ARTICLE OPEN Periodicity of molecular clusters based on symmetry-adapted orbital model

Takamasa Tsukamoto 1,2,4, Naoki Haruta 1,2,3,4, Tetsuya Kambe 1,2, Akiyoshi Kuzume1,2 & Kimihisa Yamamoto1,2

The periodic table has always contributed to the discovery of a number of elements. Is there no such principle for larger-scale substances than ? Many stable substances such as

1234567890():,; clusters have been predicted based on the jellium model, which usually assumes that their structures are approximately spherical. The jellium model is effective to explain subglobular clusters such as icosahedral clusters. To broaden the scope of this model, we propose the symmetry-adapted orbital model, which explicitly takes into account the level splittings of the electronic orbitals due to lower structural symmetries. This refinement indicates the possi- bility of an abundance of stable clusters with various shapes that obey a certain periodicity. Many existing substances are also governed by the same rule. Consequently, all substances with the same symmetry can be unified into a periodic framework in analogy to the periodic table of elements, which will act as a useful compass to find missing substances.

1 Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan. 2 ERATO, JST, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan. 3 Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry, Kyoto University, Sakyou-ku, Kyoto 606-8103, Japan. 4These authors contributed equally:Takamasa Tsukamoto, Naoki Haruta. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.Y. (email: [email protected])


n 1869, Mendeleev proposed the periodic table of the ele- Table 1 Splitting patterns of superatomic orbitals by ments, which has long been the foundation of the natural 17 I 1 symmetry lowering sciences . The periodic table has contributed to the discovery of a number of the elements that obey a certain periodic rule. I O T Thereafter, much attention has been paid to higher-order sub- Spherical h h d stances that consist of the elements, including , clusters, SAg A1g A1 nanoparticles, and bulk substances. Although such substances PT1u T1u T2 DHg Eg⊕ T2g E ⊕ T2 have tremendous potential to be functional materials, it remains a ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ fi FT2u Gu A2u T1u T2u A1 T1 T2 dif cult problem to predict and design unknown substances GG⊕ H A ⊕ E ⊕ T ⊕ T A ⊕ E ⊕ T ⊕ T among the infinite combinations of constitutive elements. As with g g 1g g 1g 2g 1 1 2 HT1u ⊕ T2u ⊕ Hu Eu ⊕ 2T1u ⊕ T2u E ⊕ T1 ⊕ 2T2 Mendeleev’s periodic table, such a periodic table for higher-order substances would be considerably valuable for a wide range of materials science. Is there no principle to govern larger-scale substances? 17,18 Recently, Tomalia and Khanna2 pointed out the possibility of theory . In the case of Ih symmetry, the F and G orbitals split nanoperiodicity in higher-order substances typified by supera- into T2u and Gu orbitals, as well as Gg and Hg orbitals, respec- toms that function as building blocks of higher-order archi- tively. For the Oh symmetry, the D orbitals split into Eg and T2g tectures3–5 as with atoms that form molecules. It is known that orbitals. The F and G orbitals split in a more complicated way. some particularly stable clusters exhibit properties that resem- For the Td symmetry, the splitting pattern is almost the same as fi − that for Oh. ble speci c chemical elements in the periodic table, e.g., [Al13] −6,7 However, the order of orbital levels is not determined by the and [Al7C] . Such clusters are referred to as superatoms, 17,18 which have electronic structures similar to those of atoms2,6–12. point-group theory , but is dependent on the degree of level The superatoms have been predicted on the basis of the jellium splittings. According to our quantum chemical calculations, the model1,13, which usually assumes that these structures have an order of the orbital levels generally obeys a certain law with approximately spherical symmetry. As described by the jellium respect to each structural symmetry (Fig. 1). The reason is as model, molecular orbitals generated by follows. Let us take the spherical jellium model as the in highly symmetric clusters have shapes just like atomic unperturbed system, as described in the Supplementary Notes 1 orbitals. Accordingly, a cluster will be stable when the number and 2. The perturbation of the nuclear charge distribution gives rise to the shift and split of the jellium orbital levels. According of valence electrons coincides with a closed-shell structure fi based on the jellium model. This spherical approximation is to the rst-order perturbation theory, the jellium orbitals that applicable especially for subglobular I symmetric clusters. The overlap the nuclear charge distribution are selectively stabilized, h − depending on each structural symmetry, as compared with the initially discovered superatom was the [Al13] cluster with Ih 19 fi symmetry6. spherical jellium model . When the split orbitals are lled with a suitable number of valence electrons, structural symmetry is A theoretical framework that describes a broad range of – 16 substances is necessary to obtain a universal law. The spherical maintained without any Jahn Teller distortion . According to jellium model is a candidate for such a theory; however, most this model, the magic numbers, or the number of valence clusters do not have quasi-spherical I symmetry14,15, because electrons required for full occupation of the split orbitals, are h dependent on the structural symmetries. The magic numbers their atomicities are inappropriate for the construction of Ih symmetry structures. Even if they have the icosahedral - for each symmetry are listed in Table 2 (see also Fig. 1). It icities, many of the clusters exhibit Jahn–Teller or pseudo should also be noted that atomicity must be appropriate for the Jahn–Teller instability16 due to electronic reasons. On the construction of each symmetric structure. The present SAO model is quite simple but more effective than expected, as other hand, particularly stable clusters without Ih symmetry 8 revealed later with diverse examples. have also been found, such as Au20 with Td symmetry .In such clusters, the validity of the spherical jellium model decreases relatively due to the split and shift of the superatomic First-principles calculations. The SAO model was verified by orbital levels. Therefore, it is strongly desired to establish a comparison with the density functional theory (DFT) calcula- fi more sophisticated method to nd an abundance of stable tions, using the Td-typeclustersasanexample.Figure2 shows clusters. We have focused on the violation of the spherical that the molecular orbitals of the Td-type clusters can be jellium model to extend the theory for the prediction of clus- ascribed to the split superatomic orbitals. According to ters. In the present study, we demonstrate that various the SAO model, in the case of four-atom clusters (E4), only the stable clusters can be correctly predicted by considering their elements having 2, 4, and 5 valence electrons fill the split structural symmetry, in addition to the number of valence orbitals. For 10-atom and 20-atom clusters (E10 and E20), ele- electrons and the number of constitutive atoms. This is the ments with one valence are also allowed. DFT calcu- essence of our theory, the symmetry-adapted orbital model lations were performed for E4 clusters comprised of typical (SAO model) to reveal the hidden periodicity behind larger- elements in the same period, as shown in Fig. 3. The elements scale substances. Cd,In,Sn,Sb,andTehave2,3,4,5,and6valenceelectrons, fi respectively. It was con rmed that the E4 clusters are stable with Td symmetry only for the elements with 2, 4, and 5 Results valence electrons. These elements coincide with full occupa- Symmetry-adapted orbital model. The SAO model is introduced tions of the SAOs which correspond to 1P (T2), 1D (T2), and as follows. Detailed formulation is given in the Supplementary 1D (E), respectively. No imaginary frequencies were observed Notes 1 and 2. Herein we discuss three types of structural sym- in any of these clusters. On the other hand, the In4 and Te4 – 16 metries based on Platonic solids: Ih, Oh, and Td. Superatomic clusters are distorted due to the Jahn Teller effect ,which orbitals derived from the spherical jellium model typically split originates from the partial fillings of the degenerate SAOs. under these structural symmetries. As shown in Table 1, the However, suitable charge control allows these clusters to con- 2+ 4+ splitting pattern is completely determined within the point-group serve their Td symmetry, such as [In4] and [Te4]


2P 2P 1F 1F 1F 1F 2P 2P 1F 1F 1F 1F 1D 1D 2S 2S 2S 1D 1D 1D 1D 2S 1P 1P 1P 1P 1S 1S 1S 1S

Spherical Ih Oh Td

Fig. 1 Electronic configurations based on the symmetry-adapted orbital (SAO) models. The order of the orbital levels generally obeys this rule, although many valence electron systems have strong interelectronic interactions and distorted structures, often changing the order of orbital levels partially

Table 2 Magic numbers of valence electrons based on the SAO models

Magic number of valence electrons Spherical 2 8 18 20 34 40 (1S)2 (1P)6 (1D)10 (2S)2 (1F)14 (2P)6 Ih 2 8 18 20 26 32 40 (1S)2 (1P)6 (1D)10 (2S)2 (1Fa)6 (2P)6 (1Fa)8 Oh 2 8 12 14 20 26 32 38 (1S)2 (1P)6 (1Da)4 (2S)2 (1Da)6 (1Fa)6 (2P)6 (1Fa)6 Td 2 8 10 16 20 26 32 34 40 (1S)2 (1P)6 (2S)2 (1Da)6 (1Da)4 (1Fa)6 (1Fa)6 (1Fa)2 (2P)6 aDenotes the split orbitals. It should also be noted that atomicity must be appropriate for the construction of each symmetric structure








SAO model of Td symmetry (20e systems) Sb4 Zn10 Au20

Fig. 2 Molecular orbitals of Td-type clusters. They can be ascribed to the split superatomic orbitals, depending on the orbital angular momenta

(Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2). These results clearly illustrate are shown in Fig. 4a (see also Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4 for that the prediction of stable clusters by the SAO model is well reference). Their 8, 20, and 40 total valence electrons fill the consistent with the DFT calculations. 1P (T2), 1D (E), and 2P (T2) orbitals, respectively. According to In the SAO model, there are some parameters that Fig. 4a, when the number of constitutive atoms increases, the can control the electronic properties while conserving the jellium orbitals overlap more nuclear charges, and thereby structural symmetry. One parameteristhenumberof become more stabilized. The sizes of the superatomic orbitals constitutive atoms: E4, E10, E20, E35, etc. The optimized can also be controlled by this method. As the atomicity geometries and molecular orbitals of Mg4,Mg10,andMg20 increases, the gap between the highest occupied molecular


Valence electrons SAO model of E4 (Td) 1F 32e 2 × 4 = 8e 3 × 4 = 12e 4 × 4 =16e 5 × 4 = 20e 6 × 4 = 24e 1F 26e 1D 20e 1D 16e 2S 10e

1P 8e Cd4 In4 Sn4 Sb4 Te4 1S 2e (Td) (C2h) (Td) (Td) (C2v)

Fig. 3 Optimized structures of E4 clusters with various valence electrons. The symmetry-adapted orbital (SAO)-based electronic configuration is also shown for reference

a 0 b 0

–2 1F

–2 –4 HOMO HOMO HOMO –6 1D HOMO –4 1D HOMO 2P 40e HOMO 1F, 2P –8 2S 1F 1F –10 Energy /eV Energy Energy /eV Energy –6 1F –12 2S, 1D 1D 20e 1D 20e 1P 1D –14 1D 16e –8 2S 2S 1P 1P 8e –16 1P 8e 1S 1S 1S 1S –10 –18 Mg4 Mg10 Mg20 Cd4 Sn4 Sb4

Fig. 4 Orbital levels of different-sized and anisoelectronic clusters. a Mg4,Mg10, and Mg20. b Cd4,Sn4, and Sb4. The symmetry-adapted orbital (SAO)- based electronic configurations are also shown for reference

a –2 b 0

1D 1F HOMO 1F 1F HOMO –3 HOMO 1D HOMO HOMO 1F 2P –6 2S HOMO HOMO HOMO 1F 1F –6 2S,1D 2P –10 1F

Energy /eV Energy 1F Energy /eV Energy –9 1P 16e 1F 1D 1D –14 1D 1D –12 1S 2S 2S 1P 1P 20e 26e 32e 40e 1S 1S –18 –15 Si4 Ge4 Sn4 Pb4 Zn10 In6 Mg4 Zn6 Sb4 In6 Sn4

Fig. 5 Orbital levels of isoelectronic and alloy clusters. a Si4,Ge4,Sn4, and Pb4. b Zn10,In6Mg4,Zn6Sb4, and In6Sn4. The symmetry-adapted orbital (SAO)- based electronic configurations are also shown for reference orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital in Fig. 4b (see also Supplementary Fig. 5 for reference). When (LUMO) becomes smaller and approaches that of the bulk state. the constitutive elements are different between two clusters, the Another parameter is the constitutive elements. The orbital levels of the clusters are also different, because the optimized geometries and molecular orbitals of Cd4,Sn4,and effectivepotentialsactingonvalenceelectronsaredifferent. Sb4, which constitute elements in the same period, are shown The optimized geometries and molecular orbitals of Si4,Ge4,


Td Symmetry Real examples

Group Number of 8 N (MeLi)4 valence electrons Atomicity 4 16 Al4R4 Ga4R4

In4R4 Tl4R4 1 2 34567 8 20 P4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 8– 4– [Tl4] [Sn4] 4– 4– [Si4] [Pb4] Period Species 20 C4R4 Si4R4

Number of N valence electrons Atomicity 10

1 2 345678 20 Mg10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 35 36 37 38 39 Zn10 Cd10 In Higher Period

P4O10 P4S10

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Number of N valence electrons Atomicity 20 20 Au20

40 1 2 345 678 Mg20

Zn20 Cd20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 35 36 37 38 39 40

In Higher Family


2021 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 3233 34 Zn Cd Family 35 35

Fig. 6 The periodic framework based on the Td-type symmetry-adapted orbital (SAO) model. Groups and periods are defined according to the outer-shell configurations. Families and species classify clusters from the viewpoints of the number of constitutive atoms and the constitutive elements, respectively

Sn4,andPb4, which are Group 14 elements, are shown in Discussion Fig. 5a (see also Supplementary Figs. 6–8 for reference). These The calculated clusters can be classified in a periodic framework, elements have 16 valence electrons, which coincide with the in analogy to the periodic table of the elements (Fig. 6). Each same orbital-filling condition. The orbital levels of heavier piece in the framework can be regarded as an “element”. This atoms tend to be less stabilized. The SAO model is also framework not only has “groups” and “periods” but also “famil- applicable to alloy clusters. Various compositions of elements ies” and “species” as new dimensions. In a similar way to the enable the number of valence electrons to be precisely conventional periodic table, the groups and periods are defined fi controlled. Figure 5b shows that the number of electrons according to the outer-shell con gurations (see Cd4,Sn4, and Sb4 that occupy the 1F superatomic orbitals can be controlled using as examples). Thus, there are S-, P-, D-, and F-blocks. Further, alloy clusters. This example is regarded as mimicry of families classify clusters with the same structural symmetry from thelanthanideelements.ThePdatom,ofwhichtheelectronic the viewpoint of the number of constitutive atoms. For example, fi 10 con guration is [Kr]4d , can be utilized as a dummy Cu10,Mg10, and Ge10 belong to the same family X10, whereas element with 0 valence electrons. This technique is also Mg4,Mg10, and Mg20 belong to different families X4,X10, and X20, applicable for control of the number of valence electrons respectively. Species classify clusters with the same structure and (Supplementary Figs. 9 and 10). All of these examples possess the same total number of valence electrons from the viewpoint of – – Td symmetry without the Jahn Teller or pseudo Jahn Teller the constitutive elements. For example, Si10,Ge10,Sn10, and Pb10 instability16. These computational results thus validate the are all tetrahedral with 40 valence electrons but belong to dif- SAO model. ferent species. In this way, the SAO model directs a spotlight on


acb 56e 20e 20e 1G 1D 1D 1G 1D 1D 2P 20e 2S 2S 1G 1P 1P 1D 1F 1S 4– 4– 1S 1D P4O10 Au [Si ] [Pb ] 2S 20 4 4 2S 1F 1P 20e P 1F d 4 1S 1D 1D 1D 1D 2S 1P 1P 1S 1S P4S10 C4(t-Bu)4 C4(SiMe3)4

8e 16e 20e e 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 2S 2S 2S 1P 1P 1P 1S 1S 1S (MeLi) Al Cp In Me 4 4 4 4 4 Si4(SiMe3)4

4− Fig. 7 Electronic configurations of real compounds. a Natural products (P4,P4O10, and P4S10). b The magic gold cluster (Au20). c Zintl anions ([Si4] and 4− [Pb4] ). d Organic compounds (C4(t-Bu)4 and C4(SiMe3)4). e Organometallic clusters ((MeLi)4,Al4Cp4,In4Me4, and Si4(SiMe3)4) the multi-dimensional periodicity behind an abundance of symmetry. The investigation of frameworks other than the clusters. present cases will thus lead to the discovery of novel periodic Many real compounds with Td symmetry also support the SAO classifications of clusters. 20 model. Figure 7a shows natural white phosphorus (P4) with its Various innovative materials could be synthesized based on 21 pentoxide and pentasulfide (P4O10 and P4S10) . Figure 7b shows the SAO model (Supplementary Figs. 18 and 19). If the number 8 fi the famous gold cluster (Au20) . All of these substances ful ll of occupying electrons matches the degree of the degeneracy of the orbital-filling conditions of the SAO model. As for P4O10 the high-lying SAOs, then a spin arrangement is induced by and P S , their central frameworks (P O and P S ) were used exchange interactions, without Jahn–Teller instability16.In 4 10 4 6 4 6 + to count the number of valence electrons (see Supplementary fact, [Na55] has been experimentally reported to possess = 35 Fig. 11). In the gas phase, the MgN,ZnN, and CdN (N 10, subshell high spins . Magnetic clusters with only non- 20, and 35) clusters have been detected using mass spectro- magnetic elements could be designed and classified in the D- 22–25 metry . These atomicities are suitable only for the construc- block, e.g., Cu6Al4 (Supplementary Fig. 20). We surmise that tion of Td symmetric structures and the number of valence the lightest magnetic compounds without heavy d elements will electrons coincides with the orbital-filling conditions of the SAO be predicted by this approach. On the other hand, clusters model (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Fig. 4). Figure 7c shows Zintl classified in the F-blocks could behave as a photofunctional 26–28 fi 4− 4− 4− anions that t the SAO model, e.g., [Si4] , [Sn4] , [Pb4] , materials similar to the lanthanides (Fig. 5b and Supplemen- 8− and [Tl4] (see also Supplementary Fig. 12). Some organic tary Fig. 21). compounds such as tetrahedranes29,30 also satisfy the SAO model A variety of clusters predicted by the SAO model are (Fig. 7d and Supplementary Fig. 13) due to one-electron donation expected to be actually synthesized. Laser vaporization tech- from each substituent. Organometallic clusters also follow the niques combined with time-of-flight pro- 31 SAO model. The alkyllithium tetramer (RLi)4 is a good example duce many of them in the gas phase. To use the produced of the SAO model (Fig. 7e and Supplementary Fig. 14); it has a clusters as materials, they could be soft-landed onto self- total of eight electrons consistent with the SAO model. The sta- assembled monolayers36. In the liquid phase, template-based = 32,33 fi 37 bilities of M4R4 (M Al, Ga, In, and Tl) can be justi ed with synthetic methods are useful for the fabrication of clusters . the SAO model (Fig. 7e and Supplementary Fig. 15). Finally, The isolation and crystallization of clusters could be realized by tetrahedro-tetrasilane is also governed by the SAO model34 ligand protection38. Crystallization techniques have been (Fig. 7e). established for the preparation of Zintl-type clusters39.The The SAO model can be applied to the Oh and Ih symmetries cocrystallization method for clusters and fullerenes would also 5 in the same way as that for the Td symmetry. This means that be effective to obtain solid-state materials . various similar frameworks exist, depending on the symmetry In summary, we have proposed a symmetry-adapted orbital of the clusters (Supplementary Figs. 16 and 17). We herein model that is beneficial for the prediction and design of stable should note that highly symmetric clusters typified by Ih have clusters. This model indicates that an abundance of stable clusters fewer examples than tetrahedral clusters. This is because it is could be classified as elements in a periodic framework, with hard to satisfy the magic-number requirement of valence respect to each structural symmetry. The periodic framework is electrons,aswellasthatofconstitutiveatomssimultaneously. strongly supported by many quantum chemical calculations and For example, it can be easily imagined that the number of various existing substances. It is not only conceptual but also valence electrons in a 13-atom monoelemental icosahedral practical for the systematic exploration of unknown stable clus- cluster is limited to be multiples of 13. On the other hand, it ters. Among the infinite combinations of constitutive elements, should also be noted that there is more than one structural this approach will be a significant contribution to the formation framework belonging to each point group. For instance, both of innovative materials based on clusters with magnetic, optical, the octahedron and cuboctahedron have the same Oh and catalytic functions.


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