STAR THEATER Phelps Funeral Home ED CHINN, Prop

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STAR THEATER Phelps Funeral Home ED CHINN, Prop Thursday, May 25, 1939 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five C. N. Jones reports ho damage about this early mining venture. from Sunday's hail storm his place Coal Mines Get at Mr. Morrison made no statement on Heppner flat The moisture was Attention of State as to the possibility of future de- welcome and appeared to make pros- velopment of this His' pects bright. J. E. Morrison, mining geologist resource. headquarters are at Grants Pass. from the state department of geol- L. Van Marter visited in town for ogy and vis- mineral industries, Members of the county court, the Mr. and Mrs. Royal Wakefield of Mrs. J. V. Crawford Dick a few hours Monday on his way to ited the county and sons last week end and county engineer and district attor- Madera, Cal., were visiting old-ti- and Condon from La Grande where he investigated Jim are spending the week visit- the old coal mines on ney were all in Pendleton Monday friends here Monday evening ing at the home of Mr. Mrs. Jo- is now located' as farm machinery upper Willow as part of and creek a state on business. and Tuesday on their way to Mal- seph Belanger at Moro. Mr. Craw- salesman. survey of mineral resources. He heur county where Mr. Wakefield ford accompanied them there Satur- Mrs. Lillian Cochran is now home contacted a number of informed McCormick hay rake for sale, $18. has some land holdings. Having left people to day and remained over Sunday. Mr. permanently and able to receive learn as much as possible Walter Jepson. lone. lltf Heppner 16 years ago and in the in- Belanger, county agent former here, friends any time, following her re- terim increasing his weight nearly was found well established in his cent severe illness and major op- a hundred pounds to a slight 265, new position of cooperative research eration. Mr. Wakefield wasn't immediately agent at the experiment station and ENGINEERED FOR recognized by many of his old-ti- up to his eyebrows in experimental Mrs. Stephen Irwin and children cronies. He runs a store at Madera, work on "trashy fallow," which he arrived from Ukiah Tuesday for a and his father, Sherman Wakefield, thoroughly enjoys. visit at the home of 'Mrs. Irwin's SAFETY and brother, Oscar, are located on sister, Mrs. John Vaughn, and fam- a small farm miles Ma- Mrs. W. T. Campbell was hostess three out of ily. GUARANTEED FOR dera. Five years ago, Roy married for a group of friends at her home Miss Grace Turner, a former teacher on Wednesday of last week. Among Merle Cummings motored to En-ti- at, in the local schools. He said his those present were Mrs. Tom Bey-m- er Wash., Saturday and returned father and brother were enjoying and mother, Mrs. Sarah Boo-h- er, with his family who had been visit- LIFE good health. Mrs. Sara McNamer, Mrs. An- ing relatives there for a month. na Keene and daughter, Mrs. Wil- Mr. Overby, assitsant supervisor Extra wide center-tractio- n tread, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Boyer and liam Straight, and Mrs. Lillian Coch- Umatilla National forest, was mak- daughter, Miss Jane, were Friday ran. suspension cord body, cable-loc- k ing an official visit to the local dis- visitors in the city from their home beads all covered by the G. & J. at John Day where Mr. Boyer con- Norbert Peavy and family expect trict the first of the week. Lifetime Extremely rug- to leave next week for Corvallis Guarantee. ducts a furniture store. Coming es- F. W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. where family will spend the ged and long wearing. You will find pecially for graduation exercises the Ward, Mrs. Russell McNeill and summer while Mr. Peavy goes on to this tire the most economical "buy" that evening, at which Miss Boyer Miss Helen Doherty motored to university for summer presented the Jane Mitchell trophy Stanford Portland Monday evening. on the market today. in honor of her grandmother, they school. Mr. Peavy is music supervis- enjoyed greeting many old-ti- or .and English instructor in the Miss Mildred Clowry and Scott 4.50x21 $6.10 friends. They were accompanied by high school. McMurdo motored to Pendleton Frank Noble, brother of E. G. Noble Tuesday for a vist. 4.75x19 $6.30 Floyd Worden, in the city Monday HF of this city. from the Eight Mile farm, reported Mrs. Rena Straight is improving 6.00x16 $9.10 Wm, D. Campbell of Lexington wheat in his section looking good slowly at home from her recent was visiting in the city Monday ac- and in condition to benefit greatly severe illness. ENDURANCE companied by his brother, Ed Camp- by showers. Hail struck there Sun- bell of Cove. The latter, superin- day but appeared not to have hurt HERE'S tendent of schools at the Union the new wheat. GILLIAM BISBEE county town last year, was on his & Guests at the home of Mr. and YOURS way to summer school Uni- at the Mrs. Kenneth Blake this week were HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. versity of Oregon. Wm. D., of head Mrs. Chester Sappington and. son the Lexington schools for past Phone 333 Heppner, Ore. the Billy of Grants Pass and Mrs. John five years, accepted super-intenden- cy has the Helmick of Portland. Mrs. Sapping- Wallowa at for next year. ton and Mrs. Blake are sisters. Charles Marquardt, in the city J. A. Troedson was transacting Tuesday from the north Lexington business in the city Monday from farm, reported that some welcome the farm in the Morgan section. He PATHFINDER moisture had been received at his reported wheat there holding up 9 place were lighter rmM,s-,9- yll,lHiilW"a but showers than well but needing more moisture. TheSTAR REPORTER in other parts of the county. He re- ported showers of near cloudburst Mrs. Louis Bergevin of lone en- proportion in the Alpine district tered Heppner hospital Tuesday for y Sunday with no damage and mois- treatment in a light illness. Mr. Ber- Friday-Saturda- ture welcomed. gevin had gone to Gibbon to harrow following rain there. THE FLYING Mr. and Mrs. Merle Becket and IRISHMAN Douglas Kelly, baby son arrived Saturday evening Mrs. William Hayes and baby with Corrigan, Paul Robert Armstrong from their home at Wallowa for a daughter Suzanne arrived from Port- The story of Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan, doing the thing that made him headline figure visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. land this week for a visit at the a PLUS Becket and baby remained for a few home of Mrs. Hayes parents, Mr. and THE BEST TIRE EVER BUILT Mrs. F. B. Nickerson. SOCIETY SMUGGLERS days while Mr. Becket returned BY GOODYEAR TO SELL SO LOW1 home Sunday evening. Frank Gray, manager of Copeland with Preston Foster, Irene Hervey, Fred Keating, Walter Woolf King, Lumber yards, Portland, was a Frank Jcnks, Regis Toomey Mrs. S. and son William Bennett business visitor in the city over the Melodrama with background of Treasury Department operatives Billy for attempting to break an elusive smuggling ring. left Saturday Portland, week end. Mrs. Bennett expecting to go on to Disney's "Hockey Champ" Seattle to spend the summer while Billy Vancouver, to went to Wash., Sunday-Monda- y remain for the summer at the home of some friends. The Season's MARK TWAIN'S John Vaughn, who has been in CHOICEST THE ADVENTURES OF Portland for several weeks, has ac- cepted a position at Bend, accord- NOW AS LOW AS $6.48 HUCKLEBERRY FINN by family VEGETABLES ing to word received the (Nf prlet - with yevr eld tlrt) with Mickey Rooney, Walter Connelly, William Frawley, Rex Ingram here. The family will join him there Adventurous life along the banks of the Mississippi with Mickey some time in June. Rooney creating an admirable "Huck" and Rex Ingram an outstand- and ing "Jim." O Ten Years Ago FRUITS Tuesday Now Feature THE SAINT STRIKES BACK (Gazette Times, May 30, 1929) with George Sanders, Wendy Barrie, Jonathan Hale, Jerome Cowan, Our Menus Neil Hamilton, Barry Fitzgerald Walker receives Norton Fletcher Another of Leslie Charteris' well known "Saint" stories of the cup IRON-CLA- Winnard memorial award at AND. YOU GET THE D mysterious figure who floats between society and the underworld in graduation. New Fountain "LIFETIME GUARANTEE" a crusade against crime. Heppner Luncheon club moves to obtain landing field for city. Wednesday-Thursda- y, May 31 -- 1 Larger Lunch June Beatrice Thomson named for Am- erican Legion auxiliary citizenship Counter THE STORY OF award at grade school graduation. VERNON AND IRENE CASTLE Free chautauqua slated to start with Fred Astairc, Ginger Rogers, Edna Mae Oliver June 8. New Booths unfolding Rock, A picture the career of the Castles from their meeting Mrs. Ray Huddleston, Lone down to his last tragic flight in air maneuvers ... a story all its passes. own of a decade as rich in popular music as it was hectic . thirty Oregon State college sponsors Contributions taken for glorious songhits of the period between 1910 and 1917. merchants institute here. CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETY Disney's "Donald's Cousin Gus" receipt given Rev. Henry Rasmus, pioneer min- and official ister and former resident, slated to SAVE AT THE SIGN OF Mrs. Grace Hughes and children are invited to present this coupon THE GOODYEAR DIAMOND at the boxoffice for complimentary admissions. preach at Methodist church. To be used before June 2nd. Lexington grange starts with 39 Elkhorn members. FERGUSON Local ball club beats Fossil, 11-- 3. Restaurant MOTOR CO. STAR THEATER Phelps Funeral Home ED CHINN, Prop.
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