Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia
Civilization Begins in Mesopotamia -------~~------------- Guide to Reading _ "ain Ideas People to Identify Reading Strategy • Mesopotamia, one of the first civiliza- Sumerians, Akkadians, Sargon, categorizing Information As you read tions, began between the Tigris and Hammurabi this section, complete a chart like the one Euphrates Rivers. shown below to explain the Sumerians' Places to Locate • The Sumerians formed city-states and various contributions to civilization. created forms of communication that Tigris River, Euphrates River, Political Life Cultural Life Inventions affect our lives today. Mesopotamia, Fertile Crescent, Uruk, Babylon KeyTerms Preview Questions city-state, ziggurat, theocracy, empire, 1. How did geography affect the civiliza- patriarchal, polytheistic, cuneiform ~ tions in Mesopotamia? - Preview of Events 2. How did the Akkadian Empire begin? I 2340 B.C. 1792 B.C. Akkadians set up Hammurabi the first empire comes to power The following poem reflects the deep despair of the people of Ur after the burning and sacking of their city: --Ur is destroyed, bitter is its lament. The country's blood now fills its holes like hot bronze in a mould. Bodies dissolve like fat in the sun. Our temple is destroyed, the gods have abandoned us, like migrating birds. Smoke lies on our city like a shroud.~~ -Legacy: TheSearchfor Ancient Cultures, Michael Wood, 1995 Constant conflict marked early civilization in Mesopotamia. Invaders flowed into the flat land of the region, and city fought city for land and water. The Impact of Geography The ancient Greeks spoke of the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers as Mesopotamia, the land "between the rivers." Mesopotamia was at the eastern end of an area known as the Fertile Crescent, an arc of land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf.
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