Njured Temperatures Sunday High Myuuu, "3
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22 PAGES umb Cxmntii T&rxbtx 10 --I Pq., J LITTLEFIELD, LAMB CO.. TEXAS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER (5, 1U58 NUMBER 24 LHS THE WEATHER 0 Exes Today's - S forecast Pnrtly ICiflpfl cloudy and cool. WdfllflEI IfeVPil njured Temperatures Sunday high myuuu, "3. low 37, Monday high 72, low M: Tuesday high 70, low .'18; Wednesday nt noon high 5-- low lected Here 47 Motsime content for (ho y'm Is 17.58 Inches ;,nti for tills tlnie last year 22.01 Inches. Soars Reunion i County Judge Says Lubbock 230 Hi-j- han Llltleflold Oftklal sccdulp for the cok'bra-vstuden- ts arc expected . Hon starts at p.m. Friday iv when the school will I when a pen rally will be hold ;it Widening irst homecoming. the high school gymnasium. 84 Woman, 48, pnt of the celebration is bxes will be enteitalned at a Wlldcat-Sweetwate- r in BBHk9v-rKiBBSlBiDBMKBB- I field coffee the school cafeteria af- bi 'bbbbbbK.K'Abe'AHev XbbbV 'jbbbbV BPyV QH I .B'jBBBfllBMBYKlBflflflBHr football game Friday at ter the pep rally, about 3 p.m. R-- O- HUPfllSflBD jflBflBBk BflBBI Registration IOEmSV , Wildcat Stadium. of all exes will Hung 4'LrnPMHHIHflHBtm mit wtBP ..bbbbbbV ?HH take On W BBBB&fc?.hj, mlflBflLIK BBPPTP vSBSnJtmmmmmSSmSmM Mv i ..BBBBIBBBB Is Killed celebration actually will place at the coffee. BBBHIb - .flBBBasXHEW I wmnii l3L iJBBBBBBBBBL V wav tonight, when n Student Council The third traffic futallty in the County. Money previously approv- members will - ! - 3G two-lan- IV ' J3KK ' bbV- ' coming bonfite and pep sere coffee and handle legislat- past days on e U. S. ed for Lamb County went into bbbbBIubSB&bBik- A Lubbock woman Hlghwuy 84 be held at the parking ion. in Lamb County this other projects. New money would 3bbbHH9bHCPSZ1!B' w3tj ?iBbf1ir became the dull Highway 84 traf- - 1 week talk here of propos- in County lite the hiijh school build- At p.m. stirred have to be provided for the High- fic fatality Lamb in "A- - Friday, alumni will ing HEibvibbbmSK& vSaiti? &"p ' vHHBbHi in) pm. hold a general meeting another bond election for way 84 project. IHHkflHBHBBBWpilHlKMRflflH 1958 Monday night when she uied In the au- widening the highway ... fWmm 4bb3bibCbbb1 ditorium. Officers to to four Judge Boone said he hasn't any yvh.1 s in a chain reaction crash which head the lanes in the county. - fgaif jSbHbbH injured seven other persons, one association for next doubt but that the commissioners' IHBIHHbH; Two previous elections to wid- iBHBHBBBBOHBtBkXHBKBMBifl seriously. ear will be elected and a home-(Otnl- ig court would call an election on en ids Take qui en will be named. the highway In Lamb County Highway 84 If It were presented Mrs. Homer Sullivan died In The queen will be recognized ut weie defeated. a petition. what amounted to two separate, half-tim- Monday close-togeth- er e activities or the foot- The death night of a He said, however, that he be- but mishaps 5'j ball umiie Lubbock woman in a Highway S4 lieved the election would not pass miles southeast of Littletield. accident bPoll Following followed a mishap on until the voters were sure the Her husband, 50, was seriously he game, an open Sept. 29 In which two persons rlght-of-sv- ay Injured six persons house and reunion will be held at amount of money asked for and other died. Fourteen persons were in- Is actually the amount' were hospitalized. I.ittletleld Counlr Club. The club jured In two i will be the wrecks. that will be needed. .Stv Dead In li.1H 0 decorated with uennants County Judge Pat Boone Vote the Jr. season, an ac- muring class For this he said, W l The toll of dead Injured numbers from said Wednesday that the outcome iVV-J.7- - -- and on i!)23 to 1937. right-of-wa- y of any bond curate appraisal of the S&: Highway 84 in Lamb County To election to purchase r2 be iccognlcd at right-of-wa- sh'ould be the step this year to six killed, 18 Count) went along with the open y hinges on "whether first roe of house huit Only the state in Tuesday's aie the oldest evstudeir, an aceutate figure on the cost of taken. a little over a month outmost nt He Indicated county com- ago, two died and seven loc'ion, riving Democrn- - and the ex the right-of-wa- is presented to that iHJisons lamlimlM a landslide tiavcilng the longest disunite to the voters. missioners plan to meet with weie hurt ln a mishap only a the highway id apfiwing seven of event. Under the highway pro- state officials In the DEATH OX HIGHWAY 81 Highway 81 In Lamb County claimed another victim late Monday mile east of Monday night''? state to work litution.il amendments, Firs graduates of the school gram, the state will pay half the future out some sort of night when Mrs. Homer Sullivan of Lubbock died In this accident. Mrs. Sullivan was (ho victim crash. 1923, chaiii-reacdo- n were in right-of-wa- plan for the appraisal. second collision turnout of almost 1,70!) and a class of 13 cost of y in highway of a in a accident 5'j miles southeast of Lltdefleld. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan and was giartunted 192-1-. Counh 'jive Governor in improvement projects. their daughter, LaDonna, 11, were hurt In a two-c- ar niel votes His Re- - Important," mishap about IM "Its Judge Boone 10:45 p.m. opponent F. twin Mayer. said, "Ihut we get the property G5 HOMECOMING Involved appraised and come up Mrs. Sullivan was killed about five nator Rilph Yarborough with an accurate figure." minutes later when a third car crashed Into to ictory In Ljimb SCHEDULE He said the reason two pre- the Sullivan the auto. '. j: wimp l votes Hov i vious elections fulled was because rg the Republican can- - TIlUitSIMV . the voters felt. the would be The driver of the third tftu, Die " nsinBtloM :i?Hiji;ni ii(f(ft 'ii- - pep "much money for the Donald G. Tucker, and Mrs. Tuck-0- 1, .ll i.ylul both "28, 511 Wroe, Hid ite B id Inn, re- - lot 0ij!tidl(rTlu' high piftjeut. LIttlefield. silniol linlldlng. prob-jab- also were huf,' The county Judge said It ly HHhHHbHbbI' lor Daniel sweot the KKIUAVA would .tak?,. six to eight Teenagers Hurt g 1? l 3I11 Senu-wut- ,h 2:o p.m. I't;p rally in ilBli iiiungni-oi-wuyaion- BBflWpMBPV"lBBBBBBBBHijBBBBBtBBBBBBBIBBBL.iV Also , Injured nit nnd " iiiuimi.s iur .TlMWWJWyJBB MBMBlBBMWMiBBBBBBBBLBBBBMmy1 -' iTBBM in the second 3-- school gymnasium. hml u 1 margin the road to be properly apprais- crash were three teenagers who pttenburp 3 p.m. ('once anil., reslgtru' ed. ' stopped to help the Sulllvans. County tlon ol at scliooljcalete, liu difcited nmond- - ceJ "I think there Is no question Al They were Billy Mac Hice, 15, I M MtTSWnWiBWHPIUIfrSeamta-rMjK- U JbbbBbH son 1 nnd 2 p.m. (ipneral ineetlng or all that the State Highway Depart- H, iMBiBBBBBBBliBMIlBVBBBBlBBBBtHHBMaBiT.ssiKWtsslwIBSKsstu tmber as did the f of Mr and Mrs. J. P. Hice of An- atuli-ttirluii- i. pjiagS'i1, evstiulents In high and annroved scht.ol ment Is Interested in getting High- ton; Steve Fisher, 18, son of Mr. of way 81 four-lnne-d then rr Only amend- - In Lamb Coun- and Mrs. Jack Fisher, Rt. 2, Su- hifh h"re no p.111 Sweetwater. Uttlefleld ty," said Judge Boone. was - dan, and Randall Edwards, 18. football ot Stu-('hini- .' KyilOKS??HKlHA "" parpen l.i the state was guide Wildcat State Highway Commissioner BKffltfmmnmmKiii "iii A,r- 4nKHfHB9BlBBBBBBflBBHIPSBKnanraBalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenwootl "Mr stite advertlslnir Marshall Formby, contacted '??? Edwards, Rt. 2, Sudan. ;nt The K) p.m. Open house n HHHHHHHHHiiiliik last count of the and Tuesday, said the state "Is iecep-tiv- e iHmBfllBlMlBflBBBH Investigating officers said the wtion Hureau Tuesday at I.lttlcfleld Country to any plans to have High- first mishap occurred about 10:45 number 7 was TS2.7fif) Club. way 84 In Lamb County widened." when a car driven southeast by 127 against Sullivan But, said Formby, the "initia- chain-reactio- n attempted to pass ah WRECK SCENE Scene of the Highway 81 accident which spotlights on the wreck scene. The crush, 11 acci- the unofficial tive must be auto driven by G. Gon- " com. taken by the County claimed 0110 Ufa mid Injured seven persons lute Monday night dent involving two separate mishaps, occured miles south- Leonardo urns ln Write-in- s 5'2 zalez Lamb County on Elecf Commissioners Court." Is shown here. Mrs. Homer Sullivan of Lubbock died In the east of LIttlefield. (STAFF PHOTOS) of LIttlefield, just as Gon- imendments : When Lamb County voted on the cur at center. The picture was tnkeu when patrolmen slitned zalez attempted to make a left Ml sessions: 434 for. 875 highway Issue In previous elec- turn. Earth Constable tions, money was already set Car Stops In Koad pensions: J two , py 497 for, 771 J. E. Mitchell ot Earth was asldp for the project In Lamb The cars collided, and .Gon-- Agent Hikes 'Proposed zalez' auto careened Into, a bar elected precinct two constable aiy j m local office vnenn- - Soil ditch. The Sullivan auto came to Funds i or C-- Bank 297 acnlnst Tuesday In a race that wasn't on C Luncheon - a halt In the wrong lane, officers Ming OfficClinlflorc frnm the general election ballot. Lamb "i" jl- ; Charter Near ! said.