18548 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 16, 1991 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LET'S EASE THE SUFFERING OF in Iraq. As a result, Saddam is free to per Emaciated pets now prowl Baghdad alleys, THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ secute his own people just as he persecuted set loose by owners who can no longer afford the people of Kuwait. to feed them. International aid has thus far HON. WM. S. BROOMREID We may not be able to remove Saddam, but staved off the apocalyptic rates of disease we can certainly ensure that his people, and and malnutrition feared a few months ago, OF MICHIGAN but conditions remain ripe for an epidemic. not he and his cronies, are in a position to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On a back street of Saddam City, the Mosan benefit from the country's financial assets and family spent a recent day bailing raw sewage Tuesday, July 16, 1991 its great wealth of natural resources. from the front room of their mud brick Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, yester In the recent war in the gulf, America's great home. With Iraq's water system crippled by day's Wall Street Journal brought a fresh re scientific minds and military strategists were bomb damage and lack of spare parts, pipes minder of the pain and suffering being en able to wage a war of terrific ferocity but lim often burst, flooding streets with fetid green dured by the people of Iraq. ited scope. Many Iraqi civilians died, but I'd sludge. The Mosans' three-room hovel, home to 13 In the words of the Journal's reporter, Tony like to think that many more survived because America was intent on aiming its precision people, has no furniture and only one appli Horwitz, who is in Saddam City, "Iraq's econ ance: a creaking refrigerator cooling crusts omy is in a free fall, and so are most of its weapons against Saddam and his military and of bread and chunks of fat, the poor Iraqi's people.
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