Office Located at 3250 Hwy 130, Rosslyn ON Anglican Parish of West Thunder Bay Country Warmth in poultry chicks, garden products To reorder any product from our fine line of prod- Christ! Incumbent: The Rev. Gordon Holroyd 939-1103 Thunder Bay Feeds ucts or to organize a fundraiser for your group or P7K 0B1 St. James' Anglican Church R.R.#11, Townline Road school-for additional information call Sylvia (corner of John St. Rd. at Calvert Rd. in Murillo) Phone 935-2921, Fax 935-2337 Kloosterhuis at 475-6913. COUNCIL Sunday Service at 11:00 am Monday-Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-3 SAWMILLS Lucy Kloosterhuis, Mayor ...... 622-8865(home) St. Mark's Anglican Church FIREWOOD Murillo Millworks (5 St. Mark's Street, Rosslyn Village) [email protected] ...... 473-5658(office) Murillo Millworks 2 Rubin Drive, Murillo, P0T 2G0 935-3307 Sunday Service & Sunday School at 9:30 am 2 Rubin Drive, Murillo, P0T 2G0 935-3307 Quality producer of retail & wholesale lumber Alana Bishop, Councillor ...... 286-5657 Facebook "Parish of West Thunder Bay" products, pallets, shipping crates. Cut & split dry birch & poplar, Asst. species [email protected] slabs Community Baptist Church SEPTIC SYSTEMS INSTALLS Cnr. of Oliver & Mud Lake Rds., Murillo FLOORING Allens Enterprises Services Inc.- Essential Bernie Kamphof, Councillor ...... 935-3344 Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. Kam Ridge Manufacturing Licensed Septic Systems Installer [email protected] / www.dig1.ca [email protected] Pastor Anthony Fiorito Now selling hardwood, engineered, and vinyl Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 935-2514 (office) or 935-2563 (church ph. & fax) laminate tile. Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Brandon Postuma, Councillor . . . . .939-2414 www.murillobaptist.blogspot.com New showroom-3933 Highway 11-17 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn (807) 939-2524 [email protected] [email protected] First Christian Reformed Church Ph 939-1014, Email [email protected] Hwy 130 North at Cooper Rd. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Licenced Septic Installer-Peter Haniak Allan Vis, Councillor ...... 935-2200 Church 939-1207 Allens Enterprises Services Inc.- Essential SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Chairman – Jeff Schelhaas – 621-1951 Excavating, Landscaping, Driveways, Dug Wells, [email protected] Septic Systems A-1 Sewage Services (1989) Ltd. Clerk – Devan Miller – 627-1179 519 Pole Line Rd. Rosslyn P7K 0S6 Sunday Service 10 a.m. [email protected] / www.dig1.ca Office: 626-6267 Director: 626-6857 Ph. 473-9480 Fax 473-9099 HALL RENTALS Pinegrove United Church BJ Halow & Sons Contractors ALS Sewage Services Call the Municipal Office ...... 935-2613 Hwy. 130 (between Arthur St. & Rosslyn Rd.) 22 Wing Road, Rosslyn Bus.: 939-1692 Sunday Service - 10:30 a.m. 939-2533/473-9021/ Septic/holding tank cleaning Watch the livestream on Sundays at 10:30 am. Bruce D. Halow 935-2730 Dave Buob Trucking Ltd. ADMINISTRATION Visit www.trinityunited.church/livestream/ Dave Buob Trucking Ltd. Licensed designers and installers of conven- Minister Rob Smith Phone/Fax - 939-1364 Lot Development, Septic Systems, MOE tional & advanced treatment septic systems Wayne Hanchard, CAO/Clerk [email protected] Find us on Facebook! Licensed Dug Wells 577-1988 or [email protected] [email protected] 577-1988 or [email protected] Redeemer Lutheran Church SMALL ENGINE REPAIR 935-2613 Ext.223 Pete’s Backhoe Service Ltd. Ryans’ Small Engine Service P.O.Box 179 Kakabeka Falls, on. P0T 1W0 52 Haniak Rd, Rosslyn WORSHIP; 11:00am The One Stop Repair Shop; all makes & Kevin Green, Treasurer/Deputy CAO Ph 939-1014, Email [email protected] Pastor Brad Julien Ph. 473-9164 models; better prices, better service; pick-up Driveways, Lot Development, Gravel/Sand [email protected] email: [email protected] & delivery. Phone 472-4201 Makkinga Contracting & Equipment Rentals TACK SHOP 935-2613 Ext. 229 Roman Catholic Churches 570 Squier Place, Thunder Bay P7B 6M2 Thunder Bay Feeds St. Augustine* & St. Theresa+ Ph. 935-2792 Fax 935-2731 R.R.#11, Townline Road Chris Bowles, Director of Operations c/o 5045 Townline Rd. Murillo Tel. 935-2898 Phone 935-2921, Fax 935-2337 [email protected] Mass Schedule: *Tues-Fri. 6.00pm, *Sat. GRAPHIC DESIGN Monday-Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-3 5.00pm (winter), *Sun. 9.00am, +Sun. 11.00am Design House Publications 935-2613Ext. 222 TANKS Slate River Baptist Church Producing Quality Publications since 1988 Hwy. 130, 80 McCluskey Drive Miller Precast Limited Kerri Reid, Manager of Planning Chris Vaclav 628-7271 58 Cooper Rd., Rosslyn 10:00am Adult Bible Study [email protected] [email protected] 11:00am Morning Family Worship Ph. 939-2655 Fax 939-1788 11:30am Jr. & Sr. Children’s Church GREENHOUSES/NURSERIES Rosslyn Service Home Hardware 935-2613 Ext.224 Pastor Rob Cain, 475-5140 Linwood Nursery c/o Frans & Linda Heerema Equinox Polyethelene Septic Tanks & Water Tanks Call for opening day in May, 939-6054 3404 W. Rosslyn Rd., Rosslyn Village 939-2521 EconomicSean Horan, Development Fire Chief Intern The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai’s of Great selection of hanging baskets, planters, annuals, & Oliver Paipoonge vegetable plantsMon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Sat. 10 TEA [email protected]@oliverpaipoonge.ca 27 Intola Road, Murillo, ON P7G 0T4 a.m.-4 p.m. , 123 Hwy 130 Rosslyn (across from former Your Tea Needs 935-2613935-2613 Ext.Ext. 230240 Municipal Golf Course) Loose leaf tea, tea products, spices, gift certificates 935-2893 1-800-433-3284 My Blooming Business Greenhouse Cell 628-4867 website: www.bahaiop.org 341 Hanna Road Call 474-3235 plus more. Product not listed, please ask. Visit Sean Horan, Fire Chief Quality Annual, Perennial, Hanging Baskets, Herb & www.yourteaneeds.com Vegetable Plants Open May long weekend to July 1, Contact: Eugema Ings 768-0999 [email protected] Open Mon. to Fri. 10 - 6 p.m., Sat. 9 - 5 935-2613 Ext. 240 Cell 628-4867

The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 page 9 ~C~COMMUNITYOMMUNITY EEVENTSVENTS~~ The Oliver Paipoonge News is pleased to donate space for non-profit organizations that hold wonderful events that happen in Oliver Paipoonge! Email to: [email protected], or bring your information to the Municipal Office at 3250 Hwy 130, with contributor ’s name and phone #. Please designate that you want your submission to run in The Oliver Paipoonge News. 55 Plus Group Chat Line What is it?

A call in telephone-based older adult service to join in on

fun activities, educational and health and wellness program information.

A calendar will be provided to you with the dates and times of scheduled activities.

You can participate if you:

-Live in the township of Conmee, Murillo, Oliver Paipoonge, Neebing, , O’Connor, Gilles or Fort William First Nation.

-Are 55 and older and find it difficult to leave hone, access community centres and ser- vices or experience loneliness.

What Are The Benefits?

Create friendships and a community from the comfort of your home. Scheduled time so you know when you can chat. There will be a variety of weekly activities to partici- pate in all or choose those that interest you.

Join Now!

No fees or charges to join. You just need a telephone! No computer required For more information or to register contact Twyla or Suzanne at the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre.

Closures and Cancellations Until Further Notice The deadline for the Founders Museum Closed DECEMBER issue of The TOPS Meetings Cancelled Rural 60 Plus Closed Oliver Paipoonge News is Kakabeka Legion Some activities NOV. 20, 2020! Submissions & photos are welcome and returning! See page 1 can be: Emailed to: Thunder Bay Therapeutic Riding [email protected] or dropped off at the Municipal Office. Please make note that you wish your submission to be published in The Oliver Paipoonge News. Items, arti- cles, and announcements that are of community interest and non-profit always run FREE OF CHARGE in The NOTICE; Oliver Paipoonge News. WHERE TO FIND INFORMATION Questions about submissions or advertis- ing rates? ON TOTAL BURN BANS Call Chris Vaclav 628 7271; design- Please use the following sources to [email protected] access information regarding total burn The Oliver Paipoonge is printed by Web bans in the Municipality of Oliver Press, distributed by Thunder Bay Letter Paipoonge: Shop and produced by Design House Publications. • Municipal Website Design House - producer of many fine pub- homepage: www.oliverpaipoonge.ca lications, including The Oliver Paipoonge

• Municipal Facebook page News, The Neebing News, & The Shuniah News • Municipal Office: (807) 935-2613

Municipal Services and the COVID-19 Environment While due to COVID-19 the Municipal Office remains closed to the public, we are still able to provide services. Please call us at 807-935-2613 to discuss how we can meet your needs. Besides using telephone, email, and Zoom meetings to conduct your business, you may come to the Office. Our front lobby has an enclosed vestibule, which allows you to interact with us without sharing the same airspace. We can now accept bank debit with our portable payment terminal, and credit card is accepted on the Municipal website. If you are sick or coughing, please be considerate and find an alter- native to coming in. Hand sanitizer is available for those coming into the vestibule and we are wiping down touched surfaces after each visit. The Nor West Arena, Murillo and Rosslyn Halls and outdoor recreation facilities including playgrounds, ballfields and tennis courts remain closed. Provincial regulations are such that we cannot, at this time, ensure we can address them in such a manner as to ensure your safety.THANK YOU for your patience during this difficult time. page 10, The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 PROPERTY FOR SALE - PROPERTY FOR SALE - Municipality of Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge Oliver Paipoonge List Price: $104,000.00 List Price: $120,000.00


Official Plan Designation – Rural Official Plan Designation – Rural

Zoning – Rural Zoning – Rural Permitted Uses in Rural Zone: Agricultural use (in accordance Permitted Uses in Rural Zone: Agricultural use (in accordance with Section 5.3.2), Agriculture-related use, Conservation uses with Section 5.3.2), Agriculture-related use, Conservation uses and watershed management, Single Detached Dwelling, and watershed management, Single Detached Dwelling, Accessory Dwelling, Accessory Farm Dwelling, Electrical genera- Accessory Dwelling, Accessory Farm Dwelling, Electrical genera- tion (renewable or otherwise) and distribution, Forestry, Home tion (renewable or otherwise) and distribution, Forestry, Home industry, Home occupation, Mining, Stables and riding acade- industry, Home occupation, Mining, Stables and riding acade- mies, Storage, Pre-fabricated shipping container, Kennels. mies, Storage, Pre-fabricated shipping container, Kennels.

Frontage – 65 metres Frontage – 65 metres Depth – 398.59 metres Depth – 371.87 metres Area - 2.592 Hectares Area - 2.414 Hectares Location – Situated just off Highway 61 on Gillespie Road north Location – Situated on Highway 61 just east of Founder’s of Founder’s Museum Museum. Other Information – the property does not currently have a well Other Information – the property does not currently have a well installed. installed. For more information about this property For more information about this property or to schedule a time to view the land, please contact or to schedule a time to view the land, please contact Wayne Hanchard or Kerri Reid at (807) 935-2613 Wayne Hanchard or Kerri Reid at (807) 935-2613 Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm. Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.

WANT ADS WANT ADS FOR SALE: FOR SALE: FARM KING 740 SNOWBLOWER INTERNATIONAL 5 TON TRUCK PT0 Drive. Call Larry 577-9257. 466 cu.in., 7.6 L Navistar, non-intercooled, turbo charge, inline 6 cyl. Diesel engine-10 speed Road Ranger transmission. Air brakes, manually acutat- ed, clutch, air compressor on motor, hydraulic power steering, all spring suspension, 24’ flat deck. Capable of hauling eleven 5’ x 6’ round bales of hay. Call 473-9002 FOR SALE: SKIDDER C6 Tree Farmer, 353 Detroit Diesel. 10 speeds: 4 low speed, 4 high speed, 2 reverse - 1 low, 1 high. Gearmatic winch, good tires-chains on front tires, blade and a snowplow. Call 473-9002

The Oliver Paipoonge News, November 2020 page 11 Hymers Fair News by Shannon Dodd-Smith and Erin Laforest The winner of the 50/50 draw South Neebing Variety ($4150.50 pot) was Rick Thunder Bay Co-op Farm Breukelman of Oliver Supplies Paipoonge. Rick bought the Thunder Bay Feeds ticket at Thunder Bay Feeds; Thunder Oak Cheese Farm and has generously donated a part of his winnings back to YYYYAAAASSSS! We are the Hymers Fall Fair! Thank hosting another HOLIDAY you Rick and to everyone that ON-LINE MARKET on sold and purchased tickets! November 21 and 22! Go to Fair Facebook and you will A special shoutout to Cheri find many of the beloved Biloski for assisting the Hymers Fair vendors and fundraiser and selling the most MORE, just in time for the tickets...and to the following: holidays. Homemade/grown gifts are truly where it's at. AJs Trading Post Personally, I'll be there look- Backstage ing for anything fuzzy and Persian Man/Bennett’s Bakery WARM (for myself!). and Deli Country Clippers Want to be vendor? Email Gillies Township Office [email protected] by Green Acres Variety November 2nd with $20. Hoppers Variety Kakabeka Esso Until Then....Wishing You Kakabeka Petro Canada Warmth and Health Metropolitan Moose O’Connor Township Office Grandma’s Restaurant Take Out 939-1551

HomeHome CookingCooking 77 a.m.a.m. -- 1010 p.m.p.m. everyevery dayday BREAKFAST FRESH HOMEMADE All Day Every Day! SOUP Daily! Fresh Subs, Sandwiches, Wraps! Coffee Bar available 24hours

SantorelliSantorelli24 Hour’’ss Bulk DEF Truck Stop Now Available! Free Wi-Fi!

3131 West Arthur Street (near Twin City Crossroads) Phone 939-2619 PRO-TECPRO-TEC TIRETIRE CENTRECENTRE

OUR TOUGHEST ALL-TERRAIN TIRE. EVER. • 20% Tougher Sidewalls • 2X Longer Treadlife on Gravel, +15% on Asphalt +10% Traction in Mud, +19% in Snow THE NEW KO2 We also sell tires for TAKES ON cars and light trucks!! CANADIAN EXTREMES Monday - Friday 8-5, Saturday 9-1 3129 W. Arthur Fast, Friendly Service by Santorelli’s by Knowledgeable Ph. 939-2581

Husky Truck Stop Staff Authorized BF Goodrich Truck Tire Dealer