Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash by Jeff Katz Friday the 13th: The Website. Even before Freddy vs. Jason was released at cinemas, a young rising executive at was already plotting a sequel. Combining the characters of and with that of , the reluctant hero of the Evil Dead series, Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash became hot property at the studio and looked set to be their next installment for the fledging Friday the 13th franchise. Yet, despite the success of Freddy vs. Jason , New Line decided to shelve the idea and the project seemed doomed. Yet, through a collaboration with writer James Kuhoric and artist Jason Craig, the story has finally made its way to the fans in the form of a graphic novel mini-series. Jeff Katz talks about the long journey of making Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash a reality. How did you become involved with New Line Cinema and, more importantly, Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash? I’d wanted to work at New Line since I was a little kid, about seven or eight years old. I fell in love with genre films - Elm Street especially - at a young age. Bob Shaye was from Detroit (Sam Raimi’s family lived next door to me as well) and I was inspired as a child that someone from my neighborhood could go to Los Angeles, start his own studio and make cool movies. Bob and I started corresponding when I was in fourth grade or so and I resolved to go to New Line as soon as possible. Following some lucky career breaks as a teen I was able to drop out of college, call in my chip with Bob and get an internship at New Line. My entire goal was to get involved with Freddy vs. Jason as I had read every script they’d done on the project to date. I was fortunate enough to be put on the movie as an executive and, ultimately, it was what launched my career in Hollywood. FvJvA was something I pitched around New Line starting as an intern and, later, as an executive it seemed like something I could actually pull off. So once FvJ performed well at the box office New Line was cool enough to back my idea and had me write up the treatment. We tried to put a deal together a few times but the realities of Hollywood dealmaking prevented it from coming together. Still, I’m incredibly grateful for Freddy, Jason and Ash coming into my life and am proud to see the story live on as a comic. Had you always been a fan of the three franchises and how confident were you that they would work well together? Fan would be an understatement. All three franchises were a huge part of my life. They seemed to fit very naturally. My big thing after FvJ was to get a hero that would be as interesting as Freddy and Jason as villains. And in the genre there’s only one that comes close and that’s Ash. To have the Necronomicon in JGTH , enabling us to set it up, was just a bonus. What was the length of the treatment that you wrote and how long did the process take? I can’t remember specifically but it wasn’t long. Most of these ideas were things I had been playing around with before it ever seemed like a reality. I knew this would be something that would get people talking and it was an idea that I, as a fan, would’ve loved to have seen. So I wrote it very much from the standpoint of what I’d have loved as a hardcore fan, thinking that other hardcores would enjoy it the same way I would. The story is centred around the Necronomicon, which was referenced in both the Evil Dead movies and Jason Goes to Hell . Was it difficult to fuse the three separate mythologies together, and which character were you most interested in? The Necronomicon in JGTH was huge for us, as it gave us a legitimate underpinning to get these franchises together. It would have been forced otherwise, to say the least. It gave us an organic reason. The mythologies actually worked really well together, which didn’t really surprise me. These three guys together just always made sense in my mind. I love all three characters so the idea of Ash meeting up with these two, plus smartening up Jason and giving Freddy greater power generally made the entire thing something I could invest in and love to work on. Were you impressed with the Freddy vs. Jason movie, as many fans felt it was too camp and dumb, even for a slasher movie? Ha! But how do you really feel? Well, considering I worked on it and it launched my career, I suppose I’m slightly biased. I’d certainly argue we were less campy than the later Friday s and Nightmare s. The idea was to return Freddy and Jason closer to their iconic versions, which to me was Freddy from one-four and Jason from four and six. Both in terms of look and tone. Those were my favorites personally. Generally the fans I’ve met have seemed like the liked the movie and the box office seems to speak to some level of satisfaction. But you’re never going to please everybody. All told though, I am proud of the film and think it’s very true to the characters and their continuity. How instrumental were Sean Cunningham and Sam Raimi as you were preparing the treatment. Did you find that you were receiving a lot of support from the studio? Well, I worked at the studio so I think it’s safe to say there were supportive. It required some education for them as to who Ash was, Evil Dead and all that. Generally they were terrific. I love Sean and Sam, who are both terrific guys, but it was pretty much me in a room. Sean, especially, was very supportive. Had the treatment attracted the attention of any of the actors – , Bruce Campbell - and who were you hoping would play Jason? Yes. I went to Bruce early on for his blessing. Bruce is also from my area in Detroit originally and his father and my mother were friends. So there was a natural connection. Rob Tapert was someone I roped in early as well. Robert was always hugely supportive. He’s a great guy and loves that character. In terms of Jason, we were open minded but - and I know this one will be controversial with the fans - I suspect it would have been Ken again. Were any directors suggested for the movie or did talks not reach that far? We had plenty of people reach out once word got out we were talking about it. Some names that would surprise you probably. It just speaks to the eternal popularity of these three franchises. They’ll be scaring and inspiring kids for generations to come. How supportive were the fans of the movies once the concept was leaked out onto the internet? Hugely. Just incredibly supportive. The fans are the reason this thing ultimately saw the light of day as a comic. And the success of the comic since the release is a testament to their dedication and love for the franchise. It’s really cool to see and it makes me proud to be one of them. Once it seemed that the movie was not going to happen, how did the comic book come about? It was something we were talking about casually over a couple years until ultimately David Imhoff from New Line put the deal together. It was timing, at the end of the day. Bad timing is what killed the movie deal. Good timing is what enabled the comic series. How much input did you have in the writing of the comic, or was your treatment just used as a template? James, Jason and Thomas were terrific about involving me. Initially the idea was for me to adapt the treatment but I left New Line to go to 20th Century Fox and was already writing Booster Gold for DC Comics, so schedule and my obligations to Fox were a major factor. Since Jason took the reins, though, he’s been incredibly gracious about involving me. All of them have been great guys. We’re all fans here and I think that shows in the finished product. Have you read the comic series and, if so, what are your thoughts on it? Do you still wish it had been made as a movie, as many fans still ask about it? Of course I read it. Movies are my day job, comics my side gig. I’d obviously love to have seen this as a movie as it was my passion project. But as a comics fan I can’t really be disappointed considering the response to the thing. I’m just proud it will continue to live on. And now, with the Friday and Nightmare remakes coming, in some ways the series is the true continuation of the current (or classic) continuity. I’m very very proud of that. Had the movie happened, and had been a success, where do you think the new franchise could have gone from there? Which other horror icon would you have liked to have seen thrown into the mix? The idea was for Ash to be the one to kill Freddy and Jason and then go off into a larger budget Evil Dead film for Sam to be more involved in. That was the idea. There were clearly other icons to get involved, and Malek Akkad and I had talked about it a few times as he’s a friend of mine. But ultimately I think the big battle royale version is best served as a video game, which is something I think will happen eventually. Comic Book / Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. The Sequel in Another Medium miniseries Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash and its sequel, The Nightmare Warriors , follow up on the events of Freddy vs. Jason and tosses Ashley J. Williams into the mix to create a horror crossover that fans could only have dreamed about before its publication. DC Comics, Dynamite Entertainment, and Wildstorm published both series from 2007 to 2009, with James Kuhoric (writer) and Jason Craig (illustrator) helming both series. Kuhoric based the original series on the original Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash film treatment by Jeff Katz; Katz himself helped pen The Nightmare Warriors , which he and Kuhoric designed as a parallel to DC’s various Crisis events, right down to combining the three franchises’ continuities and turning the Nightmare Warriors into a Justice League-style ‘superteam’. Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. After the events of Freddy vs. Jason , Freddy Krueger manipulates Jason Voorhees into retrieving the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, which Freddy plans to use to revive himself and cause more carnage. Ash happens to have moved to Crystal Lake for the opening of a new Super Ultra Mega S-Mart, which serves as his cover while he keeps his own search for the Necronomicon alive. Once the triumvirate of terror meet, chaos ensues. Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors. Following the events of the previous series, the United States government resurrects both Freddy and Jason in an attempt to exploit their supernatural powers. The government soon discovers that it can’t control the titans of terror, who now seek to take over the world using the Necronomicon. In the meantime, Ash stumbles upon the existence of the Nightmare Warriors, a support group for survivors of the two killers’ supernatural rampages. Once Ash and his new allies learn of the resurrection of Freddy and Jason, the Nightmare Warriors make it their mission to stop the deadly duo once and for all. Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash is a six-issue comic book limited series that was released in November 2007 and ran until March 2008. It was published by Wildstorm, Dynamite Entertainment, and DC Comics. [1] [2] Based on the original Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash film treatment by Jeff Katz, the story serves as a sequel to Freddy vs. Jason and The Evil Dead trilogy. [3] The comic book series was written by James Kuhoric and illustrated by Jason Craig. Contents. Plot Summary. Five years after the events of the film Freddy vs Jason , the town of Forrest Green (formerly Crystal Lake) has opened a new Super-Ultra-Mega S-Mart shopping center. It’s the Christmas season and the official town naming ceremony is planned to be part of the holiday festivities; an effort for the town to rid itself of its deadly reputation in time for the New Year. Lori Campbell and Will Rollins, (the survivors from Freddy vs. Jason), return to Camp Crystal Lake for closure and confirmation that both Freddy and Jason are dead. While investigating the scene, they split up while looking around. Lori eventually finds Will dead, after he had been gutted by Jason. Jason eventually kills Lori by splitting her head open with his machete. Afterwards, Jason takes their bodies to his mother’s shack in the woods, which holds the severed heads of Pamela Voorhees and Freddy Krueger. Freddy, who has been trapped in Jason’s subconscious mind since his defeat in Freddy vs. Jason, learns of the Necronomicon ex Mortis (the Book of the Dead) from Jason’s memory. The long lost book was last seen in the old Voorhees home. Once again disguising himself as Pamela Voorhees's lover Freddy manipulates Jason into getting the book, promising to make him a “real boy” if he can deliver the demonic book to Krueger. Unbeknownst to Jason however, Freddy has another agenda for the book’s knowledge. While Jason lumbers his way back to his old home, he notices the newly arrived “Housewares Domestic Engineer” walking into S-Mart : Ash Williams. Ash, drawn by the Necronomicon, has arrived in Forrest Green to destroy the book once and for all. As Ash walks up to the S-Mart entrance, he manages to hit on three young girls who pass him by. The manager of S-Mart meets Ash at the door, escorting him in and detailing the work that needs to be done in time for Christmas. Jason, who had been watching Ash from the nearby trees, engages the three girls Ash was hitting on and kills them. An old woman near the scene sees Jason and screams. Inside the S-Mart, the manger introduces Ash to the teenage staff in the housewares department, only to have Ash run out of the store when the scream is heard. Ash questions the old lady on what had happened, but her only response was, “Jason.” Later, after the police depart, Ash recounts his experiences with the Deadites to the teenagers. They laugh him off, thinking him old and crazy. When Ash goes on break, one of the teens named Caroline questions him further about the Deadites, and later recounts the legend of Jason Voorhees. Ash, taken back by the story, believes Jason is a Deadite and must have the Necronomicon. Meanwhile, Jason continues his way to his old house and happens upon a group of carolers. As the group begins practicing, they are quickly slaughtered by the masked murderer. Later on, as Ash’s shift is about to end, an attractive girl named Bree introduces herself and suckers him into purchasing overnight goods for her and her friends. One of the friends explains they are going to stay the night in the old Voorhees house before the city tears it down. The group leaves Ash in the dust after he loads their supplies, laughing all the way. When they arrive at the Voorhees house, the group pair off, not noticing Jason watching them from an outside window. Ash, who followed the group to the old Voorhees home, breaks into the basement and finds the Necronomicon. While Ash uncovers the Book of the Dead, Jason slays the teens upstairs, leaving Bree the only survivor. Ash, summoned upstairs by the commotion, meets up with Bree, only to have Jason bearing down on him. After a brief skirmish, which leaves Jason unfazed, Ash and Bree flee the house with Jason in pursuit. As Ash and Bree flee from Jason’s deadly grasp, both are saved by Caroline, who followed Ash to the Voorhees house. Ash instructs Caroline to drive them back to the S-Mart, so he can decipher the Necronomicon and come up with a plan on how to proceed. Freddy, enraged at Jason losing the book, picks (literally) through Jason’s memory and finds a brief glimpse of Ash’s S-Mart nametag. Freddy instructs Jason to go back to S-Mart and retrieve the book. Meanwhile, Ash, Bree and Caroline arrive back at S-Mart and have little time to plan before Jason walks in the store. Jason begins to slaughter customers and staff alike (ala the Freddy vs. Jason party scene), until Ash confronts him with chainsaw and shotgun in hand. The battle between the two is short, with Jason tossing Ash aside, and then later throwing him through a wall. Caroline tries to intervene, but is easily discarded. Bree, mentally unstable from the night’s horrors, tries to escape with the Necronomicon, but is quickly killed by Jason. With the Book of the Dead now in his possession, Jason leaves the scene and returns to his shrine in the woods. After arriving, he turns Freddy’s severed head toward the propped up book. In the dreamscape, Freddy is able to decipher the necessary resurrection spell and escapes from Jason’s mind, returning to reality. Now free, Freddy attempts to leave, but Jason stops him, remembering their agreement. Freddy makes good on his promise, using the book to grant Jason “some intelligence.” Later, Ash, Caroline, and the few surviving teens from the store, retreat to Caroline’s parent’s house to make a plan on how to get the book back. When the group decides to get some sleep, Ash volunteers to keep guard, only to fall asleep himself. He awakens in the cabin from Evil Dead, with his normal hand intact, only to have it mutate with Freddy’s blades. Ash, thinking he is back at the cabin from Evil Dead, strikes out to find the chainsaw in the cabin’s shed. Once found, he cuts off his Freddy infected hand. As he sits and gloats about defeating the Deadites at their own game, he suddenly remembers he has done this before and must be dreaming. As he comes to this conclusion, Freddy Krueger makes himself known. He explains to Ash that he will be keeping the Necronomicon, and unveils a shelf full of Freddy infected hands waiting to strike out at Ash. Before the hands attack him, Ash uses the barrel of his recently used shotgun to trigger himself awake. When he awakens, he finds a burn mark on the wrist where the barrel touched him. Ash, piecing together what happens in the dream happens in real life, wakes the kids before Freddy can get to them. Unfortunately, he is too late for one of the teens, as the kid’s sleeping body is crushed by Krueger. Freddy, proud of his recent kill, returns to Jason’s subconscious and orders Jason to find and kill Ash. Meanwhile, Ash, Caroline, and the few surviving teens plan to take back the Necronomicon; Ash believes he can use its passages to eliminate both Freddy and Jason. After breaking into the S-Mart for supplies, the group returns to the old Voorhees house for the book. Ash, now carrying an upgraded chainsaw, ventures into the house, while the kids stay outside and try to lure Jason out of hiding and into an explosive trap. The kids manage to get Jason’s attention, but he doesn’t fall for their ploy – his new intelligence at work. While the kids confront Jason, Ash finds the book (again) in the basement of the house. As he reaches to collect the book, Freddy comes up from behind and stabs him in the shoulder. Freddy, standing over the wounded Ash, explains he has read enough of the Necronomicon to take dominion over reality, to bring nightmares to the waking world. As Ash tries to escape, Freddy summons the Freddy hands from Ash’s dream and uses them to pin Ash against the wall. While the energies of the Necronomicon flow around Krueger, Jason senses something is wrong and breaks onto the scene looking to stop Freddy. Freddy, in retaliation, summons the ghosts of Jason’s victims to rise up and destroy him. Jason, now in the resurrected hands of his dead victims, fights to break free from their grasp. Freddy watches, and amused, summons one of Ash’s “Freddy” hands to drive Jason’s machete through his chest. Jason eventually breaks free and pulls the machete out, leaving him weakened on the floor. Freddy then turns his attention back to the Necronomicon, only to find it and Ash missing. Enraged, he shouts out at Ash. Meanwhile, Ash has managed to escape the Voorhees house and into the woods with the book. After running into a clearing, he is attacked by Deadite possessed trees and crows. Freddy, now able to manipulate reality, used Ash’s memories to bring out the Deadite force. After eating crow, Ash uses his chainsaw to free himself from the assault and meets back up with Caroline, who is the lone survivor of Jason’s earlier attack. Ash informs Caroline of the book’s ability to open a portal, which could be used to send Freddy and Jason to the Deadite’s dimension for all eternity. As they discuss their options, the book flips open, revealing a young Pamela Voorhees using the book to resurrect her dead son. Ash, annoyed, hands the book over to Caroline, telling her to find the correct incantation for the portal. Just as she begins, Freddy’s face appears in the clouds above, prompting the two to flee back to the Voorhees house for shelter. When they arrive, they look back and notice the Voorhees house is no longer there, but rather, the house at 1428 Elm Street. Three little girls in white dresses are jump roping out front, singing Freddy’s familiar nursery rhyme. Ash warns the little girls to run, but is soon attacked by the demonized children. While Ash is tied up with the three girls, Freddy opens the front door and grabs Caroline, dragging her in the house. Ash quickly uses his chainsaw to cut down the kids and rushes after her. Inside, Freddy threatens Caroline to hand over the book, just as Jason bursts back onto the scene. Freddy uses pieces of the house against Jason, effectively battering him to a standstill. With Freddy’s attention turned toward Jason, Caroline attempts to utter the words to open the portal. Jason however, realizing what she is doing, reaches over and snatches the book. Ash arrives moments after, and blasts Jason pointblank in the head with his gun, revealing Jason’s disfigured face. Unrelenting, Ash chops off Jason’s hand with the chainsaw, freeing the Necronomicon. Jason, mimicking Ash’s chainsaw hand, takes his machete and shoves it, blade out, in his bloody stump. Caroline promptly escapes the house with the book, while Ash and Jason square off. Jason quickly brushes Ash aside, throwing him through one of the front windows, out of the house. With Ash out of the way, Jason engages Freddy. As the two villains battle, the house collapses upon them. Caroline tries frantically to wake up an unconscious Ash, as Freddy slowly emerges from the rubble of the demolished Voorhees house. Forced to make a run for it alone, Caroline escapes to a nearby fishing shack and hides with the Necronomicon. Freddy, furious at Caroline for taking “his” book, starts destroying the neighboring shacks in an effort to locate her. Eventually, her position is revealed and Freddy takes the book from her. Just as Freddy takes hold of the book however, Jason appears on the scene, and is quickly subdued by Freddy. Freddy gloats over his victory, but is soon sent flying through the air by Ash’s car, driven by the now awake Ash. Ash emerges and takes on the two villains. While all three battle each other, Caroline opens the disregarded Necronomicon and manages to find the needed passage to open a portal to the Deadite dimension. She reads the correct incantation and a gigantic portal opens above Crystal Lake, sucking up everything near it. Ash and Caroline grab hold of a tree, while Freddy (who is nearest to the portal) is drawn in by the vortex. Jason, unfazed by the portal, approaches Ash and is about to deliver a killing blow, when Ash’s car is picked up by the storm and slams into him, sending him crashing in Crystal Lake’s icy waters. In the chaos, Caroline loses the Necronomicon, which flies through the air and into Freddy’s eager hands. Freddy promptly tries to locate the correct incantation to to fix “this travesty”, but quickly loses the book to the portal. Enraged, he is sucked up soon after, which causes the portal to immediately close. Afterward, Ash and Caroline leave Crystal Lake, with Ash content that events “are over.” Later, the portal opens again and drops the Necronomicon on the frozen lake. Underneath the ice, Jason opens his eye. Sequel. On November 2008, Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors was announced to be in the planning stages with James Kuhoric and Jason Craig returning to write and illustrate, respectively. The story picks up where the last left off, and it will feature cameos of known characters from the previous Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street films. [4] [5] Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors. Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors. Creative Team. Writer(s) Artist(s) Letterer. Colorist(s) Cover Artist(s) Publication Info. Publisher. Publication Date. Freddy vs Jason vs Ash The Nightmare Warriors is a 6 comic book miniseries released from August 2009 to January 2010. It was written by James Kuhoric and Jeff Katz, illustrated by Jason Craig and published by WildStorm and Dynamite Entertainment. Contents. Official Summary [ edit | edit source ] Issue 1: Something strange is happening in the halls of Project Black Book. The covert government group is unleashing creatures of mass destruction in their bid to gain control over the Necronomicon. And as the survivors of Freddy and Jason's murder sprees congregate, the short- lived reunion is shattered by the violent arrival of Jason Voorhees. But when a mysterious stranger arrives to aid in the battle, Jason must confront the one man who has not only survived his murderous rampages but has also "killed him" in the past. Fan favorite Tommy Jarvis returns to finish what he started and see Jason Voorhees buried a final time! Issue 2: Beneath the bloody waters of Crystal Lake, an immortal evil wakes and begins anew the cycle of grueling violence. Six months after the events of FREDDY VS. JASON VS. ASH, a power-hungry government bureaucrat unleashes the denizens of the Necronomicon – including the banished spirit of the Springwood Slasher, Freddy Krueger. But Ash Williams has checked his monster-hunting past at the door. A Chosen One no more, he thinks that a life of domestic bliss and retail tending is his true calling – until the ghosts of the past show up to punch his clock again. The original creative team behind WildStorm and Dynamite Entertainment's FREDDY VS. JASON VS. ASH proudly presents the bloody sequel to the sold-out smash horror crossover event! Featuring a triptych cover by Arthur Suydam (Marvel Zombies) to match the triptych cover from the original miniseries. Co-published with Dynamite Entertainment. ' Issue 3: Freddy Krueger has become one with the Necronomicon, and he has the full power of the book at his disposal - including control of the Deadites. Making a Faustian bargain with Jason Voorhees, Freddy promises to return everything he's lost if Jason will be a general in Freddy's army. Will Washington DC fall to such nefarious foes? Who could possibly stand against such forces? Ash Williams and Tommy Jarvis aim to find out. Issue 4: Zombies, Deadites, and demons - oh my! The army of the dead is loose in Washington, D.C. and no one is safe from their rampage. As the capital city burns, Freddy Krueger's devious plan starts to come together. No longer is he limited to the kids from Springwood or Crystal Lake. Now the world is his Elm Street, and the streets will flow with blood. Jason Voorhees leads the dead in the sacking of D.C. that cuts down everyone from shoppers to senators. Things are looking grim for Ash's Nightmare Warriors as Tommy Jarvis and Jacob Johnson are taken captive, leaving a depleted group to figure out how to stop the storm of slaughter taking place in the streets. Pulled into Freddy's nightmare, they are given an ultimatum: "Bring the Necronomicon to me or I'll gut your friends while you watch." It's all-out Armageddon in the White House when Freddy takes his place on the highest seat in the land. the Oval Office. Co-published with Dynamite Entertainment. Issue 5: Washington is burning. An army of Deadite horrors has turned the Capital into a city of the dead, and Freddy Krueger is one step closer to his ultimate goal: control of the waking and dreaming worlds! Ash Williams and his band of survivors are all that stands between this nightmare reality and the last shred of the real world. If they can't find a way to stop the supernatural storm, there won't be enough of the world left to save. And as their losses mount, the power of these special souls continues to strengthen the monsters at the door. But with the dark horses of Jason Voorhees and his family lurking, an already nightmarish scenario is about to get even worse. Issue 6: As the bloody end nears, Ash must lead his remaining forces against the amassed titans of terror. Washington has been leveled, and the odds are stacked against the motley crew of survivors. The vicious battles that end this series are legendary – Tommy Jarvis vs. Jason Voorhees, Ash Williams vs. Freddy Krueger, and even the army of the dead against the ghosts of victims past! Plot [ edit | edit source ] 24 hours after the events of Freddy vs Jason vs Ash, Jason Voorhees was awakened from his slumber by an apparition of his mother Pamela Voorhees. Pamela instructs Jason to hunt down and kill Ash. On the surface government operatives, Director Gordon Russell and his assistant Agent Wesley Carter go to the lake, attempting to locate the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, which is frozen under a few inches of ice. Recovering the book, Russell takes it and heads off to The Pentagon to translate it and enact Project Black Book, leaving some agents behind to find and capture their other target, Jason Voorhees. A pair of divers are sent under the lake to search for Jason, until Jason kills both of them before reaching the surface and attacking the other operatives. Then, Jason heads off to search for Ash. 6 months later and 1 year later on July 2nd, 2009 in Franklin, Michigan, Ash and his girlfriend, Caroline were preparing for a backyard barbecue and pool party with their friends and family until they were visited by Dr. Maggie Burroughs and Dr. Neil Gordon. Introducing herself, Maggie explains that she and Neil are putting together a group formed of people who have survived Freddy and Jason, offering Ash a chance to join them. When Ash refuses, Maggie leaves, telling Ash that whatever peace he has found is most likely temporary. With Maggie gone, Ash reassures Caroline that nothing is going to happen and that Maggie is just some ghost chaser who's trying to stir up the past. Believing her boyfriend is right, Caroline asks Ash to pick up some beer and wine at the store. When Ash leaves, Jason charges toward the house. At that moment, his great-niece, Stephanie Kimble, woke up screaming, telling her father Steven Freeman that Jason has return as Jason breaks into the house and attacks Caroline. Alice Johnson, while watching a movie with her son Jacob, has a vision of Freddy Krueger at the same time, while Ash realizes something is wrong and rushes back home to check on Caroline. In the headquarters, Russell tells Carter that the Necronomicon can make America unstoppable and that he plans to use the book to bring back Freddy. Arriving home, Ash breaks down after finding Caroline dead. Caroline's parents arrive, see their daughter's corpse and immediately accuse Ash of murdering her. Flying into a rage, Caroline's father lunges at Ash. As the police speed to the scene, Ash flees the house with a mysterious person, who is revealed to be Jason's old enemy, Tommy Jarvis. At The Pentagon, the government opens a portal to the Deadites' Realm and drag the powerless Freddy back to Earth. Apparently sensing her father's return, Maggie wakes. She wakes Neil, Tina Shepard and Rennie Wickham, claiming that she feels something bad is just over the horizon. As Ash heads off to meet Maggie and her so-called Survivor's Group in Baltimore, Maryland, Jason follows his lead and stows away in a boxcar. While in the car, a pair of hoboes enter, but are quickly slaughtered by Voorhees. Taken to Maggie's place, Stephanie goes into convulsions, envisioning Jason attacking a trio of rapists and their intended victim at a train station shortly before it happens. Given clothing and kept in custody, Freddy is interrogated by Russell who grills him about how he went from a child killer to a supernatural horror. Uncooperative at first, Freddy shows an interest when Russell mentions that he can get him the Necronomicon , with some effort. While the director is with Freddy, he's informed that Jason has been spotted. Ordering his agents to use only tranquilizers in capturing the target, Russell warns his men not to screw up again. Arriving at Maggie's house, Ash confronts Maggie and angrily assets that it is her fault Jason found him and killed Caroline. Neil tells him to back off, causing the two to begin a further argument, which is broken up by Maggie. Managing to calm Ash down, Maggie groups everyone together and begins telling them that her reasoning for calling them here until they are interrupted by Steven, who believes that this entire ordeal is a sham. Steven's complaining is cut short when Jason suddenly busts through the door and smashes his head down into his torso right in front of Stephanie. Arming himself, Ash prepares to attack Jason who winds up being rammed by Tommy, who suddenly drives his Hummer through the wall and yells for everyone to get in. Driving away with everyone while Jason recovers and rises, Tommy reveals his purpose in the current events: to destroy Jason once and for all. The agents show up at Maggie and Neil's house and take Jason down with bullets and missiles. Meanwhile, the survivors hide out in a motel and Maggie suggests that they'll visit her father Gordon Russell to use the Necronomicon to defeat the killers. Unimpressed, Tommy breaks away from the group and goes solo. At the Capitol, Jason is put in a holding cell where he is visited by Freddy. Krueger tells him that they can team up to rule the world. At first, Jason wants only to kill Freddy, until the Slasher told that his old enemies—including Tommy—will be coming for them. With this information Jason is convinced, and agrees to join Freddy. Freddy appoints him as "general" of the Deadites, and repairs his decomposed body. Meanwhile, the group (minus Stephanie and Jacob, who remain at the motel) also arrive at the Capitol with Maggie, Neil and Rennie, who Russell takes to visit Freddy, before Freddy transforms back into his burned, demonic form and reveals that he has bonded with the Necronomicon and possesses all of its powers. Then, Russell attacks Freddy with his own glove, but Maggie turns the blades back on him and kills him. She finally reveals her true identity as Freddy's daughter, Kathryn Krueger, and attacks Neil and Rennie. Tina feels Rennie's death and uses her telekinesis to break out of her cell. As she, Ash and Alice escape, Jason and his army of Deadites descend on Washington. Meanwhile, Ash, Tina and Alice fight and destroy Freddy-controlled robot to acquire the Necronomicon . Meanwhile, Tommy confronts Jason on the streets of Washington as he and the Deadites cut a swath of destruction across the city. While opening fire on his nemesis, Tommy is attacked by winged Deadites who take him to Freddy. Back at the motel, Jacob and Stephanie fall asleep, and Freddy possesses the latter. Then, Stephanie/Freddy seduce and attack Jacob, forcing him to call out to his mother. Alice hears her son's cries and uses her Dream Master powers to transport herself, Ash, and Tina into Jacob's nightmare. Immobilizing Ash during the fight, Freddy lets Stephanie live and escapes with Jacob. Still in the dreamscape, Tina and Alice put Stephanie's skin back on and she wakes up, unharmed. At the White House, Tommy and Jacob are held hostage by Freddy, Jason, and the traitor Maggie. Disguised as The President, Freddy addresses the nation, describing his new policy "No Kid Left Alive" and plans to destroy the globe and nothing stops him from "visiting every green place" on Earth. Having seen Freddy's broadcast, Ash and the girls break into a nearby pawn shop for weaponry and head to The White House to stop Freddy, Jason and the traitor Maggie from massacring the entire planet. As it rains blood in Washington DC, Ash, Alice, Tina, and Stephanie plan their way into the White House. Upset by Ash and Alice's bickering, Stephanie wanders off alone. Then, the group are provided the distraction they need to get in when an army of soldiers arrive to rescue the President. Tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets battle the Deadites, but the soldiers suffer heavy losses and Freddy manifests in the clouds to blast the helicopters out of the sky. Meanwhile, Stephanie passes out and meets Freddy who tells her that it was and is her destiny to become a murderer like Jason. With a hockey mask, Stephanie leaves the church. Back at The White House, Freddy has his plans on destroying all countries around the planet and was going to drain Tommy's "Special Powers". Maggie and Jason then break out in a fight, but were interrupted by Tina who lands a tank in the middle of the room and crushes Maggie thus killing her. As Ash rescues Neil, Jacob, and Tommy, Alice confronts Freddy face-to-face. She reveals that she has a terminal illness and that her Dream Master abilities are weakened, and so allows Freddy to kill her, passing her power over to Jacob. As she dies, she releases the souls of the people Freddy has killed in the previous A Nightmare on Elm Street films. Furious at his mother's death, Jacob declares he is The Dream Master now, surrounded by the spirits of Amanda Krueger and The Dream Warriors. Amanda and the other souls destroy the Deadite army, but Freddy quickly severs their connection to Earth by mortally wounding Jacob. As Tina tends to Jacob and Ash battles Freddy, Tommy takes it upon himself to deal with Jason. In a closely matched fight, he taunts Jason for never being able to kill him. Stephanie appears and impales her uncle with a machete; this distraction provides Tommy the opportunity to decapitate Jason with a shard of glass. However, Freddy exploits this victory by absorbing Jason's soul to increase his own power. As Neil struggles to read the Necronomicon' s passages to banish Krueger, he's joined by the spirit of Nancy Thompson. Then Neil and Nancy recite the words together, opening the portal to Deadite's dimension. Freddy resists the vortex until The Dream Demons declares him unworthy and strips him of his powers. The human Freddy begs for forgiveness, but Ash has none, blasting the slasher into the vortex with his shotgun. At the same time, Nancy leaves Neil to rejoin the other spirits. Around the same time, we see Jason's hand feeling for his head, with Mrs. Voorhees' voice telling Jason that he can never die. The next morning, Ash bids farewell to Tommy, Tina, Neil, Jacob, and Stephanie, appointing Tommy the new captain of The Nightmare Warriors. Later it is shown that in Springwood 1964, a time-displaced and disoriented Agent Wes Carter who had been sucked into The Necronomicon's vortex finds himself in The Springwood Police Department on the day of Freddy's arrest, and impulsively signs Freddy's search warrant when he finds the file on a desk in front of him, altering history and thus altering the A Nightmare on Elm Street films.