K k JANUARY 2014 KWOW HALL NOTES g VOL. 26 #1 H WOWHALL.ORGk cohesion comes from the brothers wields a powerful voice that can having spent the last two years on both stir and soothe, whether she the road with new full-time mem- is singing traditional gospel, blues ber Jano Rix, a drummer and ace- standards or her own heartfelt in-the-hole multi-instrumentalist, compositions. A gifted musician whereas they relied on session on both mandolin and drums, and musician-friends to fill out previ- a founding member of the roots ous albums. Jano’s additional band Ollabelle (with whom she harmonies give credence to the old has recorded three CDs), Helm has trope that while two family mem- also performed live with scores of bers often harmonize preternatu- notable musicians like Warren rally, it takes a third, non-related Haynes, The Wood Brothers, and singer for the sound to really shine. Donald Fagen, and her distinctive The Muse marks another mile- voice can be heard on recordings stone for The Wood Brothers: it’s by artists ranging from Mercury the first full-length they’ve record- Rev to Marc Cohn. ed at Southern Ground Studios in Amy’s lengthy resume is high- Nashville. The choice of location lighted by many years of singing was practical, given Nashville’s and playing alongside her father, rich history and network of musi- with whom she conceived, cians, but also symbolic: The launched and perfected the Mid- Wood Brothers are now officially a night Rambles -- intimate perfor- Nashville-based band, with Oliver mances held since 2004 at his home having relocated in 2012, and Chris and studio in Woodstock, N.Y.
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