Travel Guide TUXTLA GUTIERREZ Contents








Tuxtla Gutierrez is the capital of the state of and a city with a slow-paced and traditional way of life, typical of a bygone era. However, its current population and modern skyline reflect the accelerated growth and development it has experienced over the last few years.

Surrounded by towering mountains that are filled with colorful trees in spring, this city offers impressive natural attractions and picturesque towns, like quaint Chiapa de Corzo and the breathtaking Sumidero , attracting thousands of tourists who enjoy exploring quaint villages, as well as the outdoorsy type who prefers to feel the adrenaline of adventure sports, like rappelling, zip-lining, kayaking, rafting and mountain biking. Whatever your passion, Tuxtla Gutierrez has something for you. CULTURE AND TRADITIONS Chiapas has a rich living culture along with lots of holidays and festivals throughout the year, where you can hear musicians play traditional “marimba” music and see dancers perform their folk dances for an audience of locals and tourists alike.

There are a number of religious festivals and celebrations in Chiapas all year long, there is probably one almost every week and Tuxtla Gutierrez is not the exception. In January there is a religious ritual, called “The Seating of the Baby Jesus”, where people sing to a Baby Jesus figurine that is all dressed-up and seated in a small chair. Every June, the International Marimba Festival delights audiences with a superb concert by master marimba players from all over the world. Independence Day is a three-day celebration in Tuxtla Gutierrez. All Saints Day and the Day of the Dead are both held in early November, followed by the Chiapas Fair, and then by Christmas and New Year’s Day, with a very traditional celebration that you can only experience in Chiapas.


A rich and traditional culture

Home to impressive natural wonders and gateway to the Sumidero Canyon

Features outstanding regional cuisine

Famous for native art, carved wood pieces, intricate embroidery designs and lacquered objects

Ideal surrounding areas for outdoor and adventure sports

Known for typical marimba music

A strong Maya and Zoque influence


Tuxtla Gutierrez offers visitors a wide variety of things to do and places to see, both inside the city and its beautiful surroundings. It has interesting museums, cultural centers, temples and colonial buildings that are worth visiting.

Near Tuxtla Gutierrez, you can find the Sumidero Canyon, the Sima de las Cotorras (a giant sinkhole in a plateau), Las Nubes and the La Venta River Canyon. There are also beautiful waterfalls, such as El Chorreadero, and even interesting archeological sites, like the one found in Chiapa de Corzo. SUMIDERO CANYON NATIONAL PARK The Sumidero Canyon’s depth and natural beauty are breathtaking. On its rocky walls that are 14 miles long and over 2,000 feet high, there are a number of caves carved by the flow of theGrijalva River over millions of years, where ancient cave paintings, some archeological remains and other evidence of prehistoric dwellings have been found.

Touring the canyon by boat is probably the best way to see its towering walls with whimsical rock formations and the area’s plants and wildlife. You can rent a boat in several places but the most pop- ular docks are in Chiapa de Corzo. The Sumidero Canyon is a nature lover’s paradise where you can also go rappelling or zip-lining.


Chiapa de Corzo is located just 15 minutes from Tuxtla Gutierrez and surrounded by the and the impressive Sumidero Canyon. It is a historic town linked to Pre-Hispanic times, the Spanish conquest and the independent era. It is one of the most charming colonial towns in the state, as well the first one that was settled by Spain. It is also famous for its archeological site known as Yoqui or Socton Nandalumi.

This picturesque city conserves a rich history, customs and traditions that have lasted over the years. The friendliness of the people, the slow-paced way of life, the delightful cuisine and the excitement of the festivals celebrated throughout the year, make sure your visit to Chiapa de Corzo is a truly unforgettable one.

The city is known for its historic landmarks, like an old brick fountain named La Pila and the Santo Domingo Temple. It is also famous for the Fiesta Grande, a colorful parade and the most important festivity in Tuxtla Gutierrez, held in January. It is a popular celebration featuring the Danza de los Parachicos. The festivities go on for a few days, with floats going up and down the streets while the “parachicos” dance wearing colorful costumes and wooden masks and they liven up the crowds with their rattles to honor the city’s patron saints St Sebastian the Martyr, the Black Christ of Esquipulas and St Anthony the Abbot.

4 MARIMBA PARK This park is dedicated to the marimba, a popular percussion instrument played in Tuxtla Gutierrez. Every night locals and tourists alike, gather to listen to a live marimba music band. The audience is a mix of young and old, some just sit and watch, while others prefer to dance around the bandstand. LOOKOUT POINTS A stop at the five viewpoints of the Sumidero Canyon is a must in Tuxtla Gutierrez. Each lookout is different from the rest and offers a view from a different angle. To get there you have to drive up a narrow and winding road, but the reward once you arrive, is an awe-inspiring view of this majestic natural wonder. One of the lookouts is called La Ceiba and rises over 1,500 ft. above sea level, another one is Los Chiapa which is over 3,900 ft. above sea level and features a small craft market and a restaurant where you can get refreshments. SAN MARCOS CATHEDRAL Built during the 16th century, St Mark’s Cathedral stands out because of its 48 bells located on the large tower, which ring every hour, causing a set of wooden apostles to go around the base of the altar. It is in a beautiful neoclassic building from the early part of the century. REGIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY The Regional Museum takes you on a journey back in time to different periods in the history of Chiapas. The museum’s collections showcase objects from prehistory to the Mayan era. A second room exhibits objects going from the 16th century to the following centuries and up to the present time.

5 SIMA DE LAS COTORRAS Sima de Las Cotorras is a huge sinkhole with a 524-foot mouth and 295-foot deep cavity, whose walls hold ancient cave paintings. The real attractions in this place are the thousands of parrots that nest on the walls and fly up in circles when the sun rises every morning, a colorful display that is worth seeing. You can also see the parrots as they fly back to their nests at sunset. This place is great for wall climbing and rappelling. EL CHORREADERO WATERFALL This natural wonder is 30 minutes from Tuxtla Gutierrez. It features an 82-foot tall waterfall that forms ponds where you can swim. You can also explore inside the cave where the waterfall forms and flows over the cliff and see the amazing rock shapes. FAUSTINO MIRANDA BOTANICAL GARDENS With a convenient downtown location, the botanical garden is a place worth visiting. It has an area of 12 acres, where there are endemic plant species, as well as some from other places. It features over long trails, a greenhouse, a nursery, a gene-bank and seed laboratory. ELISEO PALACIOS PALEONTOLOGY MUSEUM This museum displays over 200 fossils from different species of vertebrates, invertebrates and plants dating from 300 to 10.000 years old that were found throughout the state. Particularly striking is the exhibit of Amber from Chiapas, which displays pieces of this brownish-yellow fossil resin, some of which even have spiders and other insects trapped inside.

6 ZOO The Tuxtla Zoo, also known as ZooMAT, is located in El Zapotal Nature Reserve, a five-minute drive away from downtown. In addition to being considered one of the best zoos in , it is famous for studying, preserving and protecting regional wildlife species by recreating similar environments to their natural habitats. A visit here will please young and old alike. CENTRO CULTURAL JAIME SABINES This gallery hosts art and culture shows where you can see the work of important artists from the state and the country. It features a theater for lectures, concerts and film shows. The Agora holds outdoor concerts, dance shows and plays. It houses the state’s Main Public Library, where you can find journals and newspapers, videos, children’s computer center and art workshops, among others. It is adorned by the bronze figure of Jaime Sabines, Chiapas’ most famous poet. CHIAPAS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM This museum promotes science and technology through a series of fun and interactive exhibits and experiences. It has several halls: the main one is dedicated to culture and the others to the universe, the human body, tools and communications, as well as a room for fun, hands-on activities, with computers and play area.

ZOQUE MUSEUM This museum showcases the importance of the Zoque People in the state. Opened to the public in 2006, the museum displays the traditions, dances, typical clothing and customs of this indigenous people. It is 20 minutes away from Tuxtla Gutierrez.


Restaurants in Tuxtla Gutierrez range from modest and traditional eateries to full service fine dining in elegantly appointed establishments. You can find dozens of stalls, small restaurants and cafes with regional specialties near Marimba Park.

Since corn is a staple food in Chiapas, some of the most representative dishes are made from corn dough, like tamales of all sorts, tamales with chipilin leaves, corn tamales called pictes, or cambray tamales made with chicken and vegetables. Other traditional dishes are baked cochito (pork cooked with spices, vinegar and ancho chili), chispola (beef stew with cabbage and chickpeas), niguijuti (pork in mole) or tasajo con pepita which is a beef jerky in sunflower seed sauce. Pozol and tascalate are popular soft drinks.

Tuxtla Gutierrez is also famous for its sweets and desserts. Typical regional sweets include fruit preserves, from chilacayote, cassava and papaya. LAS PICHANCHAS Founded in 1976, The Pichanchas is one of the most traditional establishments in Tuxtla Gutierrez. Open from noon to midnight, this restaurant delights diners with traditional dishes from Chiapas cuisine, while they listen to typical music. Every night around 9:00 p.m. there is a folk dance show before dinner. People usually drink a “pumpo”, while they wait for their dinner, a drink made from pineapple juice, lemon, mineral water, ice and vodka. Diners must ring a bell for the waiter to bring their pumpos and food.


Music, dance, religion, art and colorful clothing define the people of Chiapas. Beautiful works of art fuse with traditional songs and folk dances to create the unique culture of Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutierrez has managed to keep its roots and traditions alive, while changing with the times. So, stores in Tuxtla Gutierrez range from popular craft markets to modern shopping malls with department stores, boutiques, shoe shops and tech shops for the locals and tourists who visit the city. The biggest malls are Plaza Galerias Boulevard and Plaza Crystal.


This is the best place to get textiles, leather goods, hand-carved objects, baskets, toys and pottery, as well as typical clothing from Tuxtla and Chiapas, made by world-renowned Mexican fashion designers.


This shop has a nice selection of handmade arts and crafts, such as textiles, hand forged wrought iron furniture, silver objects, baskets, clothing, leather goods, lacquered pieces, wood and stone carvings, handmade toys and amber and filigree jewelry.


Evening brings all sorts of possibilities for a charming night out in Tuxtla Gutierrez. People usually meet at Marimba Park to chat, drink coffee or eat a fruit sorbet.

Young people usually go to trendy nightclubs or bars, where they listen to a live jazz band and enjoy a few drinks. There are plenty of places to enjoy “grupera” (a genre of Mexican folk music), soft rock or the latest pop hits. You can find several bars and clubs on Boulevard Belisario Dominguez. You’ll certainly find something for your liking in Tuxtla Gutierrez.


Take a boat tour to see the Sumidero Canyon

Climb up to any of the five lookout points to get a view of the canyon from above

Admire the neoclassic architecture of St Mark’s Cathedral in the main square

Go to the zoo and see the native flora and fauna

Tour the museums, like the Regional Museum of History and Anthropology, the Eliseo Palacios Paleontology Museum, the Chiapas Museum of Science and Technology or the Zoque Museum

Spend the day at the El Chorreadero waterfall and explore the cave

Sit on the benches at Jardin de la Marimba or give folk dancing a try

Explore the Sima de las Cotorras and see the parrots in flight

Visit during the festivity of La Fiesta Grande de Chiapa de Corzo in January

Try the local cuisine and the most famous dishes, such as baked cochito with rice, tamales or tasajo con pepita.

Buy beautiful works of art, like lacquered wood objects, hand embroidered textiles and amber jewelry


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