A Rockfall and Debris Slide at Smugglers Notch, Mount Mansfield
3 gj ! : , Ave rpA ( S till " BY Charles A. Baskerville ,. Charles A. Ratté AND Fitzhugh T. Lee i ?L: Art Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Office of the State Geologist - Waterbury, VT , Ned Studies in Vermont Geology No. 4, 1988 ¶1e My 7,4 ."V, A Rockfall and Debris Slide at Smugglers Notch Mount Mansfield, Cambridge, Vermont Charles A. Baskerville Charles A. Ratté AND Fitzhugh T. Lee Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Office of the State Geologist Waterbury, VT Studies in Vermont Geology No. 4, 1988 AUTHORS: Charles A. Baskerville Department of Interior Geological Survey 922 National Center Reston, Virginia 22092 Charles A. Ratté, State Geologist Agency of Natural Resources 203 South Main Street Center Building Waterbury, Vermont 05676 Fitzhugh T. Lee Department of Interior Geological Survey Denver Federal Center - MS 966 Box 25046, Building 25 Denver, Colorado 80225 COVER PHOTO: Scar and debris of the July 13, 1983 rockf all and debris slide on the west wall (east facing) of Smugglers Notch. Note the road, VT. Rt. 108, at bottom of photo. The location of this feature is shown on Figure 1. It A poetic account of a debris avalanche in Smugglers Notch: But never in such fearful storm Have I been caught. I'd stopped to take A sketch beside the mountain lake, When suddenly, and unaware, A dense black vapor filled the air. I seemed enveloped in a cloud, Where lightnings leaped and thunder loud, Were underneath, above, around Filling my ears with stunning sound. I sought the shelter of a rock, When instantly I felt a shock.
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