Vol. 110: 227–234, 2014 DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Published August 11 doi: 10.3354/dao02750 Dis Aquat Org

Variation in black and progression in of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, Southeastern

T. Thinesh1,2, G. Mathews1, K. Diraviya Raj1, J. K. Patterson Edward1

1Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute, 44 Beach Road, Tuticorin 628 001, Tamil Nadu, India 2Present address: Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India

ABSTRACT: Information on the progression of diseases and transmission to live corals is scarce despite the fact that coral disease poses one of the most lethal threats to the survival of coral reefs. In this study, in situ progression rates of lesions similar to (BBD) and white band disease (WBD) were measured in different species of corals from the Gulf of Mannar (GoM) and Palk Bay, southeastern India, during the period between January and December of 2009. Maximum progression rates of 3 and 1.6 cm mo−1 for BBD and WBD, respectively, were observed during May, when the temperature exceeded 30°C. The annual progression rate was 10.9 and 4.9 cm yr−1 for BBD at GoM and Palk Bay, respectively. Significant variation in the pro- gression rate (p < 0.001) was observed between months in all the examined species. Significant correlation between temperature and disease progression rates for BBD (R2 = 0.875, p ≤ 0.001) and WBD (R2 = 0.776, p ≤ 0.001) was recorded. Rates of disease progression were higher in Palk Bay than in GoM. This could be attributed to the higher temperature coupled with higher anthro- pogenic activities in Palk Bay. Severe mortality was observed due to both BBD and WBD. No sign of recovery was noticed in the disease-affected colonies at either study site. Anthropogenic activ- ities should be checked, and further research on both the transmission and progression rate and role of the diseases in dynamics should be carried out to understand the causal factors in reef degradation and generate a plan to manage the reef properly.

KEY WORDS: Black band disease · White band disease · Gulf of Mannar · Palk Bay · Disease progression

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INTRODUCTION has been characterized by detectable signs, identifi- able causative agents or pathogens, and/or consis- The ecological and economic importance of coral tent alterations in coral structure and composition reefs is well known. Despite the significance of coral (Peters 1997, Parnell & Richardson 2002). Among reefs, localized anthropogenic impacts, climate- these, black band and white band diseases (BBD and related changes and coral disease epizootics are WBD, respectively) have been reported to have threatening their persistence all over the world, caused much damage to coral reefs globally. including in India (Wilkinson 2008, Thinesh et al. BBD was the first disease found to be infecting 2011). Among the threats, diseases have been identi- stony corals (Antonius 1973). Since then, BBD- fied as one of the most important, yet least under- affected coral species and their geographic distribu- stood, causal factors in reef degradation worldwide tions have increased alarmingly to 42 different spe- (Harvell et al. 2004). Disease in scleractinian corals cies, including the genera Favia, Favities, Diploria,

*Corresponding author: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2014 · www.int-res.com 228 Dis Aquat Org 110: 227–234, 2014

Montastrea, , Agaricia, Montipora and algal growth, elevated sea-surface temperature and Poirites, in 26 countries (Green & Bruckner 2000, coral diseases, are hampering the recovery of corals. Rosenberg & Loya 2004, Sutherland et al. 2004). Coral diseases have already been reported as a seri- Progression and mortality rates of BBD have also ous threat to corals in the GoM and Palk Bay (Thi- increased over the years (Carlton & Richardson nesh et al. 2011, 2013). Yet, no study yet has sought to 1995, Montano et al. 2013). On Caribbean reefs, the explain the mystery of how disease progression rates progression of BBD damage was at a rate of several vary between coral species and between sites. centimeters of coral tissue per week, progressing Hence, the objective of our study was to investigate across a single colony at a rate as high as 6.2 mm the natural progression of BBD and WBD over differ- d−1, with a mean of 3.1 mm d−1 (Rützler & Santavy ent live coral species and at different sites. 1983, Richardson 1997). In Jamaica, BBD infections spread 3 km over a 19 mo period, infecting 5.2% of the massive coral population and causing phase MATERIALS AND METHODS shifts in Caribbean communities (Bruck- ner 2002). Study sites WBD is another of the most threatening coral dis- eases known ever since it was first reported by Glad- Progression rates of BBD and WBD were studied in felter et al. (1977). Incidence of WBD, resultant 2 different locations, Mandapam Jetty (9° 17.379’ N, mortality, affected coral genera and the linear pro- 79° 09.904’ E) of Palk Bay and Shingle Island gression rate over live coral colonies are also increas- (9°14.648’N, 79°14.220’E) of Gulf of Mannar. The ing and spreading to different geographic locations. geographic distance between both sites is ≤4 km. WBD generally develops at the base of a coral colony Hence, both the sites have several similarities in terms or branch and progresses upwardly towards the of species composition, temperature and oceano- branch tips in a concentric ring (Gladfelter 1982, graphic pattern. But exposure to anthropogenic Peters et al. 1983). The rate of progression of WBD activities differs from one site to the other, as Shingle over a coral colony was observed up to a lethal 10 cm Island is located in a marine protected area (MPA) d−1 in the Bahamas (USA). Numbers of affected spe- called Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, whereas cies have increased to 37 species in 18 genera, and Mandapam Jetty is under no protection. Palk Bay the geographic distribution now covers 27 countries reefs are under pressure due to its proximal nature (Davis et al. 1986, Antonius 1995, Riegl 2002). Exten- (1 km) to shore, e.g. due to land-based pollution and sive mortality, approximately 40%, in fishing. Data were collected from each of the sites at has been reported in the Florida Keys, USA (Anto- a 2 m depth between January and December 2009. nius 1982). In the Caribbean, Acroporidae have also BBD progression rate was measured in Acro pora been particularly devastated, suffering an 80% cytherea and Platygyra lamellina at Mandapam Jetty regional decline in coral coverage during the last 3 and in A. cytherea at Shingle Island. WBD progres- decades (Gardner et al. 2003). sion rate was measured in A. cytherea and Montipora Research results indicate that climate warming digitata at Shingle Island and in A. cytherea at Man- (Harvell et al. 2002), water pollution (Szmant 2002) dapam Jetty. From both study sites, 5 colonies of each and over-fishing (Jackson et al. 2001) are connected species were selected for both BBD and WBD tests with an increasing incidence of coral diseases (Bruno and 1 branch was tagged. In situ morphological iden- et al. 2007). However, in many instances, some corals tification of the disease was done using the coral dis- withstand diseases better than others despite being ease handbook by Raymundo & Harvell (2008). in the same environment (Thinesh et al. 2011). Reefs Study sites are shown in Fig. 1. in the Gulf of Mannar (GoM) and Palk Bay have been seriously degraded due to coral mining (Mahadevan & Nayar 1972). Currently, the reefs in these areas are Measurement of disease progression rate recovering through successful coral reproduction and recruitment and, more importantly, because The rate of disease progression over a coral colony coral mining ceased after the 2004 Indian Ocean was measured using the tagging method (English et tsunami, which increased environmental awareness al. 1997), which helps to monitor disease characteris- and led to the introduction of stringent regulations tics at the colony level over time. The branching (M. (Patterson Edward et al. 2008, Raj & Patterson digitata) and table-type coral (A. cytherea), colonies Edward 2010). However, natural factors, such as were marked by tying a rope at the recently exposed Thinesh et al.: Black and white band disease in corals 229

(Grasshoff et al. 1999), were analyzed during the study period (every month) at sites where disease was prevalent. Correlation analysis was performed to examine the relationship between the disease pro- gression rate and 4 environment variables using sta- tistical software (Graph Pad Prism).


Progression rate of BBD

The rate of linear progression of BBD in Platygyra lamellina at Mandapam Jetty in Palk Bay signifi- cantly (p < 0.001) varied between months. The an- nual progression rate was observed to be 10.4 cm yr−1 during the study period. The highest mean (±SD) progression rate was observed during May, at 2.9 ± 0.1 cm mo−1, and the lowest, at 0 between November and February. The maximum progression observed in a single colony was 3 cm mo−1 during May. No significant differences in BBD progression rates were found between P. lamellina and Acropora cytheria in Palk Bay (p < 0.3262). The rate of linear progression of BBD in A. cytherea at Mandapam Fig. 1. Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar study sites (circles Jetty significantly (p < 0.001) varied between months. labeled 1 and 2, respectively) The annual progression rate was observed to be 10.9 cm yr−1. The highest mean progression rate was ob served during May, at 2.9 ± 0.1 cm mo−1, and the skeleton adjacent to live tissue. Distance from the lowest, at 0 from November to February. The maxi- initial marked area to the new lesion front was meas- mum progression value observed in a single colony ured using Vernier caliper. In each subsequent was 3 cm mo−1 during May. In situ progression rates survey new rope was tied at the immediate edge of of BBD and WBD over live coral colonies (detailed the advancing front to measure monthly disease experimental underwater photographs) are shown progression. in Fig. 2. In massive encrusting type (P. lamellina), a nail was The rate of BBD progression was relatively slow in hammered into the colony at the immediate edge of the GoM compared to that in Palk Bay. The rate of the advancing front when the colony was initially linear progression of BBD in A. cytherea at Shingle tagged. Distance from the nail to the new disease Island (GoM) also varied between months. The front was measured during subsequent visits with a annual progression rate was observed to be 4.9 cm flexible measuring tape. One-way ANOVA was per- yr−1. The highest mean progression rate was ob - formed to test for differences in the linear progres- served during May, at 1.3 ± 0.1 cm mo−1, and the low- sion rates of BBD and WBD between species and est, at 0 from October to January. The maximum pro- between months using statistical software (Graph gression observed in a single colony was 1.4 cm mo−1 Pad Prism). during May.

Monitoring of the environmental parameters and Progression rate of WBD statistical analysis The rate of linear progression of WBD in A. The physical and chemical parameters, such as cytherea at Mandapam Jetty in Palk Bay also varied temperature (thermometer), salinity (refractometer) significantly between months. The annual progres- and nutrient parameters (phosphates and nitrates) sion rate of WBD was observed to be 4.0 cm yr−1. The 230 Dis Aquat Org 110: 227–234, 2014

Fig. 2. Photographs of coral mortality over 3 mo due to black band disease (BBD) and white band disease (WBD). (A) Progression of BBD over Platygyra lamel- lina in Palk Bay, (B) pro- gression of BBD over Acro- pora cytheria in Palk Bay, and (C) WBD progression over Montipora digitata in the Gulf of Mannar. (1) Ini- tial stage, yellow color rope tied exactly to the active disease site (to separate the live coral and recently dis- eased dead corals), (2) dis- tance of disease migration from the initially marked portion, and (3) final stage disease cover and mortality of the corals

Acropora cytherea (Palk bay BBD) Platygyra lamellina (Palk bay BBD )

) 3.5 Acropora cytherea (Palk Bay WBD) Temperature 35 –1 3.0 30

2.5 25 Fig. 3. Changes in disease pro- 2.0 20 gression rates of black band disease (BBD) in Acropora 1.5 15 cytherea and Platygyra lamel- 1.0 10 lina and white band disease

Temperature (°C) (WBD) in A. cytherea from Palk 0.5 5 Bay (x-axis, observed months;

Progression mo rate (cm 0.0 0 y-axis, progression rate, and Jan-'09 Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec temperature at 2 m depth) Observed months

Acropora cytherea (GoM BBD) Montipora digitata (GoM WBD) Acropora cytherea (GoM WBD) Temperature 1.8 35

) 1.6

–1 30 1.4 25 1.2 (cm mo (cm 1.0 20 Fig. 4. Changes in disease pro- 0.8 15 gression rates of white band 0.6 disease (WBD) in Acropora 10 Temperature (°C) cytherea and Montipora digi- 0.4 tata and black band disease

Progression rate 5 0.2 (BBD) in A. cytherea from the Gulf of Mannar (GoM) (x-axis, 0.0 0 observed months; y-axis, pro- Jan-'09 Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec gression rate, and temperature Observed months at 2 m depth) Thinesh et al.: Black and white band disease in corals 231

highest mean progression rate (1.5 ± 0.1 cm mo−1) 3.5 ) y = 0.43x -11.89 was recorded during May, and the lowest mean pro- –1 3 R² = 0.776 gression rate was observed at 0 during January. The r = 0.878 p < 0.0001 highest progression value (1.6 cm month−1) was 2.5 recorded during May. All the examined disease- 2 affected coral colonies died, and no recovery was 1.5 recorded during the study period. The rate of linear progression of WBD also varied 1 each month in all the examined species. In Monti - 0.5

pora digitata at Shingle Island (GoM) the annual pro- (cm mo rate Progression −1 0 gression rate of WBD was observed to be 5.1 cm yr . 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 The highest mean progression rate was 1.6 ± 0.1 cm Temperature (°C) −1 mo during May, and lowest mean progression rate Fig. 5. Linear correlation between temperature at 2 m depth was observed to be 0 during January. The maximum and monthly black band disease progression rate in Palk progression observed in a single colony was 1.7 cm Bay for Acropora cytherea mo−1 during May. In A. cytherea, the annual progres- sion rate of WBD at Shingle Island (GoM) was ob - 1.2 )

−1 1 served to be 3.3 cm yr . The highest mean progres- – y = 0.201x -5.588 sion rate was observed during May, at 1.1 ± 0.1 cm 1.0 R² = 0.875 −1 r = 0.945 mo , and the lowest, at 0 from December to Febru- 0.8 p < 0.001 ary. The maximum progression rate observed in a single colony was 1.3 cm mo−1 during May. Details of 0.6 disease progression over different species at differ- ent sites are given in Figs. 3 & 4. 0.4

0.2 Progression rate (cm mo rate Progression Physio-chemical parameters 0.0 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 A linear relationship between temperature and the Temperature (°C) disease progression rate over a live coral colony was Fig. 6. Linear correlation relationship between temperature observed. In Palk Bay, BBD disease progression in A. at 2 m depth and monthly white band disease progression cytherea and P. lamellina correlated with the sea- rate in the Gulf of Mannar for Acropora cytherea surface temperature (Fig. 5; R2 = 0.776, p ≤ 0.002 and R2 = 0.780, p ≤ 0.002, respectively).WBD in A. cythe- Table 1. Mean (±SD) values of observed physio-chemical ria also correlated with sea-surface temperature parameters from 2 m depth at both study sites (R2 = 0.594, p ≤ 0.002). No significant correlation was observed for other parameters. In the GoM, BBD pro- Site Temperature Salinity Phosphate Nitrate gression in A. cytheria and WBD progression in M. (°C) (ppt) (µg l−1) (µg l−1) digitata and A. cytheria were correlated with the sea- surface temperature (Fig. 6; R2 = 0.846, p ≤ 0.001; Palk Bay 29.4±2.1 34.5±0.8 0.61±0.23 0.37±0.11 2 ≤ 2 ≤ R = 0.4150, p 0.024; and R = 0.875, p 0.001, Gulf of 29.1±1.5 34.6±0.8 0.6±0.1 0.45±0.1 respectively). Observed physio-chemical parameters Mannar and their correlation results with disease progression values are given in Tables 1 & 2. Correlation between temperature and different diseases at different sites DISCUSSION are given in Figs. 5 & 6. One-way ANOVA showed a significant deviation BBD and WBD undoubtedly cause mortality in var- in the monthly progression rate of BBD in A. cytherea ious geographic locations around the world; mortal- and P. lamellina in Palk Bay and of A. cytherea in ity due to BBD has been reported from 25 countries the GoM (p < 0.05). The progression rates of WBD (Sutherland et al. 2004), while mortality due to WBD showed significant deviations between months in M. has been reported from 27 countries (Gladfelter et al. digitata and A. cytheria in the GoM, and A. cytherea 1977). According to our observations in the present in Palk Bay (p < 0.05). study, the GoM and Palk Bay, India, can be added to 232 Dis Aquat Org 110: 227–234, 2014

Table 2. Physio-chemical parameters and correlation results with disease progression values. BBD: black band disease; WBD: white band disease; GoM: Gulf of Mannar

Observed species Site Disease Phosphate Nitrate R2 pR2 p

Acropora cytherea Palk Bay BBD 0.380 0.033 0.001 0.93 Platygyra lamellina Palk Bay BBD 0.368 0.037 0.000 0.99 Acropora cytherea Palk Bay WBD 0.247 0.100 0.093 0.34 Montipora digitata GoM WBD 0.4506 0.0168 0.1433 0.2249 Acropora cytherea GoM WBD 0.5176 0.0084 0.2005 0.1443 Acropora cytherea GoM BBD 0.6419 0.0017 0.3214 0.0546 that list, as all infected coral species from both sites that make up the immune system (Mullen et al. were most often found dead. Disease-affected coral 2004). In the case of BBD, no variation in the progres- colonies were immediately covered by secondary sion rate was observed between species within a spe- algae, and, consequently, recovery of infected coral cific site, which may be because both have the same colonies was not expected. resistance capacity or no resistance at all at that par- Both BBD and WBD, which migrate over a coral ticular site. However, considering one specific spe- colony, eventually cause mortality. A fast rate of BBD cies, differences were found in progression rates progression has been reported in many locations. For between the GoM and Palk Bay; these may be instance, on Caribbean reefs, an average progression related to anthropogenic stress, which would indi- rate of 12.5 mm d−1 was recorded on an Acropora mil- cate that ecological factors are involved in the varia- lipora colony, with a total linear distance of 5 cm over tion in resistance (Palmer et al. 2011). Though the a 4 d period (Dinsdale 1994). In the same region, pro- rate of BBD progression is comparatively slow in both gression on Montastrea annularis has been recorded Palk Bay and the GoM, even this rate is sufficient to at a rate of 6.2 mm d−1, with a deadly maximum of cause severe mortality in both Palk Bay and the 2 cm d−1 (Kuta & Richardson 1996). In the present GoM, similar to its effects in the Caribbean (Bruckner study, the progression rate of BBD over coral colonies et al. 1997). was also severe, with a maximum linear progression Several studies have highlighted the role of tem- of 3 cm mo−1 and a mean progression of 2.9 ± 0.1 cm perature on the prevalence of coral diseases (Anto- mo−1 during May in Palk Bay for A. cythera and nius 1982, Rützler & Santavy 1983, Edmunds 1991, Platygyra lamellina. We found that WBD progressed Kuta & Richardson 1996). The highest prevalence of over live coral colonies at the rate of 1.6 ± 0.1 cm BBD on Jamaican coral reefs was recorded during mo−1, which is consistent with other results; however, summer months and the lowest prevalence was the rate of progression is not consistent with reports recorded in the same area during winter months of WBD progression in the Florida Keys, where 4 cm (Bruckner & Bruckner 1997). On the Great Barrier d−1 has been recorded in A. cytherea (Williams & Reef WBD was also reportedly more active during Miller 2005) and, in the Caribbean, where 5 mm d−1 the summer months (Bruno et al. 2007). Likewise, the has been recorded in A. palmate (Gladfelter 1991). highest progression rates for both BBD and WBD The rate in which disease spreads varies between were also recorded here during May, when the sea- species (Bruno et al. 2007). In Puerto Rico, the linear surface temperature attains its summer maximum. movement of BBD ranged from 0.5 to 1 mm d−1, with Observations in Palk Bay and the GoM not only variations among species, reefs and depths. The support the studies which reported temperature to be slowest increase was among Siderastrea siderea, and an important factor influencing BBD prevalence but the fastest, among M. annularis (Bruckner 1999). We also support the hypothesis that synergistic effects also found variation in the progression of WBD (when temperature and stress are combined) have a between different species in the GoM, with 1.7 cm greater influence on disease progression (Richardson mo−1 and a mean value of 1.6 ± 0.1 cm mo−1 for Mon- & Kuta 2003, Willis et al. 2004). In the present study, tipora digitata, and with 1.3 cm mo−1 and a mean both BBD and WBD had higher linear progression value of 0.7 ± 0.1 cm mo−1 for A. cytherea, which rates in Palk Bay than in the GoM, while the trend is shows that resistance varies between species. This similar in both areas. The higher progression rate is variation in resistance from one species to another attributable to the higher anthropogenic activities in can be attributed to the cellular and humoral factors Palk Bay (Ramesh et al.1996, Sukumaran et al. 2011), Thinesh et al.: Black and white band disease in corals 233

which may decrease host resistance. Domestic pollu- Bruckner AW (1999) Black band disease (BBD) of scleractin- tion, fishing harbor activities, trap fishing, anchoring ian corals: occurrence, impacts and mitigation. PhD dis- sertation, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan and sea weed culture are very common in Palk Bay Bruckner AW (2002) Potential application of the U.S. Endan- due to its proximity to the shore. Furthermore, a huge gered Species Act as a conservation strategy. NOAA difference in protection strategies exist as the GoM is Tech Memo NMFS-OPR-24, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD a designated MPA and very few protection measures Bruckner AW, Bruckner RJ (1997) The persistence of black- band disease in Jamaica: impact on community struc- have been established for Palk Bay. Hence, in Palk ture. Proc 8th Int Coral Reef Symp, Panama City 1: Bay, due to various natural and anthropogenic distur- 601−606 bances, reef immunity may be compromised by alter- Bruckner A, Bruckner R, Williams EJ (1997) Spread of a ations in the basic biological and physiological prop- black-band disease epizootic through the coral reef sys- erties of corals (Rosenberg & Ben-Haim 2002). tem in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. Bull Mar Sci 61: 918−928 Bruno JF, Petes LE, Harvell CD, Hettinger A (2003) Nutrient Nutrient parameters did not show any significant dif- enrichment can increase the severity of coral diseases. ferences between sites, an observation that contra- Ecol Lett 6:1056−1061 dicts the findings of other studies (Bruno et al. 2003, Bruno JF, Selig ER, Casey KS, Page CA and others (2007) Sutherland et al. 2004), in which nutrient levels Thermal stress and coral cover as drivers of coral disease outbreaks. PLoS Biol 5: e124 appeared to influence disease prevalence. However, Carlton RG, Richardson LL (1995) Oxygen and sulfide our present observations support the results of dynamics in a horizontally migrating cyanobacterial mat: Gochfeld et al. (2006), who concluded that nutrient black band disease of corals. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 18: enrichment does not affect disease prevalence. 155−162 The findings in this study show that temperature Davis ME, Gladfelter H, Anderson LM (1986) Geographic range and research plan for monitoring white band dis- coupled with environmental disturbances influence ease. Virgin Islands Resource Management Cooperative. the disease progression rate more than temperature Biosphere Res Rep 6: 28 alone. We also found variability in the disease Dinsdale E (1994) Coral black band disease: susceptibility, response between different species in the same study prevalence, community level influences and histopathol- ogy. Masters qualifying project, James Cook University, site and between the same species at different sites. Townsville This variability in the disease response may be due to Edmunds PJ (1991) Extent and effect of black band disease many factors. Hence, further work should be carried on Caribbean reefs. Coral Reefs 10: 161−165 out to better understand the factors determining English S, Wilkinson C, Baker V (1997) Survey manual for marine resources, 2nd edn. Australian Institute of Marine resistance and susceptibility in order to generate a Science, Townsville strategic plan to save the reefs of India (which pro- Gardner TA, Cote IM, Gill JA, Grant A, Watkinson AR vide a source of livelihood for people living along a (2003) Long-term region-wide declines in Caribbean 8000 km coastal stretch) from increasing anthro- corals. Science 301: 958−960 pogenic and climatic threats. At the same time, Gladfelter WB (1982) White-band disease in Acropora palmata implications for structure and growth of shallow immediate measures should be taken to control the reefs. Bull Mar Sci 32: 639−643 anthropogenic activities in order to save the remain- Gladfelter WB (1991) Population structure of Acropora ing coral reefs of the GoM and Palk Bay, which were palmata on the windward forereef, Buck Island National once considered a biologist’s paradise. Monument: seasonal and catastrophic changes 1988− 1989. In: Gladfelter EH, Bythell JC, Gladfelter WB (eds) Ecological studies of Buck Island Reef National Monu- Acknowledgements. The authors are grateful to the Min- ment, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. A quantitative assess- istry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, for ment of selected components of the coral reef ecosystem financial support. We are also grateful to the Principle Chief and establishment of long-term monitoring sites. 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Editorial responsibility: Garriet Smith, Submitted: October 7, 2014; Accepted: April 9, 2014 Aiken, South Carolina, USA Proofs received from author(s): June 20, 2014