
COVID-19 Administration

What You Need To Know Navigating the System


Take Note



1 2/4/2021


• There are no planner or presenter Conflicts of Interest for this program



• Chat box • Question & answers • Polls


2 2/4/2021

Connecticut Nurses Association COVID-19 Web Page


Americans have rated nurses as the #1 most ethical and honest profession, according to the most recent Gallup poll (2020). https://nurse.org/articles/nursing-ranked-most-honest-profession/ 5

COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar Series

Webinar # 1 COVID-19 Vaccine: Nurse to Nurse Chat – all about vaccine development and prescribing information (pharmacist-led presentation)

Webinar # 2 COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know- More than a needle in the arm – all about nurses’ role regarding vaccine administration and how mass clinics work

Webinar # 3 COVID-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know- Navigating the System – all about the different ways nurses can become vaccinators



3 2/4/2021

A Little Bit About Yourself In what setting do you currently work? • Hospital (inpatient/outpatient) • Public Health/Community Health • Home Care • Medical Office • Long-Term Care • School System • University/Faculty • Not Currently Working • Retired • Other


A Little Bit About Yourself Are you currently working in a COVID-19 vaccination clinic?

• Yes, MRC member (volunteer) • Yes, • Yes, health system • Yes, federally qualified health center • Not yet, planning to sign up • Not yet, completed DPH survey, waiting to be called • No, just here to learn • Other


4 2/4/2021

Tonight's Agenda Answers to Your Questions

• WHO is eligible to work in a mass vaccination clinic? • WHAT are the requirements to work as a vaccinator? • WHERE can nurses register to work? • WHEN will I be contacted to work? • WHY should nurses know about Connecticut-specific licensing? • HOW can I get more information to support my work in a mass vaccination clinic?



Christian D. Andresen, MPH, CPH

Section Chief

Practitioner Licensing & Investigations Section Connecticut Department of Public Health

Main Phone (860) 509-7552


5 2/4/2021


Marcia B. Proto, M.ED, CAS

Executive Director

CT League for Nursing & CT Center for Nursing Workforce, Inc.


Upcoming Start Date: April 5, 2021

This 100% online Boot Camp supports licensed nurses with previous Acute Care or Long-Term Care experience who have been out of the nursing workforce for LESS than 10 years and have an ACTIVE RN license to re-enter the workforce.


FREE tuition to CT Nurses who qualify.

To Register: Contact Peggy Mallick, CLN Program Manager at [email protected] or 203-915-6952


6 2/4/2021

I want to be a vaccinator


PAID vaccinator

VOLUNTEER vaccinator


7 2/4/2021


Joseph Albanese, PhD

CT HCC Readiness and Response Coordinator

Radiation Biodosimetrist Assist. Clinical Professor of Therapeutic Radiology

Yale New Haven Health System Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response; and Yale University School of Medicine

Connecticut Healthcare Coalition - https://cthcc.org/


COVID-19 Vaccinator Registry

February 4, 2021

Joseph Albanese, PhD CT HCC Readiness and Response Coordinator Center for Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response Yale New Haven Health, and Yale School of Medicine


8 2/4/2021

Vaccine Allocation

January 19 update



Overview of Phase 1b and Timeline


9 2/4/2021

Purpose of the Registry

. Situational event: COVID-19 vaccine administration for pay • Mitigate potential (anticipated) staffing shortage • Demand limited by vaccine supply

. Healthcare professional vaccinators • Actively licensed nurses, physician assistants, physicians • Pay rate set by vaccine provider • Vaccination provider covers liability • Vaccine provider is responsible for vetting vaccinators

. Enrollment began January 13 • ~ 2, 000 vaccinators in the first 24 hours • > 12, 000 vaccinators as of today


Requested Information at Time of Enrollment

. Name and contact info . Medical profession . License number and expiration date . Years of service . Counties willing to work . Shifts willing to work

. Enrollment link: https://keysurvey.ynhh.org/f/41544000/1058/


10 2/4/2021

Requesting the Registry

1. Register with www.cthcc.org

2. Wait for confirmation email. Log in with credentials

3. Click registry file to download



Stephanie R. Paulmeno DNP, MS, RN, NHA, CPH, CCM, CDP

Public Health Promotion Specialist Greenwich Department of Health

Connecticut Nurses’ Association President


11 2/4/2021

The Medical Reserve Corps

A ZOOM Webinar Presentation to the CT Nurses’ Association Membership: February 4, 2021 6:30 to 7:30 PM Panelist: Stephanie Paulmeno, DNP, MS, RN, NHA, CPH, CCM, CDP Public Health Promotion Specialist: Greenwich Department of Health President: CT Nurses’ Association


The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

 A national network of local volunteers

 MRCs work locally to strengthen public health

 Reduce community vulnerability

 Build resiliency & capacity to respond  Enhance a community’s preparedness- response  Expand a community’s recovery-capacity


12 2/4/2021

Historical Perspective of the MRC

2002: President George Bush established the USA Freedom Corps (Post 911 era). The U.S.DHHS launched the MRC as a demonstration project in an effort to engage US citizen-volunteers with health backgrounds to create skilled medical units that could be called into action (42 community-based units were formed) 2006: Congress passed the Pandemic & All Hazards Preparedness Act/created the MRC (500 MRC units were now in place nationwide) 2009/10: 50,000 MRC volunteers responded to the H1N1 Influenza outbreak (immunizations/flu care)


2012: Hurricane Sandy inspired 36,000 MRC-volunteer hours in shelters, hospitals, emergency management agencies & DoH providing emergency communications and health education assistance 2014: Ebola in the USA: over 150 MRC units responded to provide 14,000 volunteer hours to case screening, education, and surveillance support 2016: ZIKA in Puerto Rico: Community & public education support was provided to 17,000 people 2017: Multiple Hurricanes: Over 100 MRC units supported dialysis, behavioral health, supportive care, veterinary care, call centers and evacuations. 2018: MRC units responded to California wildfires. They assisted with communications and provided medical services at shelters and evacuation centers


13 2/4/2021

2020: COVID-19 Pandemic: Over 400 MRC units across the country responded & are still responding to response efforts in local communities: . COVID Testing . Epidemiology & Surveillance . Contact Tracing . Telehealth monitoring . Medical surge services . Community Screening . Behavioral Health

MRC. (n. a.) (2020). Creating Prepared and Resilient Communities: The history of the Medical Reserve Corps Program. ASPR. Department of Health & Human Services/MRC. Retrieved from https://mrc.hhs.gov/file/004_MRC-History-Fact-Sheet_508.pdf.


MRC Volunteers Have Options!

 Work in any one of 10 regions across the country

 Choose a State or Territory of interest to you

 Prepare to lead an MRC Unit as a Unit Coordinator Match volunteers’ skills & schedules with the community’s emergency response needs and public health initiatives

 Register your organization as a partner

 MRC units work with local hospitals, health departments & other collaborating organizations


14 2/4/2021

The Medical Reserve Corps in CT

 Connecticut has 23 Medical Reserve Corps Units

 They are grouped into five (5) ESF-Regions

 Members of the Connecticut Medical Reserve Corps Units include health and public health professionals from many varied backgrounds, support staff, and community citizens who want to participate in a variety of non-medical ways


Are YOU Hearing the Clarion Call? “Local health, safety & preparedness begins with you” (CTResponds)  As a nurse you have general & unique skills that can benefit your community  APRNs & Clinical Nurse Specialists have additional areas of expertise  LPNs, RNs, APRN, CNS, Doctorate-Prepared Nurses each have unique gifts to offer; the MRC has room for all  Nurses are leaders with knowledge of all other fields of health practice  Nurses are THE MOST TRUSTED health practitioners


15 2/4/2021

What Does It Mean to be an MRC member?

 Professional pride and contribution  Personal sense of pride and accomplishment  Earned respect for valued work  Enhanced self-esteem  Knowing that you are making a difference  Inter/Intra professional collaboration  Leadership/fellowship/team “playership”  Capacity-building & collaboration-building


All MRC Members Are Sworn-in

Loyalty Oath “I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter.”

CT General Statutes, Title 28-1


16 2/4/2021


Navigating MRC Web Pages https://ctresponds.ct.gov/


17 2/4/2021

Requirements of MRC Registration

 Be prepared to show and substantiate your credentials:  Current  Unencumbered  Fill out your form on-line at the CTResponds website  Pledge the Loyalty Oath  Be an active member:  Participate in MRC meetings  Engage in information sharing with other MRC units  Contribute to your MRC’s unit profile  Participate  Stay connected with your MRC leadership/team


Governor Lamont’s Executive Order April 5, 2020: Emergency order protects healthcare professionals from civil liability r/t COVID health care services; and extends Temporary Practice Permits; defined healthcare professionals as those being licensed in any state, retired, or with an inactive license April 7, 2020: Emergency authorization provided to medical students/other health professional graduates to practice despite licensure not yet having been attained December 18, 2020: Authorization was given for continued temporary suspension of the requirements for licensure, certification or registration of out-of-state providers.


18 2/4/2021

Public Health/Medical MRC Activities

 Health Promotion  Disease Prevention  Vaccination clinics/Mass treatment events : • Schools, children, seniors, special needs populations • Health Fairs • Seasonal Flu Clinics • Mass Immunization Events (i.e.: COVID-19)  Health Education  Health Clinic Support/Staffing


MRC Activities for Emergency Preparedness & Response

• Mass Dispensing/Mass • Hospital Surge Capacity (at hospital site) • Pandemic Flu Planning • Alternate Care Facilities • National Preparedness • First Responder Rehab Month • Mass Casualty • Preparedness Incident/Emergency Information Campaigns Medical Response • Strategic National Stockpile • • Special Needs Shelters Shelter Operations/Support


19 2/4/2021

Emergency Declarations Matter!!!

 Declarations are legal contracts; they can change laws  All governors have authority to declare states of emergency; depending on the state, other, too can have this authority  Emergency declarations can activate provisions for funding, personnel, equipment, supplies, and technical assistance  Emergency declarations can:  trigger waivers of certain laws,  Remove regulatory mandates  Activate emergency protocols/system


Why are Emergency Declarations Important?

 Declarations are legal contracts/can change laws.  All governors have authority to declare States of Emergency; in some states, others, too can have this authority  Emergency declarations activate the provision re: funding, personnel, equipment, supplies, and technical assistance; they can trigger waivers of laws, removal of regulatory mandates, and activation of emergency protocols and systems.


20 2/4/2021

The Emergency Law Inventory (ELI)

Liability: • A state statute or regulation can protect you from being held legally responsible, it does not prevent you from being sued • Granted-immunity protects you against legal proceedings. License Reciprocity: • Each state can initiate waiver of licensure laws in an emergency Scope of Practice Issues: • In a declared emergency each state can make scope of practice changes. Workers’ benefits: • Injury concerns • Job protection while on assignment



CT DPH. (n. a.) (2021) Welcome to CT Responds. CT-DPH/MRC website. Retrieved from https://Preparedness/MainPage/Medical-Reserve-Corps CTResponds. (n. a.) (2020). The Medical Reserve Corps. ASPR/US.gov. U.S.-DHHS. Retrieved from https://mrc.hhs.gov/HomePage McCormack. K. (2020). Capitol Region Medical Reserve Corps. PowerPoint Presentation. Presented at the Retired Nurses Group/ CNA. October 2020. Medical Reserve Corps-CT.gov. (n. a.) (2021). State of Connecticut Portal. Retrieved from https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Public- Health-Preparedness/Main-Page/Medical-Reserve-Corps MRC. (n. a.) (2020). Creating Prepared and Resilient Communities: The history of Medical Reserve Corps Program. ASPR. Department of Health & Services/MRC. Retrieved from https://mrc.hhs.gov/file/004_MRC-History- FactSheet_508.pdf.


21 2/4/2021

Vaccine Administration Resources

1. Qualified Workforce: Sign Up to administer to CT residents

2. Stay informed about the vaccine & dissemination

3. Stay informed about COVID-19

4. Role model a calm and thoughtful reaction



Vaccine Administration Resources



22 2/4/2021

Vaccine Administration Resources

American Nurses Association

Guiding Principles for Nurses and the COVID-19 Vaccines

• Access • Transparency • Equity • Efficacy • Safety

https://www.nursingworld.org/~4a94ba/glob alassets/covid19/vaccines/guiding- principles-for-nurses-and-the-covid19- vaccine_v2.pdf


Vaccine Administration Resources



23 2/4/2021

Vaccine Administration Resources



Vaccine Administration Resources


24 2/4/2021


• There are many ways nurses can be involved in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout • Vaccinate • Educate

• Know your state-specific licensing requirements for vaccinators

• There are many COVID-19 vaccine administration resources available to nurses


Thank You

Self Care Resources Explore short video clips, check lists, self assessment, articles and more to learn about ways to support your wellness

Wellness Series Webinars On Demand Events

Many topics addressing the different areas of wellness From topics to support your professional/career development, to mindfulness to inspiration - all directed towards your self care.

If you missed a webinar, you can still watch and get a continuing education contact hour credit

Upcoming Events Check out the calendar and register for upcoming Wellness Series Webinars!


25 2/4/2021

Thank You Nurses Care for Connecticut

Support Ongoing Work on Behalf of Nursing $15/month

www.CTNurses.org 51