y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T We are residents at 126 Pyes Pa Road, operating our home businesses from our residence, TuiView Counselling & AgriFirst Services.

Alison is a Counsellor operating her private practice, TuiView Counselling, from the privacy and security of our home. She sees a wide range of clients from the elderly to young students particularly from nearby Aquinas College. We have become increasingly concerned about the speed of motorists passing our entrance way, pedestrians safety only adds to our worries. We have a bus stop outside our gate which is very convenient for clients but does not help with visibility and safety. To add to our fears, we have had a run of accidents along our road, the most recent just this week outside our entrance.

We believe that a reduction in the speed limit to 50km on Pyes Pa road will deter motorists from using this residential road and encourage them to drive though the Lakes at a safer speed.

Kind regards, Yes David & Alison Syme Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Should be mandatory around every school (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Proposal 15: Your map of Taumata School shows it as being in "Mortlake Heights". The school's website says it is in "Mortlake Heights Drive". The sign at the Kennedy Road roundabout currently says "Mortlake Heights (Loop Road)", whatever that's supposed to mean - it is actually as straight as an arrow... Two years ago the sign said "Kennedy Road North" which seemed sensible since it used to be Kennedy Road and that name gives a clue as to where it is. Could the council at least be consistent?

I fully support lower speed limits especially near schools. However, at going-home time outside the school we are lucky to get through at any speed these days as there are loads of vehicles parked in the middle of the road. The school seems to have under-estimated parking requirements and it isn't even fully open yet.

Has the council considered what impact the 40 limit might have on the original part of Mortlake Heights? Drivers speeding up Kennedy Road might see the 40 sign and hang a left into Mortlake Heights, which has at least 50 driveways along it, in order to avoid the speed restriction. Then they'll get stuck trying to park and use Benmore Crescent or Broadwater Close as a park/turnaround. Which would be irritating to say the least. Flack Street has already become a cut-through for some to avoid the roundabout; this might make it worse.

Yes Why not have the 40 limit along “Mortlake Heights Drive†only - and enforce it with cameras? Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

We would really like to see more pedestrian crossings in the area of the school and the kindergarten, making it safer for families to cross the very busy roads (eg Hawea St and Maranui St) Families don't feel that walking to school and kindergarten is a safe option because the roads are so busy/dangerous and as we encourage walking to and from school and kindergarten we feel this is super important.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e For Matua School, expand the 40kmph speed limit to Tilby Drive, Clivedene Street and Woods Avenue. The school has multiple entry/exits which these Yes roads service. Expand the speed limit around the whole school parameter. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T We presented as a group twice to the council representing parents, schools and a local kindgarten. The council told us we would be considered first for any changes, yet Links Ave and Intermediate are not included in the speed limit review.

On Links Ave. in Summer around 1000 children and adults travel on foot or bike every day. The 6000 cars, 230 buses and trucks travel extremely close to the children at a speed of 50km/h. The voluntary speed limit for buses of 30km/h is not used, from what we see every day.

A speed limit of 30km/h would be a first step in the right direction.

We strongly believe Links Ave should be included in the speed limit changes that are proposed and we reiterate that we were told in a public meeting that we would be considered first for any changes. As a community we are astounded that despite the safety risks put in front of council, they would choose not to consider this speed limit change a must for the vulnerable users of our street.

At the time of presentation, council acknowledged the clear and undeniable risk to our children yet there has still been no action and in fact a blatant omission to include us in one intervention that could make an impact.

Kind regards

No Karen Laidlaw and Friederike Haffelder Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c the traffic congestions and frustration are already horrible. you should work on get the traffic flowing, instead of producing more and more hurdles. a speed limit decrease adds nothing to safety. with more and more people living in the area, we need better traffic flow, not everything slowing down even more.

this proposal is shocking and underlines that you have no idea what you should do to improve our terrible traffic situation.

back in the days, we had a speed-limit of 70km/h on bapamoa beach road and no one got ever killed. it has been lowered to 60km/h, in the same time thousands of new residents have moved into the area.

sounds counter-productive? well, because it is! how can it possibly make sense of reducing speed while having thousands of new cars on the roads?

No i vote absolutely against a speed decrease and you are more than welcome to contact me. Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

I see no evidence of need for the speed limit to be reduced in Pyes Pa Road, the traffic flows well and there are very few additional homes in this area. Why fix something that is not broken. Don’t need any more restrictions like the mess made to the Greerton Village and Cameron Road.!

No I do agree with reducing the speed at Aquinas College morning and afternoon when school is starting and finishing. Pyes Pa c c c a c c c c c c e c c c c

Hi City Planners 's fingers of peninsulas with water between, makes ring roads difficult. The TCC have proven recently, by their Greerton roundabout shambles, that they would prefer traffic jams rather than regular flowing traffic. Cameron Road should be all 4-laned. So roads, like the 4-laning of Tara Road, have been a good investment in moving us around. So, why would you even consider lowering the speed limit? Pyes Pa Road is another example of a good wide road so why reduced speed limits? Before and after Aquinas College during school arriving/leaving times would make sense rather than the whole road. All school locations should be what you folks target, as that is usually twice a weekday when the schools are operating, other times - let the traffic flow. Welcome Bay and others don't allow you to speed as the volume of traffic dictates that, so why make it slower for other times of the day when the traffic is lighter. Push Transit NZ to make 15th Ave/Turret Road an extension of SH 2 and allow for at least a tidal flow highway. Stop using "Safety" as an excuse for lack of forward planning by underestimating the growth of city. For the volume of traffic in Tauranga there are very few vehicle accidents. More people moving to live in Tauranga means more traffic, so flow it, not stall it. Work on having the tolls removed on Takitimu Drive to relieve pressure on Cameron and Fraser Streets. As a transport operator it is hard enough moving around Tauranga without lowering speed limits. I totally disagree the proposed reduction in speed limits in Tauranga city by slowly strangling free flowing traffic. No Jim Sherlock Parkvale/Merivale a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes It will be much safer Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No They are not necessary Tauranga Central a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I fully support the proposed change of speed limit on Papamoa Beach Rd. We live on the road and it is so busy all the time. We have a young family Yes and don’t feel it is safe at the current 60km limit. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c I support the proposed speed changes, with the increase in the population in certain areas of Tauranga the increase in the number of cars on the road has been astounding. In Welcome bay the increase in traffic has also been increased by cars using the road to bypass the road works in the Bay Park area. During peak times it is difficult getting out of driveways on welcome bay rd in the afternoon as the traffic sometimes come racing so fast around corners as people race to get home. Our neighbour go hit in the rear by a speedy driver to the extent that the offending driver was trapped in his car and had to be cut out, he was not going 60km, more like 80kmph. With school children trying to cross the road it is a wonder that there have not been anyone killed. Tauranga drivers are some of the worst I have seen in the world. I hope the changes go through but there needs to be some kind of control to keep our roads safer. In Perth they have signs telling drivers about the use of speed cameras in West Australia but no inducation of to where they are, drivers in Western Australia are better behaved than in NZ. Yes Leon Thomas Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e As a resident/home owner on Papamoa Beach Road, I fully support a reduced speed limit. The road is a residential area and the speed at which vehicles are travelling at times can make it very dangerous to cross the road. With fast alternative routes now in place to reach Papamoa East, there is Yes no need to have Papamoa Beach Road at 60kph. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c 1. With the huge increase in new housing along Pyes Pa Road has led to increased traffic. It is extremely dangerous between Barkes Corner and Cheyne Road with numerous driveways directly entering Pyes Pa Road.

2. The lowering of the speed limit will allow for the placement of a pedestrian crossing between the bus stops at Kopu Drive and Althorp Avenue, this crossing is essential for the elderly residents of Althorp Avenue using Busses 1 and 51.

3. Assist with the speed of vehicles entering the Pyes Pa Shopping Center, currently many cars enter the shopping center at 60kph.

Yes I4. have Ensure further that feedback/suggestions... the speed restriction signs meet with the correct speed limits. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c

In 2018 I sent this email to Martin Parkes regarding the speed limits on the road end of Welcome Bay Rd. In 2 years, nothing has come of this. So I'm taking this opportunity to raise my concerns again.

Here's what I sent back in 2018: Regarding speed limits on Welcome Bay road, rural end. I drive this road daily and I’m always frustrated by the speed limits, which don't make sense on the rural end of the road.

From near Ranginui rd (about #350) to about #530, the speed limit is 80kmph. At the beginning of that stretch there is a school, outside which the limit is reduced, followed by a very windy piece of road, which ends near the 60km sign at #530.

It's impossible to do much more than 60kmph safely along this entire stretch. I don't think it makes sense to increase the speed limit to 80kmph at that point, as it's not safe to drive that speed.

The exact same thing happens again about #800, just before Rocky Cutting rd, where it goes from 60kmph back to 80kmph. From this point, until near Taranaki lane (approx #1100), the road is very windy, and again it's also impossible to safely go over 60kmph for most of that piece of road. Often it's necessary to slow to under 50kmph due to the narrow, windy nature of the road.

I feel it's very unsafe to increase the limit to 80kmph at this point, because you can't drive anywhere near 80kmph for at least 3kms, where the road can be very narrow, windy and bumpy, with lots of trucks.

The high speed limit gives the impression that it's safe to drive at high speeds on these very dangerous pieces of road. It also creates a target in the minds of drivers that they should be trying to reach that speed and encourages some terrible driving behaviour, which I've seen in my 11 years on this road.

The problem is even more of a concern due to the large amount of newcomers to Tauranga who don't know the roads and don't understand the dangers of this particular stretch of road. I personally feel very unsafe driving this road, mostly due to the speed limit and consequent desire by other drivers to try to reach that speed. My suggestion is to keep the speed limit at 60kmph from Ranginui road, all the way to Taranaki lane. Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T We live just off Pyes Pa Road and think 60kms is much too fast given the increased building in the area and the schools. A number of school buses use this route and coupled with the traffic coming out of sideroads and the Pyes Pa shopping centre, we have seen a number of near misses. There is no longer a good reason for this to be treated any differently to other urban streets. Thank you. Yes Sue Arnold and Peter Pascoe Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c Pyes Pa RoadChange current 60km/h speed limit to 50 km/h from Barkes Corner roundabout to 80m south of Kennedy Road. We live in Althorp Village and agree with the above change. In addition, quite a high percentage of traffic travelling from Barkes Corner, enter the shopping precinct, squeezing between the entrance to Althorp Village and The Good Local. Many of these vehicles swing into the shopping centre at quite a high speed. Whilst the drop in road speed will help, I wonder if additional appropriate speed warning signage leading into the shopping centre would be helpful. Yes Thanks Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c Living on Pyes Pa Road I feel unsafe crossing the road when the cars are coming so fast as quite a few drivers are not even keeping to the 60km speed limit. I am able bodied so I can walk faster than those who are not so it must be more stressful for those who are older using walkers or in wheelchairs crossing the road to the bus stop. The safety of pedestrians should be a big factor in changing the speed limit to 50km on Pyes Pa Road and the other roads up for speed limit changes.

Yes It would be easier to get out in a car into Pyes Pa Road going left or right if the traffic was going slower. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c Proposal 9: Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road A 50km/h limit for the entire length of Papamoa beach road is to slow for this road and should not be changed as most of the road is long straight sections with housing on one side and is not densely populated and is a urban arterial road . The speed limit change should only be made to 50km/h from the intersection of Logan road / Papamoa beach road through to Girven road. You should look a lowing speed limits for suburban streets from No 50km/h to 30km/h, Why dose someone driving have the right to do half the motorway speed limit down my street ??. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c I do not support the proposed changes on Maranui Street/Papamoa Beach Road. There is no school there, so the arguments for slowing down don't apply. It is already taking too long to get places now, with more people and cars on the roads. No 60km works well going down Papamoa Beach Road. It aint broke - don't fix it. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c I agree with all the proposals to reduce speed limits and particular the reduction to 40kph outside schools at specific times. Yes Cars should not be dominating urban areas and reducing speed limits at least we are making it safer for other road users (pedestrians, cyclists etc) Otumoetai e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Proposal 1: Ohauiti Road - good idea. Proposal 2: Welcome Bay Road - fine as is. Proposal 3: Kaitemako Road - good idea. Proposal 4: Pyes Pa Road - fine as is. Proposal 7: Tara Road - fine as is. Proposal 8: Domain Road - fine as is. Proposal 9: Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road - fine as is. Proposal 10: Totara Street - good idea! Porposal 11-15: good idea!

No Proposals not mentioned: neutral (because I am not familiar enough with the situation). Ohauiti e a e a c c a a a e e e e e e Speed limits in Tauranga are not an issue. TCC need to focus on sorting out their roading screw ups - Greerton, Welcome Bay Road etc and leave the No speed limits alone. Welcome Bay a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindergarten would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No - Tara Road should be 70km/h - given there is low housing on this road. No - Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road should remain at 60km/h No - Totara Street should remain at 60km/h

Yes - Domain RoadChange current 70km/h speed limit at the southern end of Domain Road to 50 km/h. Yes - Parton RoadChange current 70km/h section of Parton Road to 50km/h from 200m south of Tara Road roundabout to east of Gordon Spratt Reserve. This will include the roundabout at Tara Road. Yes - it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. No Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a e a a e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T We are owners (Ryan Family Trust) of 321R Ohauiti Road (546 Ohauiti Rd on council records).

The current speed limit change sign to 80 kph is at our gate - approx 100m South of Adler Drive. We understand this will be the location of the start of the 50 kph zone to Welcome Bay Rd.

We strongly support reduced speeds in our location but believe they should apply south of our property for the following reasons:

About 10 m south of the current 80 kph sign at our gate is a second (yellow) sign warning southbound traffic of dangerous bends and recommending a speed 55 kph is appropriate for that portion of Ohauiti Rd.

We regularly see / hear traffic travelling at excess speeds through those bends (travelling both North and South). In particular southbound drivers (including trucks) accelerate as they move onto the straight downhill piece of road outside our property. This is less than 100m from where the 50kph zone will commence and poses a considerable danger to residents..

In November 2019 we received TCC approval to subdivide a further section and install a further access (RC27320). Reducing speeds for the road adjoining our (and neighbours') entranceways will significantly enhance safety.

We request the proposed 50kph zone be extended further south of the dangerous bends outside our property (ie towards Ohauiti Hall)

Yes I am keen to support this with a verbal submission if appropriate. Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I live in Havenbrook Village, which is accessed via Havenbrook Way, which joins Pyes Pa Road less than 100 metres south of Barkes Corner. The traffic which comes past on Pyes Pa Road from SH 29 does not slow down from the 70 kph speed limit on the highway. The 60 kph sign is quite close to Havenbrook Way. The current situation is quite dangerous for vehicles wanting to both exit and enter Havenbrook Way. The speed limit on the Yes highway through the roundabout at Barnes Corner also needs to be reduced to 50 kph. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Lower speed is more save. There is the Gorge toward Matamata we need to look to decrease speed aswell. And Pyes Pa Road towards Rotorua Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I support all speed limit changes however have specific support for the two below:

-Tara Road - I live in close proximity to Tara Road. I have attended multiple accidents on this road (Doncaster roundabout end). This road closely resembles a drag strip and is used in this way. Walking along the footpath to go to the garden center and daycare is frightening. Our children attend the Blue Cottage daycare and we drive them there as we do not feel safe walking on the footpath. The maintenance provider for the street lights has given up replacing one of them as it has been taken out by that may accidents. Tara Road is a very poor design for traffic safety and this is only exacerbated by the 80kph speed limit. In addition to the speed limit changes, some passive traffic calming is also required.

- Oropi Road - The speed of traffic is ever increasing on Oropi Road due to the increase in people living in this part of the city. The Oropi Water Treatment Plant would like for the reduced speed limit to be extended to Warner Road to reduce the traffic risk at the treatment plant and the mountain Yes bike park. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a Yes study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e we are in a builtup area with a lot of retired people that have difficulty getting across the road because of the speed and the high number of vehicles Yes that us this road .I am referring to PYES PA RD as the road that affects me the most. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c Yes We all want to keep our children safe - this seems like a no brainer. Reduce the speed limits around schools. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes It’s school!!! Supposed be 30 km/h for children’s safety! Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools.

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Speaking as a cyclist, a car driver and a bus driver / supervisor; I wholeheartedly approve of these proposals. They're realistic and sensible, removing confusion and uncertainty with a standardised, consistent approach for the urban road network round Tauranga. Safety would definitely be increased for all road users. This is long overdue, but very welcome. I sincerely hope this gets approved. Anyone who believes their lives will somehow be worsened by this, that the speed limits will hamper them or hugely affect their journeys, is dreaming. Yes Don't be swayed by the nay-sayers; this is genuine, positive progress. Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindergarten would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T

A reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for all schools.

Due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street and the Girven crossing needs urgent action. When I tried to walk students across this crossing one day cars did no stop and in fact were going way faster than 50km. It is very dangerous.

Reducing these speed linits will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e

I very much support lowering the speed limit on Pyes Pa Rd. It is long overdue. Driving is a nightmare with speeding tailgaters close behind me, usually driving huge 4x4 vehicles!

Yes Fraser Street at Oropi interchange end is also a speeding nightmare. The 60km downhill approach to a sudden sweeping 45km bend is very dangerous. Pyes Pa c c c e e c c c c c c c c c c Pyes Pa Road is my concern. The difficulty experienced in coming out of Cheyne Road in the morning and chance of being t-boned could be reduced if it was lowered. Too many people underestimating the speed of the vehicle travelling at 60. Have seen too many near misses. Not sure who the idiot Yes was that approved a bus stop too near the corner was either. Its difficult enough without trying to see past a bus. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c I do not support the change to Tara Rd. This is a wide, four lane road with few intersections and room either side. The footpath is not heavily trafficked. There is limited residential development and not likely to be more because it’s a flood plain. The commercial development is also limited. It is still predominantly rural.

This is an important commuter route for Papamoa east residents already facing worsening delays getting to the main working areas of town.

The council has offered no reason for why it wants to reduce the speed of this stretch, no data on issues.

The volume of traffic commuting on the street will massively outweigh that of people who live, work or shop in the area. Andy one having trouble turning right can always turn left and simply go around the roundabout or make a loop via one of the other connecting streets.

The only area where I can imagine there may be a speed danger issue is the Doncaster roundabout. To change the limit on the whole road because of No issues in that one spot is an overreaction. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindergarten would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e It's an all or nothing survey so no. Some might be okay, but generally i don't have issues with current limits. I have a real issue with Tara as I already waste 20 minutes a day going to and from WhakatÄne each day because you can't build an interchange as was 'promised'. Slowing down on a four lane No road appears counter-intuitive, what was it built for? Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No I do not think this would fix anything. What you need is someone to fix the colossal ********** up of planning taurangas infrastructure. More lanes on all roads increase speed limit to 70 in 60 kmh zones, 50 and 30 zones can stay the same but Cameron road need to be 60 or 70 and over pass walk bridges for pedestrians.

The person you have in harge of infrastructure is not fit for the job and let the state of our roads and many many issues be a testimonial to that and I No shouldn't need to elaborate on that. Bethlehem a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

Speed limits are not the problem, specially on tara rd and papamoa Beach rd, the problem is poor quality of roads and the surfaces and infrastructure planing been so far behind the 8 ball !!.. papamoa turn off from eastern link needs addressing as it is ridiculous the size it is for that amount of traffic to No Papamoa and TePuke should be two lanes coming of the express way and a road that peels around to the left allowing better access to domain rd.. Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No I don't think the speed limits need to be change in Papamoa. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c I’m not sure if this is what you wanted but this is my opinion.

I agree with speed limit suggestion for Ohauiti Road. Not that many people actually stick to the limit at any time. Since moving here four years ago the traffic as gone up in leaps and bounds. Also the road around our house has sunk/ soft spot as truck going through make our house shake and crack. I wonder if there has ever been a counter seeing just how much traffic uses this road.

The speed that people travel us this road is much faster than the 50km limit. It worries me as we live across the road from a bus stop and no one slows Yes down. This includes school bus drop off or pick up. If you do travel at 50km people are so impatient dangerously passing. Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I agree with all the proposed changes to reduce speed limits.

The Council have overlooked the many residential streets being used as a "speedway Rat Run" with daily excessive speeds. A recent Council survey reported that 2000 - 3000 vehicles a day are well in excess of the 50km speed limit along the stretch of Oceanbeach Road Mt Maunganui, a "Suburban Residential Zone".

238 residents signed a petition which was presented to the Council on Tuesday 27th October 2020, wanting the 3.7km length of Oceanbeach Road speed limit permanently reduced to 40km. This road is critically unsafe for pedestrians, cyclists and the many other means of E- transport using the road. There have been more serious accidents, and unreported injuries between vehicles and foot traffic than any other street in Mt Maunganui.

Multiple complaints have been lodged from residents with Council about the excessive speed along Oceanbeach Road. Response is a general letter saying 85th percentile being 54km, (Old Data) an unacceptable speed in a 50km speed zone there should be zero tolerance, the speed continues because the police don't have the resources to monitor with mobile speed cameras.

Yes WE WANT CHANGE Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools


In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.


This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.


In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindergarten would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times


Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Please do not lower the speeds of any roads. There is nothing wrong with the speeds at the current point in time. Judea a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Definitely!! vehicles coming from both directions are driving way above the 60K limit. Departing from Pyes Pa shops, drivers take their chances turning Yes out into Pyes Pa Road, also when turning out from Inverness Drive. I fully support this move. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c Papamoa Beach Road - this is a long thoroughfare, with minimal pedestrians crossing the road in relation to the traffic volume. Lowering the speed limit will just impede traffic flow and make a long journey along this extensive road even longer. Leave it as it is, it is working well now!

Tara Road - the same applies, but also this is a dual carriageway, set at 80 km/he. But the open road in most of is single lane set at 100 km/hr. So why change Tara Rd? The East Papamoa residents already have a very long journey just to get to the motorway on ramp. And, there are No very very few pedestrians wanting to cross this road and. It is working well at the moment, leave it as it is! Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c No I only support the variable school changes. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e I believe the change in speed limit for Maranui Road/Papamoa Beach Road is unnecessary because the road conditions and residential building on this roading area is unchanged. Therefore the only factor involved is traffic volume which will mean increased travel times for all vehicles. I am not aware of any significant accident history on this totally straight piece of roading so cannot see there is little risk in retaining the existing speed limit that I note is well observed. I support the other changes in Papamoa as they will reduce what is currently a multitude of speeds areas to ones that are more consistent and No appropriate. Palm Beach c c c c c e e e a c c c c e c No The Ohauiti 70km area is good how it is. I've never felt unsafe being a pedestrian around that area, and the area is safe for cars to be doing 70km/h. Ohauiti a c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes lowering speed limits fine but it won't slow down the ones that are exceeding the current speed limit. Poike e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No There is nothing wrong with the spped limit now. I have not seen anyone going excessive speeds along that road. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Reducing speed limits as proposed by well intend folk of TGCC will have a negative effect on our cities transport infrastructure, by reducing efficient No vehicle flow, increasing congestion, and having nil or increasing safety to our road users. Tauranga South a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindergarten would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e

Yes With the way people drive around schools and when children are near the road is crazy, a reduced speed limit would definitely help out with the problem Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No Do not oppose the change of variable speed limit re Aquinas College. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e c c c c Yes I definitely support the proposed speed limit changes just for better safety to everyone’s around in the peak times. Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Also I'm sick of people double parking illegally, parking on berms and even footpaths becasue they are too lazy to park further away. I'm talkimg about the Arataki sch gate on Kaimanawa and the busy end of Kaniere st. Kids trying to use the footpath on scooters or on foot are having to dodge cars, watch out for them opening doors on them, or worse still, driving or backing when kids approach. No one should be parking on corners or yellow lines either. Its an accident waiting to happen. The fat berm on 1 side of Kaniere St is an over kill. Why not create a foot path on that side of the road also, and create angled parks along that 1 side? This woukd make the cou-de-sac 1 way and very safe for everyone while also creating more parks. Bonus would be to put all the power undergroind while your at it but that may be wishfull thinking. I live at 12 Kaniere St and have 3 kids currently at the school. Lots of youngers live on our street and its ridiculous that they cant travel home safely Yes when they live so close to their school. Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes All school areas should be 40khs. Palm Beach c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

We live on Hawea street right near arataki school. Daily its used as a through road as its the only road with no speed bumps or stop sings. I would see Yes atleast 2-3 cars and or harleys daily racing down at over or close to 100km/H and a car has been hit and flipped right at the intersection of the school. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e It's great that a reduced speed zone is to be introduced in some schools but I think it should happen for all schools I particular due to family and community connections I support a 40kph zone around Arataki school and Arataki kindergarten which includes Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea street during the peak times of 8.15am to 9.15am and 2.30and 3.30pm Monday to Friday. Grenada Street particularly needs urgent action due to increased traffic This will increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters In the spirit of partnership and transparency I'm sure that both the school and kindergarten would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts study, that findings are shared, and this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40kph zone at peak times. Yes Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Make it safer for.our babies! Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in Yes a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindergarten would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Pacific View c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools.

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action. This traffic is a direct result of the works happening and both Bayfair and Baypark roundabouts and the population growth in our community.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to /community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Welcome Bay c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a Yes study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools.

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten. Just in recent weeks we have had several incidents of children being clipped or near misses, thankfully without serious injury, thus far.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times.

I would be interested in seeing a 30km/hr speed tested as well. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood I was shocked we didn’t have ‘school zones’ (reduced speed limits around schools) here or anywhere in town. For context my home province in Canada has 30km/hr school zones in effect 8am-5pm on school days only, and 30km/hr playground zones in effect dawn till dusk year round.

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECEs makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e My name is Shelley Blakey and I am the Principal of Arataki School

Since my time as Principal here (6 years) I have observed a considerable increase in traffic on Grenada Street during the peak drop off and pick up times of the day (8:00am - 8:50am and 2:45 - 3:10pm). While an increase is understandable given that we are growing areas my concern is the speed in which traffic travels on this road. Adding to the increased traffic the opening of the pump track directly opposite our Grenada Street entrance, has seen an increase in pedestrian traffic using the Grenada Street crossing. The number of children crossing on Grenada Street combined with the increased traffic and the speed of the traffic leaves me feeling concerned for the safety of my children using this road to come to school as well as the wider community.

On behalf of the Arataki School community, I ask that a traffic survey is undertaken on Grenada Street at the above times. In the spirit of partnership, I ask that the results are transparently shared and analysed with us. Via this proposed process, we will collectively identify if there is the need to make a 40km/h zone at peak times so as to further minimise risk and further increase safety.

I look forward to a reply to this submission and proposed process via an email to [email protected].

Yes Thank you for considering the improved safety of our community. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes no comment needed Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten which include Grenada Street, Kaimanawa Street and Hawea Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. For Arataki School in particular the increased traffic and concerning speeds we observe vehicles travelling on Grenada Street needs urgent action.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around Arataki School and Arataki Kindergarten.

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that both the school and the kindy would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the all schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Thank Yes you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes There also needs to be a 40 km speed zone on Tui street, ranch road and maunganui road around omanu school and Mount college Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes I support the change and would like Omanu School and Mt Maunganui School surrounding roads to be considered as well. Omanu e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Not sure why schools in Mount Maunganui aren’t on there? Maunganui Rd/golf road/links Ave/ranch road is extremely dangerous area in the the morning and afternoon, I ride it most days with my children and driver behaviour is aggressive and impatient. If you are going to reduce speed limit at Yes least do something to enforce it!! Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I think the speed around these areas needs to be changed to ensure the safety of all the local school children. We live on Tui St and are constantly Yes amazed at how fast cars still travel along our street during peak school hours. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T My name is Brett Larsen and I am the Principal of Omanu School, Tui Street, Omanu.

Between the children, staff and parents of Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club we have over 3000 people moving in and around Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street in the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. Add to this the morning commuter traffic, children making their way to/from Mount Maunganui Intermediate, plus after school activities traffic, this could see 5000+ traffic/pedestrian movements around our schools and ECE's at the above peak times.

It appears that our combined numbers of students along with people on the move are much greater than some of the numbers of the 5 x identified school areas in the current proposal open for feedback.

On behalf of Omanu School, I ask that a traffic survey is undertaken on Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street at the above times. In the spirit of partnership, I ask that the results are transparently shared and analysed with stakeholders Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club. Via this proposed process, we will collectively identify if there is the need to make a 40km/h zone at peak times so as to further minimise risk and further increase safety.

I look forward to a reply to this submission and proposed process via an email to [email protected].

Thank you for considering the improved safety of our community.

Yes Brett Larsen - Principal Omanu School c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes, it is great that a reduced speed zone is planned to be introduced in some schools, but I would like to see it for more, if not all schools rather than just the proposed 5 x schools

In particular, due to family/community connections I support a 40km/h zone around Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club encompassing Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd, Macville Lane and Tui Street during the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

This will help to minimise the risk and increase the safety of thousands of students, parents, whanau, community members and commuters all moving in a small shared space at peak times around these schools/ECE's

In the spirit of partnership and transparency, I am sure that the above Schools/ECE's would collectively welcome that a traffic engineer conducts a study, that findings are shared and that this information is the basis for discussion with stakeholders on a 40km/h zone at peak times

Taking the opportunity now to reduce the speed around the above schools and ECE's makes sense as a part of the proposed speed limit changes. Yes Thank you for hearing my concern of improving the safety for all via reduced speeds at key times. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No DON'T CHANGE... Tara Road from 80km to 60kms Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I do in general support the changes, Papamoa Beach Rd takes forever to get down as it is so will take even longer at 50km. It would be great to have better access perhaps off the express way.

I am disappointed to see that the speed limit won't be changing to 40km around school hours at all schools surely this should be a no brainer!

My kids go to the Waldorf school and the cars go so fast! There is no way I can safely let them walk to school. A pedestrian crossing would be perfect Yes and would only be used during school hours anyway! Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e a e e e e e e No You need to add Windsor Road Vellevue outside Otumoetai College and Ranch/Tui outside Omanu Primary. Bellevue c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I live on the corner of Mortlake heights and Kennedy road and do support this change. My children cross the road ( Mortlake heights ) to walk to school. We have noticed how fast some cars drive up Kennedy road to approach the roundabout. I would like to see signs indicating there are children out and about just prior to the Mortlake heights road from both ends on Kennedy road loop road. The mornings are busy at the roundabout at Kennedy road \ Yes Mortlake heights roundabout when kids on foot , bike , scooters all crossing to get to taumata school . Thank you Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Reducing the speed limit will only frustrate motorists more than already as poor planning by the city has caused traffic congestion which has slowed No commuting times to a larger extent, why don't you send your money from increased rate take on the roads and infrastructure. Welcome Bay a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I Mark Seerden see no reason to decrease the speed limit.

I strongly ask that the current speed limits remain in place.

I ask for the speed limits NOT to change for any of the streets nominated including areas by schools.

I have never seen an accident on any of these roads in all the thousands of trips I have made on these roads over many years.

Lower speed limits will frustrate motorists.

Frustrated motorists do irrational things.

No Its safer to have a good stream of traffic doing 80 k per hour as we all do on Tara Road for instance that road is very safe at that speed Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I bike on Maranui St and Papamoa Beach Rd and support a 50km/h limit. When driving the road is so busy all day you can hardly ever drive at 60kph Yes anyway Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c I support the changes as documented but are left in absolute disbelief as to why the route - Farm St/Concord and Links Aves has not been included. Farm St has two Daycare Centres and a (temporary) bus interchange while Links ave contains Mt Maunganui Intermediate. This route is also a major thoroughfare for Arataki and Papamoa children to both Mt Intermediate and Mt College. Traffic during 6am - 9am and 3pm - 6pm can be both chaotic and speedy. Farm St has already witnessed a number of accidents due to speed. Please Yes consider these streets. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I support the changes for Tara and Parton Roads. While there are only a few roads exiting on to Tara Road, there are lots of houses and cars off those roads. We exit off Twin Oaks and often have to gun it to turn right. Judging speed of vehicles can be a problem for some drivers and we have seen a few near misses or had to break heavily ourselves to avoid hitting cars leaving the side streets. There is no median barrier so a crash on Tara could be disastrous. A lower speed limit on Parton is also appropriate- it carries a lot of traffic and often used as a diversion for people going to Te Puke. It's Yes not the quiet road of 20 years ago. c c c c c e e c c c c c c c c My main concern is that the Links Ave/Farm Street area has not been proposed by Council. This is a huge concern considering this area is one of the busiest routes for Buses, and commuters who travel by car from Papamoa. A big concern which has been raised by the community (through petitions and one news coverage) has been the danger towards school children travelling to Mount College, Intermediate and Omanu primary. Surely speed needs to be addressed in this area?

One solution is to have solar powered traffic speed signs which would be 30 km during peak school times School drop off and pick up times and then it could change back to 50 for the other times of the day?

It is very frustrating that this growing vibrant area seems to be forgotten about again.

A road report for Farm Street from Abley stated the priority was reducing speed and traffic volumes? Buses supposedly have a 30km/h self imposed Yes limit already? but is this happening? Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e A lower speed limit on Totara Street will make cycling safer, however, further separation and improvements are needed along this corridor for Yes commuters. Greerton c c c c c c c c c e c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Can we add Dickson road . A proposed to a one way street as so many people go to Papa tavern and using Dickson road as a get away short cut. You should only turn left into domain road but use side street like Allan street,Douglas street, Alexandra street etc to go to your house. This will reduce the amount of people speeding from the starts to the end of street. The speed on Dickson road is so bad because of such a long straight road. The new roundabout does nothing as not many cars entering from the and don’t have to give way to the right as there is no street and also the middle concrete at the roundabout is too low so cars just drive over it. I live in the middle of Dickson road so I know what’s happening daily. Summer is here and so many kids crossing to go the beach. I don’t want to say ITYS if something happened . Thanks Yes ✌ðŸ¾âœŒðŸ¾âœŒðŸ¾ Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c Yes There is no way traffic should be going 50km/hr in this area during school pick up and drop offs!! It is a no brainer. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Our kids go to Omanu school and the speed limit on surrounding streets should be lower. We also need more pedestrian crossings across surrounding Yes streets as well. Golf road, near valley road and across valley road as well. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Great initiative to improve safety, well done. However compliance is really the issue so I would like to see more effort on education and enforcement (which unfortunately seems to be the only way inhibit poor driving behaviour).

Yes I would also like to see a 40km/h variable speed zone being implemented around the Tauranga Waldorf School on Welcome Bay Rd. Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Good morning,

what a great initiative around our schools but it beggars belief the area around Omanu Primary is not being looked at. With Mount College right next door and Mount Intermediate close by and whose students use the transport corridor around Omanu Primary I would have thought some consideration was given to traffic speed around the primary school at peak hours given the volume of traffic those 3 schools create.

Please consider therefore adding Omanu Primary to the list of affected schools.

Best regards,

Yes Eugene Crosby (Oceanbeach Road resident and parent of two children at Omanu Primary) Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No I don't see any safety concerns. Welcome Bay a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Judea c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I would like to see a variable speed limit for the following schools: - Links Ave outside Mt Intermediate - Maunganui Road outside Mt College

Links Ave has seen a massive increase in traffic due to rat-runners avoiding B2B traffic. Combined with the buses and despite speed humps, this area could do with further speed restrictions.

Maunganui Rd again is very busy with many vehicles exceeding the 50kn/hr limit. I have even been overtaken on this section of the road when doing No 50km/hr on more than one occasion. Variable speed would help remind motorists of the speed limits and keep students safe on such a wide road. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I Ian Stewart of 67 Motiti Road drive via Papamoa Beach Rd, Parton Road and Tara Road nearly every day of the year. I see no reason to decrease the speed limit. I strongly ask that the current speed limits remain in place. I ask for the speed limits NOT to change for any of the streets nominated including areas by schools. I have never seen an accident on any of these roads in all the thousands of trips I have made on these roads over many years. Lower speed limits will frustrate motorists. Frustrated motorists do irrational things. No Its safer to have a good stream of traffic doing 80 k per hour as we all do on Tara Road for instance that road is very safe at that speed. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I think mount schools need to be considered as part of the speed limit reduction too. We have high traffic areas surrounding omanu school and mount Yes college. Particularly ranch road and Tui street. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Leave totara street as it is. Change limit from turret road bridge from 60 to 70 or 80 going towards welcome bay. Far to slow no one does 60 there anyway. Cyclists are on the other side , so no reason not to.

No Speed camera on ohauiti road also! Ohauiti c c c c c c c c c a c c c c c Yes Especially around schools & main roads, the increased safety is worth the extra 2 minutes drive time. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes Tauriko c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes You need to have these changes around Mount Intermediate, Omanu primary school, Mount College and Mount Primary school. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e My children attend Taumata school at The Lakes, so I support the proposed variable speed limit change to 40km/h. The traffic volume through there has increased significantly this year as the population in this area has grown and the school roll has increased. There are a lot of cyclists and pedestrians who are children that use Te Ranga Memorial drive. Some of them ride on the road and are forced to cycle around numerous parked cars along that stretch of road. Therefore a reduced speed in that area is a priority before someone gets hurt. There is also a huge amount of traffic going through the Kennedy road/Mortlake Heights/Te Ranga Memorial drive roundabout in the morning and after school. A lot of pedestrians cross Kennedy Yes Road and there is no safe crossing there, so reducing the speed limit would be a good start in to improving safety in that area. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Speed limit changes should also be applied to what is a very busy transportation environment around Omanu Primary, Mount Maunganui College and Mount Intermediate at peak AM and PM times. Please apply proposed speed limits to transportation environment in the vicinity of these schools, Yes including but not limited to: northern end of Links Avenue, Gold Road, Ranch Road, Tui Street, Maunganui Road Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e I support the Kennedy Road speed limit change, where my children goto school, and any speed limit change that reduces risk on our roads. I'd so like to see the variable speed limits being enforced by police on a rotating roster, or at least have a presence at those sites to raise awareness (although I Yes realise that's not a council responsibility, the suggestion could still be put forth by council to NZ police) Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e e e e e TCC should consider expanding the proposal to include Omanu Primary school. As a resident and parent on Tui Street, Mount Maunganui, I see near misses every day at school pick up and drop off times.

In addition there should be a 'kiss and go' parking only on Tui and Ranch to reduce the congestion and promote walking to school.

Finally, Valley road is used like a direct highway with regular speeding vehicles. The part of Valley road adjacent to the school block should also be considered as a reduced speed zone during peak school hours. Having also lived in that area on valley road, I again saw near misses regularly with children walking home and crossing Valley road after school. Ranch road does have speed bumps which reduces speed.

No I agree with the rest of the proposal but I think more schools should be considered to keep all kids safe. Why were those specific schools chosen? Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Pyes Pa Rd speed limit should remain at 60Kph. The street is wide and limited need tor pedestrian's to cross from one side to the other. A small area around the shopping center could be considered but formalized crossings would be a better safety feature.

Maranui St & Papmoa Beach Rd - keeping the flow of traffic at 60kph if fine. There is not a great deal of foot traffic and little need to cross. Formal crossings would be a better idea.

Speed zone - Aquinas Collège. Limited foot traffic exiting the school therefore not needed. Very little need for pedestrian's to cross. A formal crossing would be a better safety feature.

Speed Zone Taumata School. Formal crossings would be also of benefit. Slower traffic does not fix the roundabout with young kids trying to cross at uncontrolled intersection/roundabout.

Speed Zone TIS - this would bottle neck traffic in what is already a pinch zone. The controlled crossing at the lights provides a suitable crossing. The No school is not directly on Frazer street so this should not slow traffic on a main route. Pyes Pa c c c a c c c c a c a a c c a I think you need to include mount Maunganui schools and reduce rick to cyclists and pedestrians going to school in our area. reduce the speed limit Yes around mount schools too please. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Kia ora As a parent and living on tui street very close to the tui street entrance. Two times I have had to run across the road to pull young kids off the road due to vehicles going to fast and I'm guessing the kids didn't watch properly. To me thats two times too many. Also the college kids once its their turn to Yes depart via tui street many of them are going too fast. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e The other road that needs review is the one where Tauriko primary school is situated. It’s a very dangerous road with lorries and cars speeding Yes past way over the current limit. Speed cameras here would get a bigger vote. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I agree with the proposed speed zone changes, but think that there should also be changes around schools in the Mount Maunganui schools. The combined numbers of students along with commuters in this area is greater than some of the numbers of the other identified school areas. Therefore, I suggest that the areas amount Mount College, Omanu Primary, and Mount Intermediate should also have reduced speed limits around the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

Between the children, staff and parents of Omanu School, Mount Maunganui College, Gwen Rogers Kindergarten, Omanu Pre School and Omanu Swim Club we have over 3000 people moving in and around Ranch Rd, Maunganui Rd and Tui Street in the peak times of 8.15am - 9.15am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm Monday to Friday. Add to this the morning commuter traffic, children making their way to/from Mount Maunganui Intermediate, plus Yes after school activities traffic, this could see 5000+ traffic/pedestrian movements around our schools and ECE's at the above peak times. Omanu e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e As a Papamoa business owner and resident I have been vocal in petitioning the council previously around the safety (lack of) along Tara Rd - especially the Doncaster roundabout and the section from Doncaster to Parton immediately adjacent the daycare and the College. I am really glad to see the proposed reduction in speed - it's long overdue as my emails to Duncan Wilson and Martin Parkes testify I have been Yes pushing for this for a long time. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I’m only concerned about Pyes Rd. Because of the new subdivision next to the roundabout, the area is busier now and need the speed limit to be Yes dropped to 40km/h Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e c c c c Can you please look at the speed limit around Omanu School and Mount Intermediate too please. Yes So much traffic and so many near misses. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e As a cyclist and a parent the perceived and real threat of cars going at marked (and often faster than current marked speed limits) I believe the majority Yes of roads in residential areas should be dropped to 40km/h. The proposed changes are a step in the right direction. Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I support a standard reduced speed limit around ALL schools - including those in the Mount . There is an exceptional number and variety of traffic Yes around Omanu school during the peak times and any encouragement for people to slow down and take more care would be welcomed. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e What about a Oceanbeach Road, Mount Maunganui? I’m very disappointed this road is not in the current proposal. It needs to be addressed Yes ASAP. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Particularly around the schools, lots of kids crossing Pyes Pa road from Aquinas towards the Lakes area. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c In respect of Totora Street, what's the point? Traffic, when congested is either stopped or crawling. When there is no traffic and not much going on No outside business hours in the industrial estate, 50kph would be excruciating. Tauranga South c c c c c c c c c a c c c c c I don't support the Totara St reduction from 60 to 50.

Also, I think that on Carmichael Road the 50k should be reduced to 40k from the roundabout at Carmichael/St Michaels Crescent up to Carmichael/Bethlehem Road (i.e. past the Bob Owens retirement village then turn left onto Bethlehem Road, past the Bethlehem School & Te Wharekura o Mauao) then put the speed limit back to 50k at the Bethlehem Road/Westmorland Drive intersection.

Also, on Cambridge Road, as one approaches the intersection with SH29, the 60k speed limit changes to 70k (according to the sign) but one is about to come to a compulsory stop (which one can't see when one is at the 70k sign, meaning that drivers unfamiliar with the area might go faster then No suddenly have to brake, to stop for the intersection). I.e. the 70k sign should be removed. Bethlehem c c c c c c c c c a c c c c c Yes Particularly around Welcome bay and the schools. Make it safer for kids to walk and ride to school. Maungatapu e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mostly I do because of idiot drivers. But if you can change speed limits for just school time, could we change for out of hours too?? I live in Emerald Shores so I travel the length of Papamoa Beach Rd regularly. After 7pm, from Domain Rd down to the end, it is practically deserted and a limit of 60/70 No would not be unsafe at sll. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c a a c e e e e e I would also like the area around Golf road and Oceanbeach road intersection reduced to 40kph - there are significant numbers of children biking, scootering, skateboarding and walking in this area due to the proximity of Mount Intermediate, Mount College, Omanu Primary, Omanu Preschool and Yes Gwen Rogers Kindergarten yet this is a busy and fast section of road with limited safe crossing points or safe cycling facilities. Omanu e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Please also include Omanu and Mount primary as the amount of kids and traffic around Tui and Ranch road is huge and I think as a concerned parent Yes that MANY others and the schools would also support this. Omanu e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I would also like to see the speed limit reduced during school drop off/pick up time around the Omanu School / Mount Primary / Mt Intermediate area. I have seen so many 'near misses' in this area and there is a very high proportion of young students who make their way to school who should be Yes considered. Especially around the Tui Street, Ranch Road area. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes, my children go to omanu primary and cars speed down those streets during drop off and pick up times, and I can’t imagine them getting to school safely when it’s time for them to go to Mount intermediate, Strongly suggest lowering the speed limit during peak drop off and pick up times. Yes Thanks Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T

I am submitting on the speed limit for Welcome Bay Road.

The default speed limit for built up urban areas is 50km/h. The current speed limit of 60km/h for Welcome Bay Road is inappropriate for ths built up urban area. In addition the road is winding with many driveways and also on road cycleways in both directions. Chidren use the cycleways for transport to and from school. I note that on the 60km/h section on Welcome Bay Road there is also a convenience store and childcare centre. There are many pedestrians in the area. Crash analysis shows that the higher the impact-speed, the greater the likelihood of serious and fatal injury. Research indicates the likelihood of death for car occupants in a crash at an impact speed of 80km/h is 20 times that of an impact speed of 30km/h (IIHS 1987). Similarly, for pedestrians in crashes: • 8% of those struck by a vehicle travelling at 30km/h will be killed • 45% of those struck by a vehicle travelling at 50km/h will be killed • 90% of those struck by a vehicle travelling at 60km/h will be killed.

Where Welcome Bay Road transitions from 60km/h to 50km/h before the shopping centre, many drivers do not slow down, making it dangerous for pedestrians to use the pedestrian crossing. Similarly, coming from the other direction towards Welcome Bay school, drivers pick up significant speed coming down the hill and many would proabably be doing 70km/h by the time they have reached the 50km/h speed limit outside the school zone. Many drivers do not slow down at school times when the speed limit is reduced to 40km/h. In the 3 years living in Welcome Bay I have never seen any enforcement of speed limits outside this school, which is very dissapointing. I support the speed limit on Welcome Bay Road being reduced to 50km/h Yes as soon as practicable. Welcome Bay c e c c c c c c c c c c c c c Speed limit changes should be extended to additional roads.

Morning & afternoon traffic is extremely heavy around Omanu Primary, Mount College & Mount Intermediate.

Valley Rd, Ranch Rd along with the connecting streets such as Tui, McDowell and Moa are all very busy with school traffic and other commuters.

Valley Rd (between Golf Rd & Tweed St) is a particular issue with high traffic speeds, the road is relatively straight with no measures to reduce speed or give way intersections, cars regularly travel at 60km or more.

This section of Valley Rd is used by large numbers of school children walking, riding or scootering to school, combined with high traffic speeds and a Yes high volume of traffic it is only a matter of time before a serious accident or death occurs. Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes, definitley support the proposed speed limit changes but would like these extended to those schools in the Mount. Omanu School has some very busy roads around it and also has the intermediate and college children walking on the roads. I would like the speed restrictions also applied to Tui and Yes Ranch roads. Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e My children attend Aquinas College and I support the reduced speed changes proposed outside of this school as traffic is fast and there are Yes inexperienced drivers arriving and leaving this school often. Tauranga South c c c c c c c c c c e c c c c What about the schools around Omanu primary, Mount college, the two kindergartens (gwen rodgers and porse) & Mount Intermediate? surly there is enough people moving around this area to warrant some changes? Namely move the bus routes!

Does anyone actually leave the office and come and look what the traffic is like or do they just make assumptions? I would suggest that someone(s) from the transport division from TCC come down to ranch road, golf road and links ave on any given weekday and check out what actually goes on and Yes the amount of people moving there is. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T All good for the roads you have included BUT...

earlier advice from TCC was that speed limits in Farm St & Arataki would be addressed in 2020

Local residents have been asking for several years what can be done about safety/speed issues and have been told time and again by council that nothing could be done in the short term and the issue of speed would be addressed in 2020. refer https://www.tauranga.govt.nz/council/council-news-and-updates/newsletters/pid/1424/evl/0/categoryid/69/categoryname/moving-forward-in-arataki- update




what has changed that earlier advice is incorrect? What about schools in this area? There are reports from external consultants (Abley) commissioned by TCC that expressly state reducing speed and traffic volumes should be the Yes priority in this area (Farm St) Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I do not support the lowering of the speed limit along Totara Street.

If the intention behind this proposal is to improve safety along Totara Street, then I believe there are greater priorities along this street that need to be addressed rather than the lowering of the speed limit.

For example, there are a large number of cyclists who use this street, to travel to and from Mauao. Widening the road and creating a genuine cycle lane will increase their safety far more than a lowering of the speed limit.

Outside of peak travel times, Totara Street is easy to use and is free-flowing. Travel at 60km/h is appropriate for this piece of road and should not be No adjusted. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c a c c c c c Yes I can only comment on the roads I know/use and agree with the proposed reductions on speed because of the volume of traffic now using them. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e e e c c c c e c Yes Save our kids Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Speed along Welcome Bay Road, particularly near the Waldorf Steiner school. People speed recklessly there, and if the speed was dropped to 50 kms perhaps they'd go just that wee bit slower. Kids cannot walk to school and cross that road, it's just far too dangerous. Yes Kaitemako Road should be dropped also, although I'm not sure anyone will change, as most drivers speed in the 50km area already. Welcome Bay c e e c c c c c c c c c c c c As well as reducing speed in our community, a few more pedestrian crossings would be great. It is so dangerous trying to cross the road and there are a number of schools, Kindy’s and other early learning centres in our community. It is especially dangerous for Steiner school kids where they have Yes to cross the road, as people come speeding off the welcome bay back road. Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes We need to slow traffic to save our children. It’s a matter of time before a significant event occurs in the Lakes Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Oropi Main RD - speed limit changes need to be extended to pass the water treatment plant due to workers and vehicles crossing the road at 465 Oropi RD. Also just before the water treatment plant is the Oropi Mountain bike park which has become a busy crossing point for cars on a busy 100km/h Yes road. An accident waiting to happen. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c e c c c c c c c c c c I am supporting the speed limit in Pyes Pa which is near Aquinas College Tauranga because there are a lot of students crossing the road before and Yes after school hours. We'd like for our children to be safe. Thank you. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I support all speed reductions and restrictions on suburban roads, particularly in relation to uncontrolled or poorly controlled intersections and where roads are close to schools, pedestrian crossings, or shopping centres. The city is applauded for taking this initiative.

The proposed changes do not go far enough. All suburban minor roads should go to 30 kph - making the roads safer for all users, including people and children moving alongside the roads, and reducing accident rates at intersections in suburban areas.

I have recently been living in the Netherlands, where the above rules apply (30 kph in all suburban minor roads). The limits actually keep traffic moving more reliably, they create a quieter and more pleasant living environment, and they reduce the costly requirements for safety management at every corner. Drivers become more tolerant of travelling behind cyclists or other road users until they can pass safely, primarily because they need make only minor speed reductions anyway. Traffic that flows more smoothly uses less fuel overall.

My point is that 30 k/h is achievable, although it tends to encounter considerable resistance when first proposed (as it did in the Netherlands when proposed 40 years go). If you are going to make changes, you should make the maximum change that you can to optimise safety. People in the Netherlands now resist any attempt to raise speed limits on minor roads, but it certainly took some time for that to be achieved..

I would also be looking at closing off the access of some minor roads onto major carriageways, which will also reduce and control traffic speeds and flows in suburban environments, along with improving traffic flows on the major carriageways by removing some traffic management. I realise that is Yes not a proposal here, but it should be on your agenda. Tauranga South e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I totally support the reduction of speed limit on Welcome Bay Rd 60kms too fast we walk on that pavement every day and it can be quite frightening as people often exceed it by 10kms and also at the higher speed people frequently move into the cycle lane and cut the corners. A very good move by Yes Council . I would also like to see some speed humps on Waitaha Rd the speeds people do on that road is the same excessive and dangerous. Welcome Bay c e c c c c c c c c c c c c c The residential development attributed to a number, if not all of these roads means that the current speed limits are no longer applicable. There is increased pedestrian and cyclist usage not to mention more children. There is a large portion of reckless drivers in the city, therefore reducing the speed limit will further highlight those that need to be targeted if they still choose to ignore safety. Further, the noise from high speed traffic is having a Yes detrimental effect on a number of residents. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and all vechiles. Good move across all areas. Now with the advent of lLime scooters across the city it can only be a Yes good idea. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I support lowering the speed limit outside ALL schools. As a community we have been vocal about our road safety concerns with Links Ave. It begs belief then why Mount Maunganui Intermediate (MMI) is not part of this immediate review.

There are however concerns with other Mount schools including Arataki, Mount College and Omanu Primary. So I ask that these are all added to the list for immediate review, along with MMI.

Please ensure the new, lower speed limit is well signposted with a illuminated digital sign highlighting the limit during schools limited hours.

Many thanks Yes Michael Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I support all changes except as follows. Tara Road should be 70 kph. This is a stretch of clear line of sight road that can easily support that vehicle speed. Papamoa Beach Road should remain 60 kph. This is a stretch of clear line of sight road that can easily support that vehicle speed. No Reducing vehicle speeds on these two roads will result in driver frustration and non-compliance. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e a e a e e e e e e Yes Ohauiti c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T

I am commenting on another area altogether, namely Westmorland Rise / Carmichael / Bethlehem Road. Having lived on Athelstan Way for 7 years, we have been astonished by the speeds on Westmorland Rise; many cars shortcutting through from Carmichael to Bethlehem Road via Westmorland Rise. Passing on the hills, in one case actually seeing "him" give the finger to the car he was passing in a posted school zone. We have lost count also this past year with the amount of birds and wildlife hit and killed on this road. (Westmorland Rise). We have a natural reserve close by and its sad to see. Within the last three weeks two accidents have occurred; the first accident "critical". We watched as Police, Firemen and Paramedics attempted to cut the person out of the vehicle for a good hour plus. Said driver screaming around the corner from Bethlehem Road, losing control and hitting a tree ending up in the field. The second accident we witnessed, heading up Westmorland last Friday to Bethlehem Road, going so fast he could not navigate the corner, going off the road, smashing into a tree and ending up on the other side of the road. This is a school zone, also many seniors and younger people walk up and down this road every single day; if someone had been in that area at the time they would have been killed outright. We witness these non caring drivers daily, screaming up and down. I walk many days in this area and it is rather concerning seeing many of them flying by, certainly no concern for pedestrians and/or school children. The smaller children head up this road, going to the Bethlehem school and there is absolutely no monitoring whatsoever in this area; never has been to our knowledge. Wish something could be done before someone is killed due to speed and non caring drivers taking a short cut through the residential neighbourhood. We do have more confidence now knowing that the TCC is finally doing something to reduce speed limits in Tauranga which in turn reduces costs and Yes unnecessary suffering. We just hope that this area will be included. Bethlehem c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c If changes are made you will need to have either speed cameras or police monitoring, as at present the speed limit on Te Okuroa Road at Papamoa heading towards the roundabout on Tara Road and Parton Road is 50km until outside Papamoa Beach Village where it changes to 70 km to go through the roundabout. The speed of cars is well over 50km. The same will happen when Tara and Parton Road speed changes, nothing will change unless Yes people are caught. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Oropi road was 100 km, now 80. You dicks wanta make it 60 !!!wtf You can't go 20 in peak times, and can go 100 during all other times Every heard about lsz?? Look it up Is actually an option, tho you need half a brain to use it No You all suck, an can't use Tauranga roads or live in the real world c c c c a c c c c c c c c c c As a Papamoa resident I will only comment on the roads I use regularly. PARTON ROAD, I agree should be REDUCED TO 50kph from Papamoa Beach Rd to Tara Rd. There is alot of activity along there, including the skate park where young people are getting in and out of vehicles. TARA ROAD on the other hand has much less activity other than commuting. It has very minimal driveways/roads entering it and is 4 lane so I think it should REMAIN AT 80kph from the domain rd roundabout to the roundabout near the other end or Tara Rd. The 50kph could start here as it reduces to one lane, there's an early childhood centre, cars parked for the sports fields and the shopping area on the opposite side. It would be fairly hair raising to do the roundabouts faster than 50kph but I think they should be the same speed as the roads leading up to them. DOMAIN ROAD, I agree should be REDUCED TO 50kph as this is a high activity area. MARANUI ST/PAPAMOA BEACH ROAD I think should remain at 60kph in the areas where there are houses on just one side of the road but 50kph when there's houses on both sides of the road. More of the pedestrian refuges in the road centre along the way would be good. I would feel less annoyed at having the Papamoa Beach Road speed reduced if Tara Road remained at 80kph. If they both reduce this will make it a No slow trip to get out of Papamoa no matter which way you go and we don't have an eastern entrance to the TEL yet. Papamoa Beach c c c c c a e e a c c c c c c I support the speed reduction around schools.

I do not support all the other speed reduction changes.

Tara Rd should remain at 80km/h because its mostly 4 lanes and has larger lot residential access to it. I think there is an argument to reduce Tara Rd to 60km/h on the 2 lane section, but leave the 4 lane section as 80km/h.

Papamoa Beach Rd should remain at 60km/h because it only has housing on one side for most of it. It's a busy Rd that a lot of people use as their main way of accessing the city and Mount Maunganui. Reducing to 50km/h will impact the efficiency of their travel. Maranui St, fine - reduce that to 50km/h since it has houses on both side for most of it.

The southern end of Domain Rd should not reduce to 50km/h. I see no reason for it to be reduced especially since it's going to be upgraded soon which will make it safer to use.

No Totara St should remain at 60km/h. Its a key route between Hewletts Rd and Mount Maunganui through an industrial area. Wairakei a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes For the safety of all road users 50km/h will certainly help. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I live on Levers road and the speeds of some cars that pass my house near the school are way over the limit, support this being lowered to make safer Yes for kids going to school. Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I strongly agree with the lowering of the speed outside the schools.

Can someone tell me why the speed limit outside Mount Maunganui Intermediate on Links Ave has not been included?

This is an extremely busy road and has a shared footpath placed directly next to the road, which is heavily used by school children not only going to the Yes intermediate, but also to Omanu Primary and Mount College. Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e I support the variable speed reductions especially by Aquinas which is on a curve on a main road. It will save lives. Yes I am a local and will not be inconvenienced at all Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Pyes Pa Rd definitely needs a change of speed. There is also no current safe crossing area, such as a pedestrian crossing or traffic crosswalk lights. It’s very unsafe road for our children. Yes Currently vehicles are often traveling far in access of the current 60 kmh limit, especially as it’s never patrolled. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes For the safety of our kids and community - YES please. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e As a resident on pyes pa road the traffic going at 60 km/hour around Aquinas College is a danger, their are other children making their way to surrounding schools also. As a resident living on joyce road and having to pull out onto pyes pa road with traffic often travelling faster than 60 km/hrs Yes this is very difficult and dangerous. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e c c c c I particularly support the temporary reduction on the speed limits during school times at the entrance to Aquinas College and others. The speed limit is currently set at 60, however we see cars with speeds nearing 80 in the area. Signs warning drivers that they are speeding, specially around schools will Yes be particularly useful, and would make it safer for parents to go in and out of the schools into a main road. Welcome Bay c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Tauranga is not a huge city and still we suffer everyday big traffic congestions in all the important arteries of the city, including Papamoa and Mount Maunganui, reducing the speed limit is not going to help, it'll only make the drivers even more frustrated and the kids and parents more entitled. No What we need is a better planning for pedestrian crossing areas and even the presence of police to help everything run smoothly. Mount Maunganui a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I believe we should add Mount College to the proposal. Heavy vehicles, light commercial vehicles and personal vehicles use this Maunganui road daily in excess of the 50km/h speed limit during and around school hours. I know you have a proposed change to the road layout and a new cycle lane, but we still have many children unsafely crossing the road through moving vehicles, walking along the road on both sides, and crossing at the dangerous Golf road roundabout.

We need to possibly alter the speed limit during school hours, remove the silly 70km/h sign heading south on Maunganui road before approaching the Golf road roundabout. Drivers see the sign in the distance and speed up as they drive past the college and into the roundabout.

We need a system to fine engine break users in town (Police or council to take responsibility). There is no reason/excuse for drivers to have their engine breaks on (any time of day) driving on Maunganui rd, Hewlett rd, Newton st, Hull rd, Totara st, Rata st. Takatimu drive, Dive cres, etc. Especially at 3AM in the morning!

Apologies for the rant.

Yes Mark Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e i would like council to consider EMMETT ST from Greerrton rd to Mansels rd During school hours Yes cars are parked both sides of street Quite a lot of children use this street to and from school Greerton e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Good idea for around school times Tauranga South c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e we wish to submit our full support for all the road speed changes proposed.Steve and Claire Robb,17/199 Papamoa Beach Road.Valuation no 06622 Yes 004 05Q.Customer no 382459. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e That stretch of road needs more than just a speed reduction, i feel like it needs traffic lights as i have been caught out there as a driver despite walking across it more than twice a day 5 days a week. I even wrote an email letting the council know of the near miss. So many times i stand at the crossing Yes with or without children and the cars just don't stop. Please make this crossing safer for our children to get to and from school. Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c THE SPPED LIMIT AS IT IS, IS RIDICULOUS ESPECIALLY FOR THE ELDERLY ON WELCOME BAY ROAD, ESPECIALLY IF IT`S RAINING. Yes THERE ARE NO SHELTERS ARE ALMOST NON EXISTENCE. Welcome Bay c e c c c c c c c c c c c c c In response to your request for feedback on speed limits for sections of PYES PA Road ( amongst others) am asking that yes, please reduce the speed from 60 down to 50, from the Cameron Road end roundabout - and on the roundabout would be helpful too as they all go a bit crazy there - and if possible, keep to 50 until past the shopping centre. It's fully built up along the road now and there is difficulty getting across the road as no one gives way on the crossing spots. There is a new subdivision going in opposite about 30 Pyes Pa Road so will be a lot of activity for a year or so. There are lots of walkers in the area especially early morning - school children and mature residents. You'll also know there are a lot of semi retirement villages Yes along the road. Thanks for consideration. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Yes Reducing speed limit especially around the schools is always a good idea. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e There is no evidence based information about how "unsafe" the roads nominated for speed reductions are.

Specifically, Tara Road - is 4 lanes to Doncaster Drive and not a 'built up' residential area - from Domain Rd to Doncaster Drive roundabout should be maintained at 80 kmph or reduced to 70kmph. From Doncaster Drive to Parton Road 60 kmph would be acceptable. No The entire length of Papamoa Beach Road should remain at 60 kmph. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Yes . All good . Keep the speed down . Lets have fewer crashes. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I support every single proposed speed limit change that the Council is considering in regards to reducing speeds around the and look forward to these being implemented as soon as possible. I also look forward to seeing more speed cameras, more police out keeping out roads safe and more fining for customers breaking the laws on our roads. I would like to see the Bay of Plenty strive to have safer community and for people to be able to cross our roads and use our roads safely without fear of injury or death, by also providing many more pedestrian refuges and crossings to help everyone get across our busy roads and streets safely and by slowing down our traffic so we can all enjoy the 'chilled out beach vibe' and the reason a good number of people choose to live in this amazing area. The current speed limits on a good majority of the roads (above the 50km) around the Bay of Plenty are absolutely excessive and un-necessary when you take into having to accomodate people getting in and out of their driveways and their properties, the amount of traffic, contending with cyclists, pedestrians, rubbish trucks, massive transportation trucks (due to the our busy port of Tauranga) school and regular buses stopping for drop off and pick ups and on top of this road scooters (with a top speed of 70km) tractors, RV's, caravans etc etc etc. It is time for the whole of the Bay of Plenty to slow down, enjoy the drive and take our time to ensure everyone and their passengers get from A to B safely everyday. - it is that simple. Slow down, drive with care, stay under the speed limit, drive to the conditions, don't tail gate (ever) and stay off devices and concentrate at the job at hand.... driving Yes safely every single day you are in charge of a vehicle. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I support all changes when it comes to lowering road speeds. We live on Papamoa Beach Road and a lower speed limit will have many positive effects Yes on our community + save lives, thanks :) Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Any means of increasing road safety in residential areas and around schools should be put in place. These are good ideas. Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we own a property on Maranu Street and as this road is pretty much 100% built up with residential housing the speed limit needs to be reduced as proposed to make it safer for all those pedestrians crossing the road. The other proposed changes do not affect us as much but looking at the proposals they do seem a very reasonable changes. In Australia a lot of school zones have 40km limits during the hours of children going to and leaving schools. Maybe this is the better option rather than making the limits a blanket 40km. There needs to be a flashing light at these schools to show Yes clearly when the limited is at the 40km speed. Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Tara Rd should only drop to 70kmh as this is the main exit road from Papamoa. No Build another exit from Parton Rd and only then drop Tara Rd to 60kmh. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c Everything except Tara Rd is ok ðŸ‘. No Tara Rd should be 70kmh, NOT dropped to 60kmh Papamoa Beach e e e e e e a e e e e e e e e I don't support the change for Kaitemako Road near Waipuna Park. It doesn't make sense as I never see any hazards on my route between the park and Panorama drive. Only the area around the park itself is hazardous during sports events, but that needs to rely on common sense from drivers since No it is only for short periods. Gate Pa c c a c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Palm Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I do not have any issue with the proposal of most roads except the one that might affect our community, all i ask is that i do not want local roads becoming shortcuts. E.g. i live on Condor Drive and i have observed vehicles using it as a cut through to go from Pyes Pa road to SH29A to avoid Barkes corner. I do not think the road was ever intended for this? If the speed is reduced it will only increase the chance of this happening and cars driving at speed putting the elderly from Copper Crest retirement and children at risk with Country Kids Pre-School and Condor reserve in the vicinity. Yes Please re-think the proposal of Pyes Pa road speed reduction or put systems in place around this. Pyes Pa e e e a e e e e e e e e e e e There needs to be 2 pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Te Ranga Memorial and Kennedy Road in the lakes. All the Taumata kids have to cross Yes this road to go to school and is very very dangerous. This needs to be addressed urgently before something unfortunate happens. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Traffic needs to keep flowing. Tara Road needs to stay 80km as it's double lanes and hardly any housing. Welcome Bay road needs to stay 60kms. Papamoa Beach c a c c c c a c c c c c c c c Important for All schools but my specific interest is Taumato Scholl in pyes pa. The area and children would also benefit from pedestrian crossings on Kennedy road on both sides of Te Ranga Memorial Dr. Many children cross here and it's only a matter of time before an accident occurs and a student is injured or worse. There is already crossings through the meridian so just needs painted lines and possibly signs. Yes Thanks. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Reducing the speed limits on key roads will not assist and, in fact, will further existing significant traffic problems. In particular, I'd like to comment on the proposal for Pyes Pa Road from Barkes Corner to Kennedy Road. I use this road frequently as both a driver and as a pedestrian. I see no need to reduce the speed limit here. There are several marked areas with raised medians in the centre of the road to facilitate pedestrian crossings. I have never experienced an issue when crossing the road as a pedestrian. I believe the maintenance of the existing speed limit is crucial to preserving the traffic flow on the road, which has already been constrained in recent times by the bike lane barriers at Barkes Corner, resulting in further backlog at the No Barkes Corner roundabout. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I support the proposed speed change on Levers Rd around Matua School. A busy road with a lot of cars pulling in/out of parks at 9am and 3pm. Yes Thanks Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c I am very much in support of reducing the speed limit around Aquinas College. There are a lot of learner drivers exiting the school into that higher speed area. Yes Many thanks Matua c c c c c c c c c c e c c c c I support the proposed changes to Pyes Pa Rd.

This environment has become more urbanized in the past decade and in my experience on this road, the adopted speed is 50-55kmph even now.

I would like to take this opportunity to provide other comments on this area:

Pyes Pa Shops: due to the new bus routes (51 and 57?) Operating in Pyes Pa, the bus stop adjacent to the Pyes Pa Shops is now used as a laypoint for buses. This means that sight distances for right-turning traffic from Pyes Pa shops is very low, and for several minutes at a time. There has been an increased number of near misses in this area since the new routes. My recommendation is to relocate the bus stop centrally between the two exits for the shopping center or push it back toward Barkes Corner.

Multi-modal upgrade: I don't know if this will be consulted on. As a bus commuter I'd like to point out that one main reason I consider not taking the bus is that if I drive from the city to Pyes Pa, I can avoid Cameron Rd between Greerton and Barkes Corner. The No.1 route comes through this way and it can take an additional 20-30mins compared to nonpeak times. A significantly higher number of people in Pyes Pa and beyond would take the bus if there was a bus priority lane along this stretch of road.

Yes Thank you for taking the time. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c c c c c c Yes All great improvements thank you Gate Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Also desperately needed is a crossing on kennedy road, this is a run iver child waiting to Yes happen! Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

I agree with the variable speed limits around schools and neighbouring areas however there are alot of roads that you have proposed changes for that I No don't agree with. This form.is misleading and there should be options to agree and disagree with the specific roads in question not just a yes/no option! Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e I support all initiatives to reduce speed limits on any and all roads in New Zealand and Tauranga. I would like to see permanent speed limit reductions in preference to variable speed limits to avoid confusion for drivers. I have just spent 2 years in the Netherlands. All roads had a maximum speed limit of 30km/hr in our town. Low speeds help to prevent accidents between cars and cyclists and discourage driving (because active transport modes become more attractive). I would like to see a similar move in NZ whereby speed limits in towns and cities are reduced permanently, and in every street. Yes However, I support any move towards lower speed limits in Tauranga city and its surrounds. Tauranga South e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I do not support the proposed changes for Welcome Bay Road only - the current speed limits are fine for those road sections, and help improve the No very rapidly increasing traffic congestion. Welcome Bay c a c c c c c c c c c c c c c I feel that reducing the speed limits on Tara Rd and Papamoa Beach road are not required. We already have a lot of frustrated drivers on the roads and No this will just make things worse!!! c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c No Tara rd should remain 80km as this is a main rd that needs to keep moving. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c Stop making people life harder that they already are. Make the police work for their money and get a proper police station in Papamoa. No Thanks Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes I also would like to see SH 29 from Cambridge road to the toll road reduced to 60 km Otumoetai e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Around schools yes but the rest of them no. Totara street is fine at 60km it doesnt need to be 50km. Its not dangerous at all. Stop using the same old No mantra of "making it safer" to try and get your changes over the line and to make people think it's unsafe when it's not. Mount Maunganui a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T

Intermittent changing of speed limits on longer roads is never a great idea.

Welcome Bay Road changes: if its 60k/h or 50k/h cars are always speeding there anyway. The new speed limits will be ignored.

Kaitemako Road: If you are going to change the speed limit here, make it the entire Kaitemako road. Parts are 60, other parts 50 and then some are 70k/h.

Pyes Pa Road, Barkes Corner could do with a slow down.

Totara Street: You are never going to be able to enforce the 50k/h speed limit there with the number of trucks that continually do well over that speed.

Stop tilting at windmills. Stop trying to drop speed limits and instead put speed cameras up to catch those habitual offenders. Make some revenue and save a few lives along the way. I have never lived in a country where speed limits are just a suggestion the way they are here. Lets face it, 99.9% of the No time there is no punishment for breaking the speed limits. Welcome Bay c a a e c c c c c a c c c c c Tauranga is one of, if not, the most car dependent cities in NZ. There needs to be drastic action taken to incentivize other modes of transport that are convenient and cost effective. Making the roads less efficient does not achieve this as it means more traffic, more time spent in cars per person, more emissions and a less efficient city.

Although bike lanes are helpful they are only adopted by a fraction of the population so very few cars off the road. Longer term infrastructure investment No needs to be the focus, particularly with the extent of the urban sprawl in the BOP. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Mainly because the age old issue is "because of a few" the rest have to be punished type mentality. I haven't travel all the roads mentioned in the proposal but the ones I have tend to be well engineered and fit for current limits. As someone who has had over 25 years in the law enforcement role at frontline level, I've seen time and time again politicians both at local and government levels completely stuff up the role of traffic enforcement and education in this country. Due to this, there are many offenders who just thumb their noses at any lawful requirements as there is no consequences for them. Just see what happens in the courts. Our society feels sorry for offenders and not the victims. It's only a few, but since enforcement of traffic laws in general is lacking your only answer is to lower speed limits and buy more speed cameras usually. You might as well put speed humps every 100 meters on all roads. That just does my head in this draconian response from politicians and road engineers. Go and speak to Greg Murphy, that's a driver who you have to respect for his views. I bet it won't be too far off my comments. That does not change behaviour it only alienates the goodwill of the general community at large for the occasional indiscretion they might do. It may be , they have indeed exceeded the speed limit for that particular road at the time but it does not mean it was inherently unsafe. I would much rather see investment in education at schools and more road policing focus officers /units by traffic minded people which used to be a vocation for some good educators once upon a time. Unfortunately traffic has been cold shouldered by successive Police Commissioners over the years as well. You would struggle to find many Police Officers who actually know the rules and regulations around using roads in New Zealand. They can only see about 4 or 5 offences if you're lucky. I know this because I had to train new officers at times. You would be better served by challenging the government of the day why over hundreds are dying on our roads every year and where are the resources that have been funded actually getting used? This was bug bear of mine for many years, general Policing pinching from traffic funding and a general disdain for all things traffic. I'm 100% confident if you dig into this and ask around and at senior officer levels you might be just surprised what you hear. It all started back in 1992. But it's not too late, there still a few dedicated officers who do their best to make a difference even against the odds of fighting PNHQ. You can start by denying criminals the privileged of using the roads and targeting enforcement of the repeat offenders. Be seen to do that and you will naturally see a decline in accidents and deaths. It may seem a ramble, but you need to get your heads out of the sand and make a difference. No I believe this will no doubt fall upon deaf ears though. Maybe there's a chance you might take this into consideration? Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Traffic bad enough without lowering speed but we all know tauranga council will just do what they want and not listen to the public Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No We are constantly having speed restrictions. People need to be attentive when driving not governed by restrictions. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a This is not a simple yes/no question when so many areas are involved. As I live in papamoa I will restrict my feedback to this area only. I support that change to papamoa beach road and the Tara-Parton rd roundabout as that area by the skate park is nearly always busy with kids. I do not support the 80-60kmph change on Tara road as this is not densely populated and is 2 lane. No Thank you for the opportunity to feedback on this. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c e c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T There are so many cars speeding around Ohauiti Rd/Rowesdale area that it would be great to see a reduction to Rowesdale at least so that people don't continue going 70km from there once they turn onto Rowesdale Drive. With young children I'm often shocked at how fast cars are going down these two roads in particular. As for the other areas, we need safer zones for all - children, less able bodied and elderly, pets, cyclists etc. Reducing Yes speed is a great way of making communities safer to live in and visit. Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c apart from near the schools all proposals are a waste of time as they would slow down traffic even more than now. We most certainly do not need that to happen as the town is in grid-lock more often than not. What Tauranga does need is far better traffic management, to enable traffic to flow more. No SO PLEASE, NO BLOODY SLOWING DOWN OF TRAFFIC. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Overwhelming support. Drivers can’t be trusted with current speed limits. Action needed before a risk becomes an event. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Tauranga is hard enough to get around presently due to congested traffic, continued and lingering road works.

Lowering speed limits will increase already frustrated drivers.

Having lived in Papamoa East for a long period of time I have seen a huge increase in traffic however do not believe a blanket speed limit drop is the answer.

Identify the high risk areas and put the appropriate controls in place.

At least wait until the current infrastructure projects such as the Bay Park interchange are completed.

No I am against you proposal. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I totally support reduced speed limit changes in Maranui street-happy to support other issues on road safety especially in the Mount Maunganui and Yes Papamoa areas with the huge increase of population growth relating to all ages. Mount Maunganui c c c c c e e e e e c c c c c This form is NOT well planned for so many changes. I do support some changes, I oppose some and have no opinion on many others that are not in my regular usage area. Please redesign a better form with a brake down for each proposed change.

I do support the change to Totara Street. I do support the change to Parton Road. These are both a good idea for safety reasons especially on Parton road near the skate park. Totara Street is always clogged with traffic so It will achieve very little.

I do NOT support the change to Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road as this is a very necessary route for workers commuting to Mt Maunganui and the traffic flows reasonably well as it is now and would only cause problems if the flow was slowed down. Maybe when another escape route from Papamoa East is established it might work but not yet. I do NOT support the change to Tara Road. Who ever dreamt this up has not regularly used this piece of well designed road . It is pretty much a great bypass road for getting out of Papamoa and has very few residential properties or foot traffic and would achieve nothing in the way of safety by No lowering the speed here. I don't even think it is a risk or accident hot spot. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a c a e c c c c c I would like Links Avenue speed limit reduced to make it safer for our tamariki to get to and from school safer. Omanu primary, Arataki primary, Mount Yes Maunganui intermediate and Mount Maunganui college students all use this road. Omanu c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I am happy with the process of reducing speed limits around schools and Colleges in the Tauranga city area. This process is a must as the traffic Yes seems to have increased during peak times and there is more of risk for accidents to occur around the school/college areas. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Please include Mount Maunganui Intermediate, Links Ave and remove bus lane. Omanu e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e As a parent of Aquinas College students I personally know how tricky it is to pull out of the school. something that is getting harder all the time due to Yes increasing traffic. I support the change to slow the speed down Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e c c c c No The field where it says can you contact me states Yes and there is no option to change this. I do not wish to be contacted thanks. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Ohauiti c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Ohauiti c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I think it is smart as many of these roads don’t need to be at such high speeds as I live near many of these suggested roads I have recently been thinking about how fast people have been going along these streets with far too many accidents. Hopefully a speed limit decrease will help improve the Yes roads. Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I am absolutely for it. For several reasons many of us drive at times too fast for our own or others good. Yes Speed limits help us avoid unnecessary accidents. Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I live on Snowden St in Ohauiti (just before Ohauiti Rd goes to 70k. My wife and I find it challenging to turn onto Ohauiti rd at our point because people are speeding up to the start of the 70k section and there is a corner there. At times when a car wants to turn right into Mc Fetridge, a speeding car undertakes and can come very close to me wanting to turn onto Ohauiti. Furthermore, we have a 3 year old Son and often have to really walk quickly to safely cross. Honestly there should be a speed camera there.... you guys would make a lot of money. It’s just not safe. Please go forward with these changes, and have police enforce them! There are quite a few boy racers up this way too. Regards, Yes Sean Quinn Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Please please reduce the limit to 50 kph on papamoa beach rd, ideally it should be tar sealed to reduce the insane road noise the residents have to Yes listen to every night while cars race down the road way over the limit. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c reducing speed limits around all of the proposed areas is undoubtably what needs to happen! I am effected by 3 of the proposed areas and I totally Yes agree that the speed limit needs to be reduced. Ohauiti e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e As residents who live in early Welcome Bay, on Welcome Bay Road, we are 100% behind the proposal to reduce the speed limit from 60kph to 50kph. The traffic is currently too fast to safely cross the road on foot, and it is very difficult getting out of our drive into the stream of traffic. We have had many near misses with vehicles travelling too fast near our home. The 60kph limit is largely ignored outside of peak traffic periods, often by a large margin.

Additionally, the pedestrian refuge near our home has been destroyed on several occasions and we have had a speeding car crash through our fence and our neighbour's fence.

We have never understood how the speed limit can be 60kph past the daycare centres on Welcome Bay Road.

Our elderly neighbours cannot cross the road to catch the bus due to the volume and speed of the traffic on Welcome Bay Road. This has become noticeably worse since the traffic lights have been installed at the B2B intersection, and many cars and heavy trucks are now using Welcome Bay Road to drive between Papamoa / Te Puke through to the Lakes / Kaimais.

Yes We hope that a lower speed limit will make a positive difference to living on Welcome Bay Road, and you have our full support. Welcome Bay c e c c c c c c c c c c c c c I'm supportive of all of the proposed changes, particularly Welcome Bay Road which clearly needs an adjustment given the amount of pedestrian and cycle traffic, and kids. I would also like to see more cyclist safety on Welcome Bay Road - there are a handful of corners where traffic routinely cuts through the cycle lanes, and it's only a matter of time until someone is hurt or killed. Some kind pf physical barrier to prevent traffic crossing into these Yes cycle lanes is essential. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e As a family living in Pyes pa, and teenagers attending Aquinas College, we totally support the proposed speed limit changes. It is really difficult to get out of the College at certain times, especially with more residents living in the new sub divisions. Yes Also, with learner drivers, it can be very difficult to get out of side roads onto Pyes pa rd as many vehicles travel faster than the 60kmh speed limit. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Just get a real job and do something constructive for God’s sake. No problems with limitations around schools but c’mon, just leave the bloody limits where they are. This whole traffic issue is due to poor town planning, poor roading management and ridiculous speed limits within the outer city No limits. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e I live in ohauiti rd with my partner for 5 years in this time traffic has got heavier an faster to a point were it is very dangerous even turning into your Yes driveway an with so many new houses being built it’s only going to get worse so yes it needs to change Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Speaking about the roads that I drive daily and have experience with, I say the following. Do not change the speed of : Tara Road because it is a 4 lane road with no development on the southern side, or Papamoa Beach Road for the sections where there is no development on the Beach side

Do change the speed for: . Parton road - it is too confusing with so many different speeds and development is now happening on the land opposite Gordon Spratt Reserve. Golden sands school, Papamoa - both Golden sands drive and Wairakei Avenue should be 40km/hr near the school at times controlled by the school. But while also doing that you really need to widen Wairakei Avenue to provide space for parking. If possible move the footpath next to the school closer to the boundary to gain the space.

No I have no comment on the others listed Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a c a c c c c e c Yes Tauranga South c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I agreee with the proposed changes. Of particular concern is the Pyes Pa Road area by Aquinas College. For many years I have supported a lowering of the speed rate near the school in the mornings and afternoons. I live off Freeburn Road and frequently need to turn right to go to the school and again to leave the school to rerun home. I have for the past two years, as traffic volume and more concerning, speed, has increased, chosen to instead avoid this turn and instead go left down Pyes Pa road and turn around down a side street. It is simply is too dangerous to turn right at peak school hours. The same goes for school traffic needing to leave the school and turn right to head back to town not only after school but also after school sports training which often hits peak traffic. I have witnessed, and in some cases reported, vehicles speeding and dangerous driving on Pyes Pa Road and am very concerned for the safety of particularly learner drivers in the area and children who walk to and from school. In the absence of a decent pedestrian crossing, cars must reduce speed significantly to prevent an accident occurring particularly as some of the younger year seven and Yes eight students may not be great at judging cars’ speed. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Schools should have reduced speed limits near them as well as adequate pedestrian crossings. These speed zones should be permanently monitored by a fixed speed camera as well please. Yes Well done Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes I strongly support the reduced speed limit near school areas especially around Aquinas College in Pyes Pa Papamoa Beach c c c e c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c slower speed limits around schools = more safety for kids. got to be a good thing. Yes slower speed limits on residential roads - more safety for cyclists. another good thing. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e c e e e e e No Welcome Bay c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Around schools definitely YES! For the rest enforcement that people actually stick to the set speed limit is more important! You can lower the speed to 5km per hour and roads will still No not be safe as there is NO frequent enforcement and or corresponding fines! Most drivers will do what they want as there is no consequence! Ohauiti a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes I live in Pyes Pa and support the reduced speed limit on Pyes Pa Rd. In addition to this I support overall speed restrictions across the city Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No I think they are low enough as they are. Even if u do reduce them people won't stick to them. They don't now so why would they if u lower them Welcome Bay a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Severe speeding (by a few individuals) is a problem and needs to be policing. Dropping the speed limit by 10kms is not going to fix that. More police in No welcome bay would. And most the time peak hour traffic nearly gets over 10kms Welcome Bay a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No They will cause more traffic congestion Pacific View a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Ohauiti road has become dangerous. Yes Reduced speed limit should extend to the Ohauiti Hall. Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Fully support the speed reduction proposed for Papamoa Beach Rad Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c

I write regards the Ohauiti change proposal only.

1: There is no need to change the speed limit as the Summerhaven - Adler stretch of road as essentially restricted to houses on one side its whole length with the reserve for half of it then houses are in groups either above the road and accessing from Marire etc, with very few individual driveways. In morning rush hour there are no jams or waits at the intersections. Pedestrian traffic is very low.

2: Given that the council will do what they want and will change the speed limit anyway it then would be sensible to change south of Adler, i.e. up the Ohauiti Rd, I just wonder if the 100 meters is enough. realising that at 250 meters there is a bend so that may be a bit far, but 150 - 200 should be better No for allowing card to slow down as the intersection is approached. Ohauiti a c c c c c c c c c c c c c c We live 514 ohauiti rd it’s just way to busy for this present speed limit with the growing number of new houses being built we have been here five Yes years an it’s just getting worse Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Cars coming and going along Ohauiti rural area failing to show down when entering the urban area. Increased traffic=increased risks Yes Thank yiu Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Unnecessary Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Ohauiti Road has seen more than 3 accident in less than 3 months- injuries but no fatalities- yet ! Yes so the sooner they slow it down the better . Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Around schools only and more police presence required. Most adult drivers know how to drive to the conditions don’t treat us all as idiots. Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e We live between Rowesdale and Boscabel on Ohauiti Road and have young children. We have witnessed several serious accidents whilst living here and have witnessed many near misses! We feel nervous walking with our children up and down the road and always walk on the outside of them in case the unthinkable happened! We DEFINITELY AGREE with the proposed speed limit reduction in Ohauiti Road!! We would love to see it changed before Yes someone gets killed outside our house. Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T It is very dangerous to get out from the Dr on Tara Rd/Parton Rd by roundabout as the road is so busy and so fast.

Also Te Okuroa Drive,just past the Retirement Village,heading south, there is not a bike lane so the cars have to bank up & drive behind the bikes. Very dangerous.There is a bike lane but much further on.

Also turning into Ashley Drive is a back up of traffic from Te Akuroa Drive & we have to stop as it is only 2 lane, for the traffic to turn. Also very Yes dangerous. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e c c c c c c c c Yes Yes especially on Ohauiti road. Cars are always going much faster than the 70km and I don't feel safe with my kids crossing the road Ohauiti e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Hairini c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Definitely for the speed limit change on early welcome bay road, the traffic travels so fast past our house and is very dangerous for our kids to cross Yes the road, not to mention trying to get out of our driveway, have also had multiple cars through our fence over the years due to speed Welcome Bay c e c c c c c c c c c c c c c Ohauiti Road is in desperate need of the speed regulation within the built up area, while Adler Drive is a very welcome start it may need to be moved Yes out as the area becomes more built up. Ohauiti e c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Welcome Bay c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I think that the speed limits around schools is great Idea. We need to keep our kids safe. No And also think that we need more pedestrian crossings on Papamoa beach and that would help without having to put the speed down. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Tauranga South c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Support the changes for the reasons above - there are more people travelling around our city using different modes and the lower limits will help make it Yes safer for everyone. I particularly support the lower limits proposed for the Welcome Bay and Pyes Pa roads in question. Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I agree with speed limit changes around schools either permanently or even just at school times and when there is increased risk. No I disagree with changing the speed limits of other roads and instead think enforcement should be increased. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e All of those changes are ridiculous. Like papamoa beach road is already long annoying road, especially when you need to get from Papamoa east to Bayfair. It takes ages. Lowering the speed limit wont solve the problem (whatever problem you are trying to solve). It gonna make more cars on the road and more driving time for people. I moved in to Papamoa when the speed limit was alreasy 60km/h but my old gps showed 70. And i think 60 is too slow for that road. 50km/h will make overkill speed limit. Also Tara road and Patron road. Tara road is 2 (or 4) lane road. Why make it 60km/h?

I do agree on proposition to slow down at school areas.

I also have another idea/proposition if you want to make changes. Maybe ban all the cars all together. Its a risk to pedestrians, ants, birds, dogs, cats No and other living creatures. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e I support some, but not all. Tara Road should definitely stay at 80kms between domain road and the first round about. But I agree with the second section to Parton Rd being reduced to 60 (from 70) Papamoa beach road should stay at 60. I think you need to do more about Te Okuroa Drive - this road is far too narrow and curved and people go well above the 50km limit here. We live off No this road and find people use it as a race track it’s dangerous- we need cameras or speed bumps to slow people down! Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a c a c c c c c c

No What a stupid idea! The speed limits are ALREADY ignored, you think this is going to change that!? People are just going to get angrier and go faster. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No need to change to 50 on pyes pa road.. people anyway drive slow and hold up traffic. And as for Aquinas May be drop to 50 during school hours. It’s just sensible driving. Don’t need the cops hanging around handing out fines to people when the road is safe to do 60kmph. No A crossing before freeburn or Kennedy would be great that would automatically make people drive with care. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I support all speed limit changes except the ones on Tara road. It is 4 lanes, with limited driveways on 1 side and no driveways at all on the other side. The proposed speed is a huge drop with no supplies reason for it. Maybe if the Doncaster tara road roundabout had it surface scabbled, the proposed No speed limit would not be required Papamoa Beach e e e e e e a e e e e e e e e There should be an option to say I support some but not all of the changes! I support the changes to Parton Road, Tara Road, Domain Road and around Golden Sands School (where the variable speed limit should also be in place along the stretch of Wairakei Avenue that runs along the side of the school). I disagree with the lowering of the speed limit along Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road- the 60km/hr sections should remain except No close to the roundabouts, where it would make sense to lower it to 50lm/hr. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e e a c c c c e c I live on the southern end of Domain Road Papamoa the current speed limit is unsafe. There also needs to be foot paths as many people walk and bike that stretch to get to homes and the Hospice shop. Please also put in lights as too many cars have ended up in the drain thinking they can u turn safely. By the way they end up in the drain in broad Yes daylight too. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c e c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Goldensands drive has 2 daycare,1 kindergarten 1 primary school at the moment with another1 nearly completed . At the moment there is no signage for a school zone there at all . This whole area down goldensands drive and parts of the side streets should be 40km 24/7 . Speed humps and a speed camera would be a great option. With many parents working children now leave for school earlier and stay later with after school care making school hours longer and children useing the roads and crossings . The speed of the traffic is at times well in excess of the current 50km . Action needs Yes to be taken before a child is injured in this area .I have witnessed many near misses Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Golden Sands School at beginning and Catholic School at end of Golden Sands Drive. Day Care centres and Kindergarten perhaps speed bumps also Yes needed on Golden Sands Drive this hopefully would slow speedsters down. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No I agree to the reduced limits for periods of time around schools but not to change sections such as Tara Road. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e A speed bump would also be amazing. Yes We live right next to the school and the speed some people go is a lot more then 50km. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

I do believe in changing the speed limits around schools. That is a great idea to increase safety. While I can not comment on the proposed changes around Tauranga as I do not know the traffic there, the proposed changes to the papamoa areas and Maranui street are ridiculous. These speed limits set currently should be left alone and decreasing to 50 will only increase driver frustration and could potentially have a negative effect on safety. The No opposite to what you intend. There are already people that get frustrated with the current limit and dropping it will encourage more idiots on the road. Papamoa Beach c c c c c a a a a c e e e e e Yes This is very important, people are driving way too fast past schools Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Whilst I do wholeheartedly agree with reducing speed limits around school zones to 40km/h and even 30km/h may be appropriate in some sites, I strongly disagree with the proposal to reduce speed limits on local roads.

I spend the majority of my workday (TCC Compliance Officer) travelling around the Tauranga district, and regularly use many of the roads listed. Apart from Welcome Bay Road, which may warrant a reduction from 60km/h to 50km/h, given the nature of the road and the many private driveways/access points, all the other roads listed, in my view do not warrant a reduction in speed limit.

I live just off Pyes Pa Road, and I believe that 60km/h is appropriate for that road. If a reduction to 50km/h is deemed to be warranted there, maybe just take it from Barkes Corner to Kopu Drive/Shopping centre, and leave it at 60km/h after that to Kennedy Road?

I strongly believe that a reduction from 80km/h to 60km/h on Tara Rd cannot be justified given the low number of access points, and cannot see any real justification for reducing Papamoa Beach Road from 60km/h to 50km/h? I don’t believe that any of the roads listed, apart from Welcome Bay Rd have a high level of incidents/accidents, and it seems to me that the speed limit is being reduced just for it’s own sake without any real reason or No justification. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Tauriko c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Welcome Bay c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes I feel like the golden sands zone could be decreased even further to 30k at peak school traffic. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I agree that the speed limit on Tara road should be reduced. I travel that road everyday and it is busy with all the traffic coming in and out of the side roads making it dangerous, I have often see vehicles traveling well over the speed limit down this road. My daughters also attend a daycare on Tara Yes road and it would be nice to have a save road to pull in and out of Papamoa Beach c c c c c c e c c c c c c c c The roads that I travel are Welcome Bay Road and Totara Street .

On Welcome Bay Road this is wide road with well formed cycle tracks and parking spaces , the houses are well set back from the road . At the present time traffic flows are slow in mornings at about 20 kmph and evenings the traffic flows smoothly .Of course some locals will complain but on the whole there are very few accidents . To lower the speed limit on a road like this would have the effect of creating more traffic accidents as people do not like going slow for absolutely no reason .....Just look at that new tunnel stretch from turret bridge to the welcome bay traffic lights ...... IT WAS 70 KPH but you reduced it to 60 kph ...... no houses , new road ...... do ppl do 60 ....NO they dont ...... ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO CHANGE THE SPEED LIMIT.

On Totara Street , this is an artiteral route and has alot of heavy traffic on it ..... This street has traffic lights and 2 railway crossings as well as a round about all of which reduce the speed of traffic . The current speed limit of 60 kph allows traffic to flow away from the very high traffic volume road of Hewitts Road . This is important .ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO CHANGE THE SPEED LIMIT.

No I did not read anywhere on your document for any good reason to reduce the traffic flow speeds . Welcome Bay c c c c c c c c a a c c c c c Common sense has to prevail. Around schools yes, but everywhere else, people need to use common sense. As one person stated, we are driving No slow enough for horse and cart in some areas (Mount Main Street for example). Ohauiti a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No The speed limits are fine as they are. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I support the speed reduction around ALL schools during start and end of school days but the rest of the speed zones in Papamoa especially, are No perfectly fine as they are. Any reductions will result in traffic build up for no purpose at all. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e The vehicle speeds and traffic volumes in Truman Lane are now such that turning right from the Bay Park direction into the waste transfer station or Tip Lane is becoming tricky and turning right out of those two intersections is becoming very dangerous. With a high proportion of the traffic in Truman lane now being heavy trucks, a collision with a light vehicle at one of these intersections is likely to be fatal. The TCC Sustainability and Waste team has raised concerns with the TCC Transportation team about the 80km/h speed limit on Truman Lane but these concerns do not seem to have been considered in this review. No When will these concerns be considered? c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes There also needs to be a safe crossing for the children to get across Kennedy Road from the Lakes area to Taumata primary school Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Dont reduce the speed on Tara Rd, Te Okorua should be 70kms until you get to the houses. Parton should be 50kms all the way. Rest of the proposal No is fine Papamoa Beach e e e e e e a e e e e e e e e I fully support any changes that improve the safety around schools. There are two proposed changes that I would like to comment on. Tara Road and Papamoa Beach Road.

Tara Road only has houses on one side. That side has two lanes, why both sides were not two laned when the upgrade was done beats me. In time that may change and then maybe the time for changes.

Papamoa Beach Road for the most part from the Sunrise roundabout going east is the same. I see no reason for this to be decreased.

There is a very valid need to keep Tauranga traffic moving at speed suitable for the situation and needless reduction will not achieve anything except No frustration for motorists. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e As a resident of Papamoa beach road and observing the level of traffic as well as speed considering there are not enough safe crossings I absolutely Yes agree with changes made for the safety of the community Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Especially the introduction of variable speed zones outside Golden Sands and all the other schools. This should be done as a matter of course for _all_ schools. Safety is such a huge issue. Thank you Yes Ria Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No I do not support the proposed speed limit changes Maungatapu a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c With regards to the speed limit changes on the Papamoa roads, I strongly oppose the changes. The current speed limits are safe and not cause for concern.

As for the school variable speed limits, I am strongly for these changes. I come from Australia where this is the norm and I am shocked we don't have this in place here. Our children need to be safe and reducing speed by just 5 km per hour around children and schools will greatly reduce the rate of No injury and death. Papamoa Beach c c c c c a a a a c e e e e e Oropi Road, Tara Road & Totara Street speed limits should remain. The others should be changed

Why couldn't people support or not support individual changes? This al- or-nothing approach is another misleading & archaic move. Another reason to No lose faith in the council Arataki (Bayfair) e e e e a e a e e a e e e e e Some of these proposed changes are well thought out such as variable speed limits around schools at peak times and when there is a higher risk of a child doing something unpredictable, others will have no real effect on safety but may result in the opposite effect through much increased and lengthened congestion periods.

Oropi road is one that fits into the latter category, there are two distinct periods where you cannot travel at 50km/h due to congestion at morning and night and the proposed restriction won't change anything and at the rest of the time especially during nights you can travel the road without seeing another vehicle adding to travel times unnecessarily. Also, oropi road has the potential to become extremely dangerous outside the waimapu garage area due to the planned works and the complete lack of approaching sightlines on the northern downhill approach. You seriously need to consider tailback warning systems to warn heavy vehicle drivers that they need to set their speed to that at which they can stop before hitting queued vehicles around a blind corner. A 60km/h speed limit won't remove this risk and I have just about been hit three times now in this situation with vehicles turning into the southern entryway of the garage and blocking the road. I just about saw another nose-tail prang yesterday morning in the same area, same reason. So in short a speed limit reduction in isolation will not improve road safety in this area without a lot of other works occurring first including No realigning the waimapu corner to improve the sightlines. Pyes Pa c c c c a c c c c c e e e e e Yes for all of the the one on Kennedy drive will directly benefit me and my family and so many others... a proper pedestrian crossing will also help... Yes thanks Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T The roads are main roads basically. They can stay that the current speed zoning. Drop the limits to around the schools to 40 for the times it is required. Dropping the limits means more focus and concentration on staying at the lower speed limit which then in turn increases chance of an accident as No people are focusing on the speed rather than what is happening on the roads and surroundings. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e For goodness sake leave Papamoa Beach Road at 60, enough people are hissed re Bayfairs lights, listen to the people or you will have a lot of angry No people. Tara Road minus roundabout leave at current speed, flip! Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c What is the point of chancing speed limit. Most of these roads are heavy traffic roads and most of the day you couldn't do the seed limit of you wanted to.

If you have money to spend on traffic slowing it down isn't a the answer. It's nearly impossible to get around as it it.

If. Your accutally car about safety you will do something about the really dangerous intersections around town.

No Like Cambridge/sh29, the main lakes roundabout. Tauriko a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No These speed limits will hinder length of time to journey along the main roads in Papamoa - Eg Tara and Pap Beach Road Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a These areas are already safe with minimal accidents. By all means reduce the sired around schools during certain times sbd make sure these are well No signposted but not need fir the rest especially Tara Rd Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No Invest ya money in something that's gonna benefit the city. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Yay about time for Papamoa Beach road it is so dangerous I live on it Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c No Too confusing with all of the different speed limits. Will also slow traffic down when we should be trying to keep it moving Tauriko a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I like the school zone speed limit changes as I believe that students need to be kept safe during opening and closing times. This is a good idea.

However the proposed changes especially on all the papamoa roads would cause further traffic congestion as to what there already is! Keep the speed limits the same.

No Focus on better roads!! Rather than this! Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No Support the school hours one but not the rest. Tara road should stay at 80 as well as papamoa beach road at 60. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No No need to change it. People in my area often drive so slow already on Papamoa Beach Road. Tara road 80 km is fine on a non residential stretch. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Absolutely Not. Fix the roads first and the infrastructure first. Slowing down already slow traffic is a terrible idea. The roads are a nightmare with traffic No already and this is not the solution. I don’t agree at all. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No I travel many of these roads often and feel that they are safe as is. Don't fix what isn't broken. Ohauiti a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes All schools should have a 40km speed limit this is for the safety of everyone. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e I see a lot of cars speeding up and down levers road, even had an idiot crash and land on my lawn.. gave me chills to think that “what if my kids were on the lawn at that timeâ€..

Yes Change levers road for sure. Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c These are arterial routes and should remain faster to travel along. No Agree with school area reductions only Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No I don’t feel these are massive problem areas. Traffic is already getting worse. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No It’s just going to add to the traffic congestion Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a We have enough traffic jams without reducing the speed limits. Put our money into fixing our roads. Stop creating problems like you have done at No Greerton. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes please, Kennedy road has become extremely busy and as a parent it’s great to have Taumata school so close by and to allow my child to walk or cycle to school ; but the intersection at the round about is becoming increasingly busy and dangerous.

Yes I know this is not part of the above per se but pedestrian crossing (zebra paint) and orange round signals would be amazing!!!! Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Some of the changes are ok but most aren’t. No What are the reasons. Have there been any major accidents on these roads? Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No The speed limit is fine how it is. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Well overdue, many of these streets are currently dangerous this is a great move in the right direction Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

Tauranga seem to be slowing everyone down already, the current speed limits in the areas outlined don't actually need to be changed down. However, you won't actually listen to the people that pay the rates as I believe you have made your minds up already and just putting this out for submissions for the sake of doing it. No I do believe the proposed 40km/h variable speed signs outside schools shall be implemented as far too many people don't slow down when going past. Greerton a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Retain the 60km/hr speed limit on Pyes Pa Road.

No Drop the rediculous 100km/hr speed limit on SH29a, between Barkes roundabout and the Tauriko roundabout, to 80km/hr, . Pyes Pa c c c a c c c c c c c c c c c Absolutely agree with the speed reducing in Papamoa. Tara Rd is a race track and there are cars that go 100km/hr there. I am so pleased to Yes See these changes, I do hope these speed reductions will eventuate for the safety of our children and each other. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e e e c c c c c c Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No I think Tara road should stay the same as there is no crashes on that road, and I think reducing it to 60 would make people speed more too Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c There is no problem at the moment with the speed limit and if it's drecreased then travelling time for people going to work will take longer and there No would be more traffic than usual Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I support all the proposed speed limit reductions. Streets are for people, and cyclists and pedestrians are entitled to feel safe using the roads.

People will get used to the reduced speed limits and given the increased population and vehicle movements the new limits are the best action we can take to improve safety for all road users.

Yes Thanks for the opportunity to provide my feedback Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I believe this action will increase traffic flow and provide more traffic and more chances for dumb drivers( i.e. people who speed already or are on their phones whist driving, drink driving, illegal drivers) to make their dumb decisions and create accidents or unsafe areas. Not for this change because i dont want to give someone more of a chance at hitting me or anybody in general,

Yeah, No Thanks for coming to my ted talk Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes My child attends Matua and we would love for him to cycle to school but Levers Road is far too dangerous due to traffic speed Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c No Leave Papamoa Beach Rd at 60kph and Tara Rd at 80Kph please. Its drivers not speed limits that are the issue. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c Leave Tara Rd and Papamoa Beach Rd and all the other roads (except near schools) the same!

No Better driver education, better road design. Palm Beach c c c c c c a c a c e e e e e No Please leave Papamoa Beach Rd at 60kph. It is too long and straight and only has residential on one side. Put in a cycle lane instead. Arataki (Bayfair) c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c Leave the speed limits on Tara Rd and Papamoa Beach Rd the same.

No Improve the quality of the road including lighting and seal. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c Tara Rd is a dual carriageway that is straight and has good visibility. Reducing this to 60kph is not required and will not stop crashes as the speed and driving of 99% of the road users isnt the issue. Those that speed at 80kph will still speed at 60kph.

Keep Papamoa Beach Rd at 60kph. Instead of lowering speed limits increase pedestrian refuges, reseal the road in smooth seal, provide a painted No cyclist lane. Do not reduce the speed limit. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c Far too many times we have seen traffic go far too fast past the school or near misses when the patrol is not out but students still going to or from school. This would go a long way to protect our children from unwanted close calls or immediate danger. Lower speed limits during school open and Yes close times makes lot of good sense. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e We live on Papamoa Beach Rd and it is unsafe for children and families to cross the road. During peak times the traffic is heavy, noisy and speeding. Papamoa Beach Rd needs to be changed so more people can access the beach in foot without being fearful of being runover. Commuting traffic needs to be diverted away from the community roads to the highway. Lowering the speed limit would help do this as it will be off putting and commuters won’t want a increased commute time. We also get worried pulling into our driveway as cars behind us are speeding so fast they forget to slow down or they often aren’t watching. The roads are narrow and overtaking turning cars at speed isn’t easy.

The other thing that urgently needs changing is the seal, the roads are SOOO noisy with the poor quality rough seal. These roads carry so much traffic yet create so much noise with poor quality seal. However other streets around Papamoa abc the mount have smooth seal and don’t have Yes anywhere near the same amount of traffic as Papamoa Beach Rd. Why is this and what are you doing to address this. Noise pollution sucks. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c No c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Where is the data that shows a lower speed limit will make a difference? More to the point where is the data that the speed limits are too high and crashes caused in the area are from speed, not driver inattention or plain poor driving. Reducing areas like Totara St to 50km is ridiculous as it is a main road in an industrial area. The current traffic issues make reducing the speed limits pointless as most roads are congested more often than not, but when not congested traffic should be able to move freely and quickly. The silent majority are being ignored over the vocal minority who have no real knowledge of speeds etc. most of these people will say that traffic is travelling too fast but in actual fact are not actually exceeding the speed limit. No Evidence based decisions not just knee jerk reactions are essential. Mount Maunganui a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Papamoa has grown and continues to grow. These speed limits largely date from a time before the massive growth of the area. Footpaths on Tara used by families and it can feel dangerous when traffic speeding past. Lots of housing of teokuroa and down Parton which is new. Beach and Maranui also residential and crossed by many on their way to beach so makes sense to reduce speed limit. Lots of people living in area so it has to work for all Yes not just vehicles. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e e e c c c c c c Yes Bellevue c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c We need pedestrian crossing by taumata school kenndy rd etc to keep our children safe getting to and from school asap b4 someone gets seriously Yes hurt or hit by cars Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e Most of the proposed changes yes, but leave Tara rd as 80km/h to encourage more traffic to go on this 4 lane major road rather than clogging up Papamoa beach road where people struggle to cross the road to the beach. Also a lot more pedestrian crossings are needed on Papamoa beach road to get to the beach. Most of the foot traffic is crossing near the through roads to Dickson rd, e.g. Aslan pl, grant pl, Alexander pl. Papamoa beach road in some high foot traffic areas e.g domain rd to Parton rd need to have traffic discouraged. Papamoa beach rd also needs to be sealed with smooth asphalt to reduce the horrible amount of noise from all the traffic. I also suggest only lowering the speed limit on Papamoa beach rd AFTER the bayfair and bay park flyovers are complete. The traffic light system there at the moment is an embarrassment and a lot of traffic is relying on Papamoa beach road as an alternative to waiting for 10 minutes at these traffic No lights. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e a e a e e e e e e Responsibility lye's with general public and motorists No many speed limits are adequate it's more the road design and surfaces that become the issue together with suitable signage and road marking. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Agree with most of the changes but Marinui and Papamoa beach rd should stay at 60, it seems to be working fine as it is. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e a e e e e e e No The problem isn't the speed limits, roads need better maintainence. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Tara road is virtually a country rd leave as it is, Domain rd reduce to 60km, but leave the rest as they are. No all that needs to happen is for the speeds to be policed properly and ticket the red light and speedsters accordingly. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a It’s already a long journey down the beach road there is no reason to reduce the speed and lengthen the time to commute or get around for work No purposes. c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c Parton Road by the skate ramp should definitely be made to 50kmh, but I don't agree with the rest of the proposed speed changes in Papamoa. Traffic No is already backed up everywhere in Papamoa in peak times and the slower speed limits will cause even more congestion. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a a a c c c c c c Yes Tauriko c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c A lot of these areas are not really residential, just going to slow everything down even more. Already it’s hard to get around the city with the traffic No volumes increasing without making the speed at which we travel even slower. Otumoetai a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Too fast for the numbers of pedestrians. If you want to encourage people to use alternative transport ie walking biking scooters etc it has to be safe.

Yes Should put pedestrian crossings at all beach access’s and cross roads on pap beach rd c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c Papamoa Beach Rd speed limit is perfectly fine at 60km. It’s an easy road to navigate due to its straight nature and the fact that for long stretches No housing is only along one side. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes, to a point, however more accidents happen with people looking at cell phones among do other things instead of looking (consentrating) on what they're doing, Yes They also need to install electric lighted speed signs so that the speed zones are clearly seen. Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I agree with the variable speed limits around all schools.

I do not understand why and I do not support a reduced speed limit of 50km/h on Totara Street, especially all the way from Hewletts Road. This is not a No residential area or even a built up area. There are no schools along that street and very little pedestrian traffic. Otumoetai c c c c c c c c c a e e e e e Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Going slower will save life’s.... I can’t see any reasons for not changing them, car accidents happen all to often ! We live off Tara road and it is Yes a real nightmare pulling out, with the increase in traffic you really are taking your life in your own hands ! Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes It can only be a good thing and save life’s if we have lower seed limits.... some of these roads are just accidents waiting to happen ! Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e How many crashes happen on Tara Rd. And papamoa beach road, barely bloody any. Why in the hell would it need to be turned from an 80 to a 60 and a 60 to a 50 it already feels bloody slow enough. Put attention to fixing that shitty traffic every morning and night which people care much much more No about. Stupid idea. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c No Tara Road is a main thoroughfare for Papamoa East, and is 4 lanes with little traffic from sideroads, and reducing the speed limit offers no benefit. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c For safety of children it makes sense to lower the speed limits around schools during peak hour drop off and pick up times.

Yes I would also like to see somewhere safer for children to cross the road near the Kennedy Rd/Te Ranga Memorial/Mortlake Heights roundabout. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e It's just absolutely ridiculous. This is a waste of rate payers money to change all the signs over. THERE IS NO NEED TO CHANGE THE CURRENT SPEED LIMITS!!!! How about do something productive like only allow commercial vehicles on totara street. Ban cyclists and private cars from totara No street. And put the roundabout back at te maunga. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T No Lowering Papamoa Beach road is stupid, it takes too long to get to work now, let along with lowering the speed. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c Papamoa Beach Road, large traffic volume. 50k far too slow and would cause impatience and frustration followed by reckless and dangerous No overtaking. Needs to remain at 60k Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I do not support reducing the whole of Papamoa Beach Road to 50km. It is already a nightmare driving behind people doing 30km-40km so imagine what speed they would go if it was reduced to 50km?

No Or at the very least keep it at 60km from Papamoa East to Domain Road. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c a a c c c c c c Strongly support speed limit reductions particularly in built-up areas. This proposal does not go far enough, all residential (non-arterial streets) should be 30km/h and roads like Papamoa Beach Road should be reduced to 40km/h. Tauranga should take inspiration from the Dutch where they have just reduced the speed limit nation wide. https://ecf.com/news-and-events/news/30-new-50-dutch-reduce-default-speed-limit-nation-wide

School variable speed limits should be reduced to 30km/h. Yes "A pedestrian or cyclist being hit by a car at 50 km/h will lead to a fatality in 20% of cases, this falls to just 3% at 30 km/h". Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e As a Papamoa resident, other areas not applicable, for the below see YES and NO support ... Proposed Speed limit changes in the Mount and Papamoa.

Parton Rd 70km/h section near Tara/Te Okuroa Dr roundabout reducing to 50km/h - YES

Tara Rd (whole length) 80km/h reducing to 60km/h - NO

Domain Rd 70km/h section near SH2 reducing to 50km/h - YES

Papamoa Beach Rd and Maranui St (whole length) 60km/h sections reducing to 50km/h - NO

Totara St 60km/h section at the northern end reducing to 50km/h - YES

We’re also proposing 40km/h variable speed limits for a 30-45-minute period around school opening and closing times, when traffic and pedestrians peak around the school area. They will revert back to the regular speed limit outside of those specified times. No NO - Only as how would this be policed. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a e a e a a a a a Lower speed limits should only be in place during school hours, plus or minus one hour. You could use electronic signage similar to overseas which Yes flashes during operational times. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No The city is slow enough, stop trying to solve issues by slowing everything down Ohauiti a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I absolutely 100% think these changes are absolutely necessary and should be implemented asap before someone dies! That might sound dramatic but my parents live along Tara Road and I'm sorry but it is **********ing ridiculous. My sister has already been involved in an accident whilst waiting to turn into their driveway. We always knew this would happen as the road was not planned out properly at all. The very least you could do is change the speed Yes limit to make it marginally safer. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Dropping the speed limits would make the roads safer, as there is a lot more traffic on the roads. It would be great to reduce speed around schools too, Yes to help keep our kids safer. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Pyes Pa Rd should not have the speed limit lowered, it has safe spacing between road and pavement. It is a very busy road and leads to multiple No highways and country roads. Pyes Pa c c c a c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Needs to be done asap . Great idea. Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I support the lowering to 40km around schools, but none of the others. Tara Road is fine at 80km, 50 is too slow for a dual carriage way like that. No Papamoa Beach Road is fine at 60, then slows to 50 when needed as houses both sides of road. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c There also needs to be at least 1, or ideally 2 pedestrian crossings on Kennedy road/Te tanga memorial drive, to assist children crossing safely to school. This will help to encourage walking/biking to school efforts, and give parents a little more peace of mind. It will also help drivers be aware to Yes watch out for children crossing. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I work on Tara road in Papamoa and definitely agree that the speed limit is too high. Especially considering how many schools, early childhood centres Yes and public parks this area includes. Maungatapu c c c c c c e c c c c c c e c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Not supportive of the suggested changes on the following:

- Papamoa Beach Road/Maranui Street - Tara Road - Parton Road.

Why: Tara Road is a very safe four lane road with plenty of room for turning traffic and minimal access to businesses and residential housing. This is the main entry and most direct access to get to Papamoa East and is well used.

The other (Domain Road & Papamoa Beach Road) now have either traffic lights and/or reduced speed limits which has made it safer and slowed the traffic down, which is a good thing, but I would not like to see Papamoa East residents travel times increased more by introducing changes to speed limits on the roads mentioned above. The travel time to and from the city is increasing all the time.

No I do support the other proposed changes especially around schools. Papamoa Beach e e e e e a a e a e e e e e e No Directorleave well of alone Transport, and stop28 October wasting 2020rate payers money Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Brendan Bisley, Tauranga City Council 91 Willow Street Tauranga

Re : Designation of Papamoa Beach Rd – Sandhurst Dr to Pacific View Rd to 50kph.

Following the recent building boom in the residential /commercial areas surrounding, and accessing, the section of Papamoa Beach Rd from Sandhurst Dr to Pacific View Rd (PBR), I am AGAIN asking Tauranga City Council to redesignate this as a 50kph zone immediately. It is only a matter of time before a pedestrian or cyclist dies in this increasingly congested corridor.

Specifically we note :

•Huge increase in residential households in Coast subdivision, Hugo Way, Oceania and Beaches subdivisions. •New commercial developments in Coast including Goodhome bar, Fresh Choice supermarket, Best start Early Childhood centre and other retail. •These developments are now fully built with the effect that PBR is now not only a residential road, it is also a commercial hub that experiences significant levels of road and foot traffic plus huge increases in people and animals crossing to the beach accesses. •All feeder roads to this section of PBR are 50 kph. The change to 60 kph for a short distance results in anti-social driving as users ‘drag race’ to increase to 70kph or higher for the short distances between roundabouts. Friday nights are a nightmare as boy racers target the area. •Access to / from Pacific Shores has become much more dangerous with full time parking opposite the entrance (from staff at the commercial hub) literally stopping traffic flows plus the increased traffic and faster speed limit. •Heavy delivery trucks approved to exit from narrow Hugo Way to Papamoa Beach Rd.

In addition re Maranui Street from Sunrise Ave to Sandhurst Drive.

Maranui Street is also an accident waiting to happen.

We would also note the following for the Maranui stretch of road : Yes •After writing to Council in 2013 expressing concern at the lack of bike lanes, parking etc we were advised that this section would be upgraded in Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c e c c c c c As a recent (2 year) Ratepayer to Papamoa I have found the plethora of Different street speeds to be not only confusing but dangerous. I am in support of an overall 50 km/h speed limit at normal times on all residential roads in Papamoa, with reduced speeds around schools at appropriate times. Thanks you. Yes Enforcement would be great also! Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Fantastic. Should have been done years ago Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Personally I don’t agree with all changes, I live in Papamoa, in my opinion Tara road should be reduced to 70km, instead of the proposed 60. Papamoa beach road / Maranui street speed limits are fine, the road is extremely long, heading north along Papamoa beach road after the pacific view roundabout should be 50km all the way through to the end of maranui street. I say 50km along Papamoa beach road where they’re houses on both sides, and 60 where there are houses on only one side.

The Parton road section from the Te okuroa roundabout to Papamoa beach road should be changed to 50km all the way through, the 70km section it No currently has is quite dangerous for all the pedestrians and especially children having to cross that road. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a c a c c c c c c Please leave things as they are. If traffic were to go any slower, especially in Papamoa, it would take forever to get anywhere and the roads would be congested for even longer because everyone would have to leave home a lot earlier to get to their destination. Accidents don’t happen because of the current speed limits in place, they happen because some people choose to abuse them and will continue to do so no matter what the limit is- so No please don’t ruin it for the rest of us. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a The current speed limits are adequate and would remain so especially in Papamoa If there were speed cameras and more police filming and fining speeders

I DO support speed restrictions around schools in the mornings and afternoons but the other proposed changes to main roads like Maranui St, Parton No Rd and Tara Rd will just make traffic slower and mean less people travel to the CBD Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Not all of them. Tara rd should drop from 80km to 70km per hour. Beach rd should stay at 60km per hour. Ok with parton rd/domain rd speed No reductions. Regards, Anne-Marie from Palm Springs Papamoa Hills a a a a a e a e a a a a a a a No Ohauiti c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No The traffic congestion is bad already at peak times generally at a crawl anyway. Please reconsider especially in Papamoa Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Agree with the Parton road proposal. But some sort of crossing needs to be put there. Especially with the development of Manawa and Terrace views. Lots of kids needing to cross that busy road. It would be nice to walk to the kids Rugby at Gordon Spratt but that road is just to busy to cross with young kids.

Te Okuroa Road needs to be wider. Something to stop the congestion from the cars turning right in Ashley Place off Te Okuroa.

No Papamoa Beach to stay as is. No need to lower that speed Papamoa Beach c c c c c e c c a c c c c c c Tauranga has become unpleasant to drive in with much bigger population now. People are always impatient and grumpy and in a rush...very dangerous. I have boys aged 10 and 7. 10 yearold has autism and is more vulnerable safety wise. We live at lakes....Kennedy road so dangerous for our kids to cross to get to school. Can anything be put on place here. Yes I've seen about 3 or 4 collisions in and around taumata school. Way too congested. Gate Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e I know alot of of Te Akau Ki Papamoa Primary parents would be happy with a crossing on Opal drive right near Te Akau Ki end where children already Yes cross. Doncaster c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I do not agree with reduced speed limits. Waste of time it’s just gonna increase travel times and it’s already pretty bad with all of the road No works everywhere. And people will speed regardless so big no from me Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c The reduction of speed limits is not going to make any difference to the ongoing issues of those that consistently disobey current laws. It will add longer travel times to those that do obey. I accept the variable speeds around schools. I do not accept the dumbing down of our speed zones and general road rules. A 4 lane road (Tara Rd) with wide median and shoulders has no place in this reduction list. A 20 k reduction is ridiculous and completely unnecessary. The Parton road reduction is also unnecessary. A light contolled crossing near the roundabout would be a far better and safer option for students. Students will still make poor decisions on when and where to cross. Educate for better decisions rather than attempting to bubble No wrap hazards. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No I'm truly all for safety but you have to keep traffic flowing. Suggest better educating ALL road users and improving roads/ footpaths/ verges etc Gate Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a My children attend The Blue Cottage Daycare on Tara Rd. I use this road daily and having to pull in and out of the cottage is a nightmare with the speed that oncoming traffic reaches. I am forced to pull out in a gap and instantly have cars right up behind me. Slowing this speed limit will make a very Yes positive difference. Papamoa Hills c c c c c c e c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I use many of the roads which the proposed changes are affecting daily. I have children who attend Selwyn Ridge Primary (Welcome Bay), Aquinas College (Pyes Pa Road), and Pyes Pa Road School and work in the Avenues - Mt Maunganui. We use those roads during peak times as well as other times for sports etc etc etc. We have no issues with the current speeds so don't understand why you would be calling for a change. We have no issues with safety on those roads and nor do we agree with the call for consistency as those roads are not the same as other surrounding roads.

What evidence do you have of safety issues on those specific roads compared to others?

No NgÄ mihi Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I only agree with reducing the speed on Parton Road including Tara Road Roundabout. Absolutely shocking driving. I think lights or a roundabout is also needed at the exit to Gordan sprat reserve/Alice way. Papamoa Beach road would be way to slow at 50km but a turning lane into driveways Yes would be much better. Papamoa Beach a a a a a e a a a a a a a a a Reduced limits will not improve safety in locations other than outside schools. They will add to frustration with current traffic issues and increase No rushing/speeding in other areas. Tauriko a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes support all speed reduction proposals Otumoetai e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No I agree about the school zone change but papamoa beach road and Tara road really don’t need to be changed Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c e e e e e No Speed around schools should be 30 km p/ hour. 200 metres either side of its main entrance. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No Do not think it should change Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Reducing the speed limits in all of these places is just going to increase commute times and will not make any difference to the safety.

Papamoa Beach Road for example is already 50kmph in built up areas. There is no reason to change it to 50kmph everywhere. The road only has houses on one side and it is long and straight, easy to see incoming vehicles.

Tara Road has farm land on one side, barely anyone needs to cross it and so there's no point in lowering the speed.

School zones should 100% be slow during start and end times but as far as I knew they already are. Or at least papamoa primary is. I support the same 40kmph at the other schools too.

No I disagree with the other speed changes too Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e I do not agree with reducing the speed limit along Papamoa Beach Road. 60km is the correct speed for this area. I do however think it is right to reduce No the speed for Parton Road due to the children play areas. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e c c a c c c c c c Drivers who hesitate, lack decent driving skill, and who cant keep to the speed limit causing fustration for other drivers are the cause for most crashes on the roads.

No The speed limits are fine, I've lived in papamoa beach my whole life (24 years). The speed limits are not the issue, bad drivers are. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Would love to see Tara Road speed reduced as it’s a school zone and there’s a day care center there. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c e c c c c c c e c Yes Only around schools /play centres to 40kph but leave Papamoa Beach Road at 60kph. It is already 50kph limit in built up residential area Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Would prefer to keep domain road, totara street and Papamoa beach road as their current speed limits, however more focus to go on safeguarded No bike paths in those areas Gate Pa c c c c c c c a a a c c c c c Yes Worth adding a few minutes on my commute for safer roads Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No The already speed limits in place are never adhered to or policed-how do you propose to do any better by reducing the current limits? Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I'm mainly voting for the decreased limits around schools, in particular taumata. In addition here needs to be some pedestrian crossings put in on kennedy road for the children to cross at the top of mortlake heights. It is only a matter of time before someone is hit as cars fly left around the kennedy road roundabout leaving school looking for cars and don't see the children crossing until it is too late. This in turn likely affects how many children are allowed to walk or ride to school as it such a dangerous crossing. This does not help with reducing car usage or encouraging physical activity in our Yes community. Please consider a crossing here. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No Leave the speed limits alone and try finishing off the other roads you have started oh and quit while your at it. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No I drive all of these roads daily. Reducing the speed limit is only going to hold things up even than what the road works are doing, silly idea. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Would like to see more speed reductions in urban area, 30km/h along other schools on Cameron Road, Boys College, Girls College.. and Frasor Street around Pemberton Park Yes Thanks Greerton e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T There is a total failure in numbers of road policing in Mount and Papamoa regions.Oceanbeach Rd isn't even mentioned here or Mauranui.

Speed cameras are never present between Yale and Girven on Oceanbeach Rd and when asked they say it's not a priority to have one there.

Simply put more speed cameras, more policing, leave speeds as they are, BUT make it clear to be seen these roads will be patrolled or speed No cameraed Mount Maunganui a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Leave Papamoa Beach Road at 60km Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c Yes Speed limit changes would be great, but moreso extra pedestrian crossings on Kennedy road near Taumata School. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No Around schools I think should be slower, but everywhere else no. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Taumata school needs an extra pedestrian crossing to get over Kennedy rd. Tauriko c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e No Stupid idea. Traffic is bad enough. Don't slow it down more Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a We definitely a speed resteiction in the area surrounding Taumata School and desperately need pedestrian crossings to enable our children to walk/bike Yes safely to school Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e The current speed of 80km/h is far too dangerous for the many early childhood centers and schools in the area. Most drivers exceed this speed limit. Yes 60km/h or even lower, would be much more acceptable to keep our local children safe. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c e c c c c c c c c No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I do 80kph on Tara Rd and a lot of cars go speeding past. Parton Rd section by Gull and skatepark should definitely be 50kph with the number of children getting in/out of cars,especially at weekends. Also all Yes traffic trying to pull out of Alice Way. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e c c c c c c c c c Papamoa beach road is so congested it’s almost impossible to cross on foot, or even back out of your driveway. Reducing the speed will make it safer to back out and also walk across to the beach. Also several parked cars that have been hit due to speed and inattention. Yes People use the roundabout at Parton as the starting grid of a race track and speed off reaching over 60kph within 5 properties down. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e c c e c c c c c c I work in the early childhood learning centre on Tara Road and find that the cars go very fast which is such a danger to our young tamariki would love to Yes see the speed limit to change. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c e c c c e e e e e

Speed limits are not the problem. Most of the roads you have mentioned are wide and safe and straight. As long as pedestrians cross at designated crossings the current speed limits are safe. The only reason to reduce speed limits should be actual identified black spots for accidents that were not caused by idiotic drivers. The idiots will ignore speed limits anyway and all you will achieve will further annoy law biding drivers that are just trying to get to work or drop off their kids at school. A classic example is the ridiculous 60km/h speed limit on the widened section of Welcome Bay Road around Waitao Road.....it was reduced because a moron crashed and died whilst breaking the then 80km/h speed limit. Now I am penalised having to drive along the road at a reduced 60 km/h when the road could easily and safely be 80 km/h. Please don't make life more even more difficult for people just trying to go about their daily business. Good bike lanes and safe pedestrian crossings are the answer not lower speed limits clogging our streets further. Furthermore, there is no need for a variable speed limits outside most schools as the traffic already slows and backs up around the manned zebra crossings. Around schools your safety efforts would be better focused on making extra parking available. No Thanks Waitao a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Judea c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Pyes pa road is already a wide road which makes the 60km speed limit acceptable as there are cycle lanes and easy visibility Pyes Pa c c c a c c c c c c c c c c c No I don't think these changes are necessary and I believe it may backfire, making speeding more frequent. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a It’s slow enough already. I agree with slow zones at schools, at the start and end of school days. The rest of the ideas don’t help the flow of No traffic in the city at all! Tauranga Central a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Around schools 30km within 500m of school gates, but the rest of it? Please leave well enough alone. You are just inviting longer queues in peak hour No traffic and dangerous driving from frustrated drivers. Stop trying to turn us into Auckland. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Traffic is slow enough as it is, lowering the limit wont make any changes. All for lowering around schools but thats it Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Because it will slow down traffic for no reason Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Leave speed as it is Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a The speed limit change is necessary but it also of urgent importance that a further pedestrian crossing is installed on Kennedy toad to support our kids Yes to cross a busy intersection. This is vital and urgent before a child gets hurt. Please consider this for our children’s safety. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Apart from reducing speeds around schools during school hours, I do not support the proposed changes to Domain, Parton and Tara roads and No Maranui Street. The traffic flows well enough at the moment, and I can see no advantages to slowing the traffic down. Papamoa Beach c c c c c a a a a c e e e e e ...and a crossing on Kennedy Road up by the roundabout, before some child gets hit. Look at the camera's to see how hard it is for kids to cross. We Yes are encouraging kids to walk/bike yet it's not safe to cross the road. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No Near school yes but leave the rest as is. Idiot will drive like idiots either way Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No Effects traffic outside of school time Matua a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Changing the speed limits isn’t going to change anything except everyone’s mood. There are already so many long straights that have to low of a speed limit we don’t need any more? Leave them alone. People need to learn how to drive properly and working around them isn’t going to No teach them Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a The speed limits near schools should be 40 but the rest should be left as they are reducing them wont reduce incidents it will increase them with No frustration. People will take risks and the speeds are already low enough and safe. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No No Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Tara Road. KEEP 80KM/H as no direct residential driveways and 2 double lanes Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road keep 60km/h increase pedestrian priority crossing. Totara Street KEEP 60KM/H industrial zone no residential Parton Road 50 km/h all the way park area skate park schools Domain Road keep as is

Te Okuroa drive from New shcool building site to livingstone drive 60KM/H as no residential yet and road wider than most highways in the rest of the country. No And Direct acess to SH2 tauranga eastern link (to do Now rather wait to have Papamoa way to overloaded in traffic. c c c c c e a a a a c c c c c I believe some places such as Parton and Tara Road should be decreased, however Papamoa Beach Road does not need to be lowered from 60km to 50km. 50km is far too slow and changing it will only ensure that drivers who are frustrated will make unsafe moves such as overtaking with oncoming No traffic as I see people do this already with the limit being 60km so it will only increase the risk. The same applies for Maranui Street. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e c a c c c c c c Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c PLEASE ensure you include Golden Sand School in the 40km/h zone around school opening and closing times.

AGREE - Parton Road: Change current 70km/h section of Parton Road to 50km/h from 200m south of Tara Road roundabout to east of Gordon Spratt Reserve. This will include the roundabout at Tara Road.

DISAGREE - Tara Road:Change speed limit of Tara Road from 80km/h to 60km/h. ** Makes sense to change it to 60 between Parton and Donacaster, but where it's 4 lanes between Doncaster and Domain, leave as 80km/h or make no lower than 70 km/h.

AGREE - Domain Road: Change current 70km/h speed limit at the southern end of Domain Road to 50 km/h.

DISAGREE - Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road: Change all sections of Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road that are currently 60km/h to 50km/h. ** No no no no no! Papamoa Beach Road is a straight road with a built-up area on one side only. LEAVE at 60km/h as most people drive slower than No that anyway, which is painful!!! Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Pedestrian crossing urgently needed on Kennedy road for children of Taumata School crossing the road. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T YES PLEASE!!! We have been living in Phillips Drive (just off Oropi Road) for only three years now and have already witnessed many accidents, near-misses and apparently youngsters under the influance of strange substances using Oropi Road as a race court. Our 13-year old daughter bikes to school every day and we worry a lot, but don't want to ban her from this actually healthy and environmentally-friendly way of getting to school. She experienced near-crashes herself when people are overtaking her not leaving enough space at 80km/h (or often faster). We wouldn't even mind speed cameras installed on Oropi Road, which could generate some more income for the Council. Only two months ago a young guy mowed down the street lamp and ended up in a neighbour's fence at the entrance of Phillips Drive because for whatever reason he didn't manage to stay on this only slightly bended stretch of Oropi Rd. From next year on, our other 11-year-old daughter will be standing at this time at exactly the opposite side of this part of Oropi Rd to wait for the Aquinas College school bus. Given the impact of this accident, she could have been hit by flying car/street lamp parts if she waited there for the bus this term. Only yesterday a contractor told me that his mother lives on Oropi Rd and that she complains a lot about racing cars. He advised her to not confront the 'racers' as they could turn abusive towards her. I think this tells it all ... We have a serious speeding problem on Oropi Road! Thank you. Kind regards, Yes Nicole Szulakowski Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No This will cause more traffic and make roads less safe a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Will cause traffic Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No All for changing speed limits past schools but all other areas are fine at the speed they are. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Needs a third option - partly support.

I'm not convinced that the limit on Totara street needs to change. Wide road, very few pedestrians crossing the road.

The changes outside of schools don't go far enough. It should be 30kmh, and apply to all roads within 300 metres of the school that children may use to get to school.

Also, I feel that purely residential streets should have a blanket limit of 30kmh. This should exclude local arterial routes, e.g. Chapel Street, Cameron Yes Road, Otumoetai road. This reduction would reduce the temptation to use the streets as rat-runs, increase safety, and reduce noise for residents. Tauranga CBD e e e e e e e e e a e e e e e Also a pedestrian crossing near Taumata school on Kennedy Road. Also a safe place for crossing state highway 36 for those who have children attending Taumata but can't walk to school due to having to cross the state Yes highway. This affects those living at Foley Grove, Awhata crescent, Paiawa Way. Its a very dangerous road. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Hi, I'm delighted to hear about the proposed long awaited introduction of speed limits in Tauranga. I live in the second row of houses in Phillips Drive just off Oropi Road. I'm afraid this road is known as a part of Tauranga racing loop. The noise of the engines speeding to over 100 km/hr became a standard. Unfortunately, I was a witness of one of the youngsters ending up at my neighbours fence and a lamp post as a consequence of speeding. I worry about my children cycling daily to school along Oropi Road. On top of it cyclists going to Oropi mountain biking tracks as well as children waiting for school buses next to the road are currently at risk of being hit by speeding cars. I am aware of improvements taking place in Oropi Road (Pukemapu roundabout) and hope that one day we will have a cycling path leading to Oropi mountain bike tracks. Finally, it's worth mentioning that the tarmac surfacing could be improved. In summary all reasonable people who have in mind safety are welcoming the coming changes. Thank you Kind regards Yes Patryk e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Maranui Street and Papamoa Beach Road, Tara Road, Parton Road, Oropi Road, Pyes Pa Road, Kaitemako Road, Welcome Bay Road, Ohauiti Road, Domain Road - No Change

Totara Street, Taumata School, The Lakes, Golden Sands School, Papamoa, Matua Primary School, Matua, Tauranga Intermediate School, No Tauranga, Aquinas College, Pyes Pa - could be looked at a change. Palm Beach a a a a a a a a a e e e e e e Speeding around the city has increased and causes a lot of crashes, I believe that the high 29a should also be reduced during peak hours due to the high intensity of people driving to and fro. I live by the Tauranga crossing roundabout and hear sirens a number of times a week. I hope that reducing the speed limits will help people to be aware Yes of other people on the road and to not take the risky moves of finding a small gap. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I feel a lot of the crashes are due to younger and older people getting impatient with people already doing the speeds proposed so they overtake in No dodgy area etc, I am 100% for the variable school 40km/ph zones just not the speed limit drops everywhere Bellevue a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes All the school variable speed zones should be done as a matter of urgency! Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Speeders will always speed. Cameras put in place would do better work in majority of these areas.

No I do however agree to the proposed speeds around schools during school pick up and drop off hours. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Either way people will go what the "old" speed limit was any way. Its going to make no difference if it helps speed limits change, whether its 50 or 60 people are going to do the speed they want to do, dropping the speed limits along Tara road is also just a waste of time as already people go well over the speed limit on that road so again it will make no difference. Also having 2 different speed limits on one road is confusing for people and they tend to always go the slower speed thinking that that is the speed limit which in turn can cause other drivers frustration like maunganui road for example, the speed limit of 50 is changed to 70 right before the golf road and maunganui road round about and unless you are looking for the next speed limit sign which is not all that easy to see most drivers will stay at the initial 50. How ever I do agree that around schools particularly primary schools that there No should be a drop in speed. Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e

There’s is already huge issues in this area with traffic and so much more. Lowering the speed limit only makes people want to be idiots and drive faster. Lowering the speed limit isn’t going to do anything out ADD congestion like THOSE STUPID LIGHTS BY THE BAYPARK SPEED WAY No WHERE THERE USED TO BE A ROUNDABOUT STOP MAKING BAD DECISIONS AS A COUNCIL AND PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS!!!!!!! Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Lowering speed limit will not stop people from speeding. I drove along these roads all the time, and the vast majority drive safely and to the speed No limits. Those who speed already wont stop if you lower the limit a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I live on Papamoa Beach Road with my young family. We have noticed since the latest tar sealing of the road and increase in population traffic noise has increased significantly to the point that we are considering selling our house as it has become unbearable cars speed past at 80km per hour all hours of day and night and we are hoping with reduced speed cars will travel slower and hopefully make the traffic zooming past less abrasive on the Yes ears :) Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c I agree with the proposed speed around schools and lowering speed limit around tara/domain and Doncaster roundabouts but please leave the 60 km on Papamoa Beach Road and leave the Tara Road speed limits alone. It's hard enough to get from Papamoa East to the other side of town without leaving hours before as it is. These proposals will create more havoc and parents will need to leave even earlier for school drop off to get to work on No time. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c e e e e e Yes Specifically the school restrictions. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No I support school zone speed changes but not reductions on Tara Road or Papamoa Beach Road. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c e e e e e Yes Anything to stop speeding Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes People won’t pay attention to speed limit change they do there own speed need speed cameras up around school roads Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No Bellevue c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Excellent with so much traffic in the proposed areas we have to think of cyclists and pedestrians crossing roads near the beach Go for it Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I definitely think there has to be a speed limit change around Kennedy Rd, cars go too fast there. My kids walk everyday as do I with the dogs and it’s crazy. Yes Also needs to be a crossing around the roundabout. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e Yes Yes, and a crossing over Kennedy road for kids to get to Taumata. Before a child gets run over please. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Think this is much needed for the students safety Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Totally agree with all proposed speed limit changes. Yes We need to make these roads/areas safer for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. This is a positive step towards doing this. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e In particular I support the reduction of speed surrounding Taumata school. There are many kids that walk and cycle to school and traffic travels very fast (above the 50km speed limit) in this area. A crossing near the Kennedy Rd, Te Ranga Memorial Dr roundabout is also essential. It is only a matter of time before a child is hit. Roundabouts are Yes not conducive to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the road, particularly young inexperienced ones. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Very much supported, but would be nice to see some enforcement. Static cameras and the like. Standard of driving and adhering to limits is highly Yes variable in Tauranga. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Tara road and domain road should stay the way they are. There are no people walking there and no reason for it to be made slower. More crashes will No be caused this way Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a a c c c c c c c Drivers still go fast this wont change a thing! We need a crossing on both sides of the roundabout on kennedy rd as this is a daily walking route for me No and my young girls to taumata school and back, but not only that we frequently walk down kennedy road aswell. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I do support the changes EXCEPT for Tara Road Papamoa. Happy for this to be reduced to 70kmph, not 60kmph. There are few driveways or No houses directly onto this road and it it a 2 lane major road. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e a e e e e e e e e I think more work needs to be done around this and all schools to be included with flashing lights like in Australia. Tara road speed reduction is ridiculous. Parts closer to expressway do not even have houses or businesses. This makes no sense at all. If that's the thought process then think about No maunganui road and Hewlett. Main commuter paths should keep speeds as is. Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No I do not support the proposed limits Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I am all for this around schools, but what also is needed is crossings on Kennedy Road by Taumata school.

Yes It is a huge concern, that just a speed restriction wont do. It's not a matter of if a child gets hit by a car, but a matter of when. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e I see speeding and dangerous driving everyday in Tauranga residential streets. Yes Especially when I keep to the limit, overtaking and tailgating has become the norm Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes In other town they have 40km near schools, so why not here. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e People are speeding aggressively all over Tauranga in the past few years. Reducing speed limits and more cameras need to bring better driving behaviour... this is dangerous for the young, elderly and cyclists in the city. Yes It should make the roads a bit quieter as well I hope. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Yes we are seeing some rash driving incidents quite regularly by Taumata School. Tauriko e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e The one outside Matua School is desperately needed, however it also needs to be on Clivedene St - or a bus bay/drop off zone should be built at the Yes entrance there. Brookfield c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c I support the proposed changes EXCEPT for the Tara Rd and Domain Rd proposals as I don’t think there is good enough reason to slow these main corridors. I strongly support the 40km restrictions around all schools during drop off and pick up times and also strongly support dropping Totara St to 50km given Yes the large number of cars and heavy vehicles turning in and out of this area. Otumoetai c c c c c c a a c e e e e e e The speed limits are fine the current way they are and if they are changed the roads will be too slow and people will still speed up. This way speeds are No right for the types of road. It's the drivers that cause incidents not the speed, the speeds are perfect as they currently are. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Gets confusing. I remember the road code states houses on both sides of the street is 50km zone. Houses on one side is a 60km zone Schools should already be 40km when schools are in their peak hour? I don’t know but Is that common knowledge? If there’s no signs that how I judge it.

I also think that everyone will tailgate and not really do the speed limit any way. Just leave it how it is. No You guys need to fix the roading and that car park building before you start more projects Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e no one goes the speed limit anyway. There is no point changing the speeds unless you put in heaps of fricking speed cameras to make sure people are No going to right speed. otherwise its just a waste of time and money a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I also feel it should be on Clivedene street (the other entrance to Matua) as this is more widely used by cars and kids than the levers road entrance. Yes Why not do both? I support the speed restriction and I am happy to see the proposed changes for the safety of our children. Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes I have seen so many near misses outside Aquinas. This needs to be done. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Outside of school areas where speeds are already reduced, there is no practical need to have the speeds changed in the Papamoa area, or to waste No money and resources changing them. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes We live off Tara Road, this is a very busy road so I fully agree to the speed limit being changed. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c e c c c c c c c c Yes Ohauiti c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Papamoa Beach Rd should stay at 60 km/h it's a long and slow grind when you're travelling the entire length of Papamoa Beach at 50 km/h and it's not necessary to change it. Does the crash data support the change?

Tara Rd should stay at 80 km/h.

No Agree with Parton Rd change due to the skatepark area and Gordon Spratt Reserve. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a c a c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I support changes 100%. Families often struggle to cross Papamoa beach road safely. I have personally almost had a toddler hit. And the feeling was gut wrenching. People Go faster than 60- also 70/80 and in we also have bad sun glare which limits vision. I would like to see 50k /even 40 in beach areas.

I think a pedestrian crossing around Harrison’s cut to help the school (Tahatai), elderly, families, pet, additional needs access the beach safely. The beach is becoming more utilised and should be of the same safety standards as pilot bay and mount main beach. Some times it feels like we have to run to make it in time. This is not meeting the needs of the wider community.

Cars simply do not slow or allow people to cross. A pedestrian would be standard for an ever growing Papamoa.

I would also love to see a bigger playground like Napier or Taradale accessible along the beach as well.

Yes Kirsty Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No I don’t believe the speed limits need to be lowered other than during school hours. Waitao a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes To keep our kids more safe going to and from school. Bethlehem e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I live close to Parton Road and regularly drive this way and along Tara Road. The speed limit is much too fast during busy periods and I’m often afraid for pedestrians and cyclists. Yes I applaud the new lights and crossing on Domain Road and glad to see the reduction in speed in this area too. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I live in papamoa and do not agree that reducing the speed limit in areas stated that it will reduce seriousness of accidents. It will simply just increase revenue for the police department and frustration for drivers. The current speed limits for example on tara road. Papamoa Beach road and surrounding areas are appropriate and don't cause any problems. Don't fix what isn't broken.

No Thank you Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Stop trying to change everything, what is wrong with Tara road been 80km/h there is no foot traffic at all. Also leave the beach road alone 60km/h is No fine. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Absolutely no! Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c I fear for the safety of myself and others as I exit my driveway onto Tara Road at Papamoa. This road is my biggest concern as I regularly witness motorists travelling at excessive speeds along all of Tara Road and especially at the roundabout at the Doncaster intersection, where there have been numerous accidents. Yes I would be most happy to see the speed limit on this road in particular be lowered, Papamoa Beach c c c c c c e c c c c c c c c I clicked yes because my children attend Taumata school and I support the 40kph around the school.

However, the speed restriction is not enough. Kennedy Road is very dangerous for kids walking or biking to school. It really needs a crossing on Kennedy Road, which will be far more effective for child safety.

Apart from that, I don't support some of the other changes. I don't know some of the roads well, but those that I do, I don't support lowering. These include Pyes Pa Road, Tara Road, Totara Street and Papamoa Beach Road. These are all aterial roads and should be left to flow rather than slowing them down.

I know Pyes Pa Road the best and 60kph seems like a natural speed for the size of the road and how build up the area is. Reducing it to 50kph will Yes make it un-naturally slow and more people will ignore it. Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c People driving down Tara toad too fast. It increases the noise to the neighbouring estates. Also dangerous as they don’t slow down for the roundabout on Doncaster Drive. Too many accidents there. Many of us have small children here walking their kids to school and daycare and this is just Yes a constant worry. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c e c c c c c c e c Changing the speed limit is just going to cause more chaos, longer trips and more traffic getting into work each day. Its already hard enough with the No stupid amount if round abouts in the area and then putting traffic lights at such a main intersection. Leave the speed limits alone! Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Reducing speed will only worsen the traffic issues in this city and won’t improve road safety - people will still speed and make risky moves to get No through traffic. The solution is not to bring the speed limit down its to improve the quality of the roading. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T As a long term resident of Tara Road I totally support the change of speed limit on Tara Road and Parton Road. I've lost count of the number of times I've had to call emergency services both day and night as people have lost control at the Tara Road/Doncaster Road roundabout. The crashes are almost always associated with speed (even though this is denied by most drivers). At times, the road resembles a race track as drivers speed past each other to get a one car advantage. It is also dangerous as more houses are built in the area. Cars turning into the Blue Cottage childcare centre are at risk and the residents of Harakeke Way take their lives into their hands trying to turn right onto Tara Road with 4 lanes of speeding traffic and a roundabout to contend with. We also have the doctor and retail shops as well where people are turning into or out of onto Tara Road. Students use the cycle way along Tara Road to get to the Papamoa College and children and parents who attend sports events on Gordon Spratt Reserve are also put at risk. I've seen young children trying to cross Tara Road on Friday nights to attend Ripper Rugby while vehicles speed past them at 80+ KPH. There are also a lot of elderly residents of the Papamoa Beach Retirement Village who cross the Tara Road/Parton Road roundabout to catch the bus Yes or visit the Doctor who are also at risk of speeding vehicles. I totally support this speed change. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e c c c c c c c c No Commuting times are already ridiculous, please don't make it worse. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Reducing the speed limit on Tara Road a four lane road is pure madness, a 60k limit would not be respected, this road can very easily take the existing limit safely. Changing the speed on Papamoa Beach Road is also madness and will not be respected. This smacks of revenue gathering and not about No safety. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c a c c c c c c No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Live off pyes pa rd. Support drip to 50kpm and the 40 mph around aquinas college. Many kids cross the rd there to head to the lakes and there is no Yes pedestrian crossing outside the school. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Please consider a school limit outside Papamoa primary school on Parton road. c c c c c e c c c c c c c c c Reducing speed saves lives. These reductions will not add any inconvenience to the drivers. Less than 5 minutes to their trips.

Yes This is common sense Mount Maunganui e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c We live with our 3 primary school kids opposite Matua primary school. Parents dropping and picking up their children drive so fast, use footpath to do u- turns and park their cars is such a way, it’s unsafe for my kids to walk school as do home 😔. We are 50 meters from school! Road speeds down around all schools within a 1 km radius would be a great start. More kids are riding their bikes too school since look down too ( our school had to increase bike stands). Yes In general - lower speed limits , safer environment for everyone! Fully support lower speed limits any where! Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Hopefully this will make people slow down near schools. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No I think the idea around schools is good but not reducing the speed limit on the larger roads like Tara Road. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e In these roads all the time traffic jams, we don’t need to give police more rights for speeding tickets, we never heard any accident in these roads, No because of speeding, Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I do not support the reduction on the whole length of Tara Rd. I would support it if this reduction applied only to the section between Parton Rd and Doncaster Drive, most of which is single lane in each direction and also has a school and a kindie and a park bordering. The remaining section, between Doncaster Drive and Domain Road is multi-lane and has no school/kindie/park. I believe it is therefore better able to support the current 80km/h limit.

I query the reduction on Domain Rd from 70 to 50. The southern end of Domain Rd currently goes from 70 to 60 to 50, moving South to North. The 70 zone includes the whole of the dual roundabout network connecting Tara Rd, Domain Rd and Te Puke Highway with SH2. This 70 zone makes sense as a unit. The only piece that does not really make sense is the 60 zone (past the storage company and the hospice shop). I would support reducing No that 60 to 50. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a a c c c c c c c I fully support reducing speeds around schools, but reducing the 60kmhr papamoa to 50kmhr I strongly oppose. Papamoa is not very well serviced by a roading network and takes quite some time to get anywhere. On the subject of speed changes, rural welcome bay road needs to be lifted from 60kmhr to 80kmhr between Waldorf school and Kairua road, with exception of the schools which should remain at 60kmhr (they have dedicated lanes servicing the school off the main road), or again reduce them to No 40kmhr during school start/end on the flashing signs already installed. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c It is very important that these speed limit changes are made and imposed due to the increasing number of children walking, cycling and getting Yes themselves to school. Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T Thanks really black and white question. It is not just yes and no. You should have added a category partially.

I am for the ones on Parton road near the school. But Tara Road? Leave it as it is. Same for Beach road.

Why dont you focus on opening golden sands road to te okura drive. The road has been finished for ages and the fences are frustrating. Everyday I have to drive all the way to Harding and then back. That way traffic will flow a lot better and not everybody needs to use papamoa beach road.

Focus on improving current road and traffic situations. And close to schools and on Domain and Parton yes reduce the speed. It would create a lot less dangerous situations if you do.

Kind regards No Fleur Papamoa Beach c c c c c e a e a c e e e e e Yes, however papamoa beach road could stay 60kms. Yes But yes the current speeds are too fast Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e a e e e e e e Lowering the speed limits everywhere even when the road is extremely wide and with two lanes in each direction (e.g. Tara Road) isn’t helpful. It No just frustrates drivers and causes a distraction as people have to check their speedos all the time. Waitao a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a A physical restriction of a pedestrian crossing is urgently needed on Kennedy road (Taumata School). The traffic using this as a bypass drive very Yes quickly and with a blind hill the children are not able to see the oncoming traffic. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c The road around the Matua School crossing and school entrance is conducive to cars speeding over the hill and having to drastically slow for children and school traffic. I was surprised when I first moved to the area that the speed was left at 50kms during school hours and that safety was left to the school pedestrian controllers run by a school volunteer and children. There is also increased bike traffic from children returning from Otumoetai Intermediate and High School. At the very least reduce speed in the half hour window around 9am and 3pm. Ideally also install the flashing, electronic road speed signs at both ends Yes of the affected area - these are used to good effect in Hamilton. Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c My children walk or bike to school and drivers fly up the Kennedy hill or shoot around the corner from TeRanga Memorial and it is so dangerous for our Yes kids! Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c 100% support the change of the 70km to 50km from Te Okuroa Drive onto Parton Road. The amount of people that speed from the round about towards Alice Lane and beyond is a nightmare waiting to happen. Kids walking and biking in this area frequently to and from school as well as to the Yes skatepark and playground at Gordon Spratt. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e c c c c c c c c c No Limits are fine as is, driver distraction is a bigger problem a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a The speed limits are fine how they are, have the speed limits coursed any problems? And is reducing them going to make a difference? I think not. We No don’t need to waste money on these sort of changes. Focus on the real issues on our Tauranga roads! Ohauiti a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Existing speed limits already around schools. Infrastructure as it is does not support development for the amount of people/new builds etc. would increase congestion. Where is the enforcement No going to come from to police the changes? Papamoa beach road should be left as is- it’s a long straight stretch of road. a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e No The speed limits are fine except for Te Okaroa it should 60 not 50 Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Nieces live there, keep them safe Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Will create more congestion and Tauranga is Bad enough. No Fix the problem areas don't create more issues. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes People driving too fast around the school Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e I lived in Brisbane for 7 years and my children are at primary and Intermediate. The reduced speed makes a difference and if anything it at least makes motorists aware they are near a school and hopefully focus more. There also needs to be a police blitz now and then to show motorists you will be Yes caught and find. Bellevue c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Lower speed limits around schools is always a great idea. Work with police to enforce new speed limits, please. Too many drivers here think it's their Yes birthright to speed and have little regard for other road space users, including cyclists. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Keep our kids safe Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes I support the reduction of the speed limit around school and think the speed limit should be even reduced further to 30 during peak traffic times Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Cars travel way too fast in this area especially around the time our kids are going to school! There also needs to be a crossing of some kind across Yes Kennedy road in increase safety measures! Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I support the changes in principal, however being a resident in papamoa east i am concerned with the increasing traffic volume on papamoa beach road, the opening of te okuroa drive has done little to ease congestion as the current route into te okuroa drive for many people is very circuitous, there needs to be better access to te okuroa drive via golden sands drive, there also needs to be some action on the proposed wairakei link into the TEL, this would take a lot of traffic off tara and parton roads, particularly for people travelling east. These changes should really be taking place along with the speed changes, they are quite long stretches of road to reduce the speed limit on, and the speed reduction must reduce the traffic handling ability of the Yes roads, albeit possibly making for a smoother entry and exit from intersections. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e a e e e e e e No Leave the limits as they are and improve the roading!!! Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I agree with the proposed changes. As a Matua resident we see people speeding along Levers Road and down Tilby Drive frequently. Both areas Yes where there are often children, cyclists and dog walkers about. Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e It’s a school zone and cars go way to fast for kids trying to cross the roads. We want to encourage kids to bike and walk but it’s not safe for Yes them at the moment Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No I’m against this proposal Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes People are driving too fast around where kids are crossing The roads home From school Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Yes I’d like to see this stretch of Levers Road become safer for our children. Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c Yes Bellevue c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c No Mount Maunganui c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Yes brilliant idea should go without saying really should be something that is done from day dot for a school Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes To ensure safety of the children Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Safer speeds especially around school are ideal. Keeping communities safer Matua e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

Variable speed outside schools I support. The other reductions is a firm no. There are rules for driving with care and police can enforce that, if people No are driving too fast for the conditions or area. Please don’t make so many speed limits, that it’s hard to know one area from another. Matua a a a a a a a a a a e e e e e Yes I support it. With the children trying to cross over Kennedy Road is some days impossible with cars speeding through and around the roundabout Yes not allowing enough time to cross safely. Tauriko e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

These roads are safe as they are at the moment and do not need to have the limits changed. I agree with 40km around schools, but this is the norm? Your reasons are unfounded, PC and all they will do is further frustrate drivers who already have to deal with inadequate roads. Sort the traffic out first! No If it ain't broke, don't fix it! a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Good idea Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes For the sake of the school children crossing. Even if it were just for morning and afternoon periods when they are coming and going. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e No It's completely unnecessary to lower the speed limit on Papamoa Beach Road to 50km/h c c c c c c c c a c c c c c c Dont believe reducing speed limit is useful. Current bad drivers are a problem because they dont stick to speeds already in place. Reducing only affects No those who follow the rules already. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes These are busy spots and this will make I safer especially for kids Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e With the school right there and the amount of children that walk to school, a 40km limit is the least you could do. Even adding crossing lights on the Yes Kennedy road section would be amazing, as people just fly through with no consideration of the children who are walking home Greerton c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e

The areas you propose to reduce speed in Papamoa are already so heavily congested, slowing things down will only result in further frustration and dangerous driving. Have you driven on Papamoa Beach Road recently? It is bumper to bumper at most times of the day. I know because I live on this road and find it difficult to get out of my driveway, turning left! Our children are not allowed to cross it to get to the beach alone, and they are 12 and 14. As an adult who drives I find it tricky because of the volume of traffic on it. It is not the speed but the constant line of traffic. Tara Road cannot go down No to 50km na hour, what is the reasoning for that? There is no one crossing that to get to the cow paddocks! This is not the answer to over population. Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No No Arataki (Bayfair) a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I agree with lowering the speed limits. Tara road and Parton road are very busy with lots of school kids and the skate park etc. Yes I fully agree with speed limits being lower around schools Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes People drive too fast along Levers Road and there are many kids on bikes etc Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T In general, with the growing volume of traffic on Tauranga roads the proposed lower speeds will support the safety of all road users, cyclists, pedestrians, cars, motorbikes and disability scooters.

In particular, rural/urban roads such as Kaitemako Road have a high volume of traffic with the development of more housing in the area. The current Yes high speed limits puts the many users of the road and Waipuna Park at risk of accident and injury. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I support 40km/hr speed limits for set school times as it is an effective method of improving traffic safety around schools.

However, I do not support the proposed speed limit changes for roads identified in Papamoa. The underlying problem is the lack of access and egress options in Papamoa with a growing population. Inadequate transport networks have been created (or lack thereof) to cope with the multitude of subdivision development. The speed limits are not dangerous but the road network is because it cannot cope with the amount of backed up traffic. People are frustrated with the inability to get in and out of Papamoa East easily. Reducing speed limits may not change the behaviour of drivers who are already angered by the poor road network. Traffic controls can be strategically put in place to slow traffic but arterial roads should retain current speed limits. Papamoa Beach Road and Tara Road are currently the only 2 roads to exit the area but yet service how many extra thousand people per year?! Instead of reducing speed limits, perhaps better transport planning should be considered at an earlier planning stage than years after development occurs. Developers should (if not already) be contributing funds towards road network improvements or additional road connections to support local government in providing new or alternative routes. Simply reducing the speed limits and not considering potential network improvements is not the way to progress.

Can we not join the 21st century and provide a train network? Where are our alternative transport options?

No Speed limits are only the crux of the problem. Papamoa Beach c c c c c a a a a c e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Coming from a former Aucklander who now resides in Papamoa beach I'm super satisfied that I'm conducting this online survey.

Speed needs to reduce drastically. Far too many accidents happening in Papamoa. I'm concerned for school drop off and pick up and do not understand what the rush is? In suburban streets more speed bumps have forced the speed of drivers down in many Auckland regions. This needs to happen now with the fast growing Papamoa and Mount Maunganui population.

Please take the initiative as this will save uneccesary accidents, near misses and deaths. Speed kills but doing nothing about speed is not acceptable. Cyclist are not able to share the road due to the recklace speed limits. More signage would be a great reminder about the effect of poor decision making.

Yes Take courage and please make our community safer. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Proposal 13 Matua School - I am absolutely in favour of this. My son attends Matua School. Traffic on Levers Road travels far too fast in school hours. The added risk is with the location of the bend of Levers Rd in proximity to the school crossing. I believe the signs and reduced speed changes Yes would be of benefit to the children. Otumoetai c c c c c c c c c c c c e c c Yes I am in full support of the speed limit reductions. They will make our city a safer place for cyclists and pedesterians Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e The problems identified do not match with the suggested changes. Decreases of speed limits on Kaitemako road, Tara road, and domain road do not align with the reasons listed above. There are far more practical decisions that need to be made to improve safety and ability to get around Tauranga No easier Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes needs to be fully 40 km especially school hours and with flashing sign alerting people to slow down. Yes Police should have cameras at peak times to fine people for speeding Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No Ohauiti c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c This can help prevent cars zooming up kennedyvroaf towards the roundabout. I’ve seen many cars whine walking home look like they could easily Yes over turn coming up that hill and crash into walking children. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e Yes Matua c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c My kids are at Taumata school and I live in this area. The speed change will help a little bit, but it have to be enforsed somehow. What will really help is two or there pedestrian zing crossing on each side of the roundabout along Kenedy road and one along the side road on Teranga Memorial drive. Or the entire roundabout can be a raised intersection to encourage safety in design and forse drivers to drive slower. This could be funded under the minor Yes safety work budget. At WSP where I work we have specialist that can assist in this regard if needed. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c e Yes Yes, would love to see it reduced around the Taumata school area Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I walk this road everyday, sometimes twice a day. The number of times cars haven’t stopped at the crossing or have taken off while I’m still on the crossing is disturbing. All it would take would be for a child to fall over or drop something while still on the crossing and a car could hit them. Some people are clearly driving faster than the current 50km limit too. Please change the speed limit to 40km to protect our children. If you need any proof please speak with Steve the Matua primary caretaker. He nearly Yes tears his hair out as a result of the speed and actions taken by drivers daily.... Matua c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e Also add in a pedestrian crossing by the round about on kennedy road by taumata school. Reguardless of speed limit change people fly through there. Yes It is not safe for our children Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e The change I am mostly affected by is around Taumata school. This can't come soon enough. Crossing roads within the proposed 40km zone, particularly at the roundabout on Kennedy rd is simply not safe for children and many walk unaccompanied by an adult. I regularly see near misses. An Yes actual pedestrian crossing on Kenedy rd would be better but at least this is a start in the right direction. Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e This is long overdue and the safety of the children at Taumata school is at risk in the mean time.

Yes Please also look at a safe crossing for those many families who live on Awataha crescent to get across the highway to walk to school Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Pyes Pa c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Especially the Taumata School alteration. :) Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Drivers already drive way under the speed limit everywhere. If these are changed, it will onlu contribute to make traffic even worse. On top of that, traffic lights are not synchronized with the road speed, sensors at traffic lights do not seem to work at all and even if there's no vehicles driving across tge adjacent road, you still sit there for ages.

No Reducing speed limit is something that should be done ince other issues, which are a motivation for speeding, are resolved. Gate Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I would recommend the speed reduction is extended to include Fraser St from 15ave heading towards the city and Devonport Rd. There are several Yes areas where kids cross without a safe crossing and cycle. I suggest the 13th Ave/Fraser St signalised crossing is long overdue. Tauranga South e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes especially Welcome Bay Road. The current speed limit does not match the built-up area with a number of Primary School and Childcare/Kindys. To add the stretch of Welcome Bay Road has no safe pedestrian crossings almost its entire length. Crossing the road at peak or around peak times is almost impossible to do safely.

It is normal for vehicles to encroach into the cycle lanes at each bend, likely from a mixture of too high a speed limit and inattentive/lazy driving. Whilst Yes reducing the speed limit is appropriate the road needs additional measures to increase its safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes I support all the changes with the exception of leaving Welcome Bay Road at 60kmph. Maungatapu e a e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Drive on most of these roads daily and most people travel at least 10k ovee the limits as they stand. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Speed limits aren't the problem, it's the people using the side roads and crossing without looking, if there are any higher risk areas add a speed bump No with a crossing on to make it more safe for the students Papamoa Beach a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes for the reasons you have already stated.

But, all very well having rules/speed limits, however traffic policing of any sorts in Tauranga is no where to be seen.

Speeding, red light runners, mobile phone users is rampant in Tauranga. Rules are great, but they need to be enforced as to educate and motivate Yes people to change. Tauranga CBD e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e For Tara rd 60km is unrealistic its a long straight road with very little traffic coming onto it , no houses directly on it and 4 lanes, could take it down to 70km maybe. 60km from doncaster to parton rd round about is a good idea. Papamoa and maranui speed changes will be good. But if speed No continues to go unmonitored its all for nothing. Most people go well over speed limits in papamoa because they can get away with it. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c e c c c c c c I don't support the speed change to Tara road. Keep this at 80km or even 70km but 60 km is unnecessary especially for the 4 lane zone between domain rd and the roundabout at the high school. It will create driver frustration and force more traffic along Beach road as Tara rd will become less No appealing with reduced speed. Palm Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c I don't support the speed change to Tara road. Keep this at 80km or even 70km but 60 km is unnecessary especially for the 4 lane zone between domain rd and the roundabout at the high school. It will create driver frustration and force more traffic along Beach road as Tara rd will become less No appealing with reduced speed. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c I don't support the speed change to Tara road. Keep this at 80km or even 70km but 60 km is unnecessary especially for the 4 lane zone between domain rd and the roundabout at the high school. It will create driver frustration and force more traffic along Beach road as Tara rd will become less No appealing with reduced speed. Papamoa Beach c c c c c c a c c c c c c c c y a B o k a a e a a s a o g t i n m t i a n n a P n i a m i m o a a e n a r o u i e a c s p r m u t d t a l a a t l m u i e r p o t r u u e a h r o a o q y a a Q3 - Please comment on your answer above. a o a a Q2 - Do you support the proposed speed limit changes? Q9 - Suburb: O W K P O P T D P T A T M G T I support lowering the speed limit outside ALL schools. Following the issues our community are having down Links Ave, I cannot understand how Mount Maunganui Intermediate (MMI) has been left off this list! The amount of buses, cars and traffic so close to a footpath feeding so many schools (Omanu Primary, MMC, MMI, Arataki) ... our kids need the council to prioritise their safety too!

Please ensure the speed limit is well signposted. A simple 40km sign won’t cut it. There needs to be a flashing digital sign (solar powered) as per outside busy Auckland schools.

Thanks Yes Nicky Omanu c c c c c c c c c c e e e e e I completely agree with changes to Tara, Parton, Domain & Pap Beach Rd.

I believe the speed limit also needs reducing to 40kmph on the busy section of Domain Rd from Tahati Cove to Pap Beach Rd as it is getting more dangerous every time I cross at the crossing (outside Z petrol station) with countless people not stopping - often because they're going way too fast.

Also, something needs to be done about traffic & speeding on Dickson Rd - it is ridiculous & damgerous the speeds people are travelling along this road & it just keeps getting worse. This is an urban area with many children & older residents crossing to go to & from the beach.

Yes Thankyou. Papamoa Beach c c c c c e e e e c c c c e c The speed is not the problem. The problem is drivers not knowing the road code. So many drivers don’t Indicate , don’t know how to use No roundabouts, driving in a fast lane and holding traffic. TCC should closely work with police to monitor the drivers not driving to the road code. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No Please leave Parton Rd and Papamoa Beach Rds speed limits as they currently are. Papamoa Beach c c c c c a c c a c c c c c c Yes It is proven that speed kills and any reduction will reduce injuries and save lives. Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e support all, more problems of vehicles using alternate routes in papamoa. Volume of traffic is horrendous. Council needs to look at installing speed Yes humps. Un-named police vehicle and speed cameras maybe Papamoa Beach e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes yes I support the proposal Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Would like speed limit on Maranui Street reduced to 50kms to at least Pacific View roundabout. Really needs a pedestrian crossing and speed Yes reduction c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c Yes Totally support reducing the speed limit on Papamoa Beach Road to 50km Papamoa Beach c c c c c c c c e c c c c c c Yes Thank you!!! x3. Have been in discussion with TCC on this since 2017 Welcome Bay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e No How bloody ridiculous, Speeds should be increasing not decreasing, why slow Tauranga down? Palm Springs a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

No I don’t think it is necessary what you need to do is put signs up and road marking at Aquinas College, there just isn't any, it lets people know school here Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Yes Reduced speeds, pyes pa. Concerns about appropriate signage Pyes Pa e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Yes Regarding Welcome Bay Road. Wants further action on speeds along road Welcome Bay c e c c c c c c c c c c c c c Yes Reduced speeds, pyes pa. Aquinus College Speed reduced. Pyes Pa c c c e c c c c c c e c c c c No Traffic is slow enough, keep it flowing Mount Maunganui a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a No speed reductions not needed. Especially in mount and Papamoa regions Papamoa Beach c c c c c a a a a c c c c c c No Tauranga needs better enforcement before we change speeds on roads. Wants better parking Pyes Pa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a