Kate Clow | 160 pages | 11 Jul 2014 | Upcountry () Ltd | 9780957154728 | English | Buxton, United Kingdom the Lycian Way - one of the world's great long-distance trails

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. A route guide to the Lycian Way, Turkey's first long-distance walk that celebrates its 10th birthday in It contains detailed route and historical site descriptions, altitude profiles and a large detachable map. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Lycian Way Turkey. Other Editions 5. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Lycian Wayplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Oct 20, David Hunkins rated it it was ok. By the time I was halfway done walking the Lycian Way, I had cursed Kate Clow; thrown her book across many ravines and roadbeds having given up trying to find the waypoints she described; and finally bought a German book covering the route. It was so much easier to follow the German directions, even though my German is pretty poor. Don't use this book to navigate the Lycian Way! Jul 13, Burcu Cinli rated it liked it. Additionally, though it is great that she gave information about every village or every single ruin on the way some of the ruins were unknown to the locals who have been hiking around here all their livesI would have loved to read about the stories of the people, or the mythological creatures that most of the ancient ruins are dedicated to. Thus, the fact that she made this route what it is, the extend that she covers every single ruin, village and etc. To sum The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route, buy this book to support a good cause and read it not to miss any ruins on the way but use apps for navigation. Feb 02, E. Yigit rated it it was ok Shelves: travel-tourism-leisure. Jan 17, Kindra rated it liked it Shelves: nonfictiontravel-international. The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route husband and I used this guidebook to hike the entire Lycian Way start to finish, over the course of 39 days during late summer. It was useful for many things-history, The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route, general guides for the trail, elevation, ideas of places to stay, etc. However we would have been totally lost had we not had a GPS with tracks preloaded on it. We found someone else's tracks they had posted, and downloaded them, initially as an insurance policy that in case we lost the book, or something about the tr My husband and I used this guidebook to hike the entire Lycian Way start to finish, over the course of 39 days during late summer. We found someone else's tracks they had posted, and downloaded them, initially as an insurance policy that in case we lost the book, or something about the trail had changed drastically, we could still find our way. After just the first day or two we were using the two simultaneously, checking both in uncertain moments on the trail. It was an incredible experience, mostly goat trails, unbelievably up and down, and extremely rocky-I was regretting my choice to use minimalist shoes almost immediately-but boy we loved it! It felt like if there was an opportunity to gain then lose elevation, she felt compelled to include it in the route. Incidentally, we ran into a fellow trekker doing the whole thing, and he had done the Camino de Santiago, walked the length of GB barefootas well as a few other well known treks. And he stated that this was without question the most challenging and least well marked trek he'd ever done. Roger Green rated it liked it Mar 21, Fevzi rated it really liked it Mar 01, Huletthedogsout rated it it was amazing Apr 21, James rated it liked it May 23, Rebecca Lambert rated it really liked it Nov 06, Beth Woodcock rated it it was amazing Aug 22, Michelle Sevigny rated it really liked it Nov 14, Ali rated it it was amazing Jan 25, Cyn rated it it was ok Aug 29, Mitsy rated it did The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route like it Oct 29, Lorena rated it it was amazing Jan 27, Elf rated it it was amazing Jul 16, Alison rated it really liked it Aug 19, Nick Harris rated it The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route it Feb 02, Rob May rated it really liked it Jun 11, Kaan rated it liked it Feb 22, Patricia Redmond rated it really liked it Dec 30, Christopher Weil rated it it was amazing Jan 05, Eva Del Amor rated it it was ok Jan 24, Pinar S. Erkin rated it it was amazing May 14, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Kate Clow. Kate Clow. Books by Kate Clow. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Long Distance Paths in Turkey -

The first two are about km long. Kate Clow with help from Terry Richardson researched designed and implemented all these trails. Many other volunteers helped. Kate produced the guide books and maps, assisted by Terry Richardson, who took photos, George Zsiga, who drew the maps and Ueli Aellig and others who took GPS readings. All are described in the guide books and maps. The route can be traveled by horse, as Evliya did, as well as on foot. The project was initiated and implemented by Ottoman Historian Caroline Finkel. The book and map will be published and be available on this website in May The Way Marking makes it easy to follow the route. Paths are way-marked in red and white stripes to Grande Randonnee standards. Both long-distance routes have yellow and green signposts at the junction of the route with metalled roads. The Culture Routes Society www. There are currently 17 member routes, and more will be added soon. Fiets en Wandelbeurs, Amsterdam, Feb ITB Berlin, March 6 — 10, The Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry www. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The long-distance trails were authorized by the Turkish Ministry of Culture. The projects consist of: Books — which give you background and historical information about the areas, and describe the routes The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route detail, with times and distances and altitude profiles. Maps — included with each book — show key points on the route. GPS points — are downloadable from the Books and Maps page. They are in 3 formats — as a Google Earth The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route, so you can view the route before you walk, as a text file, so you can select just the sections you want, and as a Garmin gpx file that you can upload straight to your GPS. The aims of the Society are as follows: to represent the groups and individuals making sustainable routes walking, bike or horse-riding routes in Turkey. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Lycian Way, Turkey's First Long Distance Trekking Route | Go Turkey Tourism

Just a day on the Lycian Way, let alone a month, can offer a bevy of sights: secluded beaches, traditional boat-building yards, small fishing villages and Unesco-listed ruins. The km waymarked footpath — typically a day trek — follows the bulging outline of the between the tourist towns of and . Along the way, it skirts the coast and climbs up into the rugged backcountry. Clow spent years exploring this sublimely beautiful part of Turkey and bringing local hill farmers round to her envisioned trail and the benefits of tourism pick up her detailed Lycian Way guidebook and hiking maps if you plan on making the trip. Mediterranean Turkey is well set up for tourism, and I met numerous hikers who had their bags driven to their next stop by an accommodating guesthouse owner. I felt like Laurie Lee, the The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route writer, excitedly setting off for Spain in As I Walked The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route One Midsummer Morningexcept it was a sunny spring morning, well before summer temperatures make the going too hot. It was an easy start, just 5km on forest tracks to somewhere I had long wanted to visit — partly thanks to another book. The legendary Butterfly Valley, its sheer cliffs plunging to a golden beach backed by a simple campsite, is named after its population of colourful Jersey tiger-moths. I spent the night at a stylish lodge there in the valley, where rustic cabins dot the slope and Vinyasa flow yoga took place on a forest platform. From Kabak, the trail continues through several of the key remnants of the Lycian League, a loose confederation of some 25 city states formed around BC. Over a delicious home-cooked feast later that night, I chatted to a German couple walking sections of the trail; it was May so it was a great time to see the Mediterranean tourist hotspots with smaller crowds than peak season, but the Lycian Way was bustling with hiking boots and boisterous camaraderie. The following days yielded many sweet memories. Hiking into the hills from chichi , with its atmospheric terrace restaurants, to the mountain village of Bezirgan, a world away from the coastal hubbub with its stone cottages and grain stores among the fields. Climbing a rocky footpath towards the castle, I emerged on a ridge The Lycian Way: Turkeys First Long Distance Walking Route with towering Lycian house tombs, with more emerging from the shallows of the bay below. Here at the Sunken City, my journey came to end. And while so much of the past has disappeared, this path offer countless ways those elements that still peek through. Feature Walking the Lycian Way Just a day on the Lycian Way, let alone a month, can offer a bevy of sights: secluded beaches, traditional boat-building yards, small fishing villages and Unesco-listed ruins.