Library Technology R E P O R T S Expert Guides to Library Systems and Services Moving Forward with Digital Disruption: What Big Data, IoT, Synthetic Biology, AI, Blockchain, and Platform Businesses Mean to Libraries Bohyun Kim American Library Association About the Author Bohyun Kim is the Chief Technology Officer and an Library Technology associate professor at the University of Rhode Island REPORTS Libraries. She is the author of two previous Library Technology Reports, “Understanding Gamification” ALA TechSource purchases fund advocacy, awareness, and and “Library Mobile Experience: Practices and User accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide. Expectations,” and is the founding editor of the ACRL Volume 56, Number 2 TechConnect blog ( She Moving Forward with Digital Disruption: What Big Data, was the President of the Library and Information Tech- IoT, Synthetic Biology, AI, Blockchain, and Platform nology Association (2018–2019) and currently serves Businesses Mean to Libraries ISBN: 978-0-8389-4673-2 on the advisory boards and committees of the Ameri- DOI: can Library Association (ALA) Washington Office, San American Library Association José State University School of Information, and Library 50 East Huron St. Pipeline. She holds an MA in philosophy from Harvard Chicago, IL 60611-2795 USA University and an MSLIS from Simmons College. 800-545-2433, ext. 4299 312-944-6780 312-280-5275 (fax) Advertising Representative Samantha Imburgia
[email protected] 312-280-3244 Editor Samantha Imburgia
[email protected] 312-280-3244 Copy Editor Judith Lauber Production ALA Production Services Cover Design Abstract Alejandra Diaz and ALA Production Services Digital disruption, also known as “the fourth indus- Library Technology Reports (ISSN 0024-2586) is published eight times a trial revolution,” is blurring the lines between the year (January, March, April, June, July, September, October, and Decem- physical, digital, and biological spheres.