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King of How I Met Two/Half Out of CSI: Miami “48 News Late Show With Late Late from 8-10 a.m., Saint James Masonic (CBS) (CC) News er (N) Tonight Queens Men Practice Hours to Life” (CC) (CC) David Letterman Show Lodge, located on Tide Mill Road in WCVB-5 News News News ABC Wld Inside Chronicle Patriots Pregame NFL Football New England Patriots at New York Jets. From Gi- News (:35) (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Edition (CC) Show ants Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline Hampton, opens its doors once again to WCSH-6 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC 207 Maga- Seinfeld Crossing Jordan Las Vegas ’ (HD) Medium “A Couple News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night host its monthly breakfast, held in Barker (NBC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News zine ’ ’ (CC) “Luck Be a Lady” (CC) of Choices” (CC) (CC) With Jay Leno (CC) Hall. WHDH-7 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC Access Extra (N) Crossing Jordan Las Vegas ’ (HD) Medium “A Couple News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night The public is invited to enjoy a break- (NBC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News H’wood ’ (CC) “Luck Be a Lady” (CC) of Choices” (CC) (CC) With Jay Leno (CC) fast of all-you-can-eat eggs, pancakes, WUNI-27 Primer Impacto Noticias Noticiero Piel de Otoño Mu- Contra Viento y Alborada Cristina Noticias Noticiero La Hora Derbez (UNI) Univisión Univisión jeres valientes. Marea Univisión Univisión sausage, bacon, muffins, juice, baked WMUR-9 News News News ABC Wld Ent. Chronicle Wife Swap ’ (CC) NFL Football New England Patriots at New York Jets. From Gi- News (:35) beans, coffee, tea and milk. The meal costs (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Tonight ants Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. ’ (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline Dragon Clifford- The NewsHour With Business NH Out- World Class Trains Great Performances Great Performances Steves NH Out- Nova “Spies That $6 for adults and $3 for children under 12. BROADCAST WENH-11 The Eastern Star will be conducting a (PBS) Tales Red Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Rpt. look (CC) ’ (CC) “The Nightingale” ’ (CC) Europe look (CC) Fly” ’ (CC) (DVS) WLVI-56 My Wife My Wife Friends ’ Will & Every- Every- 7th Heaven ’ (CC) Supernatural “Phan- News (CC) Sex and Will & Friends ’ Just bake sale at the same time and place. The (WB) and Kids and Kids Grace Raymond Raymond tom Traveler” (CC) the City Grace Shoot Me dining room is handicapped accessible, WSBK-38 That ’70s That ’70s King of King of Wheel of Jeopardy! One on All of Us Girl- Half & Dr. Phil South South Fear Factor ’ (CC) and all are welcome. (UPN) Show ’ Show ’ Queens Queens Fortune (N) One (CC) (CC) friends Half (CC) Park Park Proceeds raised at these monthly WNRU-21 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Shop ’Til On the Pyramid Family Sue Thomas: Early Edition “A Doc “See No Evil” ’ It’s a Mir- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ events are used to support improvements (PAX) gram gram You Drop Cover (CC) Feud F.B.Eye (CC) Horse Is a Horse” (CC) acle gram gram gram WFXT-25 News News Geraldo Malcolm- Seinfeld Simpsons Arrested Arrested House “Fidelity” ’ News (CC) Seinfeld Simpsons Drew Malcolm- to the building and the Lodge charity (FOX) (CC) (CC) at Large Mid. ’ (CC) Dev. Dev. (HDTV PA) (CC) (CC) Carey Mid. work in the community. The public break- DISN Suite Life Suite Life Sister Phil So Raven So Raven ›› Max Keeble’s Big Move (2001) (CC) Suite Life Suite Life So Raven So Raven Phil Kim fasts have been offered for more than 10 FAM Gilmore Girls (CC) 7th Heaven (CC) Smallville “Redux” Adam Sandler’s-Crazy Nights Whose? Whose? Whose? The 700 Club (CC) Videos Videos Cyan years and have raised thousands of dol- NICK Sponge Drake Grown Phantom Oddpar Neutron Sponge Rugrats Full Hse. Fresh Pr. Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby lars for worthy projects. KIDS TOON Yu-Gi-Oh! Coden Lyoko Lyoko Foster Partner Grim Coden Partner Grim Ed, Edd Cartoon Futurama Family Birdman Inuyasha In addition, Barker Hall is available for TVLAND AllFamily Good AllFamily AllFamily AllFamily AllFamily Little House Griffith Sanford Good Good Happenin Cheers Night Ct. Sanford Magenta private functions. Contact Robert Drinwa- ESPN College Football: Motor City Bowl Monday Night Countdown Figure Skating Grand Prix Final. From Tokyo. (Taped) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ter at (603) 926-3975 for more information. ESPN2 Series of Poker SportsCenter (Live) (HD) NFL Strongest Strongest Strongest Strongest Strongest Strongest Strongest Man Series of Poker ESPNC Mind Thunder Winners SportsCenter Year in Review Boxing Who’s Number 1? Seats Arliss SportsCenter Year in Review Boxing AUDITIONS AT BELL CENTER SPORTS FOXSN Poker Superstars Football Sports Sports Football Poker Superstars Football Sports NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Seattle Sonics. Sports Yellow NESN Outdoors Outdoors North On-Hook Camo Divers Outdoors Outdoors Journal The RIDE SportsD Golf SportsD ESPNews Paid Paid DOVER | The Bell Center for the Per- CNN The Situation Room Lou Dobbs Tonight The Situation Room Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 (CC) Larry King Live forming Arts, located at 47 Fourth Street CNNHN (4:00) Headline News Showbiz Tonight Nancy Grace Prime News Tonight Nancy Grace Showbiz Tonight Prime News Tonight CNBC Mad Money Mad Money Suze Orman Wal-Mart: America’s Most Powerful Co. The Big Idea Wal-Mart: America’s Most Powerful Co. Black in Dover, will hold auditions on Monday, January 9 from 4-6 p.m. for its upcoming FOXNWS The Big Story Special Report (CC) Fox Report The O’Reilly Factor Hannity & Colmes On the Record The O’Reilly Factor Special Report youth production, a musical version of NEWS MSNBC Hardball (CC) Abrams Report Hardball (CC) Best of Oddball Rita Cosby Live Scarborough Tucker Carlson Best of Oddball NECN “Pippi Longstocking.” Live at Five Right Business Right CEO Curtis NewsNg News News LateNight LateNight News TWC Weather: Aftrn Weather: PM Edition (CC) Strm Strm Weather: Evening Edition (CC) Strm Strm Evening Edition This production is for performers ages HBO ›› Garfield: The Movie (2004) ›› The Big Bounce (2004) Rome (CC) Rome (CC) Rome Syriana Boxing’s Best Phantom-Opera 8 and up. All who are planning to audition MAX ›› Action Jackson ›› Stuck on You (2003) Matt Damon. ›› Fat Albert (2004) (CC) On Set ››› Sea of Love (1989) Al Pacino. (CC) Busty Cops (2004) should prepare a short song. MOVIES SHOW United (:45) ›› The Perfect Score (2004) (CC) Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights Same Sex America (CC) Horror The L Word (CC) Nat’l-Distance The Bell Center will also hold audi- FOOD Contessa Lee Minute Minute Good Unwrap Emeril-New Year’s Unwrap Unwrap Secret Secret Iron Chef “Veal” Emeril-New Year’s tions for A.R. Gurney’s “The Dining HGTV Clever Land Renovatn Weekend Curb House Cash At Dream House Designed Buy Me Rezoned Design Dbl Take Cash At Dream Room” on Wednesday, January 25, from 7- HOBBY TRAVEL Globe Trekker ’ Globe Trekker ’ Globe Trekker ’ Stranded Stranded Anthony Bourdain Anthony Bourdain Stranded Stranded Anthony Bourdain 10 p.m. Three men and three women will A&E 24 ’ (CC) 24 ’ (CC) 24 ’ (CC) Flip This House Cleavage (CC) Crossing Jordan ’ Flip This House be cast for this production. Those who are DISC Sharkbite! Surviving Tiger Shark Attack Roush Racing American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper Roush Racing American Chopper planning to audition are asked to be pre- HIST UFO Files (CC) UFO Files (CC) Modern Marvels The Antichrist (N) The Antichrist (N) Tsunami 2004 Katrina The Antichrist (CC) LEARNING TLC pared to do a cold reading from the script, While You Were Out Martha (CC) Little People I Am My Own Twin Without a Face Two Headed Baby I Am My Own Twin Without a Face ›› ››› ››› ››› and to bring a current résumé and head- AMC Young (:45) Young Guns II (1990) Emilio Estevez. Easy Rider (1969) Peter Fonda. Mad Max (1979) Mel Gibson. Death Wish MTV Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Punk’d Chal Chal Chal Chal Made ’ Cribs Diary ’ Jackass shot. TBS Home Im Home Im Seinfeld Seinfeld Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Friends Friends Family Family Commercials ››› Analyze This To make an appointment for either one TNT Charmed (CC) Charmed (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Wanted “Judas” (N) Without a Trace Wanted “Judas” of these auditions, call the Bell Center at VARIETY E! Celebrity Oops! The Soup Surgery Divas Dr. 90210 Dr. 90210 Dr. 90210 Stern Stern The Soup (603) 742-2355 ext. 0. USA ›› Bruce Almighty (2003) Jim Carrey. Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI WWE Monday Night Raw ’ (Live) (CC) (:05) ›› Blow (2001) Johnny Depp. (CC) LIFE Dive From Pier Golden Golden One Special Night (1999) Julie Andrews.