IA Dli.Granth.3322
USTPUBLIGHED, a n d r<4ady for Sale at J the C o u r ie r O f f ic e ,—TttE INDIAN CALENDAR, for t h e year 1840; sbow ingthe T a r i o u s m odes o f reckoning ' time, among the HINDOOS, PA KS EES, ( M AHOM li P U B L I S H E B t w i c e A - W E E K .— e v e r y TUESDAY, AND SATURDAY MORNING. D A N S , and MALABARIANS|. Alshalist PRICE 14 ROPBES PER QUARTER OR, IF PAlX) IN ADVANCE, FOR A WHOLE YEAR 40 RUPEES—FOR HALF A YEAR 22 RUPEES— of such holidays as are allowed} by Govern (to jMhrnrrtnw bm roeoived &« in Advmnc«, uniMt the amount be ectiiallypaid or remitted, before or within the firet week of the querter or.*; ment during the year, p r i n t e d on Europe pa or of the first month of the year, for which the Subscription is proposed per. —P r ic k R u p e e s T w o. j ^ -------------------------------------^ VOL. XLII. SATURDAY, 21 DECEMBER, 1839. o r s a l e —N o. XXX VI, br the Q u a r CALCUTTA «1 ’AN” F t e r l y A r m y L ist, correct^.d up to the T 31st October; Printed on Euroipe paper.— BOMBAY GENERAL LIBRARY. I SALE BY AUCTION, ALE BY AUCTION.—On Saturday h e unebersigned. havii P r i c e , R u p e e s Three.— Courier OtHce, 2 1st o t i c e is hereby given, that the Annual I \N Tuesday next tlie 24th Instant S next the 28th instant Messrs.
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