Volume 40 Number 16 Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Friday, October 24, 1975

C £ -C x \ \ C ^ C T x$ Q . *

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Office Space

The University of California chain i» The tm tvm ity mkedthr trmtee* lor 0/1 renowned at a reiearch oriemrd inititu- truileri for office qtar e but wai alltx ated lion. The »une university and collrgei only IV Additional ttailen were rrluied {• system o»ien»ibly draw* in strength from because of itatewide demand lor them iu faculty. and lack ol need at Poly.

Executive Dealt Douglui Ceraid iayi However, the iruitrei of the itaie un- placing the faculty in Chair wai a com- iveriily teem to be putting a low priority romiie with the truiteei when the tut- on their moat valuable employer Like iveriily appeu appealed the deciiion not (ogive everyone elie, the faculty it feeling the Poly the 2ft trailer! it recjueited, crunch of overcrowded fatiliiiet. Ihoie faculty memben who have found Slicking faculty in whatever iparr it thrmielvei relocated from Tenaya Hall to available no matter how inadequate l u g Chair Hall are feeling it acutely. makeihift way to run a univenity. Claim ­ ing there i a lack of need at Poly while placing faculty in a building that'i a riSSJij Chaw it the new home of the academic known liability riik it fcxtliih. wnate officer International Students Bureau and theofficeiof the Hittory and Hiitory initrudor Dr. l.loyd Here her, a Philotophy Department! (acuity new cx c 111*.iin of Chaw, told the Muitang memben. All eight of the philosophy Daily: "John Hartford wrote a tong initructon have their own officer while about earthquake!, H r laid the TO • tin of the hiitory itafTmuit ihare a 10x1 rumbling! in mother earth'i heart are office with a colleague. Mtmeihing we'll have to live with."

Ai if thit were not bad enough, Chare Hie univenity iltould apprul the' wai one of the Poly buildingi lound to be drrim n again and trqueil more trailer*. It itructurally deficient after itatr building jo N fi’l make irn w for the truiteei to tell code* were reviled after the 1071 Sylntar- the lucidly to live with die rumbling! "Th# problem with Hudpnla nowaday* la fhay Han Fernando Valley earthquake, CH don t know how to act their age •

department know Dr. imixwed on any itudrnt, no m liililialori is to put all Eggs Burroughi uiu! wr have a matter what that iludettl'i itudenii or groupri that great deal of reined for her religious < teed ii, w nnhlp the wiong gcxf, or and her knowledge ol nutrl* II dtii ii ttue, then Dr. believe dte wiong dogma, In Editor: T h i» letter it in regardi to Burroughi, ihe would hiai with adininlurajive duty don, ju h Drowni' article "Eggi probably think twice about in d im t defiance of the legal­ Make Th e Grade". Th e aril- making a imoment like that, ly guatanteed u p .nation ol Obvlouily die Cluliilan cle wai about eggi and their It waijulir'ireiponilbilliy to Church and State. way ii the only way. T h o w effect on bliNxi choleiterol who lake ext rpdon are mere­ interview Dr. Burroughi to Both Mr. Greenberg and it ii very belittling to Dr, ly "Itceniioui wlf-centeredi" gain knowledge about egaIK* Dr. Kennedy Itave die right to Burroughs I and many other ike who iniiil la* op|M»rd on all and i holrtterol, not to mut abhor homoirxuallty, But girli in the home economic! Itoiili ai un-holy privrrti. value judgrmenti of her, along with in right, they alio level. Th e paragraph that Leslie Harper Itave the reipontlbllliy id not The Phariiee, Mr, upwt me it at follows: " Aik- liniawing by edic t their con- rd to name the major riik Grrrtthrig, not only paradei GSU cept of proper lexual (acton, Dr. Burroughi the |m i In lion rd hii holineH behavior on thoir whole replied, ‘obeiity, hyperten- Editor: in public, but he alio judgei rellgioui intetprriationi do lion, imoking, lack of exer- David C rrrnbrtg't letter ol the holineii ol olhen by the not agree with their own, ciw, hereditary prediipoii- -Odobri With praising Pteii- light of hit own piety. The lion to heart diwaw, and dent Kennedy's opposition u> la deny a groupgtoup ihei uwof Publican, on the other hand, diet,' ai ihe then took a puff the riiabliihineni of a Gay campui_____ lacililiei J f i it lt . ______hriauw knowi that only God, and of her cigarette". Julieilait Student'! Union on Campui that gtoup diH-i not meaiure not man, can judge a u nd 'i comment in thii paragraph impliei that Dt. Kennedy‘i up with the "high moral true lanctily. wai abmlulrly mu .bled for, Chriiltan brlieli ihould be ilandardi" id loiur ad­ Burr Hoaley

Authantlc Franch Country Style Culalna PICK YOUR OWN PUMPKINS Dinners 13.75-17.00 Cal Poly Vagatabla Plaid Dally Menu Variation Good Franch Win# Selection (naar Hwy. 1) Tima: Sal. and Sun. Oot. 26-26 ^ M o u s t a c h e 6:00 am-4:00 pm Prloa: 26o-$1.00 RESTAURANT FRANCAI8 K AMI t ',M IN I ' MUM IH< •ponaorad by Cal Poly Cropa Club an MAIN. MORRO BAY (805) 772-3308 KC

r% fmtuni 6sa^ ^6analR

Fair through Saturday with patchy Co-editors CA m XX Art Direc tor DISCLAIMS* m w trtitl It D T Q T T cm iniaJ Ikfiatii m lfi f|.| iaiiiraiadiiiial h im . Frtd Vulin Paul Mono pa review 9www w»ei a - n r tar H a a r w w ,i* ,fh i, prar l o w c / o u c / i. Coolor, with hlght today Pete Xing pMM> miih priHilfia Ii imh la b ian#im#d Sporti Editor SB ill fft|BN4 999 lfft|lllyfl IfldflfafllfBf 999 and tommorrow In tho mid 60'i, Associate Editors tfrllMtilwn at mmH iwnm«Ml»l «fniw«i In Jon Hailingi ih» Swot I*mM ktwltnu. Im . M lh» lalMia L o w s In tho m id SO'i to l o w 4 0 ' s . Sieve Chum nM Fultmhflii law lal»»r*ti,. Im LaU , 1 ' ■... .■..V ■1 ’...... Jim Sweeney Circulation Manager OUipw CWM* raaw IM, I t t t f k U Aim Connu Btcchio Martin S. McMahan BulMInf l^uMdid §99999 flfvta • tr4aFlaa ib xh.rnl >••, tn w p i hulMavi wad m m i L a tta ri Publication* Manager Prcxiuction Manager I* Mm Aw nI*mM kiuMnu Im ., Wayne Hnllmgihrad Hob Craft (•IMmhO FdI.imhnM lUM I nltm lit, Muitang Daily welcomei without a lignaturr and itu> l*,, UMOkUp, (jlilomif Primal In Mm Irtlrra from all viewpoint!, dent I D numlrer. We reserve Photo Editor Miatrnu In l.iwphl. turn length of letter! ihould fie the1 right U) edit for libel and Foreman miMlttilWM. OpHnlMM w tptm w d In Milt Tom Ktltty Richard Hint |Mpwt In MfiwM rUliorlaU wn4 miMIm h i honied to ISO wordi— ly|)ed length. Sorry, but no poetry llM >l««! nt llM MlMM Mil la MN nMMMfl. urid double ipitcrd, letters ii accepted Hi mg lelten U? national A/lain Editor Web Manager ayIt rnuifaeiii"apff—win ivwtin iMitnliiiiaiipifim iw n m l i tin i w alaffit a ffi m a , i will not be prubliihrd Graphic Aril, Room 220 n»»« at Mm CwmIiuM MnManw. Im ., mu Mario Machado Ed (iilbtrl atlMal iiplaMm P h o n n : 5 4 6 - 1 1 4 3

r OMWrMtWI Nut The EOP Equal Opportunity For Learning Or Laziness? by FRED VVUN T'oday, the Associated income and minority Wallace antwert that charge Daily Co-Editor Mtudent* Inc. contribute* au- •indent*. in term* of accettibility to the ptoximaicly fl6,0OO for the For the 1973-74 academic univenity of the low-income The letter* EO F »tand lor 000 EO P ttudent* registered year, the ethnic breakdown ttudent. more than Educational Op* here, wat a* follow*: "Student* thould be able pot (unity Program, Collected from regula­ Native Americani, 1; to go to the univenity of their T o tome, P.OP represent! a tion fee*, the majority of the black*, 98; Chicanoi, 7A; choice," tayt Wallace. 'They charter to break the cycle of money (|M,000) i* uied for Cuban, Latin, A;Oriental, 19; ihouldn't be reiuicted to the poverty, For other*, the tuurrial program* while §7,- other non-white, flj white, 20 community college in the program T il rip-off giving 000 i» allocated for financial and no tetponie and other, area." non*a< liiever* a free ride, It grant*. The remainder it 12. i* a program not found wan­ u»ed for orientation, Statewide, biackt repreient Each year at Poly there are ting in toniroverty. Another part of E O P 48 per cent of the ttudentt in threat* the ASl w ill cut-off POP it, however, an which it often throuded in t the tyitem, Chicanoi, 96 per fund* for E O P — or at lean arademir in*tiiutirm which controverty dealt with that cent, Native American* 6 per other budgeted group* who i* surrounded by ignorance tegmeni of the ttudent cent, Atiant 3 per cent and feel EOP money it mittpent. and ditioriion*. population which iteligible white* 6 per cent. Wallace attribute* thi* am­ One of the area* o! greateti for admission under the ... E O P (alia under ipict bivalent feeling toward* hit controversy in the program program. guideline* by the ttate and it program . center* around the question According to the director evaluated each year by the of how mu< h it co*l» the *tate of the program here, Carl Coordinating Council for Pint, he tayt, tome and each university which Wallace, an EOP ttudent it Higher Education. Itt fin­ ttudentt don't want their ac­ support* a program, ding* are then tubmitted to tivities money spent on the one who "hat the potential to Mince it* inception (under the Legitlature and the program. Secondly, he tayt perform tatitfactorily on the Harmer, MB 1070), the »iate » governor for review, college level, but who hat not tome opposition it due to contribution to the Califor­ Student* cannot take lei* been able to raaliie that raciim. He adds, other nia Mtate University and potential became of than 12 unit* per quarter,— ttudentt don’t know enough College* (the University of Among white*, a economic, cultural or about the program to back it California i* adminitiered traditional attack on the educational background or while the fourth group, he under different auspice*) ha* environment," program hat been theaccuta- tayt, lim p ly feel they rown from §2,960,000 in tion EOP it a duplication of are competing for the tame f(M0 trr §6.6 m illion for (hit Wallace tayt there are no community college*. money. academic year. rac ial or ethnic quotas to fill, Of that §6.6 m illion figure, either at Cal Poly or almost §4,6 million come* in ttaiewide. According to Carl Wallace, EOP Director the form of Educational O p­ Wallace, the emphatit it portunity Program grant*. placed on recruiting low- EEjnnnEfin z i " J i r a HELD OVER 1AST 5 DAYS Committee To Study Rent Controls In the tradition of Shane and by]OE SANCHEZ rrtoluiion encountered little ttate trend*," he taid, "Th e term to indicate that the bat­ Dailiiy MAC Writer tle hat jutt begun. High Noon, a new Western Clank opfiotition from council Man Luii Obiipo comttruc - lion rate Irate of contiruction T h e ittue of the funding of Rent control in Man l-u ii member*, school council* wat alto Obiipo came one ttep rioter Mur Mtevrnion, rrprrten­ of new houtet) hat tpuried in resolved Wednesday night to rrality Wednetday night tative from Communicative the latt tix month* because of with the adoption of a com­ with unanimout adoption id Art* and Ifumanitiet, did the good opportunitiet the promise porpotal allocating t rrtoluiion on (touting by note, however, that the rent tight houting market offer* ten tent* for each full lime thr Mtudent Affair* Counc il, i iHttrol proposal migin invettort, equivalency ttudent (FTE) The rrtoluiion authorin'* aggravate the situation He predicted thi* tpurt in represented by the seven the rttablUhmrni of a ifiecial rather than tolve it. houting contiruction would school*. reht control ttudy committer Mhr taid that official* have end If the rent conuol which will report to MAC on indicated to tier that a referendum wat pgtted in This it a reduction of 16 the (eatibilily of placing a depretted ron*t ruction in- June. cent* per F T E from the — IAN JAN-M1CHAEL rent conuol referendum on duttry wat responsible (or original proposal for school thr June A primary election BANNEN VINCENT the houting thortage and City Councilman T , Keith touncil funding adopted latt ballot. Gurnee, who tpoke to the year, that rent control* would only «i BEN JOHNSON m'Mimf Council latt week, taw little b t U iH in nmmnunM m vmn«n» {fO4 The rrtoluiion, tpmnored ware away potential new in- likelihood of thee pattage of Ray Davit, representative by thr AMI ad hoc committee vettort in the houting in- ______RICH ARD BROOKS the rent conuol from Engineering and on houilna, alto would In- duttry. referendum. Technology, and chairman vntiiatr alternative* to the "If it't not impottible,” he of the AMl ad Hoc committee rent control referendum. Man larit Obiipo City taid, "It't a real uphill bat­ on council funding, taid the Planning Director Rob tle," ADDED COHIT- •imllar In content to Bill Mticmg erhord Mteventon * lot I allocation of money to /A-1, whic h wat ruled out of concern over the route- T h e pattage of the rent school council* would be f I ,• order Utl week by MAC quencet of the rent control conuol reiolution Wed net- 979.70, bated on an enroll­ "THE DEVILS RAIN" (fcairman Phil Bithop, the referendum. "Contrary to day night by MAC would ment of 19,797 F T E . ERNEST SORQNINE

NOW SHOWING NOT SINCE WIlKNITIi AT 7PM • 10:11 MATlNilSSATANOaUN LCVE STORY.- The trur Uory of |ill Kinmont I V II t ,|<< ) W ■> ill x r .i > 11 ii i k )< ) i /' Thr A m m a n Olympic «ki contender whoar tragic tall took everything but her lilir. / V); BEYOND ihiivI tlw courage « " Vi'l\ t*U‘ < i f ; ‘THE OTHER SIDE Of v Id o o r THEMOUNTAlNV ♦M»»MMM «t«t« tm Mia tin 4«iH%fi4a#H « m aat* tw m a-i. Wtitwrf r MtiwtiarMtat .sasciM/.N-MM-M , ,^|CI*S .mu mm iwNtiAMMum ttIMMI.i, atNMWAt* im«v rtP«M f mmt in** %>*•*<» a. i'

'This history 'History la

— * — ■ ■ ' ' ■ s It oxprattlng still happening

how I fool at far at

I'm conctrnocT about Cal Poly...'

Frod Gonthnor — Cal Poly historian, (Dally photo by Tony Hartz). Fred Genthner: Poly Is (Hls)story

by BONNIt B l’HNHTT »inte 19511— und the number two volumei. The lint quei. I le u w an oullinr with biology are upplied prut- releretue Itbturiun ul Bull Daily Stall Writer one Coil Poly hitinry buff volume contain! the hiitory categoric* mch ui utl- ti« ally. State I ’n ivrn iiy in Indiana, "In 1913, all Cal Poly’* Kred (lenthner, u Cul Poly of the yran in chronological miniiirullon and curriculum Puihing but k lui glunei lor lour yeun until he det id- illvrrwarf ramr from San librarian, wa* in tearrh for a order while the ictontl thungc* und then write* he mi id, "I never likrtl ed he touldn'i iiund the Quentin, and today w r buy hobby In I9B9 und hr found volume contain! inch hi* chapter* thronnlogiiully mrrtiorliing date*. You neetl winteri. new fumiihingi lor our what he wanted when hr territi ai thr hiitory of tfyr from that. to n r the trrndi und then the - hot (lenthner, hiitory hui library foundation and the. given him impiration for b u ild in g (rum thr eorrec- begun writing the hiitory of Hciidri all the college ovenlll pit lure— thing! tend weuther nation. A long more retirement project*, he tional facilitiei." Cal Poly. record* on campui, hii* to run in cycle*." .. "Peopledon't come here to memorial irrtinn with laid. "W hy that 'P' ha* been reirarrh require* many mile* Heartily approving Cul make hiitory, they come here obituuriei und biographical A i the flrtl book hr hai through a lot. During (hr of traveling to interview pro­ Poly * policy ol Hurting to Ire hiitory," (lenthner ikrnhr* ol proplr who have ever written, the hiiloriun- Republican convention, a plr for verification of fuel*. (reihmrn right oil in their and an 'O ’ were added in said •»' helped Poly will alio be in* librarian rnjoyi the reieurch, ‘O Mentioning that hr major, he wl*hr* hr had Covering 1901-1915, eluded. Right now he'd lie grateful to front ol it. Kre»no itatr uied lomrtimr* gen thr impulte known about Cal Poly when to try to make it into an 'K' (ienthner freli hit hiitory ii With ttO obituuriri und anyone who could tell hem to write at 5 a.m. on u Sunday hr wai.a itudrnt. before a game too." molding many Cul Poly over 40 biographic ul ikrlt hei Nicholai Kicriurdi, firit ac­ und iprnding all day typing, "Thi* hiitory iirxprruing Such convenational genu traditloni and evrnti that are alrrady written, he'i wrilini ting ptriidrnt of Poly, died. ig he concluded the hiitory he it how I frrl ulaiut (ail Poly come from the ihort, chubby fait being forgotten,------— over 500 minl-biogruphlei of "I really love writing recreating "it a joy to work ullrt 24 year*," he milled. librarian who hat been in Cellaring with hii hundi, people irom Cal Poly. thli," he tommrnird. "I'm on." * He'd like to give irrdit in charge of ipecial rollertioni (ienthner explained the (lenthner get* excited dii- learning ubout the real Cal "H iitory ii Hill happen* hii btxtk to (tropic who havr and the univm ity archive* hiitory hui been written into tuning hit rr*rurch trchnl- Poly und in pail." ing at far ai l m ro n m n rd . loitered vocational- My volume won't end until occupational emphuii* ul Running hit fingrn HOT ROCK PROM ENGLAND D n . SI, 1975." Cal Poly, through hii hair hr conclud­ Never having liked hiitory "It’» why we itirvivrd the ed, "I don't plan to rvrr in m hool, hr feel* it nredi to bud yean und thrived in the reully retire. I'm planning lie made rrlrvant to whut'i gotkI one*," hr laid. my tile pun (15 If my btxly hupttrning today in ihrium r Dirrttly before coming to will keep up with my mind, URIAH way that chrmiitry M Cal Poly he worked a* I'll lie all right." Jazz Concert ( Q ) l l f SlcJ "A n Evening of J b i i ,"T 1 HEEF concert to ihowcair *ome gem* of local artinry, will be PLUSIPCCIAL QUEST STANS, THE ORIQINAL prrientrd tomorrow night at 7:90 at thr Curitu College Auditorium.

I*hr in canon promiiei to SPIRIT lx- burning with exciting m undi from the company of PEATURINQ RANDY CALIFORNIA San Lui* Jai i , the Marty Wright Quintet and the Curitu College Jau Knieffl- IN CONCERT blr. Th e concert will be a fund IN THE BEAUTIFUL railing project to benefit K C B X , San L u ll Obiipo'i SANTA BARBARA COUNTY BOWL non-profit, non-commercial THIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2 P.M. KM radio nation. 1.lumen receive u wide range of traditional anti mtxlern jau, TICKETS BY SECTIONS big band' urul tlanical AVAILABLE AT: TICKETRON OUTLETS •ou ndi. KINO AND QUEEN STEREO,B.L.O. d rm MUSIC GALAXY, TICKET BUREAU _ CruetuI atlmiiiion to "An 28 W. ANARAMU,SANTA BARBARA, Evening of Jaw" Ii S2 M). THE SANTA BARBARA COUNTY BOWL BOX OFFICE. while itudenti and irnior 1020 Railroad Av. San Lula Oblapo cili/rni may enter for 12.00 Ticket* are available at the IT'S A QOLDDUST MUSIC PRODUCTION. 544-0814 K C B X office, K4rt IIigueraSl­ Italian Cualna . um! Cheap Thrill*.

— Y- Learning In A Man's World 1 On# Instructor told mo I should Woman Arph/o* Hava To Koop Tholr Pandit Extra Sharp bo a housowlfo' by BETS/e LOVELAND Daily .Staff Writer — A woman architect It It Hill a man * world in ihf School of Architecture II and Environmental De»ign 7ho moro mon here. wo I'hr ratio of men to women in the ichool which i» the tho bottor—as laritnt of it* kind in the nation i» Hill one of almoat — long as thoy'ro urirathcxKl proportion*. Of the 1.441 itudenu u enrolled in architecture here, good looking' only 104— roughly 7 per I r crnt— are women. — A mala architect Compared to the real of the univrniiy. the figure* »eem v. ‘ ■ rven more ilanted in favor of the men. About one out of rvery two Hudenti here i* a female, but in architecture, the figure.ii more like one out of every 13, even though I hr dean of the ichool wya & the number of of women in architecture hui ulmoit doubled in the (rail two yean. According to George Haulein, dean of the School of Architecture and En­ vironmental Detlgn, the un­ balance between the texei i» not the fault of enrollment procedure* on the behalf of OTANRIMO MlllkB NAM AM A BTRANOBM the univeniiy, but rather WITH HOYT AXTON brtauie of the attitude of women toward the field of SUNDAY, OCTOB1R 26 architecture. " In the begi n n in g , •ant# Barbara County Bowl architecture did not draw in- MIIo m llr n f at Anapamu c i k Ivi Boautlfyl Bant# Barbara irrrit from women. But the number of women in architecture at thi* ichool ha* been doubling for the 2 Bio Holiday Wookond Show* ail two ye a n ," laid Blauleln. > High Noon and S pm "More women are apply­ "■ring Ida family far a plantar ing for admiiiion to the department than ever. The majority of women who app­ ly rate higher than men In term* of academic poten­ tial," he *aid. Chrls Choi— A woman orchlo. (Dally photo by Ellon Bannor). All applicant* muit go through tne lame procen of help the women a little a traditionally male depart­ "One initructor told me I Tlokata B7.76, 0.70, f . 7i •elective admiiiion which more." ment. ihould be a houiewife," uid uiei the tame itandardi for "I had a teacher who gave " There are Mime thing* Chrii Choi, third year Aval labia at: King A Quaan Itarao, S.L.O. both lexei, Haulein laid. Yet me a H initead of the C - I going (or you and Mane architecture. "Architecture once they are admitted to the deierved, lim ply becauie I ugainit you. But the diaad- hai been tonaidered a man'* a aaaanaiii aaaaaMT*T*a« program, more women lend waa the only women who vantage* tend to outweigh job. Il'i all part of the con­ to drop out then men, he •tuck it out," laid Katy the advantage*," the aaid. ditioning." uid. Weber, a third year architect "Everyone in architecture (continued on page 6) % ******* ’ "Architecture ii phyaically major. ha* to rope with the um e hard due to the long hour* b.a., but women have added "I don't want to have involved, according to problem* to deal with vomeone diicriminate for V. Haulein. "Womcu tend to becauie they are women," me," *he laid. "You never tniniler to more academic according to M i. G rundiu. know how good or bad you majon. "Il'» hard not to be on the really are." Many women feel that defenaive," the laid. "You men don't want them in the "When a teacher dii- know you're not expected to department, and they ex­ criminate* for me I wonder do ai well and mmetirnei you perience prejudice from men. what they really want," laid atari to b tlltyf ii. Borne tut you hear complaint* Marly Grunditi, in her third teacher* actually (eel you're u0m, ,bo,h wld year of areftilecutre. Inferior. Y o u ’re alway* feel-** =.®**lelHj Subconmouily, Marty had other view* on . tng like you have to prove men may actually tend to what it ia like being female in yourielf."


SPECIAL MU8ICAL EVENING CUESTA COLLEGE AUD. • 2.00 6TUOENT6/6ENIOR CITIZEN*, 62.60 GENERAL M a tu r in g TICKET* AVAILABLE AT KC*X OlttM/Chaea Thrill* Aaoordi/taund Oily tn Mw * ' Craamary/CuMta •aafealara and Community H nicn o iiiu / Nyrtra Muai*. Aaao ft*at**. Array* 0'***d*. Marr* Bay, 8UN*iiVA4N8H,NE 3INGER8 626 Carro Romauldo Ata*o#d#f*/Coal*aoa ■•okator*. Macro lay. 644-2666 Tlokata aro alae avallabla at tha Boor thiloSk o n m 1 E8EMBLE and Banoflt for KCBX FM 10

✓ i l l ' II m M T T P HM*. OMM S4,1*TS Poems From A Napkin helped him capture the John K m talked about Kerr't tint reading! were We all have color TV's feelingt of an 87-year old down-home people Thiers- from a tequence of poemt Only people who know day. Th e kind who drink, called "N o iri from Joanne." how to talk are the man in Arkantat who rraliz- cuii and apit. Real people. Firit written on a napkin in a Long haired hitchhikers. ed hit granddaughter wat go­ Setting aiide all poetic sleazy cafe in San Francisco, ing to marry a Catholic. Kerr't poetry reflecti more convention*, the English Poem No. 28 lellt the beauty than juit down-home hones- People tried nqt to laugh profeiior here ipoke about of the tun after an evening in ty. It thowt the commonality when he said his name his own poetry in a lecture in a run-down hotel: which exists between all peo­ Blamed old buuard stood the continuing teriei spon- And the sunshine is like no ple. In "O ld Men on the at the door with a dress on lorrd by the School o( Com­ sunshine Bench, Dead-Head Bench," Praying in some unknown municative Art* and Ever was outside of Kerr showed a common topic language Humanitiei. dreams. of ditcuuion on itreet cor- Buy a string of beads ■ "M y poetry it about real > Not one for pretense, nert: "Only das bun Catholic in S/iarA people, real placet and real ' Kerr't linet from a poem there ex>er was timet," taid Kerr, "1 want my about the Bible tellt Steamboat Jack bet ju for County." poetry to be underitood by all tomething about the people the women who's got the And with hit experience in ple. I want them to know hr knew in hit native Arkan- biggest butt When you get elected I's the South, Kerr hat teen dis­ Kfain't written in the 19th tat: crimination againit blackt. or 21 a t century— but Hell yes l got religion. want you to rename it Big Butt Corners One of hit poemt concerns -sometime between 1950 and When you got a red-hoi itself with the reiultt of this Kerr talked about real— 1990 in America." pitch fork poked in diicrimination. It't part of ■ and what't often accepted at your butt, you'd have con vena tion with a black A true poet, according to real— Thurtday and the p o r ­ religion loo— And having man in a waiting room in Kerr, it not intereited in role- hooked hit audience on the tion of the poet in all of thii. Alabuma. playing. Rather, he laid, the "Th e poet it more impor­ bottom line of the Bible-belt, Talking about whitei, the poet it one who tpeakt with tant for the role he playt than Kerr offered a few more black man taid: an authentic voice— the vertet— (hit time about the the poetry he writet, Th e voicet of the truck driver, the north-central part of hit audience liitent to the poet But the Lord he done home itate, and adopti the role tociety found them out waitrrti and the old man Things pretty modern here putt on mm," Km laid. The white folks up there tilting on the park bench. in Arkansas It't the role of the poet that have mean ways

-News At At A Glance H O L L Y W O O D U P ! - A croud of about MADRID UPI -Cenirsliulmo Fran­ barracks and provincial authorities ad­ jected President Ford's proposal to link a 5,000, mostly young people, gathered cisco Franco, 82, tuffered s tetback vised to be on standby. tax cut with a ceiling on federal spending. 'Thursday to see linger Ellon John Thurtday night and hit doctors taid there Franco suffered a massive heart attack If the committee7! 21-16 action is»ap- witness a bronze sur with his name were early signs that a new heart attack Tuesday but was reported recovering and r proved by Congress, tax withholding dedicated on Hollywood's Walk of Burs. might be developing. The end of hit 56- preparing to attend a cabinet meeting rates would remain about the same when year rule appeared near. Friday to discuss the threat of war with a new tax year s u m Jan.l. John became the 1,662 entertainer to be T o p Spanish official! met to d iiru ii Morrocco over Moroccan plans to invade But a year-end veto fight with Ford honored by the Hollywood Chaitiber of the possibility Franco would relinquish Spanish Sahara with an unarmed rabble would almost certainly follow,. andi if no Commerce with a star implanted in the of 550,000 mem, women and children. power permanently to hit deiignated solution is reached before the end of the pavement since the walk was completed Thursday night a team of II doctors •uerr nor, Prince Juan Carlot de Bor bon t year, withholding rates would jump up in 1961. 57 who would become chief of suite and treating Franco said he "suffered a set­ the same level as before current u x cuts Spain's firtt king in 44 years. back" in his recovery from the earlier were enacted last spring. John, wearing rainbow sun glasses, Prime Minister Carlos Ariai Navarro, heart attack and that "early signs of chartreuse hat with sequins and suit with several members of the cabinet and the another coronary insufficiency have five-inch gold stars along with green President of Parliament went to Franco's appeared." The vote in the committee divided satin wedge shoes with five-inch silver Pardo Palace late in thr evening "to along parly and ideological lines, with all heels, arrived in a gold golf cart with a inquire about his health," Spanish news WASHINGTON UPI -The House Republicans and four Democrats voting large pink bow as a hood ornament. * agency reports said. Ways and Means Committee voted against both the Democratic plan and "'This is more nerve-racking than do­ Itrere were unconfirmed reports that Thursday to continue 1975 tax cuts at against a move to junk the Ford plan. All ing a concert," he said. army units were ordered confined to the about the same level into 1976 and re­ 21 aye voles were Democrats.

Pot Solo To Bonoflt KCPR Barb«qu« Lunch Architecture: It's A Man's World S«t For Wookond

The campus radio sution, paraphernalia for those who Boots and Spurs is spon­ (continued from page 5) course, male students do the "There’s no reason why KCPR-FM is sponsoring need to bring some life to a same thing," taid lukowiu. soring a barbeque at Cuesta It is alto harder for women women shouldn’t be in their\rh irii Annual Benefit dying decor, Park, Saturday, Oct. 25 star­ "A lot of the woman problem architecture, but it’s wrong Pottery Sale at 676 Pismo St., to get practical experience in* has to do with women O n Saturday, Oct. 25, the ting at I p.m. for teachers to give them adjacent, to St. Stephen s architecture, such as jobs in themselves and their own sale will be (rom 10:50a.m. to Church parking lot. construction work, accor­ self-image." special considerations," said 4:50 p.m. On Sunday, Oct. Jim Terrick, president of ding to Ms. Choi. the Cal Poly Animal Science lukow iu alto believes that third year architecture stu­ O n sale will be planters, 26, the rale w ill su n at noon Howard Itzkowitz, a Club, said that for I I a although there it tremendous dent, Davfd Tanza. "I respect functional ware, kitchen and end at 4:50. design instructor at Cal Poly, hungry person can scarf up discrimination against the girls who stick h out just ware, sculpture and indoor Money raised from the sale feels that there should be on a barbeque sandwich, will help finance the more women in the architec­ women in the architectural at much at I do the guys who beans and salad. finishing touches for ture field. profession, there it no dis­ stick it out." K C P R T new stereo equip­ Memberships will be sold "I try to encourage girls crimination (rom instructors Ben Bekhore, third year HAM L1BT ment, according to Frank during the barbeque. more than guys, simply at Cal Poly that he hat architectural engineering Coutrading Canter DeSantis. because there are not enough associated with. A A g A A U A g d _A H m major, feels there should be now optn wvv "The money will help women in architecture," he For further information Gretchen, a second year more women in architec­ Drop In and ass ual finance wiring, cable, and taid. call Jim Terrick at 544-7262 architecture major, alto feels tural engineering. "It’s im­ remaining components to go "A lot of the women are or Sue Da we at 545-1487. there it no discrimination portant for a woman in stereo." afraid of the math and against women from the architecture to express physics involved in architec­ faculty or administration. herself at a female in ture so they go into architecture, not at a part of landscape Architecture. Of "There it more dis­ £ World Is Your Classroom" crimination from male the Women's Lib movement students, but which could be in architecture," hr added. due to competition," the And according to Rick taid. Tanaka, also in his third year THE MONTEREY INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN STUDIES And how do males in architecture feel about of architecture, "Th e more women the better— as longs* ASAflC • ASIAN ITUDIIS • CHINISS > IDUCATION • IK • fRINCM > CitRMAN women entering their they're good lookingl" INOONMIAN* • INTISNATI0NAL ICONOMICS > INTISNATIONAl MAN AGS MINT territory? INTIiNATION AC STUOIIt • ITALIAN* • MRANIM • LATIN AMIRICAN ITUDIIS NIAS IASTIRN ITUDIIS • POLITICAL SCIINCI - RORTUGUfSI* • RUSSIAN • SOVIIT ITUDIIS • SPANISH • TRANSLATION * INTIRPRITATION > WIST tUROPIAN ITUDIIS McGEOROE SCHOOL OF LAW TRAINING POR URVICI ABROAD • SUMMIR SISSION UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA

' WT *•— w —— w m ,-ww., >*v *""•■ w ain w e m em r r m s i K O , May I, 1eginnlng In September t ‘17#*. A< < refilled: Ameru .in Colleges, Cefiferm* Stete toerd of Iducotien Veteran's Approved Per further information Bar Atvof lalinn Member. Atiug latlbn of American law School* PRE-LAW DISCUSSION POR PROSPECTIVE LAW STUDENTS ANN M, THURBER, ASSISTANT DEAN OF ADMISSIONS, WILL BP, ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, f : 00-5:00 p.m. PLEASE DATIi Wad Oeloboi ZS.yrt TIM* i 1} 00 Noon lo ZOO flACtl ON CAMPUS MAKE APPOINTMENTS THROUGH THE PLACEMENT CENTER. fOR AWJINtMtNT OR IUKIHIK INIOKMAIION i -v by JULIE DROWN Champion Bull of the show. Daily Staff Writer ' Red ribbons were received in four sections: three year Dairy Team Creams Opposition old heifers, Senior Get of Viter butter ronnoiiaeurt Sire, Best of Three Females d Cal Poly. (bred by exhibitor), and It wai proven Oct. 11 when Breeders Get of Sire (four ihe Cal Poly team of d*iry early in the quarter for prac- Wyoming. animals bred by the ex- ictence majors won the dairy judge throughout the suite, for their -sic*.------— A total of tfranimatctiiwr hibito H . producti judging contest ■ftnwiffrapriii.iinuruit Although less satisfying to D airy science majors held at the Pacific Inter­ were judged with oral time of the competition. tie at the National Guernsey the stomach, a group of dairy reasons required for half of handled the Cal Poly national Liveitock Exposi­ Students on both of Cal Show for the western states, science students won first them. Besides being overall animals. tion In Portland, Ore. Poly’s dairy teams were ex­ in Fresno Oct. 10 and 17. place at the exposition in T h is Saturday at noon, the winners, Cal Poly placed first perienced in judging Over 200 Guernseys were Gold Coast Holstein Pint team overall member* cattle judging. Accompanied in oral reasons. Warden was previous to this year, utose shown by breeders. Association will be spon­ Dan Wunch. Albert Straui, by their advisor, Tim othy named high point individual dairy science majorf who Cal Poly received the Joe soring a sale at the Cal Poly Craig Vevoda and alternate* LaSalle, the team of Don in the contest, LaSalle was receive the best scores in prac­ Eves Tro p h y for owning the dairy unit. Mark Sot tana and Pete Het- Warden, Gerard LaSalle, second place individual, and tice competition are chosen cow which had the highest Tw o of the 32 Holsteins up tinga alio won the ice cream John Honnette and alter­ Honnette was fourth. to be on a team. milk production records in for bid are Cal Poly heifers. and butter divisions. In addi­ nates Steve Maddox and Cor­ Th e first practice for the Funds are budgeted by the show and also stood in tion, milk, cheese, and cot­ win H o lu placed above the dairy cattle judging team Associated Students, Inc. for the top five of herclas*. tage cheese were judged. other two schools in com­ look place Aug. 18 in sending the dairy judging A bull calf from Cal Poly Coach Dr. Gary Reif held petition; Fresno State U n ­ Sacramento. To gain more teams to the Pacific Exposi­ was first in his class and later KODAK 1 11 M irvrral dairy product tastings iversity and the University of skills, members continued to tion and members contribute named Reserve Grand K IN K 0 ', Guitar ’ | ’ , 11 i | , | , | ’ , 1

Concert Announctmtnft gt™S l W t t m i l Lott Lost I*I, FoundFou Bit o* Y Luncheon Special Hamilton ° I 11 a.m. Is I *.m. snly Classical guitarist Steven a reward. f u l l o r d i r Elster will appear in concert London I with an eight-pieceght-piec accom* panying chamber orchestra m 8 p.m. Saturday in the Gal » a b u * $ 1 . 7 7 Poly Theater. Chips |Chipg A graduate of U C L A , Elstrr also attended lais For Solo R IO . 12.19 coly * 1 F y9M7 Rtldf Angeles City College for two will Ss rtaSy when yaw srrlwt years, where he up|>eared in SOPS a 1KP numerous recitals w ith Lead iMthar L A U : chamber group*. | During the past year he ha* a given performance* in the m iWmSif production of "The Mysterious Deuth of lire x Magic Realist'1 and hat m m m received standing ovations lor his rec itals at Lomu L in ­ da University and March Air Korn* Bum*, While at U Q J k . Elster performed with the campus String Quartet and made tevrral appearances in the PEACE UCLA Rotunda Series. , Kratured in Saturday’s CORPS program will be selections by ON _ Bach, Sor, Villa-Lobos and 4 others. Admission will be $2 . u CAMPUS for students and $3 for general. In addition to the concert,* Elstrr will host a workshop MONDAY lor'all interested guitarists. Automotive Ihere will be no admission ■y^y OCT 27 charge (or the workshop, which will Ik- held Saturday 5 DAYS at 1 p.m. in the H.P. Duvid- CALENDAR son Music Building Room 9AM-3PM 218. Cafatarla gild Plgogmtnl _ ARRIVAL Soils Team Offlca FESTURHM Cleans Up DIAMOND ELLIOT PARKER - BIRDS Ihere s more ihun one THE WORLDS OF FANTASY hon/on, Whgt'g It Cost To Buy a At least there is if you’re u “First Class" Diamond? WINNIE THE POOH soili science major. And Oct. )«• 8, in Kprt Collins, i r i s PETER PRINCIPLE Colorado, the (ail Holy M),|, Coma and 8aa How YOU fudging team took a look ,u Can 8ava Your Servlets Hard Earnad Dollars SPIRIT OF "76" quite a few horicons. % Team members J im ■ ^ C R ’ Sngrlos (captain), Cliff Brasil's Jawalars MIOHTY MARVEL anmng, Pau| kitlRi and 720H lguara John Rap,, judged four soils Downtown 8LO M.C. ISCHIR nL?ftfr? inin* ,hr 5 E 2 r ^aracteristics, in- TOLKBIN ‘hf k‘»d. number, thickness of horiions. UTILITY TAX REFUNDS STAR TREK ------J J ? ’ f‘ruc,urr “"d texture NATIONAL LAMPOON into con- NOTIGi ft HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City of OenUrie Hderation. Feasibility for u r - OtUepo fa eoeeptlng epphcetlone for refunds up to $10.00 on ALISTAIR COOK'S AMERICA wn and agricultural uses ell Utility tu rn potato theChy for the period July 1,1974 Wfrr estimated. through Juno Juno 90,1910 from houeeholde In wMehOte ,hi!irf .Po|y « « m took CALIFORNIA Soc iePJ*** n *** American 9 0 ,0 0 0 . ARIZONA HIOHWAY Retion «i° Agronom y's Region Six Soils Judging s '*' (Colorado CLAIM FORMS ere awsfftafa In the City Ctorife Otlloo, 900 A N D M O R E! J J J H" ver»‘*V. Montana helm 9treot, Ben Lute OtUepo, beginning October 1,1970, Younoi?yer,t^’ Brigham end moot he 11led In the City Clorifo Ottloe or pootmerked no Inter then the 91et dey of October, 1010. ? r . v ni,"“ 'v e /J .H . i * EL CORRAL a ty C le rit BOOKSTORE

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t * 1 1 Mustang halfback Rocky Chapman wat tho cantor of attantlon but hit font woron't tha frlandly typo on this play agalntt Cal Stato LA. This w ookond tho Mustangs travol to Northrldgo for a crucial CCAA con tost. (Photo by MIchaolO'Doughorty)

A little over a month ago, a Cal Poly won last year'* Northridge has played all group of iporu writer* game, 45-S, and you can bet year. Even if the Matadors predicted how the C C A A that this is Hill in the mind* can slow down the Mustangs football race would turn out. of all the Northridge player*. offenM, they still have to put 'I'hey picked Cal Poly S L O to Poly i* 3-2 on the year and I -0 some points on the board to win the conference and Cal in CCAA action. The win. This is something they Suite Northridge to finiih Matador* are 2-2-1 and have have not done very often. Ian. not yet played a conference While they are number one Thi* Saturday the game. in defenM, they are last in the Mustangs Meet Muttang* travel to The .game will pit the CCAA- in total offenM. The Northridge to meet the Matador rushing defense, Matadors are averaging a Matador* in a crucial con- which has allowed a mere meager 15 points a game. Terence pun*’ If you had any 95.8 yard* per game, top* in When Q i i roty ti involved, faith at all in the prediction, the C C A A , against the anything can happen. The you might put the rent Mustang* heralded ground Mustangs continue to play to money on Cal Poly. But attack. the level of their oppenents. Matadors In iport* writer* are not alway* The Mustang running So If you want to bet on right and lot* of thing* can game has netted 206.4 yards something, bet that Poly will change in a month, to the per game. Gary Davis, com­ show up. landlord might be a tafer ing off a 116 yard perfor­ place for the money. mance against Cal State LA , The Muttang* have had an is the leader of the Mustang UNITARIAN UNIVtKSALIST abnormal amount of injuries ground game and is helped A liberal religious fellowship thi* year and the Matador* out by rugged fullback, John mooting Sundays il the , C a m a A a II a a QiilistlfWl The Trenches have surprisingly come up Henson. Henson played his WiiHy rounaition duhov'U best game in four year* at 1615 Fredericks Si. S L O with the CCAA'* top defense. 1 00 Sundays The CCAA rout ol the year Poly last Saturday picking Orioff W Miller, Minister might jutt turn into a foot­ up 91 yards in nine carries. Rhone 773-661J or 644-346S ball game this Saturday The Mustangs will be the "A HUMAN QROUF IN 8IAACM night. toughest ground opponent OF MSANINQ" 1975 World Series: One To Remember by JON HASTINGS ing of modern day baseball. special is that it provided the exciting play. But it it dif­ £ 0 Daily Sports Editor Th e series generated more (an with every aspect of the ficult to overlook Dwight RESEARCH enthusiasm across the coun­ game. There wat hitting, Evans catch or George Thousand* of Topics After seven games, three try than the gold rush. Har­ fielding, pitching, running Foster's throw, both oc­ Ss»e io< youf uaioast* ISO tut moil Of Off soldo* Inciots rainouts, a barrage of vard Literature professors and managing in the perfect cur Ing in the memorable six­ St 00 lo sovoc potis*s on* newspaper print and seven- were spending class time blend. No one part of the th game. OSftOMl BACKPACK INB too-many pre-game shows, figuring out Luis Tiant'* game dominated the series. ntSSANCM ASSISTANCI, INC. •Kelly 'Sunbird the World Series is finally series ERA. m- 11337 IDAHO AVI .# MS •Gerry •CampteRSl over. But not before leaving a Some innings Tiant would LOS ANOILIS. C A L I F SOOTS Everybody wanted to be All in all, the 1975 World III 31 417 SO 70 long lasting mark on every be devastating. Other in­ rt of it. Dads all over the Series kinda makes you look Our rstoofsn psport srs told lot FISH INB baseball (an in America. Kul were claiming they went nings the Big Red Machine toward to spring training. ^otsojopuiposmoniv^^^ to high school with Carl Yai- wat showing off tome of •Garcia *Diawa Whether you saw three tremtki. I know, my Dad was their muscle. Then all of a •Fennwtck ‘ Penn pilches of the first game rout, one of them. Baseball (ever sudden, Lynn or Evans •Siiafio* ‘Cortland or all seven games, pitch to was spreading around like would make a sparkling play FROZEN A LIVE BAIT pitch, you’ll have to agree some demon plague, in the field and the defense that the series this year would take over the PLY FISHING DIPT. So much interest was being FLY TYING MATERIAL* violated the baseball norm. It generated, that N B C even spotlight. was exciting. pre-empted Johnny Carson. HUNTING But tike anything else, the Then Spanky would walk " It was fitting that it took •Browning *Savag* series had its drawbacks. out to the mound and change until the ninth inning of the _ pitchers three or four times •Remington ‘Colt seventh game to decide.Any •Ithecia ‘ SAW Sports Analysis «n inning. The Rfdmanager other way would have been ’ • used a record eight pitchers •Ruger anti-climatic. It gave A sure cure for insomnia is in the sixth game. It wasn’t •Winchester baseball a much needed shot hearing Curt Gowdy tell you because his pitchers were get­ 0UNSMITHING in the arm. Cincinnati and for the tenth time in the last ting batted around, he wat SCOPES Boston proved to Americans three innings that Pete just using every managerial CLOTHING that the sport can still be Rose's nickname is Charlie trick in the book. BOOTS worth watching. You just Hustle. O r Joe Garagiola have to have the right players saying something as All of this made the 197ft in the right ball park. arcmirv rofound as, "That Freddie series one to remember. Bear ‘Wing Morgan, Rose, Bench, Pynn isn't a bad rookie.” There were so many great Browning Perer, Lynn, Yaitremski, But not even these performances and individual Petrocelli and Tiant are the blunders could mar this plays that it is impossible to right players, and Fenway year's series. The com­ pinpoint one. Pete Rom was _ in Park is the right ballpark, missioner of baseball, Bowie the M VP but there were at rear of store The combination was un­ Kuhn, called it the "finest" least 10 other guys that 719 Hlguen beatable. Th e players and the World Series he has ever seen, deMrved it. Carlton Fisk's 544 2323 stadium both did their part and this wasn't exactly his dramatic home run lo win Luis Obisee in making the 197ft World first series either. the sixth game w ill probably y Used Gun* Series one of the most thrill­ What made the series so go down as the single most