96 Austra lian Weeds Vol. 2{3) Autumn 1983

In its adventive range (America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand) ragwort was not initially ac­ REVIEWS companied by its native fauna and there were attempts at biological con­ trol using imported from Europe as early as the I 920s. Harris (1979) calculated that a complete bio­ logical control programme against a pasture weed was worth implementing if the annual losses attributed to the weed were greater than $150000 (in 1976 dollars). When advantage can be taken of previous work (supposing Biological control of ragwort in New Zealand: suitable control agents have already a review been identified) then the project becomes more attractive economically. Inflation brings Harris's 1976 figure P. Syrett close to $300 000 in 1982 dollars, but Entomology Division .. DSIR. Lincoln, New Zealand annual ragwort control costs to New Zealand in excess of this would justify implementing a complete biological control programme. Moreover, since Summary deaths often occur many weeks after we are following on from early New are removed from infested Ragwort ( jacobaea L.) is a Zealand work and using overseas ex­ pasture, disease may not always be serious pasture weed which is toxic to perience, the cost - benefit equation associated with ragwort but attributed stock. Insects recorded from the plant in becomes considerably more favour­ to facial eczema, symptoms of which New Zealand are described briefly and able. are similar. However, many farmers the potential for introduced insects as consider old ewes in particular to be a control agents is discussed. Work with cheaper form of control than herbicide. New Zealand fauna the cinnabar , Tyriajacobaeae (L.) Schmidl (1972) emphasized that con­ (:Arctiidae), and ragwort Of a number of insect species fre­ trol by grazing is temporary. Ragwort seedily, Pegohylemyia spp. (Diptera: quenting ragwort in New Zealand, the will recover following the removal of Anthomyiidae), in New Zealand and magpie moth Nyclemera annulala Bois­ sheep even after 5 to 7 years of in­ overseas is reviewed, and followed by a duval (Lepidoptera:Arctiidae) is the tensive grazing. Plants begin to appear discussion of overseas work with a most conspicuous and, according to in the first year and recovery is com­ proposed new introduction, the flea Miller (1970), the only one to do any plete by the second (Schmidl, 1972). beetle, Longitarsus jacobaeae (Water­ significant damage. Its biology has house) (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae). Ragwort is found in most areas of been studied by Quail (190 I) and New Zealand which receive more than McLaughlin ( 1967). Under certain 800 mm rain annually. It is not usually Introduction conditions larvae can cause extensive a problem on well managed productive defoliation of ragwort, but their effec­ Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea L.) was first land but can be difficult to control on tiveness is reduced by high levels of recorded in New Zealand in 1874 dairy farms. Much steep hill country in parasitism by a braconid, Microplilis (Thomson, 1922). A native to Europe the North Island is heavily infested sp. Miller (1970) noted that larvae and Asia, it was probably introduced with ragwort which is expensive, and were parasitized by two tachinids, Pales through contaminated seed (Radcliffe, often uneconomic, to control by nyclemeriana (Hudson) and P. casta 1969). This immigrant species is un­ chemical or mechanical methods. (Hutton), but these were not found in desirable as, besides displacing more These areas provide a source of seeds McLaughlin's study. Valentine (1967) valuable pasture plants, it contains which readily spread into neighbouring als o recorded Apanleles spp. toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can areas. (Hymenoptera:Braconidae) from Nyc­ cause stock losses (Mortimer and In Victoria, Australia, from 1968 to temera annulala. The pupae are com­ White, 1975). Also, since there is no 1970 the annual cost of ragwort control monly parasitized by the ichneumonid consensus on the carcinogenicity of (over an infested area of 0.4 million Echlhromorpha intricaloria (F.). these alkaloids, and their effects are hal was estimated at $0.6 million, and Two stem borers are found on cumulative, products such as milk and this expenditure did little more than ragwort, Homoeosoma /arinaria Turner honey contaminated with only low contain the situation (Schmidl, 1972). (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae), and Melana­ concentrations may not necessarily be For Oregon, U.S.A., Isaacson (1975) gromyza senecionella Spencer (Dip­ considered safe to humans (Deinzer el calculated that an area of 4 million ha tera:Agromyzidae). Miller (1929) 01., 1977). was infested with ragwort resulting in noted that Homoeosoma jarinaria was Alkaloids cause stock to suffer losses of $1.5 to $10 million annually. well established throughout New chronic li ver disease which can lead to The total expenditure on ragwort con­ Zealand but was controlled by liver failure and severe damage to other trol in New Zealand is not known. It is parasites. A description of H. jarinaria organs. Sheep are more resistant to a scheduled noxious plant and in (as H. vagella) and details of its life poisoning than cattle but the practice 1979-80, from a budget of $9 million history have been given by Cottier of using them to control ragwort by from public funds, $0.6 million was (1931). Miller(1970) recorded that the grazing is questioned by Mortimer and spent on ragwort control under the insect was attacked by two unidentified White (1975). They suggest that since Noxious Plant Control Scheme. species of Hymenoptera. Melanagro- Australian Weeds Vol. 2(3) Autumn 1983 97

myza senecionel/a is common, but An adult moth was collected from Miller (1970) noted that larval mor­ Miller (1970) regarded it as having no Masterton in 1951 (Wise, 1952) and tality occurred as a result of parasi tism marked influence on ragwort, and little occasional have also been recor­ by Pales Ci1sta (Hutton) and predation is known of its life cycle. ded from Carterton and Lake Brunner by the shining and starling. The leaf miner Phylomyza syngene­ (Miller, 1970). From 1969 to 1974 Adults are also eaten by shining siae Hardy (as P. alricornis) causes high populations of cinnabar moth ap­ and by house sparrows. Some marked damage to leaves and can peared in the Wairarapa, but from 1975 newly formed pupae are attacked by the become a problem on glasshouse to 1977 numbers declined again. This ichneumonid Echlhromorpha inlri­ grown plants (Kelsey, 1937). Its life was attributed to unsuitable climatic Ci1toria (F.). Dempster (1975) noted history and that of its parasite Dacnusa conditions during these years, but in that in Europe parasi tism of fifth instar areolaris Nees. has been described by 1979 the moth was abundant again larvae by the braconid Apanteles Kelsey (1937). A second hymenop­ (Anon, 1979). In the summer of papularis Hal. reduced numbers by up teran parasite, the eulophid Chryso­ 197 1 - 72 cinnabar moth was reported to 35 % but van der Meijden (1980) charis pubicornis has also been recorded from a number of locations in the concluded that it did not regulate the (E. W. Valentine, Entomology southern North Island (Meads, 1973). numbers of its host. When cinnabar Division, DSIR, Auckland, personal Larvae collected from the Wairarapa moth was imported into Canada, eggs communication, 1981). An aphid have been released at several South were heavily attacked by the hymen­ BrachyCi1udus helichrysi (Kaltenbach) Island sites during the I 970s but there opteran parasite Telenomus sp. and by occurs on ragwort flowers and may is no evidence of survival from these predatory cantharid bee tl es (Wilkin­ bunch them together into honey-dewed releases. The moth's distribution does, son, 1965). In Australia, the mecop­ masses (Miller, 1970). The cutworm however, appear to be increasing in the teran Harpabiltacus nigriceps (Selys) larva (Noctuidae) is often damaging to south of the North Island and high was the most important larval predator ragwort, particularly to young plants, populations of larvae build up in the (Bornemissza, 1966). It was often re­ but it cannot be regarded as a suitable Wairarapa during the summer. sponsible for an average mortality control agent since it is a pest of crop Cinnabar moth is univoltine in New above 80 % and frequently caused 90 plants. Zealand as in Europe, overwintering in to 100 % mortality. the pupal stage. Adults have been Lepidoptera are particularly suscep­ known to emerge as early as August, tible to microsporidian and virus Insects Introduced to control ragwort but are common from November on­ diseases. Attempts to establish the in ­ wards (Miller, 1970). The yellowish sect in Australia failed because of the Following the work of Cameron (1935) eggs (which take about two weeks to presence of a virus (identified as in England, a list of the most hatch) are laid on the undersiQes of nuclear polyhedrosis) which was promising insect species was drawn up, ragwort leaves in clusters. Larvae ap­ almost certainly introduced with it and the cinnabar moth jacobaeae pear in the field in New Zealand from (Bornemissza, 1966). During feeding (L.) and the seedfly Pegohylemyia (as September o nwards, becoming tests with cinnabar moth imported for Hylemyia) seneciel/a (Meade) were numerous in November and December. release in Canada, Bucher and Harris selected for prospective introduction Emerging larvae are yellowish with a (1961) found that an unknown species (Miller, 1970). Both were subsequently black head, but later ins tars have the of the microsporidian caused released, and the cinnabar moth was characteristic black and yellow banded high larval mortality. Harris et al. distributed widely throughout ragwort body. Early instars are gregarious and ( 1975) noted that a microsporidian infested areas. Unfortunately success relatively inconspicuous, but fourth disease was present in colonies estab­ was limited, as it was with attempts to and fifth ins tars migrate to the upper lished in one British Columbian pop­ establish these insects in Australia bet­ parts of the plant. Both leaves and ul ation along with a cytoplasmic poly­ ween 1930 and 1964 (Delfosse and flowers are consumed (Miller, 1929). hedrosis virus. Fungal pathogens were Cullen, 1982). The larval stage lasts about a month, present in both larvae and pupae intro­ and adults will not emerge from the duced into Australia (Bornemissza, a) Cinnabar mOlh resulting pupae until the foll owing 1966). Prior to the introduction of ci nnabar spring (Miller, 1970). Almost all larvae Initial survival of ci nnabar moth moth to New Zealand in 1929, star­ have pupated by the end of March. imported from Europe to California • vation, preference and oviposition Pupation occurs under debris on the (Frick and Holloway, 1964) and trials were carried out in England and soi l surface (Miller, 1929) and fully fed Canada (Harris el al., 1975) was poor, New Zealand (Miller, 1970). Ovi­ larvae may wander some distance to but once colonies were established less position took place on a number of find a pupation site. difficulty was experienced in estab­ plants besides ragwort, but emerging The reason cinnabar moth failed to li shing populations at new sites. Harris larvae died on all except Senecio establish in all but one area in New et at. (1975) concluded that the im­ vulgaris L. (groundsel). Between 1929 Zealand is not known, but overseas ported stock was poorly adapted to and 1932 cinnabar moth was di s­ workers have identified some factors Canadian conditions and that the in­ tributed on ragwort throughout New which limit its success. Parasitism and sects were subjected to severe selection Zealand, particularly in the Nelson, disease can cause high mortality (Bor­ pressure for the first few generations Auckland, Taranaki and Southland nemissza, 1966; Harris et al., 1975 ) until an adapted population was areas. Although good initial establish­ and establishment is often hindered by produced. Natural spread is slow: ap­ ment occurred in some areas no sur­ unfavourable climatic conditions proximately one kilometre downwind veys were carried out after 1932 and (Harris et al., 1975) and the moth's and half a kilometre upwind in 5 years sporadic reports after that indicated limited powers of dispersal (Wilkinson at one si te (Wilkinson et al., 1970) . that the moth had virtually died out et al., 1970) . Dempster (1971) pointed out that (Miller, 1970). In 1940- 41 a large Cameron (1935) described parasites pupal mortality can be very high in colony was reported near Hora Hora of eggs, larvae and pupae of cinnabar waterlogged soil; even though pupae along the Waikato Ri ver (Anon, 1940). moth in England. In New Zealand, can survive considerable desiccation, 98 Australian Weeds Vol. 2(3) Autumn 1983 they soon die under excessively damp species. Neither oviposition nor larval florets matted together by larval conditions. attack occurred on any of the flowers secretion and covered with a dark grey Following the original release of tested except ragwort. Initial releases mould, or the pappus may be extruded cinnabar moth in California, a were made in February 1936 at the (Miller, 1970). Inflorescences which dramatic population increase resulted Cawthron Institute, Nelson, Motueka, have been abandoned by larvae are in defoliation of ragwort over an area Te Awamutu and at Putaruru. In 1937 black and sticky with the pappus un­ of5 ha (Andres and Hawkes, 1972). In liberations were concentrated at the shed. The larval exit hole can usually western Oregon there was a significant Putaruru site because ragwort was be found at the base of the receptacie. reduction in flowering plant densities flowering during winter there, thus The seedfly overwinters in the pupal for 4 years, increased plant aggregation coinciding with the late emergence of stage and adult flies emerge in spring or and a two-thirds reduction in biomass imported material (Anon. , 1938); these summer. Miller (I970) noted that, in (Nagel and Isaacson, 1974); but insects were also liberated through an area where the seedfly was estab­ Hawkes (1981) commented that many other North Island areas (Miller, lished, adults were observed in the field although total defoliation is common 1970). in November. Little information is in California and Oregon, regrowth Observations at the Putaruru farm available on the biology of the seedfly occurs during autumn rains and no indicated that approximately 50 % of in New Zealand since lack of facilities long-term control is achieved. flowerheads were infested over an area prevented study of field populations Cinnabar moth was unexpectedly of 40 ha in spring 1938, but then the immediately following releases (Miller, e!Tective at controlling ragwort in cooperation of the farmer was with­ 1970) and, when interest in the insect eastern Canada, however. Harris el al. drawn and no further observations revived briefly in the 1950s, the (l976a) showed experimentally that could be made. New material was im­ primary objective was mass collection rosettes growing rapidly following ported for release at a newly selected of insects for shipment to Australia defoliation are more cold tender than site on Crown land on the slopes of (Hoy, 1958b; 1960). Some life cycle normal and have lower carbohydrate Mount Ngongotaha near Rotorua information was collected during the reserves. Thus the timing offirst winter (Anon, 1940). In 1944 - 45 the seedfly original rearing in quarantine. The frosts in eastern Canada was early was well established at the Cawthron longest life span of an adult fly was 44 enough to kill the rosettes before they Institute and at Putaruru (Miller, days. From oviposition to the time that recovered from defoliation. Although 1970), but by 1950 Kelsey (1955) the mature larva left the flower was this did not occur every year it was reported that the seedfly had survived from 36 to 94 days, the shorter times sufficiently frequent to cause a rapid at only one site. A small number of flies occurring in mild even temperatures in reduction in weed density. Harris el at. (36 adults) had been released at Red­ March. The duration of the pupal stage (1976b) concluded that cinnabar moth wood plantation (near Putaruru) in varied from about 130 to 240 days was most destructive on dense stands February 1937. When this site was in­ (Miller, 1970), Hoy (1958a) noted that of rag wort with a rela tively long spected in January '1938, 50 to 60 of 200 pupae held at room temperature growing season, good summer plants were infested and in February during winter, three adults emerged moisture and good winter drainage. In 1950 the seedfly was well established in during August. There are indications this situation, they suggested that it the main valley (I km by 4 km) and that the life cycle in the laboratory may provided a stress factor which might be had spread also a little way up side be as brief as 4 to 5 months (Frick, supplemented by other biological con­ valleys. By 1954 it occupied an area of 1970a), but as far as is known there is trol agents. 25 km ' (Kelsey, 1955). only one generation per year in the In 1958 and 1959 collections were field in New Zealand. b) Ragwort seedjiy made from the Redwoods site for ship­ Cameron (1935) lists four species of Miller (1970) referred to the species ment to Australia. Four thousand parasites reared from Pegohylemyia in sent from England as Hylemyia puparia were sent in 1958 and 20000 England. In New Zealand, dead larvae ( =Pegohylemyia) seneciella (Meade) in 1959. Hoy (I958b) commented that extracted from infested flowerheads but remarked that the consignments the level of infestation at the original and diseased pupae were infected by may also have contained puparia of release site was much lower than that nematodes of the genus Rhabditis Hylemyia (=Pegohylemyia) jacobaeae observed by Kelsey (1955), attributing (Hoy, 1958b). As the majority of these (Hardy). The two species are not easily this to grazing by sheep causing species are saprophytic, it is likely that separated in the field but preserved delayed flowering and loss of syn­ the larvae and pupae died of other specimens can be identified from chronization of the fly with its host causes. A number ,of damaged pupae characters listed by Collin (1936). plant. The present distribution of the had been invaded by a fungus. Voucher material reared from the seedfly includes large areas of at least The seedfly was introduced into original consignments and deposited in four central North Island counties. Australia from New Zealand in the the New Zealand National The life history of the seedfly in 1930s and the 1950s but there is no Collection has recently been examined Europe is given by Cameron (1935) evidence of establishment from either and found to contain males and and in New Zealand by Miller (1970). occasion (Waterhouse, 1967). Frick females of both species (B. A. Hollo­ Eggs are laid in both closed and open (1969) described how puparia were im­ way, Entomology Division, DSIR, capitula between the bases of the ported from and released in personal communication, 1982). florets, usually only one per capitulum; 1967 in California; inspections in 1968 Material collected from surviving pop­ they hatch within 3 to 4 days. There and 1969 showed that the fly had .ulations in the North Island of New are three larval instars. Larvae con­ become established. Releases were also Zealand in 1981 has been identified as sume the immature seed and part of the made in Oregon, Washington and P. jacobaeae. receptacle (Cameron, 1935), and the British Columbia from 1966 to 1968. Before the seedfly was released in mature larvae fall to the ground to Andres and Davis (1973) remarked New Zealand starvation and preference pupate. Indications of the presence of a that it was not known whether the tests were carried out on a number of larva in the inflorescence are a brown seedfly was established in California cultivated Asteraceae and weed spot in the disc (Cameron, 1935), owing 10 the inadvertent mowing of the Australia n Weeds Vol. 2(3) Autumn 1983 99 release site followed by grazing with conditions in North America, will autumn so that larvae develop in sheep, but Andres et aJ. (1976) repor­ establish in New Zealand. Then by autumn and winter. In contrast. the ted that the fly had been recovered in using a combination of two or more French strain introduced into Australia the field close by the original release agents the chances of achieving control has neither egg nor adult aestivation site and that more releases were plan­ are much improved. I n New Zealand. period (Cullen and Moore, 1981). ned for 1976. It seems unlikely that at present, the distributions of cinnabar Adults have been observed in Australia early releases in Oregon became estab­ moth and the seedfly do not overlap. as early as October, but at other sites lished, since Isaacson and Ehrensing The flea beetle has been shown in have not appeared until January. Feb­ (1977) commented that the seedfly was extensive tests, prior to its introduction ruary or even May (J . M. Cullen, En­ first imported in 1976 and not con­ into North America (Frick, 1970b) and tomology Division. CSIRO. Canberra. sidered to be established in Oregon. to Australia (J. M. Cullen. En­ Australia, personal communication, During an inspection of the Red­ tomology Division, CSIRO, Canberra, 1981). woods site in 1950, field observations Australia, personal communication, No records of parasites or predators indicated 91 % infestation of early 1981). to be highly specific to Senecio are available for the flea beetle (Frick, flowers , 42 % infestation of main crop and, in fact. almost entirely restricted 1971; Frick and Johnson. 1972). but and no attack of late flowers. to ragwort. Cullen also noted that Dunn and Andres (198 I) noted that it Laboratory examination of material North American workers reported no was infected by a protozoan cephalo­ collected in 1954 revealed a much damage to other plants since the field gregarine parasite in the field several higher incidence of infestation - 98 % release of the flea beetle. Nevertheless, years after its release in North of early and main crop flowers (Kelsey, a few Senecio species native to New America. It is not known whether the 1955). Larvae eat out most of the Zealand will be tested before its release pathogen was introduced with the seeds, but a few remain. Of 2500 seeds in this country. beetle or not. but it has no significant collected from infested heads. none Frick (l970b) and Frick and John­ influence on the control of ragwort by germinated compared to a germination son (J 972; 1973) studied the life the flea beetle. rate of 58 to 93 % for seeds from nor­ history of two strains of flea beetle Although the flea beetle is univoltine mal flowerheads. Since late flowers from and in order to in the field, Frick and Johnson (1972) comprise 12.5 % of the total, Kelsey determine which was most suitable for produced two generations per year of estimated that the seedfly reduced seed release in North America. For the both the Swiss and Italian strains by production by 85 % . recent introduction into Australia. holding the beetles at 24'C for 12 Waterhouse (1967) suggested that CSIRO imported a strain from central hours and 12.75' for 12 hours. Average observations made at release sites in France. an area chosen to be the most development of the Italian biotype Australia indicated that the fly was climatically similar to Tasmania and required slightly more than 2 months having little effect and Dr P. Harris the higher rainfall parts of Victoria in the pre-oviposition period, 3 weeks (Agriculture Canada, personal com­ where ragwort is a problem (Cullen for the egg stage and about 3 months munication, 1981) points out that since and Moore. 1981). Eggs are laid on total for larval and pupal stages. In the most reproduction of ragwort in root crowns or in the adjacent soil laboratory in Australia at a constant pasture is vegetative. a seed-feeding (Frick, 197 I) up to 40 mm deep 25'C, under a 10: 14 hour photoperiod insect will have little impact. He also (Cullen and Moore, 1981). Individual generation time was reduced to 12 suggests that it is unlikely to survive in females laid 217 to 1106 eggs over weeks (T. W. Donaldson. Keith Turn­ association with cinnabar moth since periods of 53 to 262 days (Frick and bull Research Institute, Victoria, these larvae consume flowers preferen­ Johnson, 1973). Hawkes and Johnson Australia, personal communication. tially. so that the value of liberating the (1976) noted that in California ovipos­ 1981). seedfly is thus questionable. In New ition continued for at least 2 months. Frick (J 970b) observed that adult Zealand, however, even where cinna­ The three larval instars feed through­ feeding on foliage caused no significant bar moth larvae reach high densities. a out the winter with no diapause, damage but Hawkes and Johnson proportion of flowerheads escape at­ although their activity is slowed (J 976) noted that although spring tack, and propagation by seed is sig­ in cold weather (Frick, 1970c). Pup­ adult feeding is insignificant. autumn nificant in many situations, partic­ ation occurs in an earthen cell in feeding by adults coming out of ularly where the weed is invading new the soil. this stage lasting 2 to 3 weeks. aestivation may be heavy. Larvae at­ areas. A single ragwort plant can Frick (J 97 I) determined an average tack the root crowns, feeding through­ produce up to 150 000 seeds (Poole longevity of 90 days for females of the out the crown but preferentially on and Cairns. 1940). Swiss strain and Frick and Johnson tissues near the epidermis. They also (1973) observed that some adults of feed externally on lateral roots leaving the Italian strain have higher longevity brown. scarred grooves on the surface Present and future plans: and probably overwinter in the field in (Frick. I 970c). They may bore into the a new introduction Europe. Also, adults assumed to have petioles of lower leaves if the crown is Progress is being made towards overwintered in the field have been heavily infested, causing these leaves assessing the potential contribution collected early in the season in Cali­ to wilt and die. that cinnabar moth and the seedfly may fornia. From the early establishment of the make towards control of ragwort in Life strategies of the three strains flea beetle in California, Hawkes and New Zealand. Concurrently, a pop­ differ. The Swiss strain has a Johnson (1976) recorded that the ulation of the root-feeding flea beetle facultative egg diapause of about 4 beetle increased to the extent that it Longitarsus jacobaeae (Waterhouse), months (Frick, 197 I) while the Italian was controlling the plant in 3 to 4 obtained from Dr R. B. Hawkes in strain has a facultative adult years. Its rate of dispersal was also Oregon, is held in quarantine at Lin­ aestivation period, induced by a com­ high; beetles were found 5 to 6 km coln. It is hoped that this particular bination of high temperature and long from the closest release site within 3 strain (originally from Italy), which days (Frick and Johnson. 1973). Both years. Sexually mature adults are has adapted to a wide range of climatic these mechanisms delay egg hatch into collected during October and Novem- 100 Australi an Weeds Vot 2(3) Autumn 1983 ber for redistribution (Hawkes. 198 1l. Cameron. E. (1935). A study of the natural Frick, K. E. and Johnson. G. R. (1973). Before 19 79 most releases were of 500 control of ragwort (Seneciojacobaea L) Longitarsus jacobaeae (Coleoptera: adults. but from 1979 this was reduced iournal 0/ Ecology 23, 265 - 322. Chrysomelidae) a fl ea beetle for the bio­ to 300 so that more sites would be Collin. J. E. ( 1936). A note on Antho­ logical control of tansy ragwort. 4. Life establi s hed. The nea beelle reduced myidae reared from the fl owers of history and ad ult aestiva tion of an Senecio. Entomologists Record and Jour­ Itali an biotype. Annals o/Ihe Enlomolo­ plant rosette density by 90 % at th e nal 0/ Variolion 4853 - 4. girol Society 0/ America 66,358 -67. original California release si te (Andres Conier. W. (193 I). The blue stem-borer of Harris. P. ( 1979). Cost of Biological Con­ el 01.. 1976). but was only effective in ragwort . New Zealand Journal of Agri­ trol of Weeds by Insects in Canada. areas where plants suffered moisture cullUre 42 ,3 33 - 7. Weed Science 27 ,242-50. stress in summer. Hawkes and Jo hnson Cu llen. J. M. and Moore. A. D. (1981). Harris. P.. Wilkinson. A. T. S.. Neary. (1976) observed that the nea beelle in Preliminary obse rvat ions on Longitarsus M. E.. Thompson. L. S. and Finnamore, combination with the cinnabar mOlh jacobaeae introduced for the control of D. (1975). Establishment in Canada of provided excell enl con lrol of Ih e weed ragwort in Australia. Proceedings of the the Cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae al many siles. bUI Hawkes ( 19 8 1) Fifth International Symposium on Bio­ (Lepidoptera,Arctiidae) for controlling pointed oU l that in wetter coastal areas. logirol Conlrol 0/ Weeds . pp. 499 - 505. the weed Senecio jacobaea. Canadian Deinzer. M. L. . Thomson. P. A .. Burgett. where cinnabar mOlh was poorly eS lab­ Entomologisl107,913 - 7. D. M. and Isaacson. D. L. (1977). li shed. Ih e nea beelle a lone did not Harris. P.. Wilkinson. A. T. S .. Thomp­ Pyrrolizidine alkaloid s: their occurre nce son. L. S. and Neary. M. E. (1976a). provide adequale conlrol. in honey from tansy ragwort (Senecio Reproductive biology of tan sy ragwort. Should cinnabar moth. seedny and jacobaeo Ll. Science 195,497-9. cl imate and biological control by the nea beelle be inadequale 10 conlrol Delfosse. E. S. and Cullen. J. M. (1982). ci nnaba r moth in Canada . Proceedings ragwort in New Zealand. olher insecls Biological cont rol of weeds of Medi­ of the Fourth Imernational Symposium on feeding on ragworl in E urope have terranean ongm: a progress report. Biologirol Conlrol o/Weeds. pp. 163 -73. been recorded by Cameron (J 935) and Australiall Weeds 1(3),25 '-30. Harris. P.. Wilkinson. A. T. S.. Thomp­ Schroeder (1978). Several promising Dempster. J. P. ( 197 1). The population son. L. S. and Nea ry, M. E. (1976b). spec ies are under consideration for im­ ecology of the Cinnabar Moth Tyria Interaction between the Cinnabar moth jacobaeae L. (Lepidoptera,Arctiidae) portation in to Auslralia. The slem Ty r ia jacobaeae L. ( Lepi­ Oecologia 7,26 - 67 . doptera:Arctiidae) and Senecio jacobaea mining weevil Lixus punclivenlris Boh. Dempster. J. P. (1975). Populalion and Ihe lortricids £piblema coslipanc­ L. (Compositae) in Canada. Proceedings Ecology. Academic Press. 155 pp. of the Fourth International Symposium on lana H aw . and aeneana Dunn. P. H. and Andres. L. A. (198 1). Biological Conlrol o/Weeds. pp. 174 - 80. arc possible biocontrol agenls. A rust. Entomopathogens associated with in­ Hawkes. R. B. (198 n. Bi ological co ntro l sects used for biologica l control of Puccinia expallsa Link .• is also being of tansy ragworl in the State of Oregon. consid ered (Schmid!. 198 I). weeds. Proceedings 0/ Ihe Fi/lh Inter­ USA. Proceedings 0/ Ihe Fifllt Inler­ national Symposium on Biological Control l1alional Symposium on Biological COl1lrol 0/ Weeds. pp. 24 1-6 . 0/ Weeds. pp. 623 - 6. Frick. K. E. ( 1969). Tansy ragwon control References Hawkes. R. B. and Johnson. G. R. (1976). aided by the establi shment of seedfl y Longitarsus jacobaeae aid s moth in the Andres. L. A. and Davis. C. J. ( 1973). The from Paris. Cali/ornia Agriculture biological control of weeds with insects 23(1 nlO - 11. biological con tro l of tan sy ragworl. Proceedings of the Fourth International in the United Slates . Proceedings of the Frick. K. E. ( 1970a). Behaviour of adult Symposium on Biologirol Conlrol 0/ Second In/emational Symposium on Bio­ Hylemya seneciella. an Anthomyiid Weeds. pp. 193 - 6. logical COlltrol 0/ Weeds. pp. 11-28. (Diptera) used for the biological control Hoy. J. M. (1958a). Internal Rcpon. En­ Andres. L. A.. Dunn. P. H .. Hawkes. R. B. of tan sy ragwort. Annals of the Ento­ and Maddox. D. M. ( 1976). Current mologirol Sociely 0/ America 63,184- 7. tomo logy Division. DSIR. New Zealand. happenings in biological control. Frick. K. E. ( 1970b). Longilarsusjacobaeae Proceedings of 'he Twenty-eighth Annual (Coleoptera,Chrysomelidael. a fl ea Hoy. J. M. 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The following list of the known weed science societies and similar organizations of Korea the world is provided for the interest and use of readers. You are encouraged to Korean Weed Science Society contact local weed science societit:s in advance of travelling in another country if Dr H. S. Ryang local contacts of this kind can be useful to you. The contacts may also be useful in Department of Agricultural Chemistry obtaining specific infonnation on weeds and their control or for contacting weed College of Agriculture scientists in the various countries. Jeonbug National University 520, KOREA Eastern Asia and the Indonesia Malaysia Pacific area Weed Science Society of Indonesia Malaysian Crop Protection Society Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Dr M. Soerjani Mr Lim Tow Ming National Crops Protection Center Centre for Environmental Studies Rubber Research Institute of Malays ia Un iversity of the Philippines Jalan Salemba Raya 4 P.O. Box 150 at Los Banos- College Jakarta Kuala Lumpur Laguna 3720 INDONESIA MALAYSIA PHILIPPINES Japan Philippines India Weed Society of Japan Weed Science Society of the Philippines Indi an Society of Weed Science Dr S. Matsunaka Dr Beatriz L. Mercado Dr S. Y. R. Shetty Kobe University Bio Science Building C-222 ICRISAT Faculty of Agriculture University of the Philippines Hyderabad Rokkodaicho, Mada-ku Los Banos Coll ege Andhra Pradesh 500 030 Kobe 657 Laguna 3720 INDIA JAPAN PHILIPPINES