MEETING R EPORTS J. Carib. Ornithol. 18:88-93, 2005 TOWARDS A GLOBALLY THREATENED BIRD PROGRAM FOR THE CARIBBEAN 1 2 DAVID W EGE AND V ERÓNICA A NADÓN -IRIZARRY 1BirdLife International, Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge CB3 0NA, UK; e-mail:
[email protected]; 2Caribbean Program BirdLife International, Rio Canas 2107, Colorado St., Ponce, Puerto Rico 00728-1824; e-mail:
[email protected] OVER 10% OF THE C ARIBBEAN ’S AVIFAUNA (57 3. Are there any priority actions that need to be of 560+ species) is considered globally threatened added to the published conservation action list for following the IUCN Red List criteria. Twelve of each species, and what level of funding would be these are Critically Endangered, 21 Endangered and required to implement the identified activities? 24 Vulnerable, with an additional 18 species Near 4. Would it be valuable for SCSCB to form a Threatened (see Table 1). These birds will be the Threatened Bird Working Group? next to go extinct (due to a number of differ- 5. What would be the focus of such a group, and ent threat factors), and thus it is our collective re- how would this relate to existing Working Groups? sponsibility to focus our attentions on their conser- vation. While conservation actions and monitoring Outputs .—The following outputs were discussed: activities are focused on some of these birds, for 1. There are 57 globally threatened and 18 near many we have no idea on a year to year basis threatened species on the IUCN Red List for the whether their status is improving or declining, or Caribbean (Table 1).