1. OVERVIEW a. Podium eSports will host its first-ever endurance race at the end of the year, a 24-hour endurance race at Daytona International Speedway. Drivers will form teams and compete for class victories amongst the high banks of Daytona using open setups. Three classes will race in the endurance event: the LMP1 class, the GTE class, and the HPD class that will utilize the HPD ARX-01c. b. Three classes will compete in the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona: ​ a. LMP1 class - Audi R18 and 919 b. GTE class - BMW M8 GTE 488 GTE, Ford GT (2017) and RSR c. HPD class - HPD ARX-01c Drivers will compete for class victory in teams across a 24-hour span. b. The Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona schedule will be as follows: ​ Date Session Time

December 28 Practice 1:30 p.m. ET

December 28 Qualifying 2:15 p.m. ET

December 28 Driver’s Meeting 2:25 p.m. ET

December 28 Race 2:30 p.m. ET

December 29 Finish 2:30 p.m. ET


2. REGISTRATION a. To be eligible for the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona, drivers must hold at least ​ a Class D Road License and a 2.0 Safety Rating. b. Drivers will be able to race in teams. No driver may race in more than one team, and ​ ​ ​ no driver may race in more than one class. c. In order to participate in the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona, teams must ​ ​ complete the registration form on the Podium eSports website. The entry fee for the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona will be $103 per team. Registration will close on ​ ​ December 27 at 11:59 p.m. ET. d. Each team will be asked to submit their driver roster and preferred car numbers for ​ the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona upon registration. A team’s driver roster will be considered final upon submission of registration unless a request to change drivers ​ ​ ​ is submitted to Podium eSports before 11:59 p.m. ET on December 27th. Podium ​ ​ eSports will then review all requests and approve or deny them. ***If any team races ​ with a driver that Podium eSports deems to be ineligible, that team will immediately be disqualified from the event and will not receive any prize money or refunds.*** Preferences for driver rosters and car numbers will be considered, but ​ ultimately any changes to a driver roster and a team’s car number will ultimately be managed at Podium eSports’ discretion. d. Daytona International Speedway has a total of 60 pit boxes available; therefore, the ​ number of teams that will compete in the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona, regardless of car class, will be capped at 60. ​ e. Upon completing the registration form on the Podium eSports website, all teams and ​ ​ team drivers must be registered as part of the “Podium eSports Special Events” league within the iRacing members site. The league homepage can be found at ​ ​ Podium eSports administrators will add drivers to the league upon request. Drivers ​ who are not members of the “Podium eSports Special Events” league before the server launches at 1:30 p.m. ET on December 28 will not be able to enter the server and therefore will be unable to race in the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona.


3. CAR APPEARANCE REQUIREMENTS a. Podium eSports will use Trading Paints to pull custom paint schemes for use in ​ broadcasts. Custom paint schemes pulled via Trading Paints will usually display successfully, but not always. If drivers or teams wish to ensure that their paint scheme will appear on the broadcast regardless of whether or not Trading Paints is operating normally, they may submit their *.tga file directly to Podium eSports for use on the broadcast. b. Drivers may run schemes that they own the rights to or have obtained the rights to ​ run. If drivers have any corporate sponsors on their cars outside of those included in the iRacing Paint Booth, drivers MUST provide written proof that they have permission to ​ run trademarked logos and sponsors that are not their own intellectual property. c. All sponsors, whether they are corporate or not, MUST be kept “PG-13” and only ​ feature goods and services that may be legally purchased in the United States of America. They must not include any derogatory or hateful statements toward protected groups and entities as defined by United States federal law. All paint schemes are ​ subject to the Twitch™ Terms of Service (see Appendix A). ​ d. Numbers on drivers’ cars MUST be kept visible and easily readable. ​ ​ ​ e. Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona contingency packs will be required on ALL cars ​ for every race. f. Drivers have the option to either paint the contingency packs directly on to their ​ ​ cars or let the broadcast team apply the contingency packs as a decal. If drivers ​ ​ choose to paint the contingency packs directly on their cars, Podium eSports will provide those drivers with the corresponding contingency packs. If a driver chooses to let the broadcast team apply the contingency packs, it will be the responsibility of the ​ driver to ensure that their paint scheme has the space for contingency packs to appear clearly on their cars. g. If Podium eSports deems a driver’s paint scheme to be outside of the guidelines listed above, that driver’s paint scheme will be turned off on Trading Paints and their iRacing default scheme will be shown on the broadcast. Drivers whose paint schemes are turned off under these grounds are subject to further penalties upon review from Podium eSports.



4. RACE PROCEDURES a. Race Server Schedule: ​ 1:30 p.m. ET (60 minutes before gridding) – Practice 2:15 p.m. ET (15 minutes before gridding) – Qualifying (2 laps) 2:25 p.m. ET (5 minutes before gridding) – Drivers’ Meeting (if a driver will make the race but be late, they MUST notify an official before the Drivers’ Meeting begins) ​ ​ 2:30 p.m. ET – Gridding of the race begins b. All drivers are expected to treat practice as if it were an official race server on ​ iRacing. No intentional wrecking or spinning will be allowed during practice. Drifters and drivers resetting in the racing groove will be warned and then removed if they continue. c. Drivers MUST be connected to the server for the Drivers’ Meeting, which will take ​ ​ place 10 minutes before each race starts. A roll call will be conducted by Race Control ​ at the beginning of each Drivers’ Meeting. Failure to attend the Drivers’ Meeting will result in an automatic End-of-Line (EOL) penalty to start the race. ​ ​


5. COMPETITION RULES a. The Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona will use dynamic weather and a dynamic ​ sky. It will run in-sim at the same time as it will in real life (the race will start in-sim at 2:30 p.m. on December 28, 2019). b. The Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona will use open setups in all classes. ​ c. Unlimited tires and 100% fuel will be used throughout the Podium eSports 24 Hours of Daytona. d. The driver that starts the race must be the driver that qualified their team’s car. ​ e. Because of the distance of this race, the simulation will handle most of the race control and administration duties. However, Podium eSports admins will be present to monitor the following: f. When speaking on the radio or in chat, drivers are expected to show respect to both ​ their fellow competitors and to Race Control. If drivers choose to engage with another ​ ​ ​ driver or Race Control during the race, they must do so in a polite and respectful ​ ​ manner. If a driver says anything over chat or radio that Race Control deems not polite ​ ​ or respectful, that driver will be muted, and Race Control will immediately give an ​ ​ explanation to that driver. The driver may be unmuted later in the race at Race ​ Control’s discretion. ​

If Race Control mutes a driver for disrespectful communication: ​ ​ i. Upon the first offense, that driver will be muted for a duration of Race Control’s ​ ​ ​ ​ choosing. The driver and team will also be on probation for the rest of the race. ii. Upon the second offense, that driver and team will be subject to a penalty at ​ ​ Race Control’s discretion. Drivers and teams are also subject to further ​ penalties upon review from Podium eSports. g. Drivers and teams who receive a penalty from Race Control but do not serve the ​ ​ ​ penalty within a reasonable amount of time (as per Race Control’s discretion) will be ​ removed from the server. Drivers and teams will receive one warning from Race ​ ​ ​ ​ Control before being removed from the server. Drivers and teams who are removed ​ from the server under these grounds are subject to further penalties upon review from Podium eSports. h. Drivers and teams are responsible for their cars, regardless of the condition that their ​ cars are in. If a driver is able to drive safely with a damaged car, Race Control will ​ allow that driver and team to continue. However, Race Control will park drivers and ​

6 teams who pose a hazard to other vehicles. This will be completely within Race ​ Control’s discretion and will be enforced in an objective and unbiased manner. ​

i. If a driver intentionally wrecks another driver or does anything else that Race *** ​ ​ Control​ deems to be intentional and outside the bounds of fair competition at any time ​ in the server (i.e. wrecking other drivers in practice, intentionally causing a caution during a race, or making intentional contact with other drivers after the race has ​ concluded), Race Control reserves the right to disqualify that driver and team and ​ ​ ​ remove them from the server. Drivers who are removed from the server under these ​ grounds are subject to further penalties upon review from Podium eSports. This rule is in effect for all on-track activities from the time the server opens, including all pre-race ​ and post-race activity. ​*** j. Drivers and teams may be asked to report to Race Control following the race to ​ ​ discuss any penalties. Race Control will notify a driver and team if their presence is ​ required in Discord following the race. Drivers and teams who fail to appear without explanation will be subject to further penalties upon review from Podium eSports. k. All penalties may be appealed to the Gaming Council. The Gaming Council will ​ decide whether to hear a team’s case based on the evidence that team provides (i.e. the replay file of the race in question). Teams are encouraged to send the full replay files of races when making appeals. See Appendix B for a list of Gaming Council members. l. The appeals process will be as follows: ​ i. When making an appeal, teams MUST include their name, attached evidence, the ​ ​ rule broken in question, the penalty that race control gave and their reasons for the appeal. Appeals must be submitted within 48 hours after the completion of a race. Only appeals made directly to [email protected] will be heard. ​ ​ ii. A minimum of three Gaming Council members must agree to hear a team’s appeal. If the Gaming Council does not agree to hear an appeal, then Race Control’s ​ ​ decision will be final, and the team will be notified by Podium eSports of the decision within 24 hours. iii. If an appeal hearing is granted, the appeal will be heard within five business days. ​ iv. The Gaming Council has FULL authority to decrease, uphold or increase the penalty that has been appealed. v. The Gaming Council’s ruling on an appeal is final. Once the Gaming Council makes a ​ decision, the team that made the appeal will be notified by Podium eSports within 24 hours. s. Teams are responsible for the actions of anyone who may enter as a crew member, ​ spotter, driver or team member.

7 m. Podium eSports reserves the right to issue additional penalties for items not covered in these rules for actions deemed detrimental to the brand. This power will be used with the utmost restraint and discretion. Podium eSports expects everyone racing in good faith to understand why this clause must exist.


6. PAYOUT a. Teams MUST take the green flag in the feature race in order to receive prize funds. ​ ​ ​ b. No substitute drivers will be allowed in the Podium eSports 24 hours of Daytona. Drivers must run with the team they are registered with and may not compete under another driver’s login. Drivers who run with a substitute driver at any time during the event will be immediately disqualified, along with their team, and their team’s prize funds will be revoked. Drivers who run with a substitute will also be subject to further penalties upon review from Podium eSports. c. For each entry into the Podium 24 Hours of Daytona, the following amounts will be ​ allocated into the purse:

1 Entry

1st in class $10 per entry

2nd in class $5 per entry

3rd in class $3.75 per entry

4th in class $2.50 per entry

5th in class ≈​$1.66 per entry

Payout at 15, 30 and 60 teams would be as follows:

15 Teams 30 Teams 60 Teams

1st in class $150 per class $300 per class $600 per class

2nd in class $75 per class $150 per class $300 per class

3rd in class $56.25 per class $112.50 per class $225 per class

4th in class $37.50 per class $75 per class $150 per class

5th in class $25 per class $50 per class $100 per class


7. RULES INTERPRETATION a. All rules and regulations in the Podium eSports Oval Series rulebook are subject to ​ interpretation by Podium eSports. Podium eSports also reserves the right to update the rulebook at any time.


8. APPENDIX a. Below are the Twitch™ Terms of Service mentioned in rule 3-c. A full version of these ​ Terms of Service can be found here: ​

YOU AGREE NOT TO violate any law, contract, intellectual property or other third-party right or commit a tort, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while on the Twitch Services. You agree that you will comply with these Terms of Service and Twitch’s Community Guidelines and will not: i. create, upload, transmit, distribute, or store any content that is inaccurate, unlawful, infringing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, harassing, threatening, abusive, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable; ii. impersonate any person or entity, falsely claim an affiliation with any person or entity, or access the Twitch Services accounts of others without permission, forge another person’s digital signature, misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via the Twitch Services, or perform any other similar fraudulent activity; iii. make unsolicited offers, advertisements, proposals, or send junk mail or spam to users of the Twitch Services, including, without limitation, unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, or other solicitation material, bulk mailing of commercial advertising, chain mail, informational announcements, charity requests, petitions for signatures, or any of the preceding things related to promotional giveaways (such as raffles and contests), and other similar activities; iv. harvest or collect the email addresses or other contact information of other users from the Twitch Services; v. defame, harass, abuse, threaten or defraud users of the Twitch Services, or collect, or attempt to collect, personal information about users or third parties without their consent; vi. remove, circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Twitch Services or User Content, features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content accessible through the Twitch Services, features that enforce limitations on the use of the Twitch Services or User Content, or delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notices on the Twitch Services or User Content; vii. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Twitch Services or any part thereof, except and only to the extent that this activity is expressly permitted by the law of your jurisdiction of residence; viii. modify, adapt, translate or create derivative works based upon the Twitch Services or any part thereof, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation; ix. interfere with or damage operation of the Twitch Services or any user’s enjoyment of them, by any means, including uploading or otherwise disseminating viruses, adware, spyware, worms, or other malicious code; x. relay email from a third party’s mail servers without the permission of that third party; xi. access any website, server, software application, or other computer resource owned, used and/or licensed by Twitch, including but not limited to the Twitch Services, by means of any robot, spider, scraper, crawler or other automated means for any purpose, or bypass any measures Twitch may use to prevent or restrict access to any website, server, software application, or other computer resource owned, used and/or licensed Twitch, including but not limited

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12 b. The list of Podium eSports Officials and Gaming Council members is as follows: ​

Podium eSports Officials Chief Executive Officer: Cisco Scaramuzza ​ Chief Financial Officer: Daniel Lyon ​ Chief Communications Officer: James Pike ​ Chief Marketing Officer: Gary Sexton ​ Chief Innovation Officer: John Theodore ​

Gaming Council Members Gerald Campbell Ricky Hardin Ryan Hill Michael Jeanes Josh Lambert Michael Polasek Aaron Rodgers Aaron Smith