Theoretical simulation of Nanoclustersm (2)

Xiaohu Yu

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Contents

• Introduction of clusters and theoretical methods

• The stability and geometric structure of different clusters

• Design the different superatoms

• Conclusion Introduction

• Clusters: a bridge across disciplines • Clusters: an embryomnic form of • Clusters: made by laboratory, often metastable, composition can change • : made by nature, belong clusters • Superatom: unique stability and properties of clusters, building blocks Theoretical Methods

• Quantum chemical approach • Density functional theory • Genetic program • Basin hopping method • Evolutionary program Superatom and magic number • 1992, superatom • Jellium model • Octet rule • 18 rule • Wade-Mingos rule • Superhalogen • Superalkali Shiv Khanna Puru Jena

J. Phys.Chem. Lett.4(2013) 1432 Weakly interaction cluster

1981,Echt and coworkers a mass spectrum of xenon, N = 1+∑(10p2+2) Noble gas exhibit stability at 13, 55, 147…. Atomic shell closure 8-e rule 18-e rule

• Transition metal carbonyl • 18 electron rule Jellium model

• 1984, Knight and coworkers Alkali metals

• 1984 Knight and coworkers • Magic number 2,8,20,40,58,and 92 • 1s2, 1p6,1d10,2s2,1f14,2p6, 1g18…. • Na cation clusters should be 3, 9, 21, 41, 59,93… • Odd-even alternation (Jahn-Teller effect) • The similarity between magic numbers in nuclei and atomic clusters • Bridge nuclear and condensed- physics • Electronic shell closure

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• Cu, Ag, Au monovalent like alkali metal • Stability like alkali metal • The geometric structure is different with alkali • Au unique


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• Lower ionization potentials (IPs) than alkali metal atoms (5.4-3.9 eV).

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• Aromatic superalkali cations by replacing the atomic M cores with aromatic anions

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• Doping simple metal clusters with magnetic atoms

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• Magnetic superatoms can be designed by combinations of localized and delocalized electrons in the valence space of a cluster

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2 2 2 • The D states are split into a group of (Dxy, Dx -y , Dxz, and Dyz) and a Dz state • Fe has 4s2 and 3d6, Mg has 3S2

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• Met-Cars (Metallocarbohedrynes)

• Ti8C12 (Ti, Zr, Hf, V, and Nb, Cr, Mo, Fe)

Science 255(1992) 1411 Conclusion

• Clusters: a bridge across disciplines

• The stability of nanocluster: magic number and superatoms

• Different kinds of clusters

• Design the superatoms