Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild

Managing the Impacts of

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs is the first book to provide a comprehensive Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs review of the history and biology of wild dogs in Australia, the damage they cause, and community attitudes to their management. Australia's wild dogs include dingoes, introduced around 4000 years ago, feral domestic dogs and hybrids between the two. They are widely distributed throughout Australia. Predation and harassment of stock by wild dogs causes millions of dollars worth of losses to Australian sheep, cattle and goat producers each year. There are also opportunity costs in areas where sheep are not grazed because of the high risk of wild predation. For this reason, wild dog control is a significant expense for many pastoralists and government agencies. Yet conservation of pure dingoes is also important and is threatened by their hybridisation with feral domestic dogs on the mainland. Key strategies for successful wild dog management are recommended by the authors, who are scientific experts on wild dog management. The strategies are illustrated by case studies. Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs is an essential guide for policy makers, pastoralists, conservation reserve managers and all those interested in wild dog management.

AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FORESTRY - AUSTRALIA Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs

Peter Fleming, Laurie Corbett, Robert Harden and Peter Thomson

Scientific editing by Mary Bomford

Published by

Bureau of Rural Sciences © Commonwealth of Australia 2001

ISBN 0 644 29240 7 (set) ISBN 0 642 70494 5 (this publication)

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Bureau of Rural Sciences. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Executive Director, Bureau of Rural Sciences, PO Box E11, Kingston ACT 2604. Published by: Copies available from: Bureau of Rural Sciences AFFA Shopfront PO Box E11 GPO Box 858 Kingston ACT 2604 Canberra ACT 2601 Ph: 02 6272 4282 Ph: 02 6272 5550 Fax: 02 6272 4747 Fax: 02 6272 5771 Internet: Email: [email protected]

The Bureau of Rural Sciences is a professionally independent scientific bureau within the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry — Australia. Its mission is to provide first-class scientific research and advice to enable the department to achieve its vision — rising national prosperity and quality of life through competitive and sustainable agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries.

The Commonwealth and all persons acting for the Commonwealth in preparing the booklet disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person arising or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based upon the information in this booklet.

Credits for cover photographs: Main: Laurie Corbett. Inset: NSW Agriculture.

Affiliations: Authors: Peter Fleming, NSW Agriculture – Vertebrate Pest Research Unit Laurie Corbett, EWL Sciences Pty Ltd Robert Harden, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service – Biodiversity Research Group Peter Thomson, Agriculture Western Australia – Vertebrate Pest Research Section

Editor: Mary Bomford, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra. Typeset by Lisa Curtin Printed by Pirie Printers Pty Limited

Preferred way to cite this publication: Fleming, P., Corbett, L., Harden, R. and Thomson, P. (2001) Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs. Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra. Foreword

Wild dogs, which include feral domestic To ensure the guidelines are accepted as a dogs, dingoes and their hybrids, are a prob- basis for wild dog management, comment lem in Australia because their predation and has been sought from State, Territory and harassment of stock causes millions of dol- Commonwealth Government agencies and lars worth of losses to sheep, cattle and goat from land managers and community and producers each year. There are also opportu- research organisations. The Standing nity costs in areas where sheep are not Committee on Agriculture and Resource grazed because of the high risk of wild dog Management has endorsed the publication predation. Yet dingoes are also valued as a of these guidelines. native species and their conservation is These guidelines provide natural resource important to many people. The survival of users, managers, advisers and funding agen- pure dingoes on mainland Australia is threat- cies with ‘best practice’ national guidelines ened by hybridisation with feral domestic for managing the economic and environ- dogs. mental damage caused by wild dogs. They There is little reliable information about the will help land managers reduce harm to live- cost of wild dog predation or the benefits of stock caused by wild dogs and assist in the wild dog control. The relationship between conservation of pure dingoes through the dog abundance and livestock predation is use of scientifically based management that often complex and variable and sometimes is humane, cost-effective and integrated with stock losses can be high even when wild dog ecologically sustainable land management. numbers are low. Although spending on pest control should be justified in terms of economic returns on such investments, this Peter O’Brien is clearly difficult when changes to livestock productivity in response to dog control are often poorly quantified. This can be further complicated where pastoral properties abut government lands where conservation is a management objective and dogs move between these areas. Executive Director This book is one in a series produced by the Bureau of Rural Sciences Bureau of Rural Sciences as part of the National Feral Control Program — a Natural Heritage Trust initiative. Others in the series include guidelines for managing feral horses, rabbits, foxes, feral goats, feral pigs, rodents and carp. The principles underlying the strategic management of vertebrate pests have been described in Managing Vertebrate Pests: Principles and Strategies (Braysher 1993) and in Australia’s Pest : New Solutions to Old Problems (Olsen 1998). The emphasis is on the management of pest dam- age rather than on simply reducing pest den- sity. The guidelines recommend that, wher- ever practical, management should concen- trate on achieving clearly defined economic or conservation benefits.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs iii dsgsdf Contents


1. NOMENCLATURE, HISTORY, DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE 11 Summary 11 1.1 Nomenclature 11 1.2 Origin, spread and distribution of dingoes throughout the world 12 1.3 Introduction, spread and distribution of dingoes and other wild dogs in Australia 13

2. BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY 17 Summary 17 2.1 General description 17 2.2 Habitats 20 2.3 Diet and hunting strategies 20 2.4 Home range and movements 27 2.5 Social organisation and behaviour 29 2.6 Reproduction 32 2.7 Mortality and disease 33 2.8 Population dynamics and changes in abundance 35 2.9 Hybridisation 39 2.10 Co-occurence with other predators 41

3. ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND VALUES 43 Summary 43 3.1 Economic impact 43 3.2 Environmental impact 49 3.3 Resource and conservation value 50 3.4 Diseases and parasites 51 3.5 Interactions between wild dogs, marsupial carnivores and introduced predators 53 3.6 Predator–prey relationships 54 3.7 Interactions between humans and wild dogs 60

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs v 4. COMMUNITY ATTITUDES AFFECTING MANAGEMENT 63 Summary 63 4.1 Community perceptions and attitudes 63 4.2 Animal welfare issues 65 4.3 Public health issues 68 4.4 Conservation issues 69

5. PAST AND CURRENT MANAGEMENT 71 Summary 71 5.1 Past legal status and management 72 5.2 Current legal status 75 5.3 Current management strategies 77

6. TECHNIQUES TO MEASURE AND MANAGE IMPACT AND ABUNDANCE 83 Summary 83 6.1 Introduction 83 6.2 Estimating abundance 84 6.3 Estimating agricultural and environmental impacts 87 6.4 Control techniques 93 6.5 Costs of control 107 6.6 Environmental and non-target issues associated with 1080 baiting 109

7. STRATEGIC APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT 111 Summary 111 7.1 Strategic approach 112 7.2 Defining the problem 112 7.3 Developing a management plan 113 7.4 Economic frameworks 124 7.5 Implementation 129 7.6 Monitoring and evaluation 129 7.7 Case studies 130

8. DEFICIENCIES IN KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE 135 Summary 135 8.1 Assess relationship between wild dog abundance and predation of cattle 135 8.2 Assess relative effectiveness and efficacy of baiting strategies 135

vi Bureau of Rural Sciences 8.3 Assess effect of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease on dingo predation of livestock 136 8.4 Investigate feasibility of compensation schemes for wild dog predation 136 8.5 Train vertebrate pest control operators and managers 136 8.6 Improve public awareness of agricultural production, conservation and animal welfare issues for wild dog control 136 8.7 Develop species-specific and more humane control techniques for wild dogs 137 8.8 Assess economic importance of hydatids in wild dogs 137 8.9 Assess the role of disease induced mortality in wild dogs 138 8.10 Assess the role of wild dogs if rabies were introduced 138 8.11 Assess risks to non-target species of 1080 poisoning 138 8.12 Assess the ecological effects of wild dog control on feral cat and fox populations 138 8.13 Assess the interactions of wild dogs and native carnivore populations 139 8.14 Assess effects of wild dog abundance on macropods 139 8.15 Assess the value of dingo conservation 139 8.16 Develop a method to identify genetically pure dingoes 140 8.17 Improve knowledge about genetics of wild dogs 140 8.18 Assess the ecological role of dingo hybrids 140

REFERENCES 141 APPENDIX A Parasites and pathogens recorded from wild dogs in Australia 157 APPENDIX B Getting the best out of extension 161 APPENDIX C Authors’ biographies 165 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 167 GLOSSARY 169 INDEX 175

FIGURES Figure 1 Strategic approach to managing the impacts of wild dogs. 9 Figure 2 Distribution of wild dogs and livestock. 15 Figure 3 The pelts of wild dogs, showing variety of colours. 19 Figure 4 The breeding cycle of adult (more than one-year-old) and young (less than one-year-old) female dingoes in central Australia. 33 Figure 5 Fluctuations in dingo density in the Fortescue River region 1976–84. 37 Figure 6 A conceptual model of the dynamics of a population of wild dogs in an area exposed to annual baiting programs. 37 Figure 7 The process of hybridisation between dingoes and domestic dogs. 40

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs vii Figure 8 Cattle numbers and rainfall in central Australia from 1874 to 1985. 55 Figure 9 A model of predation by wild dogs in a pristine coastal ecosystem in tropical Australia. 56 Figure 10 Models of predation by wild dogs in disturbed ecosystems in arid Australia. 59 Figure 11 Dingo predation on sheep. 91 Figure 12 A wire-netting wild dog-proof fence in north-eastern New South Wales. 94 Figure 13 New wire-netting fences. 94 Figure 14 A decision-making framework for devising a plan of management for reducing predation of livestock by dingoes and other wild dogs in eastern Australia. 122 Figure 15 Some hypothetical relationships between dog density and damage. 125 Figure 16 The relationship between density of wild dogs and the damage caused by wild dogs to cattle enterprises in north-eastern New South Wales. 125 Figure 17 A marginal analysis of wild dog control. 126 Figure 18 An example of benefit–cost ratio analyses. 132

TABLES Table 1 The occurrence of major food groups (% of samples) in the diet of dingoes and other wild dogs in Australia. 21 Table 2 Sheep losses caused by dingoes over an 18-day period. 45 Table 3 Predation of livestock by wild dogs in north-eastern New South Wales. 46 Table 4 Australian legislation and policies for dingoes and other wild dogs. 81 Table 5 The effort expended for the control of wild dogs by landholders in north-eastern New South Wales. 109 Table 6 A decision table of strategic and reactive control measures for wild dogs in New South Wales. 117 Table 7 Hypothetical benefit–cost comparison of two wild dog control strategies using two sets of sheep productivity data. 133 BOXES Box 1 Recognising wild dog predation of sheep 89 Box 2 A decision-making framework for wild dog control 119 Box 3 Economic framework for wild dog management 124

viii Bureau of Rural Sciences Acknowledgments

Special thanks are due to the following people • Rural Industries Research and who provided detailed comments which Development Corporation enhanced the accuracy and usefulness of this publication: David Adams, Lee Allen, Peter • Standing Committee on Agriculture and Bird, John Burley, Peter Catling, Brian Coman, Resource Management Carole de Fraga, Chris Dickman, Glenn Edwards, Penny Fisher, Hugh Gent, Clive • Standing Committee on Conservation Marks, Clyde McGaw, Sean Moran, Alan Newsome, Barry Oakman, Syd Shea and • Vertebrate Pests Committee Christopher Short. We also thank all the partici- pants of the Wild Dog Management Workshop, held in Canberra in December 1996, which We thank these groups and hope that this was the precursor of this publication. document will facilitate their involvement in more strategic management of wild dog Several individuals from the Bureau of Rural impacts. Sciences deserve mention. Quentin Hart man- aged the overall publication production pro- cess and assisted with editing, design and print management. Lisa Curtin incorporated the numerous modifications to the final drafts, assisted with copy editing, compiled the index, typeset the document and had major responsibility for final production. Dana Bradford helped collate earlier drafts of the manuscript. Kim Tatnell redrew the figures. The draft manuscript was circulated to the following organisations for comment: • Animals Australia

• Australian Conservation Foundation

• Australian Veterinary Association

• Central Land Council

• Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


• Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation

• National Consultative Committee on Animal Welfare

• National Farmers’ Federation

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs ix


Wild dogs are widely distributed throughout Biology, ecology and Australia and are pests in agricultural areas, particularly in areas dominated by sheep The wild dog population comprises two sub- enterprises. Predation of sheep and cattle species of canid, dingoes (recommended threatens the economic viability of some nomenclature, lupus dingo) and feral properties and the costs of wild dog control dogs (recommended nomenclature, C. l. can be substantial. At the same time, in unoc- familiaris) and hybrids of the two. Dingoes cupied lands and areas of extensive cattle were first introduced to Australia some 4000 grazing wild dogs are often tolerated and years ago and domestic dogs have been pre- dingoes are actively conserved in parts of sent since first European settlement in 1788. their range. Dingoes and other wild dogs are widely dis- tributed throughout the country and are pre- These guidelines are a comprehensive review sent in most environments. However, din- of the origins of dingoes and other wild dogs in goes and other wild dogs have been Australia, their biology and ecology, the dam- removed from much of the agricultural zone age they cause, and past and current manage- over the past 200 years and hybridisation ment. The attitudes of various community between the subspecies over that time has groups to wild dogs and the damage they resulted in a lesser proportion of pure din- cause through predation of livestock, and to goes, especially in south-eastern Australia. the conservation of dingoes were sought dur- ing the production of these guidelines. A strate- The average adult dingo in Australia weighs gic approach to management is recommended 16 kilograms and, although feral dogs and to reduce predation on livestock by wild dogs hybrids may weigh up to 60 kilograms, most and to allow conservation of dingoes. This are less than 20 kilograms. Pure dingoes are approach is illustrated by case studies. distinct from similar-looking domestic dogs Deficiencies in knowledge, management and and hybrids because they breed once a year legislation are identified. and have some different skull characteristics. The present distribution of dingoes and These guidelines have been prepared pri- other wild dogs covers most of the mainland, marily for State and Territory management except for the sheep and cereal growing agencies as a basis on which to consult with areas of south-eastern Australia. Wild dogs land managers and relevant interest groups live in small groups or packs in territories and to prepare state, regional and local where the home ranges of individuals vary strategies for managing wild dogs and reduc- between 10 and 300 square kilometres. ing the damage they cause to livestock Packs are usually stable but under certain industries. Their purpose is to assist in devel- conditions some wild dogs, usually young oping the most cost-effective strategies to males, disperse. reduce wild dog damage to production. Ideally, such strategies are based on reliable Although wild dogs eat a diverse range of quantitative information about the damage foods, from insects to buffalo (Bubalus caused by dogs, the cost of control measures bubalis), they focus on medium and large and the effect that implementing control has vertebrates. Hunting group size and hunting on reducing damage. In developing these strategies differ according to prey type to guidelines the authors have used all such maximise hunting success. Larger groups of available information. In some instances, wild dogs are more successful when hunting however, where reliable information is not large kangaroos (Macropus spp.) and cattle yet available, land managers responsible for and solitary animals are more successful wild dog management will still have to make when hunting rabbits and small macropods. assumptions about impacts and the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of control techniques.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 1 Female dingoes become sexually mature by order predators, and as such probably have a two years and have only one oestrus period major influence on the abundance of the each year, although some do not breed in species they compete with or prey on. The droughts. Female feral dogs of a similar size interactions between wild dogs and foxes to dingoes have the potential to have two lit- (Vulpes vulpes) are not well understood. It is ters each year but this is rarely achieved unknown whether the presence wild dogs because of the high nutritional demands of reduces fox abundance and hence whether raising young. Litters average five pups and wild dogs reduce the impact of foxes on are usually whelped during winter. native animal prey. The greatest threat to the survival of dingoes Agricultural impacts as a protected sub-species is hybridisation Wild dogs prey on livestock and predation with other dogs. In the more settled coastal on sheep and cattle can threaten the eco- areas of Australia and increasingly in out- nomic viability of properties in some areas. back Australia, the barriers to mating Sheep are the most commonly attacked live- between domestic dogs (feral and owned) stock, followed by cattle and goats. and dingoes are rapidly being removed. Hence hybridisation is becoming more com- Some individual wild dogs cause far more mon and the pure dingo gene pool is being damage than others, although many individ- swamped. In south-eastern Australia, more uals will attack or harass sheep, sometimes than half the wild dogs are hybrids. Changes maiming without killing. Wild dogs some- to policies on wild dog management and times chase sheep without attacking them. people’s attitudes would be needed to pre- Even when wild dogs kill sheep, they often vent the extinction of pure dingoes on the leave carcasses uneaten. Wild dogs that fre- mainland. The main hope for conservation is quently kill or maim sheep often eat other to educate people about the plight of din- prey, indicating that predation of livestock goes and to manage pure dingoes on large may be independent of the abundance of islands such as Fraser Island and Melville other prey. Surplus killing, where more Island. sheep are killed than are needed for food, means that stock losses can be high even Community attitudes affecting when wild dogs are at low densities. management Wild dogs are implicated in the spread of hydatids, a risk to human health and the cause Opinions vary as to the pest status of din- of losses of production associated with hydati- goes and other wild dogs. People in the agri- dosis (causal agent Echinococcus granulosus) cultural sector often view wild dogs as a pest in cattle and sheep. They also provide a reser- to be removed from the environment. In voir for heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infec- contrast, Aboriginal peoples, urban people tion and dog diseases such as parvovirus and conservationists often view dingoes as (causal agent Parvovirus). Wild dogs pose the native wildlife that should be conserved. greatest potential risk of maintaining and Public opinion influences not only the type spreading dog rabies (Rhabdoviridae) if it of management strategies that are developed were to be introduced to Australia. but also the type of control methods that are used. Wider public attitudes rightly demand Conservation of dingoes that the techniques used for wild dog control be as humane as possible and minimise risks The dingo is usually considered a native to non-target animals and other environmen- Australian . Dingoes are an intrinsic tal values. Management strategies that do not part of natural ecosystems and they also address or acknowledge broad community have aesthetic value. There is some public attitudes are susceptible to disruption or expectation that dingoes should be con- interference. served and dingoes are legally protected in some States and Territories. In Australian wildlife communities, wild dogs are top

2 Bureau of Rural Sciences Past and current management Techniques to measure and manage impact and abundance In the past, legislation for the management of wild dogs has included punitive Acts and To formulate wild dog management plans, it Acts dealing with the conservation of is necessary to measure the level of preda- wildlife. Management of wild dogs relied tion inflicted by wild dogs and to measure heavily on labour-intensive techniques, such changes in wild dog abundance. These two as trapping, shooting, and ground baiting, measures enable an assessment of when with bounty payments being offered as an wild dog control is required and how effec- incentive to kill dogs. Much of the control tive it is. work was reactive, dealing with problems as they arose. Nevertheless, some strategic, pre- The principal techniques to control wild ventative control was carried out including dogs are exclusion fencing, shooting, trap- the construction of district-wide exclusion ping and poisoning. Poisoning using 1080 is fences. the most cost-effective means of reducing populations of wild dogs over large areas of The dingo is extinct in much of the sheep remote or inaccessible country. Various bait and cereal production zones of eastern and types are used and methods of placement southern Australia because of habitat modifi- range from burying individual baits to drop- cation and the success of early poisoning ping baits from aircraft. Trapping is still used campaigns. The areas that are largely with- for wild dog control and will probably out wild dogs are separated from areas always be needed to target particular dogs where they are still present by dog-proof that cannot be removed by other means. fences that were erected around the turn of New techniques such as the use of livestock- the century and are still maintained. guarding dogs, poison ejecting devices and In most States and Territories, there is a legal toxic collars have been suggested as alterna- requirement to destroy wild dogs in sheep tives to current methods. and cattle grazing zones. Poisoning pro- grams form the basis of lethal control efforts Strategic approach to management although trapping and shooting are also The strategic approach to wild dog manage- important. ment allows improvements at both the local Current management strategies focus on the and regional scale. The strategic approach objective of minimising the impact of wild has four components: defining the problem; dog predation on livestock, not just on developing a management plan; implement- killing wild dogs. Aerial baiting with 1080 ing the plan; and monitoring and evaluating (sodium fluoroacetate) baits forms a major progress and outcomes. part of most management programs and is Defining the problem involves the identifica- primarily targeted at limited zones adjacent tion of who has a wild dog problem, what to livestock grazing areas. Large coordinated harm the dogs cause, where, when and why campaigns have generally been adopted, damage occurs and how much it costs. being more efficient and effective than small localised efforts. Bounty payments have not The development of a management plan been successful in reducing predation by requires setting management objectives that wild dogs and are subject to abuse. should include interim and long-term goals, a time frame for achieving them and indica- Policy and legislation to encourage the con- tors for measuring performance. Options for servation of pure dingoes is required in wild dog control include local eradication, some States and Territories and a concerted strategic management, reactive management nation-wide effort is needed to ensure that or no dog control. dingo conservation is not thwarted by con- flicting legislation. Simultaneously, the con- Economic frameworks are needed for assess- trol of wild dogs, including dingoes, must be ing the value of alternative strategies to man- permitted where predation of livestock age wild dogs. In some situations, manage- occurs. ment plans that include conservation strategies

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 3 for dingoes are required so that potentially economic, environmental and pest circum- conflicting goals can be encompassed. stances. By adopting the strategic approach, Consultation between stakeholders and clear predation by wild dogs should be minimised identification of the goals is critical for avoiding while the conservation of the dingo propor- potential conflicts between stakeholder groups tion of the wild dog population will be with different legal obligations and objectives. enhanced. Under such an approach, limited resources will be better allocated and the Wild dogs have large home ranges and often scale of management will be more appropri- traverse boundaries between lands managed ate for wild dog problems. by different stakeholders. Action by groups, including government agencies, is therefore an essential element of planning and imple- Deficiencies in knowledge and mentation. By pooling resources, wild dog practice control groups and boards have been better Although there is much knowledge about able to manage wild dog problems. the ecology, behaviour and effects of preda- Management programs must be flexible tion by dingoes and other wild dogs, some enough to account for the different objec- topics require further research to enable best tives of stakeholders. practice management to be implemented. Monitoring and evaluation occur at different These include better definition of the agricul- levels throughout the implementation and tural impacts of wild dogs and control pro- on completion of actions. Operational moni- grams for different enterprises in different toring records and reviews the costs of regions, study of the interactions between actions during the program and ensures that the control of rabbits and wild dog predation the management plan is executed in the of livestock and the effects of wild dog con- most cost-effective manner. Performance trol on the abundance of kangaroos and wal- monitoring assesses the effectiveness of the labies (Macropus spp.), and the effects of management plan in meeting the agricultural this on agriculture and forestry. There are production or conservation objectives that also knowledge deficits relating to the con- were established initially. Evaluation of data servation of dingoes, the effects of wild dog from both forms of monitoring enables the control programs on persistence of pure din- continuing refinement of the management goes, the interactions between predation by plan. Strategic management of wild dogs is wild dogs and the conservation status of based on the concept of adaptive manage- non-target animals, and the interactions of ment, in which the management plan is flex- wild dogs with feral cats, foxes and native ible, responding to measured changes in carnivores.

4 Bureau of Rural Sciences Introduction

These guidelines for managing the impacts A single publication considering the main of dingoes () and other vertebrate pests would be desirable and con- wild dogs (C.l. familiaris) are the eighth in sistent with the holistic approach to land the Managing Vertebrate Pests series being management advocated under the ESD published by the Bureau of Rural Sciences Strategy and Landcare objectives. Such a (BRS) in cooperation with the Vertebrate publication would take into account links Pests Committee of the Standing Committee between pests and links between pests and on Agriculture and Resource Management other aspects of land management. (SCARM). These guidelines were funded However, the complexities posed by such an under the agricultural component of the approach and current limited knowledge of National Feral Animal Control Program interspecific interactions has made this (NFACP) of the Natural Heritage Trust impractical. All the guidelines, including (NHT). A fundamental difference between these, consider interactions between species these guidelines and the preceding publica- and the relationships with other aspects of tions exists because dingoes hold a legal land management. position unique amongst Australian mam- These guidelines are principally for State and mals. Unlike most of the other species Territory land management agencies, to addressed by the series, dingoes are simulta- assist them to better coordinate, plan and neously a protected native species and implement regional and local programs that declared vermin. The dingo and some native can more effectively manage adverse birds and rodents are both protected and impacts of wild dogs. The Commonwealth declared according to their occurrence and Government has an interest in improving situation. strategies, techniques and approaches to Other guidelines in the series include those manage the damage caused by wild dogs, for managing feral horses (Dobbie et al. both through its responsibilities as a manag- 1993), rabbits (Williams et al. 1995), foxes er of Commonwealth lands and resources, (Saunders et al. 1995), feral goats (Parkes et and through programs such as NFACP and al. 1996), feral pigs (Choquenot et al. 1996), the National Landcare Program (NLP) of the rodents (Caughley et al. 1998) and carp NHT, and the National Strategy for the (Koehn et al. 2000). A companion volume, Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity Managing Vertebrate Pests: Principles and (Commonwealth of Australia 1992). Strategies (Braysher 1993), which explains the principles on which best practice pest Vertebrate pests in Australia: species management is based, can be read in con- or situations? junction with all of these guidelines. There is also an overarching publication (Olsen The definition of pest status can be con- 1998), designed for general reading, which tentious. Some species are regarded as pests reviews past management of pest animals in all the time in all situations because of their Australia and promotes a more strategic current detrimental impacts or their potential approach for future management. The bene- adverse impacts, given their biology, fits of focusing on the damage caused by a behaviour and historical performance as pest and not the pest itself are explained. pests in similar or other habitats. Other ani- Olsen (1998) also explains the need to take mals are generally regarded as having either into account the links between different feral beneficial or neutral net impact in most situa- animal species and other aspects of land tions. Some species, such as the dingo and management, consistent with the holistic the feral goat, may be both a significant pest approach advocated under the Ecologically and a significant conservation or economic Sustainable Development (ESD) Strategy and resource. Perhaps the most useful criterion Landcare. for evaluating the status of an animal is to

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 5 evaluate it in terms of its value in a particular government agents and graziers to exclude situation. For example, cats are valued highly wild dogs from sheep grazing lands. as pets by many people and some pedigree Secondly, the dingo has been in Australia cats have a high market price. Conversely, long enough to be regarded as part of the predation by feral cats is regarded as a pro- native fauna. The existing dynamics of cess threatening some endangered native Australia’s fauna have evolved with the vertebrates with extinction (Dickman 1996). dingo and the conservation of dingoes within non-agricultural environments is a legitimate The National Feral Animal Control aim. Since European settlement, the increas- Program ing presence in the population of genes from feral and domestic dogs has reduced the NFACP is working with State, Territory, and dingo population’s integrity. If this trend local governments to reduce damage by pest continues it is predicted that the increasing animals to agriculture and the environment. occurrence of domestic dog genes in wild The agricultural component of NFACP is populations will effectively lead to the administered by BRS; the environmental extinction on the mainland of the dingo as a component by Environment Australia. subspecies by 2100 (Corbett 1995a). Under its component of NFACP, BRS is pro- Strategies to conserve pure dingoes can con- ducing these national management guide- flict with strategies to control wild dogs to lines for the main pest species of agricultural reduce their impacts on livestock enterpris- production and supporting projects to es. Developing approaches to satisfactorily address the information, management and address both problems requires clarification extension deficiencies they identify and to of issues and knowledge of the biology and demonstrate the strategic management status of dingoes and other wild dogs. Thus, approaches they advocate. Chapter 1 discusses the taxonomy of dingoes Applying a strategic approach to the man- and other wild dogs, and details their origins, agement of the impacts of wild dogs involves distribution and abundance, and Chapter 2 the establishment of four essential compo- reviews their biology and ecology. In nents (Figure 1) This approach has been Chapter 3, the impacts of wild dogs on adopted in the development of each set of human activity and environments are dis- national guidelines. cussed. Public attitudes can strongly influ- ence the perceived nature of dingoes and The strategic management approach other wild dogs as a resource or as a prob- lem, and these issues are addressed in Problem definition and planning of Chapter 4. The legal status of dingoes and other wild dogs, and past and current man- management strategies agement practices, are reviewed in Chapter There are two problems requiring manage- 5. ment. The first problem is predation of live- The objective of the national guidelines is to stock by dingoes and other wild dogs. stimulate a widespread change in approach Although there are no estimates of the to the management of dingoes and other Australia-wide losses to livestock production wild dogs from ad hoc measures to a strate- caused by wild dogs (including dingoes), the gic management approach based on cooper- estimated annual expenditure on control ative action and the most recent knowledge. activities of $7 million is second only to that An integrated approach on a regional or total for rabbits. The historical threat of predation catchment scale is advocated because the by wild dogs has largely determined the distri- problems associated with dingoes and wild bution of sheep and cattle in Australia. A barri- dogs usually extend past the boundaries of er fence stretching from the Great Australian individual land holdings. Bight through South Australia and Queensland and ending in north-eastern New South Wales has been built and maintained by

6 Bureau of Rural Sciences The primary aim of a land manager is to involves all affected landholders and others meet their desired conservation and/or agri- with a significant interest in the management cultural production goals using practical and and conservation issues associated with din- cost-effective means. This must be done as goes and other wild dogs from early plan- humanely as possible and without degrading ning stages through to implementation, other natural resources on which the long- monitoring and evaluation. term sustainability of agriculture and biodi- At a national level, such an approach versity depend. There is great variability requires that the various roles and responsi- within and between the environments in bilities of government agencies, individuals which wild dogs occur and this influences and interest groups are taken into account management activities. The factors that affect and integrated. State and Territory govern- the desired outcomes include fluctuating ments provide the legislative and regulatory commodity prices, legal constraints, climatic infrastructure, and conservation and pest variability including drought, interactions of control agencies administer the appropriate wild dogs with prey, grazing pressure, live- Acts and regulations. Responsibility for local stock genetics, conservation objectives, ani- management of wild dogs rests with the mal welfare considerations and social fac- owners and occupiers or administrators of tors. land. The active participation of the Legislative constraints and the extensive Vertebrate Pests Committee (VPC) and all nature of wild dog predation problems have associated government agencies in develop- resulted in a strategic approach being manifest ing these guidelines is thus important in in many areas. These guidelines will have obtaining their acceptance and support for achieved their purpose if the advocated strate- implementation by both agricultural and gic approach is widely accepted and imple- conservation interests. mented. Strategic management requires the For a strategic management program to be measurement of the impacts and abundance successful, it must be continually monitored of wild dogs, and this can be achieved in a and evaluated so that modifications and number of ways which are detailed in Chapter improvements can be incorporated. Such 6. Many people and agencies, including gov- monitoring, evaluation and re-evaluation is ernments and community groups, jointly own an ongoing process and techniques for wild dog problems and need to work coopera- assessing impacts and monitoring manage- tively to find strategic solutions (Chapter 4 and ment practices and programs are detailed in Chapter 7). In some cases, inadequacies in Chapter 6. available knowledge may prevent identifica- tion of the best strategy. A flexible approach, where the implementation of management Strategic management at the local actions are continually monitored and evaluat- and regional level ed and modified if necessary (‘learning by The management of wild dogs is a complex doing’ or ‘adaptive management’) is often the issue because the pest status and conservation best approach. Strategic approaches to the status of the species must be balanced. This management of dingoes and other wild dogs document presents the best practices for the are described in Chapter 7. management of dingoes and other wild dogs. Management must attempt to reduce the Implementation, monitoring and adverse impacts of wild dogs while maintain- evaluation of strategic programs ing viable populations of genetically pure din- goes and these guidelines amalgamate the A group approach to the implementation of best available information on effective management programs reflecting coopera- approaches. These guidelines consider the tion between individuals and agencies at the conservation values of dingoes and the influ- local and regional level is encouraged ence of hybridisation on their genetic integrity. throughout the guidelines and Chapter 7 Conservation priorities affect management outlines features to aid the implementation decisions for wild dogs, particularly at the of management plans. A group approach

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 7 interface of developed agricultural lands and will evolve through adaptive management land managed for conservation. The emphasis and that community-based groups will in these guidelines is therefore to concentrate become more involved in the strategic man- on managing the impacts of wild dogs on agri- agement of wild dogs. These guidelines cultural and environmental resources while allow local groups to own the pest or conser- conserving the dingo as a sub-species. At the vation problem as well as management local and regional level, land managers need strategies derived from the guidelines. It is to use the information in the book to develop intended that these guidelines will also assist and apply their own strategies. Examples of State and Territory governments in their role successful strategic approaches, both hypo- of providing legislative, technical and policy thetical and real, involving private and govern- support for the management of dingoes and ment land managers are given in Chapter 7. other wild dogs. These guidelines outline best practices based on present knowledge. A number of defi- All dollars have been converted to ciencies in that knowledge are identified in 1999–2000 Australian dollars unless Chapter 8. It is expected that best practices otherwise stated in the text.

8 Bureau of Rural Sciences 7.5) Evaluation Monitoring and conservation outcomes (Sections 6.2, 6.3 and • assess control and • compare over time • compare techniques • evaluation of 7.4) – ownership catchment/district (Sections 6.4 and Implementation • group action • whole farm • government role • monitoring regime Section 7.3) Management Plan (Chapters 5 and 6 – local eradication – conservation – reactive management – no dog control strategy criteria • define objectives • partnerships • government role • select management options – strategic management • develop a management • define performance 6.3 and 7.2) and Sections 6.2, (Chapters 3 and 4 – predation – conservation – economic – environmental Problem definition Problem • what is the problem • who has the problem • who else is involved • define impact • measure impact • mapping Strategic approach to managing the impacts of wild dogs (after Braysher 1993). Figure 1:

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 9 hnbb 1. Nomenclature, history, distribution and abundance

Summary While this does not assist in the differentia- tion of Canis species, it demonstrates recent There is currently debate about the correct or close common evolutionary lineage. taxonomy of dingoes and other wild dogs. Both are derived from (Canis lupus The name ‘dingo’ is probably a European cor- ssp.). In this book, the scientific names Canis ruption of the word ‘tingo’, used by Aboriginal lupus dingo and Canis lupus familiaris are people at Port Jackson to describe camp din- recommended for the subspecies dingo and goes (Thomson 1870). Other Aboriginal names domestic dog respectively. for dingoes include ‘warrigal’, ‘maliki’ (camp dogs) and ‘wantibirri’ (wild dingoes) Dingoes were brought to Australia from Asia (Breckwoldt 1988). The scientific name of the about 4000 years ago. They were present in dingo has undergone much synonymy but in Asia possibly 10 000 to 14 000 years ago 1982, the specific designation Canis lupus and were derived from wolves. The dispersal dingo was recommended (Honacki et al. of dingoes throughout Australia was aided 1982). This name was proposed to reflect their by Aboriginal people who used dingoes for ancestry, the uniformity of dingo popula- food, companions, hunting-aids and bed- tions throughout their huge distribution in Asia warmers. The dingo never reached and Australia and ‘universal usage’; however, Tasmania. Domestic dogs were brought into C. l. dingo is not in common usage. Of 109 Australia by Europeans as early as 1788 documents in a search for the keyword ‘dingo’ and their release into the wild has contin- in the Wildlife Worldwide database, 1935 to ued since then. June 1995 (National Information Services The distribution of dingoes in Australia has Corporation), none used this nomenclature. decreased since European settlement, although Canis familiaris dingo was the most common- the abundance of wild dogs in some areas ly used name for dingoes. Domestic and feral may have increased due to the provision of dogs were usually grouped as C. f. familiaris. permanent water. Food, water and cover are The name C. f. dingo has not been suppressed probably the most important factors affecting and is still in common usage (Dr J. Clutton- the distribution of wild dogs in areas without Brock, British Museum, London, pers. comm. intensive control. Dog-proof fences that protect 1997). sheep from predation also limit the distribution The names C. f. dingo for the dingo proportion of wild dogs. of the wild dog population and C. f. familiaris for both wild-living and commensal domestic 1.1 Nomenclature dogs have the greatest use in scientific litera- ture. It logically follows from the derivation by The scientific names applied to animals that human selection of both dingoes and dogs have been selected by domestication are at from wolves and the genetic similarities that all present the subject of much debate in taxo- three animals should be C. lupus. Wolves are nomic circles (Gentry et al. 1996; Brisbin morphologically separable from both dingoes 1998). Wild-living dogs of Australia are mem- and domestic breeds of dog (Lawrence and bers of the family , belonging to the Bossert 1967) and have such morphological order . The dog, C. familiaris, is and behavioural dissimilarities (Newsome et al. the type species for the genus Canis, 1980) for all three to be considered separate although it is not considered a natural subspecies allocated sub-specific names, species but rather one developed by humans lupus, dingo and familiaris respectively. This from grey wolves (C. lupus) (Stains 1975). delineation of the classification of dingoes and Analyses of chromosomes have shown that other wild dogs has the potential to affect man- the karyotypes of C. lupus and C. familiaris agement strategies through acts of law (Brisbin cannot be differentiated (Chiarelli 1975). 1998).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 11 Corbett (1995a) concludes that wild-living living in close association with but indepen- dogs in Australia are subspecies of C. lupus, dently of humans. that is C. l. dingo and C. l. familiaris, but Where we were unable to ascertain the sta- these designations are yet to be formally tus of animals in the publications consulted, accepted (Corbett 1995b). However, because we have followed the original authors’ of genetic similarities that indicate common usage. Whether this usage is in accordance lineage with wolves and sufficient differ- with the above definitions is unknown. ences that they justifiably be regarded as dis- tinct sub-species, the recommended nomen- clature is: dingoes, C. l. dingo; and domestic 1.2 Origin, spread and dogs, C. l. familiaris. Recent evidence, based distribution of dingoes on skull morphology, size, coat colour and reproduction, indicates the existence of throughout the world regionally distinct populations of dingoes between Australia and Thailand (Corbett Recent work using molecular techniques 1985; 1995a) but not within Australia (DNA fingerprinting) indicates that a dingo- (Corbett in press). like canid existed perhaps 100 000 before pre- sent (BP) and that it was distinctly dingo-like ‘Delineation of the about 10 000–14 000 BP (Gentry et al. 1996). However, the earliest known dingo-like fos- classification of dingoes and sils are from Thailand (dated at 5500 BP) and other wild dogs has the potential Vietnam (5000 BP) (Higham et al. 1980). to affect management strategies Based on skull morphology, these early through acts of law’. canids evolved from the pale-footed (also known as the Indian) wolf (C. l. pallipes) and/or the Arabian wolf (C. l. arabs) between The terms wild dog, feral dog, dingo and 6000 and 10 000 years ago (Corbett 1995a). hybrids mean different things. We define the various meanings as follows: ‘The dingo’s general Dingoes: native dogs of Asia. Dingoes were morphology has remained present in Australia before European settle- virtually unchanged for the past ment and still occur in the wild here. Pure 5500 years, although this dingoes are populations or individuals that have not hybridised with domestic dogs or situation is now rapidly hybrids. changing through hybridisation with domestic dogs.’ Domestic dogs: dog breeds (other than din- goes) selectively bred by humans, initially from wolves and/or dingoes, that usually This phase of rapid evolution coincided with live in association with humans. Introduced the time when people in southern Asia to Australia by European settlers. changed their nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled agricultural subsistence Hybrids: dogs resulting from crossbreeding that allowed commensal relationships to of a dingo and a domestic dog and the develop between wild animals and people descendants of crossbred progeny. (Clutton-Brock 1989; 1992). Effectively this Wild dogs: all wild-living dogs (including was the start of the evolution of the early dingoes and hybrids). dingo-like canids into dingoes and other dogs, but subsequent evolution proceeded along Feral dogs: wild-living domestic dogs. different pathways in western and eastern Free-roaming dogs: dogs that are owned Asia, and at different rates. by humans but not restrained so they are free In western Asia and southern Europe, people to travel away from their owner’s residence. selectively bred these primitive canids to Commensal dogs: wild dogs (including improve the characteristics of dogs for hunting, dingoes and free-roaming domestic dogs) herding, hauling, guarding, scavenging and

12 Bureau of Rural Sciences Thai dingo, which has similar morphology to the Australian dingo (Source: L. Corbett). fighting, as well as for therapeutic, companion, Dingoes probably accompanied the Asian symbolic and novelty values (that is, domesti- seafarers mainly as a source of fresh food cation). The outcome is the immense range of during long sea voyages, or as guard dogs size, shape, colour and temperament found in during stopovers. There were also cultural the 600 or so modern domestic breeds of dogs. reasons for transporting dingoes (Clutton- Brock 1977; Medway 1977;Corbett 1995a). In eastern Asia, people used the early canids for food, hunting, alerting and perhaps for The primitive dogs of most Pacific islands cultural reasons, but they were not selective- (Titcombe 1969), the ancient kirri dog of ly bred. Morphological comparisons of skulls New Zealand (Colenso 1877; Bay-Petersen of the early Asian fossils show a close simi- 1979), the basenji in the African Congo (Coe larity with modern dingoes from Thailand 1997), and the New Guinea singing dog and Australia, but a clear difference to mod- (Troughton 1957) are descended from south- ern domestic dogs (Corbett 1985; 1995a). east Asian dingoes. According to fossil evi- There are also close similarities in body dence, the primitive dogs of the Americas shape, breeding pattern, coat colour and were also morphologically very similar to social behaviours between dingoes in south- dingoes and they probably arrived there east Asia and Australia. This indicates that together with people via the Bering Strait the dingo’s general morphology has (Olsen and Olsen 1977). The Carolina dog is remained virtually unchanged for the past the remaining descendent of the early 5500 years, although this situation is now Amerindian canids (Brisbin 1989). rapidly changing through hybridisation with domestic dogs (Section 2.9). 1.3 Introduction, spread and The early dingo became cosmopolitan through distribution of dingoes and its association with the movements of early humans as their populations expanded other wild dogs in Australia (Bellwood 1978, 1984; Thorne and Raymond 1989). It was during this expansion that din- 1.3.1 Introduction to Australia goes were transported to Australia where the most recent introductions were by the The oldest reliably dated dingo remains in Macassan trepangers (90–350 years ago) Australia are from 3450 ± 95 years BP (Macknight 1976), and the ‘boat people’ from (Milham and Thompson 1976) and fossils of Vietnam and Indonesia.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 13 about this age have been found throughout have increased over much of their remaining mainland Australia (White and O’Connell range (Corbett 1995a) as a result of increases in 1982). This suggests that, having reached this watering points and food supplies. Dingoes continent, dingoes colonised the mainland and other wild dogs are widely distributed and many offshore islands quickly and com- through mainland Australia to the north and pletely, although they never inhabited west of the barrier fence (Breckwoldt 1988; Tasmania. Thomson and Marsack 1992). Most popula- tions throughout Australia comprise pure din- This dispersal was probably assisted by goes, although in south-eastern Australia the Aboriginal people who had arrived on the majority are hybrids (Figure 2) (Newsome and continent at least 40 thousand years earlier. Corbett 1985; Jones 1990). Some Aboriginal tribes used dingoes to hunt game, especially kangaroos and wallabies (Macropus spp.), possums (Phalangeroidea) ‘Control by humans has and echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus). Some had significant impact on the Aboriginal people suckled pups and slept with distribution and abundance of dingoes for warmth (Lumholtz 1889; Finlayson wild dogs since European 1935; White 1972; Dixon and Huxley 1985; settlement.’ Pickering 1992). Dingoes are well-represented in Aboriginal mythology and rock art (Breckwoldt 1988). In Queensland, most wild dogs occur out- side the Dog Fence (Figure 2 and Chapter 6) Domestic dogs were first introduced into which surrounds the sheep grazing areas of Australia in 1788 (Australian Geographic central and southern Queensland although Society 1996) and dispersal into the wild there is no information about relative dog (both deliberate and accidental) has been densities either side of the fence (Fleming et continuing since then. The assumed source al. 1992). Although wild dogs sporadically of feral dogs in Australia is the abandon- occur in the Western Division inside the Dog ment, neglect, loss or deliberate release into Fence that runs along the north-western bor- the wild of domestic dogs by humans since ders of New South Wales, wild dogs are most 1788 (Gould 1863; Corbett 1995a). Although abundant and most commonly occur in there are few records of such releases, their tableland and coastal environments in the occurrence is supported by reports of free- east of the State. The highest densities and living dogs of specific breeds being seen or greatest impact of wild dogs are in the captured in remote areas (Newsome and Northern and Southern Tablelands, the latter Corbett 1985; Jones 1990; Corbett 1995a). being contiguous with the Eastern Highlands Some of the larger feral dogs may have been of Victoria which is the location of most wild bred to hunt feral pigs and other game and dogs in that State (Mitchell 1986). The activi- become lost on hunting expeditions. The ties of free-roaming dogs are most commonly incidence of C. l. familiaris and hybrids in centred near towns and cities (Coman and wild dog populations is higher in south-east- Robinson 1989; Meek 1999). ern Australia than in inland and north-west- ern Australia (Newsome and Corbett 1982; The absence of wild dogs from most of the 1985; Jones 1990; Thomson 1992a). more closely settled and agriculturally devel- oped areas, and areas within the exclusion 1.3.2 Distribution in Australia fence, indicates that control by humans has had a significant impact on the distribution The distribution of dingoes in Australia (Figure and abundance of wild dogs since European 2) has been reduced since European settle- settlement. ment in 1788, when dingoes occurred through- out the mainland. For example, in South Australia they now occupy about 60% of their former range (P. Bird, Primary Industries and Resources, South Australia, pers. comm. 1999). However, the abundance of dingoes is likely to

14 Bureau of Rural Sciences Darwin


D D Alice Springs Fraser Island

C Brisbane Section of rabbit-proof fence A within dog-proof fence

Perth Canberra Sydney Adelaide A Dog-proof Melbourne fence

B Distribution of Wild Dogs

Common Hobart

Uncommon A Dingoes, hybrids and feral dogs Generally common, but high levels of control within parts of this zone mean that Known hybridisation with feral dogs dingoes may be absent in certain areas. B Area within recently rehabilitated Naturally sparse C Queensland Barrier Fence. Dingo numbers likely to decline. Absent D Mostly pure dingoes - above dashed line



Alice Springs

Fraser Island

Brisbane Section of rabbit-proof fence within dog-proof fence

Perth Canberra Sydney Adelaide Dog-proof Melbourne fence Distribution of Livestock


Predominantly cattle Hobart Predominantly sheep

Sheep and Cattle

Figure 2: Distribution of wild dogs and livestock (after Breckwoldt 1988; Corbett 1995a; Fleming 1996b)

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 15

2. Biology and ecology

Summary Top End (); rabbits, rodents, lizards and red kangaroos in cen- The average adult dingo in Australia stands tral Australia; euros and red kangaroos in 57 centimetres at the shoulder, is 123 cen- north-west Australia; rabbits in the timetres long from nose to tail tip and Nullarbor region; and wallabies, possums weighs 16 kilograms. Dingoes are smaller in and wombats in eastern Australia. In Asia Asia. Feral dogs of up to 60 kilograms have most dingoes have a commensal relation- been recorded but most are less than 20 ship with humans and mainly eat rice, veg- kilograms and their height and length are etables and other table scraps. similarly variable. Female dingoes become sexually mature by The coat of dingoes is typically ginger but two years, although some do not breed in varies from sandy-yellow to red-ginger and droughts. Males in arid Australia also have is occasionally black-and-tan, white or a seasonal breeding cycle of about six black. Most dingoes have white markings on months. Gestation takes about 63 days and the feet, tail tip and chest, some have black litters of 1–10 pups (the average is 5) are muzzles and all have upright ears and whelped in winter, usually in an under- bushy tails. Coats with a dark dorsal strip or ground den. Dingo pups usually forage dappling in the white areas usually indicate independently of their parents at 3–4 hybrids. Both hybrids and feral dogs have months or, if in a pack, when the next highly variable coat colours and patterns. breeding season begins. In eastern Australia Pure dingoes have only one oestrus cycle in pups may become independent at 6 months a year whereas hybrids and domestic dogs or stay in the family group for up to 12 may have two cycles. Dingoes also differ months. from hybrids and domestic dogs in some skull characteristics and dingoes usually do not bark whereas most hybrids and domestic 2.1 General description dogs do. Hybridisation between dingoes and other wild dogs is becoming more common. 2.1.1 Size and coat colour The present distribution of dingoes and The average measurements of a mature other wild dogs covers most of the mainland dingo in Australia are: total length, 123 cen- except for the sheep and cereal growing timetres; shoulder height, 57 centimetres; areas of south-eastern Australia. They prefer head length, 22 centimetres; ear length, 10 habitats that have adequate free water and centimetres; hindfoot length, 19 centimetres; cover for concealment. Wild dogs live in tail length, 31 centimetres; and weight, 16 small groups or packs in territories where the kilograms (Thomson 1992a; Corbett 1995a;). home ranges of individuals vary between 10 Males are universally larger and heavier than and 300 square kilometres. However, there females. Dingoes from northern and north- is considerable overlap in the home ranges western Australia are larger than dingoes in of pack members. Wild dogs eat a diverse central and southern regions. All Australian range of foods, from insects to buffalo. dingoes are heavier than their Asian counter- Hunting group size and hunting strategies parts (Corbett 1995a). Feral dogs may weigh differ according to prey type to maximise up to 60 kilograms (Korn and Fleming 1989) hunting success. Larger groups of wild dogs but are usually 11–24 kilograms (males), and are more successful when hunting large 10–22 kilograms (females) (Jones 1990). kangaroos and cattle and solitary dogs are Free-roaming domestic dogs in Meek’s more successful when hunting rabbits and (1998) study near Jervis Bay ranged from small macropods. The main prey are: mag- 15–31 kilograms. pie geese, rodents and agile wallabies in the

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 17 Hybridisation may be obvious as in this case, but other hybrids may be hard to distinguish from pure dingoes, posing management problems in conservation areas (Source: L. Corbett).

Feral dogs may weigh up to 60 kilograms (Source: P. Fleming).

18 Bureau of Rural Sciences In order of frequency of occurrence, the coat 2.1.2 Longevity and methods to colours of pure dingoes are: ginger (red to assess age of wild dogs sandy), black and tan, white and black (Newsome and Corbett 1985). Most dingoes In the wild, dingoes can live for 10 years and have white points (white toes, white feet or feral dogs for at least 12 years, but most die white socks and a white tail tip) (Newsome at about 5–7 years. Methods to estimate the and Corbett 1985; Thomson 1992a). According age of wild dogs use: head length and eye- to early explorers’ reports, solid black dingoes, lens weight (Catling et al. 1991); the weight widespread throughout Asia, may once have or length of bacula (penis bones — juvenile, been widespread in Australia (‘Collin’s immature and mature adult age classes); the Voyage’, undated c. 1790 and ‘Mr Gilbert’s eruption pattern of adult teeth (useful up to note’, undated, cited in Gould 1863) but they 6 months); tooth wear (6–12 months), and have been rarely recorded in Australia in the annular cementum bands in the root tis- recent times. However, animals from a popu- sue of teeth (dogs older than 12 months) lation in the Victorian and South Australian (Jones 1990). Alternative methods use clo- mallee are consistently black with white points sure of the foramen at the root tip of canine (P. Bird, Primary Industries and Resources, teeth to distinguish juveniles from older ani- South Australia, pers. comm. 1999). mals; and for dingoes with closed root tips on all canines, the width of the pulp cavity of All other colours including sable (sandy with canine teeth distinguishes yearlings from black shoulders and back, commonly seen in adults (Thomson and Rose 1992). Direct German Shepherd breeds), brindle, patchy observation is also used to distinguish juve- ginger and white and patchy black and white niles from older animals. indicate hybrids or domestic dogs. Ginger- coloured hybrids, usually resulting from hybri- dising with heelers, kelpies or collies, appear 2.1.3 Water needs very similar to pure dingoes and are often Wild dogs generally drink water every day, impossible to distinguish on external features about one litre in summer and half a litre in (Figure 3). winter (Newsome et al. 1973). In winter in

Figure 3: The pelts of wild dogs, showing a variety of colours (Source: NSW Agriculture).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 19 arid areas, when prey such as long-haired sparse (Figure 2). Corbett (1995a) has sug- rats (Rattus villosissimus) are plentiful, din- gested that dingo numbers may have goes may live solely by absorbing water increased greatly in some arid areas since from prey (Green 1973). Also, in arid central European settlement as a result of the pas- Australia, many weaned pups obtain most of toral industry, more watering points and the their water from food. Females have some- introduction of rabbits (Section 2.8.4). times been observed to carry water in their On a smaller scale, wild dogs favour some bellies to dens and regurgitate it for their habitats more than others. These preferences pups (Corbett and Newsome 1975). appear to be related to habitat features such During lactation, captive females have as prey distribution, presence of cover or almost no increase in their water intake other shelter and presence of water. In the because they ingest the faeces and urine of hot, semi-arid Fortescue River region of their small pups, thus recycling the water Western Australia, for example, packs of din- they contain as well as keeping the den goes spend proportionately more time in clean (Green 1973). Wild-living dogs proba- riverine areas than in other parts of their bly have higher rates of water turnover than range (Thomson 1992d). This is likely to be dogs fed by people because they need to associated with the presence of water, thicker pursue and catch their own food. cover and greater prey abundance in the riverine areas. 2.2 Habitats 2.3 Diet and hunting strategies Prior to the arrival of Europeans, dingoes occurred across all of mainland Australia but were absent from Tasmania. They probably 2.3.1 Diet of wild dogs in Australia occupied all habitats, although at various The diet of wild dogs has been studied more densities. Today, the overall distribution of extensively than any other aspect of their dingoes has been reduced by the long histo- biology. Over the past 30 years or so, almost ry of control and exclusion fencing, particu- 13 000 stomach and faecal samples from six larly in the sheep grazing areas of the conti- major climatic regions have been analysed. nent (Figure 2). They are absent from the Of 177 prey species identified, most were majority of New South Wales and Victoria (72.3% by occurrence, 71 species); except for the eastern highlands and coast of others were birds (18.8%, 53 species), vege- both States, from the south-east third of tation (3.3%, mainly seeds), reptiles (1.8%, South Australia, and from most of the south- 23 species) and an assortment of insects, west tip of Western Australia (Figure 2). fish, crabs and frogs (3.8%, 28 species) (Table 1; Corbett 1995a). ‘Dingo numbers may have increased greatly in some ‘Dietary information may be arid areas since European misleading because wild dogs will settlement as a result of the kill stock without eating them and pastoral industry, more conversely because canids often watering points and the take livestock carrion.’ introduction of rabbits.’

Habitat use by wild dogs has not been stud- Despite the large range of prey eaten by wild ied in detail. Their present distribution cov- dogs throughout Australia, almost 80% of the ers the majority of mainland habitat types, diet comprised only ten species. In order of and they are considered common across this greatest frequency these were: red kangaroo range except for the arid eastern half of (Macropus rufus), rabbit, swamp wallaby Western Australia and adjoining parts of (Wallabia bicolor), cattle, dusky rat (Rattus South Australia and the colletti), magpie goose (Anseranas semipal- where they are thought to be naturally mata), brushtail possum (Trichosurus

20 Bureau of Rural Sciences Table 1: The occurrence of major food groups (% of samples) in the diet of dingoes and other wild dogs in Australia (adapted from Corbett 1995a). f = faecal samples, s = stomach samples. Size categories from Brown and Triggs (1990).

Wet–dry Central Nullarbor Fortescue South-east North-east tropics Australia Plain region Australia New South (WA) Wales

Samples 6722 (f) 1480 (s) 131 (f/s) 413 (f/s) 2063 (f/s) 1993 (f)

Large 12.5 36.4 39.7 100 22.9 0.4 mammalsa

Medium 26.6 41.7 69.5 4.8 72.6 85.5 mammalsb

Small 34.3 28.0 0 0.2 13.2 20.6 mammalsc

Reptiles 0.1 14.1 1.5 3.4 1.0 1.3

Birds 33.8 11.9 2.3 5.6 21.7 2.7

Insects 1.3 4.1 0.8 2.9 2.2 <0.1

Plants 7.3 0.1 0 0 1.2 0.2

Others 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.2 16.3 1.4

aAnimals > 10 kilograms mean adult body weight. bAnimals 750 grams to 10 kilograms mean adult body weight. cAnimals < 750 grams mean adult body weight. vulpecula), long-haired rat, agile wallaby 1985a; Lunney et al. 1990; Corbett 1995a). (Macropus agilis) and common wombat However, this may reflect the relatively low (Vombatus ursinus). Of these, only cattle abundance of livestock in many of the areas (mostly as carrion) were eaten in each of the where samples were taken, sheep in particu- six regions reported in Corbett (1995a). This lar being few or at low density in most stud- narrow range of major prey indicates that ies. For arid and semi-arid cattle country, the wild dogs are specialists and not the oppor- absence of cattle in the diets of wild dogs tunistic generalists they are often assumed to may reflect the abundance and ease of pro- be. However, wild dogs do use a broad curement of native prey rather than the den- range of hunting tactics involving solitary sity of cattle. Thomson (1992c) found that and cooperative hunting in groups (Section sheep were an important component of the 2.3.4). diet of dingoes on a pastoral lease in north- west Western Australia where merino sheep Fresh sheep and cattle rarely occur in the were the main livestock enterprise. In con- diets of wild dogs (Robertshaw and Harden trast, livestock were a minor component of

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 21 the diet of dingoes at two other sites where absent from this region. Macropods, includ- the land was vacant government land or ing eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus unimproved pastoral leases running cattle giganteus), red-necked wallabies (M. rufo- (Thomson 1992c). Both Corbett (1995a) and griseus), rat kangaroos (Potoroidae) and Thomson (1984a, 1992c) caution that dietary brushtail possums were found commonly in information may be misleading, in relation to samples collected in the Maranoa region of attacks on livestock, because wild dogs will central Queensland (L. Allen, Department of kill stock without eating them (Section Natural Resources, Queensland, pers. 3.6.1). Conversely, the occurrence of the Comm. 1997; Allen et al. 1997). remains of livestock in the digesta and faeces of predators does not necessarily implicate ‘In the Gulf region them as serious pests (Ginsberg and of Queensland, feral pigs and Macdonald 1990) because livestock kills can agile wallabies are important be revisited and conversely because dogs diet items.’ often take livestock carrion (Corbett 1995a).

2.3.2 Regional differences in diet In the cool temperate mountains of south- eastern Australia, the medium-sized walla- In tropical coastal regions of the Northern bies (swamp wallaby and red-necked walla- Territory, dusky rats, magpie geese and agile by) predominate in the diet of wild dogs in wallabies together form over 81% occur- the lower slopes, and the common wombat rence in the diet (Corbett 1989) and there is a predominates at higher altitudes. Brushtail seasonal pattern of predation on them. Most possums and ringtail possums geese are eaten as fledged young during the (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) are also com- dry season. Dusky rats are eaten when in monly eaten (Corbett 1995a). high abundance, about every fourth year. Agile wallabies are eaten throughout the 2.3.3 Dingo diet in south-east Asia year but mainly in the wet season. Very few dingoes in Asia live totally indepen- In arid central Australia, rabbits, small mam- dently of humans and the main food of Asian mals and lizards are the main prey during dingoes is carbohydrate (rice, fruit and other sequences of good rainfall years whereas food scraps) supplied by people or scav- during droughts, dead cattle provide most of enged. In rural areas of Thailand and north the diet (Corbett and Newsome 1987). On Sulawesi, dingoes have been observed hunt- the Barkly Tableland, Northern Territory, ing insects, rats, lizards and other live prey where rabbits do not occur, no single native along roadsides, rice paddies and in forests species predominates in the diet except for (Corbett 1988a). long-haired rats when they form huge plagues, about once every nine years (Newsome and Corbett 1975; Corbett 1995a). 2.3.4 Hunting strategies, hunting success and anti-predator In north-west Australia, the large native mam- behaviour of prey mals, red kangaroos and euros (Macropus robustus), predominate in the diet, probably In Australia, as elsewhere, predation of live- because of the paucity of small and medium- stock by wild dogs conflicts with human sized mammals, particularly rabbits agricultural activity. The foraging behaviour (Thomson 1992c). However, on the Nullarbor and feeding ecology of wild dogs are of Plains where both red kangaroos and rabbits interest because they may affect the patterns are abundant, rabbit occurs twice as frequent- of predation on livestock and the susceptibil- ly as kangaroos (Macropus spp.) in the diet ity of wild dogs to control practices. For (Marsack and Campbell 1990). example, an abundance of alternative food In the Gulf region of Queensland, feral pigs has been cited as a possible reason for the and agile wallabies are important diet items. failure of strychnine baiting programs As in tropical Northern Territory, rabbits are (Newsome et al. 1972).

22 Bureau of Rural Sciences The foraging behaviour of dingoes has been Hunting kangaroos and wallabies characterised differently by various authors (Whitehouse 1977; Robertshaw and Harden Throughout Australia various species of 1986; Corbett and Newsome 1987; Newsome macropods (mean adult weight 17–66 kilo- and Coman 1989; Thomson 1992c). The grams) are the most commonly killed prey availability of different prey species in differ- (Corbett 1995a) and the tactics dingoes use ent localities determines the dingo’s hunting to catch them are generally the same: they strategies. For example, the dingo may be: sight them, bail them up, then kill them. Groups of dingoes are more than three times • an opportunistic feeder (Whitehouse 1977) as successful at bailing up kangaroos and more than twice as successful at killing them • a selective predator of medium-sized than dingoes hunting by themselves. For macropods, such as swamp wallabies example, in the Fortescue River region in (Robertshaw and Harden 1986; 1989) north-west Australia, the success rate for sin- gle dingoes bailing up and killing was 5.5% • a predator of large macropods (Thomson for red kangaroos and 33.3% for euros. The 1992c), or it may equivalent success rate for groups of three or more dingoes hunting together was 18.9% • combine a staple diet of medium-sized and 74.2% respectively (Thomson 1992c). mammals with a supplementary diet of In contrast, Marsack and Campbell (1990) larger mammals and an opportunistic reported that all attacks on red kangaroos diet of small mammals and carrion observed in the Nullarbor region of Western (Newsome et al. 1983a). Australia (sample size = 10) were by solitary dingoes. However, this may have been unusual because the primary prey of dingoes ‘Alternative food has been in the Nullarbor region are rabbits and soli- cited as a possible reason for the tary wild dogs are more successful than failure of strychnine baiting groups when hunting rabbits. Therefore, programs.’ dingoes were probably hunting alone for rabbits when they saw a red kangaroo and took the opportunity to hunt it. When dingoes forage, the size of hunting groups is determined by the type and abun- Jarman and Wright (1993) reported observa- dance of prey (Thomson 1992c; 1992d). If tions of attacks on eastern grey kangaroos large prey such as kangaroos and cattle are by wild dogs at Wallaby Creek in north-east- being targeted, then dogs form large groups ern New South Wales. The wild dogs they to hunt (Corbett and Newsome 1987; saw with grey kangaroos were more often in Thomson 1992d). Schoener (1971) postulat- groups than the dogs seen without kanga- ed that hunting efficiency for large prey is roos. However, this does not mean that wild increased through group formation and this dogs usually formed groups to hunt large hypothesis is supported by Kruuk’s (1972a) macropods in the area because wild dogs study of spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). were seen in groups in only 21.3% of all Kruuk (1972a) found that individual hyenas observations of wild dogs hunting kangaroos benefited from hunting in groups because (Jarman and Wright 1993). Solitary wild dogs for every doubling in the weight of prey were also observed hunting red-necked wal- taken, the number of hyenas that were fed labies (Jarman and Wright 1993), the most increased threefold. In addition, when abundant medium-sized macropod at canids hunt in groups they are able to cap- Wallaby Creek (Southwell 1987). ture larger prey (Van Valkenburgh and The advantage of numbers when pursuing Koepfli 1993). large kangaroos is that the leading dingo often makes the kangaroo change direction into the path of other dingoes involved in the chase, who in turn are skilled at cutting

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 23 corners; the combined effort soon exhausts these habitats. Eastern grey kangaroos the quarry and it is easily bailed up (Jarman and Wright 1993) alert to dingoes (Thomson 1992c). This technique is similar sooner than red kangaroos (Shepherd 1981) to that used by wolves (Canis lupus) (Mech (means: 121 metres and 150 metres respective- 1970), hyenas (Kruuk 1972a) and African ly) but both flee at similar distances (means: 98 hunting dogs (Lycaon pictus) (Bekoff 1975). metres and 105 metres respectively). Another variation that African hunting dogs and dingoes sometimes use is the ‘relay ‘Hunting tactics developed for hunt’, in which exhausted leaders are macropods pre-adapted wild dogs replaced by following pack members. for hunting sheep and cattle.’ The advantage of hunting in groups when killing large kangaroos is that wild dogs can There are many anecdotal records of adult maintain relentless pressure on the quarry kangaroos and wallabies (Macropus spp.) after a successful chase. Since the leading taking to water to escape attack by dingoes wild dogs become exhausted during the (Bacon 1955). This ploy is unlikely to be suc- chase, the killing is done by other members cessful if there is no escape route (as at a of the group coming along behind them. The small dam or waterhole) because the din- quarry can also be attacked simultaneously goes often wait for the quarry to emerge and from several directions. Autopsies of kanga- then continue the attack. Most reports of roos killed by wild dogs (Thomson 1992c) kangaroos drowning dogs that enter the suggest two patterns of attack: (1) nipping or water to attack them relate to domestic dogs hamstringing the hind leg to slow the kanga- rather than dingoes. roo sufficiently to attack its throat (on adult and juvenile kangaroos), and (2) running The tactics dingoes use to chase and kill alongside and the dorsal thorax and small and medium-sized macropods (mean neck regions (on juveniles and small adult adult weight 3–15 kilograms) are similar to females). those they use for large kangaroos, but some differences are apparent. Dingoes hunting Wild dogs are probably more successful at alone rely more on scent than sight to trail hunting large kangaroos in more open areas, the quarry, so they are often several hundred particularly arid areas where kangaroos tend metres behind them and the chase may last to concentrate around permanent sources of for several hours. The success rate of lone water, especially during droughts (Corbett dingoes hunting medium-sized macropods is 1995a). This can lead to surplus killing probably greater than it is for lone dingoes (Shepherd 1981). In contrast, hunting suc- hunting large macropods, but there are no cess is lower where kangaroos use the ter- data to confirm this. rain to escape pursuing dingoes or hamper their attack. In the dissected ironstone In north-eastern New South Wales, ranges of the Fortescue River region in Robertshaw and Harden (1986) recorded north-west Australia, 62.5% of unsuccessful that female swamp wallabies pursued by attacks by groups of dingoes on adult kanga- dingoes eject their pouch young (greater roos failed because the kangaroos backed than approximately 800 grams), apparently up against natural barriers, preventing attack because they are a burden when escaping from the rear and reducing the attack to only predators. However, there are no data on one dingo at a time (Thomson 1992c). whether or not more females escape by this ploy; it is only known that the population Presumably, the success rate of dingoes and age structure of wallabies is altered. other wild dogs hunting grey kangaroos in the densely forested regions of eastern Australia is Most studies indicate that wild dogs killed also low because of similar obstacles, but little the young of large (mean adult weight >15 information is available. However, the appar- kilograms) and medium-sized macropods ent differences between hunting success in more frequently than they killed adults. For open and closed habitats may be reflected in example, in arid north-western New South the alert and flight distances of kangaroos in Wales, Shepherd (1981) recorded that almost

24 Bureau of Rural Sciences all of the 83 red kangaroos killed by a group dingo rushed out of the fringing scrub and of five dingoes around a dam were juveniles they swiftly dispatched all six swans with less than 18 kilograms (96.4%) and most bites across the back behind the wings; but were females (81.3%). In the moist forested only four of the swans were eaten (Newsome mountains of north-eastern New South et al. 1983a). In the coastal wetlands of north- Wales dingoes also indicated a strong prefer- ern Australia, fledgling magpie geese form a ence for dependent juvenile swamp walla- major part of the dingoes’ diet (Corbett 1989) bies (32%), but not for gender (Robertshaw and are captured in much the same way as and Harden 1985b, 1986). Several studies swans are. However, healthy adult geese have concluded that large male kangaroos (mean weight 2.4 kilograms) are also are not routine prey for wild dogs (Shepherd obtained by stealing the kills of large preda- 1981; Robertshaw and Harden 1989; Jarman tory birds such as white-breasted sea eagles and Wright 1993; Wright 1993). (Haliaaetus leucogaster) (Corbett 1995a). Hunting tactics developed for macropods pre-adapted wild dogs for hunting sheep, Hunting cattle, buffalo, horses and cattle and other large animals. These tactics sheep may also result in surplus killing of sheep The formation of hunting groups is usually and cattle. essential when wild dogs hunt large ungu- lates such as cattle (Corbett and Newsome Hunting rabbits and small prey 1987; Thomson 1992c), feral horses In central Australia, dingoes usually hunt (Newsome and Coman 1989) and buffalo alone to catch rabbits, often by sighting and (Bubalus bubalis). Nearly all attacks on cat- running them down, or by scenting and tle and buffalo are aimed at young animals, pouncing on a rabbit in a grass hutch. Their from the newborn to subadults; healthy full- greatest success apparently comes from grown adults are rarely attacked. There are knowing where to find rabbit warrens, espe- three basic attack tactics (Corbett 1995a): cially warrens containing rabbit kittens; and 1. Constantly harass a mother with a dingoes, in groups or alone, include such dependent calf. Solitary wild dogs or warrens in their regular hunting circuit groups keep the prey constantly on the (Corbett 1995a). Hunting success is also like- alert, so it eventually tires or relaxes its ly to be related to rabbit density and age guard enough for a dingo to deliver a structure but there are few data; Corbett crippling bite. (1995a) observed a dingo hunting alone for one hour in a rabbit-infested area, with 80 2. Actively spook a mob of cattle to sepa- holes investigated, and two successful kills rate the calves from the adults, then focus from four attempts. on the calves. Dingoes mainly rely on their hearing and smell to find rodents, grasshoppers and 3. Wait-and-watch tactic, observing and test- other small prey moving about in grass and ing the most vulnerable members of a other vegetation. They capture these prey by herd. pouncing on them.

Hunting birds In the third tactic, a group of wild dogs, usu- ally sits, sometimes for hours, and watches a Many adult birds are captured when they are herd from a distance. They watch for cattle moulting and unable to fly. Dingoes also eat or buffalo that exhibit unusual behaviour young nestlings and newly fledged birds that that might indicate vulnerability, such as dis- are easily captured. For example, at a coastal ease or injury. Common examples of such salt lake in south-east Australia, a dingo ‘cor- behaviour are: cows giving birth; individuals nered’ six moulting black swans (Cygnus that are stationary or not moving with the atratus) in a small shallow inlet. When the main body of the herd when grazing or swans made a break for open water, a second drinking; and calves running and frequently

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 25 bawling. Wild dogs will either attack or (13%) were killed outright. In 69% of attacks, harass the targeted animal directly or wait dingoes broke off the attack before the until it dies. If the targeted individual turns sheep was killed, although in 31% of attacks out to be healthy, the wild dogs promptly they then attacked another sheep. Sheep retreat and may resume waiting and watch- showed no aggressive defensive behaviour ing for other potential quarry. and in 11 (18%) of the attacks they struggled so little that dingoes began eating them Although wild dogs can kill cattle, there are before inflicting a killing bite. few data on how successful they are. In the Fortescue River region of north-west The reaction of sheep to the appearance of a Australia, Thomson (1992c) recorded only 73 dog in their vicinity is to congregate in a mob interactions between cattle and dingoes over (Kilgour 1985). Sheep chased by dogs often seven years. Most interactions (81%) run in a circle, the leading animals being involved cattle reacting defensively to din- turned back to the mob by a pursuing dog. goes and 26 (36%) involved attacks on These behaviours make sheep more suscep- calves. However, only four calves were tible to surplus killing. killed, so the dingoes’ success rate was at best 15% (4/26), or only 5% (4/73) if all inter- Scavenging and caching actions are counted. Dingoes readily scavenge food, particularly ‘The formation of hunting cattle and kangaroo carcasses that become groups is usually essential when plentiful during drought in arid regions of wild dogs hunt cattle.’ Australia. For example, Corbett and Newsome (1987) studied dingo diet over seven years at Erldunda in central Australia Cattle have a greater tendency to defend and found overall that cattle carrion themselves than do sheep, and trained cattle occurred in 6.3% of 285 stomachs compared have been used to protect sheep from preda- to remains of live cattle in only 2.1%. More tors in New Mexico (Anon. 1987). The carrion was eaten in droughts (mean 10% grouping exhibited by cattle acts as an anti- occurrence) than flush periods (3%). predator behaviour that reduces the risk of Dingoes usually gorge themselves on the an individual being taken and allows for ani- carcasses of large prey either in one feed or mals on the outside of a group to aggressive- intermittently over several days until it is all ly defend the whole group (Alcock 1989). In eaten (P. Thomson, unpublished data some areas of Australia, predation of calves 1976–1984). Sometimes rival dingo groups by wild dogs is believed to be minimised if dispute over a carcass (Corbett 1995a). horned cows are run instead of polled cows (E. Maskie, grazier, New South Wales, pers. ‘Cattle carrion occurred comm. 1984). in 6.3% of stomachs compared to Wild dogs evolved for running and they can remains of live cattle in outrun both sheep (Thomson 1992c) and only 2.1%’. cattle (Alexander 1993). There are many anecdotes about the dingo’s prowess at Dingoes living on the coast regularly patrol hunting and killing sheep but the only the beaches and scavenge fish, seals, pen- detailed evidence is from Thomson’s (1992c) guins and other birds that are washed up study in the Fortescue River region in north- (Newsome et al. 1983a). In Kakadu National west Australia. Thomson (1984a, 1992c) Park, dingoes regularly scavenge the found that both groups and solitary dogs remains of prey underneath the nests and killed sheep, that dingoes often attacked feeding platforms of white-breasted sea more than one sheep in a mob, and that in eagles (Corbett 1995a). most attacks the sheep were not killed out- right. From a total of 61 attacks, 26 sheep (43%) were seriously injured, but only eight

26 Bureau of Rural Sciences In the Fortescue study, caching by dingoes degree by the availability of resources. Where of a small euro was observed (P. Thomson, resources are plentiful, individuals do not unpublished data 1983). Captive dingoes at have to roam far for food or water, and home Alice Springs have also been observed ranges tend to be smaller. For example, radio- caching excess food, especially dog biscuits. tracked adult wild dogs in the heavily forested In central Australia, wild dogs frequently escarpment areas of the northern tablelands returned to carcasses, although these were of New South Wales had a mean home range not buried or covered. Food remains at dens size of 27 square kilometres, with consider- were often abundant and always conspicu- able overlap in the ranges of different individ- ously placed (L. Corbett, unpublished obs.). uals (Harden 1985). McIlroy et al. (1986a) found similar sized home ranges (21.5 square kilometres) for wild dogs in a mountainous 2.4 Home range and movements forest area of south-eastern Australia. These areas have a high rainfall, a temperate climate, 2.4.1 Home range and a large diversity of potential prey species (Newsome et al. 1983a; Robertshaw and In common with most terrestrial mammals, Harden 1985a). In contrast, in the less produc- individual wild dogs spend the majority of tive arid environment of the Fortescue River their lives within discrete areas or home in north-west Western Australia and the ranges. Data on the boundaries and size of Simpson Desert in Central Australia, dingoes home ranges are usually derived from radio- had larger home ranges, averaging 95.8 tracking studies of collared animals. Within square kilometres (Thomson and Marsack discrete social groups or packs, the home 1992) and 67 square kilometres (Corbett ranges of individual pack members overlap 1995a) respectively. In the Nullarbor region of considerably (Section 2.5). The sizes of home south-east Western Australia, where prey ranges appear to be determined to a large populations fluctuated widely and water was

The social organisation of dingoes has implications for predation dynamics (Source: L. Corbett).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 27 sparse, home ranges were larger still, ranging short (65% less than 60 minutes) and inter- from 90 to 300 square kilometres (Thomson spersed with shorter rest periods (70% less and Marsack 1992). than 30 minutes). In contrast, in the hotter, less vegetated environment of north-west ‘The sizes of home ranges Western Australia, dingoes tended to be appear to be determined to a inactive during the middle of the day, with large degree by the availability major peaks of activity and movement occur- of resources.’ ring around dawn and dusk (Thomson 1992b). Similar patterns of activity have been recorded for dingoes in the Simpson Desert Home ranges are generally stable over time, (Corbett 1995a) and coyotes (Canis latrans) although they may shift in response to living in hot environments in North America changes in food availability or social organi- (Andelt 1985). sation. Individuals that begin to separate from social groups or packs, prior to dispers- ‘Dispersal appears to be ing from their natal home range tend to roam related to food supply and over larger areas (Thomson 1992d). In South mediated by social factors.’ Australia, Bird (1994) estimated that 300–400 dingoes were sharing a single watering point in a particularly arid region. Eighty individual In north-west Western Australia, dingoes did dingoes were simultaneously visible near not regularly travel large distances across another water source. These appeared to be their ranges (mean maximum range width merely aggregations of individuals rather was 10.5 kilometres) (Thomson 1992d). than social groupings, and probably reflect- Movements were localised, and packs tend- ed the large area serviced by widely spaced ed to focus their activities in a particular sec- waters, and that dingo numbers were high tion of their range for a time, with occasional because of a recent rabbit plague. forays into other parts of their range. This pattern was consistent through most of the 2.4.2 Movements year. The major seasonal factor influencing movement patterns was related to the raising Harden (1985) carried out an intensive study of pups. This activity dramatically affected of short-term movements of dingoes in the nursing individuals, restricting their move- escarpments of north-eastern New South ments, but other pack members were affect- Wales and showed that dingoes exhibited ed as well. two distinctly different patterns of move- Dingoes displayed strong site fidelity, sel- ment. The first was characterised by the dom engaging in forays far beyond their intense use of a small area with many home ranges or territories (only 1.2% of all changes in direction and was believed to be radio-locations represented foray move- associated with hunting. The second was a ments) (Thomson et al. 1992a). Most foray more directed movement that frequently tra- movements were within four kilometres of versed a large part of the home range. One the territory boundaries and rarely exceeded of the functions of the latter might have been six kilometres. There was no seasonal pat- to maintain communication between individ- tern to these movements. Males were more uals by regular visits to scent posts (Section likely than females to engage in forays and 2.5.2). juvenile dingoes only engaged in forays in In Harden’s (1985) study, the wild dogs were the company of older dingoes. Some forays active throughout the day with peaks of appeared to be associated with subsequent activity at dawn and dusk. Hourly rates of dispersal movements. movement were equal for diurnal and noc- Dispersal represents a move that places an turnal periods and the average distance animal permanently beyond the area that it moved in 24 hours was around 15 kilome- normally occupied, and usually involves tres. Wild dogs spent 65% of the day active movement out of the natal home range. and 35% resting. Periods of activity were

28 Bureau of Rural Sciences Dispersal appears to be related to food sup- variations are seen, reflecting the flexible ply and mediated by social factors. In north- nature of dingo social structure (Green and west Western Australia, individuals as well as Catling 1977; Newsome et al. 1983a; Corbett groups dispersed (Thomson et al. 1992a). and Newsome 1987; Bird 1994). This flexibil- Males tended to disperse further than ity is not surprising in view of the wide vari- females and had a higher incidence of dis- ety of habitats, prey species, climatic condi- persal. One male dingo in arid central tions and levels of human exploitation Australia travelled 250 kilometres (Newsome encountered across Australia. Studies by et al. 1973). Dispersal distances in the study Robertshaw and Harden (1986), Corbett and by Thomson et al. (1992a) ranged from Newsome (1987) and Thomson (1992d) sup- 1–184 kilometres, with a mean of 20 kilome- port the notion that increasing specialisation tres. The incidence of dispersal was highest on larger prey such as wallabies and kanga- when the density of the dingo population roos favours increasing sociality and the for- was high and food supply low, and was mation of larger groups. Corbett (1995a) facilitated by the availability of nearby vacant concluded that the primary function of dingo areas. On the Nullarbor Plain, dingoes tend- packs is to defend hunting areas and other ed to move further than those in north-west essential resources. Western Australia particularly as dams dried The social organisation of dingoes in the up. Less than 10% of dingoes moved more Fortescue River area of north-west Western than 50 kilometres and the longest move- Australia provides an example of dingo soci- ment was 250 kilometres (Thomson and ety in a relatively undisturbed ‘wilderness’ Marsack 1992). In South Australia, the two area, where euros and kangaroos were the largest males of 59 radio-collared individuals main prey and natural water was widely dis- dispersed 150 and 225 kilometres respective- tributed (Thomson 1992d). Here, dingoes ly after a dam they were watering at dried up were organised into stable packs occupying (Bird 1994). Dingo numbers were very high discrete territories that overlapped little with throughout the region at the time and food those of neighbouring packs. Packs com- supply low. prised a dominant male and female and their Meek (1999) reported that radio-collared offspring of various ages. Territory bound- free-roaming dogs travel 8–30 kilometres to aries were stable over time and between- hunt macropods in bushland adjacent to the pack encounters were extremely rare. Packs homes of their owners. Coman and varied in size (mean monthly pack sizes for Robinson (1989) reported that commensal five packs ranged from 3–12 individuals), dogs from the Victorian city of Bendigo trav- with smaller packs tending to be found in elled smaller distances, usually less than 6 the poorer areas and occupying larger kilometres. Most of these forays were into ranges. Pack members cooperated to hunt adjacent agricultural land where livestock prey and took part in communal activities were attacked in 51 of 84 forays. The man- such as feeding (Section 2.3.4), resting and agement implications of wild dog move- raising pups. Pack members were not always ments are discussed in detail in Chapter 6. together at one time; they usually operated in sub-groups that were flexible in size and composition. Lone dingoes were sometimes 2.5 Social organisation and identified; these individuals displayed no behaviour pack affiliations, occupied large ranges that overlapped the mosaic of pack territories and avoided encounters with packs. They 2.5.1 Wild dog society were probably individuals in varying stages Dingoes and other wild dogs, like their wolf of dispersal, seeking a mate and a vacant (Canis lupus ssp.) forebears, are social ani- area in which to settle. mals. Where conditions are favourable, they Corbett (1995a) reported a more fluid situa- form stable packs that maintain distinct terri- tion at Kapalga, in the northern tropical tories that overlap little with neighbouring Northern Territory. Here, stable packs occu- packs (Thomson 1992d). However, regional

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 29 pied territories, but they altered where and eastern Australia have also been reported what they hunted according to season and hunting or foraging in groups (Meek 1999). prey availability. In the Simpson Desert, Feral dogs in Baltimore, North America also another wilderness area, the necessity of formed groups of 2–17 animals although sharing sparsely distributed watering points approximately 51% of dogs were seen alone meant that distinct spatial separation of (Beck 1973). Free-roaming dogs in central packs was not possible. Howling and other Victoria were usually seen in pairs (54% of forms of communication (Section 2.5.2) were sightings) or singly (34%), with packs of more pronounced in these situations, allow- three to seven dogs being seen in 12% of ing a temporal separation of packs (Corbett sightings (Coman and Robinson 1989). The 1995a). When prey (mostly small mammals) influence of domestic dogs on the social were more abundant and widespread after structure of wild-living dogs, dingoes and good rains, dingoes tended to spread out to hybrids in Australia is not documented. exploit these resources. Thus, packs were However, it is likely that the factors that not as constantly stable or confined to such influence the social organisation of dingoes defined areas as in the more predictable in different areas would also influence the northern environments. social behaviour of feral dogs or hybrids.

‘The influence of domestic 2.5.2 Communication dogs on the social structure of wild-living dogs, dingoes and Howling hybrids in Australia is not documented.’ Vocal communication is important for din- goes and other wild dogs because they are often spatially separated. Dingoes do not Research in the arid pastoral regions of cen- bark in the wild as domestic dogs and tral Australia revealed that most dingoes hybrids do (Corbett 1995a) but howling is were seen alone, although they were loosely common to all wild dogs. bonded in small amicable groups sharing a common living area (Corbett 1995a). Rabbits There are three basic types of howl used, were a major dietary item and individuals moans, bark-howls and snuffs, and these tended to hunt alone (Section 2.3.4). The have at least 10 variations (Corbett 1995a). ranges of different groups tended to overlap Howls travel over large distances and have considerably, sharing common resources the purposes of locating other wild dogs, such as the relatively sparse watering points. attracting pack members and repelling A similar pattern was observed in a relatively intruders from the pack home range. The fre- undisturbed pastoral region on the Nullarbor quency of howling varies throughout each Plain in Western Australia (Thomson and day and throughout the year, and is affected Marsack 1992, and unpublished data by breeding, dispersal, lactation, social sta- 1982–1987). Here, dingoes preyed principal- bility and dispersion. Wild dogs often hunt ly on rabbits. Water was sparse and shared alone and in times of food shortage, pack by adjacent social groups and there was no members may become more widely dis- evidence of strong territoriality. Groupings tributed within their home range. Howling is of dingoes were most commonly seen dur- more pronounced at these times (Corbett ing the months leading up to mating, during 1995a). the raising of pups, and when dingoes were feeding on large prey (kangaroos) (Section Scent Marking 2.3.4). Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell The large degree of overlap in the home that they employ in social communication. ranges of wild dogs in north-eastern New They use chemical signals originating in South Wales (Harden 1985) suggests that the urine, faeces and scent glands (Ralls 1971). wild dogs studied were members of a single Scent marking in canids is oriented to specific pack. Free-roaming domestic dogs in south- objects, elicited by familiar conspicuous land-

30 Bureau of Rural Sciences In central Australia, dingo dens are commonly developed from enlarged rabbit burrows (Source: L. Corbett). marks and novel objects or odours, and use raised-leg urination and rake the ground repeated frequently on the same object after marking more frequently than females (Kleiman 1966). Scent marking probably orig- (Corbett 1995a). In north-west and central inated as a means to familiarise and reassure Australia, raised-leg urination and ground-rak- animals when they entered strange and fright- ing peaked in the mating season (Thomson ening situations. Bringing together of the 1992b; Corbett 1995a). One of the functions of sexes and pack members and maintaining ter- scent-marking may be to synchronise repro- ritory are probably secondary functions that duction between pairs, as has been suggested are important for survival (Kleiman 1966). for wolves and coyotes (Rothman and Mech 1979; Wells and Bekoff 1981). ‘Preliminary work has been Another form of scent marking is scent rub- conducted to find attractants that bing whereby an animal rolls on its neck, could be used to lure wild dogs to shoulders or back. Scent sources that elicit traps or poison baits.’ scent rubbing are associated with food, chemicals, catmint, urine, faeces and carcas- es, and scent markings of conspecifics There is much evidence that dingoes and wild (Reiger 1979). The function of scent rubbing dogs defecate and urinate on objects at partic- is unknown but one hypothesis is that it may ular sites to communicate with members of increase the social attractiveness of a particu- their own and rival packs (Thomson 1992b; lar animal (Fox 1971). Dingoes and other Corbett 1995a). The most frequently recorded wild dogs are known to scent rub this way objects that wild dogs mark are grass tussocks, (Corbett 1995a). small bushes, logs, fence-posts, rocks and the faeces of other animals. Most scent posts are located at shared resources such as water in arid areas, hunting grounds, trails and roads, particularly intersections. Males scent-mark,

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 31 Scent-marking may be used by managers to one-year-old and some older females do not assess the numbers of canids (Section 6.2.2). breed at all, and for those adults that do, the For example, the United States Fish and onset of breeding is delayed by about six Wildlife Service have developed a scent-sta- weeks (Figure 4). tion index method to assess trends in carni- Pro-oestrus and oestrus periods for captive vore populations (Roughton and Sweeny dingoes in central Australia and domestic 1982). This method has not been used in dogs, as determined from vaginal smears, Australia for assessing dog numbers but pre- last about 10–12 days (Corbett 1995a). liminary work has been conducted to find However, in the Fortescue River region, attractants that could be used to lure wild behavioural data suggest that pro-oestrus dogs to traps or poison baits (Jolly and Jolly may last about 30–60 days (Thomson 1992a,1992b; Mitchell and Kelly 1992). For 1992b). example, Jolly and Jolly (1992b) found that about half of ten captive wild dogs respond- Males reach full sexual maturity at 1–3 years. ed to six chemical attractants in pen and field Although continuously fertile, males in hot trials which suggests that less expensive and arid regions appear to be true seasonal better controlled pen trials might find an breeders with maximum testis weights effective attractant to lure wild dogs to traps occurring about April, the peak of the mating and poisons. Those trials were conducted in season (Catling et al. 1992). In contrast, November and better responses might be males in the cooler temperate highlands of obtained from trials in the breeding season. south-east Australia can breed throughout the year and many successfully sire pups with domestic bitches outside of the dingo 2.6 Reproduction breeding season (Catling et al. 1992).

2.6.1 Breeding: dingoes ‘Seasonality in breeding increases with latitude.’ The pattern of breeding has implications for managing dingo predation on cattle (Section 3.6.5). Gestation lasts 61–69 days in captive din- goes. The average litter size for dingoes is Dingoes produce only one litter of pups five (range 1–10) throughout Australia and each year, and except for tropical habitats, Thailand, and usually more males are born litters are usually whelped in winter. This than females (Corbett 1995a). breeding pattern is determined by the female’s annual oestrus cycle as males are Seasonality in breeding increases with lati- continuously fertile in most regions (Catling tude. In temperate regions of Australia, most 1979). The precise onset and extent of dingo litters are born in winter (June–August). breeding varies with age, social status, geo- Litters born in summer and autumn graphic latitude, seasonal conditions and (November–April) in south-east Australia, whether animals are pure dingoes or hybrid are almost certainly from hybrid females (Jones and Stevens 1988; Corbett 1995a). whereas in northern Australia, litters of pure dingoes have been recorded in most months In arid central Australia, most wild females with a peak in July (Corbett 1995a). commence breeding when they are two years old and usually mate in April–May, 2.6.2 Breeding: feral dogs and about one month earlier than most of their hybrids counterparts in southern temperate Australia. In stable packs, the most dominant Female feral dogs and hybrids of similar size (alpha) female, usually the oldest, tends to to dingoes may have two oestrus cycles each come into oestrus before subordinate year, although it is unlikely that they success- females. Some of the subordinate females fully breed twice every year (Jones and undergo pseudopregnancy (Corbett 1988b). Stevens 1988). Evidence from south-east During droughts, all young females less than Australian populations of wild dogs indicates

32 Bureau of Rural Sciences 140 Adult, flush season 120 Young, flush season Adult, drought Young, drought 100



Mean uterine weight (g) 40


0 D J F M A M J J A S O N


Figure 4: The breeding cycle of adult (more than one-year-old) and young (less than one-year-old) female dingoes in central Australia (adapted from Catling et al. 1992). In flush seasons, most adult females are heavily pregnant by May–July, but not all young females become pregnant, as indicated by their low uterine weights. In droughts, young females do not breed at all, and breeding is delayed by about six weeks for older females that do breed. that the regular birth pulse of dingoes is dis- debris (Corbett 1995a). Most dens in the rupted where there is a large proportion of Fortescue River region faced the south-east, feral dogs and hybrids present (Jones and possibly to minimise excessive heating from Stevens 1988). Male domestic dogs and the sun (Thomson 1992b). hybrids do not show any seasonal changes In contrast, in the cooler eastern highlands, in testicular activity and are fertile through- most dens have been reported in hollow out the year (Jones and Stevens 1988). logs, old wombat burrows and occasionally Gestation is 58–65 days for hybrids and in caves under rock ledges (Corbett 1974; domestic dogs in the same climate (Corbett Jones and Stevens 1988) and commonly 1995a). The average litter size for hybrids faced north (B. Harden, unpublished data and domestic dogs is similar (about 5 pups) 1970–84). but varies with breed (Spira 1988).

2.6.3 Characteristics of dens 2.7 Mortality and disease

In central Australia most dens have been In south-eastern Australia, pups become recorded in enlarged rabbit-holes, caves in independent at 6–12 months (Harden 1981). rocky hills, under debris in dry creek beds, Those that become independent and dis- under large tussocks of spinifex, among pro- perse at six months are less likely to survive truding tree roots and under rock ledges than those that stay with the parents for 12 along water courses (Corbett 1995a). months (B. Harden, unpublished data In the Fortescue River region, most dens 1970–84). The higher survival may be due to were recorded in cave complexes in hilly ter- the increased hunting success that dogs in rain; others were in hollow logs, under groups may have with larger prey (Thomson spinifex or in enlarged goanna (Varanus 1992c) or through the adults coaching the spp.) holes (Thomson 1992b). Similarly, in pups in hunting (Corbett and Newsome tropical northern Australia, most dens were 1975). Coaching of pups has been observed found in enlarged burrows of large goannas, in captive-bred hybrids in north-east New with others under fallen trees and other South Wales (T. Kempton, grazier, New

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 33 South Wales, pers. comm. 1979). In the sta- 2.7.3 Parasites, diseases and ble packs of the Fortescue River region, most associated causes of death juvenile dingoes do not become indepen- dent and disperse in the first year, but stay in Wild dogs are susceptible to all the diseases the social group, sometimes permanently. that affect domestic dogs. Thirty-eight species of parasites and pathogens have so 2.7.1 Dispersal sinks far been recorded in wild dogs. In Australia, at least another 50 infectious organisms in One of the main, consistent causes of dingo domestic dogs have been recorded (Seddon mortality is a cycle involving dingo popula- 1965a,1965b; 1966; 1967; 1968; Seddon and tion density, food supply and human con- Albiston 1967; Kelly 1977; Appendix A), all trol. When food becomes scarce for a large of which could potentially become estab- population of wild dogs in a ‘safe’ area lished in wild dog populations. The condi- (source), they disperse, singly or in groups, tions under which establishment might hap- to resource-rich, pastoral and agricultural pen and the characteristics of disease organ- areas where there are fewer wild dogs. isms that would allow establishment and These are ‘danger’ areas, where human con- persistence of these diseases require further trol measures are intense. Wild dogs are poi- evaluation. Appendix A is a detailed list of soned, trapped or shot here, creating vacant diseases affecting wild dogs. areas (sinks) and perpetuating the dispersal- mortality cycle. ‘Wild dogs are susceptible For example, over nine years in the to all the diseases that affect Fortescue River region, 25 lone dingoes and domestic dogs.’ six groups (comprising 24 individuals from fractured packs) dispersed from non-pastoral In most cases, diseases have little effect on ‘safe’ areas to sheep paddocks where control the survival of adult wild dogs. Exceptions was intensive. All except one of these 49 din- include: canine distemper (Paramyxovirus), goes (98%) were eventually killed — either hookworms (Unicinaria stenocephala and trapped, poisoned or shot. This was twice Ancylostoma caninum) and heartworm the average mortality for dingoes dispersing (Dirofilaria immitis) in northern Australia to other areas (Thomson et al. 1992a). and south-eastern Queensland (Coman 1972a; Corbett 1995a, Meek 1998; L. Allen, 2.7.2 Human-induced mortality Department of Natural Resources, Queensland, Humans have had a major impact on wild pers. comm. 1989). dog populations through habitat manipula- The effects of most diseases and parasites on tion, the introduction of domestic dogs and wild dog mortality rates and morbidity rates control practices. For example, habitat have not been measured. The proportion of changes associated with agriculture in south- a population dying during a given time inter- ern Australia caused the demise of dingoes val is the mortality rate. Morbidity rate is the in these areas. Effective control programs in proportion of a population affected by dis- targeted areas of the Fortescue River region ease in a given time interval. The debilitating removed most dingoes (Thomson et al. effects on wild dogs are unknown for 45% of 1992b). Human-induced mortality may also dingo parasites and pathogens, but 29% (11 be high for wild dogs in areas of southern of 38) are known to be fatal, especially in Australia where coordinated control pro- pups (7 of 11 fatal infections). Lungworm grams operate annually. Although the effec- (Oslerus osleri), whipworm (Trichurus tiveness of wild dog control programs varies, vulpis), hepatitis (Adenovirus), coccidiosis severe mortality can be inflicted on wild dog (Isospora rivolta and Eimeria canis), lice populations (Fleming et al. 1996). The effect (Trichodectes canis and unidentified of trapping, poisoning and shooting on wild species) and ticks (Ixodes holocyclus, dog populations is discussed in detail in Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Amblyomma Chapter 6. triguttatum) can kill pups and thereby

34 Bureau of Rural Sciences decrease recruitment to dingo populations. particularly rabbits, are also significant caus- Heartworm virtually eliminated dingo popu- es of dingo mortality. lations at Kapalga (Kakadu National Park) in Other less common causes of mortality for the 1980s and distemper decimated Barkly dingoes and other wild dogs include: being Tableland populations in the early 1960s and run over by vehicles or horses, being chased again in the 1970s (Corbett 1995a). and killed by people on horseback (Harden Sarcoptic mange (causal agent Sarcoptes and Robertshaw 1987); buffalo and cattle scabiei) is a widespread parasitic disease in goring and kicking; snake bite; and preda- dingo populations throughout Australia but tion on pups by wedge-tailed eagles (Aquila it is seldom debilitating. The highest preva- audax). Unlike in north-east Thailand, lence (20%) was recorded in the Fortescue where about 200 dingoes are butchered each River region where 21% of mange-affected week (Corbett 1985), human predation of adult dingoes were in poor condition com- dingoes and other wild dogs for food no pared to 5% for mange-free dingoes; howev- longer occurs in Australia. er, only one dingo was suspected to have died from mange (Thomson 1992b). Males were twice as likely to be affected by mange 2.8 Population dynamics and as females (Thomson 1992b) and it is likely changes in abundance that mange is associated with particular prey species (Corbett 1995a). 2.8.1 Overview of predator Hydatidosis (caused by the cestode population dynamics Echinococcus granulosus) results in serious illness in infected humans and in the devalu- In contrast to the situation with dingoes, the ation of infected livestock carcases at slaugh- regulation and dynamics of populations of ter (Section 3.4). E. granulosus infection other social canids such as wolves have been does not cause serious illness in dogs. extensively studied (Mech 1986; Peterson and Page 1988). Food supply is thought to In central Australia, wild dogs mostly eat rab- be the principal common natural factor bits and consequently have relatively high affecting canid social organisation, group infestations of rabbit stickfast fleas stability, dispersal strategies, mortality and (Echidnophaga myrmecobii) and tapeworm reproductive success (all in turn influencing (Taenia pisiformis). By comparison, the most population dynamics). The supply of prey, common parasites of wild dogs in the nearby predominantly herbivorous animals, is Barkly Tableland are lice and an unidentified affected by environmental conditions (espe- tapeworm species which are both probably cially the extent and pattern of rainfall), as derived from eating long-haired rats, a major well as being influenced by the predator prey species in this region. Also, sarcoptic itself (Section 2.3). When the effects of peo- mange is usually associated with plagues of ple on the environment are added (altered dusky rats in the wet–dry tropics. In south- landscape, altered fire regimes, introduced eastern Australia, kangaroo flies (Hippoboscid exotic animals, increased watering points, spp.) were often found on free-roaming imposed control on predators and some- domestic dogs that frequently hunted macrop- times prey species), it follows that the ods (Meek 1998). These insects are most likely dynamics of predator populations can be to cause irritation rather than death. very complex.

2.7.4 Other causes of death 2.8.2 Dynamics of wild dog Where irruptions of rabbits are common, for populations example, in arid South Australia and the The most intensive study of the population Nullarbor region of Western Australia, many dynamics of wild dingoes was carried out in wild dogs die from starvation when the the Fortescue River region of Western irruption is over. Severe drought and concur- Australia (Thomson 1992a). Dingoes were rent declines in water availability and prey,

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 35 radio-tracked over a nine-year period in an prey species. The earlier signs of social per- area with minimal human disturbance. At the turbation, indicated by an increase in disper- start of the study, dingo numbers were rela- sals, were followed by other more dramatic tively low because of control work (trapping changes prior to baiting. Large packs began and baiting) that had been undertaken in the to dissociate, dispersal continued, territory area. As the study progressed, dingo num- shifts were recorded, and signs of changes in bers increased to high levels (Figure 5). activity patterns emerged. These features Dingoes at that time had access to a moder- have also been recorded in populations of ate and apparently adequate supply of their wolves facing food shortages (Messier 1985). principal prey, kangaroos. The area was fully occupied by territorial packs. The popula- ‘Monitoring to detect and act on tion rose as a result of reproductive success such circumstances is clearly a and consequent increases in the size of the sensible option for managers.’ packs. At the high population level, dingoes began to disperse, resulting in a subsequent fall in population size. After baiting removed almost all wild dogs, re-colonisation from adjacent unbaited areas In the second period (1979–80, Figure 5), was rapid (Figure 5). The population rose, population density was still high, but fell though not to the extent that occurred during markedly when dingoes were deliberately the first period of the study. The new immi- exposed to aerial baiting during research tri- grants occupied large areas, and in some als (Thomson 1986). At the time of baiting, cases, their reproductive potential was kangaroo numbers were low and dingoes unknown. When breeding increased, young had begun to increase their use of other dingoes were able to establish new territories food, including cattle carrion and smaller

Dingoes may be attracted to urban settlements in remote areas (for example, Moomba Tip in northern South Australia pictured above) by the prospect of easy food. Such scenarios are likely to increase the rate of hybridisation with domestic breeds and may also create a public nuisance (Source: P. Bird, Animal and Plant Control Commission, South Australia).

36 Bureau of Rural Sciences ‘dispersal sink’ (Section 6.4.4). This reduces the risk of wild dogs moving from the adja- 25 400 cent area into the paddocks, and also pro- vides an area for wild dogs dispersing from further out to settle before moving into 20 350 stocked areas (Chapter 6). A study by Fleming et al. (1996) in north- ) 2 eastern New South Wales suggested that the ) 15 300 2 dynamics of wild dog populations under regular high levels of control by aerial bait- ing were greatly influenced by the annual 10 250 nature and timing of the baiting. A conceptu-

Census area (km al model of population dynamics under annual aerial baiting (Figure 6) shows that Density (dingoes/100 km 5 200 the sink caused by annual population reduc- tion is filled by the time of the next annual baiting. There was evidence that the new 0 150 dogs in the area were both young dogs born locally and immigrants. The time at which repopulation occurred was not determined. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Repopulation and its timing obviously affect Figure 5: Fluctuations in dingo density (•) in the decisions about the timing of control pro- Fortescue River region 1976–84. Census data exclude grams (Section 6.4.4). pups but all other dingoes known to have been present at any time during a particular quarter were counted. Dissociation of dingoes from packs and a paucity of Aerial Aerial ground survey work precluded an accurate tally in some baiting baiting quarters (•). Population size was probably underesti- Births Immigration mated in these periods. The histogram depicts the size of the area censused in each quarter. Arrows indicate when baiting took place (after Thomson et al. 1992b). at the edge of their natal range. This meant that pack size did not necessarily increase as it did during the first period of the study. There were now vacant areas available in which wild dogs could settle, unlike the earli- Abundance er period, when the area was fully occupied. There are several important implications for wild dog management in these findings (Section 6.4.4). One of the most obvious is that populations of wild dogs within close proximity to livestock pose the greatest threat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 when their numbers are high and their food Months supply is limited. Movements into grazing areas are likely at these times. Monitoring to Figure 6: A conceptual model of the dynamics of a detect and act on such circumstances is clear- population of wild dogs in an area exposed to annual ly a sensible option for managers (Chapters 6 baiting programs (Month 1 is March) (after Fleming and 7). The research findings from the 1996a). Fortescue River study also support the strate- gy of maintaining a buffer zone adjacent to stocked areas, where control work is carried out to remove resident wild dogs and create a

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 37 2.8.3 Social factors limiting smaller social groups were able to survive. population growth Once groups reformed, the dominant din- goes’ genes would be better favoured by A number of factors influence dingo num- infanticide. bers and affect their population density (Section 2.7). Breeding and immigration ‘In most stable packs, boost numbers and mortality, and emigra- only one litter of pups is tion depletes numbers. Mortality factors may generally raised.’ include disease, starvation and the direct effects of control actions. The type of food available, its abundance, and its dispersion Breeding success can be affected in a less all affect the social dynamics of dingo popu- direct way by food supply and the social lations, and this in turn affects population context. In the Fortescue study (Thomson et dynamics (Section 2.3). Some of these social al. 1992b; referred to in Section 2.3.4), din- factors are outlined in this section. goes appeared to have a lower chance of successfully raising litters when acting alone. In most stable packs, only one litter of pups The absence of helpers to provide additional is generally raised (Thomson et al. 1992b; food for mother and pups probably con- Corbett 1995a), although several females in tributes to poor pup survival, as does the the pack may be capable of breeding and inability of solitary dingoes or pairs to suc- may even whelp. Social factors, including cessfully hunt kangaroos, the primary prey dominant female infanticide (Corbett 1988b), in the area. Larger groups are more success- appear to limit the production or raising of ful at hunting kangaroos (Section 2.3.4), an additional litters. In a three-year study of a advantage in providing food for the pack captive dingo pack, Corbett (1988b) found and its offspring. When sheep, an easy prey that less than half the potential increase in for solitary dingoes, became available to two dingo numbers was realised, due to inhibi- bitches who were each caring for pups large- tion of breeding in subordinates, mating ly on their own, both litters were successfully preferences by dominants, infanticide and raised (Thomson et al. 1992b). the killing of subordinate females. In captive wolves, dominant males and females aggres- 2.8.4 Changes in abundance since sively prevent subordinates from sexual soliciting and mating activities (Zimen 1976). European settlement An important consequence of infanticide by After dingoes were transported to Australia dominant females is that subordinate by Asian seafarers about 4000 years ago, females help to rear and even suckle the off- their numbers would have been kept down spring of the dominant female. This repro- by food supply, social factors and diseases ductive strategy ensures the dominant systematically and periodically reducing female’s offspring not only receive addition- populations. However, following European al care from subordinate helpers, but also settlement and the development of the pas- have no competition for resources from the toral industry in inland Australia about 100 offspring of other females. Infanticide in years ago (Bauer 1983), dingo numbers rose Australian dingoes may have evolved in dramatically as food such as rabbits, stock response to widespread drought and fire and some macropods became more plentiful when packs are forced to split into smaller and dams and artesian bores increased water units to survive on the patchy and scarce supply during droughts. In many of the more resources available. The more pups born, closely settled areas of Australia, however, the greater the chance that some would sur- changes to the environment and intensive vive adverse periods. Since most breeding control of dingoes by shooting, trapping and dingoes would have been closely related, at poisoning largely eradicated dingoes. least some of the dominant pair’s genes Dingoes are now absent from large tracts of would survive to the next generation if all agricultural and grazing land in southern pregnancies went to term and if some of the Australia. Dingo control over the extensive

38 Bureau of Rural Sciences pastoral areas of inland Australia was proba- Kapalga in Kakadu National Park in northern bly not as effective, although the erection of Australia (Corbett 1995a). In the Guy Fawkes barrier fencing probably tipped the balance River region in north-eastern New South in favour of graziers in some parts of Wales crude estimates (using the Australia (Section 5.1.1). index–manipulation–index technique) of wild dog density in unpoisoned areas were ‘The dingo population probably between 0.19 and 0.3 wild dogs per square peaked during the 1930–50s and kilometre (Fleming 1996b). An adjacent area since then has remained high in the Guy Fawkes River region that was but the proportion of hybrids annually baited with 1080 (sodium fluoroac- etate) had pre-baiting densities of between has increased greatly.’ 0.1 and 0.17 wild dogs per square kilometre. In the Fortescue River region the density of In some instances, haphazard control work dingoes in pack territories varied between probably was largely inefficient, in many 0.03 and 0.25 per square kilometre (mean cases only fracturing dingo packs into smaller 0.08 per square kilometre). In South units, each with a breeding female. In this Australia, at the height of a rabbit plague, way, the dingo’s natural population suppres- dingo numbers were crudely estimated at 0.3 sion method, dominant female infanticide per square kilometre based on the maximum (Corbett 1988b), was discouraged, so that number of dingoes observed visiting an iso- dingo numbers could increase abnormally lated water and the area serviced by that during flush periods. Further, most of the water (Bird 1994). victims of dingo control programs were probably young and very old dingoes. This meant that surviving populations tended to 2.9 Hybridisation consist mainly of middle-aged dingoes, the age group most likely to mate and raise lit- 2.9.1 The extent of hybridisation ters successfully. The expansion of farming and grazing activi- The total dingo population in Australia prob- ties in the nineteenth century led to the ably peaked during the 1930–50s, and since spread of domestic and feral dogs and their then numbers have remained high but the consequent hybridisation with dingoes. proportion of hybrids in the overall popula- More than half of the wild dog population in tion has increased greatly (Corbett 1995a) southern and eastern Australia are hybrids (Section 2.9). Dingo samples collected in the (Section 2.8.4; Figure 2). Although wild dog 1960–70s indicated that about half the wild populations in northern Australia and other dog populations in southern Australia were remote areas remain essentially pure din- hybrids (Newsome and Corbett 1982), and goes, hybrids are now being recorded there. the most recent surveys in the early 1980s Even on Fraser Island, five of a sample of 35 (Jones 1990) confirmed the trend of increas- wild dogs recently culled there were hybrid ing hybridisation. Even in the presumed safe animals (Woodall et al. 1996). bastion for pure dingoes on the mainland, Kakadu National Park in northern Australia, The genetic make-up of wild hybrid dogs hybrids now occur (Corbett in press). If the has not been evaluated except at the broad current rate of hybridisation continues, pure level of presence or absence of domestic dog dingoes may well be extinct by 2100 with genes in the wild dog population (Newsome only hybrids and feral dogs remaining on the et al. 1980). Genetic evaluations have been Australian mainland. difficult because hybrids often look like pure dingoes. New techniques are being devel- Radio-tracking and mark–recapture studies oped to better assess the genetics of wild have indicated dingo densities of 0.17 per dog populations (Wilton et al. 1999). square kilometre in Kosciusko National Park in south-eastern Australia (McIlroy et al. 1986a) and 0.14 per square kilometre at

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 39 2.9.2 The main processes of There is now a trend for people to acquire hybridisation (often illegally) dingo pups as pets. The pups may be easily handled, but adults are usually Hybridisation mostly occurs when domestic not good pets, simply because they are wild dogs go bush and dingoes come to town. animals that have not been selectively bred for However, since interactions between din- the behavioural characteristics that make a goes and feral dogs in the bush differ greatly good pet (RSPCA 1997). A pet dingo is likely to from those in urban places (Figure 7), so too use its owner’s home as a base from which to do the rates of hybridisation (Corbett 1995a). roam and do as it pleases, or else it is aban- doned when it becomes an adult. The upshot ‘Once hybrids become of this pet trend is that dingo–domestic dog more prevalent, the resultant contact is increased; because pet dingoes have lessening of behavioural grown up without learning the social differences will expedite the behaviours that curb crossbreeding with domestic dogs, they are more likely to hybridisation process.’ hybridise with domestic dogs than wild bred dingoes. Many such hybrids are rejected by It is well known that the dogs of cattlemen, owners or stray to the bush where they may recreational fishers, bushwalkers, holiday- infiltrate wild dingo society and breed with makers and Aboriginal people are occasionally pure dingoes. This process occurs more fre- lost in the bush (Corbett 1995a). However, the quently in semi-rural areas near large urban behavioural differences between dingoes and centres. If dingo breed societies promote and domestic dogs seem great enough to make it sell hybrids as pure dingoes, the rate of difficult for dogs to infiltrate dingo society and hybridisation will increase (Section 5.3.3). breed, particularly in remote areas where there Some of the dogs that contribute to the gene are more dingoes. Once hybrids become more pool of wild-living dogs are not truly feral but prevalent, the resultant lessening of are strays or free-roaming pet domestic dogs behavioural differences will expedite the (Meek 1998). There have been reports of hybridisation process. This could partly dingo-like wild dogs mating with restrained explain the greater proportion of hybrids in female domestic dogs (A. Melling, grazier, New south-eastern Australia. South Wales, pers. comm. 1984).


Lost/abandoned * Difficult to infiltrate Domestic dogs (this link is inevitable) dingo society

Stray FEW HYBRIDS Pets/reared in centres Hybrids Dingoes (this link can be broken if public attitude changes) * Not shy * Easy to infiltrate domestic dog society Rejected/stray * Easy to infiltrate dingo society (this link is inevitable)


Figure 7: The process of hybridisation between dingoes and domestic dogs (after Corbett 1995a).

40 Bureau of Rural Sciences 2.10 Co-occurrence with other that, although wild dogs may not influence predators the distribution of foxes, they do influence their access to resources. In northern South Australia, foxes were also seen to avoid din- 2.10.1 European red fox goes at waters and were frequently driven off by dingoes (P. Bird, Primary Industries The spatial relationship between wild dogs and Resources, South Australia, pers. comm. and the introduced European red fox (Vulpes 1999). vulpes) in Australia is poorly understood. Observations of an inverse relationship Similar evidence exists for Western Australia. between wild dog and fox abundance In the Fortescue River region, the presence (Jarman 1986) have been popularly inter- of foxes was noted (sightings, captures in preted to mean that wild dogs may limit the traps, tracks and other signs) during a nine- distribution and abundance of foxes. year intensive radio-tracking study of din- However, this speculation is based largely on goes (Thomson 1992a; unpublished data the correlation of relative abundances and 1976–1984). In this area, foxes were relative- needs to be confirmed by a demonstration of ly common on the productive coastal plains, causality. where sheep were grazed and dingoes were subject to intensive control. In the adjacent ‘Although wild dogs may not rugged unstocked areas, dingoes were ini- influence the distribution of tially at low levels and foxes were present, albeit in low numbers. When dingo numbers foxes, they do influence their increased, foxes were only ever recorded in access to resources.’ the unstocked areas at the edge of the sheep paddocks. When dingo numbers fell, fox In areas of eastern Australia where wild dogs activity began to appear again deeper into have not been excluded by human manage- the unstocked areas. Although circumstan- ment, there is little evidence that wild dogs tial, it seems likely that foxes were affected exclude foxes because the two species com- by the abundance of dingoes. When dingo monly co-exist (Newsome et al. 1983a; numbers were low in the unstocked areas, Triggs et al. 1984; Robertshaw and Harden foxes appeared to invade from the adjacent 1985a and unpublished data 1977–84; coastal plains. Catling and Burt 1995; Fleming 1996a). In contrast, in another study on the Nullarbor Catling and Burt (1995) found no evidence in Plain in Western Australia (Thomson and P. forested areas that foxes were excluded by, Marsack, unpublished data 1982–1987), din- or avoided, wild dogs. They argue that popu- goes, foxes and feral cats commonly co- lations of red foxes in south-eastern Australia occurred in the same local areas. Although are more likely to be limited by factors other this seems to contradict the evidence from than the presence of wild dogs. In many the Fortescue region, there are features of areas, the marked differences between the both environments that may explain the dif- habitats and management regimes of agricul- ferences. In the Nullarbor area, rabbits were tural (higher fox abundance) and non-agri- numerous and distributed relatively uniform- cultural land (higher wild dog abundance) ly across the landscape. Foxes would have confounds the comparison of the relative been able to hunt rabbits within dingo home abundances of the two species, and provides ranges, while avoiding resident dingoes. In a number of alternative hypotheses that contrast, resources in the Fortescue area could explain observed differences in the were patchy and rabbits were absent. relative abundances of the two species. Dingoes favoured the most productive areas In central Australia foxes appear to avoid (Section 2.2), so it would have been difficult wild dogs, especially at widely spaced and for foxes to avoid dingoes, unless they shared watering points. Wild dogs also remained in the poorer areas. In addition, exclude foxes from kangaroo and cattle car- the presence of rabbit warrens in the casses during droughts (Corbett 1995a), so Nullarbor area gave foxes an opportunity for

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 41 escape from dingoes should conflict arise. cattle carcasses during droughts. Wild dogs Dingoes kill foxes (Marsack and Campbell occasionally eat feral cats (Robertshaw and 1990) and avoiding dingo attack would have Harden 1985a; Thomson 1992c, Corbett been more difficult for foxes in the Fortescue 1995a) although the impact of this on cat area. populations is unknown.

2.10.2 Cats 2.10.3 Quolls Feral cats co-occur with wild dogs through- Prior to European settlement, dingoes almost out most of Australia but almost nothing is certainly co-occurred with the spotted-tailed known of their interrelationships. Fleming quoll, eastern quoll (D. viverrinus), western (1996b) found that wild dogs co-occurred quoll (D. geoffroii) and northern quoll (D. with feral cats (and red foxes and spotted- hallucatus). Today, the distribution of wild tailed quolls (Dasyurus maculatus)) on a dogs and quolls has been much reduced by regional scale in north-eastern New South habitat changes associated with European Wales but suggested that there might be settlement. However, dingoes and other wild some spatial segregation at a more localised dogs still co-exist in many areas with all level. Corbett (1995a) suggested that wild quoll species except the eastern quoll, which dogs exclude feral cats from kangaroo and is believed to be extinct on mainland Australia.

42 Bureau of Rural Sciences 3. Economic and environmental impacts and values

Summary species and are subject to legislative protec- tion in some States and Territories. Wild dogs have impacts on agriculture through predation of livestock. Measuring Wild dogs are implicated in the spread of stock losses alone usually underestimates the hydatids which is a risk to human health true economic cost of wild dogs because and the cause of losses of production associ- these estimates do not include costs of dog ated with hydatidosis in cattle and sheep. control, the opportunity costs and other costs Wild dogs also provide a reservoir for heart- associated with wild dogs (for example, not worm infection and diseases such as par- grazing sheep on otherwise suitable land). vovirus. Dog rabies is presently exotic to However, most economic assessments have Australia, but of all Australian wildlife, wild been limited to calculations of stock losses dogs pose the greatest risk of maintaining because these are the easiest and most com- and spreading dog rabies if it was intro- prehensible measures for landholders to use. duced. Studies in Western Australia, Victoria, New The dingo, often considered a native South Wales and Queensland have shown Australian mammal, has an intrinsic and that predation of sheep and cattle can aesthetic value and there is a public expec- threaten the economic viability of properties tation that it will be conserved. Other wild in some areas. Sheep are the most commonly dogs, as top order predators, may have an attacked livestock, followed by cattle and important, but as yet unclear, influence on goats. There is evidence of seasonal peaks in the biodiversity of animal communities. predation on livestock, possibly related to the They might also have an inverse density seasonal breeding activity of wild dogs, as relationship with foxes and therefore be well as the timing of lambing and calving. important in limiting the impact of foxes Although many wild dogs will attack or and cats on populations of small and medi- harass sheep, some individual wild dogs um-sized mammal prey. cause far more damage than others, some- In areas where dingoes are a major tourist times maiming without killing outright. The attraction, they occasionally show aggres- presence of wild dogs can adversely affect sive behaviour towards people, particularly the distribution and behaviour of sheep, if they are often fed to encourage closer even when dogs do not actively harass them. viewing. Wild dogs sometimes chase sheep without following through with an attack. This may lead to stress-associated behaviour such as 3.1 Economic impact mismothering of lambs and loss of produc- tion. Even when wild dogs kill sheep, they The threat of predation of livestock by wild often leave carcasses uneaten. Individual dogs has largely determined the distribution of wild dogs that kill sheep often eat natural sheep and cattle in Australia (Figure 2) prey such as kangaroos, indicating that (Newsome and Coman 1989). Rapid expan- killing of livestock is independent of the pres- sion of the sheep industry after the successful ence of natural prey. early 1800s ventures of the MacArthurs and Marsden into merino breeding brought the Wild dogs have been in Australia long problem of predation by wild dogs to the enough to become a functional part of the attention of early legislators (Section 5.1.3). mammalian predator–prey relationships Sheep were under the constant supervision of and fulfil an important role in the function- shepherds (Gould 1863; Rolls 1984) who had ing of natural ecosystems. Dingoes are responsibility for preventing sheep straying implicated in the extinction of Tasmanian and preventing predation by wild dogs. The devils and thylacines from mainland amount of fencing for the enclosure of live- Australia. Dingoes are regarded as a native stock increased after the Nicholson Land Act

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 43 Even when livestock are not killed outright by wild dogs, economic losses may arise due to veterinary costs, decline in livestock condition and downgraded sale prices (Source: L. Corbett).

Victoria 1860 and the Robertson Free Selection Predation of livestock by wild dogs continues Act NSW 1861, and the shortage of labour that to threaten the livelihood of some livestock accompanied the 1860s goldrushes. producers in tableland environments of east- Consequently, the use of shepherds became less ern New South Wales, the Australian Capital common although the threat of wild dog preda- Territory and Victoria. In parts of the eastern tion ensured that considerable investment of tablelands of New South Wales, wild dogs are labour continued to be placed on wild dog regarded as the major limitation to sheep pro- control. Predation has continued until the pre- duction (Fennessy 1966; New England Rural sent although there have been few attempts to Development Association (NERDA) undated quantify losses at more than the property scale. c.1966; Hone et al. 1981; Schaefer 1981; Fleming and Robinson 1986; Fleming and Korn A Western Australian example of losses caused 1989). Holdings where wild dogs are a prob- by dingoes over an 18-day period is given in lem are mostly situated along the Northern and (Thomson 1984a) (Table 2). These loss figures Southern Tablelands of New South Wales are considered conservative as some events (Fleming and Korn 1989). The study by could have been missed and sheep were being NERDA (c. 1966) also estimated the opportuni- mustered from the paddocks so not all were ty cost of sheep not being run in areas that available to dingoes for the full period. were suitable but for the presence of wild Extrapolation of the data in Table 2 suggests an dogs. The timing of the survey corresponded annual loss of 33% in area A and 16% in Area with a regional increase in pasture improve- B. Had dingo activity continued, direct losses ment with superphosphate. It was believed of this magnitude, along with those due to that pasture improvement combined with harassment, would have seriously threatened dingo control could increase sheep numbers the viability of the enterprise (Thomson by 93%. 1984a).

44 Bureau of Rural Sciences Table 2: Sheep losses caused by dingoes over an 18-day period, detected during radio-tracking in two areas on Mardie Station, Western Australia where dingoes were being controlled (after Thomson 1984a).

Area A Area B

Radio-collared dingoes involved 3 6

Potential sheep available 800 4200

Harassments, no injuries 53

Minor injuries 1 3

Kills/mortal injuries 13 26

Other verified deaths 07

Total identifiable losses 17* 33

*Total includes four sheep killed on a neighbouring property by one of the radio-tagged dingoes.

‘There were seasonal In 1984 and 1985, another survey of 111 ran- peaks in predation, possibly domly selected livestock producers with related to the seasonal breeding land close to or within terrain inhabited by of wild dogs and control activity, wild dogs was conducted in north-eastern New South Wales (Table 3; Fleming 1987). as well as the timing of lambing Thirty-six per cent of producers reported that and calving.’ wild dogs had attacked their livestock during the survey and 1194 sheep and 127 cattle The surveys of dingo damage (Table 3) con- were killed in those attacks. The mean losses ducted by NERDA (c. 1966) and Schaefer during the survey were 7.17 sheep per prop- (1981) were inherently biased because their erty per year and 0.76 cattle per property per samples were obtained from graziers attend- year. The mean value of losses suffered by ing meetings to discuss the issue of wild dog those participants that had livestock preyed predation. Fleming and Korn (1989) report a on by wild dogs was $1900 (Fleming 1987). monthly survey of authorised wild dog con- The mean value was largely dependent on trol officers (of Rural Lands Protection the values of livestock that prevailed during Boards) from eastern New South Wales over the survey. The cost to the sheep industry of the four years from 1982 to 1985 (Table 3). predation by wild dogs in eastern New South During this period, 25 644 livestock were Wales for 1988 was estimated at around $4 attacked by wild dogs. Sheep were the most million (Saunders and Fleming 1988). Of the commonly attacked animal, followed by cat- surveys undertaken in north-eastern New tle and goats. Regional differences were South Wales, only one survey (Fleming 1987) apparent in the livestock species attacked was an unbiased sample from landholders and these reflected the ratio of sheep to cat- within or adjacent to terrain inhabited by tle grazed in each region. Not surprisingly wild dogs. therefore, the major losses occurred in areas In 1985, Backholer (1986) mailed a question- where sheep were present. Fleming and naire to 809 properties in 23 shires of Korn (1989) found seasonal peaks in preda- Victoria that had a history of livestock preda- tion, possibly related to the seasonal breed- tion by wild dogs. The 508 respondents ing of wild dogs and control activity, as well reported mean losses per property of as the timing of lambing and calving.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 45 Table 3: Predation of livestock by wild dogs in north-eastern New South Wales. Mean losses were calculated as the total number of sheep killed by wild dogs divided by the total number of sheep run by the survey participants and expressed as a percentage (from Fleming 1996b).

Year(s) Sheep killed Mean losses Source (Number/property/year) of sheep (%)

1961–62 19.5a 1.33 NERDA (undated c. 1966)

1980–81 19.4 0.9 Schaefer (1981)

1982–85 N/A 0.7b Fleming and Korn (1989)

1984–85 14.5 0.8 Fleming (1987 and unpublished data 1985) aTo equate the data with previous biased surveys (NERDA undated, c. 1966; Schaefer 1981), only the losses of Wild Dog Control Association members in Fleming (1987) are presented in this column. bLosses reported to local Rural Lands Protection Boards multiplied by three to account for two-thirds under-reporting recorded in Fleming and Korn (1989). between $700 and $7400 per annum, 0.1 to investment in wild dog control, 96% of 24.9% of the total value of the enterprises. respondents rated wild dog control as being The total loss was $835 000. As well as this, worthwhile. opportunity costs (including time, moving One of the difficulties in providing clear data stock, repairing fences) totalled $662 500 on the impact of wild dogs on livestock pro- and government agencies spent $1 444 500. duction is that most wild dog control pro- Therefore the total annual loss was around grams manage to achieve, at least to some $3 million. During the preceding eight years, extent, their aim of reducing predation on the annual average of the total losses that livestock. Thus, figures on losses or damage were reported in the surveyed area was 2400 can be misleading, rarely reflecting the sheep which would be equivalent to an aver- potential impact that could arise in the age annual loss of $1650 per property absence of wild dog control. The economic (Backholer 1986). impact of wild dog predation of livestock The most recent survey of livestock losses cannot simply be measured in terms of live- inflicted by wild dogs was in the Northern stock killed by wild dogs. Losses other than Territory in 1995. The results of a question- direct maimings and killings of livestock naire of approximately 67% of pastoralists caused by wild dogs are especially difficult led to a rough estimate that annual calf losses to quantify. The costs of control activities, attributable to predation by wild dogs were losses of genetic material, capitalisation of between 1.6% and 7.1% (Eldridge and Bryan the risk of wild dog predation into land val- 1995). The estimated annual value of all cat- ues (Schaefer 1981) and opportunity costs tle killed by wild dogs in the Northern (such as the allocation of labour and capital Territory (assuming an average value of $540 to predation mitigation and planning instead per head and 100% calving — such calving of other on-farm activities) need to be rates are optimistic) was $13.5 million with accounted for in economic assessments. control costs of $300 000. This represents Other opportunity costs are the imposition average losses of $89 000 per property and of sub-optimal enterprise mixes for a particu- costs of $2000 per property. Despite the lar agro-environment and sub-optimal pas- extreme losses and comparatively small ture management caused by the presence of

46 Bureau of Rural Sciences a


(a) Calves are most vulnerable to wild dog attack when they are newborn and left while the cow feeds; (b) ‘nursery groups’ of calves protected by older cows are common in areas where cattle are familiar with wild dog attacks (Source: L. Allen, Department of Natural Resources, Queensland).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 47 wild dogs. Although the mix of sheep and Dingoes easily outpaced sheep, although it cattle may be partially offset by capitalisation was clear that many of the witnessed chases of the costs of wild dogs into the purchase were not motivated by hunger; chases were price of land, enterprise mixes that are sometimes seen after wild dogs had been below the optimum are likely to negatively observed feeding. At times wild dogs simply affect the cash flows and long-term prof- broke off chases, or moved on to chase other itability of grazing enterprises in wild dog sheep in the mob, then left with no actual inhabited areas. physical contact with the sheep. Sheep were sometimes chased through fences (this has ‘Figures on losses or also been reported in north-eastern New damage can be misleading, South Wales), on occasions into waterless rarely reflecting the potential areas. At times, clear changes in the distribu- impact that could arise in the tion of sheep within large (up to 150 square kilometres) paddocks were observed; sheep absence of wild dog control.’ abandoned favoured grazing areas when dingoes were present. When ewes and Despite potential shortcomings, surveys of lambs were chased, ewes ran off wildly, the type outlined above substantiate the gen- leaving lambs to keep up as best they could erally accepted view that the major losses and potentially causing their death through caused by wild dogs occur amongst sheep mismothering. All these events could cause flocks. An attempt to specifically document production losses, although they would not and quantify the types of losses caused to necessarily be reflected in a ‘carcass count’. sheep flocks was made on Mardie Station in The survival of most bitten sheep was poor. the Pilbara region of Western Australia Far fewer bitten sheep were tallied at shearing (Thomson 1984a). In this study, 26 radio-col- than would have been expected based on lared dingoes in sheep paddocks were observations in the paddocks. Nevertheless, observed from the air. Interactions with rams seemed to survive severe scrotal injuries, sheep were followed up by investigations on with some being fully castrated by wild dogs the ground. Additional information was attacking from behind (Figure 11). obtained when sheep were mustered and inspected at shearing time. The major find- In some areas, producers have elected to run ings were: cattle instead of sheep because of the effects of wild dog predation. For example, Backholer’s • Some dingoes caused far more damage (1986) survey showed that, to minimise wild than others did, although most attacked dog predation, 12% of eastern Victorian sheep, sometimes maiming without killing respondents reduced their sheep numbers or outright. did not run sheep. Although wild dogs can cause losses to cattle herds, as discussed next, • The presence of a dingo could adversely the impacts are usually less severe and more affect the distribution and behaviour of easily overcome. Nevertheless, some grazing the sheep, even if the dingo did not active- lands are more suited to running sheep than ly harass them. cattle, and the move to other enterprises such as cattle production can be viewed as an • Dingoes sometimes chased sheep with- opportunity cost of wild dog predation. out following through with an attack. Damage by wild dogs is likely whenever their This could still lead to harm such as mis- ranges overlap those of sheep. Damage occurs mothering of lambs. largely independent of age and condition of sheep, age and density of the dogs, seasonal • When dingoes killed sheep they often left conditions and availability of alternative food carcasses uneaten. for dogs. However, most of these factors influ- ence wild dog predation on cattle (Rankine • Individual dingoes that frequently killed and Donaldson 1968; Corbett 1995a; Allen and sheep often ate natural prey such as kan- Gonzalez 1998). In contrast to the situation garoos (Macropus spp.).

48 Bureau of Rural Sciences with sheep, the impact of wild dogs on cattle at killing calves. On the other hand, there is production is more variable. Generally, attacks evidence from north Queensland (Allen and on young calves are the major cause of cattle Gonzalez 1998), that risks of predation may losses to wild dogs (Corbett 1995a; Fleming be higher when control operations cause a and Korn 1989). However, the cost of wild preponderance of invading young wild dogs dog predation to the beef industry in Australia to come into contact with cattle herds. has not been estimated. The profitability of Seasonal effects (Corbett 1995a) and the northern Queensland cattle enterprises is sub- scale of control may modify the damage stantially affected by branding percentage response; a larger baited area would reduce (Sullivan et al. 1992). Predation of calves by the rate of repopulation and the number of wild dogs is the main cause of neonatal losses transient dogs, as Thomson (1984b) found in in northern Australian cattle (Rankine and Western Australia. Donaldson 1968) and hence has major bearing It is possible that increased predation could on branding precentage. Branding percent- be caused by the greater mobility of immi- ages also vary considerably with seasonal con- grant dingoes, increasing the probability of ditions, pasture improvement and level of ani- an encounter with a newborn calf. This mal husbandry. Predation is greater when might be exacerbated by the lone status and alternative food is scarce (Thomson 1992c; relative inexperience of immigrant wild Corbett 1995a; Allen and Gonzalez 1998). dogs, resulting in their poor success at hunt- Improved weaner management and nutrition ing larger and faster native prey such as kan- have been shown to potentially increase garoos. branding percentages from 40% in 1968–69 to 1970–71 (Anderson and McLennan 1986) to Appropriate strategies to manage the impacts 80% twenty years later (Fordyce and Entwistle of wild dogs differ markedly depending on 1992). the type of livestock and the conditions pre- vailing in an area (Chapters 5, 6 and 7). ‘Predation may be higher when control operations cause 3.2 Environmental impact invading young wild dogs to come into contact with Predation by wild dogs may have an impact cattle herds.’ on the survival of remnant populations of endangered fauna. For example, predation by the dingo has been implicated in the extinc- Estimates of predation losses of calves and tion of the Tasmanian native-hen (Gallinula weaners in normal conditions in rangeland mortierii) from mainland Australia (Baird grazing areas are in the range of 0–29.4% per 1991). Endangered populations of marsupials year (Rankine and Donaldson 1968) and may require management of their predators to studies of reproductive failure in cattle herds become re-established or to survive (Johnson in Queensland have suggested up to 30% et al. 1989). Predation by wild dogs is less like- loss of calves caused by predation by wild ly to threaten populations of more abundant dogs (Allen and Gonzalez 1998). Such losses marsupials (Robertshaw and Harden 1989). would negate the potential gains due to improved livestock and pasture management The other environmental impacts of wild dogs in northern Australia. relate to their management, rather than to the presence of the animals themselves. First, There is evidence that the age and social control measures may have a direct impact on organisation of a wild dog population can non-target species (Section 6.6.2). Second, affect the extent of predation on calves. reducing wild dog density may result in an Calves are most vulnerable when newborn, increase in other predators with overlapping though the protective behaviour of the cow diets. (This process of substitution of preda- can be sufficient to deter wild dog attacks tors is called ‘mesopredator release’ (Soulé et (Thomson 1992c, and unpublished observa- al. 1988)). There is a commonly held opinion tions). Experienced wild dogs, operating as a (Denny 1992; Smith et al. 1992) that removing hunting unit, are more likely to be successful

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 49 wild dogs from a system where foxes (Vulpes 1. Unlike in some Asian countries where din- vulpes) also occur will result in an increase in goes are eaten (Corbett 1995a), there is no fox numbers with consequent increased pre- current harvest of dingoes for food in dation on critical body weight range (CWR) Australia. There is evidence that Aboriginal mammals (35–5500 grams) (Burbidge and people ate dingoes and other wild dogs McKenzie 1989). However, neither an (Manwell and Baker 1984). Dingoes could increase in fox numbers resulting from a be harvested for their pelts, but these are reduction in wild dog numbers nor a resulting generally of low value. It is illegal under increase in predation of CWR mammals have the Commonwealth Wildlife Protection been demonstrated. Schlinder (1974) has also (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act argued that, by the same mechanism, feral 1982 and subsequent amendments, and pigs could replace dingoes in some situations. associated Amendment Acts of 1986, 1991 and 1995, to export native wildlife ‘Predation by wild dogs products, including pelts, without appro- may have an impact on the priate licenses. Trade in skins, except for survival of remnant populations the recovery of bounties, is not permitted of endangered fauna.’ in those States and Territories where the dingo is afforded some conservation sta- Predation on environmentally damaging feral tus. has been suggested as a positive 2. The dingo has been in Australia long impact of dingoes and other wild dogs. For enough to have colonised most suitable example, Parkes et al. (1996) suggested that habitats and, in many instances, is still a the limited distribution of feral goats in north- functional part of predator–prey relation- ern Australia was attributable to dingo preda- ships. The implication from this is that the tion. Twenty sterilised dingoes were released dingo fulfils an important role in the func- on Townshend Island, off Queensland, in an attempt to reduce the population of 2000–3000 tioning of ecosystems. Legislation in some feral goats. Within one-and-a-half years 99% of States acknowledges the ecological signifi- the goats had been removed and feral goats cance of dingoes and provides protection were eradicated from the island after three- in some situations (Section 5.2). Whether and-a-half years (L. Allen, Queensland dingoes have conservation value because Department of Natural Resources, pers. comm. they have a functional role in the conser- 1998). Given that the dingoes survived for two vation of natural ecosystems is unclear years on very few goats, this raises the interest- (Sections 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6). Regulation of ing question of the impact of dingoes on alter- macropod and emu (Dromaius novaehol- native prey (Section 3.6.5) that must have been landiae) populations by wild dogs has killed during the latter part of the exercise. been inferred, but not proven, in a num- Caution should be exercised in translating ber of studies (Caughley et al. 1980; these results to mainland ecosystems. Pavlov Shepherd 1981; Robertshaw and Harden (1991) provided circumstantial evidence that, 1986; Thomson 1992c; Fleming 1996b; while dingoes undoubtedly kill feral pigs, they Pople et al. 2000). Prey regulation by wild do not significantly affect feral pig abundance. dogs has been inferred for rabbit popula- tions after droughts have reduced rabbit 3.3 Resource and conservation numbers in arid areas (Corbett 1995a). value Conversely, in an experiment in the wet–dry tropics, Corbett (1995c) demon- Although feral dogs and hybrids are seldom strated that dingoes do not regulate feral regarded as a wildlife resource, dingoes have pig populations (Section 3.6.5). potential value from five resource perspec- tives: (1) harvest for food or skins; (2) conser- In contrast, there is evidence that dingo vation of native species and natural communi- numbers in many areas of central and ties (Section 4.4); (3) in Aboriginal mythology; northern Australia have increased since (4) tourism; and (5) as a specialised dog breed.

50 Bureau of Rural Sciences European colonisation. Predation by kept by breed societies are traded as pets dingoes may threaten the survival of or specimen animals. This is potentially some CWR mammals. Where this occurs, damaging for the conservation of pure dingoes may be considered a biological dingoes because many animals held by liability rather than a biological resource. breed societies are likely to be hybrids Where feral dogs and hybrids have sup- and there are no valid checks in place to planted dingoes, these too may perform detect them (Corbett 1995a; Corbett in a similar role in the function of the press; Section 2.9). ecosystem. Predators affect the distribu- tion and abundance of their prey The presence of dingoes has an ‘unpriced’ (Huffacker 1970) and so the substitution value (Sinden and Worrell 1979) that is diffi- of one canid subspecies with a similar cult to quantify and comprises the non-mon- subspecies is likely to maintain the etary value that many people place on din- dynamics of the community in which goes. The dingo is an icon which many peo- they occur. ple value knowing is present in the wild, that is, its ‘existence value’. 3. The dingo is an important animal in Aboriginal mythology. For some Aboriginal peoples (for example, the Pitjantjatjara) 3.4 Diseases and parasites dingoes are associated with sacred sites and are considered the physical embodi- Endemic diseases and parasites ment of a Dreamtime character or Tjukurpa. The local disappearance of Hydatidosis (causal agent Echinococcus native species significant to Aboriginal granulosus) causes fatalities and morbidity people has caused them distress in the in humans. The prevalence of hydatidosis in past and similar distress may be caused if humans is often linked to sylvatic cycles in dingoes become extinct. wild dogs and wildlife (Coman 1972a; Thompson et al. 1988). The prevalence in 4. Dingoes provide an indirect resource humans is relatively low but is more com- value from tourism. They are present in mon in south-eastern Australia (Jenkins and many zoos and private wildlife parks. Power 1996). Fraser Island is an example where free- Hydatidosis associated with a sylvatic cycle living dingoes are a tourist attraction within wild canids and macropods (Durie and providing income to island businesses. Riek 1952; Coman 1972b) leads to the condem- Tourism by recreational hunters is anoth- nation of offal from up to 90% of slaughtered er source of value of dingoes (Allison cattle from endemic areas (D. Jenkins, and Coombes 1969). The ‘howling-up’ of Australian Hydatids Control and Epidemiology a dingo may be regarded as a test of Program, unpublished data 1999). An abattoir hunting skills and the presentation of survey of sheep from the Southern Tablelands scalps for bounties (Section 5.1.1) as a of New South Wales from 1970–72 found small remuneration to help cover the hydatidosis in up to 40% of carcasses (Hunt costs of the hunt (Allison and Coombes 1978). Bovine hydatidosis (causal agent 1969). Echinococcus granulosus) prevalences of 5. The dingo is recognised as an official 2.2–55.7% have been reported in south-eastern Queensland (Baldock et al. 1985) and of breed of dog by the Australian National 0.5–7% in north-eastern Victoria (D. Jenkins, Kennel Council and was adopted as Australian Hydatids Control and Epidemiology Australia’s national breed in November Program, Australian Capital Territory, pers. 1993. In New South Wales, this status has comm. 1998). The latter prevalences were in been recently recognised in legislation spite of an extensive hydatid control program (Companion Animals Act 1998) which aimed at domestic and farm dogs. Hydatidosis allows people to keep dingoes under the is an occupational risk for wild dog trappers same restrictions as other breeds. Animals and researchers.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 51 Red foxes have also been identified as defini- However, Coman (1972a) failed to find evi- tive hosts and macropods as intermediate dence of T. ovis infection in a sample of 204 hosts for hydatid transmission in south-east- dingoes and other wild dogs in north-eastern ern Australia (Obendorf et al. 1989; Reichel et Victoria and linked this absence to the infre- al. 1994). Where feral dogs, dingoes and free- quent occurence of sheep and cattle in the diet roaming domestic dogs co-occur with foxes of dogs in his sample. (for example, in coastal south-eastern Parasites have also been instrumental in the Australia, Meek 1998) the control of human identification of dingo origins. The occur- hydatidosis becomes more difficult. rence of the biting lice (Heterodoxus spiniger) on dingoes and macropods in ‘The prevalence of hydatidosis in Australia and on Asian dingoes implies that humans is often linked to sylvatic dingoes were transported to and from Asia cycles in wild dogs and wildlife.’ (Corbett 1995a) (Section 1.2).

Wild dogs also transmit the viruses that Exotic diseases and parasites cause canine distemper (Paramyxovirus), Canids are regarded as the most important canine hepatitis (Adenovirus) and parvovirus source of rabies (Rhabdoviridae) in humans disease (causal agent Parvovirus). Although (Garner 1992), with dogs causing an estimat- these diseases adversely affect domestic ed 75 000 cases annually throughout the dogs, their transmission by wild dogs is world (Fenner et al. 1987). As dog rabies is unlikely to pose a significant threat because presently exotic to Australia (there has been these diseases can be controlled. one reported outbreak since European settle- The presence of heartworm (Dirofilaria ment in Tasmania in 1867; O’Brien 1992), the immitis) in dog populations is linked to the potential role of wild dogs can only be specu- presence of mosquitoes in endemic areas lated. Newsome and Catling (1992) suggest (Russell 1990). Heartworm infections are that of all Australian wildlife, wild dogs and uncommon in the tablelands of south-eastern foxes pose the greatest risk of maintaining Australia, with most cases of infection in and spreading dog rabies after introduction, domestic dogs being in animals that have and Thomson and Marsack (1992) propose been moved by their owners to and from aerial baiting of buffer zones as the primary endemic areas (Carlisle and Atwell 1984). weapon against the spread of rabies among Heartworm infection has not been recorded in dingoes in rangelands. Forman (1993) indicat- foxes from the Northern, Central and Southern ed that the establishment of a sylvatic dog Tablelands of New South Wales (P. Fleming rabies cycle in Australia was remote but possi- and B. Kay, NSW Agriculture, and D. Jenkins, ble. The dog strain of rabies remains the main Australian Hydatids Control and Epidemiology focus for quarantine barrier prevention of this Program, Australian Capital Territory, unpub- disease in Australia. lished data 1999). It is therefore unlikely that If dog rabies were to become endemic in wild dogs and dingoes from tablelands of Australia, interaction between free-roaming south-eastern Australia will experience heart- dogs and feral dogs and dingoes would be the worm infection and that, more commonly, most likely avenue for dog rabies transmission infection will be in coastal areas and northern to humans. Free-roaming dogs have been Australia. In urban Melbourne, where heart- recorded making linear movements of up to worm infection has been recorded in foxes, a eight kilometres into bushland where wild sylvatic cycle of canine heartworm has been dogs and foxes co-occur (Meek 1998). These postulated (Marks and Bloomfield 1998). This animals entered bushland with high macrop- process may also apply in endemic areas od density to hunt and then returned to their where foxes and wild dogs co-occur. owners. The mean duration of hunting forays Seddon and Albiston (1967) suggest that wild was 23 hours, and it is probable that interac- dogs may act as hosts for the parasite that tions between wild and free-roaming dogs causes sheep measles (Taenia ovis) and the occurred on these trips. Newsome and Catling consequent condemnation of sheep carcasses. (1992) consider that, at the high densities of

52 Bureau of Rural Sciences wild dogs and dingoes found in northern transmissible gastroenteritis (Coronaviridae), Australia and south-eastern Australia, dog and screw-worm fly (Chrysomya bezziana) rabies would persist were it introduced. (Saunders et al. 1999). Wild dogs might Interactions of unrestrained and unvaccinated spread transmissible gastroenteritis, a dis- domestic dogs with wild dogs would con- ease affecting young pigs, but dogs are tribute to human infection if rabies were to unlikely to be important in spreading the become established in wild dogs. Rabies is not other two diseases if they were to enter solely a problem of human health but also Australia. affects livestock production; for example, bat rabies from vampire bats (Desmodus rotun- dus) is a serious cause of mortality in cattle in 3.5 Interactions between wild Central and South America (Garner 1992). dogs, marsupial carnivores Should a sylvatic cycle of dog rabies become and introduced predators established in wild dogs in Australia, it might affect sheep and cattle production and make The thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus), a the treatment of animals injured by wild dogs marsupial carnivore about the size of the more risky. dingo, was once distributed throughout Australia, but ‘suddenly’ disappeared from ‘Wild dogs and foxes pose the mainland about 3000 years ago (Archer the greatest risk of maintaining 1974; Dixon 1989; Rounsevell and Mooney and spreading dog rabies after 1995). The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus introduction.’ harrisii), a marsupial carnivore about half the size of a dingo, was also widespread throughout Australia about 4000 years ago, A number of other diseases are important but its population declined and it became pathogens of dogs in other parts of the world extinct on the mainland about 450 years ago and their introduction to Australia would (Jones 1995). Their demise can be attributed adversely affect domestic dogs, particularly to competition with dingoes according to the in breeding kennels, in much the same way ‘superior adaptability’ hypothesis (Corbett as canine distemper does. Wild dogs at high 1995a). This hypothesis hinges on the supe- densities may also be affected and their pop- rior social organisation of dingoes during ulations limited by infection levels. Among critical periods when food supplies were these diseases are: canine brucellosis (infec- scarce, widely dispersed or clumped, which tive agent Brucella canis), which causes usually occurs during drought or after exten- abortion and infertility; Chagas’ disease sive wildfire. Only dingoes form large inte- (Trypanosoma cruzi), which may cause grated packs and cooperate to catch large myocardial and central nervous system prey and to defend carcasses, water and degeneration; and tropical canine pancy- other crucial resources. On the other hand, topaenia (Ehrlichia canis), an often fatal thylacines hunted alone or in pairs and devils parasite of the blood associated with the were essentially solitary so that neither could common brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus successfully compete against the weight of sanguineas) (Geering and Forman 1987). dingo numbers during those critical periods. Canine brucellosis and Chagas’ disease are both zoonoses when endemic but human This contention is supported by early records infections are few. Geering and Forman of thylacines as having a stiff gait; they proba- (1987) suspect that tropical canine pancy- bly could not run after their prey (mainly topaenia may be present in northern macropods) as fast as dingoes could. They Australian wild dogs although no positive apparently located prey by scent and tired it diagnoses have been made. by dogged pursuit, usually alone, as there are no records or anecdotes of thylacines hunting Dogs are also susceptible to infection by cooperatively. This apparent lack of pack three other exotic disease organisms: the hunting is supported by bushmen’s observa- viruses causing Aujeszky’s disease tions that the thylacine was normally mute (Herpesviridae, Alphaherpesvirinae) and except for a coughing bark (Rounsevell and

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 53 Mooney 1995). Social hunters, such as din- 3.6 Predator–prey relationships goes, have a large vocal repertoire for com- municating over distances (Corbett 1995a). Dingoes and other wild dogs have changed Similarly, observations of devils in Tasmania, in abundance and status since European set- where they are still common, confirm that tlement led to modified ecosystems (Section they hunt alone, and that although they can 2.8.4), and so has the nature of their sociality catch a variety of live prey, they subsist main- and predation. ly on carrion such as macropods and sheep (Pemberton and Renouf 1993). It seems that 3.6.1 Dingo behaviour and their aggregations around carcasses are not predation on cattle cohesive social units, so, as for thylacines, it is quite likely that devils could not successfully There are potential problems if peak calving compete with dingoes when food was scarce coincides with the dingo mating season. For during drought and after fires. example, in the Barkly Tableland of the Northern Territory, most dingoes operate inde- ‘Dingoes form large pendently but during the dingo mating season integrated packs and cooperate (about four months peaking in March–April), to catch large prey and to defend dingoes form temporary breeding groups carcasses, water and other which often comprise one oestrous female and several males (Corbett 1995a). The dingo mat- crucial resources.’ ing season coincides with the peak in calving and this coincidence contributes to the deaths Wild dogs may now present foxes and feral of many calves (Corbett 1995a). Calves and cats with a similar kind of competition. In dingoes are often together at water, which is central Australia, the most common prey where many attacks occur. In many cases, species of wild dogs, foxes and feral cats are attacks on calves are probably more of a dis- rabbits and small rodents. During a drought placement activity than a hunger drive, per- between 1969 and 1972 these prey became haps because dingoes become frustrated from scarce and wild dogs changed their diet to competing over oestrous (in heat) females and red kangaroos (Macropus rufus) and cattle fighting with rival males. Within dingo groups, carcasses (Corbett and Newsome 1987). Wild there are many aggressive interactions dogs were more successful at catching kan- between males but actual fighting is uncom- garoos by hunting cooperatively than alone mon because of complex behaviours associat- (Section 2.3.1), and stable packs of wild dogs ed with dingo dominance hierarchies. defended carcasses and waters more success- Aggressive behaviour can be appeased or fully than less cohesive groups (Corbett diverted by submissive behaviour to avert seri- 1995a). During the first year of this drought, ous wounding and death (Corbett 1988b). cats and foxes were also seen scavenging cat- However, a calf cannot appease or divert the tle and kangaroo carcasses, but sightings of aggression as a submissive dingo would, so the them ceased and their tracks disappeared dingo, irrespective of social rank, continues to about midway through the drought. They attack, often joined by other dingoes, until the most likely starved because many emaciated calf becomes wounded or dies. Calves killed cats suddenly appeared around homesteads this way are rarely eaten. Even if the calf sur- and many were easily killed by park rangers vives well enough to be sent to market, the (Hooper et al. 1973). Wild dogs undoubtedly meat is often classified as second class because contributed significantly to the demise of cats of scars from dog bites. Such loss to the cattle and foxes by their increased monopoly of industry is probably substantial but it is difficult carcasses as the drought persisted. Foxes to quantify (Section 3.1). As wild dogs seldom were observed avoiding wild dogs at shared eat calves, examining stomachs or faeces of waterholes and an increase of cat in the wild wild dogs would be misleading. dogs’ diet was recorded. In any event, there were no signs of cats or foxes until the drought broke and after the rabbit and rodent populations had resurged (Corbett 1995a).

54 Bureau of Rural Sciences 3.6.2 Extinctions of native fauna in role in the demise of those medium-sized central Australia mammals that mostly sheltered on the sur- face amongst grass and shrubs. In central Australia, before the 1930s, 14 The expansion of grazing enterprises from the species of bandicoots (Peramelidae), macrop- 1930s was due to the establishment of supple- ods and rat-kangaroos (Potoroidae) were com- mentary water from artesian bores (Bauer mon in the areas where cattle now graze, but 1983), which allowed cattle to graze further only five species survive today, and of these, from natural water sources and modify and two are rare and endangered (Newsome and fragment habitats. This expansion coincided Corbett 1977; Morton 1990). with the most severe droughts (Foley 1957) It is probable that a combination of factors on record and widespread severe grassfires operated to cause those extinctions and (Friedel et al. 1990) (Figure 8). declines including: During drought the native fauna declined. In • habitat fragmentation and modification contrast, dingo populations remained high from heavy grazing by rabbits and live- due to cattle carrion and water provided for stock stock. Dingo predation on macropod and • increased competition from rabbits and bandicoots would have become increasingly livestock severe as dingo populations grew and as the protective shelters were removed by cattle • altered fire regimes and rabbits. It is probably no coincidence • predation by feral cats, foxes and dingoes. that the native mammals became extinct or rare. With respect to predation, Corbett (1995a) indicates that cat and fox numbers were low at the time and that dingoes played a major

600 1000 Years of extensive wildfires

500 Years of drought 800


600 300 Rain Rain (mm) 400 200 Cattle numbers ('000s)

100 200

Cattle 0 0 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980


Figure 8: Cattle numbers and rainfall in central Australia from 1874 to 1985. The increase in cattle numbers from the 1930s corresponded with the availability of sub-artesian bore water. Droughts are unpredictable and common in arid areas, yet cattle numbers quadrupled between the worst droughts (1924–1930 and 1958–1965). Wildfires became more frequent in the 20th century. The combination of extensive fierce fires and cattle grazing exposed many medium-size mammals to predation by wild dogs. This predation was probably a cause of some native species’ extinctions (after Corbett 1995a).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 55 3.6.3 Factors affecting wild % occurrence in diet dog–prey interactions with native prey 90 d w, wet season d, dry season In the tropical coastal wetlands of the w Northern Territory, most dingoes live in 80 d packs of three to eight and defend more or d d less fixed territories. They mostly eat dusky rats (Rattus colletti), magpie geese 70 (Anseranas semipalmata) and agile walla- d bies (Macropus agilis). When these prey are 60 d unavailable dingoes can switch to a range of w at least 33 species of substitute prey although 50 d w they usually concentrate on only one or two w species at a time (Corbett 1989; 1995a). 40 Wallabies are available all year round where- % Floodplain fauna (rats + geese) w as the supply of rats and geese varies with w wet and dry seasons. Most geese are eaten as 30 fledglings in the dry season. Rats irrupt into 10 20 30 40 50 60 huge plagues on the floodplains about every % Forest fauna (wallaby + possum) three or four years, but they are only avail- able to dingoes during the dry months. Floodplain fauna (rats and geese) are mostly eaten during the dry months and more forest General model of dingo-prey interactions fauna (wallabies (Macropus spp.) and pos- sums (Phalangeroidea)) are eaten during the Seasonally predictible prey wet months (Figure 9). (Magpie geese) DRY Eruptive prey Climatic conditions influence both when and SEASON (Dusky rats) where dingoes hunt particular prey species. This alternation of predation between habi- tats, illustrated in Figure 9, is a well-defined, predictable cycle in which dingoes do not WET appear to influence the abundance and Consistently available prey SEASON (Agile wallabies) diversity of any particular prey. In the temperate coastal mountains of south- east Australia wild dog–prey interactions are determined more by wildfire than by rainfall. Most fires are low to moderate intensity so Figure 9: A model of predation by wild dogs in a pristine coastal ecosystem in tropical Australia. Predation by wild that the environment remains fairly stable and dogs alternates between habitats, switching from forest food supplies for wild dogs are usually high. during the wet season to floodplain in the dry after the Fires of high intensity, although infrequent, floodplains dry out. The main prey are dusky rats and devastate entire forests and change the prey magpie geese in the dry and agile wallabies in the wet available to wild dogs, but the total food sup- (after Corbett 1995a). ply usually remains high. It is therefore not surprising that the predatory cycle is less prey. At Nadgee Nature Reserve in south- defined than in the tropical wetlands. Lower eastern New South Wales, for example, the densities of wild dogs living in smaller packs main prey are medium-sized mammals (wal- (averaging three members) and in smaller ter- labies, rabbits, possums) and waterbirds ritories are also a consequence of this envi- such as black swans (Cygnus atratus) and ronmental stability (Newsome et al. 1983a). coots (Fulica atra). Both prey types are This predatory cycle still alternates between eaten seasonally and are supplemented by consistently available prey and seasonal large macropods (eastern grey kangaroo)

56 Bureau of Rural Sciences (Macropus giganteus) and small mammals Another outcome of the wild dogs’ concentra- (Newsome et al. 1983a). In this ecosystem tion on swamp wallabies was a disruption of wild dog predation sometimes affects prey the usual seasonal pattern of wallaby births diversity, abundance and population struc- (Robertshaw and Harden 1986). Many ture, probably because severe wildfires females ejected their pouch young when pur- change habitats and thus alter the composi- sued by wild dogs, but as most of these off- tion of the prey base. This encourages wild spring were soon replaced (96% of sexually dogs to either concentrate on a vulnerable, mature females carried a blastocyst), there relatively uncommon species, or to prey on was a continuous output of young instead of an abundant species, thereby relieving the the usual spring–summer peak. Besides this pressure on another species and allowing its change in breeding pattern, the number of population to recover. At Nadgee, wild dogs ovulations per female increased as predation usually concentrate on macropods immedi- pressure of wild dogs increased, and so did ately after severe fires and sometimes elimi- male swamp wallabies’ testicle and epi- nate local populations of eastern grey kanga- didymis weights. roos (Newsome et al. 1983a). 3.6.4 Factors affecting wild ‘The predatory cycle alternates dog–prey interactions on between consistently available pastoral lands prey and seasonal prey.’ Two major environmental disturbance fac- tors in much of Australia have been the intro- The effects of such intense predation is alle- duction of exotic animals, especially rabbits viated when waterbirds are in great abun- and livestock, and pastoral industry infras- dance, as sometimes occurs when severe tructure, such as artesian bores and dams. In storms replenish the coastal lakes with water temperate zones, land clearing has also and food for the birds. When there are no changed the structure of the landscape. This substitute prey available after severe fires, alteration in habitats and introduction of wild dog numbers decline soon after exotic animals has made some native prey macropods decline (Newsome et al. 1983a). species increase and others decrease. Wild In the mountains, where waterbirds are less dogs have mainly benefited from extra sup- available, there is no clear cycle. In Kosciusko plies of food and water, which have helped National Park, wild dogs mainly hunt wom- them to survive drought and increase their bats (Vombatus ursinus), wallabies and rab- numbers, but these extra resources have also bits, and these prey are supplemented by a changed the natural pattern of predation. variety of other species (Newsome et al. 1983a). Similarly, in the mountains near ‘Dingo predation is greatest Armidale in north-east New South Wales, the on small and medium-sized main prey of wild dogs are macropods, espe- mammals during flush cially swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor), periods and greatest on red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus) large mammals in drought.’ and eastern grey kangaroos (Robertshaw and Harden 1985a; 1985b). Wild dogs concentrate on juveniles (pouch young and young at foot) The interplay between seasons (drought and and reduce macropod recruitment rates so flush years), native prey and introduced prey considerably that the populations of these (pests and cattle) and predation by dingoes is species may decline. In some areas, small iso- well illustrated by a study at Erldunda in central lated populations of eastern grey kangaroos Australia (Corbett and Newsome 1987). When and red-neck wallabies have been completely rains broke the longest drought on record eliminated (Robertshaw and Harden 1986). (1958–65), rodents irrupted over widespread This happened because enough substitute areas and dingoes concentrated on them for prey was available to support the wild dog about a year. Then rabbits predominated in the population; otherwise the wild dogs would dingo’s diet for the next three years. When have moved away or starved.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 57 another drought reduced the rabbit popula- • At Nadgee Nature Reserve, post-fire pre- tions, predation on red kangaroos increased, dation by wild dogs on macropods held even though they became uncommon. Then, their numbers in check for 2–3 years, as this drought lengthened, cattle began to die probably because the fire opened up and carrion became more frequent in the diet. habitats and made these prey more vul- This sequential emphasis upon vertebrate prey nerable (Newsome et al. 1983a). of increasing body size as aridity increased can be summarised as a general model (Figure10) • In arid central Australia, red kangaroos which indicates that dingo predation is greatest became more vulnerable to predation on small and medium-sized mammals during during drought, partly because they flush periods and greatest on large mammals in were clumped around waterholes and drought. This seasonal variability provides a remaining feed. At one site on the plains, basis to understand the impact of dingo preda- kangaroo populations declined during a tion on prey, critical periods when dingoes kill drought when dingo predation became cattle, and whether or not predation can regu- progressively greater, and kangaroos late or limit prey populations. remained low after drought — at about 15% of their pre-drought numbers 3.6.5 Does predation by wild dogs (Corbett and Newsome 1987). regulate prey populations? • In the Harts Ranges, near Alice Springs, Predation by wild dogs has often been Northern Territory, red kangaroos assumed to be a cause of fluctuation or lack declined from being common to rare of fluctuation in some prey populations, as after a 7.5-year drought, and populations indicated by the following examples: did not recover in the subsequent 10 years even though pasture was generally • Wild dog predation has been assumed to better than average. There is evidence account for the contrast in density of red that dingoes, whose numbers had kangaroos and emus on the two sides of remained stable throughout the drought, the Dog Fence between the borders of mediated competition between rabbits, Queensland, New South Wales and South cattle and kangaroos to the detriment of Australia. Outside the fence, where wild kangaroos (Corbett and Newsome 1987). dogs abound, kangaroos and emus are rare; but the opposite applies inside the • In the Fortescue River region of north- fence (Caughley et al. 1980; Pople et al. west Western Australia, euro (Macropus 2000). There is evidence that, in this situa- robustus erubescens) populations were tion, the predation rate by dingoes on red fairly low in an area where dingo popu- kangaroos and emus regulates their popu- lations were allowed to remain high, lations at low densities (Pople et al. 2000). because they preyed selectively on par- ticular age classes of euros. When din- • Feral goat populations persist only in goes were greatly culled by a baiting areas where dingoes are absent or are program, euro populations immediately subjected to high levels of control and dramatically increased (Thomson (Parkes et al. 1996). 1992c). • At Petroi, in the mountains of north-east- • In the Guy Fawkes River region of north- ern New South Wales, the occurrence of ern New South Wales there is circumstan- swamp wallabies in the diet of wild dogs tial evidence that dingoes limited the was proportionally higher than expected abundance of macropods (Fleming 1996b; from the number of observed wallabies. Fleming and Thompson unpublished data When wild dog numbers increased, so too 1993). It is possible that annual removals did their consumption of wallabies which of wild dogs and foxes by aerial baiting was soon followed by a marked decline in increased the abundance of macropods in the wallaby population (Robertshaw and baited areas. Harden 1986).

58 Bureau of Rural Sciences (a)

100 Rodents


50 % dingoes eating prey Kangaroos

Cattle 0

Flush years Drought years



Small prey (e.g. rabbits, rodents)

50 % dingoes eating prey

Large prey (e.g. cattle) Economic calf loss 0 Beneficial calf loss Curb increase in rabbits

Flush Drought Flush

Figure 10: Models of predation by wild dogs in disturbed ecosystems in arid Australia showing: (a) sequential predation on prey of increasing size; and (b) dingo predation on small and large prey. Note, the time scale on the x-axis is longer in graph (b) (after Corbett 1995a).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 59 These examples provide evidence that dingo Evidence from other regions of Australia predation can affect prey populations, espe- (Newsome and Coman 1989, Newsome cially macropods, but the long-term effect of 1990, Pech et al. 1992) indicates that preda- this predation, and whether or not the effect tion alone can significantly curb prey popu- is regulatory, cannot be assessed without lations only when prey numbers are initially experimental studies (Sinclair 1989). For depressed by a widespread environmental some of the listed examples, alternative event such as drought in arid rangelands or explanations could be feasible for the intense wildfire in temperate forests. The observed changes in prey abundance. theory is that prey are trapped in a ‘predator pit’ (Walker and Noy-Meir 1982) where there ‘Cattle carrion enabled are too few animals successfully breeding for dingoes to survive droughts and births to exceed off-take by predation. At the subsequently to concentrate on same time, the extra food that such circum- red kangaroos and perhaps stances usually provide allows the predators to survive. For example, in arid central regulate their population Australia, cattle carrion enabled dingoes to after a drought.’ survive droughts and subsequently to con- centrate on red kangaroos and perhaps regu- In Queensland, analyses of bounties paid late their population after a drought. annually on wild dogs and feral pigs over 24 However, in tropical regions of Australia, years indicated that pig mortalities increased with the absence of prolonged droughts or more than threefold with every doubling of other circumstances to simultaneously wild dog numbers, and this inverse relation- reduce populations of main prey, it is unlike- ship suggested that predation on pigs by ly that dingoes could ever limit feral pig pop- wild dogs was a limiting and potentially reg- ulations to low levels. ulating factor for populations of feral pigs (Woodall 1983). However, reanalysis of 3.7 Interactions between humans Woodall’s data indicates that wild dog boun- ties were negatively related to rainfall over and wild dogs the previous year, suggesting that fewer wild dogs were killed in the 12 months following There are few records of dingoes attacking high rainfall (Choquenot et al. 1996). or killing Aboriginal people, either in camps Correcting for the effects of rainfall removes or in the wild but such incidents are not like- the apparent relationship between pig mor- ly to be reported. There are more reports of tality rate and wild dog density. Other prob- dingo attacks on non-Aboriginal people but lems with the analysis of scalp returns are most are anecdotal (Savant 1969). During the identified in Section 6.2.1. Royal Commission into the Disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain, evidence was presented There has only been one experimental study on the deaths of five children caused by to assess the impact of dingo predation on dingo attacks and several other dingo attacks feral pig populations. This was at Kapalga in on children and adults throughout Australia northern Australia and clearly demonstrated over the past 50 years or so (Morling 1987). that predation alone did not regulate (see Glossary) feral pig populations. Instead, pre- ‘Aggressive behaviour is dation by dingoes was one factor acting in apparently most common during concert with interference competition from buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) to limit (See the dingo’s breeding season.’ Glossary) feral pig numbers (Corbett 1995c). That is, feral pig numbers would have been In recent years, dingoes have become a major higher if competition with buffalo and pre- tourist attraction at sites in outback Australia dation by dingoes were absent. Dingoes did and Fraser Island in particular. Consequently, not cause higher pig mortality as pig abun- many visitors and residents have deliberately dance increased. or inadvertently fed dingoes to encourage con- tact for close viewing and photographs. This

60 Bureau of Rural Sciences has led to many dingoes and other wild dogs • Juvenile and subadult wild dogs ‘play- losing their fear of people and occasionally dis- ing’ with humans. playing aggression towards people, especially at commonly used areas such as camping In relation to the latter example, it is likely grounds and picnic areas. Aggressive that in places such as Fraser Island and behaviour is apparently most common during Uluru, many generations of dingoes have the dingo’s breeding season. This provision of been reared in the close presence of humans food for wild dogs by people and the resulting (imprinting) so many young dingoes engage change in wild dog behaviour has been docu- in what appears to be ‘playful’ behaviour. mented on Fraser Island by Marsterson (1994); These are normally directed towards other Moussalli (1994); Price (1994) and Twyford dingoes. In reality, the dingoes are practising (1994a,1994b). Current management of this behaviours that will be vital for their survival problem is addressed in Section 5.3.2. in later life such as nipping and biting to assess the vulnerability of prey (to avoid seri- Wild dog territories that are centred on areas ous injury to themselves) or to achieve dom- of high human activity, such as townships, inance amongst litter mates. Humans, espe- town refuge dumps, camping grounds, pic- cially children, naturally do not understand nic areas and resorts, appear to be smaller in this and are most likely to turn and flee size but have relatively higher numbers of (often shrieking) which generally will stimu- wild dogs per pack compared to wild dogs late chasing and further aggression from din- that rely on natural prey in bush areas goes. (Corbett 1998). The nature, frequency and intensity of interactions with people are like- ly to vary depending on the age and sex of wild dogs, pack size and composition, time of year, supplementary natural food supplies and human reactions to wild dogs. Types of wild dog–human interactions include wild dogs stealing and soliciting food, wild dogs stalking and harassing (nipping, ‘playful’ bit- ing) humans and outright attacks. Similar human–predator interactions (involv- ing coyotes (Canis latrans) or bears (Ursus spp.)) have been recorded in North America (Howell 1982; Carbyn 1989). There appear to be many parallels in the case of the coyote (the ecological equivalent of the dingo in North America) where many attacks are directed towards young human females, with a baby being killed in one instance (Carbyn 1989). Interactions between humans and wild dogs may occur for other reasons. These include: • Wild dogs regarding humans as competi- tors or intruders into wild dog domains and thus defending oestrous females, pups and ‘hunting’ areas (garbage sites, camp sites, barbecue areas, beaches). • Wild dogs (mainly adults) regarding humans (mainly children) as prey.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 61

4. Community attitudes affecting management

Summary wild dogs as pests regardless of the respon- dents’ background (Johnston and Marks The management of dingoes and other wild 1997). The survey did not ask respondents to dogs is affected by community attitudes and classify ‘dingoes’ as pests or otherwise. Given perceptions. Opinions vary as to the pest sta- that the majority of respondents regarded tus of dingoes and other wild dogs. Some pri- other native species (including possums mary producers view them simply as an (Phalangeroidea), kangaroos (Macropus spp.) unwanted pest to be removed from the envi- and wombats (Vombatus ursinus)) as ‘non- ronment while other sections of society view pests’, the responses may have been different them as wildlife or icons to be conserved as if dingoes had been separately identified. far as possible. Public opinion influences not only the type of management strategies that are developed but also the type of control ‘Nor is there a common methods that may be deployed. Wider public view about dingoes and other wild attitudes rightly demand that the techniques dogs amongst livestock used for wild dog control must be as humane producers.’ as possible and expose non-target animals to minimal hazard. Management strategies that The dingo is viewed by many as an animal do not address or acknowledge broad com- which has an important place in Australian munity attitudes are susceptible to disruption ecosystems, and one which should be pre- or interference. served as far as possible (Section 5.3.3). Such attitudes have been enshrined in legislation 4.1 Community perceptions and in some States and Territories (Sections 3.3 attitudes and 5.2). Strength of opinion can be influ- enced by the perception of purity of strain; conservationists wish to preserve pure din- Community attitudes towards dingoes and goes but see hybrids and feral dogs as a other wild dogs are diverse and greatly affect threat to the dingo (Section 2.9). Others management decisions. Dingoes and other believe that because a dingo-sized canid has wild dogs were condemned from the earliest been present in Australia long enough to time of European settlement in Australia as have affected the biodiversity of the commu- vicious killers of livestock and a threat to the nities in which they occur, the removal of domestic animals raised by struggling set- wild dogs from these environments might tlers. The dingo is also regarded by some have unforeseen impacts on biodiversity, people as a desirable species for recreational and that some wild dogs should therefore be hunting (Allison and Coombes 1969) and retained irrespective of their genetic status. was hunted by early setters as a substitute for foxes (Vulpes vulpes) (Rolls 1984). The term Nor is there a common view about dingoes ‘dingo’ came into usage as an insult when and other wild dogs amongst livestock pro- applied to a person. Later, the high profile of ducers. Sheep graziers would be unanimous the dingo saw it being used as an advertising in condemning the presence of a single wild image (for example, Dingo Flour and Dingo dog near their flocks, whereas cattle produc- Bitter beer). ers tend to have a variety of opinions. Some cattlemen are ambivalent towards dogs. With the increased urbanisation of Australia Others reflect previous or current bad experi- and a growing awareness of environmental ences of calf predation by wild dogs and reg- issues, other attitudes towards dingoes have ularly control them; for example, 71% of emerged. A recent demographically represen- Northern Territory pastoralists surveyed in tative survey of 2000 Victorians of voting age 1995 indicated that dingoes were a major or showed that 79% of respondents classified serious pest on their properties (Eldridge and

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 63 Bryan 1995). Another group recognise the Traditional Aboriginal groups generally per- potential role of dingoes in controlling ceive dingoes and other wild dogs as a com- macropod abundance and are prepared to ponent of the natural landscape with a right- experience some losses of calves in the belief ful place therein. Dingoes often feature in that overall enterprise productivity is better Aboriginal mythology and are therefore seen when there is less potential competition for as part of the cultural heritage of Australia. forage between cattle and macropods These interests must be kept in mind when (Section 3.6.5). Still others tolerate dingoes devising management programs for dingoes. and other wild dogs until predation of calves In general, conflicts with the views of becomes apparent and then institute a con- Aboriginal people rarely occur because of trol program (K. Watters, grazier, New South the alienation of traditional Aboriginal peo- Wales, pers. comm. 1984; D. Wurst, Parks and ple from most of the grazing areas where Wildlife Commission (Northern Territory), control work is undertaken. However, where Northern Territory, unpublished data, 1995). Aboriginal people maintain an ongoing Some are strongly opposed to baiting affinity to these areas their concerns must be because of the perceived risk to their own considered and included in the planning dogs. There is also the perception among process. some landholders living near national parks and other conservation reserves that wild ‘In some areas greater dogs belong to the government and therefore control effort has been spent on responsibility for wild dog control on adja- wild dogs than other pests that cent grazing lands lies with State agencies (J. may be more damaging in a less Burley, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria, pers. comm. 1999). As obvious way.’ with other groups, trappers hold different views on the relative merits of different con- Public perception of wild dogs as objects of trol methods and the role of wild dogs in ani- fear will also influence attitudes towards mal communities (Ward 1986). The views of local management. Without doubt, the most trappers must be considered because these publicised case of dingoes as predators of people are often responsible for much of the humans involved the alleged taking of a control effort spent on wild dogs. baby, Azaria Chamberlain, by a dingo at In 1981, evidence from a series of public Uluru in central Australia in 1980. Reaction to meetings and submissions from landholders the allegation led to an immediate control within the original barrier fence in program around the camping area where the Queensland (Holden 1991) showed that atti- Chamberlains were staying. Local control tudes toward wild dogs were explained in and education programs have been instigat- part by the location of their holding in relation ed in other national parks and nature to the fence. Similar trends are evident in reserves in response to attacks on people other States. Those individuals who have first- (for example, Fraser Island; Australian hand and ongoing experience with livestock Associated Press 1998). predation by wild dogs generally express the As a result of these various views in society, strongest sentiments. These people often rate as well as the results of scientific research, wild dogs as their biggest productivity inhibi- the approach to wild dog control has altered tion. Those landholders that are far removed considerably in the past 20–30 years from any threat of predation tend to be less (Chapter 5). Management strategies now concerned about wild dogs and may be more focus on problem areas, that is, in livestock subject to influences from non-agricultural paddocks and on neighbouring land. For sectors of the community. Fear of predation example, dogging or baiting forays are no by wild dogs has meant that in some areas longer made into the vast areas beyond pas- greater control effort has been spent on wild toral leases in Western Australia. Indeed, dogs than other pests that may be more dam- such control work would be condemned as aging in a less obvious way. being economically and environmentally undesirable.

64 Bureau of Rural Sciences Nevertheless, scientific research and analysis ensure this (Animal Health Committee, of the does not always alter management practices. Standing Committee for Agriculture 1990). For example, the usefulness of bounties has Predation by dogs is not humane and most been discredited in a number of reviews graziers are concerned by the suffering and (Section 5.1.1) yet the recent proposed removal distress imposed on their animals. This is par- of bounties from Queensland legislation result- ticularly so when surplus killing and injury ed in heated debate (C. McGaw, Department of occurs. The adverse effects of predation on Natural Resources, Queensland, pers. comm. the welfare of livestock is likely to influence 1999). A compromise allowing the payment of landholders’ attitudes to management of wild bounties by local governments resulted from dogs, including the control and conservation pressure by some community groups. of dingoes. Counter to this is the argument that sheep should not be grazed in areas where Attitudes about controlling wild dogs are predation by wild dogs is likely and poses the influenced by the control methods used. For question whether governments should sub- example, pressure from animal welfare sidise wild dog control in such areas. groups has resulted in changes to legislation and policy for the use of leghold traps in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and ‘Counter to this is the argument New South Wales. Some sections of the com- that sheep should not be grazed munity do not accept the use of poisons, and in areas where predation by would oppose any control campaigns based wild dogs is likely.’ on baiting (Section 4.2.4). Indeed, some peo- ple regard the killing of an animal, even if it Clearly, welfare concerns must be consid- is considered to be a pest, as wrong. ered in all control programs involving lethal techniques. These should be as target-specif- 4.2 Animal welfare issues ic as possible and take into account maxi- mum welfare for the target species as well as welfare issues relating to the accidental cap- 4.2.1 General ture or killing of other species. Animal welfare groups aim to ensure that all animals are treated humanely and that 4.2.2 Shooting actions that cause stress and suffering should Shooting by skilled marksmen is probably be minimised as far as is feasible. Groups the most humane method of controlling wild such as the Royal Society for the Protection dogs and for this reason is the favoured con- of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and the trol technique of the RSPCA. The objective Australian and New Zealand Federation of should be to kill the animal as quickly and Animal Societies (ANZFAS) accept that con- cleanly as possible with a shot to the head. trol of wild dogs may be required in certain In some States and Territories, a Code of circumstances, but advocate restrictions on Practice or government agency policy speci- the type of control techniques that are used. fies the minimum specifications (calibres, For example, the RSPCA believes that the use projectile weight, range) for the shooting of of 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) poison on feral or pest animals (Section 6.4.2). native species is unacceptable, and that its Shooting can usually only be viewed as an use against introduced species should be opportunistic method of wild dog control, strictly controlled by legislation. Non-lethal although it can sometimes be useful to target means such as exclusion fencing are encour- individual animals inside sheep zones. It is aged. not a cost-effective option for reducing pop- Conversely, owners of livestock have legal ulations of wild dogs. and moral obligations under the various State Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Acts to pro- vide the best husbandry possible for their live- stock and there are model codes of practice to

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 65 4.2.3 Trapping There is an increasing awareness of the inhu- maneness of steel-jawed traps. Modifications Steel-jawed leg-hold traps have been tradi- to existing and new traps and capture devices tionally used in Australia for wild dog control. that are more humane continue to be devel- These traps are generally viewed as inhu- oped and are progressively being adopted. mane, with the bare steel jaws causing tissue The Victorian treadle-snare and the Victor damage, serious cuts, broken bones, dislocat- Soft Catch‚ padded trap and modified Lanes ed joints and sometimes amputation of feet of traps have been shown to result in fewer the captured animal (Fleming et al. 1998). The injuries to trapped animals (Meek et al. 1995; degree of injury and suffering of a trapped Fleming et al. 1998) and their use is preferred animal is also related to the length of time that over steel-jawed traps by animal welfare the animal spends in the trap (that is, how groups. In Victoria, the treadle snare has often traps are checked) and whether anal- replaced the steel-jawed trap for use in wild gesic drugs (C. Marks, Victorian Institute of dog control, except in special circumstances. Animal Sciences, Victoria, pers. comm. 1998) In New South Wales, steel-jawed traps are or poisons have been applied to the trap to outlawed, though the use of padded traps reduce stress or hasten death (Fleming et al. and treadle snares is allowed. These must be 1998). As well, the sites where traps are set used in accordance with a code of practice can greatly affect the likelihood of catching that specifies, amongst other things, that traps non-target animals (Newsome et al. 1983b). should be checked daily. In South Australia, Different groups of non-target animals suffer steel-jawed traps are outlawed in the 60% of different levels of injury (Fleming et al. 1998). the State outside the Dog Fence. Trapping is For example, possums mostly had minor still the preferred technique to target dingoes injuries in Soft Catch‚ traps whereas 73% of killing sheep inside the fence and where poi- varanids experienced major trauma. soning has proved unsuccessful.

Padding steel-jawed traps should be promoted to improve the humaneness of trapping (Source: P. Thomson).

66 Bureau of Rural Sciences ‘There is an increasing awareness from the onset of clinical signs through to of the inhumaneness of death from asphyxia and exhaustion. The steel-jawed traps.’ clinical signs of strychnine poisoning in dogs are: deep reflexes and cramping of muscles, particularly in the legs; muscular spasms that In some areas, the practice of applying increase in severity and extent through to strychnine poison to the jaws of traps is death from respiratory failure; and vomiting advocated. The strychnine is bound into a and diarrhoea. cloth and the trapped animal bites on the soft material and ingests the poison. This 1080 is now the preferred poison for use in results in a rapid death, and is seen by some wild dog control throughout Australia. It is a to be preferable to the animal remaining in far more selective poison than strychnine the trap until dying of exhaustion or expo- and poses minimal risk to non-target ani- sure, or being discovered many hours later mals. Canids are particularly susceptible to by the trapper. However, strychnine is 1080. Many other mammals are less sensitive classed as an inhumane poison (Section to the poison, particularly many native 6.4.4) and its use for other purposes is not species in Western Australia that have sanctioned. Strychnine cloths are generally evolved an enhanced tolerance due to expo- favoured in the more remote pastoral sure to plants containing 1080 (King 1984). regions, where trappers cover large areas Birds and reptiles are in turn less susceptible and cannot return to their traps within a rea- to 1080 than mammals. sonable time. Additionally, many doggers believe that traps set for rogue animals ‘Research is underway to should not be visited too often as the pres- develop an orally-active analgesic ence of human scent near the trap may deter for incorporation into baits to the target animal (B. Morris, dogger, Yass counter debate about the Rural Lands Protection Board (New South humaneness of 1080.’ Wales), pers. comm. 1998). Daily checking of traps is simply not a practical option in all circumstances. In Western Australia and 1080 causes the blocking of the Krebs cycle, South Australia, steel-jawed traps can be the major cellular biochemical mechanism used for wild dog control only if strychnine for releasing energy from food. In dogs, the is applied to the traps. In New South Wales, primary action of 1080 is on the central ner- strychnine cloths must be applied to traps vous system. Symptoms appear after a latent that are not checked daily. A fast-acting, period of up to several hours, the period more-humane replacement poison for varying according to the amount of poison strychnine on trap jaws would be preferable ingested. Dogs become excited, may and requires investigation. (Section 8.7). The become nauseated, frequently howl, and use of 1080 poison on traps is not practical exhibit running fits (McIlroy, 1981). The final because it is too slow acting. phase of poisoning involves continuous muscular contraction and death through lack 4.2.4 Poisoning of oxygen supply to the respiratory centre. During convulsions, affected dogs are The RSPCA is generally opposed to the use unconscious and appear to be unaware of of poisons (RSPCA 1997) but may accept tar- their surroundings, suggesting that they are get-specific baits containing humane toxins. not suffering pain or distress (Gregory 1991). It is widely recognised that poison baiting Cases of sub-lethal human poisoning sup- remains one of the few viable options avail- port the view that 1080 is a relatively able to control wild dogs, particularly in the humane poison; victims convulsed but later more remote rangeland areas (Section 6.4.4). reported no recollection of pain or physical distress (Gregory 1991). In Victoria, research Strychnine baits are viewed as inhumane is underway to develop an orally-active anal- because the affected animals remain con- gesic for incorporation into fox baits to scious and appear to suffer pain and anxiety counter debate about the humaneness of

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 67 1080 and to reduce regurgitation and multi- been used for the control of any pest species. ple bait take by foxes (C. Marks, Victorian Domestic dogs and desirable populations of Institute of Animal Sciences, Victoria, pers. dingoes would be susceptible to any form of comm. 1997). Success in this work would biological control targeting problem wild also have application to wild dog baiting. dogs. Transmissible forms of fertility control such as immunocontraception are therefore 4.2.5 Control at breeding dens unlikely to gain favour with the general com- munity. In the past, doggers searched for dens each breeding season, in order to fumigate or cap- ture the pups, bitch, and any other associat- 4.3 Public health issues ed adults. This activity was aided by the use of sniffer dogs to seek out the dens. As for 4.3.1 Diseases and parasites other control techniques, the associated wel- fare issues need to be considered. The prac- There have been a number of publicity cam- tice of blocking off the den entrances if the paigns aimed at reducing the prevalence of pups cannot be retrieved is clearly unaccept- hydatidosis (causal agent Echinococcus gran- able from a welfare aspect. ulosus) in humans (D. Jenkins, Australian Hydatids Control and Epidemiology Program, 4.2.6 Exclusion fencing pers. comm. 1998). Although occurrence is rare, the disease can be fatal. In areas where The use of exclusion fencing is generally hydatid infection of domestic dogs and live- regarded as causing fewer animal welfare stock is endemic, awareness of the disease is impacts than lethal control means. However, highest. However, few people are aware of fences alter the movements of larger ground- the sylvatic hydatids cycles between wild dogs based animals and care must be taken with and wildlife or between wild dogs and live- design and placement of fences so as not to stock (Section 3.4). Local awareness is likely to adversely affect their survival. Electric dingo increase participation in programs to control fences can trap and kill macropods, emus wild dogs and increase the pressure on gov- (Dromaius novaehollandiae) and echidnas ernment instrumentalities to control wild dogs (Tachyglossus aculeatus). at the interface of public and grazing lands. 4.2.7 Biological control If rabies (Rhabdoviridae) ever became estab- lished in Australia, there would be a much Wild dogs are susceptible to many diseases greater public impetus to control all free- (Section 2.7). It is unlikely that the release of roaming dogs. Trade-offs between the desire diseases already present in the wild would to conserve dingoes and concerns about be effective for biological control. Given the human health would require much discus- fact that lethal diseases generally cause suf- sion, as the range of stakeholders involved fering and emaciation, and also affect would increase substantially. domestic dogs, this type of control is unlikely to be supported by welfare groups or the 4.3.2 Interactions with humans general public. Aboriginal people sometimes used dingoes for Other forms of biological control may be pos- hunting, as food, decoration (fur), mobile blan- sible in the future. The RSPCA supports the kets or currency (scalps) (Meggitt 1965; concept of hormonal control to limit repro- Hamilton 1972) but preferred European duction (RSPCA 1997). The RSPCA and ANZ- domestic dogs when they became available. FAS strongly support the development of fer- These dogs remained in the camps and thus tility control measures, such as immunocon- obviated the need to seek new dingo pups traception (Tyndale-Biscoe 1994), as humane each year or to retain adult animals by break- techniques for controlling pest animals. ing one of their legs. Domestic breeds also Immunocontraception research is still in its barked and thus were better sentinels early stages and the technique has not yet (Hamilton 1972; White 1972).

68 Bureau of Rural Sciences Free-roaming dogs are still common in native fauna, and while they are ‘unprotect- remote Aboriginal settlements and the pres- ed’ in conservation reserves, they are not a ence of these dogs has human health impli- declared noxious species until they move off cations for the communities (Section 3.4). the reserve (Chapter 5). Control within con- Human health programs that involve con- servation reserves is only permitted when trolling wild dogs in and around Aboriginal dingoes emanating from there are implicated communities need to address the potential in stock losses and measures conducted out- conflicts that arise from traditional Aboriginal side the reserve have failed to solve the views of dingoes and other wild dogs problem. (Sections 3.3 and 3.7). ‘Resolution of this conflict has 4.4 Conservation issues been achieved in some States and Territories by attributing Community attitudes to dingoes have changed considerably since the early days of a different status to wild dogs European settlement when they were seen dependent on their location.’ only as a threat to the fledgling pastoral industries. Research in the last 30 years has The second issue arising from this is the greatly increased the understanding of din- dilemma of how to differentiate dingoes goes and led to more rational and effective from other wild dogs. This is compounded management techniques that significantly by the exhibition of dingo coloration in reduce the risk that dingoes pose to the pas- many hybrids. While DNA fingerprinting toral industries. Concurrently, there has been might determine the frequency of dingo and an increase in public awareness of the domestic breed genes, this technique does importance of conserving biodiversity. not address public perceptions. The genetics Dingoes are now commonly perceived as of a wild dog is largely irrelevant to many native fauna and are formally recognised as people. These people are more concerned such in some States (for example, New South with the appearance of a particular wild dog Wales). Consequently, there is now a public and compare it with their concept of a dingo. expectation that dingoes will be conserved For conservation directions to be set, public as part of Australian biodiversity. and expert inputs must be collected. A deci- sion is needed on what proportion of a wild ‘There is now a public expectation dog population is required to be pure dingo that dingoes will be conserved as before conservation efforts are instituted. part of Australian biodiversity.’ The feasibility of conservation strategies on the mainland also needs investigation. After these decisions are made, conservation poli- During the past 30 years, there has been con- cy can be formulated. siderable conflict between conservationists and managers of wild dogs. Three issues The third issue is the risk to non-target have been central to this conflict. The first is species during wild dog control programs that the public perception of dingoes as a and particularly during aerial baiting pro- native species creates an expectation that grams with 1080. Many concerns about non- they will be conserved. Thus, some sections target risks have been allayed by the seminal of the public are opposed to all wild dog works on the toxicity of 1080 to Australian control, particularly when it is conducted in fauna by John Mcllroy and Dennis King and conservation reserves. their collaborators (McIlroy 1981). In some States, reductions in loadings of 1080 in Resolution of this conflict has been achieved baits, better bait placement and a reduction in some States and Territories by attributing a in the number of baits used have resulted in a different status to wild dogs dependent on theoretically negligible risk to non-target their location. For example, in New South species (Fleming 1996a). However, because Wales, the National Parks and Wildlife of public misconceptions or lack of educa- Service effectively recognises dingoes as tion about 1080, there remains some concern

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 69 about non-target risk during wild dog baiting (Section 8.11). This issue needs to be addressed by a public education program and by field-based studies to assess non-tar- get risk and confirm that wild dog baiting is target-specific and effective. The commonly held but unproven belief of a universal, inverse relationship between wild dog and fox abundance (Section 2.10.1) has been popularly interpreted to mean that con- serving dingo populations may limit the dis- tribution and abundance of foxes and thus reduce their impact on small and medium- sized native animals. If this proves true, con- serving dingoes and other wild dogs could enhance the conservation of native species threatened by foxes.

70 Bureau of Rural Sciences 5. Past and current management

Summary 1960s. Since then, research has served to correct or refute much of the folklore and In the past, legislation for the management mythology surrounding dingoes and of wild dogs has included punitive Acts and enabled management programs to be more Acts dealing with the conservation of soundly based. In addition, research has wildlife. Dingoes have been included with allowed for the objective evaluation of con- other dogs in early colonial legislation trol techniques and strategies. For example, designed to remove troublesome dogs and to the demonstration of the effectiveness of reduce the threat of predation of livestock. aerial baiting with 1080 in pastoral regions Management of wild dogs relied heavily on of Western Australia led to this technique labour-intensive techniques of trapping, being adopted far more widely than previ- shooting and ground baiting, with bounty ously. A further influence on wild dog man- payments being offered as an incentive to agement has been a growing public interest kill dogs. With cheap labour and materials, in conservation and animal welfare; con- and a profitable grazing industry, the erec- trol programs had to be not only effective tion of exclusion fencing was also feasible in but to show due regard to welfare and risks some parts of Australia, and became an to non-target species. essential element of wild dog control in those areas. Much of the control work was reac- Current management strategies focus on the tive, dealing with problems as they arose. objective of minimising the impact of preda- Nevertheless, some strategic, preventative tion on livestock, not on killing wild dogs. control was carried out, and in extreme but Aerial baiting with 1080 baits forms a misguided cases, efforts were made to con- major part of most management programs trol wild dogs hundreds of kilometres from and is primarily targeted at limited zones the nearest sheep grazing enterprises. and buffers adjacent to livestock grazing areas. Larger coordinated campaigns have The dingo is extinct in much of the sheep generally been adopted, being more efficient and cereal production zones of eastern and and effective than localised, ad hoc efforts. southern Australia because of habitat modi- Ground-based baiting and trapping are still fication and the success of early poisoning carried out, although to a lesser extent than campaigns. The areas largely without wild earlier times. Far fewer professional doggers dogs are mostly separated from areas where are now employed, although they still play they are present by dog-proof fences that an important role in targeting specific ani- were erected around the turn of the century. mals and in monitoring buffer areas. In most States and Territories, obligations or Bounty payments have not been successful provisions are made for the destruction of in reducing predation by wild dogs and are wild dogs in sheep and cattle grazing zones. subject to abuse. The use of government-sub- The Dog Fence, which runs for about 5600 sidised bounties should cease. kilometres from Fowlers Bay in South The greatest threat to the survival of dingoes Australia to south of Dalby in south-eastern is hybridisation with domestic dogs. In the Queensland, is maintained or subsidised by more settled coastal areas of Australia, and government agencies. Poisoning programs increasingly in outback Australia, the barri- form the basis of most lethal control efforts, ers between domestic dogs (feral and although trapping and shooting are impor- owned) and dingoes are rapidly being tant in some contexts. Groups and boards removed. Hence hybridisation is becoming have provided finances that allow for better more common and the pure dingo gene pool management. is being swamped. Already in the south-east- The scientific information on the biology ern highlands, more than half of wild dogs and movements of dingoes and other wild are hybrids. The extinction of pure dingoes dogs did not begin to accrue until the late on the mainland is probably inevitable

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 71 unless there are changes to community atti- mainland States and Territories and persisted tudes and government policies on wild dogs. until recently. The aim was to create an In particular the keeping of ‘dingoes’, which incentive for the control of wild dogs. This are often hybrids that later ‘go bush’, can encouraged the perception that every wild increase the rate of hybridisation of wild dog was a sheep killer regardless of its dingo populations. access to sheep, the hunting and trapping of wild dogs by individuals rather than groups, Conservation of dingoes was indirect until and fraudulent claims (Tomlinson 1958a). the 1970s and 1980s when dingoes were listed on conservation schedules in some States and Territories. Policy and legislation ‘Despite the millions of dollars to encourage the conservation of pure din- paid in bounties, there is little goes is required in some States and a con- evidence that the bounty system certed nation-wide effort is needed to ensure is or was an effective tool for that dingo conservation is not thwarted by managing wild dogs.’ conflicting legislation. Simultaneously, the control of wild dogs, including dingoes, must be permitted where there is a recent The control value of bounties has long been history of livestock predation. debated. In 1930, the Royal Commission into the Dingo and Stock Route Administration in The main hope of conservation is to educate Queensland concluded that bounties should people about the plight of dingoes and to not be paid as they were subject to fraud manage pure dingoes on large islands such (Holden 1991). Tomlinson (1958a) outlined as Fraser Island and Melville Island. arguments for and against the system, con- cluding that the evidence was overwhelm- ingly against bounties. A resolution recom- 5.1 Past legal status and mending that all bounties in Australia be management stopped was passed by the Vertebrate Pests Committee in 1975 (Smith, 1990). Bounties 5.1.1 Control measures and were accordingly reduced to $2 (around $10 in current values) in South Australia in 1975 legislation and were phased out in 1990. Another During the 1800s, the combination of clear- inquiry, held in Queensland in 1975, recom- ing for farming, exclusion fencing, poisoning mended that the bounty system be abolished and trapping resulted in the dingo becoming there (Smith 1990). Saunders et al. (1985) extinct over much of its previous range in proposed significant changes to wild dog southern Queensland, New South Wales, management in New South Wales including Victoria and South Australia. By 1889, all the abolition of bounties. Because of that mainland States and Territories had enacted review, bounties are no longer paid for wild legislation to facilitate and administer the dog scalps in the Eastern Division of New control of wild dogs. Control was organised South Wales. A wide-ranging review of by government agencies or regional semi- bounty payments by Smith (1990) concluded government organisations, run by boards of that all bounty systems were subject to fraud, local landholders, and funded by govern- were ineffective in creating incentive, not ment and by rates levied on landholders. cost-effective and were not related to wild There were four elements to wild dog con- dog abundance. More recently, Hassall and trol. Associates (1998) concluded that, world- wide, most bounty schemes have failed to The bounty system deliver effective vertebrate pest control. In response to the recommendations of Smith Bounties were paid on presentation of a wild (1990), new legislation in Queensland will dog scalp to the appropriate authority. The remove the provision for bounties although first record of a bounty system is from 1836 local governments can still pay them. (C. in the Melbourne district (Breckwoldt 1988). McGaw, Department of Natural Resources, A bounty system was soon introduced in all Queensland, pers. comm, 1999).

72 Bureau of Rural Sciences Despite the millions of dollars paid in boun- method used to reduce predation by wild ties, there is little evidence that the bounty dogs was shepherding of flocks by paid system is or was an effective tool for manag- shepherds. Shepherds were often sent into ing wild dogs. In north-eastern New South isolated areas where they had to protect their Wales, Harden and Robertshaw (1987) found stock from human and wild dog predation. that between 1958 and 1983, two-thirds of Clearing and fencing of pastoral lands and bounties were paid to graziers, the group at extensive strychnine baiting programs risk from wild dog predation. The incentive pushed wild dog populations towards the of the bounty was questionable because of fringes of the ‘improved’ country as graziers there was no relationship between the value radiated from the central settlements. of a bounty and the number of bounties Shepherding to prevent predation by wild claimed. dogs is now only practised as a last resort (C. Young, grazier, New South Wales, pers. Professional doggers comm. 1984) because of the expense and time constraints. The employment of professional doggers by government agencies, wild dog control As fencing materials became more sophisti- organisations, and sometimes by groups of cated and more readily available, the use of landholders, was an important part of the exclusion fences as barriers to wild dog implementation of wild dog control. movements into sheep country became fea- Doggers were responsible for both strategic sible. Exclusion fencing for wild dogs began and reactive control of wild dogs by trap- at least 100 years ago with the erection of 13- ping, shooting and poisoning. They were wire, 1.8 metre high fences laced with verti- sometimes offered substantial additional cal wires at about 15 cm intervals (Harden, bounties by landholders to kill particularly unpublished data 1991), and became troublesome dogs. widespread after the introduction of wire netting. Often a continuous fence resulting ‘As fencing materials from adjoining landholders fencing around their own properties, protected groups of became more sophisticated and properties. As examples: in Western Australia more readily available, the use of fences were erected around holdings to exclusion fences became keep emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) out feasible.’ and were maintained dog-proof (Holden 1991); and at least 1000 kilometres of non- continuous barrier fencing was erected by In some areas (for example, south-east New landholders on the New England tablelands South Wales, Victoria, the Australian Capital in New South Wales in the 1920s and 1930s Territory and some parts of Western (NERDA undated c. 1966). Similarly, in South Australia) doggers are still an integral part of Australia, about 3800 kilometres of private ongoing wild dog control. In much of range- dog fences were erected by 1908. Between land Australia, however, increasing labour 1896 and 1908, an additional 5000 kilometres costs and the introduction of mandatory of fencing was erected to maintain the State wages for Aboriginal workers in the 1960s, Vermin Fenced Districts of South Australia plus the declining profitability of the pastoral (Holden 1991). industry, resulted in most stations ceasing to employ specialist doggers. For these rea- Governments and control organisations whol- sons, and because of the greater adoption of ly funded or subsidised the erection of other large-scale aerial baiting, the number of gov- barrier fencing. The best known such fence ernment-funded doggers has also fallen dra- (known as the Dog Fence or barrier fence) matically. extends 5614 kilometres from near Dalby in south-eastern Queensland to Fowlers Bay on Shepherding and exclusion fencing the Great Australian Bight in South Australia (Figure 2). Prior to shortening of the Before the extensive fencing of pastoral runs Queensland section of this fence in 1989, it to manage the movements of sheep, the first was 8614 kilometres long (Breckwoldt 1988).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 73 The Queensland–New South Wales fence parts of Western Australia. Because 1080 is (359 kilometres) was originally built as a rab- closely regulated, baiting programs are bit-exclusion fence. This failed and it was under much tighter control than previously. converted to a dog-proof fence in 1914. Both fresh meat and manufactured baits are However, the agreement between the States used. requires that the fence be maintained rabbit- proof. The fence between South Australia and ‘Aerial baiting was generally New South Wales was converted from a rab- regarded as successful and bit-proof fence to a dog-proof fence in 1917. many dog fences were allowed to The New South Wales Wild Dog Destruction fall into disrepair.’ Act 1921 placed the responsibility for the exclusion fence under the Western Lands Commission and an amendment to the Act in 1080 meat baits were first aerially distributed 1957 established the Wild Dog Destruction in the Northern Tablelands of New South Board (WDDB) which retains responsibility Wales in 1964 and had replaced strychnine for the fence and the payment of bounties for baits in aerial baiting programs in most areas scalps. The South Australian dog fence by the late 1960s. Aerial baiting was general- replaced a series of separately fenced vermin ly regarded as successful and many dog district fences in 1947 following introduction fences were allowed to fall into disrepair. of the Dog Fence Act 1946. Responsibility for The reduction in the area of Queensland the fence is with the Dog Fence Board, mem- protected by the barrier fence could be bership of which is mostly landholders. attributed to the perceived success of 1080 baiting, especially aerial baiting (Holden Poisoning 1991). Fixed-wing aircraft were used until 1986, when helicopters became mandatory From the early 1800s, when strychnine was for aerial baiting in the east of New South found to be useful for poisoning wild dogs, Wales because baits could be placed with control programs were instigated at the more accuracy (Thompson et al. 1990). property level or cooperatively. Cooperation Aerial baiting with 1080 has evolved consid- between landholders was necessary because erably to increase its efficacy against wild strychnine was expensive and could only be dogs while reducing potential non-target imported in quantities too large for individu- effects. It is now generally accepted as a al landholders. Stockmen carried strychnine cost-effective, safe method for the extensive that they inserted into carcasses they found, strategic management of wild dogs and in some areas bait stations were estab- (Thomson 1986; Thompson and Fleming lished and maintained. In 1946, a manufac- 1991), and is used in Queensland, New tured brisket fat and strychnine bait wrapped South Wales, Western Australia and the in paper (the ‘Minty’ bait) was developed in Northern Territory. Queensland and was subsequently used in Queensland, New South Wales, Western Aerial baiting is the major control method in Australia and the Northern Territory. Western Australia where, in 1996–97, 823 900 baits were dropped during 505 flying hours; Aerial baiting began with experimental the average number of baits used annually drops of the Minty bait in Western Australia has varied little over the past decade. and Queensland in 1946 (Tomlinson 1954), Similarly, in north-eastern New South Wales, and continued for a number of years there, aerial baiting using helicopters is the primary in the Northern Territory and in South form of wild dog control. Australia. It was also used on the coast and tablelands of New South Wales from 1957. Fixed-wing aircraft are used for baiting in Queensland, western New South Wales and Since the mid-1960s, 1080 (sodium fluoroac- Western Australia but not in the other States etate) has largely replaced strychnine in and Territories. baits. However, strychnine can still be used in baits in South Australia, Queensland and

74 Bureau of Rural Sciences 5.1.2 Past management strategies were created and empowered to levy rates on landholders to fund the bounty system When labour was cheaper, and before scientif- and other control measures. These funds ic information about dingo movements and behaviour began to emerge, many control were commonly supplemented by govern- operations took place that would now be ment subsidies. For example, until the viewed as inefficient and inappropriate. In mid-1980s, most of the control of wild Western Australia, for example, there was a dogs in Victoria was by Government- strong belief in dingo migration routes from far employed doggers. Groups to facilitate the distant ranges and deserts to the grazing leases control of wild dogs were common in east- (Tomlinson 1958b). The attitude that any dingo ern Australia where the resources of the killed would be ‘one less to attack a sheep’ pre- local groups were supplemented by gov- vailed. This led to major expeditions being ernment contributions and rates collected mounted to seek out dingo ‘breeding areas’ by the boards of management. Until recent (Tomlinson and Blair 1952), and to consider- times, wild dog control groups often held able effort being expended in attempts to con- important social significance. Dog drives trol dingoes in these remote areas, hundreds of and poisoning programs served as meet- kilometres from the closest livestock. ings where neighbours could get together Despite much wasted effort in earlier times, to socialise and discuss other issues affect- there was still the recognition that a coordi- ing their holdings. nated, community approach to wild dog • Many properties, leases and runs control was the most effective strategy. This employed doggers and boundary riders generally took place in the form of ‘baiting who had responsibility for trapping ‘ver- drives’, including aerial baiting (Tomlinson min’ and maintaining fences in dog-proof 1954). Tomlinson (1958b) wrote: condition. Privately employed doggers ‘Wild dog baiting drives, organised on a dis- were more common in the extensive pas- trict-wide basis and combining all available toral leases in northern central Queens- manpower and aids such as aerial baiting, land, South Australia and Western are without doubt the most effective destruc- Australia. tion method…. Careful planning and organisation to ensure the work is properly coordinated, is carried out at the best possi- 5.2 Current legal status (around ble time, and gives the most effective cover- Australia) age, is essential. Possibly, the most important requirement is to secure the participation of the landholders in these drives and the con- 5.2.1 Legislation tinuation of control work afterwards.’ The legal status of dingoes and other wild Over the years, this approach has been dogs varies between States and Territories refined, promoted and increasingly adopted, (Table 4). This status affects the control mea- as outlined in Section 5.1.3. sures that are applied and the level of coop- eration between individuals and groups. 5.1.3 Historical /past organisation of control Western Australia Since European settlement, two organisa- Dingoes and hybrids are ‘declared animals’ tional levels of wild dog control have exist- under the Agriculture and Related Resources ed: Protection Act 1976 and are placed into Categories A4, A5 and A6. These categorisa- • By 1889, all mainland States had enacted tions are determined by the Agriculture legislation to facilitate the control of wild Protection Board (APB) and are administered dogs (Breckwoldt 1988). Semi-govern- by Agriculture Western Australia (AGWEST). ment administrative structures, usually Populations must be controlled and animals governed by boards of local landholders,

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 75 cannot be introduced or kept in captivity South Australia except in approved institutions or under a permit which carries specific conditions. Dingoes and hybrids are ‘proclaimed’ pests Although category A5 requires that popula- under the Animal and Plant Control Board tions should be controlled throughout the (Agricultural Protection and Other State, it is recognised that dingoes pose no Purposes) Act 1986 in the sheep zone south threat in vast areas beyond the limits of pas- of the Dog Fence (Figure 2). Dingoes must toral or agricultural land. APB policy restricts be controlled and can only be kept there in control activities to stocked land and its authorised zoos and wildlife parks. Monies immediate environs. Domestic dogs (run for the control of dingoes (Dingo Control wild, feral, or being at large) are classified in Fund) is levied from all landholders with Category A5, meaning that they must be con- more than ten square kilometres and is trolled. In municipal areas, domestic dogs are matched by the government. covered by the Dog Act 1976. North of the dog fence the dingo is regarded Dingoes are covered by the Western Australian as a legitimate wildlife species and although Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, administered unprotected, is afforded a level of protection by the Department of Conservation and Land by the South Australian Dingo Policy Management (CALMWA). Under this Act, they (Animal and Plant Control Commission have been listed as ‘unprotected fauna’, 1993). This policy was formulated in 1977 although they are not subject to control in fauna with input from the Vertebrate Pests Control reserves and National Parks without appropri- Authority (now Animal and Plant Control ate consultation between CALMWA, landhold- Commission), pastoralists, the Dog Fence ers and AGWEST. Despite the declared pest sta- Board, the Pastoral Board and the Australian tus of dingoes outside conservation estates, Conservation Foundation. Beyond a 35 kilo- they are not controlled over most of their range. metre-wide baited buffer zone, conservation of dingoes is enhanced by restrictions to Part of the funding for wild dog control in ground baiting, prohibition of aerial baiting pastoral areas of Western Australia is derived and phasing out of bounties. from rates levied on pastoral leases matched by government funds. The Dog Fence Board, under the Dog Fence Act 1946, administers maintenance of the Northern Territory 2178 kilometre dog fence. Funding is shared equally between the Government and land- Dingoes are undeclared in all areas of the holders receiving protection of the fence. Northern Territory (Table 4). They are unprotected in all areas of the Northern Queensland Territory outside parks, reserves, sanctuaries, wilderness zones and the Arnhem Land Dingoes and other wild dogs are declared Aboriginal Reserve (Parks and Wildlife pests under the Rural Lands Protection Act Conservation Act 1993). Although there is 1985. The responsibility for wild dog control no obligation on landholders to control in Queensland lies with landholders and is them, the Parks and Wildlife Commission administered by the Land Protection Branch organises aerial and ground control pro- of the Department of Natural Resources grams if requested by graziers. The dingo (QDNR) and local governments. Dingoes has been protected within national parks and dingo hybrids can only be kept with and nature reserves since 1984 when din- ministerial approval and this is restricted to goes were removed from the declared ver- zoos and wildlife parks. The Queensland min list. The Aboriginal Land Rights barrier fence (about 2500 kilometres long) (Northern Territory) Act 1976 requires that (Figure 2) and funding for its maintenance traditional owners be consulted before any has averaged around 60% from State funds wild dog management programs are under- and 40% from ‘precepts’ (levees) charged taken on their lands. Dingoes are unprotect- within the ‘benefited area’ over the long ed in Arnhem Land Aboriginal Reserve. term. Local governments also maintain a number of smaller ‘check’ fences. A team of

76 Bureau of Rural Sciences people employed by QDNR is responsible Elsewhere they were ‘declared vermin’ as were for the continued maintenance of the fence. all wild dogs under the Vermin and Noxious Weeds Act 1958 and, since its repeal, under the New South Wales Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. Landholders have a legal obligation to control The Act to Consolidate the Acts for the declared animals on land they own or occupy. Protection of Pastures and Live Stock from the Depredations of Noxious Animals 1898 Tasmania in New South Wales declared certain animals including ‘native dogs’ noxious and obliged There have never been dingoes in Tasmania land owners to control them. The Pastures and the import of dingoes is banned along Protection Act 1939 reiterated this position as with a schedule of other exotic animals did the Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 and (National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970). the Rural Lands Protection (Amendment) Punitive action against feral and commensal Acts 1994 and 1997. The wild dog policy of dogs preying upon livestock is covered the National Parks and Wildlife Service under the Dog Control Act 1987. (National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974) effectively protects dingoes within national parks and nature reserves, and the dingo is 5.3 Current management recognised as a native species under the strategies Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. The Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 allows 5.3.1 Threats to livestock wild dogs to be declared as pest animals and requires that the government be responsible It is now widely accepted that the threat to for their management on government lands. livestock from wild dogs comes from within Dingoes can be kept as pets under the the stocked areas and immediately adjacent restrictions of the Companion Animals Act ‘refuge’ areas. This has been supported by 1998. considerable scientific research (Section 2.4). In the Western Division of New South Wales, With the increasing need to achieve the opti- the WDDB administers the control of wild mum cost-effectiveness of control work, the dogs and is responsible for the maintenance message to managers about confining work of the 584 kilometres of the Dog Fence to high-risk areas becomes even more attrac- (Figure 2). The Board was established under tive. This coincides with a greater public the Wild Dog Destruction Act 1921 and is interest in the preservation of dingoes funded by rates on Western Division land- (Chapter 3), and a greater public scrutiny of holdings and State Government subsidies. lethal control methods (Chapter 4). One of the major changes in management Australian Capital Territory strategies has been the abandonment of the bounty system in some States and Territories The Nature Conservation Act 1980 in the (Section 5.1.1). Many of the arguments sur- Australian Capital Territory defines protected rounding bounties are well recognised, species in the Territory which includes din- although it is worthwhile emphasising several goes. Control of wild dogs, including din- that have undoubtedly hampered effective goes, on private lands is allowed subject to a wild dog control in the past, and may well still permit authorising the killing of a protected do so in some areas. Apart from the encour- species being issued by Environment ACT. agement of fraudulent practices, the payment of bonuses encourages a ‘scalp count’ mental- Victoria ity. This can result in the targeting of areas where dogs are easy to catch, rather than In Victoria, dingoes are offered some protec- areas where dogs are posing the greatest risks tion within the lands administered under the to livestock. As well, bounties clearly encour- National Parks Act 1975 through the Wild Dog age the use of techniques that yield easily- Policy of the National Parks and Conservation found carcasses (trapping, shooting, and the Reserves Guidelines and Procedures Manual.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 77 use of inappropriate poisons). There is strong • Conducting control work in buffer areas evidence in Western Australia that the use of immediately adjacent to stocked pad- highly efficient 1080 baiting is not undertaken docks, to provide a sink for dispersing by some operators because carcasses are sel- wild dogs to settle before they reach the dom found (Chapter 6). Success of control paddocks. operations should be measured by a reduc- • The application of control on a larger tion or elimination of livestock losses, not by scale and integrating the efforts of differ- a scalp count. ent groups. ‘Success of control • An increased use of aerial and ground operations should be measured by baiting with 1080 as cost-effective, strate- a reduction or elimination of gic control methods. livestock losses, not by • Less reliance on professional doggers and a scalp count.’ the bounty system than previously (although bounties are still paid in Queensland, the Western Division of New The one exception to the general failure of South Wales, and parts of Western bounties in preventing livestock losses is the Australia). case of affected landholders paying large bounties for the destruction of identifiable • Acts and policies to protect dingoes within dogs responsible for extensive predation on national parks and similar fauna reserves sheep (that is a ‘rogue animal’ bounty or in some States and Territories providing a ‘smart’ bounty, Hassall and Associates 1998). legislative framework by which dingoes Because ‘rogue’ animals have often thwarted can be conserved. considerable attempts to kill them, they may take a long time to catch, and although the 5.3.2 Attacks on people sums offered may appear large ($100–$1000, E. Lackey, Rural Lands Protection Board Wild dogs which come into close contact (New South Wales), Inverell, pers. comm. with people may become aggressive (Section 1984), the effort required to catch the offend- 3.7). Authorities have attempted to manage ing dog(s) and the cost of their impact may such problems through culling and/or legis- also be large. This happens on a case-by- lation to control the feeding of wild dogs and case basis and is different from the standard through a public education program. bounty system. Warnings about the dangers (to humans) of feeding wild dogs and seeking close contact All of these factors have driven control are sometimes provided in signs and authorities to adopt cost-effective, target- brochures. People, especially children, who specific and humane control techniques and live in areas where wild dogs (including din- strategies. The major features of current wild goes) are present, need to be taught safe and dog management in Australia are sum- appropriate behaviour towards dogs. marised below: In addition to culling, methods to minimise • A strategic approach to management, with wild dog–human interactions in tourist areas an emphasis on identifying and concen- may include aversive conditioning techniques trating control in areas where stock are at that educate dingoes to avoid specific areas risk. (Tauchmann 1998). For example, food scraps • A streamlined control effort to reflect the spiked with lithium chloride, which if eaten degree of risk (the objective in sheep will cause dingoes to vomit, can be placed grazing areas being to keep paddocks around camp grounds. Similarly, devices free of wild dogs, with less stringent which emit high pitched sounds and impinge requirements in the case of cattle enter- on the dingo’s sensitive hearing might be a prises). deterrent; as are electric shocks administered by modified cattle prodders (dingo prodders) or electrified fences (Bird 1994). Other deter- rents include weapons that fire kinetic energy

78 Bureau of Rural Sciences rounds (sting balls), bean bags, or sponge car- the Dog Fence. Dingoes remain proclaimed tridges (containing an irritant) (English and pests in the 40% of the State inside the dingo Taske 1998). The effectiveness of all these fence. New South Wales protects dingoes approaches for deterring dingoes is largely only in national parks and the conservation unevaluated (Section 8.7). estate, as does the Australian Capital Territory. Dingoes remain ‘declared pests’ 5.3.3 Conservation of dingoes subject to various levels of control through- out Queensland, Victoria and parts of (i) Public and government Western Australia. Any new laws on the keeping of dingoes by the general public education should take into account the fact that such Education programs are required to help general ownership will increase the rate of people recognise the dingo as a native hybridisation (Corbett in press). Australian species, understand its ecological Governments can also use improved knowl- role and its plight, and push for policies to edge of dingo ecology to instigate better con- retain it as part of Australia’s national her- trol methods. For example, the Northern itage. Territory Government was the first to stop annual broadscale aerial baiting and the ‘Governments can use improved Western Australian Government drew on new knowledge of dingo ecology to knowledge about dingo movements to set up instigate better control methods.’ buffer zones (nominally two dingo territories wide) between pastoral and wilderness areas.

To prevent hybridisation, people who wish (ii) Dingo preservation societies to keep pure dingoes or hybrids as pets should require permits and these animals The Australian National Kennel Council should be neutered. Hybridisation would (ANKC) is a co-ordinating body for State and also be reduced if domestic dogs kept in out- Territory canine controlling organisations. The back mining towns, outback cattle stations ANKC recognises the dingo as an official dog and Aboriginal settlements in wilderness breed and has adopted it as Australia's national areas such as Jabiru in Kakadu National Park, breed with the proviso that exhibition, breed- were neutered unless they are specifically ing or ownership of dingoes is not allowed in kept for breeding. However, introducing States where these activities are prohibited. In such changes would require extensive con- some States, preservation societies (such as sultation with dog owners in these places. the Australian Native Dog Conservation State and Territory governments can play Society Ltd at Bargo, the Australian Dingo their part here by recognising the overall role Conservation Association Incorporated at dingoes and other wild dogs play in wilder- Erindale in New South Wales and the Dingo ness and pastoral areas, and by legislating Farm at Chewton in Victoria) legally obtain accordingly. The Northern Territory dingoes to preserve and enjoy them. The phi- removed dingoes from the pest list in 1976 losophy and attitude of such societies is but does not protect them, except in parks, admirable and their aims can be achieved if reserves and in Arnhem Land. In South they take a united and scientifically valid Australia in 1977, dingoes north of the Dog approach. This is being done by the Bargo and Fence (60% of the State) were declassified as Erindale groups that are collaborating with pests, but not protected. Survival of the researchers at the University of New South dingo is ensured by restricting the availability Wales (Barry Oakman, Australian Dingo of organised baiting campaigns to certain Conservation Association Incorporated, New areas and to times when dingoes are present South Wales, pers. comm. 1999). Otherwise in excessively high numbers and causing dingoes may become inbred or the artificial hardship for cattle producers. No bounties environment and selective breeding may dis- are paid on dingo scalps and trapping and courage the natural selection of wild charac- the aerial laying of baits is prohibited outside teristics. The best scientific knowledge must

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 79 be used to ascertain the dingo's general and • Most importantly, considerable effort be specific characteristics and this knowledge made to win over members and support- should be derived from samples collected ers of the pastoral industries, particularly over most of the dingo's huge geographic those in the sheep industry. Accordingly, range in Australia and Asia. the interested bodies should assist govern- With agreement from ANKC affiliated State ments to pass legislation that not only and Territory canine councils or associations ensures the preservation of pure dingoes, and the dingo preservation societies, a nation- but safeguards the credibility of preserva- al register of dingoes and breeders could be tion societies and combats the chicanery constituted. The following recommendations that unscrupulous 'dingo breeders' might would ensure that only pure dingoes were employ. registered: (iii) Island refugia • Registered dingo breeders ensure that their stock comprises only pure dingoes. It is unlikely that most Australian mainland At present, this can only be done using habitats will stay or become free of hybrids, skull measurements from dead animals so that large offshore islands and other refu- supported by coat colours and breeding gia offer the best hope of preserving pure patterns. In future, dingoes may be dingoes in their natural habitat (Corbett assessed for purity by DNA fingerprinting 1995a). There are many islands around the techniques (Wilton et al. 1999) or possibly Australian coastline, representing many cli- by skull measurements from x-rays of live mates and habitats, excepting hot deserts. dingoes. Some, such as Fraser Island, Melville Island and Groote Eylandt, are large enough for • Only verified pure dingoes be included on dingoes to live and breed in natural condi- the national register; that is, animals tions. whose parents are both from a pure dingo breeding line confirmed by the skull mea- Hybrids would need to be eliminated. Dingo surements or DNA analysis of the found- populations would need to be managed so that ing parents of that line. During the initial they did not over-exploit their natural food years when stocks of proven pure dingoes supply and crash. Also, local regulations ban- ning the hand-feeding of dingoes must be are low, care must be taken to minimise enacted and strictly adhered to; otherwise inbreeding and other genetic problems. It many dingoes will not only become depen- should be a registration requirement that dent on food handouts but also become accus- the purity of every third generation of tomed to the close presence of humans. This each breeding line is confirmed by refer- increases the risk of dingoes annoying or biting ence to skull measurements. people. Management plans, such as the one • The overseeing canine controlling bodies, developed for Fraser Island (Queensland Parks dingo preservation societies and registered and Wildlife Service 1999), are essential for the breeders be encouraged to educate the management of dingo populations on island general public about the plight of dingoes refugia. and the measures being taken to preserve Islands do not necessarily need to be off- them. This education should include the shore. They could be islands of well-protect- responsibilities and problems of keeping ed and maintained sanctuaries on the main- dingoes in captivity and the reasons why land, which would have the advantage of most people would not qualify to keep a additional habitats, such as deserts, not avail- dingo. In addition, close collaboration with able on offshore islands. Such sanctuaries the Royal Society for the Prevention of already exist on the mainland for conserva- Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and other dog tion of endangered mammals and birds 'shelters' should be established to ensure (Wamsley 1998). that suspected dingoes and hybrids are culled rather than 'recycled' to members of the public.

80 Bureau of Rural Sciences Environment Australia on Commonwealth land Export not permitted P National Parks Controlled where impact demonstrated Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports) (Amendment) Act 1995 TAS Commonwealth

National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970; Act Dog Control 1987 Import prohibited Dingoes protected Department of Primary Industries, and Water Environment Not present Import prohibited Subject to control iged to control; U= Undeclared animal ACT

= Not declared noxious within lands managed by some Nature Conservation Act 1980; Dog Control Act 1975 It is an offence to kill these animals ACT Parks and Conservation Service P Dangerous dogs may be destroyed

Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994; Act National Parks 1975 Obliged to control in pastoral areas Department of Natural Resources and Environment D pastoral areas N National Parks D

Animal and Plant Control (Agricultural Protection and Other Purposes) Act 1986 Obliged to control in sheep pastoral areas Animal and Plant Control Commission D inside barrier fence N other areas D NT SA VIC 1 1

Territory Parks Territory and Wildlife Conservation Act 1993 No obligation to control or protect Parks and Wildlife Commission U U WA Obliged to reduce/control numbers where causing damage Agriculture Western Australia D pastoral areas N National Parks D Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976; Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 NSW

D pastoral areas N NPWS land Wild dog Destruction Act 1921; National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974; Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995; Rural Lands Protection (Amendment) Act 1998; Companion Animals Act 1998 Obliged to control in pastoral areas NSW Agriculture; Rural Lands Protection Boards QLD

Rural Lands Protection Act (1985); Nature Conservation Act 1996 Landholders required to control in all areas D whole State DD Department of Natural Resources; local government Australian legislation and policies for dingoes other wild dogs. D= Declared animal which land owners and occupiers are obl Landowner or occupier responsibility continued over page Relevant legislation Status of dingoes Status of wild dogs which land owners and occupiers have no obligation to control or protect; P= Protected animal which it is an offenceor which land owners and occupiers have no obligation to control to kill; N State agencies; some protection afforded to dingoes either through policy or in practice. Table 4: Table Agencies responsible for management

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 81 No TAS Commonwealth No No Yes ACT No ion of baiting costs. Government finance is not available under Wildlife Acts. Wildlife ess zones and the Arnhem Land Aboriginal Reserve. No No NT SA VIC No WA Yes (Pilbara and Yes Gascoyne/ Murchison) NSW Western Division Western only Yes Yes No No Yes No QLD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 2 4 3 Dingoes are undeclared in all areas of the Northern Territory and are unprotected outside parks, reserves,Dingoes are undeclared in all areas of the Northern sanctuaries, wildern Territory Bonuses paid on presentation of proof destruction a wild dog; usually scalp. are not under Conservation or Government assistance to control wild dogs provided through barrier fence maintenance, the employment of doggers and subsidisat Coordinated control groups are encouraged or required. Coordinated control Government finance Bonuses paid Table 4 continued Table 1 2 3 4 Conservation Acts. or Wildlife

82 Bureau of Rural Sciences 6. Techniques to measure and manage impact and abundance

Summary domestic dogs, and the threat to the conser- vation goal of maintaining populations of To formulate management plans, some dingoes in reserve areas. measure of trends in dog population densi- ties is required, although an assessment of total numbers is not necessary. Trends in 6.1 Introduction numbers indicate potential predation threats to livestock and allow advance Programs to manage wild dogs need to be action to be taken. Threats vary according strategically based, focusing the effort in to the type of livestock at risk. What may be a areas where the highest risks to livestock ‘safe’ rise in the abundance of wild dogs on occur. Not only is this economically sound, it a cattle station might seriously threaten the also takes account of the conservation status viability of a sheep station. of dingoes in areas where they pose little To assess the effectiveness of programs to hazard to livestock. Vertebrate pest control manage wild dogs, it is essential to monitor programs are coming under increasing the impacts of wild dogs on livestock produc- scrutiny by the public and the need for tion. Although knowledge of trends in wild implementing each program must be soundly dog numbers may assist in determining justified. There is also a need to justify the whether a new management approach is control methods used, not only in economic effective, the most important measure of suc- terms, but also on the grounds of animal cess is a reduction in livestock losses due to welfare (Section 4.2) and hazards to non-tar- wild dogs. get species. The principal techniques to control wild ‘Managers should avoid the dogs are exclusion fencing, shooting, trap- pitfall of continuing with action ping and poisoning. Exclusion fences range that is based on tradition rather from the famous barrier ‘dog fences’ of Australia, which aim to keep wild dogs from than an objective assessment of moving into huge sections of various States, the best options for addressing to shorter fences maintained to protect indi- their current wild dog problem.’ vidual properties. Traditionally, fences have been constructed from wire netting, but This chapter outlines the various techniques electric fences are now used in some areas. that managers can use to effectively plan, Poisoning with 1080 is the most cost-effec- implement and evaluate the effectiveness of tive lethal means of reducing populations of management programs. The range of control wild dogs over large areas of remote or inac- techniques that are available are described, cessible country. Various types of bait are and suggestions are given on the circum- used, with methods of placement ranging stances that warrant their use. Strategies will from burying individual baits to dropping vary from region to region across Australia, baits from aircraft. Trapping is still used for but the fundamental aim of most manage- wild dog control and will probably always ment programs, to protect livestock from be needed to target particular dogs that can- wild dog attacks, will remain the same. not be removed by other means. Managers need to be aware of all options. At present, there are no suitable agents for They should avoid the pitfall of continuing the biological control of wild dogs. Although with a course of action that is based on tradi- in many ways a theoretically attractive con- tion rather than an objective assessment and trol option, biological control would have evaluation of the best options for addressing potential drawbacks, including the risk to their current wild dog problem.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 83 6.2 Estimating abundance packs throughout the area could indicate an increased risk of predation on calves, partic- ularly if coinciding with a decline in the 6.2.1 Background availability of the wild dogs’ usual prey. Wild dogs are elusive, mostly active at dawn, On a broader scale, managers may require a dusk and during the night, have seasonally measure of overall trends in wild dog densi- variable patterns of activity and usually ties, particularly in the ‘refuge’ areas and occur at relatively low densities (Chapter 2). buffer areas adjacent to livestock paddocks. These factors all contribute to the difficulty In these situations, the option of carrying out of obtaining accurate measures of wild dog preventative control is more efficient than abundance. However, measures of absolute undertaking reactive control after damage density are usually not necessary and most has already started. The most practical managers only need a measure of changes in means of measuring changes in population abundance that may result from manage- density is to derive indices of abundance. ment programs or environmental conditions The level of precision of the indices is most (for example, changes in the availability of important. If the inherent variability of the food). Such changes may indicate, for indices is too large, then real changes may instance, that an increasing threat is emerg- remain undetected or changes may be indi- ing, warranting a reallocation of resources or cated when none really occurred. indicate the success or otherwise of a control program. ‘In many instances, Scalp returns are not a good measure of the estimates based on simple abundance of wild dogs because they are counts of footprints, or sightings strongly influenced by the level and type of of wild dogs, provide sufficient control effort. For example, scalps are rarely information on which to base recovered during baiting programs (Section management decisions.’ 6.4.4). Scalp returns may also reflect the expertise of a particular operator, rather than reflecting the number of wild dogs in an In most circumstances, indices of abundance area. Scalp returns would only be a guide to are adequate to assess the effectiveness of a numbers if the same control methods were control program. Indices of abundance are used throughout, and the effort remained also useful for making comparisons between constant. These criteria are seldom met, and sites of the effectiveness of a particular strate- in any event, capture success can decline gy for reducing abundance. If conservation over time as surviving animals become of dingoes is the aim, the long-term numbers increasingly wary. of dingoes must be assessed. Regular mark–recapture assessments of areas with In many instances, estimates of the number pure dingoes, coupled with DNA sampling of wild dogs in an area, based on simple would be required to assess the success of counts of footprints, or sightings of wild such a conservation program. dogs, provide sufficient information on which to base management decisions. In Detailed discussions on techniques and anal- sheep paddocks, for example, the presence yses for measuring population abundance of any wild dogs warrants some control are given in Otis et al. (1978), Caughley effort because sightings of wild dogs are (1980), and Caughley and Sinclair (1994). highly correlated with predation (Fleming Some of the most useful techniques for and Korn 1989) and because once predation deriving counts or indices of wild dog num- commences it will continue until the preda- bers for management purposes are described tor or the sheep are removed (Thomson in the following sections. 1984a). In cattle grazing areas, assessments of potential risk may be related to the size of groups or packs of wild dogs seen in the area. In this case, the regular sighting of large

84 Bureau of Rural Sciences 6.2.2 Sign counts this can influence counts. In both cases, the relationship between actual abundance and Sign counts are often the most suitable meth- the index is assumed rather than known. ods for assessing relative abundance. Faecal Further work to determine the relationship deposits detected by trained ‘sniffer’ dogs can between indices and abundance is required. be used to index abundance (B. Morris, dog- A study is currently being undertaken in the ger, Yass Rural Lands Protection Board (New Eastern Highlands of Victoria which will shed South Wales), pers. comm. 1998), as can foot- light on the relationship for that environment prints. Sign counts can be ‘passive’ (that is, (F. Gigliotti, Department of Natural Resources the animals are detected in their normal and Environment, Victoria, pers. comm. movements without detection altering their 1999). behaviour, for example, faecal deposits per unit time), or ‘active’ (that is, the animals are Many studies of carnivores in North America encouraged by lures to leave their sign at sta- have relied on scent stations to obtain tions, for example, scent stations and bait sta- indices of abundance. These ‘stations’ con- tions, see below). Sign counts can be made sist of an area of cleared ground on which along roads (Allen et al. 1996; Catling et al. tracks can be readily seen, with a scent lure 1997; Edwards et al. 2000), animal tracks and used to attract animals to the site. The princi- creek beds (Fleming et al. 1996) or at ran- ple underlying this method is that the visita- domly-placed or stratified stations (Mahon et tion rates are proportional to animal density. al. 1998). The main problem with ‘passive’ However, visitation of scent stations has indices is that it is often difficult to generate been shown to be independent of density for sample sizes large enough to adequately some species (Smith et al. 1994). Bait stations quantify low-density populations of wild are essentially scent stations modified by dogs. On the other hand, ‘active’ indices may placing a bait in the centre. For canids, it is interfere with normal behaviour patterns and recommended that the baits be covered with

Cleared transects allow track counts to be used as an index of wild dog acitivity (Source: Queensland Rural Lands Protection Board).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 85 soil to avoid removal by birds (Allen et al. and mark–recapture analysis is used to 1989; Thompson and Fleming 1994). determine population size. Likewise in California, DNA residual in faeces has been ‘Further work to determine the used to identify individual mountain lions relationship between indices and (Puma concolor) (Ernest et al. in press). abundance is required.’ DNA recovered from mountain lion saliva left in wounds on bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) can then be matched to individ- Frequency of visitation to both scent stations ual lions identified from faecal DNA (H. and bait stations would be affected by fac- Ernest, University of California, Davis, pers. tors including spacing of individual stations, comm. 2000). Because mountain lions are presentation of baits and attractants, habitat mostly loners, control can then be targeted at differences between sites, frequency of the individuals responsible for killing operations, length of index period and quali- bighorn sheep. In future, problem individual ty of tracking surfaces. These factors should wild dogs might be better targeted through be standardised to facilitate within and DNA analysis of faeces, saliva and tissues between site comparisons. Bait stations can from captured wild dogs. That is, salivary also be used to assess cumulative bait DNA from wounds on sheep identifies the uptake. This can then be used as an abun- individual wild dog; faecal DNA identifies dance estimator. Thompson and Fleming where the wild dog lives and tissue DNA (1994) were able to demonstrate that cumu- confirms that the wild dog killed by con- lative bait uptake data produced reliable trollers was indeed responsible for killing the indices of fox (Vulpes vulpes) abundance, sheep. with low variability. Cyanide baiting is a technique that can be 6.2.3 More detailed counts or used by researchers to generate ‘catch-per- unit-effort’ (CPUE) indices. Algar and Kinnear estimates for research (1992) demonstrated the usefulness of cyanide In most circumstances, indices of abundance baiting to generate CPUE indices of fox abun- are adequate to assess the effectiveness of a dance. The technique has not yet been fully control program as changes in abundance assessed for use with wild dogs. Using the are reflected by changes in the indices. known number of removals obtained by such However, for more detailed estimates of a program, cyanide baiting also has the poten- numbers for specific research studies, other tial for estimation of absolute abundance. This methods are also used. These include is achieved with index–removal–index calcu- mark–recapture studies, where animals are lations (Caughley 1980) using the known live-trapped, marked (tagged and collared number removed in conjunction with before with plain or radio-collars), then released. and after manipulation indices. Estimates are made of the overall population Probably the most detailed information on density when marked animals are either the abundance of a wild dog populations recaptured or re-sighted during specific trap- was obtained during intensive research stud- ping or monitoring phases. Estimates are ies in the Pilbara region of Western Australia affected by the altered behaviour of marked (Thomson et al. 1992b). There, dingoes were animals. Increased wariness after initial cap- radio-collared and observed from aircraft. ture, for example, can produce overesti- Because the dingoes were living in packs, mates of the overall population (Caughley information was obtained on the entire pack 1980). even when only one pack member was col- A novel assessment of population assess- lared. Uncollared packs or individuals were ment that may have potential for monitoring identified by comparing aerial observations wild dogs has been developed for grizzly against data on dingo tracks counted during bears (Ursus arctos) in Canada (Mowat and routine ground surveys. In this way, a reli- Strobeck 2000). DNA profiles are established able tally of total population size was possi- from the hairs of bears that visit a bait site ble over a number of years. Such data are difficult and expensive to obtain.

86 Bureau of Rural Sciences 6.3 Estimating agricultural and of property inspection reports by staff from environmental impacts the relevant land management authority. Maps of such data provide managers with a power- ful tool with which to assess resource alloca- 6.3.1 Agricultural impacts tion to reduce predation impacts. In New South Wales, it is a statutory requirement that Producers need to assess the type and extent records of stock losses be provided by a land- of livestock losses from different causes as a holder when seeking 1080 (sodium fluoroac- first step in deciding how to deal with them. etate) baits for emergency baiting. Such Measuring the impact of wild dogs on live- reports can be included in regional maps. stock production has always been difficult. Part of the problem is that, in rangeland ‘Where there are areas with areas in particular, there is little intensive husbandry of livestock. Musters are infre- similar environments and quent, stock are regularly seen only at production systems where wild waters, and the remains of animals killed by dogs are controlled and dogs are generally undetected. Often the first uncontrolled the effectiveness indication of dog attacks is finding injured of control can be assessed.’ animals at waters or during musters. In addi- tion, livestock losses from other natural caus- To obtain scientific estimates of reductions in es, including reproductive failure, can rarely predation losses under a particular control be quantified, making it difficult to deduce strategy, comparisons must be made losses due to dogs based purely on muster between at least two similar areas over a tallies. Further, information is usually number of years. One area must have no obtained from areas where some form of control and the other uses the control strate- wild dog control is being carried out, making gy (Hone 1994). This accounts for seasonal it difficult to deduce what the impact may variation in wild dog activity and avoids con- have been in the absence of any control trol strategies being erroneously deemed work (Section 3.1). successful or unsuccessful when the cause of In earlier scientific studies, there was a ten- changes in predation is seasonal. Obviously, dency to make deductions from dietary anal- it is unlikely that sheep producers would ysis about the likely impact that wild dogs allow wild dogs to go uncontrolled and so had on livestock (Whitehouse 1977). there will always be an element of doubt in However, such interpretations are generally assessing the success of a program. In the not reliable, because wild dogs do not extensive cattle areas of northern always eat the animals they kill. Neither is Queensland, there are areas with similar cli- the relative abundance of predators and prey mates, environments and production sys- known so that a small occurrence of live- tems where wild dogs are controlled and stock in the faeces may represent a substan- uncontrolled. In these cases, the effective- tial livestock loss if there are many wild dogs ness of control can be assessed (Allen and present. In addition, wild dogs cause losses Gonzalez 1998). such as wounding and mismothering which are not reflected in stomach or scat samples Recognising predation (Section 3.1; Thomson 1984a; 1992c). On an individual property scale, landholders Various surveys have been undertaken in an need to be aware of how to determine losses attempt to quantify predation losses, generally due to predation. A number of factors to over broad regions (Section 3.1; Fleming and look for are summarised in Box 1. This infor- Korn 1989). These have the limitations of any mation is derived from direct observations of survey (for example, variable response rate, radio-collared dingoes in sheep paddocks in inaccurate estimations), although they can Western Australia (Thomson 1984a), though give a largely objective indication of where much of it is also applicable to predation on problems occur and trends over time. It is rec- cattle and other livestock. ommended that these data be collected as part

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 87 Skinning of carcasses reveals the extent of wild dog attack and, particularly for woolly sheep, may be necessary to confirm whether a wild dog fed on the carcass post-mortem or was the cause of death (Source: (a) P. Thomson, (b) L. Corbett).

88 Bureau of Rural Sciences Box 1: Recognising wild dog predation of sheep

Carcasses found (sheep aged often found caked on the hind legs. The more than six months) pattern made by blood flowing down the legs while the sheep was still upright can Signs — Depending on the type of ground be clearly distinguished from blood or flu- and the amount of time elapsed since the ids which may flow as a result of feeding, attack, tracks may be found indicating a decomposition, or animals feeding on a struggle. Both the wild dog and its prey carcass (Figure 11b). Saliva, even when often leave deep prints with toes spread dry, can sometimes be seen on the wool of out. Freshly broken vegetation, often hold- attacked sheep. ing tufts of wool, is sometimes found at the site of the attack. Pieces of wool with Skinning the throat and hind legs is often patches of torn skin attached, as well as sufficient to reveal hidden damage. Tooth blood trails, are good indicators of preda- punctures in the hide, subcutaneous tion by wild dogs. Often, however, scav- bleeding, bruising and tissue damage will engers obscure the tracks and other signs. indicate wild dog attack (Figure 11c). The presence of dog tracks at a carcass External signs of tissue damage due to does not necessarily mean predation was feeding or scavenging activities can be the cause of death, particularly if the tracks readily confirmed in a fresh carcass by are more recent than the carcass. such simple dissection. Tissue damage caused after death will show no bruising or Position of carcass — In the hotter, arid bleeding as this only occurs if the animal is regions, sheep dying from natural causes bitten while still alive. usually die in shady places, sometimes near water. A carcass found out in the Decomposition and/or scavenger damage open, away from available shade can indi- can mask the cause of death in older car- cate predation. In the same way, the age casses. Often, however, blood-stained and condition of the sheep can give a clue wool still remains (especially on the lower to predation — if young and apparently legs which often dry out intact). Again, healthy sheep are found dead, this often care must be taken to ensure that decom- indicates predator attacks. position fluids are not mistaken for blood. Depending on the carcass age, dissection Carcass examination — Although wild is often warranted, as bruised tissue can dogs usually attack from the rear as they still be distinguished from undamaged tis- pursue their prey, they generally kill by sue in a decomposing carcass. Provided bites to the throat, damaging the trachea that the skin is still intact, simply pulling and the major blood vessels of the neck. out the wool can often reveal damage. Blood and puncture marks on the throat Puncture wounds in the throat will be are therefore good evidence of wild dog uncovered in this manner (Figure 11d). predation. Blood is often found at the mouth and nose, although care should be Carcasses found (sheep aged less taken to distinguish this from other body than six months) fluids that drain from a decomposing car- cass (Figure 11a). There are no predators in Australia apart Attacks from behind result in injury to the from wild dogs that are large enough to sheep’s hind legs. Inexperienced wild inflict the sort of damage to adult sheep dogs, or those attacking without any described above. In the case of sheep apparent motivation to feed, frequently younger than about six months of age, inflict considerable damage to the hind end however, the situation is often more com- of the sheep. This often leads to its death plex. Many young lambs die from causes after the event. In these cases, blood is other than predation, and predators are often suspected as a result of scavenging

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 89 on already dead or moribund lambs. To Sheep showing signs of injury should be verify predation, dissection must show examined for bite marks and blood, partic- haemorrhage and bruising as described for ularly on the hind parts. As noted above, adult sheep (other methods can be used to wild dogs often bite the hindquarters, determine whether the lamb was healthy causing easily identified injuries. Rams use and likely to have survived in the absence their horns to deter wild dogs from frontal of predation; Saunders et al. 1995). attacks and tend to suffer more rear attacks than other sheep. A torn scrotum or some- A further complicating factor in relation to times even complete castration may be lambs is that predators other than wild found (Figure 11e). dogs can be involved. It can be difficult to distinguish between fox and wild dog pre- Damage to the head or neck area of sheep dation on lambs. The size of bites and usually results in a quick death, so almost puncture marks probably provide the most invariably animals found with these reliable guide, dogs having much larger injuries are already dead. Any doubts and more widely spaced canine teeth. about the cause of substantial injuries can Although foxes often tend to feed from the be easily solved by post-mortem examina- heads of lambs, there are variations in the tion. behaviour of both individual foxes and Occasionally sheep bearing scars or fresh wild dogs that sometimes make definite bite marks from wild dog attacks are discov- predator identification difficult. ered, particularly at shearing (Figure 11f). Care should be taken to distinguish bite Injured sheep found marks from shearing or wire scars. Few Injured sheep are sometimes found in sheep recover from severe wild dog-inflicted areas where wild dogs are active. Sheep injuries; blood loss, shock, infection and that have been bitten often drift towards inhibited movement are probably the most the rear of a mob, and can frequently be important factors in later death (Figure 11g). seen hobbling behind. They sometimes Injured lambs are rarely found in range- remain close to water, although if the land areas, as they seldom survive a wild injuries are severe they may be unable to dog attack. In areas of prime lamb produc- move at all. tion in eastern Australia, a number of lambs may be injured or killed by wild dogs while the accompanying ewes are left unscathed.

90 Bureau of Rural Sciences a e

b f

c g


Figure 11: Dingo predation on sheep showing: (a) ewe killed by dingoes, note blood on ground but little external damage apparent; (b) sheep attacked at rear end, note pattern of blood stain which took place when sheep was standing; (c) skin revealing tooth punctures, bleeding and tissue damage, clearly distinguishable from undamaged portions of the carcass; (d) tooth punctures and bruising revealed in a decomposing carcass by pulling out neck wool; (e) ram with damaged scrotum following dingo attack; (f) scrotum of ram showing scars from a previous dingo attack; (g) sheep severely injured by dingo attack that would not have survived (Source: P. Thomson).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 91 a b

c d

(a) Traditional form of dog fence which is prone to breaching and expensive to construct and maintain (Source: P. Fleming); (b) Electric fence replacing old netting fence behind (Source: P. Bird, Animal and Plant Control Commission, South Australia); (c) Solar panel providing charge for electric fence (Source: P. Bird, Animal and Plant Control Commission, South Australia); (d) An alternative to a full electric fence is the placement of electrified outriggers (Source: Queensland Rural Lands Protection Board).

92 Bureau of Rural Sciences Indirect losses the environment has been subjected to, din- goes and prey would be expected to remain Estimating losses caused by general harass- in an ecological balance. Only in situations ment and mismothering is difficult. where a remnant population of a particularly Mismothering is the most significant cause of vulnerable prey species was at risk of extinc- neonatal lamb loss in merino sheep but it is tion might a deliberate reduction of dingo difficult to distinguish from that caused by numbers be considered (Section 3.6). wild dog harassment. Producers sometimes Predation impact would be estimated by become aware of the presence of wild dogs observing and monitoring populations of the in sheep paddocks by observing unusual prey species. In these situations, the sec- behaviour of sheep, such as sheep avoiding ondary effects of any predator control cam- usually favoured grazing areas, or exhibiting paign must be considered. There is some evi- panicky behaviour. Wild dogs sometimes dence, for example, that the removal of din- chase sheep through fences into waterless goes has resulted in an increase in the num- areas, causing further indirect losses. Such ber of foxes in some areas (Sections 2.10.1 instances can sometimes be positively identi- and 3.6). If this occurs, these smaller preda- fied by tracking back to where the chase tors may pose a greater threat than dingoes to took place. some native mammals. ‘Long-term branding figures with coincident data on wild dog 6.4 Control techniques control can reveal a predation A variety of control techniques are available effect not apparent from to manage the impact of wild dogs on live- carcass counts.’ stock production. These include the famous ‘dog fences’ of eastern Australia which aim Evidence of wild dog predation of cattle may to physically exclude dogs from the livestock be carcasses (rarely), lower-than-expected grazing areas, the laying of poison baits, as numbers of calves at branding, or numbers well as specific techniques such as trapping of injured or scarred calves or weaners at and shooting to remove individual animals. muster. The latter may be indicative of indi- In many cases, a combination of methods rect production losses that are not evident may be used. Choice of control technique from livestock audits. For example, in the depends on a number of variables, such as coastal hinterland of eastern Australia, calves the type and value of livestock being protect- injured by wild dogs seldom recover from ed, the presence of, and the potential risks bites that invariably become infected and fly to, non-target animals posed by each control blown (P. Fleming pers. obs., 1989–91). If technique, the size of the area being protect- calves recover, they usually remain ed, the accessibility of the terrain and the unsaleable even after a considerable conva- humaneness of the technique. The manage- lescence. Long-term branding figures with ment strategies developed for a particular coincident data on wild dog control can region (Chapters 3 and 5) will take these fac- sometimes reveal a pattern suggesting a pre- tors into account, along with an assessment dation effect not apparent from carcass of the cost-effectiveness of the various counts (Allen and Gonzalez, 1998). options.

6.3.2 Environmental impacts 6.4.1 Exclusion fencing The exact nature of past and present impacts Exclusion fencing remains a popular method of wild dogs on native fauna is unclear to prevent the incursions of wild dogs into (Sections 3.2 and 3.6). In areas where there is sheep-grazing lands. Fencing ranges from a conservation goal to maintain dingoes, it the famous ‘barrier’ or ‘dog fences’ (Section must be accepted that there will be predation 5.1), which aim to keep wild dogs from mov- on native species. Depending on the size of ing into huge sections of various States, to the area, and the degree of disturbance that

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 93 Figure 12: A wire-netting wild dog-proof fence in north-eastern New South Wales. The fence has a single electrified outrigger wire and logs placed at the bottom to prevent damage by macropods (Source: P. Fleming).

Figure 13: New wire-netting fences like this one are rarely constructed because of the cost. The fence is 1.8 metres high with the bottom half constructed with rabbit-proof netting and the top with lighter, marsupial-proof netting. A 25 centimetre flap of rabbit-proof netting is either buried or laid flat on the ground to prevent wild dogs, rabbits and macropods from digging under the fence (Source: P. Fleming).

94 Bureau of Rural Sciences shorter fences maintained to protect individ- ual or groups of properties. Traditionally, exclusion fences have been constructed from wire netting, but electric fences are now used in some areas. Netting barrier fences are usually about 1.8 metres high, constructed either entirely from marsupial netting or with the bottom half rabbit-proof netting (Figure 12). To prevent wild dogs getting under the fence, approximately 30 centimetres of netting is turned out (and sometimes buried) at the bottom on the wild dog side of the fence. These fences are expensive to construct ($8500 per kilometre; Bird et al. 1997). Marsupial netting is no longer manufactured and new fence designs using 1.8 metre high prefabricated deer fenc- ing have been developed (Figure 13) at a Snare trap being dug in beside a fence along which cost of $5000 per kilometre for materials only wild dog movement is likely (Source: Queensland Rural (B. Harden, unpublished data 1999). Lands Protection Board). Recently, effective all-electric barrier fences ‘The electrified have been developed in South Australia as a outrigger proved to be a relatively cheaper alternative to traditional netting inexpensive method of increasing fences (Bird et al. 1997). A number of the security of older fences.’ designs were tested and the researchers found that simple, upright seven or eight- wire, 975 millimetre-high electrified fences The security of 35 kilometres of netting barrier excluded most dingoes. The most effective fencing under landholder management in design was a seven-wire upright fence, with north-eastern New South Wales was exam- 900 millimetre-wide wire netting placed to a ined monthly for two years (B. Harden, height of 400 millimetres, with the remaining unpublished data 1991–93). Fence mainte- 500 millimetres turned out on the ground to nance was inadequate on four of the six prop- form a skirt on the dingo side of the fence. erties (there was a hole a wild dog could use Two of the four wires above the netting were on average every 60 metres) and on some electrified. This fence cost $3700 per kilome- properties maintenance tended to be left until tre and excluded dingoes for the 69 months stock were killed. On average, a new hole of the trial. A cheaper alternative ($2700 per was made in each kilometre of fence every 18 kilometre) that prevented dingo incursions days. Approximately one-third of holes were for 46 months was a 10-wire electric fence made below ground level and another third with the bottom 4 wires sloping to the dingo just above ground level. Almost all (93%) side of the fence at an angle of 45o to the ver- were caused by animals, predominantly tical. Bird et al. (1997) concluded that the macropods, echidnas (Tachyglossus aculea- maintenance cost of this fence was likely to tus), wild dogs and foxes. Wild dogs regularly be less than that for the fence with the net- moved through the fence on four properties, ting, particularly in areas where corrosion although not all incursions resulted in stock rates are high. losses. Sheep were killed on three properties, including one with a well-maintained fence. The increased security provided by adding The wild dog responsible for losses on the lat- an electrified outrigger near ground level on ter property crossed the fence on an adjoining the wild dog side of existing old netting bar- property then moved between properties rier fencing has also been evaluated (B. inside the fence, illustrating the need for Harden, unpublished data 1992–94). An cooperation between neighbours in fence electrified wire was added to alternate one maintenance. kilometre lengths of six kilometres of barrier

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 95 fence in north-eastern New South Wales, and Well-designed netting and electric barrier the fence was inspected and repaired fences are expensive to erect and to maintain monthly for two years. The electrified wire but offer relatively continual protection from was run on Insultimber™ posts 300 millime- wild dog predation if well maintained. tres from the fence and 210 millimetres Adequate maintenance is the crucial issue; above the ground. There was an earth return without this, the fence may do little more wire 50 millimetres above the ground and than create a false sense of security. the barrier fence netting was also connected to the energiser earth. This wire spacing was wide enough to prevent trapping (and 6.4.2 Shooting killing) echidnas under the electrified wire while preventing dingoes from reaching the Wild dogs are seldom seen during the day bottom of the barrier fence without contact- and are especially wary where they are sub- ing the live wire. The rate of hole formation ject to persecution by humans. Shooting is was lower in almost all months in the sec- therefore generally regarded as an oppor- tions of electrified fence (average one hole tunistic method of wild dog control (Harden per ten days per kilometre) than the non- and Robertshaw 1987). Exceptions to this are electrified sections (one hole per six days situations where hunters ‘howl up’ and then per kilometre). Macropods, echidnas and shoot wild dogs or where a particular dog foxes caused the majority of holes. In the establishes a regular pattern of visiting a par- two years of study, no dingoes or foxes ticular paddock or site and can be specifical- breached the electrified sections from the ly targeted. Organised wild dog ‘drives’, outside, whereas four holes were made by where wild dogs are flushed into a line of dingoes, and five by foxes, in the non-elec- shooters, were often unsuccessful and are trified sections. now rarely undertaken. However, excep- tions may occur. For example, a respondent The total cost of the electrified outrigger was to a survey by Fleming in 1985 (P. Fleming, $900 per kilometre. This proved to be a rela- unpublished data 1985) told of 40 men, in tively inexpensive method of increasing the response to sheep losses over a period of security of older fences. Although the elec- months and unsuccessful trapping and poi- tric fencing components required little main- soning campaigns, undertaking a dog drive tenance, the annual cost of maintaining the in which only one wild dog was shot. No fur- barrier fence itself was high. Most of this was ther sheep were killed for several months, the labour cost of inspecting the fence, so indicating that the control was successful the annual cost was largely a function of the and the benefits made the effort worthwhile. number of inspections. The annual cost of Generally, shooting is not an appropriate weekly inspections was $230 per kilometre technique to reduce populations of wild of fence while the annual cost of monthly dogs over extensive areas. inspections was only $80 per kilometre. The ‘best’ inspection interval is a trade-off ‘Generally, shooting is not an between security and cost. appropriate technique to reduce One of the most important but often neglect- populations of wild dogs over ed aspects of electric fencing is proper earth- extensive areas.’ ing. Australian soils are usually very dry and are poor conductors, so electric fences will not work effectively unless they are properly A .22 calibre rifle is suitable for the humane earthed. For the control of wild dogs, it is destruction of wild dogs caught in traps. For recommended that one or more earth return free-ranging wild dogs, a high-powered cen- wires be incorporated in the design to over- tre-fire rifle should be used (minimum .222 come poor soil conductivity; dogs contacting calibre). The head or chest should be targeted, both the live and earth return wires simulta- so that death is rapid. Less powerful weapons neously then receive the full shock such as the rimfire .22 calibre should not be (Gallagher 1991). used for free-ranging wild dogs because of the greater risk of non-lethal wounding.

96 Bureau of Rural Sciences Drying the surface of meat baits prior to injecting with 1080. In some areas, complete (rather than just surface) drying of baits may reduce non-target risks (Source: L. Allen, Department of Natural Resources, Queensland).

In the Fortescue River region of Western following a major breach by dingoes in 1991 Australia, the ‘Judas’ technique was used to (P. Bird, Primary Industries and Resources, remove specific dingoes. Radio-collared din- South Australia, pers. comm. 1998). goes were regularly followed up by tracking and observation from an aircraft (Thomson 1992a). These dingoes were generally lone 6.4.3 Trapping individuals that often formed associations with other lone, uncollared dingoes in the area. Trapping is still widely used against wild dogs When uncollared dingoes were seen with the in Australia, although in most areas, the Judas individuals, the animals were followed emphasis has changed towards more specific to a resting site, and a marksman on the targeting of individual problem wild dogs, ground was guided into the site by an observer rather than general population control. In in the aircraft. The method was expensive but Western Australia for example, trapping is extremely effective, with over 30 uncollared mostly carried out by doggers employed by dingoes being selectively shot. When the col- groups of stations. Individual doggers may lared dingoes were eventually shot as well, the cover large areas (areas of one million hectares sheep paddocks had been completely cleared are not uncommon) and rely on ground bait- of dingoes. Although effective control was ing and trapping to target wild dogs that have achieved, it is unlikely that this technique not been killed during large-scale aerial baiting would ever be economically justifiable for an operations (Section 5.1.1). Trapping tends to individual grazier. In arid South Australia, air- be used where baiting is less effective, for craft are occasionally used for spotting din- example, within sheep paddocks, where dogs goes that have breached the dingo fence. are less likely to take baits because of the Ground shooters were guided to and shot abundant and easily obtained food (P. about 30 dingoes in two days on one property Thomson, unpublished data 1976–1984).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 97 Trapping has the disadvantage that it is responsive to sheep losses by neighbouring labour-intensive and requires training and landowners. In 1995, in response to experience to be effective. Incorrect setting increased sheep predation, trapping effort of traps can be inhumane and also result in was increased ten-fold from 1994. The num- target animals becoming trap-shy. Careful ber of dogs caught per 1000 trap nights selection of trap sites is necessary to reduce declined linearly from 1994 to 1997 and in the chance of trapping non-target animals 1998, approximately 1.5 dogs were caught (Newsome et al. 1983b). The proportion of per 1000 trap nights compared to nearly 4 non-target animals caught in traps varies per 1000 trap nights in 1993. according to the suite of animals present in In terms of cost-effectiveness, trapping is an an area and their relative abundance, the expensive control option, the majority of the experience of the trapper and the type of costs being for time and labour. The return trap used (Fleming et al. 1998). for effort of trapping is generally low, often in the order of five wild dogs caught per ‘Trapping is usually regarded 1000 trap nights (Fleming et al. 1998). as an inefficient method of However, this does not necessarily indicate a population control and is more poor ‘success’ rate. If the five wild dogs effective against targeted trapped were the last particularly damaging individuals.’ individuals encroaching on a sheep grazing area, the effort could be deemed worthwhile because of the resultant long-term protection In much of Australia, the steel-jawed leg- from predation. Because trapping is some- hold traps used in the past are being times the only practical option for removing replaced by more humane, padded-jawed troublesome individual wild dogs, the costs traps or snares (Fleming et al. 1998; Section must be weighed against the value of the 4.2.3). Traps are buried and usually set with damage caused. some form of decoy (odours or carcasses) to attract the wild dog onto the trigger-plate. 6.4.4 Poisoning McIlroy et al. (1986a) reported that trapping was more successful than the use of ground Poisoning is the most cost-effective lethal baits. Traps captured 56% of known wild technique available to control wild dogs and dogs whereas baits removed 44%. However, it is often the only practical means for because the control effort was not reported achieving population control in remote and and the methods indicate that it was unlikely inaccessible areas. to be equivalent for trapping and poisoning, comparisons are impossible. It could be 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) argued that neither technique was successful because a large proportion of the known 1080 has generally replaced strychnine as wild dog population remained after both the poison used in baits for wild dogs in treatments. The true degree of success of a Australia (Section 4.2.4 and Chapter 5). 1080 particular method can only be determined is also widely used in Australia for the con- from a measure of the reduction of damage trol of other vertebrate pests, particularly to livestock. rabbits and foxes. It is absorbed through the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts and Trapping is usually regarded as an inefficient affects the central nervous system, causing method of population control and is more convulsions. Its use is strictly controlled by effective against targeted individuals. government regulations, which restrict the However, a study in the Australian Capital use of the concentrated active ingredient to Territory by Don Fletcher and Ian Faulkner trained staff of government or semi-govern- (Environment ACT, unpublished data 1998) ment agencies (for example, Rural Lands recorded trapping effectiveness in terms of Protection Boards in New South Wales). catch per unit of trapping effort. They found Landholders are only permitted to use pre- that prior to 1993, trapping effort was largely pared products containing 1080 and then generally only after appropriate training.

98 Bureau of Rural Sciences Relative to native species, dogs and foxes are et al. (1999) found most surface-laid meat particularly sensitive to 1080, so this makes it baits (67%) retained 2.5 milligrams or more an appropriate toxin for these species in of 1080 eight months after placement. terms of target specificity. The LD50 (the dose of toxin required to kill 50% of test animals) ‘The losses are not justification for dingoes is approximately 0.1 milligrams for raising the 1080 content above per kilogram of body weight (McIlroy 1981). the recommended six milligrams An estimate of 0.3 milligrams per kilogram for per bait.’ an LD100 (McIlroy 1981) means that a 20 kilo- gram dingo would have to ingest six mil- ligrams of 1080 to ensure a lethal dose. In Concern is sometimes expressed that not all reality, the LD100 for wild dogs is probably the 1080 in a bait may be available to the tar- somewhat less than this, based on records of get animal. However, evidence from studies large farm dogs that have been accidentally on foxes reveals that this is unlikely to be a poisoned and killed by eating single fox baits practical issue (Saunders et al. 1995). In addi- containing 4.5 milligrams or sometimes three tion, the target animals often eat more than milligrams of 1080 (P. Thomson, unpublished one bait (Thomson 1986), thereby theoreti- data 1999). cally ingesting considerably more than the minimum amount of 1080 required to kill ‘Relative to native species, them. dogs and foxes are particularly A more serious concern about sub-lethal sensitive to 1080.’ amounts of poison in a bait stems from the fact that 1080 is water-soluble and may be 1080 is broken down by micro-organisms in leached from fresh meat baits by rain falling the bait, soil and water (Wong et al. 1991). soon after placement (McIlroy et al. 1988; This detoxification is likely to vary consider- Fleming and Parker 1991). Possible losses of ably between different types of bait, meth- 1080 caused by rainfall immediately after ods of preparation, and temperature and placement must be taken into account. Thus, other environmental conditions (Wong et al. the suggested national standard 1080 content 1991). These losses of toxin can be seen as for a ‘dog bait’ in Australia of six milligrams an advantage over the longer term, reducing (Thompson 1993) is soundly based. the extended hazard to domestic dogs and other non-target species that may arise from Strychnine baits remaining toxic indefinitely. The losses Strychnine can still be used to poison the are not, however, justification for raising the jaws of traps in Western Australia, South 1080 content of baits above the recommend- Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. ed six milligrams per bait. Fleming and In all States and Territories except Parker (1991) found that baits laid on the Queensland and some areas of South surface in north-eastern New South Wales Australia and Western Australia, strychnine during winter retained enough 1080 to deliv- has been phased out in baits for animal wel- er a theoretical LD for 42 days after injec- 99 fare and non-target susceptibility reasons. It tion. Baits collected after 90 days still is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract retained low levels of 1080 although on each and acts on the central nervous system, caus- sampling occasion, 10% of baits still con- ing violent tetanic spasms (Seawright 1989). tained more than 2.0 milligrams of 1080, the Strychnine is an odourless powder with a bit- theoretical LD for wild dogs in eastern 99 ter taste and rapid action. Despite its rapid Australia (Fleming and Parker 1991). Meat action, strychnine is less humane in its action baits buried during hot humid weather may than 1080 because it causes deep reflexes, be completely decomposed and incorporat- cramps and spasms in the muscles leading to ed into soil within four days (P. Fleming, respiratory failure and death (Hone and unpublished data 1993). In drier areas, 1080 Mulligan 1982). Strychnine is not a selective may persist in baits for long periods. Twigg poison at the dosages required to kill wild

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 99 The use of helicopters allows more precise aerial baiting in rugged terrain (Source: P. Fleming).

dogs (LD50 = 0.5–1.0 milligrams per kilogram were rarely recorded in Western Australia (Hone and Mulligan 1982) and carnivorous during extensive trials (P. Thomson, unpub- birds and mammals are susceptible to strych- lished data 1992–1997). The main benefit of nine meat baits. There is also the risk of sec- cyanide over alternative poisons, especially ondary poisoning (Hone and Mulligan 1982). 1080, is its faster action. This is likely to result in a reduced incidence of multiple bait Cyanide take and hence caching or vomiting of sur- plus baits by wild dogs, which lessens the Sodium cyanide is a white powder that is risk to farm dogs of accidental poisoning. highly soluble in water; on contact with Cyanide baiting for wild dogs is not currently moisture, hydrogen cyanide is released. On legal in any State or Territory (Busana et al. inhaling hydrogen cyanide or absorbing it 1998). through the gastrointestinal tract, a poisoned animal has difficulty in breathing, becomes Bait materials unconscious, suffers convulsions and dies. This process can be very rapid but death Three types of bait are used in wild dog con- may take up to four hours (Hone and trol. The first two, moist meat and dried meat, Mulligan 1982) and sub-lethal doses may are the most commonly used and are made result in bait shyness. In the USA, cyanide is on-site from meat cut from culled kangaroos commonly deployed for the control of (Macropus spp.), cattle or horses. Baits are cut canids in a M-44® cyanide ejector and these to size then injected with six milligrams of devices have been tested for the control of 1080, except in the Australian Capital Territory foxes in Australia (Busana et al. 1998). When and Victoria, where 4.5 milligrams of 1080 is distributed in wax capsules for foxes, used, and parts of Queensland where up to cyanide baiting caused many non-target poi- ten milligrams of 1080 is surface-applied to sonings in north-eastern New South Wales baits. In Western Australia pastoralists are also (Thompson 1994), but non-target deaths able to make small quantities of baits by

100 Bureau of Rural Sciences inserting an oat grain impregnated with six Studies (Best et al. 1974; McIlroy et al. 1986a; milligrams of 1080 into the meat; the 1080 Bird 1994; Fleming 1996a) of the effectiveness leaches from the oat into the meat. Moist meat of ground baiting have revealed widely vary- baits are used immediately but dried meat ing results. Variable results can be attributed to: baits are sun-dried before use to about 40% of the availability of natural food (Best et al. 1974; their original weight. Thomson 1986); the removal of multiple baits by a single wild dog (Bird 1994; Fleming, The toxicity of moist meat baits declines 1996a); removal of baits by non-target animals much more rapidly than dried meat baits (particularly ants, foxes and birds; Newsome et (McIlroy et al. 1988; Fleming and Parker al. 1972; Allen et al. 1989); the number of baits 1991; Kirkpatrick 1999). The dry baits are available (or remaining) for the target animals quite hard and therefore difficult for non-tar- to find (Fleming 1996a); and the attractiveness get species (birds and small carnivorous of the baits (Allen et al. 1989). There is evi- marsupials) to eat (Calver et al. 1989). dence that burying baits reduces the take by most non-target animals (particularly birds) ‘The toxicity of moist meat baits without reducing the uptake by wild dogs declines much more rapidly than (Allen et al. 1989). Fleming (1996a) used dried meat baits.’ buried baits and reported a very low removal by native non-target animals. For this reason, The third type of bait is the manufactured bait mounds are used in the forests of south- Doggone® bait. These baits contain six mil- eastern New South Wales, the Australian ligrams of 1080 and are made from a soft Capital Territory and north-eastern Victoria. meat-like substitute based on meat meal. Bait mounds are bait stations comprising one They also contain fat, preservatives, binding or more baits buried in a mound of earth and agents and flavour enhancers. often surrounded by an area of raked soil. The raked soil allows the identification from foot- Moist meat baits are used in the Northern prints and other signs of animals visiting the Territory (300–400 grams), Queensland (125 station. If a baiting program is conducted with grams in western areas and 250 grams in an initial free-feeding period when unpoi- coastal areas), New South Wales (230 grams), soned baits are placed in the mound, visits by the Australian Capital Territory (230 grams), non-target animals can be identified and only South Australia (150 grams) and Victoria mounds visited solely by target species refilled (approximately 125–230 grams). Dried baits with poisoned baits. are used in South Australia and Western ® Australia (110 grams wet weight). Doggone ‘Burying baits reduces the baits (60 grams) are sometimes used in Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory. take by most non-target animals without reducing the uptake by Occasionally, meat baits are dyed with tasteless wild dogs.’ green vegetable dye to reduce the chance of detection and removal by birds (McIlroy et al. 1986b). The use of bait stations is becoming more common. Replacement-baiting in bait sta- Ground baiting tions was suggested by Thompson and Fleming (1994) as a method where baits are Ground baiting is still an important control replaced as they are removed by foxes over method used throughout the country and may a period of ten days or so to reduce the bait- be strategic or reactive (Section 7.3.4). Ground susceptible population to near zero. Fleming baiting allows for baits to be strategically (1996a) showed replacement-baiting is a placed to maximise the chances of wild dogs successful method for reducing wild dog and encountering them, at the same time reducing fox numbers in eastern New South Wales. It the risks of them being taken by non-target ani- is cheaper than aerial baiting and requires mals. The more strategic placement means that less skill and experience than trapping. fewer baits are used than in aerial baiting oper- Ground baiting remains a primary control ations.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 101 tool in many accessible areas because the Timing and frequency of baiting placement of baits can be better controlled. The question of when and how often baiting Some doggers are reluctant to use 1080 baits should be carried out is frequently raised but because the carcasses of baited animals are there is no simple answer. Variables include seldom found. This means that it is more dif- resources (usually dollars), value and vulner- ficult to tally a definite ‘kill’ and some see ability of the livestock being protected, avail- this as a lost opportunity to retrieve scalps ability of alternative prey for the wild dogs for bounty payments. These operators prefer being targetted, and season (weather, avail- to use traps instead. This is a major practical ability and distribution of water, stage of the drawback of bounty or bonus payments, and breeding cycle). one that managers need to take into account. In many instances, baiting is a more cost- ‘Aerial baiting is usually effective technique, with trapping only being repeated on an annual cycle.’ desirable to target specific individual dogs.

Aerial baiting Traditionally, baiting campaigns in Western Australia (Thomson 1986) and Queensland Aerial baiting using 1080 baits is a cost-effec- were carried out in autumn (late April–May) tive method for the strategic management of and spring (September–October). Autumn wild dogs over large areas (Thomson 1986; coincided with the breeding activity of din- Thompson and Fleming 1991). It is also an goes when mating takes place and bitches effective means of delivering baits in remote are in early pregnancy. Spring coincided and inaccessible areas where ground-based with the time when pups begin to move operations are impossible or impractical. about, removing the restrictions on move- Aerial baiting began in Western Australia and ments associated with denning (Thomson Queensland in 1946 (Tomlinson 1954). 1992d), and increasing the likelihood of ani- Subsequently, considerable improvements to mals encountering baits. Food demands are the materials and operations have been made. also likely to be high for groups of dingoes at this time, and in northern areas surface water ‘Helicopters allow more becomes more restricted, making it easier to accurate delivery of baits in target the limited number of waterholes with rugged mountain areas.’ baits. This approach is still followed, although baiting is often now only done in spring in Western Australia. Baiting earlier in Fixed-wing aircraft are the most suitable for the year is sometimes abandoned due to cost dropping baits in flat terrain whereas the and the possibility of rain reducing the life of manoeuvrability of helicopters allows more the baits (due to leaching of 1080). In some accurate delivery of baits in rugged mountain areas, baiting even later in the year has been areas (Thompson et al. 1990). Baits are considered, when the availability of water is dropped through a chute in the aircraft on the even more restricted. command of a navigator with local knowledge of wild dog activity. Increasingly in New South In eastern Australia, aerial baiting is usually Wales and Western Australia, the aircrafts’ conducted in late autumn and winter. This is flight-paths are automatically logged into an because: on-board global positioning system (GPS), • Baits distributed in autumn and winter last providing accurate records of baiting opera- longer than those distributed in spring and tions. A future development in Western summer (Saunders and Fleming 1988; Australia will be the incorporation of sensors Fleming and Parker 1991), as baits may into the bait chute so that the location of each decompose in a few days in the conditions bait dropped will also be automatically logged. of high temperatures and humidity, or may be quickly removed by ants (Fleming 1996b).

102 Bureau of Rural Sciences • Bait take by non-target species that are increase in dispersal from such an area. less active in cooler weather, such as Therefore, strategies should be developed goannas (Varanus spp.), is reduced. for baiting and other control efforts. • The population of wild dogs is potential- ‘A buffer zone is more ly at its lowest prior to whelping in spring and so a given proportional efficient than controlling reduction in abundance in autumn and populations less intensively winter equates to a smaller remnant pop- over much larger areas.’ ulation than in spring and summer. • In eastern New South Wales most of the The use of poison baiting is either strategic aerial baiting occurs in areas of extensive or reactive (Section 7.3.4) and this affects how it is conducted. Reactive baiting is in cattle enterprises adjacent to sheep coun- response to predation incident(s) and is usu- try and mustering is usually completed by ally conducted at the property level and con- winter reducing the chances of working tinues until the offending animal(s) are killed dogs being baited while spring mustering. and predation stops. It is essential that this • Lambing in north-eastern New South facility remains available to graziers particu- Wales is most common in spring and larly so that they can respond to the occa- baiting conducted in winter prior to sional failure of strategic programs. lambing is sensible. It is clear from studies in various parts of • Movements of wild dogs are traditionally Australia that the movements of wild dogs believed to be greatest in autumn and are usually limited. It is rare for individuals to winter when young dogs are dispersing make long-distance forays beyond their nor- mal range, refuting the commonly-held and mating is occurring. notion that wild dogs regularly travel large distances overnight to attack livestock. In Aerial baiting is usually repeated on an addition, there is little evidence that dingoes annual cycle. Fleming et al. (1996) found that or other wild dogs undertake any seasonal indices of wild dog abundance taken prior to migration. Under severe conditions, dispers- annual aerial baiting in north-eastern New ing wild dogs may congregate around a limit- South Wales were similar between years ed resource (for example, a waterhole), pos- indicating that the wild dog population had sibly giving rise to the notion that some form recovered during the year following the pre- of ‘migration’ had taken place. Wild dogs do vious baiting. In some areas, there may be not engage in the annual juvenile dispersal occasions when baiting in buffer areas or more common among less social canids such baited zones (Section 6.2.1) could be missed as red foxes (Saunders et al. 1995), however, in some years without jeopardising livestock individual wild dogs do occasionally dis- (Thomson 1986). However, this could be a perse (Thomson et al. 1992a; P. Fleming and risky undertaking unless detailed informa- D. Jenkins unpublished data 1999). It follows tion was available on how many wild dogs that wild dogs that reside within paddocks or were in an area, how many were breeding, adjacent areas pose the greatest danger to and food supply. Otherwise, the safest pre- livestock. Control activities should therefore cautionary action is to bait the known prob- be focused in these areas. lem areas on an annual basis. The introduction of aerial baiting enabled wild Baiting strategies dog control to be undertaken over large areas adjacent to areas where livestock were grazed. One of the concerns raised about the appli- Thomson (1984b) investigated the value of cation of haphazard control efforts is that the baiting within these adjacent areas (buffer disruption caused by killing a few members zones) to protect livestock from predation by of a pack could lead to increased pup pro- dingoes in Western Australia and found that it duction (Section 2.8). This could lead to was reduced or eliminated for two or more rapid repopulation and possibly even an years after buffer zones were established.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 103 The strategy of creating a buffer zone including coyotes (Canis latrans) and wolves (Thomson 1984b), approximately one or two (Canis lupus ssp.) (Copinger and Copinger wild dog home ranges wide, adjacent to 1978). These large dogs live in the paddocks stocked paddocks is based on the rationale with sheep as part of the flock and chase off or that by removing most resident wild dogs a kill other canids that approach their flock. ‘dispersal sink’ results. This effectively In Australia, two breeds, Anatolian karabash encourages dispersing wild dogs to settle and maremma, have been used to protect rather than keep moving to reach the pad- sheep and goat flocks from predation by wild docks and is more efficient than to attempt dogs and foxes. Sheep-guarding dogs have not to control populations less intensively over been experimentally tested in Australian condi- much larger areas. With a well-established tions but studies in the United States of buffer zone, constant control work is unnec- America (USA) have given uncertain results. essary. However, monitoring and periodic Although sheep producers with sheep-guard- maintenance control work is needed to ing dogs suffered fewer predation losses to avoid any substantial build-up of numbers in coyotes than those without (Andelt 1992), the buffer zone. The buffer zone concept results are inconsistent (Green et al. 1994). In forms the basis of most aerial control pro- Victoria, maremmas have been used to reduce grams in Western Australia (Thomson 1986) stock losses from 10% to 3% in eight years and northern New South Wales (Fleming et since their first use (Balderstone 1992) and al. 1996). The environments and the size of have been used successfully for approximately holdings in north-eastern New South Wales ten years in preventing predation by free- are vastly different from Western Australia roaming dogs at Livingstone Farm, Moree in and buffer zones of two home range widths northern-central New South Wales (G. Esdaile, are not practicable. Baiting is focussed at the University of Sydney, pers. comm. 1986; interface between sheep country and wild Balderstone 1992). dog country (Fleming 1996b). In South Australia, a buffer zone of up to 35 6.4.7 Aversive conditioning and kilometres has been recently established out- toxic collars side the Dog Fence (Animal and Plant Control Commission 1993). The aim of the Aversive conditioning is the process of training buffer is to reduce the incursions of wild a predator to avoid an activity or place by asso- dogs through the Dog Fence and decrease ciating the activity or place with unpleasant the vigilance required to maintain the Dog experiences. Aversive conditioning of preda- Fence in dog-proof condition. tors with lithium chloride has been the subject of much research (Burns 1983; Gustavson et al. 6.4.5 Control at breeding dens 1983; Tauchmann 1998), although the results have been mixed. Cornell and Cornely (1979), The practice of locating breeding dens for example, successfully used lithium chloride (Section 4.2.5) has diminished as a routine to deter coyotes from scavenging and begging seasonal activity and tends to be undertaken at camp grounds in a National Park in America opportunistically. In areas where bounties but other studies produced inconsistent results. are paid, there is sometimes a tendency for Currently, the use of aversive conditioning is doggers to delay targeting pregnant bitches being trialed at Fraser Island to deter dingoes until pups are born and ‘collectable’, increas- from camping areas. ing the tally of scalps and therefore pay- ments received. This is a further example of Toxic collars have been suggested and tried how bounty payments can influence control for the control of coyote predation of sheep work in an undesirable way. in the USA (Connolly 1980). The collars con- tain pouches of toxic liquid such as a solu- 6.4.6 Sheep-guarding dogs tion of 1080. The technique relies on the coyote biting the sheep at the neck, punctur- In North America and some areas of Central ing the collar, and ingesting the toxin. Europe and the Mediterranean, special dogs Scrivner and Wade (1986) in a review of field have been bred to guard sheep from predators

104 Bureau of Rural Sciences trials, concluded that the collars were found from sheep production becomes too low, to be an effective method when used in con- relatively low levels of predation may limit junction with other control techniques. The profitability and the high cost of enterprise technique was most effective when a group substitution may become beneficial. of collared ‘sacrificial’ animals were isolated from other livestock. Problems experienced ‘The most obvious management included the fact that coyotes sometimes strategy to avoid predation is attacked elsewhere than at the throat, collars enterprise substitution.’ were damaged or lost (caught on thorns, wire), or collars were pulled out of ideal position on the animal. Enterprise substitution is not always possible because the land may be better suited for The toxic collar technique is labour intensive, sheep production and the cost of replacing and relies on intensive husbandry of livestock sheep with cattle can be high. There is a and isolation of animals in small areas. It is time-lag between setting up the cattle enter- therefore unlikely to be useful against wild prise and the receipt of income, particularly dogs in rangeland areas of Australia, but it in breeding enterprises and the lack of cash- might be feasible for use in the more intensive flow may be limiting in the first phases. grazing areas. However, the same problems as Change of enterprise also raises the level of those identified in the USA are likely to occur risk because of the delayed returns expose in Australia. Like coyotes, wild dogs do not the producer to greater likelihood of always attack the throat of sheep; for example, unfavourable seasonal conditions. Lean cat- in a sample of 133 sheep killed by dingoes in tle are severely discounted or unsaleable Western Australia, 56% had received mortal whereas lean sheep still produce wool. The wounds to the throat (Thomson 1984a). knowledge base required to become a suc- Welfare concerns may well be raised about the cessful cattle producer is not the same as that notion of sacrificing sheep to wild dogs, partic- required for successful wool or sheep meat ularly if other methods are available to prevent production. There are important emotional attacks in the first place. In addition, the use of consequences suffered by producers who 1080 in this way may breach current State or regard themselves as sheep graziers and Territory regulations or policy on 1080 use. At therefore find the change to cattle produc- present, there are no other obvious candidate tion difficult. These factors must be consid- toxins available. Interest in toxic collars has ered before substituting cattle for sheep. been shown in Queensland (L. Allen, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, In eastern Australia, in dog-inhabited areas pers. comm. 2000). where both sheep and cattle are grazed, pre- dation of calves is rare (Fleming and Korn 6.4.8 Livestock management 1989). Graziers put cattle in paddocks close strategies to reduce or to timbered wild dog refugia and sheep in paddocks further away so that the cattle can prevent predation provide an internal buffer to predation. The most obvious management strategy to Similarly in South Australia, sheep graziers avoid the predation of sheep by wild dogs is often run cattle in paddocks adjacent to the enterprise substitution, where sheep are Dog Fence where risks of predation are completely or partly replaced by cattle. This greatest. Although this strategy has not been strategy has been employed by some pro- formally tested, logic and circumstantial evi- ducers in the sheep zone of northern dence suggest that it reduces predation of Queensland outside the current Dog Fence sheep. Other graziers run wethers in pad- (L. Allen, Queensland Department of Natural docks closer to wild dog refugia and graze Resources, pers. comm. 1997). This was in their breeding sheep further away. While this part caused by changes in profitability of strategy may not reduce the incidence of sheep and cattle production and seasonal predation, the economic consequences of conditions. Similar changes have occurred in predation are lessened because profitability eastern New South Wales. When the margin of breeding ewe enterprises is most strongly

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 105 linked to lambing and weaning rates and this, dingoes benefit pastoralists by help- because genetic material is less likely to be ing breeders survive droughts and the lost. management strategy is easy: relax dingo control in droughts. ‘Most calves killed by dingoes during these periods do • Management decisions during the initial not result in economic losses periods of droughts are complex. After a because calves cannot survive few dry months, the populations of small long droughts.’ native mammals and rabbits decline before cattle begin to die. Dingoes there- fore have no choice but to tackle large On the Barkly Tableland of the Northern kangaroos or kill calves, so dingo control Territory, the dingo mating season coincides is necessary. If the drought breaks after a with the peak in calving and calves. At this few months, such calf losses are indeed time dingoes move around a lot and are economic losses (Figure 10b). Since the often seen together with calves at watering losses are beneficial if the drought con- points (Corbett 1995a). This contributes to tinues, when should a pastoralist height- the deaths of many calves. Therefore, an en or relax dingo control? One pastoral- appropriate management option would be to manipulate cattle herds so that fewer ist in central Australia is reported to have calves are born in the dingo mating season. shot calves, not wild dogs, after the first Strategic mating of cattle has also been seven months of a drought, and also to shown to be more economically productive have swapped truckloads of his calves in much of tropical Australia (Sullivan et al. for hay from farmers in southern 1992). This management strategy is practised Australia. It was also reported that this in the Alice Springs region and calf losses are property recovered from the drought rarely recorded, probably because the peak much earlier than neighbouring proper- of the calf drop (September and October) ties, which suggests that predation by does not coincide with the dingo mating sea- dingoes and destocking both work well. son. Although droughts in the Alice Springs A strategic approach for drought man- region are unpredictable in frequency and agement in northern and central severity, the effects of wild dog predation are Australia is provided in RANGEPACK predictable and pastoralists can benefit from (Stafford-Smith and Foran 1990). this factor in the following three ways (Corbett 1995a): • The presence of dingoes may also benefit • In the Alice Springs region, high numbers pastoralists immediately after drought. of dingoes are maintained because human Rabbits and small native mammals quick- control methods effectively increase the ly resurge when rain comes, and wild numbers of breeding dingoes and because dogs concentrate on them (Figure 10b). If abundant natural food ensures the survival dingoes numbers are high due to relaxed of most pups. During runs of flush years, control effort during the drought, the dingoes eat mostly rabbits and rodents, but heavy predation will hold down rabbit in the middle and latter years of drought, numbers so that they take longer (per- dingoes survive well on cattle (Figure 10a), haps two years) to reach their former lev- usually carcasses. Most calves killed by els. This gives a pastoralist more time to dingoes during these periods do not result establish other forms of rabbit control in economic losses because calves cannot (Williams et al. 1995) before they become survive long droughts. In fact, such calf a serious problem again. In effect, wild losses are probably an advantage to pas- dogs and pastoralists work in tandem this toralists because the mother’s chance of way to control rabbits and other grass- surviving the drought is increased if she eating competitors of cattle. has no calf to feed. Thus, in situations like

106 Bureau of Rural Sciences 6.4.9 Biological control premiums) are levied on all holdings includ- ing government lands, and distributed to At present, there are no biological control affected landholders in response to losses agents suitable for use against wild dogs verified by an authorised person. If no claims (Section 4.2.7). With the goal to protect din- are made, the funds might be invested and goes in conservation areas in Australia, it is the rates recalculated. Farmers should be unlikely that any self-disseminating means of encouraged to minimise damage by rate fertility or lethal biological control of wild reductions for predation mitigation and com- dogs would ever be sanctioned. Domestic pensation should not be open ended dogs would also require protection against (Wagner et al. 1997). The feasibility and such an agent. operation of a compensation or insurance It is possible that with advances in molecular scheme requires investigation under the dif- biology, some form of agent could be devel- ferent agricultural systems where wild dog oped that is specific to dogs, targeting hor- predation occurs before such a scheme is mones or proteins important in the repro- implemented. ductive process (Tyndale-Biscoe 1994). However, this would need to be bait-deliv- 6.5 Costs of control ered to avoid the problems already outlined. There may be little practical benefit of such a There are a number of techniques for mea- bait, unless it was target-specific and could suring the costs of control programs. The be used in specific areas where toxic baits most basic in which all the costs of the con- are perceived as posing too great a risk to trol program are added together at the end of other fauna such as quolls (Dasyurus spp.). the program is adequate for planning in many cases. For example, the helicopter 6.4.10 Livestock insurance and time used for the annual aerial baiting pro- compensation schemes gram in north-eastern New South Wales is collated each year so that costs can be pro- In USA, damage compensation schemes jected during planning and price rises have been instigated for coyote damage to accounted for (A. Barnes, NSW Agriculture, sheep flocks, damage, and bear pers. comm. 1998). Helicopter time accounts (Ursus spp.), wolf and mountain lion (Puma for approximately 50% of the total cost of concolor) predation (Wagner et al. 1997). baiting (Thompson and Fleming 1991) and Such schemes recognise the national bene- so is a useful index of costs. Thompson and fits of conservation of native wild animals Fleming (1991) also found a strong linear (such as the dingo) without farmers bearing relationship between the amount of meat the costs associated with the presence of used and the total cost of aerial baiting in those animals. 1988. Similarly, the costs of fence mainte- An alternative to spending money on control nance and erection could be estimated using of wild dog populations and barrier fences is the cost of materials per kilometre, the time the introduction of compensation schemes. required, the cost of labour and the distance These may be self-funding, funded by gov- to be repaired, built or modified. ernment agencies or by a combination of More complex evaluations of control programs rates and subsidies. There are risks associat- are not commonly attempted. Benefit–cost ed with compensation schemes, as they are ratios are simple estimators of the effectiveness reliant on the financial reserves of the or the efficiency of a program (Hone 1994; scheme and the honesty of claimants. Self- Case study 2 in Section 7.7.2). These analyses funding schemes, with in-built checks such have usually been applied to government-sub- as validation of claims by independent sidised control programs. For example, in agents, potentially overcome the problem of Victoria during the 1980s, much of the control dishonesty but do not address funding limits. of wild dogs was undertaken by 21 doggers A self-funding compensation scheme might who were employed by the State (Mitchell best be operated like an insurance program 1986). A benefit–cost analysis showed that the where annual rates (equivalent to insurance

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 107 agricultural benefits were hard to estimate Another method of evaluation is to compare because of the externalities including the the cost of control with the potential savings. absence of livestock production estimates from This is a comparison of costs with potential comparable areas with unmanaged wild dog benefits rather than achieved benefits. For populations. However, the control program example, a survey of participants in the 1988 was considered beneficial when productivity aerial baiting program on the Northern gains needed to break even were compared Tablelands of New South Wales costed that with the productivity gains that were experi- single operation at $152 750 (Thompson and enced in areas where control occurred. A num- Fleming 1991). The cost per participant was ber of problems associated with analysis of $540 of which $350 was subsidised by the cost-effectiveness were raised including that New South Wales Government in recogni- the indicator of cost-effectiveness should be tion of the control that private landowners compared over years; and the measurement of conducted in government lands. The costs of effectiveness should not be the simple calcula- the aerial control program in 1988 were tion of the cost per wild dog killed because equivalent to the loss of 7.5 wethers per trapping return for effort decreases exponen- landholder (Thompson and Fleming 1991) tially as the population declines towards zero and this was the potential benefit. (Mitchell 1986). The cost per unit effort of control is another method of estimating the cost of control. ‘Graziers commonly regard their Table 5 shows the effort expended on con- control activities as an insurance trol of wild dogs in a number of surveys in policy against stock losses.’ northern New South Wales. The Table shows that the amount of labour expended on wild Marginal analysis (Leftwich and Eckert 1982; dog control decreased after the advent and Hone 1994; Box 3 in Section 7.4) aims to widespread use of aerial baiting in north- allow a producer to estimate the increased eastern New South Wales. Greater value can margin (profit) from an enterprise that can be be gained from such comparisons if the made from different levels of input. potential and real benefits are calculated However, marginal analysis appears to be of simultaneously. limited use for evaluating the economics of Most commonly, graziers regard their control control methods for wild dogs because of the activities as an insurance policy against stock high variability in the nature and extent of losses. That is, if control is not exerted, dam- predation. For example, the flexible nature of age will occur and continue to occur until the wild dog society, prey switching, and surplus offending dog is removed, so that money killing all affect the relationship between wild spent now is money saved later. The second dog abundance and livestock predation, that assumption underlying control programs is is, the damage function. Fleming and Nicol that there is a positive relationship between (unpublished data 1999) have evidence from the abundance of wild dogs and the probabil- northern New South Wales that, while the ity of damage. Where buffer zones are used, damage function is significantly linear, the the assumption is that reducing the popula- function is a poor predictor of damage at dif- tion of wild dogs in the buffer will reduce the ferent densities of wild dogs. Thomson’s impetus for emigration of wild dogs to the (1984a) data indicate that, in Western adjacent grazing land where predation then Australia, where sheep and wild dogs co- becomes inevitable (Thomson 1984a). If these occur, predation of sheep is inevitable. This is are the underlying assumptions, then the the underlying assumption of control strate- strategy must be to achieve the greatest gies aimed at reducing wild dog abundance reduction in the probability of predation for and buffer zone strategies (Thomson 1984b; the lowest possible cost. The cost is not open- Fleming 1996a). The variability of damage ended; funds for wild dog control in this case makes marginal analyses of control methods are usually allocated on the basis of how difficult (Box 3 in Section 7.4). much a particular program costs and available cash flows.

108 Bureau of Rural Sciences Table 5: The effort expended for the control of wild dogs by landholders in north-eastern New South Wales. Data were collected from members of Wild Dog Control Associations or equivalent organisations.

Year Major method of control Control effort Source (hours/property/year) 1962a Dog-proof fencing, hunting, 39.3 New England Rural trapping Development Association (undated c. 1966)

1981 Aerial baiting (fixed-wing aircraft), 15.9 Schaefer (1981) fencing

1985 Aerial baiting (fixed-wing aircraft), 12.5 Saunders and Fleming fencing (1988)

1988 Aerial baiting (helicopter), fencing 11.6b Thompson and Fleming (1991) aFirst aerial baiting conducted in 1962 but widespread use did not occur until after 1965. bControl effort for aerial baiting alone.

6.6 Environmental and non- 6.6.2 Risks to non-target species target issues associated with McIlroy (1981) tested a number of native 1080 baiting species potentially at risk of poisoning during 1080 baiting campaigns. On a weight-for- 6.6.1 Environmental risks weight basis, native mammals are more toler- ant of 1080 than dogs. Birds and reptiles are The environmental fate of 1080 has been even more tolerant. In Western Australia, King studied more extensively than any other ver- (1989) assessed the northern quoll (Dasyurus tebrate pesticide, particularly in New hallucatas) as being the species most likely to Zealand, where possum (Phalangeroidea) be at risk during baiting campaigns for wild and rabbit control accounts for approximately dogs. King radio-tracked a sample of northern 70% of the world-wide use of the toxin quolls during a wild dog baiting campaign (Eason et al. 1998). These authors report that and found that all survived, despite condi- sodium fluoroacetate does not bind to soil tions of apparent food shortage and potential- constituents and is detoxified quickly by soil ly enhanced vulnerability. He concluded that organisms, the rate depending on soil tem- populations of northern quolls faced little risk perature and moisture. Only very small quan- from wild dog baiting campaigns. This also tities are absorbed by plants so there is a neg- appears to be the case in parts of north-east- ligible risk of poisoning herbivores. None of ern New South Wales where spotted-tailed 857 surface water samples collected immedi- quolls (Dasyurus maculatus) are still abun- ately after aerial baiting programs for rabbits dant after three decades of baiting (B. Harden, or possums exceeded the acceptable (New unpublished data 1999). Zealand) concentration for drinking water of In eastern Australia, the spotted-tailed quoll is five parts per billion. Because of very low considered potentially at risk during baiting concentration of 1080 applied to the environ- campaigns against wild dogs and foxes (Smith ment, and the rapid biodegradation of the et al. 1992; Belcher 1998). Adult female spot- toxin, wild dog baiting is very unlikely to ted-tailed quolls weigh up to four kilograms cause environmental hazards. and males to seven kilograms, and reach maxi- mum weight in their third year (Belcher 1998).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 109 McIlroy (1981) estimated their 1080 LD50 at 1.85 results indicate that spotted-tailed quolls may milligrams per kilogram (95% confidence limits take some baits during wild dog baiting pro- of 1.28–2.68) and suggested an LD100 at 2.56 grams, they provide little insight into the extent milligrams per kilogram. On that basis, a single and severity of any impact of baiting programs fresh wild dog bait (6 milligrams of 1080) con- on spotted-tailed quoll populations. That ques- tains an LD50 for spotted-tailed quolls less than tion can only be answered by field-based 3.2 kilograms, or an LD100 if less than 2.3 kilo- research that directly examines bait uptake and grams in weight. The complete ingestion of the effect on populations. one fresh wild dog bait then has the potential to kill a spotted-tailed quoll juvenile of either ‘It may be possible to sex or a small adult female. However, the toxic- target wild dogs and foxes ity of fresh meat wild dog baits declines rapidly preferentially in areas where after injection of the 1080, reducing the risk to they co-occur with quolls.’ spotted-tailed quolls. In the Australian Capital Territory, McIlroy et al. (1988) estimated that a wild dog bait contained an LD50 for an aver- Smith et al. (1992) also suggested that poi- age-sized (2.8 kilograms) spotted-tailed quoll soning programs to control wild dogs might for 4–15 days after placement in winter but adversely affect the viability of critical body only 2–4 days in summer. In a similar experi- weight range (CWR) mammals (35–5500 ment during winter in forest in north-eastern grams) by allowing mesopredator release of New South Wales, Fleming and Parker (1991) fox populations (Sections 3.2 and 3.6). estimated the same reduction in toxicity However, Fleming (1996a), at sites in north- occurred within two days of bait placement. eastern New South Wales, showed that fox populations experienced greater impact 1080 ingested by the mother can be trans- from a ground-based replacement-baiting ferred in the milk to suckling young. McIlroy (Section 6.4.4) than did populations of wild (1981) found that more pouch young brushtail dogs, and that the remaining populations of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) died than wild dogs were more abundant than those of their mothers at each dose level of 1080 he foxes. evaluated. Eight pouch young of one northern quoll also died after their mother received a The management of wild canids, in areas sub-lethal dose, although the five young of a where spotted-tailed quolls occur, requires spotted-tailed quoll survived in similar circum- thought. Spotted-tailed quolls are likely to have stances. different foraging and movement patterns to wild dogs and foxes, and may be more inde- Captive spotted-tailed quolls can locate, exca- pendent of roads and cattle pads than wild vate and consume fresh meat and non-poi- canids (Fleming et al. 1996; Fleming 1996b). soned commercial fox bait buried to depths of Consequently, it may be possible to target wild less than about ten centimetres (Belcher 1998; dogs and foxes preferentially in areas where Murray 1998). However, the extent of bait they co-occur with quolls by using bait buried uptake by spotted-tailed quolls during wild at bait stations along roads and tracks, as these canid baiting programs is unclear. In north- are commonly used by wild dogs and foxes eastern New South Wales, Fawcett (1994) and (Harden 1985; Catling and Burt 1995). Fleming (1996a) both reported that few buried meat baits were taken by spotted-tailed quolls Marks et al. (1999) are investigating the pos- during baiting programs for the control of wild sible benefits of using the M-44® device to dogs. Fleming (1996a) concluded spotted- distribute 1080 in a more target-specific way. tailed quolls were not as readily attracted to Less 1080 is required and the positioning of bait stations as wild canids and appeared reluc- the distribution device can be modified to tant to remove buried bait from bait stations. encourage wild dogs to trigger the device In two extensive Victorian trials with buried and obtain a full dose. Both these factors non-poisoned commercial fox bait, Murray would reduce the potential for quolls to be (1998) also reported low visitation rates by fatally poisoned during wild dog control. spotted-tailed quolls, and was uncertain that These devices can also be used to apply bait was taken by the quolls. While these cyanide.

110 Bureau of Rural Sciences 7. Strategic approach to management

Summary In some situations, management plans that include conservation strategies for dingoes are There are four stages in a strategic manage- required so that potentially conflicting goals ment program for wild dogs at the local and can be encompassed. A management plan regional level: (1) problem definition; (2) may need to integrate control and conserva- developing a management plan; (3) imple- tion techniques into a systematic program. menting the plan; and (4) monitoring and Consultation between stakeholders and clear evaluating progress. identification of the goals of management pro- Defining the problem is the first stage of grams is critical for avoiding conflicts between strategic management planning. This involves stakeholder groups with different legal obliga- identifying who has the problem with wild tions and objectives. Consultation and part- dogs, what the problem is, when, where and nership encourages mutual ownership of a why it happens and how much it costs. problem and results in ongoing participation and cooperation, group reinforcement, The costs and benefits of reducing the agri- improved communication and enhanced effi- cultural impact of wild dog predation can ciency and allocation of resources. be measured in dollars. In some situations, sufficient information is available to esti- Wild dogs have large home ranges and often mate the point where the costs of undertak- traverse boundaries between lands managed ing dog control equal the benefits. However, by different stakeholders. Group action is an each situation must be reviewed individual- essential element of the implementation of ly because interactions between wild dog management plans. Management requires social behaviour and predation may make partnerships between stakeholders if it is to be conventional economic analyses inappro- effective. Programs must be flexible enough priate. to account for the different legal obligations and different ecological, social and econom- The second stage in strategic management ic imperatives of stakeholder groups. planning is the development of a manage- ment plan. This requires setting manage- Monitoring and evaluation of outcomes ment objectives that should include interim occurs at different levels throughout the and long-term goals, a time frame for achiev- implementation and on completion of ing them and indicators for measuring per- actions. Operational monitoring, where the formance. Developing a management plan costs of actions are recorded and reviewed also requires the selection of appropriate during the program, ensures that the man- management options. Options for pest control agement plan is executed in the most cost- include local eradication, strategic manage- effective manner. Performance monitoring ment, reactive management or no dog con- assesses the effectiveness of the management trol. A management strategy is then devel- plan in meeting the agricultural production oped that prescribes what will be done and or conservation objectives that were estab- who will do it. The management strategy also lished in the management plan. Evaluation describes how the selected control techniques of data from both forms of monitoring will be integrated and implemented. Strategic enables the continuing refinement of the management of wild dogs is based on the management plan, where necessary. Real concept of adaptive management, in which and hypothetical examples of the strategic the management plan is flexible, responding management of wild dogs in agricultural to measured changes in economic, environ- production scenarios are presented. mental and pest circumstances. Economic It is the responsibility of government agen- frameworks are needed to assess the value of cies to encourage best practice management alternative strategies to manage wild dogs. and evaluation and monitoring of existing

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 111 management and new technologies. 7.2 Defining the problem Extension services can play an important role in the coordination of diverse stake- The first stage of the strategic approach to holder groups when planning and imple- managing the impacts of dingoes and other menting management programs. For effec- wild dogs is to define the problem at hand. tive, goal-orientated management to occur, This is more complex than simply measuring knowledge of current best practice and new the impact in terms of predation. There are technologies has to be available to manage- six components of problem definition ment groups, with extension officers having (Figure 1) that must be identified for a strate- a central role in knowledge transfer. gic approach. The questions asked are ‘who, what, when, where, why and how much?’ Problem definition may be complex where 7.1 Strategic approach predation of livestock occurs in land adjoin- ing conservation areas. Here, a balance is The four steps that constitute a strategic required, so it is crucial that the problem is approach to the management of wild dogs adequately defined before control activities are: defining the problem; developing a man- begin. agement plan; implementing the plan; and monitoring and evaluating progress (Figure 1). The strategic approach to pest manage- 7.2.1 Agricultural impacts ment incorporates adaptive management Wild dogs adversely affect agricultural enter- principles recommended by Walters (1986). prises by reducing profits through decreased In passive-adaptive management (Walters yields or increased costs (Section 3.1). The and Holling 1990) a single strategy is select- losses associated with predation and harass- ed, implemented, monitored and evaluated, ment of livestock by wild dogs have been and adapted according to the success or oth- measured on occasions, as have the costs erwise of the strategy. The active-adaptive associated with control activities (New approach puts up a number of alternative England Rural Development Association strategies which are all implemented, moni- c.1966; Schaefer 1981; Thomson 1984a, 1986; tored and evaluated, and adapted according Fleming and Korn 1989; Thompson and to which strategies work best (Walters and Fleming 1991). To make wise decisions Holling 1990). The latter technique is more about management it is necessary to estimate experimental and requires standardisation of the point at which the costs of wild dog con- monitoring and effort across strategies, repli- trol are equal to or are less than the benefits cation of strategies and, ideally, nil-treatment of the control (that is, the break-even point). areas where no control strategy is imposed. The challenge for managers is to use the 7.2.2 Human and animal health information in this book, and considering impacts how the land is being used, to develop a strategic management plan to address the Wild dogs are known to be associated with damage caused by wild dogs. This chapter diseases of people and livestock (Section explains how this might be achieved, and 3.3). Reducing the levels of hydatid infection describes its special features for wild dogs in in endemic zones may be the objective of agricultural and conservation areas. The flow wild dog management and the benefit–cost chart in Figure 1 outlines the steps required ratio for this needs quantification. The pres- to follow the strategic approach and case ence of free-roaming dogs may place the studies from a cattle breeding enterprise in success of a campaign to eradicate hydatids north Queensland and from sheep grazing from domestic dogs and livestock in jeop- areas in north-eastern New South Wales ardy. In such cases, the presence of wild demonstrate how the strategic approach can dogs will need to be incorporated in the be implemented. hydatid control campaign. Similarly, eradica- tion of rabies or other exotic diseases of domestic dogs will rely to some extent on the management of wild dogs.

112 Bureau of Rural Sciences Attacks on humans by wild dogs can reduce obligations differ between stakeholder the number of visitors coming to popular groups and so do management objectives. conservation reserves (for example, Fraser The essential element in identifying objec- Island). The occurrence of attacks needs tives for wild dog management is to involve measuring so that performance objectives all the relevant stakeholders so that different can be set. Needless-to-say, zero attacks is goals can be raised and debated and com- the usual objective. promises reached. The final management objectives are a state- 7.2.3 Conservation ment of planned achievements which are The presence of dingoes has unpriced value usually agricultural or conservation benefits. (Sinden and Worrell 1979). Various tech- It is desirable that all stakeholders agree on niques can be used to estimate a monetary the final objectives. Once the objectives have value for unpriced values. These monetary been set, they need to be defined in terms of equivalents have not been calculated for outcomes which can be measured by perfor- dingo conservation, but, where the control mance criteria (Section 7.3.6). of dingoes and other wild dogs in areas of the interface of government and grazing 7.3.2 Partnerships lands is deemed necessary, the intrinsic After identifying agreed objectives for wild (Sinden and Worrell 1979) and contingent dog management, the next step is to create a values (Wilks 1990) of dingoes should be genuine partnership and cooperative action included in the cost–benefit analysis. between stakeholders. The impacts of wild Before economic frameworks can be used to dogs must be seen as a community problem assist meeting conservation goals, the value to be solved by and for the community; they the community places on the conservation of are not someone else’s problem to be solved the dingo, and other native species vulnera- by the government or the next-door neigh- ble to predation by dingoes, should be esti- bour. They are also problems of all land man- mated. This would require research. The cost agers upon whose land the wild dogs live. and effectiveness of implementing wild dog Integrated approaches to wild dog manage- control techniques to protect conservation ment are only possible through partnerships values also needs to be assessed so that the between government and private partners most cost-effective management strategies where mutual respect and inclusion prevail. for meeting community conservation values Predation of livestock is the problem of gra- can be determined. This would only be the ziers and the conservation of dingoes is the case if scientific data verified that controlling responsibility of government agencies as wild dogs actually protected conservation proxy for the wider community. The involve- values, and that the costs of such control ment of the appropriate government agen- equated with the contingent conservation cies as stakeholders is crucial when control is benefits. proposed near or on public lands. The involvement of other interest groups such 7.3 Developing a management as animal welfare groups and dingo preserva- plan tion societies should be encouraged. This involvement ensures that management prac- tices are responsive to community attitudes 7.3.1 Identify management and in turn, that the wider community under- objectives stands the limitations that are often inherent in The implementation of a strategic approach the management of vertebrate wildlife. to managing wild dogs requires the clear Although complete agreement may not be identification of the different goals of stake- reached between groups, conflict can be holders. These include the general public, avoided by both sides being aware of the local communities, welfare groups, land- other’s position and acknowledging their right holders and government agencies. Legal to hold that opinion (Pretty 1994).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 113 The need for cooperative partnerships for position from the beginning of the planning the control of wild dog predation has long process. In the case of government agencies, been recognised and this is reflected through policy on wild dog management should be the long history of group control schemes. formulated through extensive public consulta- Many have been formalised in legislation tion and be articulated through clear opera- and some control activities are not permitted tional guidelines to staff. In this way, each without evidence that control is to be under- stakeholder will understand the constraints taken by recognised groups. Cooperative under which others are operating and the action between land managers is an essential actions that may be possible in any given situ- strategy for effective wild dog management ation. The inability of agency representatives because wild dogs have large home ranges to meet these criteria is one contributor to seri- and management needs to be applied syn- ous conflict over wild dog management. chronously to a relatively large area if it is to One of the major advantages of coordinated be effective (Section 7.3.5). This requires the group control is that it provides a forum collective action by groups of adjoining where these different interests and responsi- property owners. The crucial first step is to bilities can be aired and compromises create a genuine partnership and coopera- reached. Other advantages of group control tive action by land managers, governments are that it can: and others who will benefit from the man- agement or have some other stake in the out- • better integrate a range of control come. methods into the management plan

‘Management needs to be • respond more effectively to wild dog applied synchronously to a predation relatively large area if it is to be effective.’ • facilitate awareness and peer pressure on those unconvinced of the need for wild dog management These stakeholders come from diverse back- grounds, and may have different responsibil- • make more effective use of resources such ities and requirements that may cause con- as fencing materials, baits and aircraft flict. There is more potential for conflict between stakeholders in wild dog manage- • provide the basis for more effective, ment than for any other vertebrate pest long-term management of wild dog pre- species. In many areas, wild dog–livestock dation. problems occur at the interface of agricultur- al and government lands, and property own- All stakeholders need to be involved at all ers may wish to control wild dogs on the stages from the beginning of the planning government land. However, that may be a process through to the implementation and conservation reserve where the conservation evaluation of the plan if they are to have authority has a responsibility to conserve ownership of both the problem and its solu- dingoes, or it may have populations of tion. The group may need to collect and pre- threatened species that are at risk from wild sent information necessary to meet the leg- dog control methods. Private property own- islative and policy requirements of govern- ers may also oppose baiting on their proper- ment agencies. For example, in New South ties, limiting the potential for large-scale Wales, aerial baiting can only be carried out strategic baiting programs. by a recognised group such as a Wild Dog In such cases, management may fail unless Control Association (WDCA). Aerial baiting acceptable, alternative control methods can be on conservation reserves requires specific integrated into the management plan and approval subject to the conditions of the deployed in these areas. Compromises are Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, easiest to reach when there is a clear and well- and wild dogs cannot be controlled on con- articulated statement of each stakeholder’s servation reserves unless National Parks and

114 Bureau of Rural Sciences Wildlife Service policy is met. In such cir- small study conducted in the New England cumstances there are advantages in estab- area in New South Wales, Schaefer (1981) lishing the group on some formal basis to showed that the cost of predation by wild facilitate participation by both government dogs was capitalised into the value of the and non-government participants. land. Therefore, additional subsidies in the form of government funded pest control on ‘Groups need to develop private land would be difficult to justify. both strategic and reactive management plans.’ ‘The State should be seen as a good neighbour in its response to impacts of wild dogs, yet ensure An example of where a formal approach to planning and implementing broadscale aeri- the conservation of dingoes al baiting has generally worked well is in where it must.’ north-eastern New South Wales (Thompson and Fleming 1991). In a sense, the strategic Different government agencies within a State approach is facilitated by the regulatory or Territory may have potentially conflicting requirements of the approval process. These responsibilities. This emphasises the need force the various parties to acknowledge for cooperation between all stakeholders. their different objectives and responsibilities, Management of wild dogs on government resulting in the main in an acceptance of lands needs to be integrated with manage- these differences from which grow respect, ment on adjoining private lands. The State compromise and cooperation. The process is should be seen as a good neighbour in its also assisted by the fact that most WDCAs are response to impacts of wild dogs, yet ensure decades old and have well established group the conservation of dingoes where it must. dynamics, and by increasing cooperation Government support for group management between National Parks and Wildlife Service can increase the probability of achieving and its neighbouring landholders on both successful outcomes. Government-funded wild dog control and a range of other issues. facilitators and extension specialists can pro- Groups need to develop both strategic and vide expertise wanted by coordinated reactive management plans (Section 7.3.4), groups (for example, Landcare groups) and to clearly define the roles and responsi- (Chamala and Mortiss 1990). A program to bilities of stakeholders in the implementation develop an integrated approach to the man- of these plans. This is particularly important agement of wild dogs in the south-east of if there is to be a rapid and effective manage- New South Wales, the Australian Capital ment response to wild dog predation. Territory and north-eastern Victoria, which incorporates the efforts of 14 landholder and 7.3.3 Government as stakeholder government bodies, was only made possible through Commonwealth Government sup- Government agencies have a legitimate port which allowed the employment of a interest in managing vertebrate pests, includ- project coordinator and trainees (P. Fleming, ing the impacts of wild dogs. Predation of D. Jenkins Australian Hydatids Control and livestock is often associated with landhold- Epidemiology Program and H. Cathles, Yass ings adjacent to government lands including Rural Lands Protection Board, unpublished State forests and national parks. In those data 1998). States and Territories where dingoes are pro- Much of the responsibility for the regulation tected, governments are involved through of pesticides used for vertebrate pest control their legislative responsibilities. However, is vested in government agencies. Hence, Williams (1993) cautioned that management governments should also be responsible for by government agencies should not be per- ensuring appropriate training of field staff ceived as a subsidy by landholders. Such a using the pesticides. perception has been shown to reduce stake- holder participation in rabbit control. In a

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 115 The role of extension services methods used (Bomford and O’Brien 1995). Eradication of wild dogs is unlikely to be fea- The strategic approach to managing the sible except at the local level or where habi- impacts of wild dogs incorporates the adop- tats have been grossly changed by agricultur- tion of a variety of control and evaluation al practices. In much of the wild dog-affect- and monitoring techniques. Traditionally, ed area of north-eastern New South Wales State and local government extension ser- (for example, Wongwibinda Wild Dog vices have been the conduit for information Control Association area described by transfer to landholders. Extension officers Fleming (1996a), dog-proof fencing provides still play an important role in assisting the a barrier against immigration. Usually, few adoption of new and more effective tech- wild dogs breach the fence. Any wild dogs niques by land managers. that encroach upon the area enclosed by the In addition to maintaining the flow of new fence are pursued until they are killed. information to managers, extension officers Because wild dogs are birth pulse animals, it often act as facilitators and coordinators for is usually possible to kill the dogs inside the activities within and between groups. Given fence before they breed and thus achieve the central role of extension people in the local eradication. Wild dogs have been erad- management of vertebrate pests, their con- icated from the sheep/wheat belt of south- tinued training and education is important. eastern Australia through widespread control Many State government agencies (for exam- campaigns in the 1800s combined with ple, Agriculture Western Australia and the broad-scale changes to the landscape by Queensland Department of Natural clearing for crops. Eradication is undesirable Resources) place emphasis on developing where dingo conservation is desired. the extension skills of their staff. These Strategic control implies that sufficient organisations ensure that all field staff with knowledge is available to take precautionary an advisory role receive training, either actions to prevent livestock predation or the through dedicated Technical and Further spread of wild dogs from source areas into Education Courses or regular in-service intensive grazing areas. Reactive control is courses. Extension training should focus on conducted in response to predation, obser- the theory and practice of extension as well vations of increased abundance of wild dogs as technical knowledge (Appendix B). or observations of wild dogs in sheep areas. Officers should be trained in individual and Strategic approaches may include reactive group communication skills, including prob- control as part of the overall plan. lem and goal identification, conflict resolu- Management for the conservation of dingoes tion, and negotiation. Once the objectives of is complex. the individual or group being addressed are identified by the advisory officer, transfer of Management options knowledge and the implementation of coor- dinated management programs are more Most management of wild dogs falls into two likely. main categories: strategic and reactive (Box 2; Table 6). Reactive management can also be 7.3.4 Select management options categorised into: one-off, where control mea- sures are conducted in response to a specific The five options for the management of wild problem until the problem is solved; and con- dogs are eradication, strategic control, reac- stant, where control options are conducted on tive control, conservation or no wild dog a continual basis usually because no strategy control (Figure 1) (Braysher 1993). to prevent predation has been planned. There There are three criteria that must be met are a number of management options avail- before eradication can be considered: (1) at able to landholders and groups (Chapter 6). A all densities, wild dogs can be killed more mechanism is required in the planning pro- quickly than they can breed; (2) there is no cess to help decide the best course of action. immigration into the controlled area; and (3) The simplest approach to this is a decision- all wild dogs are at risk from the control making framework comprising a progressive

116 Bureau of Rural Sciences Table 6: A decision table of strategic (S) and reactive (R) control measures for wild dogs in New South Wales. Similar constructs can be formulated for different States and Territories incorporating appropriate policies and laws.

Control Control Appropriate situations Constraints method type Baiting Ground Bait lines S Alternative to aerial Generally less than two kilometres (and never placement during strategic greater than five kilometres) inside public baiting estate area; baits average 100 metres apart.

R In response to stock losses Generally less than two kilometres (and never greater than five kilometres) inside public estate area; baits average 100 metres apart; (for example, NSW limit of 50 baits per prop- erty per day unless otherwise approved). Bait R Alternative to aerial Must be near boundary of public estate; station placement during strategic 1–2 baits per station baiting. In response to stock losses S High risk areas which Must be near boundary of public estate; warrant more continuous 1–2 baits per station control Aerial Bait lines S For agreed strategic control Helicopter only in eastern New South Wales, (not in areas with a history of fixed-wing aircraft in Western Division. available losses Placement less than two kilometres (and never in all greater than four kilometres) from public estate states) boundary; baits average 100 metres apart on public estate areas, 25 metres elsewhere; Ministerial approval required in NSW R In response to stock losses Helicopter only in eastern New South Wales, fixed-wing aircraft in Western Division. Placement less than two kilometres (and never greater than four kilometres) from public estate boundary; baits average 100 metres apart on public estate areas, 25 metres elsewhere; Ministerial approval required in NSW – rarely possible because of time required to obtain approval Trapping R In response to stock losses Requires an experienced trapper; licence where a small number of required in some areas dogs and their routes are known S Long-term population Requires an experienced trapper; licence reduction in small areas required in some areas, labour intensive

Shooting R In response to stock losses Most successful when an experienced operator when other methods have is used failed; may also be useful for individual problem dogs Barrier S At edges of sheep country Expensive to construct; continued maintenance fencing required

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 117 series of decision points (Box 2). Normally into the area protected by the fence is detected such an approach requires that there be only in the regular monitoring program. Who one criterion (question) for each decision. undertakes the reactive trapping and who pays The criteria which apply at each decision is also decided beforehand and the owners of point are listed below. When a management private and public lands or their employees or action results, the form of that action is shown third parties such as contractors and control in the diagram, and the information needed to associations are selected and allocated their implement the action can be found by refer- tasks and responsibilities. ring back to the control methods (Section The management strategy also defines the 6.4). size of the treatment area. Plans to manage An alternative aid to making decisions about wild dogs must be for defined areas of land the most appropriate control techniques to and can be at any scale — national, State, exert in a particular situation is a decision regional, district or property. Management matrix (Caughley et al. 1998; Norton 1988). planning requires determining the right size To construct a decision matrix, the known for a management unit. Selection of an appro- alternative control options are listed in the priate size management unit will often be a first column and questions relating to techni- trade-off between several factors, such as: cal feasibility, likely success, economic desir- • Risk of reinvasion if the management unit ability, environmental safety, and political and social acceptance are listed across the is small — dingo home ranges may cross first row. Each question is answered for each property boundaries and dispersing din- control method with a ‘yes’, ‘no’ or question goes can travel long distances (Section mark. The most desirable option has the 2.4) so it is often necessary to conduct most ‘yes’ answers, provided that the wild dog control over larger areas such as method works or is expected to work. several neighbouring properties or on properties plus adjacent government 7.3.5 Develop management strategy land. • Economies of scale for management of Once the management option has been decid- ed, a strategy is needed to achieve it. Strategies larger units — for example, some expen- for the management of dingoes and other wild sive dog control techniques such as dogs prescribe what is to be done, when it is to exclusion fencing (Section 6.4.1) and aeri- be done, in what order and how often it is al baiting (Section 6.4.4) are best under- done and who does what. The strategy also taken over large ares because the costs to prescribes how selected control techniques individual properties are lessened. will be integrated. Table 6 and Box 2 can be • Commonality of topographic area and used to assist in deciding what actions are community of interest — the advantages of required to achieve the selected management small community groups working together option (Section 7.3.4). For example, if the to solve a problem in a local area (Section selected option is strategic control with reac- 7.3.2) may be lost if the chosen manage- tive control when necessary, a buffer zone or baited zone strategy may be chosen. The ment area is too large or extends beyond a buffer might be achieved primarily by an exist- manageable topographic unit or common ing exclusion fencing, with seasonal ground community of interest. Stakeholders lose baiting programs to reduce abundance outside interest if a project appears too large to the fence and to establish the buffer. The strate- solve or is outside their area of familiarity gy will therefore include identification of who (that is, it is ‘someone else’s problem’). maintains and checks the fence to ensure that it is dog proof, who conducts the ground baiting The management strategy also defines the programs, the frequency at which the fence is timeframe for management. The timeframe is checked and the baitings occur, and the moni- set according to the management option(s) toring regime. Reactive control might be target- chosen. For instance, reactive control can ed trapping when an incursion by wild dogs occur immediately if the problem is current

118 Bureau of Rural Sciences Box 2: A decision-making framework for wild dog control

A decision-making framework comprising a progressive series of unambiguous decision points can help landholders and groups to decide what course of action to take in response to historical and present problems with wild dog predation. This framework may assist managers who are able to monitor livestock regularly and may not apply in all situations. Normally this approach requires that there be only one criterion (question) for each decision. To simplify the representa- tion of the framework, in some cases criteria have been grouped at appropriate decision points. To prevent ambiguity in these cases, the groupings are such that a ‘YES’ decision requires that ALL criteria have a ‘YES’ answer. Thus a single ‘NO’ results in a ‘NO’ decision. The result at each decision point leads to either a further decision point or to a management action. The flowchart in Figure 14 will help users work through the framework.

Using the decision-making framework This framework works like a botanical key. Start at 1 and work through until a ‘YES’ decision is reached. A ‘YES’ decision requires ALL criteria within the question to be answered YES. 1. Present losses? Criteria Stock losses are presently occurring These are caused by wild dogs from within the property and/or adjacent lands. (This is relevant to determine whether other agencies and neigh- bours should be involved in management. Losses are unlikely to be caused by wild dogs more than one home range width from such adjacent lands [about ten kilometres in south-eastern Australia]) If NO Go to 2 (Strategic management) If YES Go to 1a 1a. Barrier fence? Criteria Barrier fence separates wild dogs and stock If NO Take actions to stop stock losses (go to 3) If YES Go to 1b 1b. Fence secure? Criteria The fence is wild-dog proof If NO Repair the fence THEN take action to stop losses (go to 3) If YES Take action to stop losses (go to 3) 2. Past losses? (Strategic management) Criteria Stock have been lost in the past two years These are caused by wild dogs from within the property and/or adjacent government lands. (Losses are unlikely to be caused by wild dogs more than one home range width from such adjacent lands (say 10 kilometres in south-eastern Australia)) If NO No further actions or decisions are necessary If YES Go to 3

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 119 3. Strategic management? Criteria Losses are of sufficient size and frequency to justify management There is a high risk of future stock losses Losses will be reduced by strategic management on the property and/or adjacent lands If NO No further actions or decisions are necessary If YES Go to 4 4. Constant management? Criteria Losses occur at any time throughout the year Intermittent forms of strategic control have failed The severity of losses justifies the high cost of continuous strategic management If NO Go to 5 If YES Go to 4a 4a. Erect barrier fence? Criteria It is practical to erect a barrier fence (consider electrification) The fence can be built on or very near to relevant boundary The location of the fence on the Service boundary will prevent the wild dogs responsible for losses from reaching stock Capital funds are available to erect the fence If NO Go to 4b If YES Erect the fence 4b. Employ dogger? Criteria Trapping is consistent with agency policy Employing doggers is consistent with agency policy A skilled and reliable dogger is available Recurrent funds are available If NO The problem should be rethought from 4 If YES Employ dogger 5. Wild dog movements known? Criteria The movements of wild dogs in relation to stock losses is sufficiently understood to effectively and efficiently deploy intermittent strategic or reactive management If NO Collect movement information THEN go to 6 If YES Go to 6

120 Bureau of Rural Sciences 6. Baiting allowed? Criteria Baiting is possible and consistent with government regulations Baiting is consistent with agency policy If NO Go to 8 If YES Go to 6a 6a. Ground baiting possible? Criteria The area is accessible by a ground vehicle Only a relatively small amount of bait is required in a small area If NO Go to 7 If YES Spread baits from a ground vehicle 7. Aerial baiting Criteria The area is in rugged country with steep ridges and gullies or the area is in terrain that is difficult to access because of distance A large quantity of bait is required over a large area If NO Go to 8 If YES Spread baits by helicopter in mountainous terrain (for example, eastern New South Wales). Spread baits by fixed-wing aircraft in extensive, flatter terrain. Adhere to ministerial requirements if needed 8. Trapping allowed? Criteria Trapping is allowed under government and agency policy There is a skilled and reliable dogger available when required If NO The problem should be rethought from 6 If YES Strategic trapping should be used when it is necessary, employ a dogger

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 121 START REACTIVE

1 YES1a YES 1b NO Present Barrier Fence Repair losses ? fence ? secure ?

STRATEGIC NO YES NO 2 NO Move stock. No action Past Hand bait, trap, losses ? shoot

YES NO RETHINK 3 4b NO YES No action Strategic Employ Strategic trapping, mgmt. ? dogger? bait stations


4 4a Erect Constant YES YES Erect barrier barrier fence mgmt. ? fence?


5 Dog Determine NO movements movements known?

YES YES YES Hand bait 6a 6 YES Hand Baiting baiting allowed? possible? NO 7 YES Aerial baiting Aerial bait possible? NO

NO 8 RETHINK NO Trapping YES Strategic allowed? trapping

Figure 14: A decision-making framework for devising a plan of management for reducing predation of livestock by dingoes and other wild dogs in eastern Australia.

122 Bureau of Rural Sciences or can be budgeted for against the contin- here might be to reduce calf losses to a prede- gency of a future increase in predation. termined break-even level, which is set by the Strategic management can be ongoing, regu- area of the property, the value and cashflow of lar, or occasional and may be implemented the enterprise, and the expected level of control immediately or according to a planned per unit of control effort. Economies of scale schedule. Short and long-term timeframes are important and the economics of group con- and achievement dates are defined in the trol are more complex than for individuals. management strategy. If conventional economic analyses cannot be used to account for intangible values and 7.3.6 Define performance criteria other complexities it may be best to provide a Performance criteria are a list of measurable management group with as much information factors which will be used to determine if the as possible and let them decide what change management objectives are met once the man- in yield or loss should be set. The managers agement strategy is implemented. Because then apply a level of control that experience or relationships between wild dog density and intuition predicts will lead to the production the damage they cause are often complex and goal. Monitoring and evaluation (Section 7.6) variable (Box 3, Step 3), it is important that the will allow the adaptive management process management plan includes a monitoring com- to set new levels of control to achieve the ponent. Monitoring will allow the results of goals. This process allows the unpredictability strategic action to be compared with the situa- of predation and the landholders’ attitude to tion preceding the action and with historical risk to be included in the decision-making data, or with sites with no management or process and for the plan to progress. with different management strategies. Conservation performance criteria Agricultural performance criteria The setting of conservation performance cri- Agricultural performance criteria are usually teria is even more complex than those of defined in terms of reduced losses or increases agricultural production. Unpriced valuations in production. For example, where calving per- are required to take into consideration the centages are consistently 85% in a region and tourism potential and inherent/contingent the dog-affected properties in question yield value of dingoes to Australians. It is impor- 80%, a performance criterion might be to tant to assess whether a level of hybridisa- increase calving percentages to the regional tion is acceptable to the general public. It is average over the next five years. In this case, unlikely that the majority of people would the time frame is set long enough to encompass knowingly pay to visit national parks to see a a range of expected seasonal conditions and feral dog. Once such decisions are reached, their likely effect on fecundity in the herd. performance criteria can be set. An example However, setting quantifiable and realistic per- of a performance criterion for dingo conser- formance criteria for management is complex. vation might be that the proportion of pure For example, the scale of the problem and the dingoes in a population in a defined area control effort that is to be applied need consid- remains above a pre-defined percentage for eration. The large home range of wild dogs in the next ten years. relation to the stocking rate and size of sheep properties in south-eastern Australia means that management groups rather than individuals must decide on objectives. Conversely, large cattle stations in central and northern Queensland and the Northern Territory may cover many wild dog home ranges so the scale of an effective control program might be one property – although immigration of dogs into a ‘sink’ property may actually result in increased impact (Section 3.1). The performance criterion

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 123 7.4 Economic frameworks

Economic frameworks are needed to assist of why the actions of individual land man- managers in assessing the relative value of agers may not lead to optimal levels of control; alternative control strategies and the relative and assessment of the means by which gov- benefits compared with other risks that must ernments might intervene to overcome identi- be managed (Hone 1994). Such frameworks fied market failures. Land managers can use require: definition of the economic problem; such economic frameworks to select the most data on the relative costs and benefits of differ- appropriate management strategy for their cir- ent management strategies; an understanding cumstances.

Box 3: Economic framework for wild dog management

Simple stepwise approach control program reduces the density of wild dogs by 50%, how much will this reduce the Land managers who wish to determine the incidence of attacks on calves? These rela- optimal economic strategy for managing a tionships may be complex or there may be problem caused by wild dogs could use multiple relationships. For example, if wild the following stepwise approach (modi- dogs switch to different prey and/or change fied from Bomford et al. 1995). from hunting singly to hunting in packs, the Step 1. Desired outcomes slope or position of the line relating density and damage may shift at the density where Identify desired outcomes and estimate a this occurs. Also, young inexperienced dogs dollar value for each of these. Where out- may inflict a different level of damage than comes are the protection of commodities an equivalent density of experienced older (Section 3.1), such as reduced wild dog dogs. There is anecdotal evidence that attacks on livestock, this should be reason- young dogs may be more likely to attack ably easy. Where outcomes are difficult to livestock than older dogs which have the measure or intangible, such as the protec- skills to prey successfully on kangaroos tion of biodiversity or threatened native (Macropus spp.) (Section 3.6; Allen and species (Section 3.6), land managers may Gonzalez 1998). Surplus killing and changes be obliged to estimate how much they in hunting strategy will also affect the rela- consider is an acceptable amount to spend tionship. to achieve that outcome. In Figure 16 there is a significant linear rela- Step 2. Control options tionship between wild dog density and dam- age to cattle but there is high level of scatter List all control options and how much they of the data points around the fitted line. This would cost to implement (Section 7.5). means that, although the relationship is lin- Control options can be different techniques ear, the line is a poor predictor of the likely or combinations of techniques, or different damage caused by a given density of wild levels or frequencies of application of tech- dogs. The poor fit of the line is partly niques. It is important that the options for because some individual dogs cause far control are expressed as activities that a more damage than others (Section 3.1) and manager can select either to do or not to do. just a few dogs may inflict high levels of Step 3. Density–damage damage on some properties. This is particu- relationships larly true for sheep properties where surplus killing by wild dogs occurs (Section 2.3.4). In Estimate the relationship between wild dog other areas, the density of older dogs in sta- density and damage for each resource dam- ble packs might be quite high and yet attacks aged by dogs (Figure 15). Such relationships on calves may be minimal (Allen and allow managers to estimate the likely benefit Gonzalez 2000). for a given control effort. For example, if a

124 Bureau of Rural Sciences Cattle-only enterprises

400 A B C 350


250 Damage 200



Wild dog density Monthly losses ($ per property) 50

Figure 15: Some hypothetical relationships between 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 dog density and damage. Density–damage relationships are highly variable for wild dogs and there may be mul- Monthly density index (sign) tiple relationships. Just a few dogs might inflict high lev- els of damage on some sheep properties but as the den- sity of wild dogs increases, damage levels off, resulting Figure 16: The relationship between density of wild in line A. On some cattle properties, damage levels dogs and the damage caused by wild dogs to cattle might be low or nil when dogs are in low densities and enterprises in north-eastern New South Wales. The are individually hunting for small prey, but if dog num- index of wild dog density relied on observations of bers build up and they start to hunt in packs for calves, their sign and hence losses were sometimes sustained damage might increase sharply (line B). Line C would at ‘zero’ density. Data from Fleming and Nicol occur when an incremental increase in the density of (unpublished data 1999). wild dogs resulted in a proportional increase in preda- tion losses (Figure 16). Step 5. Benefit–cost relationships Hence managers may need to collect and Use the information from Steps 1-4 to esti- assess their own data on dog abundance mate costs and benefits of implementing (Section 6.2) and establish which dogs each control option, including options (mature dogs with established territories, or which combine more than one technique, newly arrived young dogs) do the damage. or the option of implementing no dog con- This information, together with records of trol (Table 7; Section 7.6.2). Costs will be damage levels, will enable managers to the cost of implementing each control determine density–damage relationships for option, and should include costs of moni- their own circumstances. toring pests and planning. Benefits will be Step 4. Control efficiency the value of the reduction in damage to the valued resource caused by implementing Estimate the control efficiency of each con- control (that is the desired outcomes listed trol option. That is, how much will a given under Step 1 above), plus any profits (for effort using a particular control option example, profits made from tourists who reduce wild dog damage? Most current con- pay to look at pure dingoes if a decision is trol programs inherently assume that the made to conserve them). density–damage relationship for wild dog predation of livestock is a simple linear func- Different pest management options will tion (Line C in Fig 15) and that a given con- generate a variety of benefit–cost relation- trol effort will result in a commensurate ships. Estimates of benefits and costs can reduction in wild dog abundance and dam- be discounted back to net present values age. Clearly, this is not always the case. (usually using a discount rate equivalent to the interest rate the landholder pays on

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 125 financing the control operation). This will reduce the value of costs and benefits accruing in the distant future relative to Marginal benefits those accruing in the near future. of control Step 6. Marginal analysis Marginal cost Plot both the incremental change in the of control cost of wild dog control (marginal costs of $ control) and the incremental change in the cost of damage (marginal costs of damage) caused by wild dogs against the level of control activity contemplated (Figure 17). For example, marginal costs might be changes in the cost of finding and remov- High Low Control effort ing an extra wild dog that occur as wild dog dog dog density is reduced. An example of density density marginal benefits could be changes to live- stock losses that occur as wild dog density Figure 17: A marginal analysis of wild dog control. is reduced. Where the two lines cross is The marginal costs are the costs of incrementally theoretically the optimal level of pest con- increasing the level of control effort. The marginal benefits are incremental changes in the level of dam- trol (Hone 1994). Further increases in con- age caused by wild dogs at different levels of control trol activity will not cause commensurate effort. The optimal level of control is where the two reductions in damage, so at higher levels lines cross. Units on the x-axis are level of control of control beyond this point, costs will effort (for example, trapping frequency) not wild dog exceed savings in reduced damage. density. The problem for managers is that they Step 7. Pay-off matrices often do not have good information on the density–damage relationship, or this rela- Construct a table listing all the control tionship is highly variable. This makes it options and their associated costs and ben- hard to estimate the position of the efits (economists call this a pay-off matrix). marginal benefits line which in turn means For example, the costs and benefits of no the optimal control point is hard to estab- dog control, ground baiting at waterholes, lish. Even if managers can make a good and widescale aerial baiting with 1080 guess on an optimal wild dog density to (sodium fluroacetate) could be compared. aim for, it is not usually practical with most Managers may wish to construct different control techniques to simply cut off control matrices for different conditions, such as efforts at some pre-determined wild dog different stocking densities, seasonal con- density. It is preferable to have a range of ditions, or commodity values for wool, control strategies ranked along the x-axis, lambs or calves. Managers will also need to For example, different frequencies of trap- consider timescales when constructing ping could be put along the x-axis. The these matrices: what time span is covered associated cost and benefit values for and how will this affect costs and benefits? implementation would be plotted for each These matrices can then be used to select strategy, so a manager could then select the option(s) which best meet the man- which strategy (level of control) is optimal, agers’ goals. If the manager is risk averse, for example, the optimum trapping fre- the best options will be those that bring in quency. reasonable returns (benefits in relation to costs) under the widest range of conditions (that is, in most seasons and with a wide range of commodity prices). If the manag- er’s priority is to maximise profit, the pre- ferred options will be those that are likely

126 Bureau of Rural Sciences to give the highest returns on investment, • The form in which benefits come may even though there may be some risk of be significant to a manager (Step 5). having no returns or even a loss if the sea- For example, cash ‘bonuses’ for dingo sons and prices go badly. scalps may be more attractive as imme- Pay-off matrices can also be used by a land diate cash for spending, than future manager to compare returns on investment money from increased lambing per- in pest control with returns on using the centages, which may be committed in money for some other purpose, such as advance to servicing debts or meeting capital investments, increasing stocking farm running costs. rates and pasture improvement. Ideally, land managers could use this step- Steps 1–7 complete the basic model. One wise approach to optimise the control effort, way of improving accuracy may be to but often capital is constrained by compet- replace single estimates with a range of ing demands and sub-optimal amounts are possible values, and give associated proba- available. The processes outlined are sensi- bilities for each value in the range. ble and relatively simple ways of balancing The model can also be made more accu- competing demands. We recognise that rate by adding additional features. managers will have incomplete knowledge Incorporation of such additional features of the information necessary to fully com- will make the model more complex, but plete many of these steps. Some projects including at least some of them may be funded by the Vertebrate Pest Program and necessary to make it accurate enough to be the National Feral Animal Control Program useful: in the Bureau of Rural Sciences aim to col- lect some of these data. Even where infor- • Social benefits could be included in mation is incomplete, the exercise of Step 1, such as: attempting to complete the process, and - off-site effects and good neighbour recording the assumptions and best guess relations — (Sections 7.3.2 and 7.3.3). estimates that are made, may prove a useful aid to decision making for wild dog and - conservation of pure dingoes dingo management. (Sections 3.3, 4.1 and 4.4). Even where sufficient information exists to - animal welfare management — animal enable simple marginal or other economic welfare organisations would like the suf- analyses of different dog control options, fering caused by harvesting or control valuing the reductions in yield caused by techniques considered as a cost that is wild dog predation is not straightforward. taken into account in vertebrate pest For example, the economic cost of preda- management decisions (Choquenot et tion of a merino ewe can be simply esti- al. 1996: Section 4.2). Alternatively, wild mated by the potential value of its wool dog control can alleviate the suffering and its replacement cost, yet valuing the caused to prey, reducing the welfare contingent loss of its cumulative genetic costs to the community. value is not simple. This is particularly so • Risk management for spread of disease when the sheep involved are from a stud by wild dogs could also be included in or commercial breeding enterprise. More Step 1. complex economic models are needed to include the intangibles of predation on • Effects of government intervention sheep production. could affect value of benefits (in Step 1) or costs (in Step 2). By contrasting the marginal ratios of different • Indirect effects of pest control (for exam- approaches on a common measure of bene- ple, controlling wild dogs may lead to an fit, for example, decreasing loss of biodiver- sity, or increasing farm income, break even increase in kangaroo numbers) could be points can be established and the allocation included as interaction effects in Step 3. of resources can be optimised. In such cases,

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 127 managers have to prioritise where control tic and do not include pest population will be conducted. Accurate information to dynamics. The inclusion of population support many of the decisions needed for dynamics in weed control models has this process will almost always be absent and shown that control should be instigated at managers will often have to make ‘best lower thresholds than predicted by the sim- guess’ estimates. However, the process will ple threshold models often used in marginal give defensible decisions especially if they analyses (Bauer and Mortensen 1992). are empirically tested by monitoring the out- Stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) comes. For example, sheep graziers might models attempt to link biological and eco- need to estimate the losses caused by wild nomic data in such a way that accounts for dogs, both immediately, through predation the variability of the biological components. on livestock, and longer term, through One advantage of these models is that the reducing reproductive success and genetic population dynamics of the subject pest can advancement of the flock or herd. In this be incorporated. Without these compo- case, future losses would need to be dis- nents, models underestimate the long-term counted at some appropriate rate (commonly costs of not taking control action. Ignoring 5% per year). The costs of control would also the rate of increase of a population results need to be assessed, examining different in a lower level of instantaneous control control strategies to see which are cheapest than is optimal. This decreases the long- and most effective. Alternative options and term economic benefits of control and opportunity costs would also need to be results in greater long-term costs of control examined. (R. Jones, senior research economist, NSW More complex models Agriculture, pers. comm., 1999). As with lin- ear programming, SDP is complex and best A more complex analysis of the economics used by experts to evaluate management of wild dog management is possible strategies and to aid policy and funding through linear programming. In linear pro- decisions. An example of SDP is a CD-ROM gramming, the underlying function (in our rabbit control simulation model which con- case the relationship between damage and siders interactions between rabbit numbers, pest density) and its constraints are pasture production and sheep flock perfor- assumed or known to be linear mance accounting for climatic stochasticity (Luenberger 1984). By fitting known values (Bureau of Rural Sciences/Centre for to the function and the constraints, and Agricultural and Regional Economics 1999). solving the equations, control is optimised The model is based on a New South Wales in terms of cost. For example, in a regional Tablelands grazing system and takes into linear programming model of serrated tus- account uncertainty in the wool production sock (Nassella trichotoma) control in New system, rabbit population dynamics and the South Wales, Jones and Vere (1998) max- effectiveness of rabbit control options. imised the regional gross margin of control Numerous simulations can be run to show of this weed within the constraints of soil the expected or average improvement in fertility and rainfall. Their model incorpo- farm gross margin resulting from rabbit con- rated a linear relationship between the den- trol across a range of environmental condi- sity of serrated tussock and the reduction in tions. Rabbit control will not always be wool production and carrying capacity, profitable because competition with sheep and subject to an array of rainfall regimes for pasture will not always be a problem. A and soil fertilities. Linear programming is SDP model for wild dog management not applicable if the functions are not linear would have greater uncertainty than that for and is limited to short-term evaluations. rabbit control because of the much higher This process is probably most useful at the variability in density–damage relationships policy-making and program-funding level. for wild dog impact on sheep production. A problem with marginal analysis and with linear programming is that they are simplis-

128 Bureau of Rural Sciences 7.5 Implementation killed or what proportional reduction of abun- dance index was achieved (Section 6.2), When the management plan is completed, where, for how long, by whom, and at what implementation can start. It is usually desirable cost. Measurements need to be taken and to involve as many stakeholders as possible in reported routinely. Reports should include the implementation stage. The value of the details of number of properties treated per group approach in the implementation of a year, money allocated, total number of wild pest management plan (Section 7.3.2) has dogs killed, number of wild dogs killed per been discussed in detail in the earlier guide- unit effort, number of wild dogs remaining, the lines for managing rabbits (Williams et al. cost per unit reduction and mapping of data. 1995) and feral pigs (Choquenot et al. 1996). The results of operational monitoring will be Maintaining commitment and enthusiasm used to assess the efficiency of the manage- among all stakeholders is essential. Good com- ment strategy. They will be useful for answer- munication between all participants through- ing such questions as: out the implementation of the management plan will ensure that difficulties are identified • Were the best people chosen to under- and addressed early, and if necessary support take the fieldwork? or peer group pressure can be provided if • Were the selected techniques applied at some people have problems implementing the best times and did they reduce wild their part of the plan (Section 7.3.2). Rapid dog densities to desired levels? communication of the results of the monitoring • What were the costs? Were there cost of performance indicators is also important so overruns? Can budgets be reallocated to people see the rewards of their efforts which reduce costs? will motivate them to continue. If monitoring shows that expected benefits are not occurring 7.6.2 Performance monitoring this also needs to be communicated rapidly so the stakeholders can decide if the objectives or Performance monitoring measures the effect of the management plan need to be modified management of the resources to be protected, (Figure 1). by comparing the outcome of management against performance criteria. For example, 7.6 Monitoring and evaluation ‘how well have we achieved our goals?; or, Monitoring enables the continuing refinement ‘have we increased our calving percentage to of a control strategy in relation to the set objec- the regional average?’. To answer these types tives. It is important to distinguish between of question, production records need to be efficiency (operational objectives) and effec- kept and compared with the values preceding tiveness (performance objectives) as manage- implementation of the management plan. Most ment can be efficient but ineffectual. For exam- performance measures can be assessed by ple, 75% of wild dogs might be killed efficient- landowners or pest managers. Measures of ly for little cost, but this strategy would fail if more complex ecological relationships may there was no concurrent reduction in preda- require interpretation by experienced tion or increase in production. researchers. Performance monitoring usually requires a long-term perspective, and some A management plan must have operational experimental and scientific rigour for results to objectives (for example, ‘was the planned be interpreted and transferable. management action carried out efficiently?’) and performance objectives (‘did the manage- The results of the performance monitoring ment action achieve the resource protection will be used to assess the effectiveness of the goals used to justify management action?’; that management strategy against the objectives is, ‘were the performance criteria met?’). defined in the management plan. They will be useful for answering such questions as: 7.6.1 Operational monitoring • Were some or all of the objectives met? Records need to be maintained describing Why or why not? what was done, how many wild dogs were

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 129 • Were the objectives met within the time- the sheep industry. Instead, a hypothetical frame? Should the timeframe be changed? case study of a benefit–cost analysis has been provided. • Should the problem definition or manage- In the cattle case study, there has been an ment objectives be changed (Figure 1)? ongoing problem of predation by wild dogs and below average livestock production. A 7.7 Case studies of the strategic major change from individual-based control planning process programs to coordinated group activities occurred, and records of production and These case studies are to demonstrate strate- losses before and after the change enables gic planning methods. The first case study is monitoring of the progress towards objec- from an extensive cattle enterprise in north tives. The program has run over more than Queensland. The authors were unable to ten years. find suitable data to provide a case study for

7.7.1 Case study 1 — Extensive cattle enterprise in north Queensland

This case study draws on real data from an the number of calves branded. The brand- extensive cattle enterprise in north ing percentage and the percentage of Queensland (from Allen et al. (1997); Allen calves bitten by wild dogs both remained and Gonzalez (1998)). Although the enter- fairly constant but the potential branding prise did not undertake a formal planning percentage for the region was not being process, the data are used here to demon- reached. strate the strategic approach to wild dog management. The specific objectives and Objectives assessments against those objectives were hypothetical but the responses to control Although specific production goals were are real. not set, the general objectives over the 20 years prior to 1988 had been to maximise The site branding percentage and income. For the purpose of this example, the specific goals The site is a 52 000 hectare property in the from 1988 were to: wet–dry tropics near Cape York in northern • increase the average branding percent- Queensland which has an annual rainfall of about 900 millimetres. The property is an age to the potential levels for the extensive breeding cattle enterprise. Feral region (80%) horses, kangaroos and wallabies • reduce the number of calves bitten by (Macropus spp.) have been controlled on wild dogs to below 2%. the property.

Defining the problem Management options From 1968 to 1988, branding percentages There were three options in 1988: on the property were between 42% and • The ‘no dog control’ (Section 7.3.4) 70% and of these, the percentage of calves option was not appealing because bit- that had been bitten by wild dogs ranged ten calves were strong evidence that from 8% to 19%. The property was baited at predation by wild dogs was significant. least annually with strychnine baits laid around waterholes from 1968 to 1988. Over • Although there had been a steady that time, because of pasture improvement increase in the number of calves brand- and better management, there was a gradu- ed during the existing strychnine al increase in the number of cattle and in baiting program based at waterholes,

130 Bureau of Rural Sciences improved general management had below 70%. The percentage of bitten cattle increased the number of breeders was less than 1.2%. If the goals had been to being run. This confounded the mea- reach the potential branding percentage surement of the effectiveness of the for the region, the program has fallen baiting program. However, as there short; however, large increases have been had been a steady increase in calf achieved and 320 additional calves have turnoff, the baiting program might been produced per year. The baiting pro- have been at least partly responsible. gram did achieve the objective of reducing the percentage of bitten calves to below • In 1988, cooperative aerial baiting 2%. using 1080 baits was being encour- The stocking rate of the property and the aged by neighbours and government effect of greater calf survival will need to inspectors in the region and else- be assessed over the next few years to where. This alternative was attractive determine if the extra calves are drawing because inaccessible areas of the prop- on the pasture capital of the station. erty could be baited and being Monitoring and evaluation should contin- involved in a joint community program ue and alternative strategies be planned in was regarded as a responsibility to the case there is a trend towards decreasing community. Although aerial baiting effectiveness. was expensive, the spectacular increases in returns reported on the Authors’ comment bush telegraph would more than cover Although there was no equivalent area the expense. where wild dogs were not controlled against which to compare these results, the Implementation circumstantial evidence for the success of In cooperation with neighbouring cattle the aerial baiting strategy was strong and stations, approximately 50 000 square kilo- certainly strong enough to convince most metres were baited in 1988 using a fixed- landholders of its value. Conversely, studies wing aircraft and 1080 meat baits. The undertaken in other smaller areas of central problem and its solution were ‘owned’ by Queensland (800 to 9000 square kilometres the landholders involved and the govern- baited) have shown that, although wild dog ment’s contribution was through the numbers were reduced, there was no con- Regional Inspector (from the then Rural current reduction in calf losses and in some Lands Protection Board) who was respon- cases calf losses increased (Allen and sible for adding poison to the baits and Gonzalez 1998). In response to those find- advising and coordinating the group. ings, the manager of one of the studied properties in central Queensland has not baited since 1997 (Allen and Gonzalez Monitoring, evaluation and 2000). Scale differences, behavioural and outcomes age structure changes in baited populations Records of rainfall, calving percentages (at of wild dogs, differences in repopulation, branding), bites to calves by wild dogs and the level of population reduction or combi- wild dog control activities have been kept nations of these (Allen and Gonzalez 1998) from 1968 to the present. At the 1989 may explain the contrasting results between branding, the number of bitten calves the northern property and those where dropped to zero and the highest-ever smaller areas were baited. Allen and branding percentage to date (approxi- Gonzalez (2000) recommended that for full mately 75%) was achieved. In the eight value to accrue from aerial baiting, coopera- years following the first aerial baiting, tive projects covering large contiguous branding percentages have averaged areas are preferable to smaller, single or 75.3% (s.d. = 1.2%) and have not been part-property efforts.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 131 7.7.2 Case study 2 — Hypothetical case study of benefit–cost analysis for sheep properties To undertake a benefit–cost analysis, data on the value of production, cost of wild dog con- 10 trol and control effectiveness are required. An 9 example of a benefit–cost analysis for wild dog 8 control on sheep properties is shown in Table Strategy 2 7. In the table, hypothetical values are given 7 for production parameters, wild dog control 6 costs and sheep losses for two wild dog con- trol strategies: 5 4 • Wild Dog Control Strategy 1: trapping, Strategy 1

reactive ground baiting, fence mainte- Benefit–cost ratio 3

nance and opportunistic shooting; no 2 baited zone. 1 • Wild Dog Control Strategy 2: baited zone (applied by aerial baiting) as 0 5101520 25 30 35 well as fence maintenance, oppor- -1 tunistic shooting and reactive ground Sheep losses (%) baiting. Figure 18: An example of benefit–cost ratio analyses showing the benefit–cost of effort to control wild The benefit of these two strategies in dogs including a baited zone (Strategy 2 in Table 7) reducing wild dog impact is determined by and control effort without a baited zone (Strategy 1 in comparing them against two hypothetical Table 7) for sheep graziers in north-eastern New percentage stock losses (16% and 33%) South Wales. Benefit–cost ratios below 1 when no wild dog control was applied. (dotted/dashed line) are uneconomic. Process with the hypothetical percentage losses where no control effort was expended. The In this hypothetical case, it was assumed that benefit was greater when the imposition of the relationship between damage and the the baiting zone was the primary control density of wild dogs is linear and hence the strategy. For Strategy 1 (no baited zone), relationship between benefit–cost ratios and break-even would have been achieved if sheep losses is also linear (Figure 15, Line C). expected losses were 9.6%, whereas Strategy To estimate the break-even points (the 2 (with baited zone) was beneficial if expect- points at which the benefits equalled the ed losses were above 4.0%. Aerial baiting is costs), linear functions were drawn for bene- also likely to have a greater impact on wild fit–cost ratios at different percentage losses dog populations, but targeted baiting/trap- for the two strategies (Figure 18). Using the ping may be more effective in removing indi- equations of the lines, the break-even points vidual dogs which are causing problems in were estimated by determining when the localised areas. benefit–cost ratio (y-axis) equalled one. The benefit–cost analysis is clearly depen- In general, it is better to use long-term dent on the per head value of the livestock average losses than single year figures and the potential activity — that is, the fre- because of the large variability in preda- quency of attacks and number of sheep tion that is experienced between years. maimed or killed during attacks — of indi- vidual dogs that may be killed as a result of Analysis control effort. The latter is difficult to predict The hypothetical benefit–cost ratios were because relationships between wild dog better for Strategy 2 than Strategy 1 (Table 7, densities and livestock predation levels are Figure 18) because the percentage predation highly variable (Box 2, Step 3) and depen- experienced and the relative costs were dent on a wide range of factors including lower in Strategy 2. The control effort in both availability of alternative food, social struc- strategies was beneficial when compared ture of dogs and activity of individual dogs.

132 Bureau of Rural Sciences Table 7: Hypothetical benefit–cost comparison of two wild dog control strategies using two sets of sheep productivity data. (Hypothetical annual percentage losses experienced in the absence of control extrapolated from Thomson (1984a); sheep production and control effort figures for Strategy 1 extrapolated from NERDA (undated c. 1966) and those for Strategy 2 extrapolated from Thompson and Fleming (1991) and Fleming (1996b); average hourly wages are from Consumer Price Index figures, Australian Tax Office (unpublished data 1996). Parameter Wild dog Wild dog No control No control control control (16% losses) (33% losses) Strategy 11 Strategy 22

Mean sheep numbers 1030 1030 1030 1030 (head per property)

Greasy fleece weight 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 (kilograms per head)

Value of sheep 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 ($ per head)

Annual mean sheep killed 25.6 11.2 165 340.4 by wild dogs (head per property)

Annual control effort 185.6 100 0 0 (hours per property)

Cost of predation 1085 475 6996 14432 ($ per property)

Cost of control 2975 1790 0 0 ($ per property)

Benefit-cost ratios3

Control @16% annual losses @33% annual losses

Strategy 1 1.46:1 3.29:1

Strategy 2 2.87:1 6.15:1

1Strategy 1: Control with no buffer-zone 2Strategy 2: Control with a buffer-zone 3Benefit–cost ratio is calculated by dividing the benefits (cost of predation when there is no control minus cost of predation under a particular control strategy) by the total costs of the control strategy. The total costs of the control strategy are the cost of control effort plus any predation costs that are still incurred despite the control effort.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 133

8. Deficiencies in knowledge and practice

Summary 8.2 Assess relative effectiveness Although there is much knowledge about the and efficacy of baiting ecology, behaviour and effects of predation strategies by dingoes and other wild dogs, some topics require further research to enable best prac- tice management to be implemented. There Deficiency are also knowledge deficits relating to the The relationship between the cost of control conservation of dingoes, the effects of con- (particularly aerial and ground baiting) and trol programs on populations of non-target the impact of wild dog predation on the animals and the interactions between wild profitability of livestock (particularly sheep) dogs and feral cats, foxes and native carni- in the eastern highlands is unknown. This vores. These knowledge deficiencies are not knowledge is essential for decisions about listed in priority order. the continuing expenditure on wild dog con- trol, dingo conservation and the suitability of 8.1 Assess relationship between some lands for grazing enterprises. If possi- ble, areas where no wild dog control is wild dog abundance and exerted should be incorporated in the predation of cattle assessments so that the costs of the ‘no dog control’ (Section 7.3.4) option can be evalu- Deficiency ated and benefit–cost ratios of different con- trol programs can be compared against no A poor understanding of the relationship action. between wild dog density and the predation of cattle in extensive cattle areas. Developments required

Developments required Experiments to evaluate the relative costs and benefits of the various methods of wild Measurement of predation of cattle and wild dog control. dog density is required in different regions. This can be done during normal wild dog Consequences control programs. As for sheep enterprises in the eastern highlands, the costs of the ‘no Improved management decisions relating to dog control’ option requires evaluation wild dog control, conservation and the prof- (Section 7.3.4). itability of grazing enterprises. If the relation- ships between wild dog density and preda- Consequences tion are tenuous or highly variable, the con- tinued use of all control strategies that If consistent relationships exist between wild reduce dog abundance in sheep areas are dog density and predation of cattle, marginal justified provided they fall within budget analyses have more credibility and become allocations. very useful in best practice management. Negative relationships between cattle preda- tion levels and wild dog density would indi- cate that control of wild dog populations was disadvantageous and should be discontin- ued and alternative strategies used, or that control should be coordinated over larger areas.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 135 8.3 Assess effect of Rabbit Consequences Calicivirus Disease on dingo Determination of the likely success of com- predation of livestock pensation or insurance schemes as an alter- native management strategy for wild dogs. Deficiency The introduction of rabbit calicivirus has had 8.5 Train vertebrate pest control a varied impact on rabbit numbers with the operators and managers greatest reductions being in arid and semi- arid areas (rainfall less than 300 millimetres). Deficiencies The effect of reduced abundance of rabbits on wild dog predation of cattle and native There is a need for training packages to animals and on wild dog population abun- inform field operatives and managers of the dance is poorly known. strategic approach to wild dog management and the conservation issues relating to Developments required hybridisation.

The interaction of rabbit calicivirus on rabbit Developments required populations and the subsequent effects on wild dog predation of cattle and native ani- The information contained in this book pro- mals requires research. vides a starting point for the development of training packages for field operatives and Consequences managers. These should be continuously updated to account for changes in legislation Prey abundance may be an important indica- and new research findings. tor of the probability of wild dog predation of livestock. If so, understanding of preda- Consequences tor–prey relationships and the effects of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease on rabbit popula- Soundly-based management will be imple- tions is essential. mented and the results of new research will be incorporated into management plans. 8.4 Investigate feasibility of compensation schemes for 8.6 Improve public awareness of wild dog predation agricultural production, conservation and animal Deficiency welfare issues for wild dog control A self-funding insurance or compensation scheme has been suggested to reimburse landholders for livestock losses. Such Deficiency schemes could be a substitute for control or Public perceptions of vertebrate pest control an adjunct to reduced levels of control. The programs are often based on incorrect feasibility and function of such schemes has premises or worst-case scenarios. Many peo- not been investigated. ple are not fully aware of the range of agri- cultural and conservation reasons for wild Developments required dog control. There is also misinformation The feasibility and operation of self-funded about the use and safety of poisons, and in compensation schemes require investigation particular the characteristics of 1080 (sodium under different agricultural systems where fluoroacetate) (Sections 4.2.4 and 6.4.4) that wild dogs occur. make it the poison of choice for controlling wild dogs. Although considered a humane

136 Bureau of Rural Sciences poison by many researchers and managers, The use of deterents to minimise interactions there is a perception by many in the wider between wild dogs and people is untested. community that 1080 causes painful deaths. Alternative management tools such as live- There is increasing community interest in the stock guarding dogs and toxic collars have need for, and humaneness of, control tech- been tried in other countries but their applica- niques used on pest animals. These issues tion and benefit–cost analyses for Australian require extension to the broader community. conditions are unknown.

Developments required Consequences Education and media programs to extend Ongoing assessment and improvement of ani- information on the welfare issues of wild mal welfare aspects of wild dog control. The dog management. Include animal welfare most humane methods of control will be used issues associated with wild dog control in for managing wild dogs and the welfare of school curricula. non-target animals will not be compromised during control programs. Consequences More techniques for management of wild 8.8 Assess economic importance dogs that include non-lethal strategies will of hydatids in wild dogs be available. Better informed public debate about the Deficiency conservation, livestock production and ani- mal welfare issues relating to the manage- The relationship between wild dog popula- ment of wild dogs. tions and the prevalence of hydatidosis (causal agent Echinococcus granulosus) in livestock has not been fully investigated. At 8.7 Develop species-specific and local levels, it is known that hydatidosis in more humane control cattle is sometimes associated with grazing techniques for wild dogs lands adjacent to or within country inhabited by wild dogs; however full epidemiological studies have not been completed. The eco- Deficiency nomic importance of hydatid infection in livestock remains unclear and strategies to The increasing interest of the wider commu- prevent or reduce their occurrence are yet to nity in animal welfare requires that more be formulated. humane methods of control for pest animals be continually investigated. For example, the Developments required use of strychnine on trap jaws is the presently Research is needed to estimate the economic accepted and recommended method for min- importance of hydatid infection in wild dogs imising the suffering of dogs held in traps. and associated livestock. Strychnine causes a quick yet painful death. Consequences Developments required Development of strategies to prevent or reduce the occurrence of hydatid infection in Development and monitoring of new and wild dogs and livestock. improved techniques to minimise or eliminate the potentially adverse effects of control mea- sures on the welfare of wild dogs and non-tar- get animals is needed. For example, a fast-act- ing more humane poison for use as a substitute for strychnine on trap jaws requires investiga- tion. The economic viability of new techniques will need to be assessed.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 137 8.9 Assess the role of disease Consequences induced mortality in wild Understanding the ecology and demograph- dogs ics of dingoes in Asia will assist in rabies contingency planning. Deficiency A poor understanding of disease and para- 8.11 Assess risks to non-target site-induced mortality in wild dogs. species of 1080 poisoning

Developments required Deficiency The role of various parasites and diseases on Although there is evidence indicating that the mortality of wild dogs and the impact of the poisoning of wild dogs with 1080 is likely this on population dynamics in different to have little impact on non-target popula- environments requires research. tions, this requires confirmation in eastern Australia. The potential impact of 1080 bait- Consequences ing for wild dog control on populations of non-target carnivorous species (including A better understanding of disease and para- phascogales (Phascogale spp.) and spotted- site-induced mortality in wild dogs. tailed quolls, (Dasyurus maculatus)) is the main factor potentially limiting the use of 8.10 Assess the role of wild 1080 (and particularly aerial baiting) to con- dogs if rabies were trol wild dogs in eastern Australia. introduced Developments required

Deficiency Scientific assessment of 1080 baiting pro- grams on populations of non-target carnivo- A question that is raised by the fact that din- rous native animals in a variety of environ- goes came to Australia from Asia is, ‘Why is ments. Investigation of the potential of alter- there no rabies (Rhabdoviridae) in Australia? native baiting strategies (bait substrate, What is different here compared with similar placement of baits and timing of baiting) to habitats and fauna types in Asia?’ reduce non-target risks.

Developments required Consequences Modelling using demographics and estimates A scientific basis for improved risk manage- of rabies transmission coefficients will pro- ment for non-target species in areas where vide useful indicators of the likelihood of wild dogs are baited. rabies becoming established in wild dog populations. Further research is needed on 8.12 Assess the ecological the demographics and interactions of com- effects of wild dog control mensal dogs and wild dogs in the more set- on feral cat and fox tled areas of eastern Australia and in north- ern Australia. populations Studying the ecology and demographics of dingoes in Asia will assist in understanding Deficiency why rabies is not endemic to Australia or There have been few investigations into the what to do if it is introduced to Australia. ecological relationships between feral cats, wild dogs and foxes (Vulpes vulpes). The effect of controlling wild dogs on the abundance of other predators requires further study.

138 Bureau of Rural Sciences Developments required balance is attempted between calf losses due to predation by wild dogs and the benefits Research to assess the factors influencing the that predation on macropods may have in dynamics of feral cat and fox populations reducing grazing pressure. and the interplay of these factors with wild dog control. Relationships between wild Developments required dogs and these carnivores require research to enable better management for conserva- Predator–prey relationships between wild tion. dogs and their macropod prey require inves- tigation in south-eastern Australia. Consequences Consequences Best practice management of wild dogs, foxes, and feral cats can be based on scientific Knowledge of predator–prey relationships in data rather than unsubstantiated assumptions. cattle country of south-eastern Australia will allow for management strategies that bal- ance an acceptable abundance of macrop- 8.13 Assess the interactions of ods with acceptable level of predation of wild dogs and native calves. carnivore populations 8.15 Assess the values of dingo Deficiency conservation Inadequate understanding of the interplay of wild dog control with the factors affecting Deficiency populations of native carnivores, particularly quolls (Dasyurus spp.). Economic frameworks are needed to assist the community in meeting dingo conserva- Developments required tion goals. Better management of budgets relating to the conservation of dingoes can Research to assess the factors influencing the only be achieved if the unpriced values of dynamics of native carnivore populations dingoes are estimated enabling marginal and wild dog populations, and the interplay analyses and cost–benefit analyses of con- of these factors with wild dog control. servation strategies. The contingent and inherent values the community places on the Consequences conservation of dingoes have not been established. Improved management for conservation of native carnivores in areas of wild dog con- Developments required trol. Establish the contingent and inherent values of dingoes to the wider community. 8.14 Assess effects of wild dog abundance on macropods Consequences Estimation of unpriced values of dingoes will Deficiency enable marginal analyses and cost–benefit The control of wild dogs in forested areas of analyses of conservation strategies to deter- south-eastern Australia may have caused mine the most cost-effective management populations of kangaroos and wallabies strategies for meeting community conserva- (Macropus spp.) to increase with concomi- tion objectives. tant grazing impacts on agricultural and forestry enterprises. On some holdings, a

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 139 8.16 Develop a method to Developments required identify genetically pure Public awareness of the issue of hybridisa- dingoes tion, a rapid method of field assessment of pure dingoes, and strategies and techniques Deficiency for the removal of hybrids and free-roaming dogs from areas of pure dingoes are If governments enact legislation to conserve required. The adequacy of refugia on islands dingoes (Section 5.3.3) while controlling and the mainland to allow populations of other wild dogs, non-destructive methods to pure dingoes to be maintained naturally distinguish between dingoes and other wild needs investigation. dogs are required. For example, conserva- tion programs on Fraser Island would Consequences require the capture of all wild dogs over time to enable their genetic purity to be assessed, Genetic assessment of regional variations in with subsequent release or destruction dingo populations and self-sustaining popu- depending on their genetic status. At pre- lations of pure dingoes. sent, there is no consensus applicable to the whole country on what constitutes a ‘pure’ 8.18 Assess the ecological role dingo. of dingo hybrids Developments required Deficiency Techniques to differentiate between dingoes and other wild dogs are being developed Although the role of dingoes in central and and the continuation of this work should be northern Australia is understood, the role of encouraged. A national decision must be sci- wild dogs in eastern Australian environments entifically made on what genotype and/or is less well known. Also, it is unknown phenotype constitutes a pure dingo. whether the increased proportion of hybrids will change the ecological role currently held Consequences by dingoes.

Policy decisions and management strategies Developments required for conservation of dingoes depend on the ability to differentiate between subspecies of Scientific investigations are required to wild dogs. Without a method of differentiat- understand the similarities and differences ing that can be applied to live animals, con- between dingoes and hybrids and whether servation strategies are impossible to imple- these differences will alter predation rates on ment. A national policy on the genotype native fauna and livestock. required for genetic purity will enable con- servation to advance; without such a policy, Consequences dingo conservation is a lost cause. If the roles of dingoes and hybrids are differ- ent, a new suite of management decisions 8.17 Improve knowledge about will be required. Balancing the requirements genetics of wild dogs for control and conservation in management plans requires knowledge of potentially dif- ferent ecological roles of dingoes and other Deficiency wild dogs. Information on the taxonomic status of wild dogs throughout Australia is required, espe- cially in climatically different regions where races of pure dingoes may occur.

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154 Bureau of Rural Sciences Thomson, P.C. (1986) The effectiveness of Thorne, A. and Raymond, R. (1989) Man on aerial baiting for the control of dingoes in the Rim: The Peopling of the Pacific. north-western Australia. Australian Angus and Robertson, Sydney. Wildlife Research 13: 165–176. Titcombe, M. (1969) Dog and Man in the Thomson, P.C. (1992a) The behavioural ecol- Ancient Pacific. Bernice P. Bishop Museum ogy of dingoes in north-western Australia. Special Publication 59, Honolulu. I. The Fortescue River study area and Tomlinson, A.R. (1954) Aerial baiting against details of captured dingoes. Wildlife wild dogs and foxes in Western Australia. Research 19: 509–518. Journal of Agriculture Western Australia Thomson, P.C. (1992b) The behavioural 3: 37–49. ecology of dingoes in north-western Tomlinson, A.R. (1958a) Bonuses for vermin Australia. II. Activity patterns, breeding control. Journal of Agriculture Western season and pup rearing. Wildlife Research Australia 4: 465–469. 19: 519–530. Tomlinson, A.R. (1958b) Wild dog control. Thomson, P.C. (1992c) The behavioural ecol- Vermin Control Conference Perth 1–11. ogy of dingoes in north-western Australia. III. Hunting and feeding behaviour, and Tomlinson, A.R. and Blair, C.K. (1952) Wild diet. Wildlife Research 19: 531–542. dog investigations. The Warburton Ranges area—22 July to 29 August 1952. Journal Thomson, P.C. (1992d) The behavioural ecolo- of Agriculture Western Australia 1: gy of dingoes in north-western Australia. IV. 883–893. Social and spatial organisation, and move- ments. Wildlife Research 19: 543–564. Triggs, B., Brunner, H. and Cullen, J.M. (1984) The food of the fox, dog and cat in Thomson, P.C. and Marsack, P.R. (1992) Aerial Croajingalong National Park, south-east- baiting of dingoes in arid pastoral areas with ern Victoria. Australian Wildlife Research reference to rabies control. Pp. 125–134 in: 11: 491–499. P. O'Brien and G. Berry (eds) Wildlife Rabies Contingency Planning in Australia. Troughton, E. (1957) A new native dog from Bureau of Rural Resources Proceedings the Papuan highlands. Proceedings of the Number 11, Australian Government Royal Society of New South Wales Publishing Service, Canberra. (1955–56): 93–94. Thomson, P.C. and Rose, K. (1992) Age Twigg, L., Eldridge, S., Shakeshaft, B., determination of dingoes from character- Edwards, G., de Preu, N. and Adams, N. istics of canine teeth. Wildlife Research 19: (1999) Longevity of 1080 meat baits in 597–600. central Australia. Unpublished final report to National Feral Animal Control Program, Thomson, P.C., Rose, K. and Kok, N.E. Bureau of Rural Sciences. (1992a) The behavioural ecology of din- goes in north-western Australia. VI. Twyford, K. (1994a) Fraser Island dingo Temporary extra-territorial movements management plan: Community Education and dispersal. Wildlife Research 19: Program. Unpublished Draft Report to the 585–596. Department of Environment, Queensland. Thomson, P.C., Rose, K. and Kok, N.E. Twyford, K. (1994b) Investigations into the (1992b) The behavioural ecology of din- diet of dingoes on Fraser Island. goes in north-western Australia. V. Unpublished Second Interim Report to the Population dynamics and variation in the Department of Environment, Queensland. social system. Wildlife Research 19: 565–584.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 155 Tyndale-Biscoe, H. (1994) The CRC for Wilks, L. (1990) A Survey of the Contingent Biological Control of Vertebrate Pest Valuation Method. Resource Assessment Populations: fertility control of wildlife for Commission Research Paper 2, Australian conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 1: 160–162. Williams, J.M. (1993) The factors and forces Van Valkenburgh, B. and Koepfli, K.P. (1993) shaping rabbit control policies and prac- Cranial adaptations to predation in canids. tices in New Zealand: what lessons for the N. Dunstan and M.L. Gorman (eds) future? Pp. 42–50 in: B.D. Cooke (ed.) Mammals as Predators. Symposium of the Australian Rabbit Control Conference. Zoological Society of London 65: 15–37. Anti-rabbit Research Foundation of Australia, Adelaide. Wagner, K.K., Schmidt, R.H. and Conover, M.R. (1997) Compensation programs for Williams, K., Parer, I., Coman, B., Burley, J. and wildlife damage in North America. Braysher, M. (1995) Managing Vertebrate Wildlife Society Bulletin 25: 312–319. Pests: Rabbits. Bureau of Resource Sciences, Australian Government Publishing Service, Walker, B.H. and Noy-Meir, I. (1982) Aspects Canberra. of the stability and resilience of savanna ecosystems. Pp. 556–590 in: B.J. Huntly Wilton, A. N., Steward, D. J. and Zafiris, K. and B.H. Walker (eds) Ecology of Tropical (1999). Microsatellite variation in the Savannas. Springer-Verlag, New York. Australian dingo. Journal of Heredity 90: 108–111. Walters, C.J. (1986) Adaptive management of renewable resources. McGraw-Hill, Wong, D.H., Kirkpatrick, W.E., Kinnear, J.E. New York. and King, D.R. (1991) Defluorination of sodium fluoroacetate (1080) by microor- Walters, C.J. and Holling, C.S. (1990) Large- ganisms found in bait material. Wildlife scale management experiments and learn- Research 18: 539–545. ing by doing. Ecology 71: 2060–2068. Woodall, P.F. (1983) Distribution and popula- Wamsley, J. (1998) Rehabilitate for what? tion dynamics of dingoes (Canis famil- Workshop on Fauna Habitat iaris) and feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in Reconstruction After Mining, Adelaide, Queensland, 1945–1976. Journal of 10–11 October 1997:166–144. Applied Ecology 20: 85–95. Ward, F.G. (1986) The Vanishing Dogman. Woodall, P.F., Pavlov, P. and Twyford, K.L. James Yeates Printing, Australia. (1996) Dingoes in Queensland: skull Wells, M.C. and Bekoff, M. (1981) An obser- dimensions and the identity of wild vational study of scent-marking in coy- canids. Wildlife Research 23: 581–587. otes, Canis latrans. Animal Behaviour 29: Wright, S.M. (1993) Observations of the 332–350. behaviour of male eastern grey kangaroos White, I.M. (1972) Hunting dogs at Yalata. when attacked by dingoes. Wildlife Mankind 8: 201–205. Research 20: 845–849. White, J.P. and O'Connell, J.F. (1982) A Zimen, E. (1976) On the regulation of pack size Prehistory of Australia, New Guinea and in wolves. Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie 40: Sahul. Academic Press, Sydney. 300–341. Whitehouse, S. (1977) The diet of the dingo in Western Australia. Australian Wildlife Research 4: 145–150.

156 Bureau of Rural Sciences Appendix A: Parasites and pathogens recorded from wild dogs in Australia (after Corbett 1995a) and their potential effects on wildlife, humans and livestock (after Kelly 1977).

Organism Locality Site of Affects Affects Affects recorded infection humans? wildlife? livestock? Cestodes


Echinococcus Queensland Small intestine yes yes yes granulosus NE NSW SE Highlands

Taenia ovis Probably widespread Small intestine no ? yes at very low levels

Taenia hydatigena SE Highlands Small intestine no no yes

Taenia pisiformis Central Australia Small intestine no yes no SE Highlands

Taenia serialis SE Highlands Small intestine no yes no

Dipylidium caninum Queensland Small intestine yes no no SE Highlands

Spirometra erinacei Queensland Small intestine yes yes no Central Australia SE Coastal

Undetermined North Australia Small intestine no no no species Barkly Tableland



Uncinaria SE Highlands Small intestine yes no no stenocephala

Ancylostoma SE Highlands Small intestine yes no no caninum Queensland SE Coastal

Undetermined North Australia Stomach/ no no no species intestine

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 157 Organism Locality Site of Affects Affects Affects recorded infection humans? wildlife? livestock? Nematodes


Toxacara canis SE Highlands Small intestine yes no no

Undetermined Central Australia Small intestine no no no species North Australia


Dirofilaria immitis North Australia Right ventricle yes no no Barkly Tableland and pulmonary SE Highlands artery


Oslerus osleri SE Highlands Trachea no no no


Trichurus vulpis SE Highlands Caecum and no no no large intestine


Cyathospirura SE Highlands Alimentary tract no yes no dasyuridis

Thorn-headed worm Acanthacephala sp. Barkly Tableland Stomach no no no


Canine distemper

Paramyxovirus Central Australia Respiratory no no no Barkly Tableland tract

Canine Hepatitis

Adenovirus Central Australia Liver no no no Barkly Tableland



Isospora rivolta SE Highlands Alimentary tract no no no

Eimeria canis SE Highlands no no no

158 Bureau of Rural Sciences Organism Locality Site of Affects Affects Affects recorded infection humans? wildlife? livestock?



Sarocystis sp. Queensland Striated muscle no ? ? SE Coastal and heart muscle


Giardia sp. SE Coastal Gastrointestinal yes ? ? system


Biting lice

Trichodectes canis SE Australia Skin no no no

Undetermined Barkly Tableland Skin no no no speices Central Australia


Ctenocephalides Probably Skin yes no no canis widespread

Ctenocephalides Probably Skin yes no no felis widespread

Echidnophaga Central Australia Skin no yes no myrmecobii Barkly Tableland

Undetermined North Australia Skin no no no species


(Tabanidae) Widespread Skin yes yes yes

Kangaroo flies

(Hippoboscidae) SE Coastal Skin no no no


(Culicidae) Widespread Skin yes yes yes


(Calliphoridae) Widespread Wounds no no yes

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 159 Organism Locality Site of Affects Affects Affects recorded infection humans? wildlife? livestock?


Ixodes holocyclus SE Coastal high- Skin yes yes yes lands

Rhipicephalus Central Australia Skin no no ? sanguineus North Australia

Amblyomma Queensland Skin no yes ? triguttatum


Sarcoptic mange

Sarcoptes scabieri Widespread Skin yes yes no

Demodectic mange

Demodex Central Australia Sebaceous yes no no folliculorum glands and skin follicles around eyes and nose

Pentastome Arthropod


Linguatula serrata SE Australia Nasal cavities no ?? Central Qld



Microsporum canis Central Australia Skin yes yes yes


Hirudo sp. SE Highlands Skin yes yes yes

160 Bureau of Rural Sciences Appendix B: Getting the best out of extension: 20 recommendations to help integrate education and extension into wild dog management

(after Andrew 1999) This is perhaps one of the most crucial aspects of a project which involves different The following recommendations, combined interest groups. Relationships between peo- with available extension materials, will help ple are complex and interpersonal relation- wild dog management coordinators incorpo- ships are central to the success of projects. rate effective education and extension into Projects and working arrangements can stall their programs. The recommendations are or fail because of personal clashes. drawn from pest animal projects that were sup- Persistence and patience, conflict resolution ported under the Bureau of Resource Sciences’ abilities and a sense of humour are important Vertebrate Pest Program (1993–1996) and are attributes of good extension officers and aimed at government officers, researchers, other government officers. Extension and extension officers and community members other government officers involved in land involved in group management. The recom- management issues need to develop and mendations are not in priority order although sustain a genuine level of familiarity and they have been grouped so that similar issues trust with the landholders that they seek to are listed together. support. This genuine familiarity and trust 1. Wild dog management is essentially a takes time to develop. Landholders live with- social issue. in social settings with often long-established communication patterns. It is unrealistic to While it is true that effective management of expect to be able to gain worthwhile insights wild dogs requires a certain baseline of sci- into a social setting with a single, short visit. entific and technical information, the actual process of management is a social one 3. Most projects and programs need to involving the ideas, activities and relation- be conducted over long periods. ships of landholders and agency representa- Consequently, project managers need to tives. This means that there is often no pre- be responsive to change. dictable and generalisable right or wrong answer to questions to do with management. Most farmers and graziers view their enter- The values and views of people should be prise as a long-term business. Many are third, considered and debated as part of the pro- fourth or even fifth generation property cess of management. owners and consider the significance of their decisions and practices on their children and 2. Agency representatives who deal with grandchildren. Some see governments as landholders need to have personal quali- only being interested in the short-term and ties, commitment and experience that are with little commitment to the long-term via- respected by the landholders they are bility of the agricultural sector. Projects need working with. It is also important that to reflect a commitment to long-term out- agency representatives see their interac- comes and must consider changes that occur tions with landholders as long-term rela- within government sectors and farming and tionships. Many landholders have seen a grazing communities. ‘turnover’ of government staff and exten- sion officers and they sometimes have to repeat the same messages to consecutive government representatives. Agency repre- sentatives also need to respect the personal qualities and experience of landholders.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 161 4. Landholders are ultimately responsible 7. Identify and work with key players in for ‘on the ground’ decisions about land the community. management involving their land. In the long run, landholders will determine Within communities there are many whether programs and actions succeed landowners who are respected for their land or fail. management expertise and innovation. These people are often leaders in their com- Wild dog management within the agricultural munity. Working with these people will help sector is mainly the responsibility of land- gain an insider’s view of local land manage- holders. Therefore they must have a major ment issues. role in decision making if strategies are to be 8. Land management issues attract a successful. Nevertheless, they do need to range of views: expect and respect diver- actively consult other groups and individuals sity of opinion. with a major interest in the management of wild dogs. It is not reasonable to expect all landholders 5. Management options for wild dogs must and agency representatives to agree on any be seen to be practical by landholders. given issue. Aim for a give and take arrange- ment and value argument: it is a good way of Wild dog management options must be realis- finding out what people want and feel about tic with regard to equipment, labour require- an issue. It is reasonable for some people to ments and cost-effectiveness, and should fit concede on some points but not on others. within routine farm operations. These are the 9. The scientific community, supported by practical considerations that landholders face government, should provide accessible on a daily basis but are often overlooked by information. They should also involve researchers and/or agency representatives landholders and agency representatives who have different timetables. in research and data collection. 6. Encourage the involvement of all stake- holders. Pest animal management requires support information from research agencies and from It is important to attempt to involve anyone landholders. If research is to have practical who is interested in land management issues outcomes then it should include landholder and also to attempt to seek opinions from a information as part of the research process. wide range of community and other groups. Researchers should not regard landholders Individuals within a community have diverse as just data collectors. They have an essential talents, interests and experience. Managers of role in ensuring that the research is testing different enterprises bring different perspec- practical management options. Landholders tives to resource management issues. Women observations may also provide useful direc- have contributed greatly to changes within tions for research. rural communities and it is now acknowledged 10. The rights of individual land ownership that they are equal partners in many rural enterprises. Elder members of communities should be respected and data collected should not be forgotten, as they often know from properties should be treated confi- more about a particular district than anyone dentially. else. Different cultural groups and individuals Landholders have the right to privacy and to often have different traditional ways of know- respect of both their land and ‘intellectual’ ing and different ways of doing things that property rights. Release of data identifying bring a greater range of possible solutions to individual landowners should be negotiated land management problems. Children also can with those landowners in the first instance. become involved in projects through clubs, Usually, it is the pooled information that is of schools or through local events and activities. If most value to researchers and agency repre- funds are available, consider using an indepen- sentatives so that individual landholders are dent facilitator to manage diverse views or to not identified. bring diverse views together.

162 Bureau of Rural Sciences 11. Landholders and others often respond 15. Frequent, organised meetings that differently to written information and involve committed representatives from questionnaires than to conversations. all stakeholder groups are necessary if ‘on the ground’ change is expected as This may simply be because landholders’ an outcome. usual medium of communication is through conversation rather than writing. This point Information about the issues to be discussed is important to remember when collecting should be circulated to all stakeholders well data about peoples’ opinions on land man- ahead of meetings so that representatives agement issues. may consult with and receive advice from their constituents. Representatives should be 12. Sustained direct communication is the people within an organisation or district who most valued and effective form of con- have a commitment to consultation and who veying and receiving perspectives on the will give feedback to the people whose management of wild dogs. views they represent. Talking one-to-one with people is the most The management group size should be effective way of getting people involved and determined by the ability of those taking the maintaining their involvement in a program. main responsibility for pest management Newsletters, field days, local shed meetings, (those representing stakeholders) to feed- media promotion and talks at local meetings back information on a regular basis and are also encouraged. receive responses from others and to meet 13. Access to information should be efficient any queries from those whom they repre- and easy. sent. Mechanisms for informing all people should be clearly thought out so that repre- All people in a community should be sentatives do not merely ‘rubber-stamp’ pro- informed about and able to access informa- posals and actions that their constituents tion associated with land management pro- may not know about. jects that is relevant to their district. 16. Meetings should always have a clear Information could be presented via a num- purpose that relates to the needs of land- ber of different means such as: local media, holders. They should be held at times newsletters, mail-outs, presentations at meet- that suit landholder schedules. ings and informal gatherings. Individuals and groups should be provided with a con- The best meetings are those that reflect wild tact list of people with various types of dog management developments that have expertise and knowledge that they can call occurred on the ground between meetings, upon if required (for example, indigenous, rather than those that can be perceived as historical, scientific, financial etc). purely paper exercises. Meetings should also 14. Consider ways of getting information to be held at times that are negotiated with the wider community and other interest- landholders. This includes consideration of ed groups. seasonal work, day of the week, time of day, and length of the meeting. Try to tie wild dog Many cheap and easily accessible information management meetings into existing meet- channels exist to inform other people about ings such as landcare and bushfire meetings. projects. Local media will often respond to a Often a social event such as barbecue is a story involving local landholders. Displays and useful way of bringing people together. This notices on bulletin boards and notice boards at also gives people time to discuss issues in a local stores, halls and at special events will relaxed atmosphere. help spread the news. Write stories for Landcare and other rural newsletters and write to or give talks at meetings of other groups in the district. Word-of-mouth is one of the most important ways of spreading the word about local projects.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 163 17. Wild dog management practices need to 20. Cultural and heritage issues should be be viewed within a broader legal and considered in decision making. policy context. Many land management decisions affect cul- Governments at all levels should provide tural and heritage sites. Consideration must broader framework considerations (for exam- be given to the relationship between cultural ple Ecologically Sustainable Development, and economic interests as part of any pest biological diversity, legislative requirements) animal project. within which on the ground pest management practices can be located and to which they can Some suggested extension materials contribute. Plain language versions of these policy statements should be made readily a. National pest management guidelines available to all participants. including this publication. Other guide- lines are available for rabbits, foxes, feral 18. All costs and benefits need to be goats, feral pigs, rodents, feral horses considered. and carp. Whatever technique is used to calculate costs and benefits it should be remembered that dif- Australia’s Pest Animals: New Solutions to ferent managers have different concerns and Old Problems (Olsen 1998) priorities. Many aspects of land management and broader lifestyle interests have values that New Approaches to Managing Pest Animals are difficult to quantify in monetary terms and (an extension folder) cannot necessarily be generalised. A common These are available from the Bureau of Rural difficulty with attempts at cost–benefit analysis Sciences in Canberra (internet: is the time it takes and the complexity of some formulas that seem irrelevant to landholders. This is so, particularly for those who consider b. State and Territory agriculture and con- that the impact of any pest is worth managing servation departments provide factsheets or, at the other extreme, those that are com- on various pest animal issues. pletely uninterested in pest management regardless of the demonstrated economic ben- c. Specific local information can be obtained efit. from regional agricultural protection offi- cer and/or park service. 19. The pain and suffering of animals should be considered in decision making.

Ethical considerations are an aspect of pest animal management that cannot be ignored. Many methods of pest management inevitably inflict pain and suffering on ani- mals. Discussion about this issue and rele- vant information about various management methods must be considered as part of any pest animal management project if these methods are to be regarded as best practice. The most humane methods available should be preferred.

164 Bureau of Rural Sciences Appendix C: Authors’ biographies

Peter Fleming Robert Harden Peter Fleming is a senior research officer Robert Harden is the Vertebrate Pests Team with the Vertebrate Pest Research Unit of Leader in the Biodiversity Research Group of NSW Agriculture. Since 1983, he has studied NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. He the impacts and management of flying foxes, has more than 30 years of research experi- bird pests, European red foxes, feral pigs ence of the ecology and management of wild and feral goats. Most of Peter’s research has dogs in the eastern highlands of NSW and been in the highlands of eastern New South has published many research and extension Wales where he is primarily interested in articles on vertebrate pest management. His assessing the impacts of wild dogs on live- recent research includes the development of stock production and the improvement of management strategies for introduced management strategies for wild canids. Peter rodents on Lord Howe Island, the rehabilita- has published over 60 research and exten- tion of the Lord Howe Island woodhen, the sion articles about vertebrate pests. He is management of feral goat impact in the east- currently researching the interactions of feral ern highlands of NSW and the impact of fox goats and domestic livestock for exotic dis- baiting on spotted-tailed quolls. ease contingency planning, and is also Peter Thomson responsible for an integrated program for wild dog management in south-eastern New Peter Thomson is a research scientist with South Wales and the Australian Capital over 20 years field experience working on Territory. the ecology and management of canids in Australia. Much of his career was devoted to Laurie Corbett a long-term study of dingoes in the north- Dr Laurie Corbett is a specialist in ecosystem west and Nullarbor areas of WA, and in more assessment and management with over 30 recent years, to various studies relating to the years field experience studying the ecology control of foxes. He has published numerous of vertebrate predators and their prey, fire articles and scientific papers on dingoes and ecology and the management of feral ani- foxes. He leads the Vertebrate Pest Research mals. He has extensive knowledge of canids, group of Agriculture Western Australia and is felids, raptors and reptiles in Australia, currently involved in studies on a number of Scotland and south-east Asia and is recog- different pests. nised as a world authority on dingoes. He is the author or co-author of more than 140 publications, of which over 50 specifically relate to wild dogs. Formerly with the CSIRO Division of Wildlife & Ecology, Dr Corbett is currently a principal ecologist with EWL Sciences Pty Ltd, based in Darwin.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 165

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ANKC Australian National Kennel NHT Natural Heritage Trust Council NLP National Landcare Program ANZFAS Australian and New Zealand NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Federation of Animal Service (New South Wales) Societies PWC Parks and Wildlife APB Agriculture Protection Board Commission (Northern (Western Australia) Territory) APCC Animal and Plant Control QDNR Department of Natural Commission, South Australia Resources (Queensland) AGWEST Agriculture Western RLPB Rural Lands Protection Australia Board (New South Wales) BRS Bureau of Rural Sciences RSPCA Royal Society for the (formerly Bureau of Prevention of Cruelty to Resource Sciences) Animals (Australia) CALMWA Department of Conservation SCARM Standing Committee on and Land Management Agriculture and Resource (Western Australia) Management CPUE Catch-per-unit-effort s.d. Standard deviation CWR Critical Weight Range SDP Stochastic dynamic pro- (mammals weighing gramming 35–5500 grams) VPC Vertebrate Pests Committee DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid WDCA Wild Dog Control ESD Ecologically Sustainable Association (New South Development Wales) GPS Global positioning system WDDB Wild Dog Destruction Board NERDA New England Rural (western New South Wales) Development Association NFACP National Feral Animal Control Program (a NHT program)

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 167


1080: Sodium fluoroacetate. An acute Carrying capacity: Density of an uncon- metabolic poison without antidote; trolled population of animals that is in equi- particularly toxic to canids. librium with their natural resources and competitors. Bait: Attractive substance fed to pest animals that can be used to carry a poison or Chromosome: Threadlike structure in the contraceptive or to lure animals into traps. nucleus of a cell which carries the genetic material (genes) of heredity. Bait mound: Specialised bait station where bait is buried in the centre of a mound of Commensal dogs: Wild dogs (including friable soil to minimise bait removal by dingoes, domestic breeds and hybrids) non-target animals. living in close association with but inde- pendently of humans (for example, Bait station: A specific site used for the dingoes foraging in rubbish bins at repeated placement of bait. camping grounds on Fraser Island). Biocontrol (biological control): Control of Competition: A number of organisms of the pest populations using a specific same or different species using common biological agent such as a virus, bacterium resources that are in short supply (exploita- or predator (for example, myxomatosis). tion competition), or organisms seeking a Biodiversity: Biological diversity. The common and abundant resource harming natural diversity of living things, usually each other in the process (interference defined at three levels: genetic, species competition). and ecosystem. Conservation values: Values attributed to Blastocyst: Early, multicellular stage of maintaining biodiversity, including the embryo development in marsupials at preservation of viable populations of native which development is postponed. Delayed species and natural communities over their implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus natural range, preservation of wilderness allows birth to correspond with seasonal and prevention of land degradation. flushes of food or the loss of an embryo or Conspecific: A member of the same species. pouch young. Contingent value: The unpriced value that Bounty (bonus): Predetermined reward paid people place on maintaining things such on presentation of evidence (for example, as open space, clean air and endangered scalp) of the destruction of an animal (for species. The social value of these things is example, wild dog). often poorly represented by the market Canid: A member of the family Canidae value of the land where they occur. comprising 13 species of wolves, jackals, Contingent value can be estimated by ask- dogs and foxes. ing consumers of their willingness to pay to maintain a resource. Carnivore: A flesh-eating animal or a member of the Order Carnivora. Correlation: Statistical relationship between two or more variables where a change in Carnivora: Order of mammals including one variable is reflected in a proportional wolves, dogs, foxes, otters, cats, weasels, change in the other. bears, raccoons, civets and hyenas.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 169 Critical weight range (CWR) mammals: Dogger, dogman: A pest controller who Australian mammals with live weights specialises in the removal of wild dogs, between 35 grams and 5500 grams that usually by trapping or shooting. are believed to be more vulnerable to Domestic dogs: Dog breeds (other than extinction by predation. dingoes) selected by humans, initially Curvilinear relationship: Curved line rela- from wolves, that usually live in associa- tionship between two or more variables. tion with humans. This selection process is ongoing. Demographics: Statistics relating to popu- lation dynamics, including birth rates, Ecosystem: Ecological system formed by mortality rates, age and sex ratios. interaction of living things and their envi- ronment. Density dependence: Regulation of the size of a population by mechanisms that Efficacy: Ability to produce desired effects. tend to retard population growth as densi- Efficiency: The accomplishment of desired ty increases and enhance population effects in relation to the effort (or cost) growth as density declines. expended to produce those effects (often Dingoes: Native dogs of Asia selected by expressed as a rate). humans from wolves. Present in Australia Endangered species: Species in danger of before domestic dogs. Pure dingoes are extinction and whose survival is unlikely populations or individuals that have not if causal threatening processes continue to hybridised with domestic dogs or hybrids. operate. Discount rate: The rate used to calculate Endemic: Limited to a certain region, coun- the present value of future benefits or try or group. costs. It is calculated using the reverse equation to that used to calculate interest Endemic disease: Disease that occurs in a rates on invested money. region or country. Dispersal: Movement of an animal away Eradication: Permanent removal of all indi- from its birth or breeding site. viduals of a species from a defined area. Dispersion: The spatial pattern of a popula- Exotic: Introduced from another country tion of organisms relative to one another. (for example, exotic species). Distribution: The geographical area (range) Exotic disease: Disease that does not occur in which a group of organisms occurs. in a region or country. Diurnal: Active during the day. Extant: Still existing; not destroyed or extinct. DNA: (deoxyribonucleic acid) The genetic Extrapolation: Interpreting data beyond the material in the cells of most living organ- dimensions within which it is collected (for isms, which is a major constituent of the example, assuming conclusions drawn from chromosomes in the cell nucleus. data collected in one region will be relevant elsewhere). DNA fingerprinting (or mapping): A technique in which an individual's DNA is Fecundity: The number of live births over analysed to reveal the pattern of genetic an interval of time. material within particular segments. This Feral: Domesticated species that has estab- pattern is claimed to be unique to individ- lished a wild population. uals, and closely related individuals have similar patterns. Feral dogs: Wild-living dogs of domestic breeds.

170 Bureau of Rural Sciences Fertility: The ability to produce young. Ingested: Taken orally. Free-roaming dogs: Dogs that are owned by Intangibles: Values that cannot be numeri- humans but not always restrained and so cally quantified (for example, that for are free to travel away from their owner’s which it is difficult to estimate a money residence (includes commensal dogs). value). Friable: [Soil that is] easily crumbled. Interference competition: see Competition. Functional response: Relationship Isopleth: A line drawn on a map through between per capita food intake rate and points having the same numerical value food availability. for any element (for example, an isobar joins points with the same barometric Genotype: Genetic constitution of an pressure). organism. Karyotype: Number and structure (gene Gestation: Pregnancy. sequence) of the chromosomes in the Global positioning system (GPS): Small nucleus of a cell. All the cells in an indi- device that uses satellite signals to accu- vidual have the same karyotype (except rately locate the user’s position (latitude, for sperm and egg cells). longitude and altitude). Latent period: The time lag between an Gregarious: Living in groups. action and a response. Home range: Area that an animal (or group of LD50: Dose (per kilogram of body weight) animals) ranges over during normal daily that will, on average, kill 50% of treated activities. The boundaries of the home range animals. may be marked (for example, wild dogs use LD : Dose (per kilogram of body weight) scent marks) and may (see territory) or may 100 that will, on average, kill 100% of treated not be defended, depending on species. animals. Howl up: Wild dogs are lured to a hunter Linear programming: A mathematical imitating the howling of a dingo. modelling approach that uses simultane- Hybrids: Progeny resulting from the cross- ous linear equations for optimising deci- breeding of two different species or sub- sions under resource limitations. A linear species and the descendants of crossbred programming problem has a linear objec- progeny (for example, dogs resulting tive function (for example, to maximise from crossbreeding of a dingo and a whole-farm gross margins from livestock domestic dog). production) and a set of linear constraints (for example, the density of wild dogs, Hydatidosis: Disease caused by hydatid enterprise type, labour and capital worm (Echinococcus granulosus) infec- resources) arranged in an array. tion. Linear relationship: Straight-line relation- Immunocontraception: A form of fertility ship between two or more variables. control where a substance that triggers an immune reaction causes sterility or Lure: Attractant (usually an odour-producing reduced fertility in affected animals. substance) which is used to enhance the effectiveness of baiting programs or to Indices of abundance: Field signs that can attract an animal to a trap site. give a relative measure of dog abundance (for example, howls, fresh droppings, tracks, bait acceptance).

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 171 M-44 ejector: mechanical ejector for delivering Monoestrus: Having a single oestrus period encapsulated toxin to canids. The device is in one sexual season or year. triggered by the canid pulling on bait materi- Morbidity rate: Proportion of a population al connected to the ejector. This releases a affected by disease for a given time inter- compressed spring within the ejector which val. Usually expressed as a per capita rate. drives a rod through a toxin capsule, pro- pelling the contents of the capsule into the Mortality rate: Proportion of a population animal's mouth. The advantages of this sys- dying during a given time interval. Usually tem are that devices can be left loaded as expressed as an instantaneous per capita sentinel stations, without degradation of the rate. In seasonal breeders such as dingoes toxin over time. The pull pressure can also mortality may be an annual death rate. be adjusted so that it is only likely to be trig- Nocturnal: Active at night. gered by canids and the device ensures that the full complement of toxin is ingested to Non-target (animal/species): Animal or reduce sub-lethal poisoning. species that is accidentally killed or injured by a control measure (for exam- Marginal benefits: The shift in benefit val- ple, domestic dogs or native wildlife ues that occur as incremental changes are caught in wild dog traps). made in the factor(s) which affect level of benefits (for example, changes to live- Oestrus: The phase of the female reproduc- stock losses that occur as wild dog density tive cycle when they are fertile and ovula- is reduced). tion occurs, sometime referred to as ‘sexu- al heat’. Marginal costs: The shift in cost values that occur as incremental changes are made in Opportunistic feeding: Non-selective feed- the factor(s) which affect level of costs ing occurring when the opportunity arises. (for example, changes in the cost of find- Pack: A social grouping of canids, usually ing and removing an extra wild dog that genetically related. Wild dogs may hunt as a occur as wild dog density is reduced). whole pack, as a sub-group or individually. Mark–recapture: Technique of live catch- Per capita: Per head of population (for ing, tagging, releasing and then recaptur- example, food consumption per sheep is ing animals, and using a formula to esti- per capita food consumption). mate population size from the proportion of recaptured animals that are tagged. Pest: Harmful, destructive or troublesome organism. Market failure: Occurs when resources are not allocated efficiently through the use of Phenotype: The characters of an organism the market, that is, when the costs and due to the interaction of genotype and benefits to society are not equated by the environment. natural market forces of supply and Population: Groups of animals of a particu- demand (for example, unsustainable use lar species occupying an area where they of natural resources or development of are subject to the same broad set of envi- social inequities). ronmental or management conditions. Mesopredator release: The process where- Population dynamics: The process of by the removal or loss of higher order numerical and structural change within predators results in the increase in abun- populations resulting from births, deaths dance of and substitution by lower order and movements. predators. The negative impacts of meso- predators on small mammal populations may be greater than the higher order predators.

172 Bureau of Rural Sciences Population limitation: A factor is limiting Species: Group of interbreeding individuals if a change in the factor produces a not breeding with another such group and change in average or equilibrium density which has characteristics that distinguish of a population. For example, predation it from other groups. by wild dogs may limit the density of a Species-specific: Affecting only the target- prey population if abundance of the prey ed species. is higher when wild dogs are absent. Standard deviation (s.d.): The standard Population regulation: A factor is regulat- deviation of a sample is an estimate of its ing if the percentage mortality that it caus- variability around a mean value, and is es increases with population density calculated from the square root of the (sometimes called density-dependent reg- variance (s2): ulation). For example, a disease may regu- late wild dog abundance if it causes higher percentage mortality as wild dog density increases. Predator: An animal that kills other animals for food. Prevalence: The number of instances of dis- Strategic control: Using historical evidence ease, or related attributes (e.g. infection or and current knowledge to devise strate- presence of antibodies) in a known popu- gies that prevent damage caused by verte- lation at a designated time, without dis- brate pests before damage commences. tinction between old and new cases. Stochastic: Incorporating some degree of Prey: An animal hunted or seized as food by natural variation which has a mathemati- a flesh-eating animal. cally calculable probability. RANGEPACK: A computer software package Stochastic dynamic programming: A (produced by CSIRO) with modules that aid mathematical approach to modelling the management decisions for livestock enter- effects of problems (such as weeds, pests prises, particularly for those in the arid zone. or harvest rates) on production systems, Modules include Herd-Econ, which models which incorporates measured uncertainty herd dynamics and property economics, (stochasticity) and the dynamics of the Climate that uses past rainfall data to model population (of weeds, pests or resource). the probability of rainfall events and The objective function is often specified Paddock, which predicts grazing patterns as the present value of the expected within paddocks. returns, which may include the decision makers' risk preference. Pro-oestrus: Preparatory phase of the oestrus cycle when the female reproductive system Subspecies: Group of individuals within a is active but preceding ovulation (egg species, having certain characteristics release). which distinguish them from other mem- bers of the species, and forming a breed- Reactive control: Control activities in ing group. response to the presence of or damage by vertebrate pests. Surplus killing: Predatory activity where prey are attacked and killed in excess of the Regression equation: An equation which immediate and short-term food require- describes the relationship between two or ments of the predator (Kruuk 1972b). more variables. Surplus killing behaviour may result in a number of surviving prey showing injuries.

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 173 Sustainability: Continuing in present form and at current level in the longer term. Sustained control: Continued control in the longer term. Territory: The area occupied by an animal, or by a pair or group of animals, which it or they will defend against intruders. ‘Territory’ and ‘home range’ are synony- mous for some canids. Transect: A line (linear plot) through a study area on which data collection occurs. Trap night: One trap set for one night (for example, if three traps were set for two nights each, this would be six trap nights). Top order predator: Animal at the top of the food chain. These animals are only preyed upon by other top order predators including humans. Ungulate: Hoofed herbivore such as the horse, goat, sheep, pig and antelope. Unpriced value: Values for things that are not exchanged in regular markets and as such do not have a monetary price, for example, scenery. Varanid: The family Varanidae comprises a group of about 30 species, generally known in Australia as goannas. Vertebrate: Animal with a backbone. Wild dogs: All wild-living dogs, including feral dogs, dingoes and hybrids. Wilderness: Land that has been essentially unmodified since European settlement. x-axis: The horizontal axis on a graph. y-axis: The vertical axis on a graph. Zoonoses: Diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans.

174 Bureau of Rural Sciences Index

1 Nicholson Land Act Victoria 1860, 43 1080, 39, 65, 74, 87, 97, 98, 131, 136 Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act clinical signs, 67 1993, 76 detoxification by soil organisms, 109 Pastures Protection Act 1939, 77 environmental fate, 109 Robertson Free Selection Act NSW 1861, 44 human poisoning, 67 Rural Lands Protection Act 1985, 76, 81 LD 99, 110 100, Rural Lands Protection Act 1989, 77 LD 99, 100, 110 50, Rural Lands Protection (Amendment) LD 99 99, Act 1994, 77 see also poisons Rural Lands Protection (Amendment) A Act 1997, 77 Aboriginal Rural Lands Protection (Amendment) mythology, 14, 50, 51, 64 Act 1998, 77, 81 people, 11, 14, 40, 50, 51, 60, 64, 68, 69, Territory Parks and Wildlife 73, 76, 79 Conservation Act 1993, 81 abundance, 125 Threatened Species Conservation Act absolute 1995, 77, 81, 114 estimation, 86 Wild Dog Destruction Act 1921, 74, 77, 81 animal tracks, 85 Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, 76, 81 estimator, 86 Wildlife Protection (Regulation of footprints, 84, 85, 101 Exports and Imports) (Amendment) Act index, 85 1995, 50, 81 relative, 41, 85, 87, 98 Adenovirus Acts see hepatitis Agriculture and Related Resources aerial observations, 86 Protection Act 1976, 75, 81 African hunting dog, 24 Animal and Plant Control (Agricultural agile wallaby, 21, 22, 56 Protection and other purposes) Act 1986, 76, 81 agricultural impacts, 7, 8, 34, 87, 107, 108, 112, 116, 123, 136, 139 Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, 77, 81 Alice Springs, 15, 27, 58, 106 Companion Animals Act 1998, 51, 77, 81 Amblyomma triguttatum Dog Control Act 1975, 81 see ticks Dog Control Act 1987, 77, 81 Ancylostoma caninum National Parks Act 1975, 77, 81 see hookworm National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970, animal welfare, 7, 65, 66, 68, 83, 99, 113, 127, 77, 81 136, 137 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, Anseranas semipalmata 77, 81 see magpie goose Nature Conservation Act 1980, 77, 81 Arabian wolf, 12 Nature Conservation Act 1996, 81

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 175 arid, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 58, 59, bears, 61, 86, 107 60, 97, 136 benefit–cost areas, 20, 24, 31, 50 analysis, 132 Arnhem Land Aboriginal Reserve, 76, 82 comparison, 133 Asia, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 22, 38, 50, 52, 80, 138 ratios, 132, 133 Asian seafarers, 13, 38 relationship, 125 Aujeszky’s disease, 53 bighorn sheep, 86 Australian Capital Territory, 44, 51, 52, 65, biting lice, 52 98, 100, 101, 110, 115 bounties, 50, 51, 60, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, distribution of wild dogs, 15 79, 102, 104 legislation, 77, 81 control value, 72 management of wild dogs, 73, 77, 79 bovine hydatidosis, 51 Australian Hydatids Control and branding percentages, 49, 130, 131 Epidemiology Program, 51, 52, 68, 115 breeding Australian National Kennel Council, 51, 79, cycle, 33 80 pattern, 13, 32, 57, 80 aversive conditioning, 78, 104 Brucella canis (infective agent) B see canine brucellosis bait stations, 74, 85, 86, 101, 110 brushtail possum, 20, 22, 110 baiting, 22, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 84, 86, 87, 104, 110 Bubalus bubalis aerial, 36, 37, 52, 58, 69, 73, 75, 76, 79, 97, see buffalo 100, 101, 103, 107, 108, 109, 114, 115, buffalo, 25, 35, 60 117, 118, 121, 122, 126, 131, 132, 138 buffer accuracy, 74 areas, 78, 84, 103 efficacy, 74 zones, 52, 79, 103, 104, 108, 133 fixed-wing aircraft, 74, 102, 109, 117, Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS), 5, 6, 127, 121 164 helicopters, 74, 100, 102, 109, 117, 121 C bait materials, 100 caching, 27, 100 Doggone bait, 101 Canidae, 11 dried meat baits, 97, 101 canine brucellosis, 53 moist meat baits, 101 canine distemper, 34, 52, 53 decomposing baits, 102 canine hepatitis, 52 ground baiting, 76, 78, 97, 117, 118, 126, Canis latrans 132, 135 see coyote bait mounds, 101 Canis lupus burying baits, 101 see wolf free-feeding period, 101 Canis lupus arabs replacement baiting, 101 see Arabian wolf, 12 strategies, 103, 138 Canis lupus dingo (sub-species dingo), 5, timing and frequency, 102 11, 12 Barkly Tableland (Northern Territory), 22, Canis lupus familiaris 35, 54, 106 see domestic dog basenji, 13

176 Bureau of Rural Sciences Canis lupus pallipes Coronaviridae see pale-footed wolf see transmissable gastroenteritis carbohydrate, 22 techniques for measuring, 107 Carnivora, 11 coyote, 28, 31, 61, 104, 105 Carolina dog, 13 critical body weight range (CWR) mammals, carrion, 21, 22, 23, 26, 36, 54, 55, 58, 60 50, 51, 110 catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), 86 Crocuta crocuta cattle, 6, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 32, 35, 36, 41, see spotted hyena 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, cumulative bait uptake, 86 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 78, 79, 84, 87, 93, 100, cyanide, 86, 100, 110 103, 105, 106, 110, 112, 123, 124, 125, see also poisons 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 139 Cygnus atratus ‘nursery groups’, 47 see swan (black) protective behaviour, 49 D strategic mating, 106 Dasyurus maculatus see also livestock see spotted-tailed quoll Chagas’ disease, 53 decision matrix, 118 chromosomes, 11 decision-making framework, 116, 119, 122 Chrysomya bezziana dens, 14, 20, 27, 31, 39, 52, 53, 56, 58, 64, 84, see screw-worm fly 104, 108, 116, 129 climatic variability, 7 blocking of entrances, 68 coat colour, 12, 13, 17, 19, 80 characteristics, 33 coccidiosis, 34 location, 104 commensal, 11, 29, 77, 138 densities, 21, 25, 29, 34, 36, 38, 48, 58, 85, 86, relationships, 12 135 commodity prices, 7 dingoes, 20, 37, 39, 52 common brown dog tick, 53 wild dogs, 14, 39, 52, 53, 56, 84, 108, 116, Commonwealth Government, 5, 81, 115 124, 125, 126, 129, 132 community, 127 density–damage relationships, 124, 125, 126 groups, 7, 65, 118 Desmodus rotundus perceptions, 63 see vampire bat contingent diet, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 49, 52, 54, 57, 58 loss, 127 alternative food, 48, 132 value, 113, 123, 139 dingoes control, 5, 7, 14, 20, 22, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, abundance, 14, 41 41, 44, 45, 49, 51, 52, 58, 63, 64, 65, 66, as a sub-species, 8 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, as an advertising image, 63 83, 84, 86, 87, 93, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110, 115, 116, 118, as an icon, 51 123, 129, 130, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 as an official breed, 51 activities, 6, 46, 76, 103, 108, 112, 114 as human food, 35, 50 cost of control, 46, 107, 108, 113, 124, as native fauna, 69 126, 135 as pets, 40 see also management and control attacks on humans, 60 coot, 56 Azaria Chamberlain case, 60, 64, 72

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 177 breeders, 80 seasonality, 32 communication, 54 sexual maturity, 32 howling, 30, 67 testis weights, 32 scent marking, 30, 31 role in functioning of ecosystems, 50 conservation, 6, 8, 65, 70, 76, 79, 84, 115, rival dingo groups, 26 116, 123, 127, 135, 140 size issues, 7, 69, 136 average measurements, 17 objectives, 7, 139 ear length, 17 priorities, 7 head length, 17, 19 status, 7, 50, 83 hindfoot length, 17 values, 7, 50, 113 tail length, 17 diet, 21, 22, 26 total length, 17 overlapping, 49 size of hunting groups, 23 distribution, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 41, 42, taxonomy, 6 43, 48, 50, 51, 70, 102, 110 temporary breeding groups, 54 dominance hierarchies, 54 unpriced value, 113 extinction, 39 weight, 17, 109 female infanticide, 38, 39 Dirofilaria immitis foraging behaviour, 23 see heartworm genetically pure, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, disease, 25, 33, 34, 35, 38, 51, 52, 53, 68, 112, 32, 39, 40, 51, 63, 79, 80, 84, 123, 140 138 immigrant, 49 dispersal sink, 34 interactions with humans, 68 DNA, 86 introduction to Australia, 13,14 fingerprinting, 12, 69, 80 legal status, 6, 75 sampling, 84 movements, 37, 103 Dog Fence Board, 76 dispersal movements, 28 doggers, 67, 68, 73, 75, 78, 82, 85, 97, 102, site fidelity, 28 104, 107, 120 numbers, 20, 28, 29, 36, 38, 39, 41, 50, 53, dog-proof fence, 15, 74, 92, 94, 109, 116, 119 93 domestic dog, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24, 30, 32, pelts, 50 33, 34, 35, 40, 52, 53, 68, 69, 76, 79, 99, population 107, 112 assessment, 86 breeds emigration, 38 collies, 19 immigration, 38 heelers, 19 overestimates, 86 kelpies, 19 preservation societies, 79 commensal, 11 repopulation, 37, 49, 103 domestication, 11, 13 reproduction drought, 7, 22, 24, 26, 32, 33, 35, 38, 41, 42, annual oestrus cycle, 32 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 106 average litter size, 32, 33 dusky rat, 20, 22, 35, 56 birth pulse, 33 E gestation, 32, 33 echidna, 14, 68, 95, 96 pseudopregnancy, 32

178 Bureau of Rural Sciences Echinococcus granulosus (causal agent) feral, 11, 12, 17, 19, 32, 33, 40, 51, 52, 63, 65, see hydatidosis 76, 77, 123 ecological, 50, 61, 79, 129, 138, 140 cats, 6, 41, 42, 54, 55, 138, 139 balance, 93 goats, 5, 50, 58, 164 Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) horses, 5, 25, 30, 164 Strategy, 5 pigs, 5, 14, 22, 50, 60, 129, 164 economic rabbits, 5, 6, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35, assessments, 46 38, 39, 41, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 98, 106, 109, 115, 129, 136, 164 frameworks, 113, 124, 139 fire, 38, 54, 56, 57, 58, 78 impacts, 9, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49 altered regimes, 35, 55 loss to cattle industry due to wild dog predation, 54, 59 flush periods, 26, 33, 39, 58, 59 Ehrlichia canis food supplies, 14, 29, 34, 35, 37, 38, 53, 56, 61, 80, 103 see tropical canine pancytopaenia Fortescue Eimeria canis River, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, see coccidiosis 37, 39, 41, 58, 97 enterprise substitution, 105 study, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, Environment Australia (EA), 6 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 58, 97 Erldunda (central Australia), 26, 57 fossils, 12, 13 European settlement, 6, 12, 14, 20, 38, 42, 52, foxes (European red), 5, 31, 42, 52, 58, 63, 54, 63, 69, 75 67, 68, 86, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, euro, 22, 23, 27, 29, 58 109, 110, 139, 164 evolution, 11, 12 affect on abundance by wild dogs, 41, 50, evolutionary lineage, 11 54, 55, 70, 93, 138 extension as predators, 41, 55, 104 officers, 116, 161 competition with wild dogs, 41, 54 services, 6, 115, 116, 137, 161, 164 Fraser Island, 15, 39, 51, 60, 61, 64, 80, 104, 113, 140 training, 116 free-roaming dogs, 12, 14, 29, 30, 52, 68, 69, F 104, 112, 140 fencing Fulica atra barrier, 6, 14, 39, 64, 73, 74, 76, 82, 95, 96, see coot 107, 117, 119, 120, 122 G electric Gallinula mortierii outrigger, 92, 94, 95, 96 see Tasmanian native-hen exclusion, 20, 65, 68, 72, 93, 118 genetics Dog Fence, 14, 58, 66, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 104, 105 purity, 63, 80, 140 wire netting, 73, 92, 94, 95 DNA testing, 12, 69, 80, 84, 86 see also dog-proof fence see also dingoes (genetically pure) maintenance, 95 government, 5, 6, 8, 22, 64, 65, 68, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 98, 108, 118, 140, 161, 162, 164 marsupial netting, 95 agencies, 46, 72, 73, 81, 107, 113, 114, rabbit-proof, 15, 74, 94 115, 116 netting, 95 roles and responsibilites, 7, 9

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 179 grazing pressure, 7, 139 success, 22, 24, 25, 33 grizzly bear, 86 tactics, 21, 25 group unit, 49 approach, 7, 9, 129 hybridisation, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 30, 32, formation, 23, 119 33, 36, 39, 40, 50, 51, 63, 69, 75, 76, 80, 123, 136, 140 guard dogs, 13 main processes, 40 see also sheep-guarding dogs prevention, 79 Gulf region, 22 hydatid control program, 51 Guy Fawkes River (northern NSW), 39, 58 hydatidosis, 68, 137 H in humans, 35, 51, 52 habitat, 20, 34, 42, 55, 80, 86 hydatids, 51, 68, 112, 115, 137 Harts Ranges (near Alice Springs), 58 transmission, 52 hauling, 12 foxes as definitive hosts, 52 heartworm, 34, 35, 52 macropods as intermediate hosts, 52 hepatitis, 34, 52 hyenas, 23, 24 herding, 12, 24, 25, 48, 49, 106, 123 I Herpesviridae implementation, 5, 7, 9, 73, 83, 113, 114, 115, see Aujeszky’s disease 116, 118, 129, 131, 140 Heterodoxus spiniger indices see biting lice of abundance, 84, 85, 86, 103 Hippoboscid spp. relationship with abundance, 85 see kangaroo flies Indonesia, 13 home range, 30, 41, 104, 114, 118, 123 insects, 20, 22, 35 availability of resources, 27 island refugia, 80 boundaries, 27 Isospora rivolta natal, 28, 29 see coccidiosis overlap, 27 Ixodes holocyclus size, 27, 28 see ticks hookworm, 34 J hunting by dogs, 12, 13, 14, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, Jervis Bay, 17 33, 35, 38, 41, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 63, 68, 72, 109 K alone, 23, 24, 25, 124 kangaroo flies, 35 birds, 21 kangaroos, 14, 20, 26, 29, 30, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 48, 49, 59, 63, 100, 106, 130, 139 nestlings, 25 autopsies, 24 newly fledged birds, 25 drowning dogs, 24 efficiency, 23 eastern grey, 22, 23, 24, 56, 57 groups, 21, 23, 24, 25, 124 red, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 54, 58, 60 large kangaroos, 24 Kapalga (northern Australia), 29, 35, 39, 60 large ungulates, 25 karyotypes, 11 peak in calving, 54, 106 kirri dog, 13 strategies, 20, 22, 124 Kosciusko National Park, 39, 57 bailing up kangaroos, 23 pouncing, 25

180 Bureau of Rural Sciences L Macropus giganteus lactation, 20, 30 see kangaroos (eastern grey) land Macropus robustus management, 87, 161, 162, 163, 164 see euro agencies, 5 Macropus rufogriseus authority, 87 see red-necked wallaby managers, 7, 8, 113, 114, 116, 124, 125, Macropus rufus 126, 127, 131 see kangaroos (red) Landcare, 5, 115, 163 magpie goose, 20, 22, 25, 56 landholder survey/questionnaire, 45 maiming, 48 legal, 5, 6, 65, 72, 75, 77, 100, 113, 164 management and control constraints, 7 adaptive management legislation, 7, 8, 50, 51, 63, 65, 72, 78, 80, 81, active, 112 114, 115, 136, 140, 164 passive, 112 current, 75 biological control, 68, 107 lice, 34, 35, 52 molecular biology, 107 lithium chloride, 78, 104 choice of control technique, 93 livestock, 6, 15, 21, 29, 35, 37, 43, 45, 46, 49, defining the problem, 112, 124, 130 53, 55, 57, 63, 64, 65, 68, 75, 77, 78, 83, 84, 87, 98, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 113, developing a management plan, 113 115, 116, 130, 132, 135, 136, 137, 140, 157 flexible approach, 7 attacks on, 22 hormonal control, 68 genetics, 7 humaneness, 66, 93 harassment, 25, 26, 44, 48, 61, 93, 112 immunocontraception, 68 injuries, 88 implementation, 7, 73, 113, 114, 115, 116, castration, 48, 91 129 scrotal injuries, 48, 91 location of breeding dens, 104 insurance and compensation schemes, management options, 9, 106, 116, 118, 108, 136 162 mismothering (cause of death), 48, 87, 93 conservation, 9, 116 production losses, 6 local eradication, 116 see also sheep, cattle no control, 9, 87, 112, 130, 133 lizards, 22 reactive management/control, 9, 73, 84, 115, 116, 117, 118 longevity, 19 strategic management/control, 5, 6, 7, long-haired rat, 20, 21, 22, 35 8, 9, 74, 78, 102, 106, 111, 112, 113, 115, lungworm, 34 116, 117, 123, 136 Lycaon pictus management plan, 7, 9, 80, 112, 113, 114, see African hunting dog 115, 118, 123, 129, 136, 140 M management strategies, 6, 8, 11, 64, 75, Macassan trepanger, 13 77, 93, 105, 106, 113, 118, 123, 129, 136, 139, 140 macropods, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 35, 38, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 64, 68, 94, operational monitoring, 129 95, 96, 139 performance criteria, 9, 113, 123, 129 Macropus agilis performance monitoring, 129 see agile wallaby

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 181 preventative control, 84 poisonings, 97, 100 scale of control, 49 species, 49, 69, 83, 99, 101, 103, 109, 138 maps, 9 impact of control measures, 49 regional, 87 hazards to, 83 Maranoa region, 22 risks to, 109 marginal analysis, 108, 126, 128, 135, 139 trapping, 98 mesopredator release, 110 Northern Territory, 20, 22, 30, 46, 54, 56, 58, monitoring and evaluation, 6, 7, 9, 34, 37, 39, 63, 64, 101, 106, 123 83, 86, 93, 95, 104, 108, 110, 112, 114, distribution of wild dogs, 15 116, 118, 123, 129, 130, 131, 135, 137 legislation, 76, 81 morbidity, 51 management of wild dogs, 74, 76, 79 rate, 34 Nullarbor Plains, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 35, 41 mortality, 33, 34, 35, 38, 53, 60, 138 O mountain lion, 86, 107 offal, 51 musters, 87 opportunistic feeder, 23 N Oslerus osleri Nadgee Nature Reserve, 56, 58 see lungworm National Feral Animal Control Program Ovis canadensis (NFACP), 5, 6, 127 see bighorn sheep National Landcare Program (NLP), 5 P native, 5, 12, 21, 50, 51, 56, 57, 63, 65, 67, 70, Pacific islands, 13 77, 79, 99, 101, 107, 113, 124, 136, 138, 139 packs, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 53, 54, 56, 61, 84, 86, 103 endangered vertebrates, 6 pale-footed wolf, 12 fauna, 6, 55, 69, 93, 140 Paramyxovirus remnant endangered populations, 49 see canine distemper mammals, 22, 55, 93, 106, 109 parasites, 35, 35, 51, 52, 53, 68, 138, 157, 158, Natural Heritage Trust (NHT), 5 159, 160 nature reserves, 56, 58, 64, 76, 77 partnerships, 9, 113 neighbours, 75, 127, 131 group control, 114, 123 cooperation, 95 parvovirus disease, 52 New Guinea singing dog, 13 pastoral, 81 New South Wales, 6, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, industry, 20, 38, 57, 73 30, 33, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 85, 87, 95, lease, 21, 22, 64, 75, 76 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, pathogens, 34, 53, 157, 158, 159, 160 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 115, 116, pay-off matrices, 126, 127 117, 128, 132 peak in calving, 54, 106 distribution of wild dogs, 14, 15 pest control agencies, 7 legislation, 77, 81 Petroi (north-eastern NSW), 58 management of wild dogs, 72, 73, 74, 77, Pilbara region, 48, 86 78, 79 plagues, 22, 28, 35, 39, 56 nomenclature, 11, 12 non-target deaths, 100

182 Bureau of Rural Sciences poisons, 32, 34, 38, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73, 74, 75, Pseudocheirus peregrinus 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 109, 110, see ringtail possum 136, 137, 138 public baiting, 86, 100 attitudes, 6 bait-shyness, 100 education, 70 cooperation between landholders, 74 health issues, 68 detoxification, 99 Puma concolor humaneness, 67 see mountain lion M-44 cyanide ejector, 100, 110 Q Minty bait, 74 Queensland, 6, 22, 34, 49, 50, 51, 58, 60, 64, sub-lethal doses, 67, 99, 100, 110 65, 73, 80, 87, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 112, population dynamics, 35, 37, 38, 128, 138 116, 123, 130, 131 Potoroidae, 22, 55 distribution of wild dogs, 14, 15 predation, 7, 9, 26, 32, 35, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, legislation, 76, 77, 81 55, 56, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 73, 77, 78, 84, management of wild dogs, 72, 74, 75, 76, 87, 89, 93, 96, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 78, 79 108, 114, 116, 122, 123, 125, 129, 130, R 135, 136, 139, 140 Rabbit Calicivirus Disease (RCD), 136 on livestock, 6, 22, 43, 44, 46, 112, 113, 115, 136 rabbit stickfast fleas, 35 measuring the impact, 87 rabbit-proof fence regulation or limiting of prey see fencing (rabbit-proof) populations, 58 rabbits, 5, 6, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35, 38, 39, seasonal peaks, 45 41, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 94, 98, 106, 109, 115, 128, 129, 136, 164 predators, 22, 23, 24, 26, 35, 41, 49, 51, 53, 60, 64, 84, 87, 93, 104, 138 rabies, 53, 68, 112 selective, 23 transmission, 52, 138 predatory cycle, 56 radio-collar, 29, 45, 48, 86, 87, 97 prey, 7, 38, 48, 51, 58, 61, 84, 87, 102, 139 rangelands, 52, 60 abundance, 20, 60, 136 RANGEPACK, 106 anti-predator behaviour, 22 rat kangaroo, 22 availability, 23 rats, 20, 21, 22, 35, 56 large, 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 53 Rattus colletti live, 22, 54 see dusky rat native, 21, 49, 56, 57 Rattus villosissimus regulation, 50 see long-haired rat small, 25 recreational hunters, 51 species, 20, 23, 27, 29, 35, 36, 54, 56, 57, red-necked wallaby, 22, 23, 57 93 regulatory infrastructure, 7 switching, 108, 124 Rhabdoviridae see also predation (on livestock) see rabies problem definition, 6, 9, 112, 130 Rhipicephalus sanguineas problem dogs/individuals, 98, 132 see common brown dog tick property inspection reports, 87 ringtail possum, 22 riverine areas, 20

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 183 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to neighbouring packs, 29 Animals (RSPCA), 40, 65, 67, 68, 80 spatial separation, 30 S stable packs, 29, 30, 32, 34, 38, 54 sanctuaries, 76, 80 temporal separation, 30 Sarcophilus harrisii sodium fluoroacetate see Tasmanian devil see 1080 Sarcoptes scabiei (causal agent) solitary dogs, 26 see sarcoptic mange South Australia, 6, 20, 28, 29, 35, 39, 41, 58, sarcoptic mange, 35 66, 67, 81, 95, 97, 99, 101, 104, 105 scat samples, 87 distribution of wild dogs, 14, 15 scavenging, 12, 22, 26, 54, 104 legislation, 76 scent stations, 85, 86 mallee, 19 scent-station index, 32 management of wild dogs, 72, 73, 74, 75, screw-worm fly, 53 76, 79 seasonal conditions, 32, 48, 49, 105, 123 spotted hyena, 23 seasonal variation, 87 spotted-tailed quoll, 42, 109, 138 sheep, 25, 26, 34, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, bait uptake, 110 49, 51, 53, 54, 63, 65, 66, 72, 73, 76, 80, stakeholders, 68, 113, 114, 115, 118, 129, 84, 86, 87, 95, 96, 97, 103, 104, 105, 107, 162, 163 108, 116, 123, 125, 127, 128, 130, 132, Standing Committee on Agriculture and 133, 135 Resource Management (SCARM), 5 grazing, 6, 14, 20, 78, 98, 112 stock losses, 69, 95, 104, 108 measles, 52 records, 87 merino, 21, 93, 127 strategic approach recognising predation by wild dogs, 89, see management and control (strategic 90, 91 management/control) see also livestock strategic management sheep-guarding dogs see management and control (strategic Anatolian karabash, 104 managementj/control) maremma, 104 strychnine, 22, 73, 74, 98, 99, 100, 130, 137 shepherding, 73 clinical signs, 67 shepherds, 43, 44, 73 success rate, 23, 24, 26 shooting, 34, 38, 65, 73, 77, 93, 96, 117, 122, Sulawesi, 22 132 surplus killing, 24, 25, 26, 65, 108, 124 sign counts, 85 surveys, 39, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 63, 86, 87, 96, skull 108 morphology, 12 swamp wallaby, 20, 22, 23, 57, 58 comparisons, 13 juvenile, 25 social pouch young, 24 behaviour, 13, 30, 40 swan (black), 25, 56 factors, 7, 29, 38, 127 sylvatic cycles, 51, 52, 53 organisation, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 49, 53, T 132 Tachyglossus aculeatus discrete territories, 29 see echidna distinct territories, 29

184 Bureau of Rural Sciences Taenia ovis V see sheep (measles) vampire bat, 53 Taenia pisiformis Vertebrate Pests Committee (VPC), 5, 7, 72 see tapeworm Victoria, 19, 20, 29, 30, 44, 45, 48, 51, 52, 64, tapeworm, 35 65, 66, 67, 68, 85, 100, 101, 104, 107, 110, 115 Tasmania, 14, 20, 49, 52, 53, 54 distribution of wild dogs, 14, 15 distribution of wild dogs, 15 legislation, 77, 81 legislation, 77, 81 management of wild dogs, 72, 73, 75, 77, management of wild dogs, 77 79 Tasmanian devil, 53 Vietnam, 12, 13 Tasmanian native-hen, 49 Vombatus ursinus Thailand, 12, 13, 22, 32, 35 see wombat (common) thylacine, 53, 54 W Thylacinus cynocephalus Wallabia bicolor see thylacine see swamp wallaby ticks, 34, 53 wallabies, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 56, 57, tourism, 50, 51, 123 58, 130, 139 Townshend Island, 50 Wallaby Creek, 23 toxic collars, 104, 105, 137 water transmissable gastroenteritis, 53 artesian bores, 38, 55, 57 trapping, 34, 36, 38, 66, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 86, intake, 20 93, 96, 97, 101, 108, 109, 118, 120, 121, needs, 19 122, 132 permanent sources, 24 decoy (odours or carcasses), 98 supplementary, 55 padded-jawed traps or snares, 66, 98, 95 turnover, 20 targeting specific individual dogs, 102 watering points, 14, 20, 30, 35, 41, 106 trap-shy, 98 Western Australia, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, Trichodectes canis 35, 41, 44, 48, 49, 58, 64, 67, 86, 87, 97, see lice 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, Trichosurus vulpecula 116 see brushtail possum distribution of wild dogs, 15 Trichurus vulpis legislation, 75, 76, 81 see whipworm management of wild dogs, 73, 74, 75, 76, tropical canine pancytopaenia, 53 78, 79 Trypanosoma cruzi Western Division, 14, 77, 78 see Chagas’ disease whipworm, 34 U wild dogs United States of America, 100, 104, 105, 107 agricultural impacts, 112 Ursus arctos as human food, 35 see grizzly bear assessment of age, 19 Ursus spp. bacula, 19 see bears canine teeth (dingoes), 19 cementum bands (teeth), 19

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs 185 closure of foramen, 19 eruption pattern of adult teeth, 19 tooth wear, 19 attacks on humans, 78, 113 culling, 78 diet, 20, 21, 22, 56, 58 analysis, 87 stomach and faecal samples, 20 emigration, 108 environmental impacts, 9, 49, 50 feeding ecology, 22 genetic evaluations, 39 human and animal health impacts, 112 interactions with native prey, 56 population dynamics, 37 refugia, 105 troublesome individuals, 98, 132 wildlife parks, 51, 76 wolf, 5, 11, 12, 24, 29, 31, 35, 36, 38, 104, 107 wombat (common), 21, 22, 57, 63 Z zoonoses, 53 zoos, 51, 76

186 Bureau of Rural Sciences Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs

Managing the Impacts of

Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs is the first book to provide a comprehensive Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs review of the history and biology of wild dogs in Australia, the damage they cause, and community attitudes to their management. Australia's wild dogs include dingoes, introduced around 4000 years ago, feral domestic dogs and hybrids between the two. They are widely distributed throughout Australia. Predation and harassment of stock by wild dogs causes millions of dollars worth of losses to Australian sheep, cattle and goat producers each year. There are also opportunity costs in areas where sheep are not grazed because of the high risk of wild dog predation. For this reason, wild dog control is a significant expense for many pastoralists and government agencies. Yet conservation of pure dingoes is also important and is threatened by their hybridisation with feral domestic dogs on the mainland. Key strategies for successful wild dog management are recommended by the authors, who are scientific experts on wild dog management. The strategies are illustrated by case studies. Managing the Impacts of Dingoes and Other Wild Dogs is an essential guide for policy makers, pastoralists, conservation reserve managers and all those interested in wild dog management.