DIRECTORY.) 783 · LANDEWEDNACK. (.) . Hotten Robert, farmer, Gunmanning White J oseph, farmer, N ansawsan Burt Jonnthan, .Menna lane Hugh John, farmer, Hillcoose Whitford Christopher, farmr.Beswiddle D11ngey Rev. John (curate] J ulitf James, farmer, Pollard's tenement Williams Thomas, farmer, Cold harbour Hoare Rev. James RapPr, B.A.[curate] J uliff Thos. farmer, H ooper's tenement Williams Thomas, farmer, Trendeal J uletl' William, Eton cottage Keast Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Hay Smith Thomas, Gonan Kelly Wm. & Thos. farmers, Trelassick Bissick. Tremnine Richard, Trethur.ffe Letcher Richd. farmer, Trethur.ffe hills Biddick William, miller V a wdrey Wm. N ansough ho.; & M ortou Liddicoat William, farmer, Halezy Carlyon Matthew, shoe maker grange, Thornbury, Gloucestershire Lobb William, f,umer, Barton rooke Coombes Elizbth. Ann( Miss ),shopkeepr Wise Rev. Richard F. B.A. Rectory Matthews James, farmer, Trendeal Crocker J ames, sen. carpenter COMMERCIAL. May James, farmer, Landrine Crocker Jolm,jun. carpenter Beel William, farmer, Hewas l\lerrifield Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Little Ferret John, van proprietor Benny Mrs. farmer, Besowsa Trendeal Harris Mary (Mr~.), beer retailer Cocking William, farmer, Hewas Mitchell Wm. Tucker, farmer,Nankelly Hoare Stephen, shoe maker Crow le John, farmer, Menna down Pearce Joseph, farmer, Trelassick Hooper Richard, shopkeeper Crowle Richard, farmer, Menna Richards Silvanus, miller & fa.,.,rmmer, Juletf Wm. jun. monumental mason. Dunn Charles, S('hoolmaster New mills A copy of testimonials presented to Dustow Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Creens Robins Josiah, farmer, Nansough him, as one who works in the best Dustow Matthew, farmer, Trobus Sleeman Jsph. frmr. Martin's tenement materials & in correct taste, will be Francis John, farmer, Penhale Sleeman Thos. frmr. Higher Trelassick forwarded on application; Moor Gatley Wm. farmer, Horse Pool park Stephens Jhn.farmer,Trendeal common cottage. See advertisement Harris Henry, farmer, Landrine Tank Edward, farmer, Forgue Miners J ames, shoe maker Harvey John, frmr. Letcher's tenement Trethewey Robert, farmer, Treveal Puckey William, blacksmith Hoclten Richard, farmer, Hill head Vercoe Moses, farmer, Hewas Strongman Jas. farmer & rate collector Hooper William, farmer, Trendeal Vincent John, farmer, Trendeal Strongman Richard Bassett, shopkeepr Rotten Henry, farmer, Venton Vincent Robert, farmer, Trendeal Vercoe John, Falmouth Arms Rotten James Moor, farmer, Tregear Ward Richard, farmer, Menna Woolcock Samuel~ grocer & draper Rotten John, farmer & miller, Kestle Warr:l Thomas, farmer, Westow Whi tford Christop her,farmer, Beswiddle

LAMORRAN is a township and parish, 5 miles from be a part of a monastery or religious cell which uy crossing the ferry at Mal pas, it being separated by formerly existed here: the walls of this structure the from the parishes of Ruan Lanihorne and might be taken for the remains of an old castle, from their Philleigb, and is partly surrounded by creeks connected great thickness, and are so enveloped in ivy that tbe outline with Falmouth Harbour : this parish is in the Western of the form is lost. The register dates from the year 1612, but division of the county, hundred of Powder, Truro union the first thirteen pages are missing. The living is a rectory, and county court district, rural deanery of Powder, arch- tithe rent charge £152, with 42 acres of glebe land, and deaconry of Cornwall, and diocese of Exeter. The church residence, in the gift of Viscount Falmouth, and held by the of St. Moran is situated on a neck of land bordering on the Hon. and Rev. John Townshend Boscawen, M.A., of Mng­ deep waters of Lamorran creek; it is a small cruciform dalene College, Cambridge, who was instituted in 1849. The building, consisting of chancel, nave, north and south tran- poor have £1613s. 4d. yearly, bequeathed by the Countess septs: the church was restored and partly rebuilt in 1853 of Falmouth in 1856. Viscount .Falmouth is lord of the in memory of George Henry, late Earl of Falmouth, by his manor and principal landowner. The soil is light and subsoil cousin, the present rector: the east window was inserted to shelf. The crops are the usual cereals and turnips. his memory by his surviving friends, and the south window The area is 1,234 acres; gross estimated rental,£!:.1846s. 6d.; by his mother, the late Countess of Falmouth. The tower, rateable value, £90412s. Od.; and the population in 1871 which contains 3 bells, is separated from the cJIUrch, was 96. Letters through Probus. and is a building of much greater antiquity, supposed to Boscawen Hon. & Rev. J obn Townsbeud, M.A., .J .P. Rectory I Rowe J oel, farmer, Gare

LANDEWEDNACK is a parish, and includes the the extreme point of the Lizard (the most southerly village or town of LIZARD; it i3 situate 11 miles south­ point of land in Great Britain) are two ligbth.ouses built on south-east from , in tbe Western division of the the projecting rock; the interior of these is greatly admired. county, Western division of the hundred of Kerrier, There are two signal stations, which communicate with ves­ Helston union and county court district, rural deanery of sels passing up and down the channel ; they are erected at a Kerrier, Cornwall archdeaconry, and Exeter diocese. The point to the east of the Lizard. In the summer eeason the church, of which there is no reliable record of the name Lizard and neighbourhood are the resort of thousands of of dedication (although sometimes called St. Lanty), is tourists. A short distance from the Point, and 1 ~ miles west supposed to have been connected with the Abbey of of Lizard village, is the well known Kynaace Cove; this La.ndevenock in Brittany; it is in the Perpendicular style, is one of the most wonderful objects in the coast scenery. Here having a porch: the doorway of the church is a fine are innumerable rocks, of immense height, formed into arches specimen of Norman architecture: the tower which is and grottoes; and the bold black overhanging cliffs of the square, embattled, and surmounted by four pinnacles, is coast have a very grand and impressive appearance. In one lofty and handsome, and contains 3 bells, each of which is of these is an immense chasm, into which, a.