Council 20th March 2018 SUMMONS AND AGENDA

To: All Members of the Council Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ Tel: 01582 546000

12th March 2018

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of LUTON BOROUGH COUNCIL to be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, LUTON on

Tuesday 20th March 2018 at 6.00 p.m. for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the Agenda below.

Yours sincerely

Trevor Holden, Chief Executive

AGENDA No. 3/18

1. MINUTES To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 19th February 2018 as set out on pages 509 to 515.

2. PRESENTATION Health and Social Care Integration (Gerry Taylor, Director of Public Health)



The Mayor to refer to any correction sheet circulated at the meeting.


To consider any questions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7.1. [Any unfinished business under this item will be dealt with at Agenda Item 12.]


1. Annual Report 2016-17 516 to 531


To consider the report of the Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority as set out in pages 532 to 541.


A representative of the Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority to answer any questions submitted under Standing Order 15.1.


Annual Report under Standing Order 42 – Decisions 542 to 543 taken by the Executive under the Special Urgency Provisions of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements (Access to Information) () Regulations 2012


1. Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 544 to 557

2. Gender Pay Gap 2018/19 558 to 563


1. Draft Calendar of Meetings 2018/19 564 to 575

2. Members Allowances 576 to 587 Council 20th March 2018 SUMMONS AND AGENDA


To deal with any unfinished business left over from Agenda Item 5 above.








THE MAYOR - Councillor M. Ayub THE DEPUTY MAYOR - Councillor Agbley, COUNCILLORS - Akbar, Ashraf, N. Ayub, Burnett, Campbell, Chapman, Chowdhury, Castleman, R. J. Davis, M. Dolling, M. J. Dolling, Farooq, Franks, Garrett, Hopkins, Hussain, A. Khan, Lewis, Malcolm, Malik, Moles, Mirza, O’Callaghan, Petts, Rafiq, Rathore, Riaz, Rivers, Roden, Rogers, Rowland, R. Saleem, S. Saleem, Shaw, Simmons, Skepelhorn, D. Taylor, J. Taylor, Timoney, Waheed, and Worlding.


Resolved: That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 23rd January 2018 be taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


Apologies for absence from the meeting were received on behalf of Councillors Keens, T. Khan and Young.


The Executive Leader and the Deputy Leader of the Council gave a presentation to provide Council with a progress update on the Luton Investment Framework.



The Mayor advised that a civic event to be held on Monday 12th March 2018 to celebrate Commonwealth Day. The event would commence at 10.15am in the Council Chamber and be followed by light refreshments in Committee Room 4.


The Chief Executive reminded the Council that a list of items before the Council which were within the ambit of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 had been circulated to all Members and that any Member to whom that Section applied should disclose the fact and refrain from voting on any question relating to those items.

(Note: No disclosures by Members were made.)


The Chief Executive reported that Councillor Roden had disclosed an interest other than pecuniary (personal) in Agenda Item 5.2 – Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Estimates and Rents and Service Charges 2018/19 in her capacity as a leaseholder of a Council property and would remain in the meeting during consideration of the matter.

The Chief Executive reported that Councillor Worlding had disclosed an interest other than pecuniary (personal) in Agenda Item 5.2 – Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Estimates and Rents and Service Charges 2018/19 and would remain in the meeting during consideration of the matter.


Upon consideration of the report of the Executive (8th February 2018) on the Budget and Capital Programme 2018/19 (Ref: 5.1) it was proposed by Councillor Malcolm, seconded by Councillor Simmons and:

Resolved: (i) That Council approve:

(a) the 2018/19 revenue estimates of net expenditure including movements in reserves, as set out in the budget papers (known as the ‘Green Book’) circulated.

(b) the items put forward for inclusion in the draft Capital Programme (set out in the blue pages of the budget papers) and the potential funds available as set out in Appendix H to the report (Ref: 5.1), and approve the items and amounts to be included in the Capital Programme for 2018-2023 on the basis that all new schemes which require Executive approval (on the basis of a full detailed


business case and business plan) is produced before they can proceed.

(c) the list of savings proposals (white pages of Budget Papers pages 31 to 36) and approve the service changes necessary to give effect to those savings subject to appropriate consultation taking place and being properly considered.

(d) the list of spend pressures (white pages of Budget Papers 29 to 30) and approve the service changes necessary to give effect to those growth proposals.

(e) Note that the Executive at its meeting on 11th December 2017 (Minute EX/127/17) decided that the Council’s net Council Tax Base for 2018/19 be set at 50,461.1 Band D equivalents as calculated in accordance with the Local Authority (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992 as amended by the Local Authorities (Calculations of Council Tax Base)(Amendment)(England) Regulations 2003 and the Local Government Finance Act 2012.

(f) the 2018/19 Band D Council Tax precept for Luton Borough Council of £1,435.30 (including the ring-fenced precept of 3% for Social Care costs), subject to the confirmation of the 3% referendum limit, prior to the Adult Social care Levy.

(g) that the following amounts be calculated for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 32 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended:

i. £571,963,949 being the aggregate of the amounts which the council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2) of the Act. ii. £499,537,132 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3) of the Act. iii. £72,426,817 being the amount by which the aggregate at 2g(i) above exceeds the aggregate at 2g(ii) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Act as its Council Tax requirement for the year. iv. £1,435.30 being the amount at 2g(iii) above, divided by the amount of £50, 461.1 as shown in (e) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 33 of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year.

(h) Note that Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner and the Bedfordshire and Luton Combined Fire Authority confirmed their precept to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each category of dwellings in the Council’s area as indicated in the table at (i) below.


(i) that the Council, in accordance with Section 30 and 36 of the Local Government Act 1992, hereby sets the aggregate amounts shown in the table below as amounts of Council Tax for 2018/19 for each of the categories of dwellings set out in the table below:

Band Luton Beds PCC Fire Total £ £ £ £ £ A 956.87 118.73 63.73 1139.33 B 1116.34 138.51 74.35 1329.20 C 1275.82 158.30 84.97 1519.09 D 1435.30 178.09 95.59 1708.98 E 1754.26 217.67 116.83 2088.76 F 2073.21 257.24 138.07 2468.52 G 2392.17 296.82 15 9 . 32 2 848 . 31 H 2870.60 356.18 191.18 3417.96

(j) the determination that the Council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2018/19 is not excessive in accordance with principles approved under Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

(k) the revenue budget in the format prescribed by the Local Government Finance Act 1992, which includes the Fire and Police precepts, noting the revenue budget recommendation is accompanied by a report from the Service Director, Finance and Audit attached at Appendix 2 to the report (Ref 5.1) on the ‘robustness’ of the budget proposal, accompanied by a statement on reserves and provisions, in accordance with the requirements of section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003.

(l) the funding formula for primary and secondary schools, plus the centrally retained and early years allocations of the 2018/19 central Dedicated Schools Grant, as proposed by the Schools Forum and set out in Paragraphs 107-125 and Appendices J & K to the report (Ref: 5.1).

(m) the Medium Term Financial Plan set out at Appendix A to the report (Ref: 5.1) which shows the level of savings required over the next 4 year finance settlement amounts to £12.3m.

(n) the Budget Risk Management Strategy set out at Appendix B to the report (Ref: 5.1)

(o) the protocol for the management control and use of reserves set out at Appendix G to the report (Ref: 5.1)

FOR THE MOTION: Councillors Agbley, Akbar, Ashraf, M. Ayub, N. Ayub, Burnett, Castleman, Chowdhury, Davis, Farooq,


Garrett, Hopkins, Hussain, A. Khan, Lewis, Malcolm, Mirza, O’ Callaghan, Petts, Rafiq, Riaz, Rivers, Rathore, Roden, Rogers, Rowlands, R. Saleem, S. Saleem, Shaw, Simmons, D. Taylor, J. Taylor, Timoney, Waheed and Worlding. (35)

AGAINST THE MOTION: Councillors Campbell, Chapman, M. Dolling, M. J. Dolling, Franks, Moles, Pedersen, and Skepelhorn. (8)


ABSENT FROM VOTING: Councillors Baker, Keens, T. Khan, T. Malik, and Young. (5)


Upon consideration of the report of the Executive (8th February 2018) on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Estimates and Rents and Service Charges 2018/19 (Ref: 5.2) it was proposed by Councillor Shaw, seconded by Councillor Simmons and:

Resolved: (i) That Council approve:

(a) the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget for 2018/19 as set out in the report (Ref 5.2).

(b) a decrease in the HRA dwelling rents charges by 1% (required by the Welfare Reform and Work Act), meaning an average social rent of £84.48 per week i.e. an 85p reduction per week, an average affordable rent of £145.41, i.e. £1.47 reduction per week in paragraph 21 to 23 of the report (Ref 5.2)

(c) a £0.50 per week increase to rent levels for HRA garages as set out at paragraph 28 of the report (Ref 5.2).

(d) the increase in leaseholder Management Fee per year as set out in paragraph 32 of the report (Ref 5.2)

(e) an average increase in rent levels for non-HRA Council dwellings (used by Parks surveillance staff) and shared ownership properties


in line with the original formula (CPI+1%) an increase of 4% as set out in paragraph 29 of the report (Ref 5.2)

(f) to maintain the existing District/Communal Heating charge per week on the basis that full cost is being recovered as set out in paragraphs 33 to 34 of the report (Ref 5.2)

(g) the increases in service charges on the principle of recovering the actual cost of these services provided to the Council tenants and Lease holders as set out at paragraphs 24 to 24 of the report (Ref 5.2)

(h) the revised rents and service charges recommended at (b) and (g) above be effective from 2nd April 2018 and the appropriate notice be served to tenants.

(ii) That the Council’s thanks be conveyed to the Fire Service for all the support received in relation to the high rise blocks in Marsh Farm.

FOR THE MOTION: Councillors Agbley, Akbar, Ashraf, M. Ayub, N. Ayub, Burnett, Campbell, Castleman, Chapman, Chowdhury, Davis, M. Dolling, M.J Dolling, Farooq, Franks, Garrett, Hopkins, Hussain, A. Khan, Lewis, Malcolm, Mirza, Moles, O’ Callaghan, Pedersen, Petts, Rafiq, Rathore, Roden, Rogers, Rowlands, Rivers, Riaz, R. Saleem, S. Saleem, Shaw, Simmons, Skepelhorn, D. Taylor, J. Taylor, Timoney Waheed, and Worlding. (43)



ABSENT FROM VOTING: Councillors Baker, Keens, T, Khan, T. Malik and Young (5)

(Note: (i) Councillor Roden disclosed an interest other than pecuniary (personal) in the above item in her capacity as a leaseholder of a Council property and remained in the meeting during consideration of the matter;


(ii) Councillor Worlding disclosed an interest other than pecuniary (personal) in the above item and remained in the meeting during consideration of the matter.)


Upon consideration of the report of the Executive (8th February 2018) on the Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy (Ref: 5.3), it was proposed by Councillor Malcolm, seconded by Councillor Simmons and:

Resolved: That Council approve:

i. the Treasury Management Strategy. ii. the Annual Investment Strategy 2018/19. iii. the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy. iv. The Borrowing Strategy for 2018/19. v. the Council’s prudential and treasury indicators.

FOR THE MOTION: Councillors Agbley, Akbar, Ashraf, M. Ayub, N. Ayub, Burnett, Campbell, Chowdhury, Castleman, Davis, Farooq, Garrett, Hopkins, Hussain, A. Khan, Lewis, Malcolm, Mirza, O’Callaghan, Petts, Rafiq, Rathore, Riaz, Rivers, Roden, Rogers, Rowlands, R. Saleem, S. Saleem, Simmons, Shaw, D. Taylor, J. Taylor, Timoney, Waheed and Worlding. (36)


ABSTAINING FROM VOTING: Councillors Chapman, M. Dolling, M. J. Dolling, Franks, Moles, Pedersen and Skepelhorn (7)

ABSENT FROM VOTING: Councillors Baker, Keens, T. Khan, T. Malik and Young. (5)

(Note: The meeting ended at 7.40 pm.)















1. The purpose of the report is to present to the Council the Standards Committee Annual report 2016-17.


2. Council is recommended to receive the Annual Report of the Standards Committee 2016-17 as set out at Appendix 1 to this report.


3. Although there is no legislative requirement for Standards Committees to produce an Annual Report, doing so is recognised as good practice. Not only does the report publicise the work of the Committee to the wider general public. It is also a means for the Authority itself to monitor the Committee’s work.



4. At its meeting on 6th February 2018, the Standards Committee considered a report of the Chair of the Standards Committee entitled “Annual Report of Standards Committee 2016-17. This was accompanied by a Members Attendance Record for the same period.

5. The Committee welcomed the report and commented that the Members attendance record appendix should recognise that this was intended to provide a summary, rather than a commentary, on each member's attendance at formal committee meetings. It was not intended to reflect the amount of work which Members undertake, outside the various committees and bodies mentioned, in particular work with outside organisations and for constituents.

6. The Committee resolved as follows:

“That the Standards Committee Annual Report 2016/17 and Members Attendance Record attached at Appendices A and B respectively to the report of the Chair of Standards Committee, be approved for submission to Full Council in March 2018, subject to the inclusion of the following paragraph within Appendix B – Members Attendance Record:

“(9). It is recognised that this record is not intended to reflect in any way the amount of work which Members may undertake, outside the various committees and bodies mentioned, in particular work with outside organisations and for constituents. It is information which can be obtained from the Council’s website and is therefore intended to provide a summary, rather than a commentary, on each member's attendance.”


7. That the Council receives the Standards Committee Annual Report 2016-17 for the Municipal Year 2016-1, set out at Appendix 1.


Appendix 1 - Standards Committee Annual Report 2016-17







Municipal Year 2016 - 17

1. This is the twelve Annual Report of the Standards Committee, established under the Local Government Act 2003.

2. It is constituted (as at May 2016) as follows:


Independent Members Mr John Jones Mr James Hearnshaw (left 31.12.2016) Mrs Maureen Briggs Mrs Paula Brennan Mr Andrew Maslen (joined 24.01.2017) Mrs Madeleine Williams

3. At the Annual Meeting on 16th May 2017, Cllr Dr R Saleem was elected Chair and Cllr MJ Dolling as Vice Chair of the Committee.

4. I’d like to thanks Mr James Hearnshaw, long standing past Vice Chair of this Committee, who resigned as an Independent Member for personal reasons. Following a recruitment campaign, I’m very pleased to report that Mr Andrew Maslen was appointed to replace him and Andrew’s contributions have already been appreciated.

5. As members will be aware, following the Localism Act 2011, this Committee changed into an Advisory Committee, with its existing role of advising, monitoring, and training of members in matters concerning the correct observance of the Code of Conduct. Additionally, the Committee retained its role in adjudication in the event of an allegation of a breach of the Code being brought before it, and of recommending to full Council what sanction should be imposed in the event of that breach being proved.



6. Furthermore the Committee are expected to work with the appointed Independent Persons whom all Public Authorities are required to consult in the event of a complaint being made to the Monitoring Officer. Independent Persons are appointed for a four year period which expired during 2016. A recruitment campaign was undertaken and the Council, at its meeting on 19.07.2016, confirmed the appointment of Mr Christopher Ensor, Dr Vasco Fernandes and Mr Christopher Fogden for a further four year period.

7. As there is no appeal path for any decisions which may be made concerning breaches of the Code, apart from that of judicial review, consideration has been given to the implications which this may have and members alerted to how this may affect the way in which complaints are processed, in particular when the complaint has been made by: a) The Executive Leader b) A member of the Standards Committee c) The Council’s Chief Executive d) The Council’s Monitoring Officer (or a Deputy) e) The Council’s Chief Finance Officer (for the purposes of Section 151 of the LGA 1972). or against one of the Group Leaders or a member of the Standards Committee.

Members Attendance

8. In the Annual Reports of recent years the Chair of Standards Committee has published the official attendance figures for the various committees of the Council. These are taken from the CMIS record and members were advised to check regularly the accuracy of these figures during the year. These figures are attached as Appendix 1.

9. It is recognised that this record is not intended to reflect in any way the amount of work which Members may undertake, outside the various committees and bodies mentioned, in particular work with outside organisations and for constituents. It is information which can be obtained by trawling the website and is therefore intended to provide a summary, rather than a commentary, on each member's attendance.

Breaches of the Code

10. I can report that during the municipal year the Assessment Panel met to consider a complaint against a former Councillor, which had previously been appealed, and related to a previous year. The Panel determined that there had been a breach of the Code of Conduct but that it wasn’t in the public interest to pursue any further.



Council Monitoring

11. Throughout the year the meetings of Full Council have been monitored on a regular basis by the Independent Members of the Standards Committee. I would like to extend my thanks to them for undertaking this and invite them to make any additional comments on the behaviour of members at those meetings.


12. During the year training on the Code of Conduct has been offered to members and I pleased to report there has been good attendance at these sessions.

13. Finally, I cannot close this Report without mentioning the support which has been provided to the Committee (as well as to me personally) by Angela Claridge in her role as Monitoring Officer. I have enjoyed working with her and the rest of the legal team.

14. I would also like to acknowledge the support provided by Democratic Services who are always willing to go that extra mile to support me in this role.

Cllr Dr R Saleem Standards Committee Chair (2016/17) February 2018



Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Agbley meetings held Council 8 7 87.5% Administration & Regulation Committee 8 4 50% Health & Wellbeing Board 2 1 50% Health & Social Care Review Group 7 6 86% Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 3 60% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% South Luton Area Board 2 1 50% Total 33 23 70%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Akbar meetings held Council 8 8 100% Audit & Governance Committee 4 4 100% Development Control 12 8 67% Housing Appeals Panel 3 2 67% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 29 24 83%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Ashraf meetings held

Council 8 6 75% South Luton Area Board 2 1 50% TOTALS: 10 7 70%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance M. Ayub meetings held Council 8 7 88% Central Luton Area Board 3 1 33% TOTALS: 11 8 73%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance N. Ayub meetings held Council 8 7 88% Central Luton Area Board 3 2 67% Executive 13 10 67% Finance Review Group 1 1 100% Health & Wellbeing Board 6 5 83% TOTALS: 31 25 81%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Baker meetings held Council 8 8 100% Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 4 80% OSB Crime & Disorder Board 1 1 100% Task & Finish Group- Youth & Social 7 5 71% Behaviour


APPENDIX 1 MEMBER ATTENDANCE – MUNICIPAL YEAR MAY 2016 TO MAY 2017 East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 23 20 87%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Burnett meetings held Council 8 8 100% Executive 13 12 92% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 23 22 96%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Campbell meetings held Council 8 7 88% Corporate Parenting Board 3 0 0% Development Control 12 10 83% Health & Wellbeing Board 6 5 83% Health & Social Care Review Group 7 6 86% Licensing Panel 2 2 100% Local Plan Working Party 3 2 North Luton Area Board 5 5 TOTALS:

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % Castleman meetings attendance

Council 8 7 88% Administration & Regulation Committee 8 5 62% Executive 13 11 85% Housing Appeals Panel 4 3 75% Local Plan Working Party 3 3 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100% South Luton Area Board 2 1 50% Young Peoples Panel 2 1 50% TOTALS: 41 32 78%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Chapman meetings Council 8 5 62% Administration & Regulation Committee 8 5 62% East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 18 12 67%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Chowdhury meetings Council 8 8 100% Airport Board 6 4 67% Finance Review Group SUB 1 1 100% Local Plan Working Party 3 1 33% East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 20 16 80%



Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance R. J Davis meetings Council 8 8 100% Appointments Panel 2 2 100% Audit & Governance Committee 4 4 100% Finance Review Group 14 10 71% Local Plan Working Party 4 4 100% North Luton Area Board 5 4 80% TOTALS: 37 32 87%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance M.J Dolling meetings Council 8 8 100% CSJNCC 2 2 100% Licensing Panel 1 1 100% Overview & Scrutiny Committee 5 5 100% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% Standards Committee 2 1 50% Task & Finish Group- Children’s Service 7 7 100% Review Group Task & Finish Group- Youth & Social 7 7 100% Behaviour7 Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Panel 1 1 100% East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 36 35 97%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance M J Dolling meetings Council 8 8 100% Development Control 12 10 83% East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% Licensing Panel 1 1 100% Local Plan Working Party 3 2 67% Standards Committee 2 1 50% TOTALS: 28 24 86%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Farooq meetings Council 8 8 100% Development Control 12 11 92% South Luton Area Board 2 1 50% Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Panel 2 2 100% TOTALS: 24 22 92%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Franks meetings Council 8 6 75% Airport Board 6 5 83% Central Luton Area Board 3 3 100% Development Control 12 11 92% 523


Finance Review Group 14 12 86% LJNCC 1 1 100% Local Plan Working Party 3 3 100% Overview and Scrutiny Board 5 5 100% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100% Task & Finish Group – Recruitment & 2 1 50% Retention of Social Workers Young Peoples Panel 2 1 50% TOTALS: 58 50 86%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Garrett meetings Council 8 6 75% Administration & Regulation committee 8 4 50% Appointments Panel 1 0 0% Audit & Governance Committee 4 1 25% Licensing Panel 6 6 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100% North Luton Area Board 5 5 100% TOTALS: 33 22 67%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Green meetings Council 8 8 100% Airport Board 6 6 100% Appointments Panel 2 2 100% Corporate Parenting Board 2 2 100% Development Control 11 10 91% Finance Review Group 13 13 100% North Luton Area Board 5 3 60% Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 5 100% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% Task & Finish Group – Recruitment & 2 2 100% retention for social workers Young Peoples Panel 2 2 100% TOTALS: 57 53 93%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Gurbuz meetings Council 2 0 0% TOTALS: 2 0 0%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Hopkins meetings Council 8 8 100% Administration & Regulation Committee 8 6 75% Appointments Panel 1 1 100% Corporate Parenting Board 3 1 25% Executive 13 13 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100%



Central Luton Area Board 3 3 100% TOTALS: 37 33 89%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Hussain meetings

Council 8 8 100% Corporate Parenting Board 1 1 100% Development Control 12 11 92% Executive 13 12 92% Finance Review Group SUB 2 2 100% Health & Wellbeing Board 6 6 100% Housing Appeals Panel 4 4 100% Licensing Panel 11 11 100% LJNCC 1 1 100% Standards Committee 2 2 100% Young people’s Panel 2 1 50% South Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 64 61 95%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Keens meetings Council 8 5 62% Appointments Panel 1 1 100% Corporate Parenting Board 3 2 67% Finance Review Group 4 2 50% Housing Appeals Panel 3 2 67% Licensing Panel 18 18 100% Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 3 60% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100% Task & Finish Group: Children’s Review 7 5 71% Group Task & Finish Group: Recruitment & 2 2 100% retention for social workers Task & Finish Group: Youth & Social 7 4 57% behaviour East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 62 48 77%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance A Khan meetings Council 8 7 88% Executive 13 11 85% Finance Review Group 1 1 100% Health & Wellbeing Board 6 5 83% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 30 26 87%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance T Khan meetings



Council 8 8 100% Airport Board 6 3 50% Central Luton Area Board 3 2 67% TOTALS: 17 13 76%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Lewis meetings Council 8 8 100% Administration & Regulation Committee 8 5 62% Development Control Committee 12 11 92% Health & Social Care Review Group 7 7 100% Housing Appeals Panel 1 1 100% Licensing Panel 10 10 100% Local Plan Working Party 3 3 100% North Luton Area Board 5 4 80% TOTALS: 54 49 91%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Malcolm meetings Council 8 7 88% Airport Board 6 5 83% Appointments Panel 1 0 0% Central Luton Area Board 3 3 100% Corporate Parenting Board 3 1 33% Executive 13 11 85% Finance Review Group 2 2 100% Health & Wellbeing Board 1 0 0% Young Peoples Panel 2 1 50% TOTALS: 39 30 77%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance T Malik meetings Council 8 8 100% Administration & Regulation Committee 8 6 75% Health & Social care Review Group 7 6 86% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 25 22 88%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Mirza meetings Council 6 6 100% Standards Committee 1 0 0% Central Luton Area Board 3 3 100% TOTALS: 10 9 90%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Moles meetings Council 8 6 75% Health & Social Care Review Group 7 5 71% Licensing Panel 1 1 100%



Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 5 100% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% Standards Committee 2 2 100% Task & Finish Group – Children’s Service 7 6 86% Review Group Task & Finish Group – Youth & Social 1 1 100% Behaviour Young Peoples Panel 2 1 50% East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 36 30 83%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % O’Callaghan meetings attendance

Council 8 6 75% Development Control 12 10 83% Local Plan Working Party 3 2 67% Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 4 80% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% South Luton Area Board 2 2 100% Young Peoples Panel 2 0 0% TOTALS: 32 25 78%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Pedersen meetings Council 8 6 75% Appointments Panel 2 2 100% Health & Social Care Review Group 7 7 100% Licensing Panel 1 1 100% North Luton Area Board 5 3 60% Overview & Scrutiny Board 2 2 100% Standards Committee 1 2 50% TOTALS: 26 23 88%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Petts meetings

Council 8 7 88% Finance Review Group 1 1 100% Health& Wellbeing Board 1 0 0% Health & Social Care Review Group 7 6 86% North Luton Area Board 5 4 80% Standards Committee 2 2 100% Task & Finish Group: Children’s Services 7 6 86% Review Group Young Peoples Panel 2 2 100% TOTALS: 33 28 85%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Rafiq meetings



Council 8 5 63% Audit & Governance 4 2 50% Finance Review Group 1 1 100% South Luton Area Board 2 1 50% Task & Finish Group: Children’s Services 7 4 57% Review Group TOTALS: 22 13 59%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Rathore meetings Council 8 7 77% Audit & Governance Committee 4 3 75% Central Luton Area Board 3 1 33% CSJNCC 2 1 50% Task & Finish Group: Children’s Services 7 5 71% Review Group TOTALS: 24 17 71%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Riaz meetings Council 8 8 100% Central Luton Area Board 3 3 100% TOTALS: 11 11 100%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Rivers meetings Council 8 8 100% Appointments Panel 1 1 100% Development Control Committee 12 10 83% East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% Finance Review Group 14 13 93% Licensing Panel 4 4 100% LJNCC 1 1 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100% Standards Committee 1 1 100% Task & Finish Group – Recruitment & 2 1 50% Retention of Social Workers Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Panel 2 2 100% TOTALS: 48 44 92%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Roden meetings Council 8 8 100% Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 5 100% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 1 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100% Task & Finish Group – Recruitment & 2 2 100% Retention of Social Workers Task & Finish Group – Youth & Social 7 7 100% Behaviour West Luton Area Board 2 2 100%



Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Rowlands meetings Council 8 7 88% Airport Board 6 6 100% Finance Review Group 3 3 100% North Luton Area Board 5 3 60% Task & Finish Group: Children’s Services 7 7 100% Review Group Task & Finish Group – Youth & Social 7 5 71% Behaviour TOTAL: 36 31 86%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance R M Saleem meetings Council 8 8 100% Central Luton Area Board 3 3 100% Standards Committee 1 1 100% Taxi & Private Hire Licensing Panel 1 1 100% TOTALS: 13 13 100%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance S Saleem meetings Council 8 7 88% Standards Committee 2 2 100% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 12 11 92%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Shaw meetings Council 8 8 100% Appointments Panel 1 1 100% Executive 13 9 69% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 24 20 83%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Simmons meetings Council 8 7 88% Executive 13 12 92% Health & Wellbeing Board 6 5 83% LJNCC 1 1 100% Personnel Appeals Panel 1 1 100% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 31 28 90%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Skepelhorn meetings Council 8 7 88% Airport Board 6 6 100% 529

APPENDIX 1 MEMBER ATTENDANCE – MUNICIPAL YEAR MAY 2016 TO MAY 2017 Audit & Governance 4 4 100% Finance Review Group 10 10 100% East Luton Area Board 2 1 50% TOTALS: 30 28 93%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance D Taylor meetings Council 8 8 100% Development Control 12 11 92% Housing Appeals Panel 1 1 100% Licensing Panel 5 5 100% South Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 28 27 96%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance J Taylor meetings Council 8 8 100% Airport Board 6 5 83% Audit & Governance Committee 4 3 75% East Luton Area Board 2 2 100% Finance Review Group 14 11 79% Task & Finish Group – Recruitment & 2 2 100% Retention of Social Workers Task & Finish Group – Youth & Social 7 3 43% Behaviour TOTALS: 43 34 79%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Timoney meetings Council 8 4 50% Appointments Panel 1 1 100% Audit & Governance Committee 1 0 0% Executive 13 10 77% Local Plan Working Party 3 2 67% South Luton Area Board 2 1 50% Personal Appeals Panel 1 1 100% TOTALS: 29 19 66%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Waheed meetings Council 8 8 100% Health & Social Care Review Group 6 4 67% Local Plan Working Party 3 2 67% West Luton Area Board 2 2 100% TOTALS: 19 16 84%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Worlding meetings Council 8 7 88% Administration & Regulation Committee 8 8 100% Housing Appeals Panel 4 4 100%



Licensing Panel 6 6 100% Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 3 60% OSB Crime & Disorder Committee 1 0 0% North Luton Area Board 5 2 40% TOTALS: 37 30 81%

Councillor Committee Number of Attended % attendance Young meetings Council 8 7 88% Airport Board 6 5 83% Appointments Panel 2 2 100% Finance Review Group 10 8 80% Overview and Scrutiny Board 1 1 100% North Luton Area Board 5 4 80% TOTALS: 32 27 84%






Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA) held a meeting on 8 February 2018 at Dunstable Community Fire Station. The major issues discussed at the meeting are summarised below:


Councillor Chapman submitted the draft Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Standards Committee held on 6 December 2017.

Members were advised of the updates to the Statement of Assurance and reminded of the requirement for English fire and rescue authorities to produce and publish an annual Statement of Assurance.

The Statement sets out the Authority’s financial, governance and operational assurance arrangements as well as providing an overview of the services provided throughout the year. The number of incidents attended by the Service had increased during the year as a result of the extension of collaborative working with other blue light services. The benefit of protection and prevention work was demonstrated by the reduction in injuries arising from accidental dwelling fires.

Members noted that the firefighters’ pension changes dispute was ongoing and that consideration of the question of whether disproportionate impact was related to age had been referred back to the Employment Tribunal. More information would be provided to Members on the progress of this issue as and when it was available.

The Authority received the Minutes and approved the Statement of Assurance.


Councillor Waheed submitted the draft Minutes of the meeting of the Human Resources Policy and Challenge Group held on 11 January 2018 and highlighted the following:

• The Service had demonstrated strong performance against indicator EQ1a (percentage of new entrants to the retained duty system to be women), with more female recruits attending a training course in Quarter 3. • All the health and safety indicators had met or exceeded target levels.


• The Public Sector Equality Duty Report had been approved. This document set out information on the local population, the Service’s practices, workforce and the equality objectives for 2016 to 2020. • A questionnaire capturing equality data had been developed for distribution at Open Days. This had been trialled at 6 stations in 2017 and was being rolled out across all stations during 2018. • The Positive Action Report consisted of 15 actions and set out the expected outcomes, Management Lead and timescale for completion. • The Service had recently recruited an individual with Police experience to its HR team and was working with Bedfordshire Police on its recruitment campaign as it sought to recruit more candidates from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds to become more representative of the communities that it served. • The Service had conducted an employee opinion survey. 62.8% of employees had completed the survey and a number of positives, as well as areas for development, had been identified. An action plan had been created to address the areas of development. • Following a request from Members at the previous meeting, a report on the Service’s appraisal process, including redacted samples of appraisal documents, was submitted to the Policy and Challenge Group. • Members were also advised of amendments to firefighter pension legislation.

Members received the Minutes of the meeting.


The Authority received a report on the forecast year end budget monitoring position as at 31 December 2017. The forecast non-salary underspend was £206,500 and the forecast salary underspend was £265,000, resulting in a total forecast underspend of £471,500.

The Authority was asked to approve an addition to the Capital Programme of £75,000 to extend car parking at Fire and Rescue Headquarters on Southfields Road. Approximately 35 on-street car parking spaces for Service employees would be lost when double yellow lines were installed along the length of the road opposite headquarters. The proposals related to works to the existing main car park to create 21 additional spaces and the installation of a grass grid base near the Training Centre car park to create 12 car parking spaces.

Members considered this addition in the context of the possible development of a joint Police and Fire Headquarters. It was recognised that there was a need to alleviate the current parking issues that would result from the planned works to Southfields Road, whilst taking into consideration the uncertainty of the future of the current Headquarters site.

It was agreed that the forecast outturn for revenue and capital be acknowledged and that the capital project to expand car parking at Fire and Rescue Headquarters to the value of £75,000 be approved, subject to the works to the main car park being undertaken first, with a review of the car parking situation being undertaken before the work on the additional grass grid spaces at the Training Centre car park was progressed.



The Authority was asked to approve a draft revenue budget requirement of £29.437 million with a Council Tax increase of 2.99%.

There had been a slight variation to the figures previously discussed at the Members’ Budget Workshop of £21,000 per annum. There had also been an increase to Line 54 of the Medium Term Revenue Plan to £195,000. With these changes, the forecast net balance of the Transformational Earmarked Reserve in 2021/22 had increased from £1.019 million to approximately £1.5 million which could result in the reserve being used to balance the budget in 2022/23, subject to the outcome of national pay bargaining negotiations.

In relation to the assumptions underpinning the development of the budget, it was noted that the firefighter pay award could be a significant budget pressure. A 4% provision had been made for the firefighters pay award; however, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Services had recently been awarded a 20% increase over a four year period. This was subject to Scottish firefighters accepting the broadening of the traditional role of a firefighter. Pay negotiations in England remained ongoing and could present a much larger cost than that currently forecast.

The Service currently held £2.6 million in general reserves, approximately 9% of its budget, which was the average for Combined Fire Authorities.

The original budget proposals, prior to the change in the Council Tax Referendum cap, had been subject to public consultation, with 78% of respondents supporting a Council Tax increase of between £2.50- £5 per Band D property. The current proposals resulted in a £2.78 increase per annum per Band D property.

The proactive use of the transformational earmarked reserve to provide an enhanced service to the public in the context of sustained funding reductions, as illustrated in a graph detailing the Revenue Support Grant reductions set out in the Medium Term Financial Strategy, was highlighted. Officers of the Service deliberately generated an underspend to ensure that funds were rolled forwards to support the budget setting process in future years. It was important that this information was captured and shared with others.

The recommendations relating to the revenue budget requirement of £29.437 million, with a corresponding precept of £19.972 million and a 2.99% Council Tax increase were put to the meeting and the votes recorded thereon were as follows:

For the Councillors Atkins, Chapman, Chatterley, Duckett, Franks, Headley, Recommendations Khan, McVicar, Mingay, Saleem and Waheed (11)

After taking into consideration the Treasurer’s statement on the robustness of estimates included in the budget and the adequacy of reserves for which the budget provides, the Authority agreed that: (a) A Revenue Budget requirement is set at £29.437m. (b) The Authority’s Precept be set at £19.972m and that as a consequences, a Council Tax increase of 2.99% up to £95.59 per Band D equivalent property.


(c) In order to meet the Precept requirement, the Head of Finance/Treasurer be authorised to issue Precepts in the necessary form to each of the Unitary Councils and for the amounts indicated in the report.

The Authority agreed the Medium Term Revenue Plan, the 2018/19 savings and efficiencies, the Medium Term Capital Programme, Medium Term Financial Strategy, including the reserves strategy.

It was also agreed that the 2017/18 in-year underspend be allocated to the Transformation Reserve and any budget amendments, following receipt of the final settlement figures, were delegated to the Treasurer and Chief Fire Officer.


The Authority received the annual pay policy statement and its constituent parts for the financial year 2018/19 and noted the changes from the previous annual pay statement including information on nationally negotiated pay increases for Green, Grey and Gold Book staff and updates to the responsibility and scale of the Service and the pay multiples.

The Authority approved the proposed pay policy statement for 2018/19.


The Authority considered a report on the public consultation for the Fire and Rescue inspection programme and framework presented by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services. The consultation period ran from 19 December 2017-19 February 2018.

The inspection would assess the operational service, efficiency of the service and organisational effectiveness of the service. Following the piloting of the inspection process in Staffordshire, West Yorkshire and Suffolk Fire and Rescue Services, the inspection process would be undertaken in three tranches during an 18 month period in 2018/19, with Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service in the first tranche. Judgements would range from outstanding to inadequate. A good judgement would be awarded based on policy, practice or performance that met relevant national operational guidance or standards.

The Authority was advised that Service Officers were working closely with HMICFRS and that HMICFRS was engaging with the sector. Examples of this were that 50 members of the sector had been seconded to support the process and the sector was represented on the Technical Advisory Group which was working on data collection.

Members were referred to the inspection methodology which set out 11 diagnostics relating to the three inspection areas and discussed the proposed Service considerations to the Government consultation set out in the report.

Concern was expressed about the level of resource that would be required to support the inspection, as it was noted that the process would take a number of weeks, noting that Senior Officer support for the process had already been allocated.


It was noted that the inspection process coincided with the introduction of the revised National Framework and that there may be a shift towards national standards as a result of the introduction of the inspection regime.

The Authority agreed to submit a joint response to the consultation document, as discussed at the meeting, from both the Service and the Authority.


The Authority considered a report on the Government’s consultation on the Fire and Rescue National Framework for England. Changes from the 2012 Framework and the 2014 addendum were detailed in the report. The consultation on the Framework ended on 14 February 2018.

Key differences included the identification of new priorities and objectives for Fire and Rescue Authorities, references to the new inspection regime and to the publication of a Medium Term Financial Strategy, changes resulting from the Police and Crime Act 2017 and the statutory duty of Fire and Rescue Authorities, Police and Ambulance Services to collaborate for efficiencies and effectiveness and responsibility for maintaining the national resilience capability.

The new Framework would come into effect from 1 April 2018.

The Service had no specific comments it wished to raise through the consultation process, but that it would be producing a response to the consultation.

It was agreed to acknowledge the draft National Framework document and the changes from the 2012 version and the 2014 addendum and that a response to the Government consultation of the Fire and Rescue National Framework for England document, if deemed necessary, be delegated to the Chair of the Authority to meet the required timescales.


Members received an update on the Service’s collaborative work with other emergency services including the following:

• A feasibility study relating to the development of a joint Police and Fire Headquarters was being progressed and was being funded through a loan from One Public Estate. Governance arrangements for the project were currently being developed, and the Service’s Head of Finance had been appointed as the lead for the project. • Co-location had been successful. There had been some issues around the facilities requirements at Leighton Buzzard and these were being addressed. • Members were invited to two launch events relating to Leighton Buzzard and the hub in Luton. • The pilots of missing vulnerable persons’ searches and effecting entry were being evaluated and would be discussed at the next Project Board. It was anticipated that approval to include these duties as business as usual would be requested.


• The purchase of a drone had been delayed as the costs had been higher than that specified in the tender. Further collaboration on drone provision across Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire was being explored. • Control staff had been granted access to the Police STORM Incident reporting system.

Members recognised the significant amount of collaborative work being undertaken.


Members received the information bulletin for the period 1 October – 31 December 2017.

One fatality during the period had been referred to the coroner and may be attributed to a fire at the property.

The Chief Fire Officer advised that the Service supported vulnerable elderly people through the provision of Safe and Well visits. Assisted living facilities were not generally deemed to be high-risk unless a structural issue had been identified.

The Assistant Chief Fire Officer added that the Service analysed historical and demographic data, including the Exeter data set, to identify individuals at risk. This included the over 65s. That data was used to inform the programme of Safe and Well visits. A number of referrals were also received from Age Concern. Those most at risk generally did not reside in supported living communities, but in private homes where smoke alarms had not been fitted.


Information Bulletin October – December 2017

Examples of Incidents Water Rescue Assist Police Missing Person

Attended Church Lane, Oakley 9 December 2017 - 1507 hours RESCUES The Rescue Boat from Bedford attended a male fatality retrieved from the river. ASSIST AMBULANCE SERVICE/POLICE ROAD TRAFFIC COLLISIONS

Special Service Assist Ambulance RTC Persons Trapped Church Street, Luton Barkers Lane, Bedford 1 November 2017 - 1821 hours 3 November 2017 - 1457 hours The Trauma Response Unit from Rescue Pumps from Bedford and Dunstable with a Rescue Pump from Kempston, with the Specialist Rescue Unit Luton attended a male adult who was from Kempston, attended a RTC involving rescued from the embankment and placed two cars, one of which was on its roof. in the care of the Ambulance Service. One casualty was removed from the vehicle and left in the care of paramedics. Special Service Assist Ambulance Church Road, Harlington RTC Persons Trapped 3 December 2017 - 0438 hours A421 Eastbound Renhold Turn to Black A Rescue Pump from Luton, with the Cat Roundabout Trauma Response Unit from Dunstable, 10 November 2017 - 1441 hours attended to assist paramedics with the Rescue Pumps from Kempston, Bedford removal of a critical male adult from the 1st and Sandy, with the Special Rescue Unit floor of a two-storey house. from Kempston, attended a RTC involving three LGVs. One male casualty was extracted by the Fire Service.


RTC Persons Trapped Car Fire Following RTC Hatters Way, Luton A5120 Westoning to Toddington 11 November 2017 - 0046 hours 26 December 2017 - 0026 hours Rescue Pumps from Luton and Stopsley, Rescue Pumps from Ampthill, Dunstable with the Response Support Unit from and Luton attended a RTC involving two Stopsley, attended a RTC involving one cars, comprising four casualties. Three car and a van. Two casualties were self-extracted and one was removed with released by the Fire Service. One assistance from the Fire Service. casualty was stabilised by a doctor at the Stabilisation and glass management were scene and then conveyed to hospital by put in place. ambulance. Scene safety was implemented by the Police and Fire FIRES Service. Roof Fire RTC Persons Trapped Bramhanger Acre, Luton M1 North Bound Junction 10 to 11 5 November 2017 - 1313 hours 14 November 2017 - 1439 hours Rescue Pumps from Luton and Stopsley, Rescue Pumps from Bedford, Luton, with the Aerial Platform from Luton and Dunstable and Stopsley, with the the Operational Support Unit from Potton, Response Support Unit from Stopsley, attended a fire in the roof space of a two- released one person and placed in the storey terraced property, approximately care of paramedics. Scene safety was 6 x 10 m. 50% of the roof was damaged implemented by the Fire Service and by fire and 100% of the 1st floor bathroom Highways Agency. was damaged by fire.

RTC Persons Trapped Building Fire Sundon Road, Streatley Peaches Close, Harrold 20 November 2017 - 1342 hours 9 November 2017 – 0226 hours Rescue Pumps from Luton and Stopsley, Rescue Pumps from Bedford and with the Response Support Unit from Kempston attended a fire in the ground Stopsley, attended a RTC involving one floor of a two-storey mid-terrace property. private car and a tractor with a trailer on One cat was treated with oxygen for the carriageway. Three casualties - one smoke inhalation and the neighbouring male and one critical female were relayed property was ventilated. A fire to hospital by air ambulance and another investigation was carried out. walking wounded female was taken to hospital by ambulance. Fire High Rise Residential Wenlock Court, Jubille Hall, Manor RTC Persons Trapped Road, Luton A5120 Westoning to Toddington 18 November 2017 - 1933 hours 21 December 2017 - 0408 hours Rescue Pumps from Stopsley and Rescue Pumps from Toddington, Dunstable, with the Aerial Platform from Dunstable and Stopsley, with the Luton, attended a fire in the kitchen on the Response Support Unit from Stopsley, 2nd floor of a high rise building consisting attended a RTC involving a 38 tonne of six floors. 20% of the kitchen was articulated lorry and one private car. Two damaged by fire and 20% of the kitchen adult males were released prior to arrival was damaged by smoke. of the Fire Service and another male adult was extracted by the Fire Service and taken to Addenbrookes hospital by ambulance. The scene and vehicles were made safe by the Fire Service.


House Fire Brewers Hill Road, Dunstable Letters of Appreciation 3 December 2017 - 0316 hours or Complaint Two Rescue Pumps from Dunstable attended a fire in a one bedroom semi- detached bungalow, measuring Complaint:

approximately 8 x 10 m. 100% of the No complaints (past Stage I) have been building was damaged by fire and smoke. received for this period. One elderly female adult was treated for

smoke inhalation and placed in the care of the Ambulance Service. Appreciation:

Alarm Domestic House We continue to receive letters of Halleys Way, Houghton Regis appreciation from members of the public, 16 December 2017 - 2111 hours schools and organisations that we visit Two Rescue Pumps from Dunstable and/or assist with charitable events. attended an 84 year old female who was suffering from severe burns to her legs The following is a selection: and feet. She was treated by the Fire Service and paramedics. Thanks from a member of the public via Facebook: RESCUES ……’To all at Fire and Rescue, I would Pony Stuck in Window Frame like to thank the crew from Kempston who Wrestlingworth Road, Potton came out to rescue my injured cat from 14 November 2017 - 1346 hours under a car on Denmark Street. I felt bad Rescue Pumps from Potton and calling them out for a cat but they treated Kempston, with the Special Rescue Unit it like no job is too small and took every from Kempston, attended a horse which care to get him out. was released by the Fire Service and placed in the care of the owner and vet. I rushed him to the vet and didn't say thank you properly. I can report Nemo Car in Flood Water was treated for shock and then had an Green End, Pertenhall operation on a ruptured diaphragm and is 27 December 2017 - 0723 hours expected to recover well. So thanks again The Multi-Role Vehicle from Bedford for your quick and sympathetic attended a car in flood water response.’…… approximately 12 inches deep. One male driver was rescued from the vehicle by the The following letter has been received Fire Service. from the Lord-Lieutenant Helen Nellis addressed to the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadets AIRCRAFT INCIDENT and Parents:

……’May I thank you sincerely for your Aircraft incident - great support at the Remembrance Cardington Airfield, Services of this weekend and last. 18 November 2017 - 0958 hours

Rescue Pumps from Bedford, Kempston The Cadets who attended me were and Shefford, with the Specialist Rescue outstanding and a fine example of the Unit from Kempston, attended an airship great contribution our young people make which had broken from its mooring. The in Bedfordshire. envelope was ventilated by the airship owners under Fire Service supervision. I have heard from my colleagues, that One female was conveyed to hospital by those of you who supported my Deputy ambulance due to injuries sustained in the Lieutenant colleagues were equally accident. Approximately 4,500 litres of impressive and that the people who aviation fuel was isolated in the fuel tanks. 540

attended the ceremonies were heartened Thank you from St Johns School: to see the way in which you conducted yourselves. ……’Thank you so much for arranging the visit of a crew to our school last Thursday. This was the first of your duties and I am The crew were incredibly considerate of reassured that each of you will achieve our pupils' needs and interacted with them the high standards required of LL Cadets. superbly. The pupils really enjoyed the Remembrance is a key event in the experience.’…… Lieutenancy year and I very much appreciate the part you played in ensuring we showed appropriate respect and honour for the Fallen.

My sincere thanks also to Major Sadler for making the arrangements which went so smoothly.’……

A couple from Kempston sent thanks to Kempston White Watch:

……’We were visited by members of your team who advised my wife and I about smoke alarms. Devices were installed and we wanted to say thank you to the firefighters for their polite and pleasant manner. Please find enclosed our cheque made payable to The Fire Fighters Charity as a gesture of our appreciation.’

Thanks from Pavenham Park Residents Association:

……’Thank you for enabling and part funding of our on-site defibrillator. The Association are especially grateful as we foresaw a long fund raising battle to achieve our aim in this respect.’……

Thank you from Devon and Somerset FRS:

Following the devastation caused by hurricane Irma, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service has been coordinating an appeal for assistance to Fire and Rescue Services, suppliers and charities.

……’I wanted to say thank you to BFRS for the very generous donation of two light portable pumps. In particular I wanted to extend our thanks to Chris Ball and Andy Draper who worked so hard to secure service and transport the pumps for us.’…… Glenn Askew, CFO 541




TH DATE: 20 MARCH 2018











1. The purpose of this report is to advise the Council of decision(s) taken by the Executive in accordance with the Special Urgency provisions of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 since the last report to Council’s March 2017 meeting.


2. That the report be noted.



3. The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 and the Council’s Standing Order 42 require me, as Executive Leader, to submit an annual report to the Council on decisions taken by the Executive in pursuance of the Special Urgency provisions set out in Regulation 19 of the Regulations and in the Council’s Standing Order 40.


4. Set out below are details of the Executive’s decision taken since April 2017 in pursuance of the Special Urgency provisions referred to above:

Date of PRIVATE Subject Decision(s) Meetings

20th February 2018 Disadvantaged That the recommendation set Workers Scheme out in the report of the Service Director, Property and Construction Services (Ref 10.1) in relation to the Disadvantage Workers Scheme, be approved.

(Note: The above item was considered in private by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, Part VA)


The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.

Executive Decision No: EX/27/18




DATE: 20th March 2018

SUBJECT: Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 – Reference from Administration and Regulation Committee - 27th February 2018

REPORT BY: Chief Executive (Service Director, Policy Communities and Engagement)

CONTACT OFFICER: Bert Siong TEL: 01582 546781








1. To report to Council on the recommendation of the Administration and Regulation Committee held on 27th February 2018 relating to the Pay Policy Statement 2018/19.


2. Council is recommended to approve the amended Pay Policy Statement 2018/2019 attached as Appendix A to this report.


3. At its meeting held on 27th February 2018, the Administration and Regulation Committee considered a report of the Service Director, Human Resources and Monitoring officer regarding the Pay Policy Statement 2018/2019.


4. Members of Administration and Regulation Committee were advised on the Council’s obligations under the terms of the Localism Act 2011 to produce and publish a Pay Policy Statement by the 31st March each year. In accordance with guidance under the Act, the statement had to set out the Council’s pay policies on a range of issues, including the pay of Chief Officers, the pay of the lowest employees and the relationship between the pay of Chief Officers and those who were not Chief Officers.

5. Members were further advised of the main changes to the statement at Appendix A, since last published on 31st March 2017, which Council is also requested to note and approve, as follows:

(i) Sections 1.2, 3.1 and 5.1. There are now no employees paid in accordance with Youth and Community Workers nationally agreed pay rates. Youth Workers were subject to an Organisational Change Assessment process in 2017, part of which aligned their terms and conditions of employment with NJC Green Book terms and conditions with effect for 2017/18. Reference to Youth and Community Workers’ pay has been deleted;

(ii) Section 2.4. There are now no adult community lecturers paid in accordance with Soulbury Committee pay rates. Reference to community lecturers has been deleted;

(iii) Section 2.5. National Employers’ Organisation for School Teachers has been added;

(iv) Section 3.1 and 3.4. Further explanation has been added around Soulbury pay grades and Structured Professional Assessment pay points;

(v) Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. Administration and Regulation Committee agreed for these sections to be updated when the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Chief Executives of Local Authorities pay settlement for 2018/19 is agreed;

(vi) Section 4.2. There is a slight change to state ‘Corporate Director’;

(vii) Section 4.4. The new post of Service Director, London Luton Airport Limited has been added.

The post title of Service Director, Fixed Assets has been amended to Service Director, Property and Construction. Council is requested to approve this change in job title in order to amend Part 19 of the Council’s Constitution (Management Structure) and Part 7 (Scheme of Delegation to Officers (Non-Executive Functions) in order to correctly align delegated powers to Service Director roles.


The remaining job titles for Service Directors had been updated in line with Council’s decision on 21st March 2017 to approve Phase 2 of the re-organisation of the senior management structure;

(viii) Sections 5.2 and 5.3. These sections will be updated when both national pay awards, the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Chief Executives of Local Authorities pay settlement for 2018/19 and the National Joint Council for Local Government Services pay settlement for 2018/19 are agreed.

(ix) Section 5.4 Foundation (real) Living Wage (FLW). This section has been updated following the decision of Administration and Regulation Committee on 30th January 2018 to adopt the uplift in the FLW to £8.75 per hour, with effect from 1st April 2018.

(x) Section 5.5 Pay ratios between lowest/median full time equivalent earnings and the Chief Executive’s earnings have been amended to take account of the FLW from 1st April 2018 and also to take account of the most recent guidance which advises Chief Executive’s pay should include allowances such as Car Benefit and earnings in respect of election duties.

Administration and Regulation Committee agreed for this section to be updated in light of the national pay awards which may cause the pay ratios to change;

(xi) Section 9 has been updated to outline recent and forthcoming legislative changes.

6. The Administration and Regulation Committee then resolved as follows:

(i) That the Committee acknowledge the Council’s statutory responsibilities under the Localism Act 2011 to produce and publish a Pay Policy Statement annually by 31st March each year;

(ii) That the Committee agree the Pay Policy Statement 2018/19, as amended following the meeting to clarify the terms ‘sleeping-in’ pay supplement, which relates to adult social care workers;

(iii) That the Committee recommends the amended Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 to Full Council on 20th March 2018 for approval; and

(iv) That the Committee agrees that the Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 will be updated and re-published when the pay awards are settled.


7. The Council is recommended to approve the Pay Policy Statement 2018/2019 set out at Appendix A to this report, to comply with its legal obligation under the terms of the Localism Act 2011, which require that an annual Pay Policy Statement be produced and published by the 31st March each year.


8. As set out in the report to Administration and Regulation Committee on 27th February 2018, there are no legal implications to this report. This report has been agreed with John Newman, Solicitor in Legal Services on 8th February 2018.


9. As set out in the report to Administration and Regulation Committee on 27th February 2018, none specifically at the present, as the policy reflects what has already been agreed and budgeted for. However, there is a potential financial impact if remuneration policy changes. This has been agreed by Dev Gopal, Service Director, Finance and Audit on 12th February 2017.


10. The following Appendix is attached to this report:

APPENDIX A - Pay Policy Statement 2018/19


Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 report (Ref: 7) – Admin & Regulation Committee, 27th February 2018



This Pay Policy Statement is produced in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Localism Act 2011. It was approved by Luton Borough Council (“the Council”) at a meeting of the Full Council on 20th March 2018. It is made available on the Council’s website.

1. Scope of this Pay Policy Statement 2018/19

1.1 Included in this Pay Policy Statement 2018/19 (“this Statement”) are the Council’s pay and reward policies for 2018/2019 that are designed:- • to enable the Council, as an employer, to retain competitiveness in the market place, and • to maintain affordability of employment costs.

1.2 The policies referred to in this Statement are relevant to Council employees generally; however the scope of this Statement does not include the pay policies relating to teachers who are covered by the Teachers Pay and Terms and Conditions of Employment in England and Wales. Centrally employed teachers are covered by Teachers Pay and Terms and Conditions. Soulbury employees are paid according to pay rates that are set nationally. In the interests of transparency, these are detailed at section 5.1.

1.3 The Council’s Administration and Regulation Committee determines the Terms and Conditions of Employment for all staff within the scope of this Statement, including the application of any discretion available under the Local Government Pension Scheme (“LGPS”). It will act as the “Remuneration Committee” for the purposes of the Localism Act 2011. The Service Director, Human Resources and Monitoring Officer has delegated powers to implement actions that affect Terms and Conditions of Employment that have first been agreed through the Council’s Administration and Regulation Committee.

2. Definitions

2.1 For the purposes of this Statement “Chief Officers” form the senior management structure of the Council. Within the Council, this comprises a Chief Executive, Corporate Directors, and Service Directors.

2.2 The Council’s pay scale values for pay grades that are not “Chief Officer” fall within pay grades Scale L1a to L7 and M1 to M8. The Council applies pay awards as and when agreed by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.

2.3 The “lowest paid employees” within the Council are those posts that fall within the L1a pay grade and excludes apprentices. Please see section 5.3.

2.4 Employees at the Council on Soulbury Committee terms and conditions include educational improvement professionals and educational psychologists.

2.5 There are a number of Joint Negotiating Committees referred to in this document. They provide national agreements on pay and conditions of service for particular groups of employees. They have representatives for the employers’ side usually made up of representatives from the Local Government Employers Association and representatives for the staff side with representatives from the appropriate


trade unions. Any changes made by these negotiating bodies are notified to the Council as appropriate. Bodies that negotiate pay, and terms and conditions and the employee groups effected are as follows:-

Negotiating Body Employee Groups Affected

Soulbury Committee Educational improvement professionals and educational psychologists

National Joint Council (NJC) for Pay grades Scale L1a to L7 and M1 to M8 Local Government Services

National Employers’ Organisation Centrally employed qualified and for School Teachers (NEOST) unqualified teachers Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) Chief Executive for Chief Executives of Local Authorities

Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) Corporate Directors and Service Directors for Chief Officers of Local Authorities

3. Pay Determination

3.1 Pay levels for all employees (except Teachers and those on Soulbury rates) are determined by:-

• the Hay job evaluation scheme (for pay grades L1a – M8), or

• the Inbucon job evaluation scheme (for Corporate Directors and Service Directors).

The two evaluation schemes used are substantial schemes used nationally and internationally. Both schemes establish the relative “size” of jobs within the Council. An evaluation is the assessment of each job against a number of established factors and this results in an overall job evaluation score, which is used to rank jobs within the Council. The overall job evaluation score for a job is used to allocate that job to the appropriate pay grade of the Council's pay grade structure.

Soulbury employees are placed on nationally defined grading structures. The 4 or 6 point pay grades are based on the nationally defined Soulbury pay structures and pay spine.

3.2 Pay Bargaining and Negotiation The Council is a member of the Local Government Employers Association for National Collective Bargaining in respect of Chief Executives, Chief Officers and other employees. Pay negotiation is an annual process; a pay claim is submitted by the trade unions and considered by the Local Government Employers Association (following consultation with local authorities).

3.3 Appointment


The point at which an individual will be appointed within the pay grade will normally be the minimum of the scale. However, appointment may be at a higher point within the scale where justified. 3.4 Progression within a Pay Grade Each pay grade contains a number of pay points called “Spinal Column Points” (SCPs). Employees are eligible to receive an annual increase within their pay grade until they reach the top. Once the employee reaches the maximum Spinal Column Point (SCP) of the pay grade for the role there is no further increase unless a nationally negotiated pay award is given. Increases may be withheld from an individual as a consequence of disciplinary action. New starters must complete a nine month probationary period before being eligible to receive an increase.

For those on Soulbury pay grades, the pay scale can be extended on an individual basis by up to 3 additional Structured Professional Assessment (SPA) pay points subject to the employee meeting specific laid down criteria.

3.5 Progression Schemes Some posts are subject to a progression scheme that spans more than one pay grade. Movement from one pay grade to another is subject to the employee meeting specific laid down criteria.

3.6 Market Supplement Market supplements may be agreed when it can be shown that the salary attached to the grade for “hard to fill” posts is significantly lower than those offered elsewhere and that this is having an adverse impact on the ability to recruit and retain staff. A “hard to fill” post is one where there have been proven recruitment and/or retention difficulties and/or there are known significant national shortages. The value of any market supplement is determined by a comparison of the remuneration for a Council post against relevant market rates for similar posts and is subject to annual review.

In practice market supplement payments are made twice a year in arrears and are subject to the employee remaining in post for a prescribed period.

3.7 ‘Sleeping-in’ pay supplement – please refer to 9.4

3.8 Payment for Extra Duties (Honoraria) There will be occasions where, due to the service needs, employees will temporarily be required to undertake additional work or perform the work of a higher pay grade. Payment for these extra duties will normally be based on the difference in pay between their substantive post and that of the role being temporarily undertaken.

3.9 Car Benefit The Council pays an allowance to all employees that are graded M3 and above. Mileage is paid at a reduced local rate.

Pay Grade Car Benefit Amount

M3 to M8 £3,203 550

Service Directors £3,990 Corporate Directors £4,515 Chief Executive £5,618

3.10 Other Car Allowances The Council pays Essential and Casual Car User allowances in appropriate circumstances. The lump sum rate for Essential Car User Allowance is £963 per annum. These allowances are in accordance with the middle band of National Joint Council Local Government Service Rates. There are local rates in force for individuals who use their motorcycles or bicycles on official business. All allowances are kept under review and changes or additional policies are approved by the Council’s Administration and Regulation Committee.

3.11 Other Allowances The Council pays a range of additional allowances where employees are required to work unsocial hours or where they incur specific expenditure as required by their job (e.g. the purchase of tools and equipment).

3.12 Performance Pay The Council does not operate a performance pay scheme outside the pay grading structure that determines basic pay and therefore there are no performance or bonus payments paid to employees of the Council.

4. Remuneration of Chief Officers

4.1 Chief Executive The annual Full Time Equivalent pay range for the pay grade of Chief Executive (as set out by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Executives of Local Authorities) is:-

Pay Grade Min Max Increments Car Total Benefit Chief £167,686* £182,988* 4 (SCP 12 to 15) £5,618 £173,304 to Executive £188,606 *pending pay award effective 1st April 2018

Until the pay settlement effective from 1st April 2018 has been agreed, the actual pay for the Council’s Chief Executive will remain unchanged at the April 2017 salary rate of £182,988 + £5,618 car benefit totalling £188,606 per annum. This is the maximum of the grade.

The value of the Chief Executive’s pay will be increased by the pay awards notified from time to time by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Executives of Local Authorities. The Chief Executive’s remuneration for Returning Officer duties in respect of local elections is consolidated into pay. In respect of national elections, including parliamentary, European and referenda, additional fees are paid. The value of these fees will be set by the respective national body in the year to which they apply and will vary with the type of national election.

4.2 Corporate Directors Corporate Directors report to the Chief Executive.


Pay Min Max Increme Car Benefit Total Grade nts Director 1 £114,057* £125,071* 5 £4,515 £118,572 to £129,586 *pending pay award effective 1st April 2018

Pay ceiling is £125,071 plus £4,515 totalling £129,586 per annum as at 1st April 2018. The value of a Corporate Directors’ pay will be increased by the pay awards notified from time to time by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Officers of Local Authorities. The pay award for 2018 is pending.

The Corporate Director posts within the Council are:- Corporate Director, Customer and Commercial, Corporate Director, People, Corporate Director, Place and Infrastructure, Corporate Director, Public Health, Commissioning and Procurement.

4.3 Service Director The Service Directors report to the Corporate Directors except for the Service Director, Policy, Communities and Engagement and the Service Director, Transformation and Technology who report to the Chief Executive.

Pay Min Max Increments Car Benefit Total Grade Service £74,688* £81,511* 5 £3,990 £78,678 to Director 1 £85,501 *pending pay award effective 1st April 2018

Current pay ceiling is £85,501. The value of Service Director pay will be increased by the pay awards notified from time to time by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Officers of Local Authorities. The last such pay award was effective from 1st April 2017.

4.4 The Council’s Monitoring Officer role falls within the remit of the post of Service Director, Human Resources and Monitoring Officer, the pay range for which is the same as for Service Directors described above. Likewise, the ‘Section 151’ duties fall within the Service Director, Finance, Audit and Section 151 role and is within the pay range described for Service Directors.

Service Director posts within the Council are:- Service Director, Policy, Communities and Engagement, Service Director, Transformation and Technology, Service Director, Finance, Audit and Section 151 Officer, Service Director, Human Resources and Monitoring Officer, Service Director, Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services, Service Director, Housing, Service Director, London Luton Airport Limited Service Director, Adult Social Care, Service Director, Prevention and Early Intervention, Service Director, Children and Families Social Work, Service Director, Education, Support, Challenge and Intervention, Service Director, Property and Construction, Service Director, Planning and Economic Growth, 552

Service Director, Public Protection, Service Director, Public Realm, Service Director, Healthy Lives, Children’s Joint Commissioning (Consultant in Public Health), Service Director, Healthcare and Adults’ Commissioning (Consultant in Public Health) and, Service Director, Quality and Corporate Procurement.

5. Remuneration of Other Employees

5.1 Soulbury employees are paid according to the nationally agreed rates as determined by the Soulbury Committee and in line with section 3.1 above. The Council cannot influence these pay rates that are as follows:-

• 1st September 2017 - Soulbury Educational Improvement Professional pay range is SCP 1 £34,067 – SCP 50 £90,168,

• 1st September 2017 - Soulbury Educational Psychologists pay range is SCP 1 £35,731 – SCP 11 £52,903,

• 1st September 2017 - Soulbury Senior and Principal Educational Psychologists pay range is SCP 1 £44,797 – SCP 18 £66,276,

5.2 For employees subject to the ‘National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service of the National Joint Council for Local Government Services’ (commonly known as the ‘Green Book’), the Council uses a pay range that commences at national SCP 6 and has been extended to SCP 65.

This pay range is divided into 16 pay grades, which each contain two, four or five pay points. The salary figures quoted below are those effective from 1st April 2017. The 2018 pay award is pending. Within the Council, L1a is the lowest and M8 is the highest of these pay grades. Posts are allocated to a pay grade through a process of job evaluation.

Salary scales effective from 1st April 2017.

Pay Grade Min £ Max £ Increments Car Benefit L1a 15,014 15,115 2 L1b 15,246 15,807 4 L2 16,123 17,072 4 L3 17,419 18,746 4 L4 19,430 21,268 4 L5 21,962 24,174 4 L6 24,964 27,668 4 L7 27,668 30,153 4 M1 30,153 32,486 4 M2 33,437 36,379 4 M3 37,306 40,057 4 3,203 M4 40,057 42,899 4 3,203 M5 42,899 45,654 4 3,203 M6 48,747 51,543 4 3,203 M7 51,543 54,341 4 3,203 553

M8 56,461 62,700 5 3,203

5.3 Pay Floor - Lowest Paid For the purpose of this Statement, employees on L1a are defined as the Council’s lowest-paid employees. This is because no post subject to job evaluation at the Council is paid at a SCP that is lower than a point contained in L1a. This pay grade is made up of two increments ranging from national SCP 6 to national SCP 7. At 1st April 2018 the Full Time Equivalent annual values of these two SCPs will remain £15,014 to £15,115 until the 2018 pay award is agreed.

The values of the SCPs in these pay grades are increased by the pay awards notified from time to time by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services.

5.4 Foundation Living Wage From 1st October 2014 the Council agreed to adopt the Foundation Living Wage rate. This has been paid as a supplement to basic pay. The Council reviews the Foundation Living Wage rate changes annually. The Council will pay £8.75 per hour from the 1st April 2018. The addition of the Living Wage supplement to basic pay will bring the lowest pay point to £16,881.25. The Council’s salary scales remain unchanged.

5.5 Remunerative Relationships The statutory guidance under the Localism Act recommends the use of pay multiples as a means of measuring the relationship between pay rates across the workforce and that of senior managers, as included within the Hutton ‘Review of Fair Pay in the Public Sector’ (2010). The Hutton report was asked by Government to explore the case for a fixed limit on dispersion of pay through a requirement that no public sector manager can earn more than 20 times the lowest paid person in the organisation.

The Government’s Code of Recommended Practice on Data Transparency recommends the publication of the ratio between highest paid earnings and the median earnings of the whole of the authority’s workforce. The Council does not set a ratio ceiling within its pay policy for senior officers.

The pay levels within the Council define the multiple between the lowest paid (FTE) employee (£16,881.25 as at 1st April 2018) including the Foundation Living Wage supplement and the Chief Executive (£188,606 as at 31st March 2018) as 11.17:1. This is a very slight reduction from 11.2:1 from last year and will change once the Chief Executive’s pay award is agreed.

Based on data as at 1st December 2017, the multiple between the median full time equivalent earnings (£24,174) and the Chief Executive salary is 7.80:1. This is a reduction from 8.1:1 from last year and will be subject to change once the Chief Executive’s and NJC pay awards are agreed.

6. Termination of Employment (Severance)

6.1 Local Government Pension Scheme Membership of a pension scheme is determined by the relevant conditions of service and is subject to the rules of the specific scheme. The Council operates the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) for most employees and the 554

Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) for employees that are teachers or exceptionally in related professions and the NHS Pension Scheme for those who transferred over to the Council on NHS Terms and Conditions. For members of the LGPS made redundant on their 55th birthday or later, early access can be gained to their pensionable benefits based on service and salary. Although the LGPS provides for the exercise of discretion that allows for retirement benefits to be enhanced, the Council has a policy of not enhancing pension benefits. The LGPS can also be accessed before normal retirement date for employees who are unable to continue with employment on the grounds of their ill health and who satisfy the conditions for ill-health retirement. An amendment to the LGPS effective from 1st April 2014 allows employees aged between 55 and 75 to choose to access their pension; however, it is at a reduced rate if taken before normal retirement age. The introduction of Auto Enrolment means that new employees to the Council, who meet certain criteria, automatically join the LGPS. The Council monitors membership of the scheme.

6.2 Redundancy Payments Where an employee is made redundant, severance benefits may be payable subject to the conditions and terms of the redundancy. Where a redundancy payment is made, they are calculated on the basis of 1.5 weeks gross pay for every complete year of service up to a maximum of 104 weeks. This calculation applies equally across all pay grades.

6.3 Re-engagement of Former Employees The Council’s policy is that there is no general restriction on any future re- employment of an employee who has been made redundant or who is in receipt of a Local Government or other public sector pension. In fact, to adopt policies to the contrary could be subject to challenge under equalities legislation. However, re- employment must be on merit and should be unconnected with the redundancy, except where alternative employment is found and pension and redundancy payments are returned in accordance with the relevant legislation. The Council does not approve of redundancy or early retirement due to redundancy and immediate re-employment of staff either as direct employees, via an agency, or on a consultancy basis. If there are any exceptional circumstances that might appear to justify such arrangements, these must be agreed with the appropriate Corporate Director, the Service Director, Finance, Audit and Section 151 Officer and the Service Director, Human Resources and Monitoring Officer.

6.4 Contingent Workforce Contingent workers are people who are not on the Council’s payroll but provide services to the organisation, such as contractors, consultants, temps and advisers. They are used to fill short term capacity gaps or deal with specific projects. The Council is continually reviewing and is committed to reducing its use of contingent workforce.

7. Fairness in Pay

7.1 The Council recognises the importance of fairness in pay. Pay and reward policies are applied equally to all employees, except where there are good reasons reflecting genuine factors which apply only to certain employee categories. The following apply:-


• the Council’s Administration and Regulation Committee is responsible for setting the Terms and Conditions of Employment of all employees within the scope of this Statement, and • the workforce and trades unions are consulted on all employment matters, including pay and reward.

8. Publication of and Access to Information Relating to Pay

8.1 The Council publishes information about pay in accordance with statutory requirements, and the guidance of the Information Commissioner's Office and the Department for Communities and Local Government. Information is published on the Council's website in the Council’s annual accounts.

9. Legislative Changes

9.1 Recent and forthcoming changes continue to affect local authorities. For example the apprenticeship levy, Gender Pay Gap Reporting, payment for sleeping-in, public sector exit payment cap and claw back, and payment for periods of leave for those working regular overtime.

9.2 The apprenticeship levy came into force on 6th April 2017. Public-sector bodies in England with 250 or more employees are subject to an apprenticeship target. The target is to employ an average of at least 2.3% of staff as new apprentice starts from 2017 – 2021. The Council is committed to achieving this target and will invest in training at every level in the organisation.

9.3 Under Gender Pay Gap legislation (developed by the Government Equalities Office) that came into force in March 2017, public authorities are required to publish their gender pay gap data by 30th March 2018 and the annually. The Council will publish in line with the legislation and guidance.

9.4 In order to comply with a recent decision at the Employment Appeal Tribunal that time asleep on ‘sleeping-in’ shifts within social care services should be treated as working time for the purpose of compliance with the National Minimum Wage (NMW), the Council applies a sleeping-in supplement to remedy any shortfall in pay. This is calculated monthly, on an individual basis and applied to any worker within social care services whose base pay would otherwise fall below the NMW.

9.5 Restrictions on public-sector exit payments, which had been expected to come into force in 2016, are still anticipated, although their implementation dates have not yet been confirmed.

9.6 Exit payments will be capped at £95,000 when public-sector employees leave their roles as a result of redundancy or voluntary exit. Employees earning over £80,000 will also be required to repay exit payments if they return to any public-sector role within 12 months.

9.7 In order to comply with recent decisions at Employment Appeal Tribunals, the Council is investigating ways to pay employees during periods of leave, when these employees have worked regular overtime.


9.8 The Council will amend its policies, procedures and practices to ensure that it complies with its legislative duties and will ensure that employees are advised of the changes.

10. Review

10.1 The Council will continue to review all pay levels to ensure fairness and equity. Any changes will be reflected in an updated pay policy. The statement for 2018/19 will be submitted to Full Council for approval by 31st March 2018.





SUBJECT: Gender Pay Gap Reporting - Reference from Administration and Regulation Committee - 27th February 2018

REPORT BY: Chief Executive (Service Director, Policy Communities and Engagement)

CONTACT OFFICER: Bert Siong TEL: 01582 546781








1. To report to Council on the recommendation of the Administration and Regulation Committee held on 27th February 2018 relating to Gender Pay Gap Reporting.


2. Council is recommended to note and approve the publication of the gender pay gap report and data (attached at Appendix A to this report) by 31st March 2018 and annually thereafter.


3. At its meeting held on 27th February 2018, the Administration and Regulation Committee considered a report of the Service Director, Human Resources and Monitoring officer regarding Gender Pay Gap reporting.


4. The Administration and Regulation Committee was advised in brief, as follows: • The Council is obliged under the Gender Pay Gap (GPG) legislation introduced in April 2017 that requires all public sector employers of 250 or more employees, to capture specific gender pay gap for full-pay relevant employees in scope data at a snapshot date of 31st March 2017 and publish this data by 30th March 2018; • Gender Pay Gap reporting must be repeated annually by the Council, with the each year’s data remaining on its website for 3 years from initial publication; • Although schools needed to report separately, no schools in Luton employed 250 or more employees; • The Gender Pay Gap is expressed as a percentage in favour of males or females and covers the difference in the average hourly earnings and annual bonus pay of men and women, regardless of their role or seniority. The Council is required to calculate the following Gender Pay Gap data:

o gender pay gap (mean and median averages);

o gender bonus gap (mean and median averages);

o proportion of men and women receiving bonuses;

o proportion of men and women in each quartile of the organisation’s pay bands;

• The overall Gender Pay Gap is defined in two ways; firstly as the difference between the mean (average) hourly pay of men and women expressed as a percentage of the mean hourly pay of men; and secondly, as the median (actual midpoint) hourly pay of men and women expressed as a percentage of the median hourly pay of men; • The calculations exclude overtime payments, but include bonus payments, which in Luton relate to long service awards and market supplement payments paid as recruitment or retention incentives.

5. The Committee was further advised of the Council’s approach/ policy in brief as follows: • The Council’s pay approach supports the fair treatment and reward of all staff irrespective of gender with pay systems and grades aligned to nationally negotiated pay spines; • Employees are expected to move through the relevant pay range for their grade, so that the longer period of time in a grade the more they are expected to earn, irrespective of gender;


• The Council has adopted the Foundation Living Wage (FLW) which will be increased to £8.45 from 1st April 2017 and reflected in the Gender Pay Gap analysis for 2018; • The Council is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees and has a fair pay structure and policy of paying employees equally for the same or equivalent work, regardless of their gender or any other special characteristics; • The Council carries out pay and benefits audits at regular intervals and publishes an annual a Pay Policy.

6. Members were also informed about details of the data, summarised as follows: • The Council gender pay gap does not stem from paying men and women differently for the same or equivalent work, but is the result of the disproportionately high number of females occupying roles with lower salaries and allowances, compared to male employees; • The bonus pay gap show a disproportionately low number of males receiving market supplement payments and the long service award compared to female workers, but receive relatively high market supplement payments compared to female employees because of being predominantly full time employees; • The table in Section A of Appendix A depicts pay quartiles by gender, with Band A including the lowest-paid 25% of employees (the lower quartile) and Band D covering the highest-paid 25% (the upper quartile); • There is an overrepresentation of women in Bands A and B, which explains why there is a gender pay gap in favour of men for both mean and median pay. For there to be no Gender Pay Gap, there would need to be a ratio of men to women in each band reflecting exactly the Council’s gender make up (i.e. 66.9% female and 33.1% male); • Across the UK economy as a whole, men are more likely than women to be in senior roles and women are more likely than men to be in front-line roles at the lower end of the organisation; • Women are more likely than men to have had breaks from work or work part time that have affected their career progression; • The Council's pay gap appears to compare very favourably with that of other local authorities and the wider public, private and third sector organisations (see Appendix A, section B); • At 8.3% and 13.3%, the Council’s mean (average) and median (mid point) gender pay gaps in favour of males are, therefore, markedly lower than the norm; • The mean gender bonus pay gap for the Council is 8.1% in favour of females due to the fact that 87% of those in receipt of the market supplement payments were females (at the snapshot date) in social work, an area in which it is difficult to recruit and retain staff; 560

• However, men receive higher market supplement (bonus) payments, accounting for the gender bonus pay gap in favour men, due to part time working and length of service by women; • There is no difference between men and women employees receiving long service awards and vouchers.

7. Despite Luton Council comparing favourably with other public and private sector organisations, more work needs to be done address the gender pay gap. An action plan is therefore under development, with a number of initiatives identified, including the following in brief: • actively promote existing employee procedures, schemes and working patterns to attract and retain employees; • promote EVP and family friendly culture; • introduce a scheme for Buying Additional Holiday, to help employees balance work and home commitments; • introduce a Flexible Retirement Procedure; • all interviewers, including Councillors to undergo “refresher” training to raise awareness of unconscious bias; • positive action around recruitment processes to target underrepresentation of females at senior levels; • all job adverts to contain a strapline to encourage applicants who wish to work on a part time basis or on a non-standard working pattern; • ensure that the approach to job evaluation, local conventions and practice is gender neutral; • review the application of allowances, particularly those that are aligned to gender specific roles; • review the number of grades and grade boundaries taking into account ongoing work on the NJC National Pay Spine to ensure that proposed changes do not adversely affect the gender pay gap; • develop job roles/ job families to identify clear routes for career progression that support gender neutrality; • consider shortened pay ranges (reduced number of incremental points within grade) to minimise the extent to which time spent in post affects the Gender Pay Gap. 8. The Administration and Regulation Committee resolved as follows:

(i) That the Committee acknowledge the Council’s statutory responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 to calculate and publish its Gender Pay Gap data by 30th March 2018 and annually thereafter;


(ii) That the Committee recommend the submission of the Gender Pay Gap data (Appendix A) to Council on 20th March 2018 for approval.

(iii) That the Service Director, HR and Monitoring Officer be requested to report back to the Committee on the impact of the Gender Pay Gap action plan in 12 months time;

(iv) That Members be invited to attend interviewer refresher training to raise their awareness of unconscious biases.

9. The Committee recommend that Council receives and approves the publication of the Gender Pay Gap data (Appendix A) in order to comply with its legal obligation.


10. As set out in the report to Administration and Regulation Committee on 27th February 2018, The Council has a statutory responsibility under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 to produce and publish its Gender Pay Gap data by 30th March 2018 and annually thereafter.

11. Although the Regulations contain no sanctions for non-compliance, the explanatory note to the Regulations states that non-compliance will constitute an unlawful act under s.34 of the Equality Act 2006.

12. This report has been agreed with John Newman, Solicitor in Legal Services on 12th February 2018.


13. As set out in the report to Administration and Regulation Committee on 27th February 2018, There are no financial implications within the report. This report has been agreed with Dev Gopal, Service Director, Finance and Audit on 12th February 2018.


14. The following appendix is attached to this report:

Appendix A - Luton Council Gender Pay Gap Data for Publication


Gender Pay Gap Reporting report (Ref: 8) – Admin & Regulation Committee, 27th February 2018


APPENDIX - A Luton Borough Council Gender Pay Gap Data for Publication

• The mean gender pay gap for Luton Borough Council is 8.3% in favour of men. • The median gender pay gap for Luton Borough Council is 13.3% in favour of men. • The mean gender bonus gap for Luton Borough Council is 8.1% in favour of women. • The median gender bonus gap for Luton Borough Council is 9.4% in favour of men. • The proportion of male employees in Luton Borough Council receiving a bonus is 2.45% and the proportion of female employees receiving a bonus is 6.47%.

Pay quartiles/data by gender

Band Males Females Description

Includes all employees whose hourly pay A 30.7% 69.3% places them in the lower quartile

Includes all employees whose hourly pay B 26.8% 73.2% places them above the lower quartile but at or below the median

Includes all employees whose hourly pay C 35.3% 64.7% places them at or above the median but below the upper quartile

Includes all employees whose hourly rate D 39.5% 60.5% places them in the upper quartile

Breakdown by gender of all full pay relevant Overall 33.1% 66.9% employees

The figures set out above have been calculated using the standard methodologies used in the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

A. Comparison with other Organisations 2017 ONS ASHE 2017 ONS ASHE 2017 ONS ASHE Non- Luton private public profit/mutual BC sector(provisional) sector(provisional) association (provisional) Mean gender 8.3% 21.1% 17.7% 19.4% pay gap Median gender 13.3% 23.7% 19.4% 22.1% pay gap

B. Comparable Rates at Luton Hourly Pay Number of in- Range – Mean (Average) Median (mid-point) scope employees hourly rates hourly rate hourly rate Males 978 £4 - £96.75 £14.73 £14.19 Females 1979 £4 - £66.48 £13.51 £12.31

Bonus Number of Range of Mean (Average) Median (mid-point) Payments Recipients payments bonus bonus Males 24 £200-£5500 £3068.61 £3500 Females 128* £200-£5700 £3317.55 £3172.30 • 1 female received both long service award and recruitment and retention incentive (market supplement)
















1. The purpose of this report is to submit to the Council the draft calendar of meetings for 2018/19 and request the Council to commend the draft calendar (excepting meetings of the Executive) to the Annual Meeting of the Council to be held on 22nd May 2018.


2. The Council is recommended to commend to the Annual Meeting of the Council to be held on 22nd May 2018 the draft calendar of meetings for 2018-19 (excepting meetings of the Executive) attached at Appendix A to this report and to note that there may be further additions/amendments in the finalised version to be approved on 22nd May 2018.



3. The Council are reminded that the Executive is empowered to determine the dates and times of its meetings whilst the Council is empowered to determine dates and times of all other meetings.

4. The Executive will be asked to consider its dates on 26th March 2018.


5. Whilst approval of the draft calendar of meetings for 2018/19 is a matter for the Annual meeting of the Council, endorsement of the draft is being sought now so that dates can be entered into diaries.

6. As indicated on the draft Calendar, some meetings are arranged on an ad hoc basis as business demands. Provision has been made for regular meetings of all Scrutiny Sub-Committees to improve synchronisation with Executive meetings, and more effectively provide for early scrutiny review of matters coming before the Executive.

7. There is still the opportunity to make changes to the draft should that be required, prior to Annual Council in May. Further work is taking place on the sequencing of other meetings (example Administration & Regulation Committee) to align with expected submission dates for annual items. Topics and dates for member development sessions are also to be finalised and programmed.

8. The Chief Executive, Corporate Directors, relevant officers and Group Leaders have been consulted on the draft calendar and every effort has been made to ensure that the draft calendar is prepared on a sensible basis. However clashes may still occasionally occur because the membership of Committees is considered after the Calendar of meetings has been agreed.

9. Bank Holiday dates have been included. School holidays are indicated by grey shading in the margin.


10. It is proposed that the Council should commend the draft calendar of meetings for 2018/19 as set out at Appendix A (excepting Executive meetings) to the Annual Meeting of the Council to be held on 22nd May 2018, subject to any revisions requires as a result of proposals in relation to Area Board elsewhere on the Council agenda.



11. The following appendix is attached to this report:

Appendix A: Draft Calendar of Meetings 2018/19.


There are no background papers relating to this report.


Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes May 2018 Tue 01-05-2018 - Wed 02-05-2018 6:00 PM Airport Forum Thu 03-05-2018 6:00 PM Joint Board For Exec on 4.6.18 and 24.6.18 Fri 04-05-2018 - Sat 05-05-2018 - Sun 06-05-2018 - Mon 07-05-2018 - Tue 08-05-2018 - Wed 09-05-2018 3:00 PM Group Leaders Meeting Thu 10-05-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Fri 11-05-2018 - Sat 12-05-2018 - Sun 13-05-2018 - Mon 14-05-2018 - Tue 15-05-2018 Other (see notes) Ramadan Starts Wed 16-05-2018 - Thu 17-05-2018 6:00 PM Joint Board Fri 18-05-2018 - Sat 19-05-2018 - Sun 20-05-2018 - Mon 21-05-2018 - Tue 22-05-2018 6:00 PM Annual Council Annual Council (followed by meetings of Executive and Regulatory Committees) Wed 23-05-2018 - Thu 24-05-2018 6:00 PM CSDP (Development Control) Fri 25-05-2018 - Sat 26-05-2018 - Sun 27-05-2018 - Mon 28-05-2018 - Tue 29-05-2018 6:00 PM Airport Board Wed 30-05-2018 6:00 PM Mayoral Investiture Thu 31-05-2018 10:00 AM Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Authority AGM (Fire & Rescue Service Headquarters) Thu 31-05-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee June 2018 Fri 01-06-2018 - Sat 02-06-2018 - Sun 03-06-2018 - Mon 04-06-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 04-06-2018 7:00 PM Policy Group Tue 05-06-2018 5:00 PM CSDP (Scrutiny) Tue 05-06-2018 6:00 PM Overview & Scrutiny Board Wed 06-06-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Health & Social Care Review Group Thu 07-06-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Children's Services Review Group Fri 08-06-2018 - Sat 09-06-2018 - Sun 10-06-2018 - Mon 11-06-2018 5:00 PM CSDP (Audit & Governance) Mon 11-06-2018 6:00 PM Audit & Governance Committee Tue 12-06-2018 6:00 PM Petitions & Representations Board Wed 13-06-2018 5:30 PM Young People's Panel Wed 13-06-2018 6:00 PM Standards Committee Thu 14-06-2018 Other (see notes) Ramadan Ends Fri 15-06-2018 Other (see notes) Eid-al-Fitr Sat 16-06-2018 -

567 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Sun 17-06-2018 - Mon 18-06-2018 6:00 PM Joint Board Tue 19-06-2018 6:00 PM Administration & Regulation Committee Tue 19-06-2018 6:30 PM Bedfordshire Police & Crime Panel Luton Wed 20-06-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 21-06-2018 6:00 PM Health & Wellbeing Board Fri 22-06-2018 - Sat 23-06-2018 - Sun 24-06-2018 - Mon 25-06-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 25-06-2018 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 26-06-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Wed 27-06-2018 6:00 PM Corporate Parenting Partnership Board

Wed 27-06-2018 6:00 PM Local Plan Working Party Thu 28-06-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Fri 29-06-2018 - Sat 30-06-2018 - July 2018 Sun 01-07-2018 - Mon 02-07-2018 - Tue 03-07-2018 Other (see notes) LGA Conference Starts Wed 04-07-2018 6:00 PM Airport Forum Thu 05-07-2018 Other (see notes) LGA Conference Ends Fri 06-07-2018 - Sat 07-07-2018 - Sun 08-07-2018 - Mon 09-07-2018 6:00 PM Petitions & Representations Board Tue 10-07-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Tue 10-07-2018 Children & Young People's Trust Board ?

Wed 11-07-2018 6:00 PM Members Prevent Engagement Group

Thu 12-07-2018 6:00 PM Other (see notes) Luton Excellence Awards Fri 13-07-2018 - Sat 14-07-2018 - Sun 15-07-2018 - Mon 16-07-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 16-07-2018 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 17-07-2018 6:00 PM CSDP (TBA) Wed 18-07-2018 4:00 PM Group Meeting Conservative Wed 18-07-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 19-07-2018 10:00 AM Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Authority Dunstable Community Fire Station

Fri 20-07-2018 6:00 PM Group Meeting Labour Sat 21-07-2018 - Sun 22-07-2018 - Mon 23-07-2018 6:00 PM Administration & Regulation Committee Mon 23-07-2018 7:00 PM Group Meeting Lib Democrats Tue 24-07-2018 6:00 PM Full Council Wed 25-07-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Thu 26-07-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Fri 27-07-2018 12:30 PM Other (see notes) Civic Degree Ceremony Sat 28-07-2018 - Sun 29-07-2018 - Mon 30-07-2018 Airport Board

568 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Tue 31-07-2018 6:00 PM Audit & Governance Committee Tue 31-07-2018 6:00 PM Overview & Scrutiny Board August 2018 Wed 01-08-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Health & Social Care Review Group Thu 02-08-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Children's Services Review Group Fri 03-08-2018 - Sat 04-08-2018 - Sun 05-08-2018 - Mon 06-08-2018 - Tue 07-08-2018 - Wed 08-08-2018 - Thu 09-08-2018 - Fri 10-08-2018 - Sat 11-08-2018 - Sun 12-08-2018 - Mon 13-08-2018 - Tue 14-08-2018 6:30 PM Bedfordshire Police & Crime Panel Bedford Wed 15-08-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 16-08-2018 - Fri 17-08-2018 - Sat 18-08-2018 - Sun 19-08-2018 - Mon 20-08-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 20-08-2018 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 21-08-2018 6:00 PM Member Development Strategic Steering Group Wed 22-08-2018 4:00 PM Group Leaders Meeting Wed 22-08-2018 Other (see notes) Eid-al-Adha Thu 23-08-2018 - Fri 24-08-2018 - Sat 25-08-2018 - Sun 26-08-2018 - Mon 27-08-2018 - Tue 28-08-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Wed 29-08-2018 6:00 PM Administration & Regulation Committee Thu 30-08-2018 - Fri 31-08-2018 - September 2018 Sat 01-09-2018 - Sun 02-09-2018 - Mon 03-09-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Tue 04-09-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Wed 05-09-2018 4:00 PM Group Meeting Conservative Wed 05-09-2018 6:00 PM Audit & Governance Committee Thu 06-09-2018 5:30 PM Young People's Panel Thu 06-09-2018 6:00 PM Luton Joint Negotiation Consultative Committee (LJNCC) Fri 07-09-2018 6:00 PM Group Meeting Labour Sat 08-09-2018 - Sun 09-09-2018 - Mon 10-09-2018 6:00 PM Standards Committee Mon 10-09-2018 7:00 PM Group Meeting Lib Democrats Tue 11-09-2018 6:00 PM Full Council Wed 12-09-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 13-09-2018 6:00 PM Foxhall Board of Directors Fri 14-09-2018 -

569 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Sat 15-09-2018 Other (see notes) Liberal Democrat Conference Starts Sun 16-09-2018 - Mon 17-09-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 17-09-2018 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 18-09-2018 Other (see notes) Liberal Democrat Conference Ends

Wed 19-09-2018 9:00 AM Luton Safeguarding Children Board Wed 19-09-2018 6:00 PM Health & Wellbeing Board Thu 20-09-2018 6:00 PM Petitions & Representations Board Fri 21-09-2018 - Sat 22-09-2018 - Sun 23-09-2018 Other (see notes) Labour Conference Starts Mon 24-09-2018 6:00 PM Overview & Scrutiny Board Tue 25-09-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Health & Social Care Review Group Wed 26-09-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Wed 26-09-2018 Other (see notes) Labour Conference Ends Thu 27-09-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Children's Services Review Group Fri 28-09-2018 - Sat 29-09-2018 - Sun 30-09-2018 Other (see notes) Conservative Conference Starts

October 2018 Mon 01-10-2018 6:00 PM Airport Board Tue 02-10-2018 6:00 PM Corporate Parenting Partnership Board

Wed 03-10-2018 2:30 PM Children & Young People's Trust Board

Wed 03-10-2018 Other (see notes) Conservative Conference Ends

Thu 04-10-2018 6:00 PM Local Plan Working Party Fri 05-10-2018 - Sat 06-10-2018 - Sun 07-10-2018 - Mon 08-10-2018 6:00 PM CSDP (TBA) Tue 09-10-2018 6:30 PM Bedfordshire Police & Crime Panel Central Bedfordshire Wed 10-10-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 11-10-2018 6:30 PM Members Prevent Engagement Group

Fri 12-10-2018 - Sat 13-10-2018 - Sun 14-10-2018 - Mon 15-10-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 15-10-2018 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 16-10-2018 6:00 PM CSDP (TBA) Wed 17-10-2018 - Thu 18-10-2018 10:00 AM Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Authority Dunstable Community Fire Station

Fri 19-10-2018 - Sat 20-10-2018 - Sun 21-10-2018 - Mon 22-10-2018 6:00 PM Joint Board Tue 23-10-2018 6:00 PM Administration & Regulation Committee Wed 24-10-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Thu 25-10-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Fri 26-10-2018 -

570 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Sat 27-10-2018 - Sun 28-10-2018 - Mon 29-10-2018 6:00 PM Airport Forum Tue 30-10-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Wed 31-10-2018 4:00 PM Group Meeting Conservative November 2018 Thu 01-11-2018 6:00 PM CSDP (TBA) Fri 02-11-2018 6:00 PM Group Meeting Labour Sat 03-11-2018 - Sun 04-11-2018 - Mon 05-11-2018 6:00 PM Health & Wellbeing Board Mon 05-11-2018 7:00 PM Group Meeting Liberal Democrats Tue 06-11-2018 6:00 PM Full Council Wed 07-11-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 08-11-2018 - Fri 09-11-2018 - Sat 10-11-2018 - Sun 11-11-2018 Other (see notes) Remembrance Day Mon 12-11-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 12-11-2018 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 13-11-2018 6:00 PM Audit & Governance Committee Wed 14-11-2018 6:00 PM Petitions & Representations Board Thu 15-11-2018 6:00 PM Member Development Strategic Steering Group Fri 16-11-2018 - Sat 17-11-2018 - Sun 18-11-2018 - Mon 19-11-2018 6:00 PM Overview & Scrutiny Board Tue 20-11-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Wed 21-11-2018 4:00 PM Group Leaders Meeting Wed 21-11-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Health & Social Care Review Group Thu 22-11-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Children's Services Review Group Fri 23-11-2018 - Sat 24-11-2018 - Sun 25-11-2018 - Mon 26-11-2018 - Tue 27-11-2018 6:00 PM Corporate Parenting Partnership Board

Wed 28-11-2018 6:00 PM CSDP (TBA) Thu 29-11-2018 6:00 PM Administration & Regulation Committee Fri 30-11-2018 - December 2018 Sat 01-12-2018 - Sun 02-12-2018 - Mon 03-12-2018 6:00 PM Airport Board Tue 04-12-2018 6:00 PM Joint Board Wed 05-12-2018 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 06-12-2018 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Fri 07-12-2018 - Sat 08-12-2018 - Sun 09-12-2018 - Mon 10-12-2018 6:00 PM Executive Mon 10-12-2018 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 11-12-2018 6:00 PM Foxhall Board of Directors Tue 11-12-2018 6:30 PM Bedfordshire Police & Crime Panel Bedford Wed 12-12-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group

571 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Thu 13-12-2018 10:00 AM Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Authority Draft Budget Meeting - Dunstable Community Fire Station

Thu 13-12-2018 6:00 PM Audit & Governance Committee Fri 14-12-2018 - Sat 15-12-2018 - Sun 16-12-2018 - Mon 17-12-2018 - Tue 18-12-2018 5:30 PM Young People's Panel Tue 18-12-2018 6:00 PM Policy Group Wed 19-12-2018 - Thu 20-12-2018 - Fri 21-12-2018 - Sat 22-12-2018 - Sun 23-12-2018 - Mon 24-12-2018 - Tue 25-12-2018 - Wed 26-12-2018 - Thu 27-12-2018 - Fri 28-12-2018 - Sat 29-12-2018 - Sun 30-12-2018 - Mon 31-12-2018 - January 2019 Tue 01-01-2019 - Wed 02-01-2019 - Thu 03-01-2019 - Fri 04-01-2019 - Sat 05-01-2019 - Sun 06-01-2019 - Mon 07-01-2019 6:00 PM Executive Mon 07-01-2019 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 08-01-2019 6:00 PM Health & Wellbeing Board Wed 09-01-2019 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 10-01-2019 6:00 PM Policy Group (Budget) Fri 11-01-2019 - Sat 12-01-2019 - Sun 13-01-2019 - Mon 14-01-2019 6:00 PM Members Prevent Engagement Group

Mon 14-01-2019 6:00 PM Overview & Scrutiny Board Tue 15-01-2019 6:00 PM Luton Joint Negotiation Consultative Committee (LJNCC) Tue 15-01-2019 6:00 PM Scrutiny Children's Services Review Group Tue 15-01-2019 6:00 PM Scrutiny Health & Social Care Review Group Wed 16-01-2019 4:00 PM Group Meeting Conservative Wed 16-01-2019 6:00 PM Policy Group Thu 17-01-2019 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Fri 18-01-2019 6:00 PM Group Meeting Labour Sat 19-01-2019 - Sun 20-01-2019 - Mon 21-01-2019 6:00 PM Policy Group (Budget) Mon 21-01-2019 7:00 PM Group Meeting Liberal Democrats Tue 22-01-2019 6:00 PM Full Council Wed 23-01-2019 - Thu 24-01-2019 6:30 PM Other (see notes) Holocaust Event (TBC)

572 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Fri 25-01-2019 - Sat 26-01-2019 - Sun 27-01-2019 Other (see notes) Holocaust Memorial Day Mon 28-01-2019 6:00 PM Airport Forum Tue 29-01-2019 6:00 PM Administration & Regulation Committee Wed 30-01-2019 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 31-01-2019 6:00 PM Petitions & Representations Board February 2019 Fri 01-02-2019 - Sat 02-02-2019 - Sun 03-02-2019 - Mon 04-02-2019 6:00 PM Executive Mon 04-02-2019 7:00 PM Joint Board Tue 05-02-2019 6:30 PM Bedfordshire Police & Crime Panel Central Beds - Budget Wed 06-02-2019 6:00 PM Airport Board Thu 07-02-2019 10:00 AM Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Authority Budget Meeting - Dunstable Community Fire Station Thu 07-02-2019 6:00 PM Standards Committee Fri 08-02-2019 - Sat 09-02-2019 - Sun 10-02-2019 - Mon 11-02-2019 6:00 PM Executive (Budget) Tue 12-02-2019 2:00 PM Group Leaders Meeting Wed 13-02-2019 4:00 PM Group Meeting Conservative Wed 13-02-2019 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Thu 14-02-2019 6:00 PM Policy Group Fri 15-02-2019 6:00 PM Group Meeting Labour Sat 16-02-2019 - Sun 17-02-2019 - Mon 18-02-2019 7:00 PM Group Meeting Liberal Democrats Tue 19-02-2019 6:00 PM Joint Board Tue 19-02-2019 6:30 PM Bedfordshire Police & Crime Panel Bedford - Reserve Budget Wed 20-02-2019 9:00 AM Luton Safeguarding Children Board ? Wed 20-02-2019 6:00 PM Full Council (Budget) Thu 21-02-2019 6:00 PM Full Council (Budget) Reserve Fri 22-02-2019 - Sat 23-02-2019 - Sun 24-02-2019 - Mon 25-02-2019 6:00 PM Corporate Parenting Partnership Board

Tue 26-02-2019 7:00 PM Administration & Regulation Committee Wed 27-02-2019 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 28-02-2019 6:00 PM Local Plan Working Party March 2019 Fri 01-03-2019 - Sat 02-03-2019 - Sun 03-03-2019 - Mon 04-03-2019 6:00 PM Executive Mon 04-03-2019 7:00 PM Policy Group Tue 05-03-2019 6:00 PM Overview & Scrutiny Board Wed 06-03-2019 6:00 PM Audit & Governance Committee Wed 06-03-2019 6:00 PM Scrutiny Health & Social Care Review Group Thu 07-03-2019 6:00 PM Scrutiny Children's Services Review Group Fri 08-03-2019 - Sat 09-03-2019 -

573 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Sun 10-03-2019 - Mon 11-03-2019 6:00 PM Member Development Strategic Steering Group Tue 12-03-2019 6:00 PM Foxhall Board of Directors Wed 13-03-2019 4:00 PM Group Meeting Conservative Thu 14-03-2019 6:00 PM Scrutiny Finance Review Group Fri 15-03-2019 6:00 PM Group Meeting Labour Sat 16-03-2019 - Sun 17-03-2019 - Mon 18-03-2019 6:00 PM Joint Board Mon 18-03-2019 7:00 PM Group Meeting Liberal Democrats Tue 19-03-2019 6:00 PM Full Council Wed 20-03-2019 6:00 PM Health & Wellbeing Board Thu 21-03-2019 5:30 PM Young People's Panel Fri 22-03-2019 - Sat 23-03-2019 - Sun 24-03-2019 - Mon 25-03-2019 6:00 PM Executive Tue 26-03-2019 6:00 PM Policy Group Wed 27-03-2019 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 28-03-2019 10:00 AM Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Authority Dunstable Community Fire Station

Thu 28-03-2019 6:00 PM Airport Board Fri 29-03-2019 - Sat 30-03-2019 - Sun 31-03-2019 - April 2019 Mon 01-04-2019 - Tue 02-04-2019 6:30 PM Bedfordshire Police & Crime Panel Luton Wed 03-04-2019 - Thu 04-04-2019 - Fri 05-04-2019 - Sat 06-04-2019 - Sun 07-04-2019 - Mon 08-04-2019 - Tue 09-04-2019 6:00 PM Members Prevent Engagement Group

Wed 10-04-2019 - Thu 11-04-2019 - Fri 12-04-2019 - Sat 13-04-2019 - Sun 14-04-2019 - Mon 15-04-2019 6:00 PM Petitions & Representations Board Tue 16-04-2019 6:00 PM Corporate Parenting Partnership Board

Wed 17-04-2019 - Thu 18-04-2019 - Fri 19-04-2019 - Sat 20-04-2019 - Sun 21-04-2019 - Mon 22-04-2019 - Tue 23-04-2019 6:00 PM Executive Wed 24-04-2019 6:00 PM Development Control Committee Thu 25-04-2019 - Fri 26-04-2019 - Sat 27-04-2019 - Sun 28-04-2019 - Mon 29-04-2019 -

574 Meeting Meeting Month Meeting Date Time Meeting Notes Tue 30-04-2019 - May 2019 Wed 01-05-2019 6:00 PM Airport Forum Thu 02-05-2019 Election Local Election Fri 03-05-2019 - Sat 04-05-2019 - Sun 05-05-2019 Other (see notes) Ramadan Starts Mon 06-05-2019 - Tue 07-05-2019 - Wed 08-05-2019 - Thu 09-05-2019 - Fri 10-05-2019 - Sat 11-05-2019 - Sun 12-05-2019 - Mon 13-05-2019 - Tue 14-05-2019 - Wed 15-05-2019 - Thu 16-05-2019 - Fri 17-05-2019 - Sat 18-05-2019 - Sun 19-05-2019 - Mon 20-05-2019 - Tue 21-05-2019 6:00 PM Annual Council Annual Council (followed by meetings of Executive and Regulatory Committees) Wed 22-05-2019 - Thu 23-05-2019 - Fri 24-05-2019 - Sat 25-05-2019 - Sun 26-05-2019 - Mon 27-05-2019 - Tue 28-05-2019 - Wed 29-05-2019 6:00 PM Mayoral Investiture Thu 30-05-2019 - Fri 31-05-2019 -

Notes: 1. Dark grey shading of the meeting date denotes school holidays 2. Dark grey shading of text with bold lettering denotes Bank Holidays 3. Light grey shading indicates a weekend 4. No provision has been made for meetings of the Constitution Committee, Licensing Committee, (Liquor) Licensing Panels, Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Panels or Housing Appeal & Review Panels, which will meet on an as required basis



DATE: 20th MARCH 2017











1. The purpose of this report is to enable the council to consider the Report of the Independent Panel on Members’ Allowances and to approve a Scheme of Members’ Allowances (the Scheme) under the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 and the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 (the Regulations).


2. That the Council receive the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) and adopt the proposed scheme of members’ allowances, as set out in paragraph 11.3, under the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations and the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 with effect from 1st April, 2018.



3. The regulations referred to above make provision for local authorities to:-

(a) Prepare schemes for the payment of allowances to their members which must include a basic allowance and may include payments for Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA), dependent carers’ allowance, travelling and subsistence allowance and co-optees’ allowance

(b) Administer and publicise any scheme of allowances and

(c) Establish an Independent Panel to make recommendations on allowances.

4. The Council is required to adopt a scheme to come into force on 1st April 2018.

5. In addition, the regulations make provision concerning members’ entitlement to pensions in accordance with a scheme made under section 7 of the Superannuation Act 1972 and concerning which allowances may be treated as amounts in respect of which pensions are payable. The Council has already accepted the decision of the IRP not to make Members of the Council eligible for membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme.


6. The legal implications for the Council are set at out in paragraphs 3 and 4 above.


7. The intention of the regulations in requiring the establishment of an IRP on members’ allowances by each local authority, included the desire to extend the opportunity to become a councillor to as wide an audience as possible, through the development of local remuneration schemes.

8. The IRP has consistently held this intention as one of the principles under which it has made its recommendations.


9. There would be no increase in the cost of the total of Members Allowances Scheme from 2017/18 to 2018/19.



10. Appendix 1: Report of the Independent Panel on Members’ Allowances – March 2018.


11. Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003

12. Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003.






To submit the recommendations for 2018 -19 of the Independent Remuneration Panel for consideration by the Council.


2.1 Local Authorities are required by law to make a scheme of allowances for their elected councillors, and to establish and maintain an independent panel to make recommendations about the scheme, including amounts to be paid.

2.2 The functions of the Panel are described more fully in Regulation 21 of the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations, 2003.

2.3 Luton Borough Council’s current IRP consists of individuals drawn from the local community and are appointed by the Chief Executive. .

2.4 The duties of the IRP include reviewing, and making recommendations about:

* the level of Basic Allowance paid to elected Members of the Council; * the Special Responsibility Allowances paid to those councillors with extra responsibilities; * allowances for childcare and dependants’ care; * allowances for travel and subsistence; and * allowances paid to co-opted (i.e. non-elected) members.


3.1 The Panel has agreed, after due consideration, a general term of reference, primarily to make recommendations to the Luton Borough Council on the appropriate form and level of remuneration:

i. To provide guidance to the Council on the members’ remuneration package as a whole, including IT equipment and consumables;

ii. For special responsibility allowances (SRAs), where appropriate;

iii. For co-optees responsibility allowance

iv. Regarding the dependants’ carers’ allowances for councillors and co- optees;



v. Regarding the travel and subsistence allowances for councillors and co- optees;

vi. To make recommendations on the appropriate form and level of remuneration for independent members appointed to Education Appeal Panels and;

vii. To consider any other issues brought to the Panel’s attention during the review, providing it is within the Panel’s remit and issues covered by the 2003 regulations.

3.2 In providing such advice, the Panel will have regard to:

i. The roles councillors are expected to fulfil and the differing roles and responsibilities of portfolio holders; ii. The remuneration paid by other local authorities in the UK, specifically comparing and contrasting Unitary Authorities; iii. The current statutory framework for the remuneration of councillors and the scope which the council has to establish and vary its own arrangements and any commentary on that (Local Government Association, Section 151 Officer and other interested parties); iv. The views of councillors including relevant papers and documents on members’ roles in relation to members allowances.


4.1 Luton Borough Council reconvened its IRP for the purpose of carrying out its terms of reference.

The Panel consists of seven members:

• Mrs Alicia Borneo N’Guetta - Chair • Mr John Fullarton – Vice Chair • Ms Carmelita Charles • Mr Abdul Malik • Mr Keith Williams • Mr Azizul Ambia • Mr Bill McGill

4.2 The Panel works within an agreed constitution:

● The quorum for a meeting of the Panel must consist of three members; ● A timetable of matters needing consideration be reported to the next meeting of the Panel; ● A summary must be reported of any meetings attended for the purpose of fact finding (e.g. Overview and Scrutiny, Scrutiny Finance Review Group etc.);



● The consideration of whether members of the Panel who have the desire to stand for election as prospective councillors should be declared at the earliest point.

4.3 The Rules of Procedure of the Panel are as follows:

● appointment and removal of the Chair of the Panel; ● making of decisions; ● arrangements for convening meetings; and ● circulation of information

4.4 The Panel had the support of Ann Loeffler, Business & Support Manager, who acted as a technical advisor and whose role was to take the organisational lead in facilitating the work of the Panel. The Panel is grateful to Ann for her administrative support.

4.5 The Panel would like to record its thanks to the following for taking the time to meet with the Panel:

The Chair of the Petitions and Representations Board.


5.1 Since the of the Independent Remuneration Panel1 for Luton Borough Council in 2000, the IRP, to date, has reviewed councillors’ allowances in depth year on year.

5.2 The Panel undertook a full review of the Councils’ Members’ Allowances Scheme in 2008/ 2009 by considering in a deliberative fashion, a wide range of evidence, views of Members, and the operation of the current scheme within the new legislative context. As a result of that fundamental review and change a substantial increase of twenty-five percent (25%) was added to the Members allowance, increasing the figure to seven thousand five hundred pounds (£7,500.00)

5.3 Prior to this there had not been an increase since 2000. The figure today still stands at £7,500 although a recommendation was submitted in 2013 and 2014 calling for a decrease, primarily because of the economic climate at that time where cut backs had to be made by the Council, as well as the Panel’s desire to stay in line with the formula they had previously devised.

5.4 In order to produce remuneration recommendations the Panel found it fit to establish a formula2 as a guide. The basis of the formula was devised based on interviews conducted with councillors at that time. It primarily centred around approximately how many hours on average a councillor would spend carrying out his/her non-political duties; this was then multiplied by the average Luton hourly earnings over fifty-two (52) weeks.

1 From herein IRP or Panel 2 Luton Average Hourly Earnings x 20 x 50% = Basic Allowance



5.5 The figures used in order to calculate Luton’s average hourly earnings was/has been sourced from Nomis official labour market statistics,3 specifically the hourly pay as per earning by workplace. Prior to 2014 this figure was inclusive of overtime pay; however this is no longer the case.4

5.6 The panel has reviewed the rate and does not believe this change is detrimental, but rather a fairer reflection, as overtime hours are neither a certainty nor a guarantee. The Panel thus will continue utilising the current indices for benchmarking the various allowances on an annual basis.


6.1 This report is a synopsis of the proceedings and recommendations made by the IRP appointed by Luton Borough Council to consider its current members’ allowances scheme.

6.2 The Panel was convened under The Local Authorities (Members Allowances)(England) Regulations 2003 (SI 1021) to make recommendations to the Council on a new scheme of Member’s allowances. These regulations which arise out of the relevant provisions in the Local Government Act 2000, require all local authorities to set up and maintain an advisory Independent Members Remuneration Panel to review and provide advice on Members’ allowances. All councils are required to convene their Remuneration Panel and seek its advice before they make any changes or amendments to their allowances scheme and they must ‘pay regard’ to the Panel’s recommendations before setting a new or amended members’ allowances scheme.


• The Panel were aware that the current administration were quite clear in their previous deliberations of the Panel’s report that the current administration would not accept either any increase or decrease to members allowances and therefore this year’s review of members’ allowances had been minimal.

7.1 The dates of the Panel meetings were: • 21st November 2017 • 31st January 2018

7.2 The Panel meetings were independent and held in closed sessions to enable the Panel to consult in confidence and hold its deliberations in private. The Panel assured those interviewed that their comments would be held in the strictest of confidence. However, the member interviewed was informed that

3 [last accessed 27/01/2015] 4 ibid



their comments /observations may be included within the report but their comments would not be attributed.

7.3 The work of the Panel was as follows:

● Continue to review members’ allowances. This included the review of the 2015 formula (although the formula was endorsed by members at the full council meeting) the proposal of a small increase in members’ basic allowance from £7,500 to £7,720 was rejected by members.

• Conduct an interview with the Chair of the Petitions and Representations Board.

Although it is not part of the Panel’s brief to consider the Council’s ability to pay, the Panel saw it fit to get up to date information regarding the financial challenges that the authority faces in order to appreciate the fiscal terrain that officers and members are having to navigate.

● To consider the rules regarding HMRC taxation of members allowances and expenses ● To review the Dependant Carers /Childcare Allowances and make recommendations.


8.1 In the previous 2017-18 report the IRP was clear that the allowances that elected members received were not over and above what the residents of Luton earned on an hourly basis. The formula would reflect the statutory guidelines as set out by the Department of Communities and Local Government when setting and recommending an appropriate basic allowance for elected members. These are:

1. Time required to fulfil roles of ordinary members 2. The voluntary principle, the notion that part of the time put in by a Member in their back bench roles should be unremunerated, often known as the Public Service Discount (PSD) 3. The worth of a back bench members’ time, or the rate of remuneration.

Equally important, for the panel at that time, was that the formula placed elected members on a par with their constituents. The formula was considered fair, robust, simple and transparent. It acknowledged the roles and responsibilities of elected members from leader, portfolio holders to backbenchers. And although the panel’s recommendations for a small increase in the members basic allowance was rejected (Members of the current administration had voted not to accept any increase to their allowance), the formula overall had been endorsed by all parties.

8.2 The Panel’s interview with the Chair of the Petitions and Representations Board provided an insight into the complexity and changing role and



responsibilities of the elected member. There was a general consensus that the remuneration did not really impact on their roles as councillors. That people generally came forward to be Members to serve their communities. However, there was an acknowledgement that the allowance helped members to carry out their duties.

The Panel was reminded that the role and responsibilities of the elected member within a Unitary Authority had changed substantially since 2009. Members have been given greater statutory responsibilities such as corporate parenting and safeguarding. The role of the Leader and Deputy Leader had become more strategic and it is a much bigger role than pre 2009. The volume of work that is required as a member is significant; having enough time to read the officers’ reports, broad knowledge, a good in-depth understanding of local government finance and funding, being available to their constituents, doing surgeries, preparing and asking the right questions before the meetings as well as making effective use of the technology and resources available. These were just some of the headline narratives that the members had previously identified as crucial in discharging their duties. These all contributed to the skills required to function as an effective member.

8.3 The Panel also considered the responsibilities of the Petitions and Representations Board and noted that the Board had been constituted following the abolition of the Area Board meetings. The Board is scheduled to meet 6 times a year but these meetings could be cancelled if there was no business to be transacted. These meetings had so far not been any longer than one hour. It was also noted that the Council were currently looking at implementing a new system for dealing with electronic petitions and this may generate a larger number of petitions to be dealt with in the future. It was therefore felt that at the current time the role of Chair of the Petitions and Representations Board did not warrant the paying of a Special Responsibility Allowance.


The Panel considered the HMRC rules governing taxation and members allowances and determined that the rate should continue to be assessed as the rate of inflation.


10.1 In the light of the discussions regarding the formula the Panel recommends that the Basic allowance remains at £7,500.

Basic Allowance = 25hrs/wk x Luton Avg Hourly Resident Earnings x 52 wks x 50%(voluntary contribution) .

The Panel continues to recognise that the basic allowance paid to Members is well below comparable Unitary authorities and less generous than neighbouring authorities and looked specifically at the following unitary authorities schemes:



Central Bedfordshire Bedfordshire Borough Leicester Peterborough Slough


11.1 The payment of Special Responsibility Allowance (SRAs) is discretionary under Part 2, paragraph 5(1) and 5(2) of the Local Authorities (Members’ allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 i.e. a Council may ...), the exception being paragraph 5(2) (b) which requires an authority to pay an SRA to ‘ least one person who is not a Member of the controlling group and has special responsibilities described in paragraph (1)(a) or (f) of the regulations; provided that (i) the Members of an authority are divided into at least two political groups; and (ii) a majority of members of the authority belong to the same political group (“the controlling group”).’

11.2 SRAs are paid, as a proportion of the basic allowance, to those members who have significant additional responsibilities such as, inter alia: ● Leader of the Council ● Deputy Leader of the Council ● Executive Members ● formal governance roles, chairs of committees, and (in some cases) quasi- judicial responsibilities over and above the generally accepted duties of a councillor.

The Panel has reviewed the level of SRAs over the last few years in light of the recommended rate of BA.

11.3 The Panel recommends that the SRA’s paid to Councillors should not be changed from last year’s rates and that no SRA should be paid to the Chair of the Petitions and Representations Board at this time.

The recommended scheme of allowances for 2018/2019. The rates for 2017/18 are shown in brackets: A basic allowance for all Members of the Council £7,500 per annum (£7,500)

Special responsibility allowances per annum for the following posts in addition to the basic allowances :

The Executive Leader Twice the Basic Allowance £15,000 (£15,000) Executive Members with Portfolio responsibilities Three quarters the Basic Allowance including the Deputy Executive Leader £5,625 (£5,625)



Chairs of the following Committees:

• Overview & Scrutiny Board } One third of the Basic Allowance • Development Control } £2,500 (£2,500) • Standards

Chairs of the following Committees / Group:

Administration & Regulation } Audit & Governance } Scrutiny Health and Social Care Review Group } One sixth of the Basic Allowance Scrutiny Finance Review Group } £1,250 (£1,250) Scrutiny Children Services Review Group }

Leader of the Major Opposition Group £2,500 (£2,500)

Co-optee’s Allowances:

Statutory co-opted members One sixth of the Basic Allowance £1,250 (£1,250)


12.1 The Panel recommends that the rate of Dependant Carers’/Childcare Allowance be paid to reimburse the cost of actual and necessary expenses, should remain at the rate of £7 per hour, payment to be made upon provision of receipts. This is up to a maximum payment of £20.00 per hour to be paid only with the prior approval of the Service Director – Policy, Communities and Engagement. The allowance should not be payable to members of a councillor’s family or household. (In exceptional cases where a councillor’s care responsibilities are higher, and increased costs are incurred an application should be made in writing to the Chief Executive and considered on its merits prior to the expenditure being incurred). The DCA is available to those members eligible for up to 20 hours per month and can include an additional 5 hours per month for non-approved duties. A separate signed form will need to be submitted when claiming for non-approved duties.

12.2 The Panel further recommends that the Council continue to reimburse the costs of travel expenses actually and necessarily incurred by councillors and co-opted members in connection with their duties, at a rate of 52.2p per mile (Casual User rate); this rate being in line with that paid to officers of the Council.


13.1 The Panel decided not to recommend a separate allowance for the provision of broadband and IT consumables such as printer paper and ink as the Basic Allowance would meet these costs. 586



The work of the Panel for 2018/19 will include:

i) continue to review allowances and expenses, including those of the chairs of scrutiny and the Leader of the major opposition group (given the growth and complexity of the council agenda) ii) to consider replacing the average hourly rate with the living wage as the basis for the formula iii) investigate the HMRC’s rules concerning members allowances and expenses. iv) monitor any changes in roles of councillors when considering SRAs v) monitor the development of annual reports by Councillors vi) continuing interviews with councillors and officers vii) continuing to attend a variety of council meetings viii) benchmark members allowance and expenses against neighbouring unitary authorities. ix) consider councillors rights to membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme x) Review the role of the Chair of the Petitions and Representations Board.