AND LANDSCAPE CHANGE of the SCCWRP Technical Report #499 Appendices A, B, and C Eric D. Stein Shawna Dark Travis Longcore Nicholas Hall Michael Beland Robin Grossinger Jason Casanova Martha Sutula HISTORICAL ECOLOGY AND LANDSCAPE CHANGE OF THE SAN GABRIEL RIVER AND FLOODPLAIN SCCWRP Technical Report # 499 Appendices A, B, and C February 2007 Eric D. Stein1*, Shawna Dark2, Travis Longcore3, Nicholas Hall3, Michael Beland2, Robin Grossinger4, Jason Casanova5, and Martha Sutula1 1Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2California State University Northridge 3University of Southern California 4San Francisco Estuary Institute 5Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council *corresponding author Phone 714-755-3233 | E-mail
[email protected] | Web d s an San 8 le G $ 3 e a $ 1 g b 4 n r i A e l s o R L i v e e r h s T W a t il er c sh un Es 9 ed Co tablished 196 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the following individuals and organizations whose cooperation and assistance has been instrumental to the success of this project. We thank the California State Library, along with Alan Jutzi, from the Huntington Library, and Mike Hart, with Sunny Slope Water Company, for their assistance in obtaining historic irrigation reports and maps. John Patton from the Bureau of Land Management’s General Land Office was instrumental in acquiring field notes and plats. Jim Shuttleworth and Steven Lipshie of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works provided us with workspaces, map resources, and access to the historic aerial photo collection.