Mustang Daily, October 24, 1975
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Volume 40 Number 16 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Friday, October 24, 1975 C £ -C x \ \ C ^ C T x$ Q . * Pafch wdw.owUwsi.Wn Office Space The University of California chain i» The tm tvm ity mkedthr trmtee* lor 0/1 renowned at a reiearch oriemrd inititu- truileri for office qtar e but wai alltx ated lion. The »une university and collrgei only IV Additional ttailen were rrluied {• system o»ien»ibly draw* in strength from because of itatewide demand lor them iu faculty. and lack ol need at Poly. Executive Dealt Douglui Ceraid iayi However, the iruitrei of the itaie un- placing the faculty in Chair wai a com- iveriily teem to be putting a low priority romiie with the truiteei when the tut- on their moat valuable employer Like iveriily appeuappealed the deciiion not (ogive everyone elie, the faculty it feeling the Poly the 2ft trailer! it recjueited, crunch of overcrowded fatiliiiet. Ihoie faculty memben who have found Slicking faculty in whatever iparr it thrmielvei relocated from Tenaya Hall to available no matter how inadequate l u g Chair Hall are feeling it acutely. makeihift way to run a univenity. Claim ing there i a lack of need at Poly while placing faculty in a building that'i a riSSJij Chaw it the new home of the academic known liability riik it fcxtliih. wnate officer International Students Bureau and theofficeiof the Hittory and Hiitory initrudor Dr. l.loyd Here her, a Philotophy Department! (acuity new cx c 111*.iin of Chaw, told the Muitang memben. All eight of the philosophy Daily: "John Hartford wrote a tong initructon have their own officer while about earthquake!, H r laid the TO • tin of the hiitory itafTmuit ihare a 10x1 rumbling! in mother earth'i heart are office with a colleague. Mtmeihing we'll have to live with." Ai if thit were not bad enough, Chare Hie univenity iltould apprul the' wai one of the Poly buildingi lound to be drrim n again and trqueil more trailer*. It itructurally deficient after itatr building jo N fi’l make irn w for the truiteei to tell code* were reviled after the 1071 Sylntar- the lucidly to live with die rumbling! "Th# problem with Hudpnla nowaday* la fhay Han Fernando Valley earthquake, CH don t know how to act their age • department know Dr. imixwed on any itudrnt, no m liililialori is to put all Eggs Burroughi uiu! wr have a matter what that iludettl'i itudenii or groupri that great deal of reined for her religious < teed ii, w nnhlp the wiong gcxf, or and her knowledge ol nutrl* II dtii ii ttue, then Dr. believe dte wiong dogma, In Editor: T h i» letter it in regardi to Burroughi, ihe would hiai with adininlurajive duty don, ju h Drowni' article "Eggi probably think twice about in d im t defiance of the legal Make Th e Grade". Th e aril- making a imoment like that, ly guatanteed u p .nation ol Obvlouily die Cluliilan cle wai about eggi and their It waijulir'ireiponilbilliy to Church and State. way ii the only way. T h o w effect on bliNxi choleiterol who lake ext rpdon are mere interview Dr. Burroughi to Both Mr. Greenberg and it ii very belittling to Dr, ly "Itceniioui wlf-centeredi" gain knowledge about egaIK* Dr. Kennedy Itave die right to Burroughs I and many other ike who iniiil la* op|M»rd on all and i holrtterol, not to mut abhor homoirxuallty, But girli in the home economic! Itoiili ai un-holy privrrti. value judgrmenti of her, along with in right, they alio level. Th e paragraph that Leslie Harper Itave the reipontlbllliy id not The Phariiee, Mr, upwt me it at follows: " Aik- liniawing by edic t their con- rd to name the major riik Grrrtthrig, not only paradei GSU cept of proper lexual (acton, Dr. Burroughi the |m i In lion rd hii holineH behavior on thoir whole replied, ‘obeiity, hyperten- Editor: in public, but he alio judgei rellgioui intetprriationi do lion, imoking, lack of exer- David C rrrnbrtg't letter ol the holineii ol olhen by the not agree with their own, ciw, hereditary prediipoii- -Odobri With praising Pteii- light of hit own piety. The lion to heart diwaw, and dent Kennedy's opposition u> la deny a groupgtoup ihei uwof Publican, on the other hand, diet,' ai ihe then took a puff the riiabliihineni of a Gay campui_____ lacililieiJ f i it lt . ______hriauw knowi that only God, and of her cigarette". Julieilait Student'! Union on Campui that gtoup diH-i not meaiure not man, can judge a u nd 'i comment in thii paragraph impliei that Dt. Kennedy‘i up with the "high moral true lanctily. wai abmlulrly mu .bled for, Chriiltan brlieli ihould be ilandardi" id loiur ad Burr Hoaley Authantlc Franch Country Style Culalna PICK YOUR OWN PUMPKINS Dinners 13.75-17.00 Cal Poly Vagatabla Plaid Dally Menu Variation Good Franch Win# Selection (naar Hwy. 1) Tima: Sal. and Sun. Oot. 26-26 ^ M o u s t a c h e 6:00 am-4:00 pm Prloa: 26o-$1.00 RESTAURANT FRANCAI8 K AMI t ',M IN I ' MUM IH< •ponaorad by Cal Poly Cropa Club an MAIN. MORRO BAY (805) 772-3308 KC r% fmtuni 6sa^ ^6analR Fair through Saturday with patchy Co-editors CA m XX Art Direc tor DISCLAIMS* m w trtitl It D T Q T T cm iniaJ Ikfiatii m lfi f|.| iaiiiraiadiiiial h im . Frtd Vulin Paul Mono pa review 9www w»ei a - n r tar H a a r w w ,i* ,fh i, prar l o w c / o u c / i. Coolor, with hlght today Pete Xing pMM> miih priHilfia Ii imh la b ian#im#d Sporti Editor SB ill fft|BN4 999 lfft|lllyfl IfldflfafllfBf 999 and tommorrow In tho mid 60'i, Associate Editors tfrllMtilwn at mmH iwnm«Ml»l «fniw«i In Jon Hailingi ih» Swot I*mM ktwltnu. Im . M lh» lalMia L o w s In tho m id SO'i to l o w 4 0 ' s . Sieve Chum nM Fultmhflii law lal»»r*ti,. Im LaU , 1 ' ■... .■..V ■1 ’.... ..... Jim Sweeney Circulation Manager OUipw CWM* raaw IM, I t t t f k U Aim Connu Btcchio Martin S. McMahan BulMInf l^uMdid §99999 flfvta • tr4aFlaa ib xh.rnl >••, tn w p i hulMavi wad m m i L a tta ri Publication* Manager Prcxiuction Manager I* Mm Aw nI*mM kiuMnu Im ., Wayne Hnllmgihrad Hob Craft (•IMmhO FdI.imhnM lUM I nltm lit, Muitang Daily welcomei without a lignaturr and itu> l*,, UMOkUp, (jlilomif Primal In Mm Irtlrra from all viewpoint!, dent I D numlrer. We reserve Photo Editor Miatrnu In l.iwphl. turn length of letter! ihould fie the1 right U) edit for libel and Foreman miMlttilWM. OpHnlMM w tptm w d In Milt Tom Ktltty Richard Hint |Mpwt In MfiwM rUliorlaU wn4 miMIm h i honied to ISO wordi— ly|)ed length. Sorry, but no poetry llM >l««! nt llM MlMM Mil la MN nMMMfl. urid double ipitcrd, letters ii accepted Hi mg lelten U? national A/lain Editor Web Manager ayIt rnuifaeiii"apff—win ivwtin iMitnliiiiaiipifim iw nm l itin i w alaffit a ffi am , i will not be prubliihrd Graphic Aril, Room 220 n»»« at Mm CwmIiuM MnManw. Im ., mu Mario Machado Ed (iilbtrl atlMal iiplaMm P h o n n : 5 4 6 - 1 1 4 3 r OMWrMtWI Nut The EOP Equal Opportunity For Learning Or Laziness? by FRED VVUN T'oday, the Associated income and minority Wallace antwert that charge Daily Co-Editor Mtudent* Inc. contribute* au- •indent*. in term* of accettibility to the ptoximaicly fl6,0OO for the For the 1973-74 academic univenity of the low-income The letter* EO F »tand lor 000 EO P ttudent* registered year, the ethnic breakdown ttudent. more than Educational Op* here, wat a* follow*: "Student* thould be able pot (unity Program, Collected from regula Native Americani, 1; to go to the univenity of their T o tome, P.OP represent! a tion fee*, the majority of the black*, 98; Chicanoi, 7A; choice," tayt Wallace. 'They charter to break the cycle of money (|M,000) i* uied for Cuban, Latin, A;Oriental, 19; ihouldn't be reiuicted to the poverty, For other*, the tuurrial program* while §7,- other non-white, flj white, 20 community college in the program T il rip-off giving 000 i» allocated for financial and no tetponie and other, area." non*a< liiever* a free ride, It grant*. The remainder it 12. i* a program not found wan u»ed for orientation, Statewide, biackt repreient Each year at Poly there are ting in toniroverty. Another part of E O P 48 per cent of the ttudentt in threat* the ASl w ill cut-off POP it, however, an which it often throuded in t the tyitem, Chicanoi, 96 per fund* for E O P — or at lean arademir in*tiiutirm which controverty dealt with that cent, Native American* 6 per other budgeted group* who i* surrounded by ignorance tegmeni of the ttudent cent, Atiant 3 per cent and feel EOP money it mittpent. and ditioriion*. population which iteligible white* 6 per cent. Wallace attribute* thi* am One of the area* o! greateti for admission under the ... E O P (alia under ipict bivalent feeling toward* hit controversy in the program program. guideline* by the ttate and it program . center* around the question According to the director evaluated each year by the of how mu< h it co*l» the *tate of the program here, Carl Coordinating Council for Pint, he tayt, tome and each university which Wallace, an EOP ttudent it Higher Education.