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fiat ngtfl ITAWDARP. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21,1908.

nooth. He was ordained on June 24, lishment of a vow to commemorate his in green and white. Frappe was serv­ pleurisy one week prior to her denth, 1389, at May nooth College, Ireland. escape' from shipwreck, and the origin ed during the evening and music was and in spite of the best of medical aid The first twelve years of his priesthood TBUPItSlS IN THE of its foundation and of the worthy idea furnished by the Fleckenstein-Steppan and ail that loving hands could do, were spent as a missionary In Victoria. of which it is the outcome, is illus­ Australia, after which he traveled ex­ orchestra and those present had a most was taken to her home where sorrow trated in the fact that itB roof is made enjoyable time. tensively through his native country MID ISLE and suffering are unknown. She Ktt^ss&^tt^rassssssss&ttsssssssssssssrasra^srassssrass&Kssssrasss in the shape of the bottom of a ship in­ and other lands, coming then to the Graceville, Minn.—Joseph K. Crowe leaves a husband, six sons and two verted. The same ardour and vehe­ .Over across the bay from Duluth is Vollmer, O. F. M. United States. He served as assistant was married Wednesday, Nov. 11, at daughters to mourn her departure, mence 'of character which ttnd dis­ Wisconsin's bright, progressive city, Matrimonial Court—Rt. Rev. W. to the pastor at the church at Erin Romance of Piety, Earnest the town of Crowley, near New Or­ namely: John, Patrick, Frank, Ber­ tinguished the Abbot of La Trappe in , second in importance in that Fardy, V. G., judge; Very Rev. A. Ba- Prairie, Wisconsin, for about one year, Endeavor, and Evidences leans, La., to Miss Ellen McDermott, nard, Daniel, Owen, Mrs. Joseph Mc- the world afterwards characterized him' formerly a teacher in the high school great state. The Bishop of this prac­ binski, defensor vinculi; Rev. H. P. M. when he was transferred to the Sacred Malion and Mrs. Philip Donlin, and 2" of Industry. equally in the cloister, for the zeal' tically new diocese is strictly a Wis­ Le Guillon, notary. Heart Parish. He is an eloquent here; The groom is known to nearly grandchildren. The funeral was held of the founder was visible in every consin product. Rt. Rev. A. F. Schin- Criminal Court—Rt. Rev. W. Fardy, speaker and an untiring worker for every resident of this county, and his on Sunday and was largely attended. part of his discipline. The astonish­ ner was born in Milwaukee, that state, V. G., judge; Rev. C. F. Schmit, actu­ the cause of religion. generous, enterprising character has The remains were laid to rest ini the Most Famous Character in ing severity of his rules at La Trappe on the 1st day of May, 1863. During ary. At the East End of the City of Su­ made friends for him of all his ac­ Catholic ceme'.ary at Jesseland. Th« made men at first recoil but they sub­ his early youth he attended the Catho­ Promotor Fiscalis—Very Rev. .J. A. perior, on the corner of West Fouith Their Whole History is quaintances. The bride, although not pallbearers were her six sons, John, sequently were filled with reverent lic schools in the city of Milwaukee Barney. street and Stinson avenue, the place so well acquainted, has a large clrcla Patrick, Frank, Daniel, Bernard and Abbot DeRance. wonder and no sooner was the reform­ until he entered tho St. Francis Semi­ St. Pius Priest Fund—Rt. Rev. A. F. where was celebrated the "first mass at of friends who admire her charming Owen. Father Joy officiated at the ed monastery completed, in the seven­ nary at St. Francis, Wisconsin, in or­ Schinner, D. D., president; Rt. Rev. W, the head of Lake Superior, taking tho disposition, and will welcome her to funeral. Tho deceased was born in der to become educated and prepare Fardy, V. G., vice president; Very Rev. teenth century, than its accommoda­ Graceville as a permanent resident, Monaghan, Ireland, and emigrated to place of the little old missionary church The litigation In the Dublin courtr for his chosen vocation—the priest­ August Babinskl, secretary; Very Rev. tion, was taxed by votaries from all when their wedding tour is over. this country in 1853, when 14 years <4 cf the early days, now stands a beauti­ in which the Lord Abbot of Mount hood. C. J. Weber, treasurer; Very Rev. J. parts of France. Waseca, Minn.—Miss Anna Agnes ful imposing church built of brick and Melleray is concerned will doubtless age. r At the age of 22, on March 7, 1886, A. Barney, directors. A Protestant visitor to La Trappo Sheehan and Mr. Richard Norton, of stone at a cost exceeding $40,000—the remind many people of the rules and he was orctained to the priesthood by who recorded his impression, in an in­ St. Mary, a'ere united in marriage on St. Krancis Xavier Church of Superior. history of the Monks of La Trappe, saya Bryan's Favorite Hymn- Archbishop Hciss of Milwaukee. He Sacred Heart Pro-Cathedral. teresting volume, spoke in touching Nov. 10, in the of that Around and about this church still the Cork Examiner. Their settlement served as pastor of the church of Rich- The Sacred Heart Parish was estab­ terms of total change which the place, by the Rev. Fr. Coleman. The clings the memories of the sufferings in this country, and the manner in It may not be on the mountain's height, Held for about a year when lie was lished as early as August, 1886; ser­ rule of La Trappe so soon effects In bride wore a white panarna cloth dress and hardships of the pioneer mission • which they transformed an arid waste Or o'er the stormy sea; given the important post of Professor vices were held at that, time in Bar­ the manners, the inclinations and tho arles who, with Hit, first advancc of and a craggy mountain side into a and carried bride's roses. She was at­ It may not be at the battle's front in the St. Francis Seminary from ton's Hall by Rev. Eustace Vollmer, vory countenances of Its religious in­ civilization into the wilderness of the smiling, verdant tract, well timbered in tended by Miss Nellie Sheehan, whose My Lord will have need of me; which he had recently been ordained. who was then in charge of the parish mates. What particularly fixed his ad­ Northwest, brought religion and its parts, and glowing with, rich pasture dress was wine-colored nun's veiling. But, if by a still, small voice He calls In the year 1891 Archbishop Katzer at Old Town. At that time the whole miring attention were gravity, benigni­ consolation to the natives and the early has a something oC vomance in it, the The bridesmaid's flowers were carna­ To paths that I do not know, who, upon the death of Archbishop Catholic population in that, part of the ty, peace and love vilsble in their as­ pioneers. Rev. Eustace Vollmer, O. F. romance of piety, earnest endeavor and tions. Michael Cahill of Janesville, I'll answer, dear Lord, with my band Heiss, was promoted to the Archiepis- city known as West. Superior, num­ pects. This liberal-minded visitor gives M., is rector. The assistant priests are was best man. At the close of the in Thine, copal See of Milwaukee, selected Fath­ bered about, twenty. Steps toward indefatigable industry. an instance of the transformation Rev. Firmatus Frclinuth, O. F. M., and ceremony, a reception was held at the I'll go where you want me to go. er Schinner as secretary; he perform­ raising a fund for the erection of a The traditions of that famous ordet wrought on the Trappist by the mon­ Victorlne Hoffmann, O. F. M. There home of the bride's parents, about two ed the duties of this office, and those cnurch were taken, and through the which is shut away l'rom the world at astery's life and rule. are five other Catholic churches in Su­ Mount Melleray,jjpid which practices hundred guests being present. Re­ CHORUS: of. Vicar General of that, diocese from influence and work of the Catholic peo­ I remember when I was at La Trappe, freshments were served in four courses perior, namely: St. Patrick's, Rev. those austerities,^nd that subjugation ho says, being most particularly struck! 1895 until Archbishop Katzer's death ple, among whom may be mentioned and the dining room was decorated in I'll go where you want me to go, deaf John E. Harrington, pastor; St. Jo­ and torturo of thej flesh, that have won by one of tho monks. I think I never1 on July 20, 1903; again from then and Mathew Ryan, Walter Dunphy and Al­ white and green. The. rooms were Lord, seph's, Very Rev. Chas. J. Webber; St. the reverence a$ic| admiration of all saw such venerable holy gravity and yet until the election of Archbishop Mess- bert; Lederman, the Land & River Im­ very prettily adorned with carnations Over mountain, or plain, or sea; Louis, Rev. H. P. M. Le Guillon; St. Chiistiau people,,j\re, indeed, remark- celestial joy and love, Irradiate any hu- •ler he presided over and administered provement Company donated four lots, and chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. I'll say what you want me to say, dear Mary's, attended from the Cathedral, able. Expelled ffflm France during all man countenance. I concluded he had the affairs of the Archdiocese, he was a part of the present site, on the cor­ Norton left on the afternoon train for Lord, and St. Stanislaus, Very Rev. August the troubled rei^n of Louis Phillippe, been twenty or thirty years an inmate 'likewise Vicar General under Arch­ ner of Twelfth street and John avenue. Ohio, where they will visit relatives. I'll be what you want me to be. Babinskl. they fled to Ireland, and in 1883 were of this seclusion. It so happened that bishop Messmer until he was appoint­ In 1887 a small church was erected, They will be at home in Waseca after ed Bishop of Superior. and the parish was placed in charge The many institutions in connection fortunate many, people at that time he was next day appointed our conduc- Dec. 1. Perhaps today there are loving words When the new diocese of Superior of Rev. S. Casmir Vogt. O. F. M.. as a with the Church in Superior, educa­ sald unfortunate—enough to get from tor. I asked his ag*. and was aston- Anoka, Minn.—Judge C. E. Green Which Jesus would have me speak- was organized in the spring of 1905, mission. He was succeeded by Father tional and otherwise, are all well con­ Sir Richard Keane a large tract of ished at the reply: Six-and-twenty. I ! entertained at his home for two days There may be now in the paths of sin 'the piety, learning, administrative and Damian, also a Franciscan, who start­ ducted and mark the spirit and enter­ waste mountain side, .to which vegeta- inquired how long he had been an in- recently, a cousin whom he had not Some wand'rer whom I should seek, executive ability of Bishop Schinner ed the movement, toward the erection j prise of the Catholic people of that tion in any shape except hard purple ha bitant of La Trappe. As a monk, two j seen for 29 years. At that time Thos. O Savior: if Thou wilt be my guided had become so well known to the Cath- of a Catholic school. Two more lots . progressive city in no uncertain man­ heath was a stranger. This ungenerous years. I then asked what was he .be- j Crawley, who wag then a sc?hool boy Tho' dark and rugged the way, . olic clergy and laymen that his selec­ were purchased for that, purpose, ad- i ner. The Sacred Heart In the tract was a portion of the Knockmeal- fore. Do you then forget me, he said' with Charley Green, out in the coun­ tion for this high office was expected. Cathedral parish in charge of the down mountains; it was unreclaimed smiling. I cannot express the surprise! My voice shall echo Thy messag« .joining the church. J try, departed for the western states, J;? In May, 1905, he was elected Bishop The Sacred Heart. Parish now owns | Franciscan Sisters has in the. neighbor­ and apparently irreclaimable and had I felt at finding that this venerable; sweet, . and .about ten years ago went to Alas­ 'I and on July 25th, 1905, at. St. John's one-half a block of the best, located j hood of 450 pupils. The attendance at no redeeming feature except the view saint, apparently fifty, was no other I'll say what you want me to say. ka, where he has since made his home Cathedral in Milwaukee, Wis., in the and most valuable property in the city i St. Joseph convent, another splendid It commanded of the beautiful valley than a gay young captain in the French at Fairbanks. The visit was a pleas­ presence of over five hundred clergy, between John and Hughitl. avenues institution, is in the neighborhood of of the Black water. Guards, whom I well remembered, five 1 There's surely somewhere a lowly ant one to both, most of the time be­ he was consecrated by his Excellency and between Twelfth and Thirteenth lf>0 and there are a.number of excel­ The monks who settled at this place or six years before to have been one1 place, ing devoted to talk of the stunts they Most. Rev. Diomede Falconio, D. D., streets; it. has the present pro-cathed­ lent parochial schools, all well attend­ were of the Irish Cistercians who made of the most elegant and dissipated In earth's harvest fields so wide—r took part in when they were boys. Mr. papal delegate. ral church, with a seating capacity of ed. Two magnificent hospitals are con­ profession at the Abbey of Melleray,, young men in Paris. Where I may labor thro* life'# short Crawley spent two days in the neigh­ On the evening of August 1st, on S00 people; a large two-story brick ducted by the Sisters. One of these, in France. So much were they at- ; — 4 day a special train with a large delegation school building with all modern con­ St. Francis hospital, was erected in taclied to their French religious home OVER THE NORTHWEST borhood of his former home in Cedar. For Jesus, the crucified— Mrs. Muicahy and Miss Jeannette Hef- of priests and laymen, the Bishop ar­ veniences, with departments and 1SS9 and dedicated in June, 1890 by and so deeply did.they regard the tra- j So trusting my all to Thy tender.care, fron, of Minneapolis, accompanied him rived in Superior; he was met. on the school rooms for all grades from the Rev. Father Eustace. It is a modern ditions which clustered around it. that j Hudsoni wis.__Mrs_ Edjth Ga,vir And knowing Thou loveut me, ,;& . tl?ree-story brick and cost $35,000. The tl.ey decided to pall their Irish settle-; wife of Luke Galvjn of Kinniokjpnj; in his visit to this city. I'll do Thy will with a heart sincere^ other, St, Mary's hospital, is located ment Mount Mellernv. The good which; die(J on Saturday> w ^ ^ ' St. Peter, Minn.—William G. Cough- I'll be what you want me to be. on Eleventh street and Clough avenue the. monks of Melleray have done in .i, u u liii of Minneapolis, who is a student at ,. - - nrt1 ,llness- Her maiden name was —AXON, opd was opened to the public in Au­ the cause of religion and reform is rviiim -v. it j St. Thonias* college, spent Sunday with f Dahm and she lived near the vilWge .if gust., 1894. It contains 100 rooms and known throughout the length and ^ Rev. David J! Moran, the recently ap­ •" noberts. She was a ladv o' vorv Two Good Rules. can accommodate 175 patients. A four- breadth of the land, and jthe manner v. i * • pointed pastor of the Catholic church character and had many friends She storv solid brick structure, it was built in whichtheir undertaking has prosper- ' i,„,,„^i . , in-this city. Father Moran accompa­ It is a, good thing to have some , f,OU,, .. ed„ vi th V', • . . !ea\es a husband and three small chll- at a cost of $85,000. " ,; . of their dren. The funera, nied-his guest to Minneapolis on Sun­ rujtes or maxims for the goyeniment day evening, and returned home next or one's' life. Here Itra tW6 that" tiro pious unselfishness and self-sacrifice fo„owing Monday and was largely at- ; The Presidential Language. with a contemplation of their labors, londed i<*rgeiy ar. day. worth adopting: Rul» 1. Never "be You may talk of Esperanto all you thf-ir mortifications and prayerful vigils „. Stillwater. Minn.—"The plaintiff discouraged. Pretty hard rule, • isn't , , . , . ; •• * Spring Valley. Minn.—The new like, is calculated to stamp most readily rlly::oddIc' htlil that seventy or seventy-five years ago sented by attorneys at the trial. .Tas. ! Rule 2. Never be a diecouragtr. neither a house nor a tree was to be morning at 10 o'clock, the bride bcinr'' McGrath, a 'prominent " logger, sued What can be meaner than to tempt an­ full sway. Miss Lillian A. Mather, daughter of. ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL. And his "corking time" is reccr.t seen there. The whole prospect was Henry O. Neiinan, owner of the noted other to defeat and failure in the con­ then bleak and barren; with nothing M''' W' R' Mather' this 3nd Oak Glen farm, to recover' $75 as the gest of life? That is too much like the way and escorted into the city by the kindergarten up to and including the Though comparatively decent. in it to attract tho vision: nothing but. ,groom Mr" Thonlas J- Foley. Minneap- hire for a span of horses for farm •| devil's work for any sensible, self-re- mayor and members of the common eighth grades; tho graduates from the There'll be more without sj very much a Stony hillside punctuated by streaks! MiKS Alice Haley' w"8 bli,,es- work the past summer.' Mr. Neiman ' specting person to eng%ge In it.' Every council, a procession several miles in school receive diplomas which admit delay. nnd patches or purple heather. ma,d and Mr" K W replied that the horses were lively and temptation to wrongdoing has some length marched from the depot to the them to the city high school; there arc The most remarkable character ini",an' both alao of Minneapolis. The When the "short and ugly word" spirited and he was for that reason element of discouragement in it. Tho Church, the exterior, as well as the in­ 425 pupils enrolled there at. present, UKherS We Messrs Thonias s tb., whole history of the Trappist Monks *'" ' - | hindered in gathering his farm crops, old serpent discourage! Eve with her terior of which was very beautifully in charge of the Franciscan Sisters was ushered in was M. de Ranee, who was the regular, "1's and T* *°'ey. of Prescott . and as a crinsequence was damaged limitation of knowledge. Stand aloof . illuminated with electric lights. The of La Crosse. Wisconsin It has a 'Twas received in many quartets with Abbot, reformer, and first institutor • R°V' P' R' f-unninsham officiated, and | $S00. Bishop entered the church vested with beautiful, roomy and convenient a grin, j from any such satanis-likc work. Be a of the austerities of La Trappe. His dur'n® the services Miss Barbara Hei- Green Isle, Minn.—On Friday morn­ the robes of the episcopal office, where priest's residence, a two-story brick But we now make th-; admission dispenser of sunshine, when others are uncle was Comptroller of the French nen beautifully rendered two vocal ing, Nov. 6, Mrs. Frank McGuIre, a pio­ ' an address of welcome was delivered building, its residence for the Sisters It's a serious proponi'ion. in gloom. If you know things are not finances, and a confidant of the King sjr talk through just, as they might be, encourage oth­ of France. Cardinal Richelieu was his P,easant reception was held at tho passed away in the 69th year of her v;.fy. of the Bishop's response, in fitting and and gardens and its plagrounds for the thick and thin. ers by reminding them that things are godfather. Mary i>f Mediacis honored "0me °f the bride's brother- Mr- touching terms which marked his en­ school children. age. Deceased was taken ill with not as bad as they might be. him as he grew up With her special 'am R' father, jr., West Fifth street, tire reply, he appointed as Vicar Gen­ The pastor now has three assistants When he's editing the magazine, what protection and even in. early youth he wbel® a sumptuous wedding dinner eral of his diocese, his college class­ for the work. Revs. Patrick Lee, J. M. then? was a Knight, of Malta. From his make-1 was served> thiring friends. They left J. H. CULVER. President. area of the stale of Wisconsin. It - its See, it was generally expected that "Hooberglooh" or "wooglepickles/ on the afternoon train for their future H. H. GRACE. Vice-President. comprises the sixteen counties of ambition. He united regular duty and the Sacred Heart. Parish would be Which would be a bit confuting to home In Minneapolis amid a shower W. R. HOOVER, Cashier. Ashland, Bayfield, Barron, Burnett, masculine strength to an expression of CLARENCE GRACE, Asst. Cashier. made the Cathedral Parish, and it is most men. of rice and congratulations. Douglas, Rusk, Iron, Lincoln, Oneida, now such. There is promise in the vigorous intellect,, delicacy of taste, Wadena, Minn.—A mission was giv­ ' Polk, St. Croix, Sawyer, Taylor, Vilas near future of a large and beautiful acute sensibility and noble and gener- While we tremble for what future cus passions. en here last week at St. Ann's church " and Washburn. Cathedral which will be erected on the times may screen But unfortunately he darkened to the two Dominican priests from New American Bishop Schinner is a deep thinker, site of the present Church. Let us study hard and Information r.ppeal of tho careless society in which York. The services were well attended. a close student, and his modesty, pi­ Vicar-General Fardy. glean; he moved and of the licentious and sen-: Montgomery, Minn.—The members ety and charming personality deeply The Very Rev. Walter Fardy was While more words arc In the making suous reign in which he lived. His of the L. A. A. O. H. of Shieldsville, Exchange Bank impress all with whom ho comes in born, reared and educated In Wiscon­ It should be our undertaking head was certainly, enlightened, but his gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. contact. He speaks fluently seven sin, and has devoted his life's work in To discover what the on«3 he's uttered heart was consumed by worldly desires William Kelley, of Erin Town, Tues­ different languages. Appointed to as- Superior. Wis. the service of the church within this mean. and by a. continual seeking for sources day fevenlng, Nov. 10. The evening " sist him in the work of the diocese are s'-ate. He was born in Beloit, Wiscon­ —Charles R. Barnes in the New York was very pleasantly spent in games, the following: of pleasure. He had vast revenues, Report of the Condition of the American Exchange Bank, sin. on January 3rd, 1854, educated for Sun. l>ut he spent them iu gaming and In conversation, etc., when all departed Superior, Wis., as made to the Commissioner of Banking Vicar-General—Rt. Rev. Walter Far­ the priesthood at St. Francis Seminary dy. idle gratifications; and the outlook for their respective homes, pronounc­ at St. Francis, Wisconsin, and ordained for him from the spiritual viewpoint ing Mr. and Mrs, Kelly royal' enter­ ' Chancellor—Rev. II. P. M. Le Guil- June 29, 1885. He was a classmate of 8ire of the 8un. SEPTEMBER 23, 1908 looked black Indeed, until a great ca­ tainers. (Condensed)' "loii. the Rt. Rev. Bishop Schinner. After We sometimes see a huge ring or halo around the moon, occupying a lamity took place in his household. His Grand Rapids, Minn.—County Com­ Secretary—Rev. Frederick A. Du- lie was ordained he first served as as­ ASSETS M/JRuay. space in the heavens so large that 90 nearest anu dearest intimate and friend missioner O'Brien and Charles Brown sistant to the pastor at Eau Claire, Wis. was snatched away even "in the dead'st of Cohasset, had a hard luck story t i ^10' Diocesan Consultors—Rt. Rev. Wal­ He then became pastor of the church moons' breadths woul.1 hut just suffice Loans and Discounts $288,349.81 of feasting," to ifuote the poet. This tell last week, when they arrived in Overdrafts ter Fardy, V. G., Very Revs. A. Ba- at New Richmond, Wisconsin, and re­ to span it. Yet the body )f the. sun 200.06 |f,- binski, J. A. Barney, Steph. A. I,cin- would fill all that spacj ere we had ap­ appaling circumstance impressed him town from the Sugar lake district, Bonds 13,500.00 mained in charge until 1894, when lie Furniture and Fixtures •'folder, D. D., Fabian Rechtiene, O. F. proached within 2.000 00-) miles .if it. with an acute sens* of his worldll- where they had been cruising. When 3.210.00 was chosen as pastor and took charge ness. For a short time he seemed al­ Real Estate 5.I55-05 J£ig>l., Chas. J. Weber. Once on his apparent surface, were we they were ready to prepare breakfast I)ue from Hanks of the Sacred Heart Church at Super­ most frantic: he wrung his hands, and the day before their arrival, the only- • • • -$87,340.83 £|gf-: Deans—Rt. Rev. W. Fardy, V. G„ permitted to travel thereon, and with Exchange for Clearing House ... i,S9i.2i ior, Wisconsin, which position lie has even rolled on the floor, writhing with available supply on hand was six i^iVery Rev. J. A. Barney, Revs. Gilbert the speed of an express train. It would Cash 011 Hand .... 26,594.31 "5,5.26.33 since held and continues now to occu­ agony: and the paroxysm of his des­ small crackers and one bite of butter. ^fcuonno. O. F. M., Damain Koziolek, O. py. During all of the time he has re­ require five whole year? of continuous Scheyer, C. Schmit. journeying before we could make a cir­ pair was followed by a black and set­ They had a long walk ahead of them, $425,94,1.27 sided in this city he has been foremost tled melancholy. hut finished their morning repast et flpi. Irremovable Hectors—Very Rev. J. in matters wherein the Church, -relig­ cuit of his orb. LIABILITIES Barney. He at length dispensed of all his mag­ the Pokezama at the noon hour. ion and morals were concerned, and is nificent estates and his worldly pos­ Examinatores Cleri—Rt. Rev. W. Faribault, Minn.—The eleventh an­ Capital Stock admired and respected by all classes Miss Poser—"What would you say, $ 50,000.00 sessions and entered the Abbey of La nual ball given by the Ladies' Auxili­ Surplus Fardy, Very Revs. J. A. Barney, S. A. •... 12.500.00 of people. The first assistant pastor of Sam. if Opportunity should knock at Trappe—of which he was the owner— ary A. O. H.. Div. No. 1, of this city, Undivided Profits ||f£Leinfelder, D. D., Revs. J. B. Scheyer, Sacred Heart parish is Rev. Patrick your door?" .... 6,078.04 "F. Schmit. as one of its regular clergy, and he Monday evening of last week, at thu Deposits •••• 357,363.23 Lee. He was born in the County Gal- Sam—"If Opportunity hasn't sense subsequently became the regular Ab­ K P. hall, was largely attended and a k|lt. Comaiissio Scholarum—Rt. Rev. W. v/ay, Ireland, in the year 1S61'. was edu­ enough to see that electric bell on the Jip.f*fcrdjr. V. G.,'Very Revs. J. A. Barney, bot. This celebrated Abbey, It may gratifying financial success. The hall $425,941.27 cated in St. Jarlath's College. Titani. door he can go chase himself. I've be mentioned, was established by Rio- J. Weber, Revs. J. B. Klop, Eustace Ireland, and the Royal College at May- was tastefully decorated for the occa­ had knocking enough in my gay life." ten in the twelfth century, in accomp- sion. The frappe booth was decorated

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