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© in This Web Service Cambridge University Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19650-5 - The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements Edited by Olav Hammer and Mikael Rothstein Index More information Index Abd al-Rahman, Umar, 275 Amway, 25 Abd Al-Salam Farraj, Muhammad, Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, 275 242 ACIM, see Course In Miracles, A Ananda Marga movement, 74 Acts, 84 Anandamurti, 73 Adam, 64 Anastasia movement, 293 adaptive movements, 17 ancient astronaut theory, 168 Adi Granth, see Granth Sahib Anglican Book of Common Prayer, Adi Shakti, 73 307 adventism, 65 Anglican Church of the Nigeria, 305 Aetherius Society, 72 Anonymous (Internet activist group), African Baptist Church, 305 38–39 African Independent Churches, 76 Anthony, Dick, 88 Afro-Brazilian religion, 303 Anthroposophy, 115 Agbebi, Mojola, 305 Anthroposophical Society, 67 Agni Yoga Society, 241 anti-cult movement, see NRMs, Aguéli, Ivan, 204 tension with surrounding society Ahmad, Ghulam, 316 Apocalypse (New Testament book), Ahmadiyya movement, 316 see Revelation (New Testament Airaudi, Oberto, 241 book) Aiwass, 115 Apocalypse (newsletter of Raelian Akashic records, 67 movement), 173 Aladura movement, 307 Applewhite, Marshall Herff, 90 Alawiyya Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ, The neo-Sufi movement, renamed 258 Maryamiyya, 206 Aquino, Michael, 222 Sufi order, 204 Arabiyya order, 204 al-Banna, Hassan, 315 ARAMIS (Raëlian Association of Alexandrian Witchcraft, 159 Sexual Minorities), 177 Alice Lakwena, 309 Arcane School, 67 Alpert, Richard, see Ram Dass Argüelles, José, 259 Al-Qa’ida, 266, 267, 271, 273, 279, Arnold, Kenneth, 168 313 Arundale, George, 239 Al-Takfir wal-Hijra, 275 Arundale, Rukmini, 239 al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 275 Arya Samaj, 64 AmaNazaretha, 308 astrology, 161 Amish, 141 Atlantis, 67 Amitabha Society for Collective audience cult, 118 Practice, see Li Yuansong auditing (in Scientology), 18 Amitabha Village, see Li Yuansong Aum Shinrikyo, 3 321 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19650-5 - The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements Edited by Olav Hammer and Mikael Rothstein Index More information 322 Index aura, 7 Bose, Subhas Chandra, 74 Autobiography of a Yogi, 253 Brahma Kumaris, 253 ayahuasca, 105–08 “brainwashing” theory, 142 Ayurvedic medicine, 255 Branch Davidians, 18 Azande, 251 Bridge to Total Freedom, 18 Azzam, Abdullah, 277 British Israelism, 65 Bromley, David, 15 Báb, the, 86 Brotherhood of Cross and Star, Babb, Lawrence, 187 76 Bach, Edward, 254 Brotherhood of the Sun, 68 Bach flower remedies, 254 Brown, Dan, 258 Baha’i, 86 Buckland, Raymond, 153 Bahá’ulláh, 86 Budapest, Zsuzsanna, 153 Baigent, Michael, 258 Buddha, 70 Bailey, Alice, 67 Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 33 Bainbridge, William Sims, 118 Burnier, Radha S., 239 Ballard, Guy and Edna, 241 butsudan shrine, 103 Bamba, Ahmadu, 313 Bamidele, Abdul Salami, 314 Caddy, Peter and Eileen, 252 Bamidele movement, 314 Calvary Chapel, 16 Barker, Eileen, 14 Candide, 201 Barry, W. F., 151 Candomblé, 303 Baum, Lyman Frank, 240 canonical texts, 113 Be Here Now, 253 Cao Dai movement, 74 Beckford, James, 251 CAP (Coordination des Associations Bell, Catherine, 110 et Particuliers pour la liberté de Bereslavski, Rev. Ioann, 293 Conscience), 178 Berg, David Brandt, see Berg, Moses Capra, Fritjof, 253 David cargo cults, 76 Berg, Maria, 84 Catholic Church, 84 Berg, Moses David, 25 Cayce, Edgar, 250 Berger, Peter, 200 Celestine Prophecy, The 118 Bergier, Jacques, 168 Chabad-Lubavich movement, 73 Besant, Annie, 237 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,3 68 Bhagavadgita, 25 chakras, 7 Bhagwan Rajneesh, see Rajneesh Chakras, The 254 movement Chandogya Upanishad, 248 bhakti, 100 Channeling, see also New Age, Bible, 113 channeling in Bid’a Yan Izala, 315 charisma, 5–6 bin Laden, Osama, 266, 272, 273, 276, definition of, 81–82 279 loss of, 88–89 Bjerregaard, Carl, 204 routinization of, 6 Black Muslims, see Nation of Islam Charmed, 33 Blackwood, Algernon, 240 Cherubim and Seraphim movement, Blake, William, 248 307 Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 67 Chesterton, G. K., 151 Blue Star Theosophical Lodge, 241 Children of God, see Family Boisselier, Brigitte, 179 International Book of Dzyan, 117 Chopra, Deepak, 255 Book of Enoch, 256 Christ in New Religious Movements, Book of Mormon, 64 see Jesus in New Religious Bori cult, 314 Movements © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19650-5 - The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements Edited by Olav Hammer and Mikael Rothstein Index More information Index 323 Christaquarians, 258 Dee, John, 256 Christian Mystic Lodge of the TS, 241 deism, 205 Christian Science, 65 deprogramming, 48–49 Christos, Maria Devi, 292 Dianetics, 35, 69, 122, 133, 135, 136, Church Missionary Society (CMS), 305 138 Church of All Worlds, 33 Dianic Witchcraft, 153 Church of Christ, Scientist, 65 Dievturi movement, 72 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Dinet, Etienne, 204 Saints, see Mormonism dispensationalism, 65 Church of Satan, 215 Divine Light Mission, 2, 46 Church of Scientology, Divine Principle, 74 see Scientology Dowling, Levi, 258 Church of Scientology, The 134 Drew, Ali, 305 Church of the Last Testament, 293 Durant, Will, 135 Church of the Twelve Apostles, 306 Dvorkin, Alexander, 296 Church Universal and Triumphant, 241 Eberhardt, Isabelle, 204 church–sect typology, 14 Eckankar, 242 clear (Scientology term), 18 Edda literature, 154 client cult, 248 Eddy, Mary Baker, 86 Clonaid, 172 Edison, Thomas A., 240 cloning, 172 Église de Jésus Christ sur la Terre par Coats, John S., 239 Le Prophète Simon Kimbangu, Cohen, Andrew, 253 308 commentary (textual genre), 116 Elijah Muhammad, 75 Conversations with God, 118 elohim, 18 Conze, Edward, 240 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 248 Corrywright, Dominic, 248 Emmanuel, Christianah Abiodun, 307 Coulomb, Emma, 237 engrams, 18, 138 counterculture movement, 188 enneagram, 250 Course in Miracles, A, 115 Episcopal Church of Liberia, 305 coven, 157 Episcopalianism, 16 Covenant of the Goddess, 157 Esalen Institute, 252 Craft, The 33 Esoteric Buddhism, 117 Creme, Benjamin, 241 esotericism, 99 Crosbie, Robert, 237 Essenes, 250 Crowley, Aleister, 115 est (Erhard Seminar Training), 19 Crowther, Samuel Ajayi, 305 Evangelical Christians, 126 crystals, occult properties of, 7 Evans, Warren Felt, 249 cult movement, 248 Evans-Wentz, Walter Y., 240 cultic milieu, 134 Eve, 70 cultural disembedding and re-embedding, 215 Factors, The 122 cyclic view of history, 66–69, 235 Falun Gong (Falun Dafa), 29–30 Family International, 2 Da Free John, 72 Father Divine, 77 daimoku chanting practice, 103 Fellowship of Isis, 160 Damanhur, 241 Felt, George Henry, 232 darshan, 188 Ferguson, Marilyn, 247 Darwinism, 172 Findhorn Community, 252 Da Vinci Code, The 258 FIREPHIM (Fédération Internationale Davitashvili, Dzhuna, 287 des Religions et Philosophies Dawson, Lorne, 90 Minoritaires), 178 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19650-5 - The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements Edited by Olav Hammer and Mikael Rothstein Index More information 324 Index Firth, Violet Mary, see also Fortune, Haqqaniyya order, 209 Dion Hardy, Patricia, 223 Fishman, Steven, 36 Hare Krishna, see ISKCON Fitzgerald, Edward, 203 Hargrove, Ernest T., 237 flirty fishing, 18 Harris, William Wade, 305 Fortune, Dion, 241 Hay, Louise, 255 Founding Church of Scientology vs. Hayy ibn Yaqzan, 201 United States, 138 Heathenry, 160 Fourth Way, 206 Heaven’s Gate, 26 Fraternitas Saturni, 217 Hebrew Bible, 113 Free Zone, 141 Heelas, Paul, 247 Freemasonry, 206 Heindel, Max, 241 Fundamentalist Church of Latter- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, day Saints, see Mormon 256, see also Order of the Golden fundamentalism Dawn Hermeticism, 69 Gardner, Gerald, 152 Hesse, Hermann, 252 Gaudiya Vaishnavism, see ISKCON Hizbullah, 265 Geller, Uri, 251 Hodgson, Richard, 236 Genealogy of Morals, 217 Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The Genesis, 169 258 Raelian understanding of, 70 Holy Grail, 258 Geniocracy, 173 Holy Spirit, 84–85 genres of religious texts, see religious Holy Spirit Mobile Forces (HSMF), genres 310 Gilmore, Peter H., 221 homoeopathy, 254 Glastonbury, 209 Horton, Robin, 304 glocalization, 199, 318 Hours with the Mystics, 234 Gnostic Church, 205 Houteff, Victor, 66 Gnosticism, 69 Howell, Vernon, see Koresh, David Gobind Singh, 86 Hozho Foundation for Wellbeing, 107 God of the Witches, The 152 Hubbard, Ron Lafayette, 25 Godianism, 313 Human Potential Movement, 247 gohonzon mandala, 103 Humphreys, Christmas, 240 Graham, James, 201 Hutin, Serge, 168 Granth Sahib, 86 Hyperboraeans, 67 Great White Brotherhood (USMALOS), 292 I AM movement, 68 Grimassi, Raven, 153 I Ching, 253 Grimes, Ronald, 110 Iamblichus, 234 Grist for the Mill, 253 Ibn Taymiyya, 276 Grubb, Randell C., 237 Idries Shah, 208 Guénon, René, 207 Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Gumi, Al-Hajj, 315 312 Gurdjieff, Georges, 72, 206 Ijo Orunmila, 312 Guru Nanak, 86 Ikhwan al-Safa, 201 Guyard Report, 178 Imams (in shiism), 72 Initiation: Human and Solar, 250 Habermas, Jürgen, 180 Intelligent Design theory, 172 Hafez, 203 International Pagan Federation, 157 Hahnemann, Samuel, 254 Isis Unveiled, 234 Hamas, 264 ISKCON, 2, 126 Hanegraaff, Wouter J., 247 rituals in, 100–2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19650-5 - The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements Edited by Olav Hammer and Mikael Rothstein Index More information Index 325 Jamat-i-Islami,
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