



1. Surgical repair of 2. iridotomy Incision into 3. ophthalmoscope Instrument to examine the eye 4. dacryocystorhinotomy Incision into tear sac and nose 5. Creation of an opening between tear sac and nose 6. surgical removal of an eyelid Blepharectomy 7. surgical repair of an eyelid Blepharoplasty 8. suture of an eyelid Blepharorrhaphy 9. making symmetrical spoke-like incisions in Radial keratotomy the 10. instrument for measuring the cornea Keratometer

1. outward turning of eyelid 2. outward turning of eye 3. inward turning of eye Esotoropia 4. breakdown of tissue in central 5. opaque clouding of 6. nodule on eyelid resulting from blocked duct 7. inflammation of 8. in a tear gland Dacryoadenalgia 9. presence of stones in Dacryolithiasis 10. prolapse of a Dacryocystoptosis

1. Rapid oscillation of eye 2. Skin dropping over eyelid 3. blepharoptosis Downward displacement of eyelid 4. Hair rubbing an eyeball 5. Inflammation of cornea 6. keratopathy Any of cornea 7. keratoscleritis Inflammation of cornea and 8. keratorrhexis Rupture of cornea 9. keratomycosis Fungal infection of cornea 10. hordeolum Sty 11. pseudophakia Artificial lens 12. phakitis Inflammation of lens 13. phakolysis Breakdown of lens 14. Lack of lens 15. Blind spot 16. Inflammation of tear sac 17. dacryoma Lacrimal tumor 18. dacryohemorrhea Discharge of blood in 19. dacryocystoptosis Downwards displacement of tears sac 20. dacryopyorrhea Discharge of pus in tears



BLEPHAR(O) Eyelid -adenitis Inflammation of gland -ectomy Surgical removal of Eyelid -edema Swelling of Eyelid -itis Inflammation of Eyelid -adenoma Tumor of gland -plasty Surgical repair of Eyelid -plegia Paralysis of Eyelid - Downward displacement of Eyelid -spasm Involuntary contraction of Eyelid -stenosis Narrowing of Eyelid -tomy incision of Eyelid

KERAT(O) Cornea -ectomy Surgical removal of cornea -itis Inflammation of cornea -cele Hernia of cornea -cyte Cell of cornea -ectasia Dilation of cornea -malacia Softening of cornea -tome Instrument for cutting of cornea -meter Instrument for measuring of cornea -metry Measuring of cornea -pathy Any disease of cornea -plasty Surgical repair of cornea -rrhexis Rupture of cornea - Inflammation of cornea and sclera -scope Instrument to examine of cornea -scopy Examination of cornea -tomy incision of cornea

PHOT(O) -algia Pain from light -odynia Pain from light -phobia Sensitivity to light -phobic Sensitive to light -ophthalmia Eye condition caused by light - Inflammation of retina caused by light - Any disease of retina caused by light

-OPIA Vision Double vision polyopia Multiple vision triplopia Triple vision photopia Adjusted for light scotopia Adjusted for darkness hyperopia Farsightedness hypermetropia Farsightedness hypometropia Shortsightedness MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY


-OPSIA Vision Lack of color chromatopsia Excess of color of swinging of xanthopsia Yellow vision cyanopsia Blue vision erythropsia Red vision

- OPHTALMO Eye 1. study and treatment of the eye Ophthalmoscopy 2. examination of the interior of the eye Ophthalmorrhea 3. discharge from the eye Ophthalmorrhagia 4. ocular hemorrhage Ophthalmomalacia 5. abnormal softening of the eye